n c f- t tj1bjbank0f uavhflfflf capita tall paldaip rosttrvar fund total astnli si 4ui ooo s i iooo ooo v 1 j 1 03 oot- jjitjnuoll uloimi h -j- i fdi t it baa1 curnlnl vl- added to iiriocitwl wilh ul waitlt gjot 1 hook t h jlrcrenloj any aihii mar bo withdrawn yj itlmnty art hf in a vjdllcii fa- wllt ll lux k lffpoolti million ovftrmncut jlclunii li tp this imuic i avo on latlra uf snrtrinv security if farmoitf dly ho lea of mjx ntvil to fi 1 money loaned lo focduitla etc i armfer ealej nolo collected pn rii tly and advanced nuulo on aooounl uf name al b low vato o interest security omitey 4ur rates livery uniting facility nilor dad which t4wrout31ht in tho city or clwwhero correspondence aollcllrxl oedrcetown branch urtamubukl d ttnuttt yaliib she jfm jrs tndukdav janua1lv 1000 i i little local bbieflfits uhlojh causht tho feyon or eara o fra preti ttdortar chl wk ulocvco tmntlrrd iiyuffttnidt rl luhlpftjrt now for auolhar year a buslbaad bonn bllaairdy woiullcr tl n week wll the election and tho agony ate all fcro pretty tha holiday eulailal well om now tbomw council will total loc mgb ualioo nueffouaay rtioito olfiie ia flno ttojr library ba int boon elaatad lor kaoxcburcb uundey bobool then wad qtla a batch of weddlngd daring tho cbnattuad and naw yeat a dolldftf ualton booday school conventior in acton thursday end friday 11 and 3rd wh- y j found on lb lreot ky find fcbd ebkin wiib aawaraj ky xmot my ban uatlbuoffio the election u ovor oi anotbtr yvaf good man bo been dueled knd gooj ibb afferad dafat 1 tb now which ml ne- yar kib had tmab3d whfo it ml lher woold dow ba eioellent lultfblnjf tb d nimtlnil ii lb nw uohool board will ba held on wdmdy voliif 17tb iattj at meu o clock or orgiau uon tblootf milou ot hie 1obllo boltool lor 1900 pommenoad yttday tbara 191 tcaoblntf dnje ufora lb auioliiar taoatioo oar old- irisnd kttd center cltlan luohkird ilmlliqu wad aloolod m council lor in krtn viltige uu alonday it the ld oribrpoti tbe fchnol qimtlu ot tl a tfqoaip ajtrtoulturat honaiywdl h uld u u lowoball ooojgetowo 60 wadnaaday tb 16tbjn 4l00 mt1f a to lt ofliiar and vocal va ibo tracurartf tapoit ao tba fiikm 1utiul bu rraid with bert moora uid oogld to aendoccalool the news at home ftfoatly of tfxal charaotor and bvflrvlkwrnwvrortirrav jkdtui 1 1 il ii tincnrju at ibo noul incailult of koaa cbaiob ft dvnr llocltty tbb oinuri for 1000 wra alootnl follow i i t umau m flbilllt i wuiuua au li ld hlu tii u hhju has jmiwie trtifurk uim my imbmll r 0f utuuaj nia ku lilt ltirl j 1 bui m 1 t uanfi u j li pahewrlltoourflqvs troaoqlatlon aodkooodbkai to sor- 130a it la mooro nnil qauld tuoaday ivoning otilj uf oltun wa h tl nw ynr lta ixwn vntatad upon witb wtumlnai apd rouowod nonworallon umfumt sitadaycebaaj jc4wixa i h wedticatuy onninff deoarabar j7tb a vary orvdlobla brutaika outer atlmjiaaljttl kivrn by i ho kcholaaa of tbo fsa tlchool a imro aarllnoa alunilad tutd eojoyad tb program ma vy much tbaobuiuai reclimllbo aod dla- logai ward wrll lendsrad itjv ur mcajii mi auparintwided uta trogramen and gva rntthl aid ur a a- wocdaa boparmioouepl rjud tba aarvio 000 cladatlitb ibt tttatrlbauon of chrutmma good dbsarjtatllbabmmdtmion wai prct i nou by rov ix- a kfuipbuaaa tb rramorul aerwlea in tba method hi i chiucjj on huuday olo ralu to tba lt jmaa horoo lipwn only aon of jroa urowa waa largely at tap dad an abla fcnd toaobmy aw uinu a a praaefaad by 1u x a mai ubltd u a froaaprtof thp 4l vara uf tba 2th charju 0 fattbaw tb waa tbadaaaaaad a pjrtlo4 tiuaaaga lo bla oomiajlae and u waa moat effectively and tandaily uiad the mam bar of acton vira uriada paid a trlbot to tbbj memory at tbalr fallan lu fci j attei dlngobn aafvioa n a body in hia uimoa mr xlaleoblan utoldaalally ra- fi rr4 o ry kindly urtna to tla aarvloa they are toaideilo- tba cornmnnliy by alwayk ulujf ready for tlia tall of doty thopaom laaaloby tba abou waa vary appropriatrionba oocgeaiort 1 jkalh ot ma old jtoojrfaar aitar a brlafdlluaaa daath daato ilora afildo widow of tl uu nail keith lutthuraday v the bona of bar aon ur aogu kalth lot jo con 3 e seeing araiijli waaaiity air yaartof aaa lief buahatld pr dcoaaaad bar aotna welva yaaaaagu uba ctm 1mm a ygy bira bootladdwilh bar father a family lo 1b4j and waa avar alnoa a raaidant of eaqtiaarng rlob waa tba toolbar of a laaca family da aona and aavan daugbtara of whool the follawlng burvla doncad cti tba horna iftad donald at dannhln man atlt at wlnnipag and angni in keqoaajngt mr a oaorgo doujilaa mr daorga agoew mia joa andqraon and mra oaorca davldaoa ifartnay man mra duncan kodftdy hannah nwliijjtqja and mr tbomai uyda kjuaeog mra kaitberaa a tnembar of tba 1 taabylarlan barob and ibo funeral aarvloa on halnrday af uinooa waaoondaotad by tba palof luv ii a macitiberaoa llmppily wthldctl mt ilom coiimj a julat wadding waa babu at tba ho ma of mr archibald manabb nil toaaday oen iui wbetl aliula 1 tba eldaat anchtar and luuflald xj 3oaod ulviaional jtoaotao tlwa idremau for lb ottawa aroprtor and parrj hqond hallway at majaweaka warn umud in holy wedlock only tba imnsediau riatlvaa of tba oontiaodng partlea wera pa4aou tba anpual knot waallajbyluv j amolmoblan m a tba kaator of tbd brida tba hnda waa lb recl lanl ctltnany tokaua of iowa ejld aitteu in bar treinoval acton loaea ona of her beat beloved danabtara mua mo nabbwem a gaoarel fa von us an leadar abs organ ut of tba melbodlat banday udbottl orcbaatra for tba paat or aaven year alia rendered moat acoaplahlu and faithful aarvloa and ttna of tba aaati yuparinlandaala of tba junior laagi 00 r ra pondanoa deecrlpttva oftbalr voyage uparlaooea on tba field and enviromatita ivwmuoi war in boalb africa- ikitb bava previously wrltun for lbe oolumiia and bate letter while on otbqf enbaditlona bava bean read witb litteraat fbe annual masting of tba ldiad socialy of tba mutbodlal church mat on tneeda altar noon at tba horn of mra 36ba matlhawa tba officerd abated fur tba priaeot year wera 1raaidant mra jama moors vloalra mra jnonle bmluibacraurymra duncao mcdonald traaanrar mtv jobujnaw oa new vcara cnomug tba iaa paaaa ea boyahnaglod thela njany ptooabi loan with auxtlty calendar wblob all aemad tj apprecuu it la prtntad in aavu eolora on a oard lutoadad to raaambla la oolor and la x tar a tlia naw kbaju nnlrorma adopted by tba luluih i troop in uoulb africa tba glorloua old flag which baa braved m ibo p nana- foara tba batllo and tba braaaa oooupua a hlnaoiioaluon tba oarrlara ar vary aualfjculuit u n token e beatowed in ax know lad gamaut oi the punctual atid kvular delivery uf tba bom papar through atorni andauneblua during tlial pwtljaar a haatily called mi bald in the town ball- to altoid an oppottuulty t aaylng tood bye to fwrgeante w j moo u iw j could on tba a uf their dpfrinro f r loutli africa aa arllilery tuan in l a erodi itcait ad ian ooauugant tba ball waa writ olldwuh an ontbuai aatio and admiring auiliei co ijio gurala aj tba oocaajoriara itlven j lanaa of honor tba platldrro in tliafr new gain ei mlform an tl nlr wail trtoajrl alfierly ovailng raayookedevefy li c idiare a otthy of tlia ilacaa actor jnl ll am dafndara or her nauy i lly and t tnialona llarrletar mckil t guw atd 1 5 ob obair and after inakh b epprolata re- frbooaajo oar baya wl a h 1 vulunuierwl for aarvloa in booth al d troduor 1 mr jo ilandaraon mi mr uaadaraon mada a atlrrlng pattla paaob ana rafarred in eoloiitlo larma to he oourage and bravery i lay id i y aargeante moore aud uoud in volunloorli g in faoa ol iiynma poiuung for a ictpoe ot tba tnoeulaat bampalgua of orwu llriulu a axporlai oa iba 11 of afton and of tbo nunnty of llallun ijitaaial what thaaa young tuen jjavi hatia al 1 1 kk upon their gallon wltli prfde uome bill that it la a love of advenlurn will oh iuduoaa tbara to take tba up i am oontldent ba aaldthat it uiawpauw-esvdav3tioa- to tba amplra which inaplra thorn an i that tby will glva a good aaooui t uf thorrt sstve in oopolddlng ina addreaa ha praaantad in balialf uf tbo dt an a a puree of liooo aiplanlug that u waa liiundad it halp to aaoure aoma of the lltllo oom i fprta which ara not included in the liberal oolfll aapplladtly tba military authonllea and dually wmied tba boya clod epaod oountdllor ytmjiel waa balled uwn in tba abaaooa of llaava laeraon from town and in babaljof tb- mualplpal couno i faajbg that avary oitlxen would ilka to havei ihaw la iba laetlmoulal to tho boy wbu wftra leaving fur tba teat of war handed them t j 00 mr kranou weri vary proud of tbaopportnnlty otdolug thli uula act jlkindneb ijowaa aatald that botwbttanjlng reveree at tba outaal oraatllrltaln will bltluialely win a gvoal lct3rybdtbw0auadjfn coltlll wl halp bar jr 1 tnatchiirrri rapliit1tr behalf trftho taolpiaut ibaqklog tba ouiaana and oooncll moat alnooely for ibrlr giltv kind worda and good wubea col allan waa called upon at d axproaard tba puaaora ha fill al being prtacnt and paitlclpatlng in uile farewell to ilia boy a ha reooantod hi fxrieiioa an an old aoldier and deurl that if ha wra twenty flv inataad of eighty twe bo would gladly gt along with the conllnget t ha baa worn h mejeely a batform for fifty thraa jeara and bla htatt alwy warmi wbati ba uw young men to clotbad uapaldaoompllmeiit 13 gelia hjl volunuara by aaylug ba knew what caiia dlau aoldlaia were lukdd of at d woul iaa aood ba in command of a ragimaat of oabarluvn boy a aa of urltub regular wordaor atriotiaii oordm wubaa for god ipoad tbenoa mid afe rnturu homo wra axpraaaad by mr ii p moor uov w bryero anl a uav jvfe now of llrjtlab columbia ant tl a mealing oloeod wlib tba tiatioual aulbm aud obeera far liar majaety auol tba arcmij oauk liali oonliugejlu with maurnuhnublfulnaaa mrac el htnltli iraaeuted bargta mooro and could aadl with a uautlfully bouud kuaj aaok bible which tba vary muoli atiroklod jkfojel noof cradtiafaa following atba uanto in ordv of mant of tboaa wbo patu 1 i ha tl lr 1 olaal prfaaarouil axauildauofl at miltonmodal bohool qartincltpa have biu jirauted lo ifthaaludente iw ittendauoa during tba coming and going wlaltor- to arvtl rrom aoton ftdh til e bictbookstork verlouaotharperaonal wotll tl a vaaa 1 aaabjaalue all i a raadeaa lo 000 trip it tail la ooltabir u yoa or your rdaoda aragol away 01 a holjaar ulp o if you ba trlandljueulatf yo 1 drop a cadi lo tbi 1 vaaa ol toronto la holiday arrived in in glen lord baa mi with frianda mr jrry tyble ing in towp ur hell kailb bf wttinlpg u wn on tuesday lf m lvrur of llnarat tnwu 1 tuesday alia 1 mcurgpr t haw years wllb rtutlvaa tare v mua i i a tlolmaa vialtad i uaora tovndurlug ii o week mra j 1 halted uf ilarun vialtad aeton frludalbla vtflv mlaa- ida 1 atlsraon of qatlpb vuitad anton jriojidf dbrftig tbo weak mr and mra i hoodaraon haw yoen with rialivaf in oualph it jacob riwaokharoar ratnriaadi ibo italuy ulver drawlcl tbla waak jtatw n itoatpintn a hmjoo viulng frianda nisarnla tbla wak m x homaa iarryman of toronto jwrnt haw yaara with ad frianda mr w j king of toronto wka in town how year a day rtnewlag aujualnianoaa mr anl mr j v vyfa and family e wfi via with frianda at 00 woddn r ma anapt rmlth ar c been arandlng a weak or hr mra jo m moore expending afw day at tie botna of 1 rlnclpel t t moor 0 mlaa ktahbarp who la tvachlng ik a rural loliool near 1 euley waa homafof tba vacation t mr and mra t w be of mil ton apoul now yaara at ntbprp of mr wra ifomitreet urioald motdd of ijeuolt wal k gaeal at tbo bo roe of mr a btapbanacn ovnf nov yoarav hua nfllie urown relumj from toroulooii vriday to apeud a weak or ao at bar i oma barn mlaml 1ttle and maguialalrd left on tueaday to apoud a month witb relatlvea rhowiur- mua ilalcn hymon left an toaaday mornlnjr for southampton wbara aha rfaa aecared a good altuatloa halaaobar mra afokaawn and mlaa joala bupben aon retdrned laat weak altar a vefyf pleaeatlt vlalt witb frianda la toronto mr 0 c hoo aooompalned xle hallat tyna aa far aa aotou yeaurday morning who waa en route lohoouvafrloa luv 3no 0 fltsvonaon baa aooaptad au iuvllklloa to contlnua pastor of tba luudy a lena metbodul oburch a fourth year mr jamea oouman ratiuiiel i tat weak frtrta lba north wast aflor working tliruunh the barvett haspeut a btontb or two in whining mr a 0 warren u aujoylng um olirutmaa vaoatloti at bla fatlier a home tie will ralnru to lba loroato oolug of mod nexlwaak chas xj belles i cuelph irly iq llk i loo e wall rmpar mouldtojlb wtodov shmdm curtain rojo for- woo uavata n t a bli b ma ly wliaii y john d m0k00 our agent in w ucr y mr wants lo him cha8 l nelle6 cuolph r the notsd tea store r lad chihtpaim our china 1 auce la crowdfld with the nueat creallini of tho no her lea of hog land ormany- franc anil japan hera you glva and paoplo of taate arp glad to rocelvtp- our aiock 1 f i ancy china la ilia largoat in weataru flnri 1 and our pricea are the spool oj for tho holmay saaoon dinner bla from r3 00 to fu od i ui toilet beta from i xi lo liooo jiwetwih is or expreaa oa all inrgo 1 urckaaca to any part of onlarjoj ourcdlnl 1 alaco la on i ho aecond floor j a mccrea axrklvb wive ah his customers aghanae prhmgie ths jbhlibllb oooupw will continue hii discount silc of 20 ofl all watches duringjanuiry special ale of caincrajalbo wrltd for prices if you want one j this 8a lo is renulno our first direct rom eurqpe importation tor the year iqqoitto be icen at tiil lion 1 tt coribibty of a vary helpful omoer hb will ba greatly rniaadjluhilcirlainwu k xoul wm naoa- labt act om0oo h council confined to thw examination of u batoh of aooounta which wera ordar to b paid ooonoll mat for lla kei eaeeloo on tueaday avei lug julb ucombr metd bar ah 1 raui aoepl oounolllor jantea curt iuava learaoi oeouplad tba ebalr 1batwniy fourib t port of tba coo niiiteavxt ualicd rccotnmeudad paywant of b fouovilug aftcnuute itatat ulddell kutloueiy k t tliabam diag iraluul u x ujanllu luha anjujer eo luvlll ulhw j uavr p luid ballil ji u call eruiy lublbat f u aiekea aary lllioal llaalib qfeert tatiatluu laaeral ulavuio co initi v aw 3 w 1 trf li w u ai lioo all j bat u movad by j at murray eeoouded by i vrauola that lba rpol of lba commit lw s kinauoa ba aduta4 carried movd by iolai ularka aoondad by j a murray thai ur j oood bd rfud cd ibo anm ifwo dollari atnuuul bald for dog to oarruja council tl eii ad j ur xua yuriili britunut lbat lba ui u mautbol uur u doing a great dral to alleviate liauragla and tbaumatum u baaed qpti f ta tu i a l mantbul vlaatar llevtir ull 4u 00 lb at 1 nuloely oore maliufactura1 by the iale l laio v it qruf can take oaraol it tn full hi- t f i y u 1 but u gtl l i ava aonl k twain body to thvhu t will m wiia d a f tsarmroff olooj lirp li il tulll you ut mill d3kkvjrqu atroug and healthy y ilatiy lbom bo ar 1 faotufed by ibr but tljo nloel cordial ooogralubtlluna and good wiehed follow bar to bar uaw boma i tba happy young oout la ult by tba night train lor toronto and will proceed to mad weak a lu a fw day rnifre joaiiiura xeoitad dm momdmy tba mooting of helton vajrmuv inatl tuu uxt monday id lb town ball will b an occaalun of iniaraat dot only to lba alurdyyoeman of ibeooooty bat to uiwna- p0l aa well at tba aiurooon umijiyti which opaua at 1 30 oclook addraaaed will ba delivered by mr a mdnil i walker villa ou tilovar aud corn tbalr vajua aa iraad lo b mlwoj by diaoaaabm 14 by mr j m warrati mr d uendcreoa mlwilu 00 lba uuuka uom vamara make nid mra a kluuy of cratid viaw on tba iiomapdairy and how to mauufaotura a buparlor quality of ituhar with tba 1 vary day applianoaa ol a wall appomtod parroard lloma ajnaaf tlon drawer qoarrua wllf oootdnda tbi aturnooo paogramrna in tba avaoloi thuo will be addraaaa by mr mchhl on tba lduoalloil of tlia farmer and by mra iny on tba modarn varm homr incladlng a talk on omallo bolanoa a good musical prograbjiaa villi also ba lirovljod including aoloa by miw jfaaaia hloklin a popular bjua quittta and aoton orcbaatra tba mooting are fraw lo all and ladled ate- particularly invited lr itobartson milton tba lrijt will laka tba chair priii tv at 1 m o glook faddoaly call ok jwy al marlaaio thaaad n a- of tba doalb of mri jolm loo loo at par boi ia akmarutu mlob on cbrulma day ckbaad uraat aaduaea in lba llorno of her frleiidd beta- during ci ruttnaatida tba marulta fa tdtr glve partlouura u follow 4 urd nltiouon his baen u twor haaltli tor 00u la df vaaroaiid ap4t uiaa moo the in datrolt laat aummer irowltg treatment though uouaauptwiad bar and wa ao hoar llh bad baaii foaling batter alooab raiuii from tba mty and baa been able to bo- out around considerably ou tbvday bf i ar drath tba family waa limited ouitxa ttlnnef uot mr nioolaou did uol faj vary a iron g to did uoi arlsd in lba morn lug and mr wtoolaou ruialnd at homo with llt at ttooitlia proparaj a lulu loaal for bar but after astlng a ooupla of uioull fuu aba abkod bltn in uu bar and aati ad n uci dutraaaod lu a abort lima aha rk bla iitmi eud aplradpaaing aky km f lu alp heart allure la glva ji tha oauad mra nlooleoa end her beratl huabaiid aror mtnll aaijamad lu aclau 11 r hicolao 1 waa lba ijaugbtar of mr jiot aa wl itlay rho aud br bnbaiid yr tba flial ooupu tnerrlad in hi alhaii d niiuruh aojun twauty two ara go hkonly tier i hair vnarflaga tpj ratihivad f tbtlr praaant borne wbara ibay lived happily iid prooparwd bla children ware burn 1 1 i hem four of whom arc living mra mioulag 1 waa an aarnaat obruuau worker in tba praabytaruu cbarob and wt b aadly muaad tbera aa waif aa by liar eurowiug family aary lo paav150 k u diokabaoo c3 lottie b iluvk wh d ii hulmaa fxtl frroa horton cos kthol chlebolm ui ldidi m mooltou ma oratrud diymot aad krllla rplugor 115 margaret mo quaon sis harriet i coqv b4 aggla wooding ilu anlraw artbuya h j w manaouauj manaaaab tiami bell 463 iofon itomti circle ocl eiar at tba aunutl alactlou of oflloara of aoton hcma cercla c 0 ii d utt wndueaday avaiilug lbs fullowlug wars alec lad fatlad c wllluwa laader lira u jol icn vua tiailar j no ijupl auanu uanballura j ii uallhwe ledwttaon mlaa ida mbhabb aatt uupl of uuraee at tba oanaral uoaplta toronto- arrived home toiaday lo apand a month dr ao at bar fatbar a homo bare mr joa u moora qeorgvloan wad in lowu tueaday avaulng attandlng tba f are wall lo bu brother aud oomrada on tbav of tbalr dapartura for uoulb airloa y lley 0 a cook of mloomfleld ny mr bdw cook lelermo aurt mr wlrftam cook hamilton are a town to paytbalr pacilog taapact to tba memory of a good fatbav mr and mra aux ilobeitaoa and daughter of hoouh 11 00k bava raturutd orittonrondllrrajtra abohrwal with mra lubartson a moihar mr jllacklock mr joseph audaraou of ilartnay man j arrived tbla weak lo visit ba friend in hia former bom mr audereon i nitloh in lova with bla wastara borna h lf mrd andataou and daughter in axoel lent health andaplrlu mar a h hlokllr t 1 m fuoord and j a murray left on new y-c- aveulng for tba maritime lrovluoaa in tha tutorael of maesrd w u htoray d bon maaera w t hmythjv0 llroddy and it hydar ufk laat wkfor mabllob and tha hortb wiat pnrtted fronoli flannol of ilia moat ilcaliablfl color 1 1 blrlpei iliiflgna tl eio a uo fabric to much in lug cowiib or d reusing jnckm cordod volvetoon 1 or walsta on i lire stirti faablonabla eolora iwlka dola an 1 diamond miand for ladlo mourn tl o bcirtfalca ol tli color anl a gran i raited ol quartlcs is black twutly jaclat lli b g aid useful walala anl iiouo dnu fabric tuakei 1 liesc arc scarce goods and our supply icarcc pays to btiy at bollerts it paytto buy at ballerts a xpok afcead wightooi ilundrod and ninotv niim wuh tho blht jn yintru wcfi imvqjip fault to finjl antlntu ouuivymkivthntoathnhttiotvico illtlio ihjftyjiouday timo thatroundod it out with julii unthuaiaam buci mi undomomout liolpa with tho now vciir ut va hohavti thin vor prbporily and bnccoflb of tho year point thu wuy to butter thltigu and bottmtofolcflopin j ho tliut oa it inoy wo nhull do our heat to tuulco it pav lo huy ut itojrortu nud proniiao ull tho itnprovonioiit poshihlo 111 morchuti- dino in bcrvico in pnecit and in tlio upirit of tho 8 tori huuduy wo guvo up to rct xtonday wo ava to jiloimiiru nud gathered up no oncr urn un or our uaual january sales j when wo oxpotjtto do iilrird thinufl in vulutsa prlccodd lou and broke fi aarfortmotitfl in toctilttatrndga trjojirhito jooda fori- lnatanco m lull uuog ot sizcn niul wtyloh thuign bouuonnhlo hut not tti tic h nought 111 buny hohdayfi ttnnce pood manflgflinan foro- mmdoducab and purohusing powor onublol ua to buy ior iiinunry otioap selling lor canti jtnd ouo irico e h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham st gublphr xv e itelson morcliantjtailor gents jnrrrisller ksb cifts from santa claus 1 hat ulll iw locutc i y iritb wl r i m lull til i handwiuio furniahiiiiwuui 1 dioyit fn illwrltal kcb of 1 llifay imkh ltlr uau kaff clovn inllbl han llf rclle slilila jyi- snloltliij jnlula um ith cowm ah4 vecklim will iw null i lu en julslfc hilt 1 nftuillu tin cl olt jooil 1 tat uian ijlds yi 11 can inaln a dollir yo farllujf liero llili ur uny ulljlr ucn iii u ij ll nhwi siiuid nud nwclwaar j ul 1 1 w ailing eyesight ii i i ii i hi i t 1 i i ii i ii wc hive pnrch a jebbs odtometer to cmblc us to tct the cjcsight more accurately come to 111 when m need of eycglasbesk uj i baoaflolal u town mauu tl cawrano ou to cljnfi a cold in onb dav faaa lataailtw htawhattw vamaaa alt drscatew tta44ba ntwoarlf tt taita to eove ftilll jraasiaiaatiirabiomatrlaa ha4nury lira jabiad ualaiu v ilatraaanwullllai a chat4aliiurd h u oral an tuouualtbo tllltoll ousrj john ajruaw aladieaj axaailnaradra uol oaiua voatw tbo iniuution will take j laoajil uail mating w 1 cdtilhifli xw uouu3hl jalitui abool two alak morulug tba bra ball raug out lafliel alarm for tba year tba new frame bouse in 60 urea ol araotlon at tba ooruar ol 11 rook utraet am vlotoru avaatl on mount campbell by w 1 campbell waa found to ba ou fire tba hre bad made considerable prograd bafiua diaooverytbd 11 a tn oa having pond taud tba roof aud it a frame work fell lu v few mluutae eltlrward lba fir llrl gada wad trom tly on lba aoena but tba building being uolatcj there wad holblug for than lo do tba ejtsrlor ol lb build iu waa about oouitileled and tl a luurlor waa latbod raaly for putlarlug tba oau a of lira labiikliowu i ut u allppoaad to bava orlglualvd from tba slbva ul by th iu 11 jr a vortmikjoly mr ciupball oatrlaj a builder a ruk lor 1500 uu llld building lla we liogotullng a loan of 1700 ou lba pr ity 4ciwjlay coaaiu hotith attic col bergl w lata of ooiupauy no rj aolon luluu ilalulloi and col hrgt win gould at j iawnl holding that poaltlon lu llta company iillaloi ktid were axoa tad fur aarvloa in boutli africa in lba ouilb fujtliuil li luttery upalal lurvloa auiitlery ttia boya ult amid tbd wall wlibad of4 large body of trlatldd jtfiuirjay movnltw to blu tnafjurlph oou tlugaut nod ft u0w to tfluta for the aaat of war tba final deallnatloi of l hatury la hats i ur w j mooia la aon otlrinolpal 1 1 moor of aotoo tablm lobool u la tweutyon yaard tbi weak aiuoa ba arrlvail lu ac liu with bla fall a family lie baa alnoa travelled through australia he sataod lh liaal indud uornao blaitl auxajuunbar o tba ceeat bltiaafnf china add fjiijla n jlu baan a tnamber of tbo vualllard at montr and put lo a rung trni with helton uaualloo ur vv j jould la a native of hanovov uolb bid parent ata dead and 1 baa madbu homo al aa on fur waveral yar doib ara auldurly yoaawj fallowa ant will nq doubt glvagul account of tkouiailvaa tba bait nlbat ui ts oohlvruulty 0 w tl tbfl br7mcu tbajr u uey at d au ratucb 4 d m jsiacdonald bro thinks vht the llbral pdtronaia wo bava received from you during tha past year and we bona it may co ultima through tba coming otuj and that wo may glv ou audi utubtctlouaa will liuurait ua will do our wit with that otjwt lu lw wi111 co lid 1 more nodod in tltfucold weatlitr than aod warm uijderucar juldjldslcty would iayjou lo laka a look at pun voiliiavirewnafibcoonlawfred balfprici c f gopdeve co ttcton sick headache ioaltlvoly cured ty these iutio inru- rhcy auo mktvd hltrcd from xyipali ind gcftlou and foojurariyteatlnl apca- bct in dy forlbiilwa nausea trowl mrtj 1u t taild in t b mouth coaled 1 ungues pal i 1 1 tb bale 1 01u to xjvflc tlioy iu tbo llowvli lvidy vcgcublau bmau pill small doae h ptlatt jaubstitullon tho fiiiml of u10 dfty sec you get cttrtei 3 ask for carters insist and demand artt 1 s i ittl liver pills l ghirney oo 4 4 4 4 for ohoice specials sayagec o cuolph h co clamstefras tgceods7 buy sometfaixtg useful for hot new selected fltana riisinttltiotarcliriitma nabhaaawbva lioutl wm iaiiioh ily or muluol1 uioi it u lb bolll oouu1 lb tbu towublp b bad or torn llm tba u ikiiimi a tbdiri 111 lba blalory ojtila lownablii mt jamaa prwlp va jaltdlad byanjolly o loultl 0a ut uaatila lor lba luavaablp tb ooqdoil will ba oompoaej o two uaw mail tbla yaar mr a i uoulllaobaaiodthaiu iii v lla uiiij mi ur john kltohlntf ot ml mr j mluu villi oao htian ual i lttll aliil 8fuimat ill atm- 1h9 ta wdllvvly lrwlti aloulvoaa waa 7u kiil 11u a ifti hitbftwa 11 will lvnkl o lll it- anl kltntil 111 mhvn mulllln ktpt vtraail j wiirlli 1 1 ay ara 11 tfoorl ima anl o ibt lq ba till to ul booil aooaua ol tbapafta t tba audblu wk clloicejit iiceded and curfaoj cro jp and blackwellu chojcocitron lem- on and orange peelh f froth bakinp powders hxtrictbt gpicou iank sugari shelled fllbcn atmontlj and walnuts choice cookmp nul table fig- iinest blendj of tea try our specnl at 25c per lb tl o choice breakfast coffee a full ttock of staplria and fancy dry goodu for chribtmas necda lbkus youh ohcjbhokbev tlie holiday season our itoro is crowded with goods tint will make the mojt acceptable ai well aa useful holiday presents rs snlml tur- are a great sale hhs ycir we have them very cheap from 75c up one of these would make 1 very welcome present also gauntlets in tur or imitation grey lamb caps at 2 jo and 2 93 gurtsiey st co gbnerhl mbrchknts ztttks if you happen to know that jour wlfelster or daugh ter voulcttiitesr waist it would in ike a mufch appredi ated present wf have them in large aebortriientr also silk 1 able sclrfs mantis drapes etc silk hjsndkerchiefs colored and white plain and initialed cambric md fancy handkerchmci for young and old in rmmense range and very cheap mensties our new puriliase for th houday trtdi jij t opened a treat to bee them come soon befoic the a ockiient l broken ldiesjhckets g11 vt liductioni 111 all lines to clim tin luhnee of out toek t s hnnder soiir vjqa- v- j