Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1900, p. 2

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r j uuuhday ai nth ldtli uiw i loithiau nqtfcs lle oohietcm of jma chwk 1 deputy vauuiilu uolcdf who ijuowlnuly allowed illty ixifine vol ui ba polled in lbt rcoul uclor on city by uw in ijamll tqp and eenlouoa lo ipii for all inoulha ifll ponmxneol or flcli breach of puhlla met it looks vary much in tha tiublla t uri however aa though tho law abatlov pursue the iuveatluatloa v farther iu tnmlim about lha mor who fur saltish lulareeta inflcionced this oflioar to oouniae at inch illegal proofed ings x plank in tha huwplalfon of ha hon jotuipli marl lii irotnur uf llritlah gunm ida u tha r- enactment of anil ajho law wblob ho puipo foralutf upon liu dominion government in anlta uf iiraon htrahoea of imperial authorities fha kd tatfutiniu u dlreoled no i only ajjaluat chin a otiiiilnu ttilo called but ha npialat tntoreiiottit preaenk to thu doming in of jabauoa who nrj now landing al lha rt of kflvnrat hundred tr wi iflbltlaw la rn enacted it will make mailer a vary uuoofufofubla for ihacauadlatib kl nraaant aojournlntf in japan for retaliation will 11 at orally tx tha euiludo of japan uhaoakvlll atriaaued a very intei lug nd orwltahlo oood ltods number but weak ihaajr jlaua tddreaeo dallvcrad at thfl rpoautuoi roada oonveii tloti at mjtoaadd rcwt htiui action by tba municipal councils of tha oounty in tho mltr of aecuomt itpprored tlaad formal wen givea for tha ooa btraouaa of alandard uid nrmaot irod bedooltj ia tbe construction of rtuulri wbloii will be pwromantly etlehvo lory a very iraporuttl malarial la oahd of broken atoao to leanr ihi tha stat jncoairnnd lha ccurtt too oraabe ollhor by parchaae by iho oounty counoil or by mklng oontreole with tom- individual who might ba induced lo in in u crusher if tha council of tha oounty would ajcraa to anal uka a certain ijumtlly jf cruabed alotm tuli maou lly thla tnaa feuitltblaoruahad aton la konrad itt llboi- oouutlaa for tweoly dv oanla par oablo yard fur tho orriahiuft kud it oould ba toado hr for a ltnllramoaflt tb hood roada quaatlon ia davalopluu uudac ui in ureal ultvo iujup inatur by urn alar and if there la oooperatton balwmti thi muulolp oouuolla dkid tha favmara of tha oounty tiajton roada will b vatly im proved durluif tha bait daoada cuewsons coi1nuhs rbajraada araj i id proving iud whlu willaoou l paaaibla 1 rtbattrtthttoratfotliiusbrer mr william audaraou wu tkau u tha cltialph geueral iloapttal ou baturday laat to bd traaladforappendloltla dr howltt amjphkudjdr llltjn itotkwoojauo oaaafumy praformtml th operalton and aha la dolutf wall a can ba ixpud mr hlcbard johujou a uttla child la alao vary iii t prataut i tha oomniuiilly ittut rronlly burririaad- and vhuokad laal lalurday wok whan ihy ireoelved thti uowa of tha death of mr joupti audcrson of akahi former keeldeul of thli dc th dacaaaad had hoau ailing for tha pat wk aud it vbm tbouuhl thai ii waa only a aever oold but pnautaonla net in and ha died otf baturday morulnif ha waa a brolhtr of mr wu audarmw oi ihia pla it lava widow and on ton lo motiru bla loaa ula fuuaral took plaea to lbduaxair centaury on tueaday qulu a numbr of hi ralaltvaa aud friauda from bar attended a letul from ura q uoqormaii of ardau uvu writuu april 11 lb aiyi wi hava had a flue wiuur and an atrly aprlatf ftomd havd a iol of their evading dona tha pound ia l0w jn vplendld ahapa i think tjila a a loviy oauulry aud w hava uuoh to ba thankful for tha faradera in thla vicinity bava oom tnenoadploajjuliifc mr w latah balnif lb rirho bajjlu lu thla iialghborbood riia coruar has at laat tmmlvd jtn a1x1 tha flaji vola baa baiiarooud and w cau how how our loyalty vrltb tb tiloal loyal lu tha land un katlanlckall la slowly roauu from bar illuaa mr win krlck and olilldreu of aotou apeut tbd iaaur holidaya at mr it olb boua mim lijuu m oolaman of toronto pant hit holidaya with friend bar hr aud mra john allan of loronlo peitt tha 1- aatr holidays with frlanda bra mlaa mbtula avthura of aolon u apand lua br holidaya at mr wm oarrolla roberts almost ready to- oloaa in with immnm troonn upon tlo uom and thi n on to fniltoia ijfcij voiiaiay hubert lia auread bla airl 1hi rd t far and wi la 0 hilihiiaii ll ft have beau inaklni hiiahjef in th a ill raalsri part of tha 1 rn utata i he ttul haa not yet been dwrl up i ul afb lira i jnartra uf joid ltobafu tha ini reaal tn txiia that tho powar of tho uoow la do nroaiii a ttljjitv oorreapoiidentliaa them naalio tho eouthcaal a t in uxl corrl iidant baa ibein tleeiiif northwar i a j ltj77p dieapnn iniit aaya that uma fitrt fining noitb and nthara aouhi while a air j jtitl te riitlv aaya it la not known what the itoere vir dulntf 1 idoolly tho feeling at dloemfobuiu la thklvhadiapoaltlona of lord ilobatl am auob ae lo enabla hlui to ooncaotraui a urn foroa rapidly at any bolnt tha lloere beluk awara of thla ara preauiuwi to b thfnklii nowchlclly nf retreat tld inveatment of vepenar aooordlliy to a apeolal deipatob frony liloiifonlotni baa abaolutdy beau abatdaom to a lit tli any doapalch tho lloare at unable to jaueat ho lib ward beoauaa tho dntlah kirongly hold all i bo road a if on dou walla oonddautly for new auiiouiloe manu favorable to tha drltuli dlptrmu aalala however aa to auy rapid cob tin none advalioa toward 1ratorla ohlvfty aa aocount of tho tack of boraoa many of whfflh dla on iho lauif voyauaa laltara sroxa tha cajia aay that tha three day jourueyby rail a ruada in opan truoki that tha arranremoota for feadintf and waterjit inadafjuau and uiat ilia unfor lunake auihlala hraak down rapidly in ton t4uanoe fit thla bardvlilp uo tha nertty uf ll buyra abroad iba war 6tjoa foraeeajnunh diflloulty it aupilylnu the aiioruloua nuiiibar of horaaa rcittlreil uuuokii win i naaut vmlx vyirau tbe llloaiilfouuln o0rrea0iident of lha daily utiii ulrfrihlil haturday baya lrwbluouijcnijai itau dad w oonferenoa uf tha lloar ooojniandaiita at dranifort 0 tbd ad ay it la believed that a daolalon waa reached u withdraw tlio traiiavaat force to tha north of tha vat hivbr pre paratory to a jnnar1 ratirenlnlil aaroaa lh vaal lllvar if hard preaaed leaviu lha trea hlatora to their own raaouroaa baaa luuitdh tin uimkti a polal despatch from lady am i th dal aprjl iflhi a ay a nbl aoonlb bava juat reportadjhat lha doora lu tho kundtlagu diatrt h retired bayond lha ttlfuieraberg other inft uou tauda lo coudrm tha report tlial tha hoara havbnooaadddin blowtn important oolllv uaar weaala nek oon pleuly dealroylnif tha angina boaaaa and planla a deapatob from oapa town topaau tha aarlur ruort that qaiiaral urabant baa dafeaud tha boera atwapaiier and oapinrad thair fiuna ty utttoim in ikruilk it appuara from evry indloatlon that tha lkwra ar prparlu iu tha ajoiil of pratorla ulntf captured to maka a laat btaiid along a uua taaolilotf frotrr laydau burg aloug tlia tiiouulalua into swaziland a traveller recently arrived at llloemfon lain baya that tha uoara ara enarketloally working lo perauada tha hwakit that tha brit ah oauaa la loat aud ara aaakhig to lugratiala thamaalvaa hoping to aour a foothold in bwaktlaud peacefully or to aalxa hold of th oouplry if ueoaaeary nassaqawava tlu vorabtara ai ldn mlllu inund holding ihair annual plonld ou lha queens uirthdy at jf dan muu lh uoiumlua aay that it wllfta lha bl that baa been aud liberal iirliua will baglvdu for allklnda of aporka mr llohrt flllolt acm of mr uor lllloll oampukllvliu died al canary laal ihttreday llswul out to tha harveet laat fall look oold and dla 1 of con bum pt inn ilia hrulbejr uaor who bad beau ap prlaad o ilia aarloua illuem went wal on monday lha daoaad waa wall known and tuuoh tuid lu tha tiai a pliaing i4rt of lha proramma of ilia laur oonoirl waa tha pranlallou to mr lla r itnauuu of an bddreaa eapvsaaiva of tha apnreoallou of her work in lha tiuuday uobool 1 pworlh laau and tnlaalouary work of tha ohurob lha addraaa wah aooompanlad by boiuw ailvar wara and a beautiful jjold plu and paudanl worn only by fa bieuibera of mlaalou oircua and uanda of lbaw m mra rldanlau raoalvad a ufa lilainbarahlj oartln oata fnhil from tha oakland mlaalou hand ou ttoininwl lo tha naaaagaweya ubiru aha ur a miiou olrula at kbiiaer wblolrha haa a moat lroiparouaiaver ot deafuluaea ndw iiuiubwlud maiutwii tw mlloii wan araud oorwhu flburala h lb gilh lo 1 mlaalou thu ohkg- lot ibu 00 or lativuuiril lohixhj april itt aa tha auaroar juwjjii ciulu looniwl up at houthatdn tod with general whita blending ou tha bridya lha anlhuuetrt of tha waiting mti ll t a hr a alarm ot ohaailng aid bingiug aud th blraua and whiatle internilnsled uninterruptedly until ulr oeorga landed at j bo p m lha greeting between huaband and wifa being over qaoaral wblta had to uudrgo much handahaking and tha roeivlnof oougatnu tana front peraonal frleiida bafora ha raaohad lha dock whra tha ninnlclfial author i tue- preaouud him with an auborately lllutuluata addraaa of wal ooma axpraaalng prorotiud adnikatlou at hla f audtuocaaafnl afforta to uphold and maintain the honor and dlulty of tha liuiplro lu dlauut kaul which hava wou haallng admiration of tha olvllhukl world wxmt 1 000 tioajas it tonowto touoirro april 10 major dant of tha llrituh army rambunt aarvloa la in lowu with vauriuary intpaotor rhilipa on a mlaalou to pick up rernounu in oanaiu for lha capa aervioa uhy cama to canada byncilar of tha war owca and wara mat at ww york on tha arrual of tha cum jmtitt by t o patuaon who urged tha vlail tbay hopa lo obulu 1 000 or 1 coo boraaa aud dealer having au i labia blook lo mil would do wall lo oommumoau with uiam at lha quaana ilotal whara thay aw now rrglaured and summer izsteakness i jijhu u u lir will hilly ll wlioo lln uri hn i i jirubilm ihis m if i l rluarl hr i rrr i i i t liy i i lull lli mm a a r nil ilui llii r il niiiiilii id wn ii thr ftylii 1 1 umutli 11 illu nlmrd un 1 llln i ihiiiiu iii ikr llilliyclllflirr izomolnjllu mil llin uu ill uliklti lu rk iiluiylliil i liu i n l i n il lc iiil ihu lll llllf illluil lull iniilltnl lint ill i iil 1 lrjh iiill nt ii 4 mt t dr wards blood and nerve pills j tin lrmcll lc llmi jn if ll r hnlljiiik lip lit tin wnly ihmui it llio medium f 111 because 1 liry mipply itiirprapflrllrnilial i clrll ll lllllr uplkd yhliilll 50 cinis pi u box ay duuapiirrr on sam witrrimi is co toiionio oni good clothe x ire worlll tilt pric nked for them shoreys clotjhng luiatjc lo ht not made to order sold by reliable dealers only any article ot clothing bearing shoreys label is sure tq be good as in every garment made by h- sh co their reputation is at stake and thoy cannot afford to sacrifice that shoreys clothingolthtjtrthirxrn dcrstanding that if it is ilol satisfafctory youf money will be retur htldfvc serge suits 3iiukci j ref f a wom b the syonv of a woman ad- dub31d to womenr- robkwood of ban d lunreaaad a aloaorrph enuruinmant will barlvait in lha town hall on friday avaolug next utidar tha man age man i of mr joa mo iutoah oomadlaiy aud mr j mul liu voaallat j prof bruih will bla eduoaud horaa will give a parformauoa lu tha towo hall ou thursday night mr morlay totlaii wan al homa for kaaurouhla wadding trip having beti loarriedoa ona f allaa craig a fair daughtera amoualba vlallora in town for kasur wara tha followlngj juiaak hyau oaorga lowu miw u magea oualid mr o ihardati loronto mr 0 lowry quelph mibi i ivinhiron sput taster in toronto mlba mauulutf vieiud al har home lu brampton tha sotvlca ou 1- talar inn lay at 01 john a cburolt waa aaoaptloually bngbt and altractlva aud wau lliluad lo by a vary larga oougragatlon iht churoh vraa draftaad in whilt and praaanlad a vry at traollva anjarauoa rbwutlo waa wall randarad by lha combiuad oholra of 61 johns and 01 albans acton uudar tho laadarbhip of j it wallaoa 1 who aotad aa orgaiilil a ahoruud form of evening prayar waa ural said followad by t ba oommunloii aarvloa and a urmub appro prula lo lha oooaaiott lha anolal au tbiiii fund uul ihy light toglliar will tha apacul hymuu and ohanla wara wall raudarad by lha nulled choir who look uraat lutaril iu ilia muala for tha oocaalon an i highly appreciated lha anojl lent irailllnu they recoived uallimakad hu making la tha mdr of tha day fr f urowu aud aiur apeul kmur with their parliuof hill ilw mlaa verguatin at 1 iroiito wpnt iititar wllh liar parauta mr jtiaaph vaiiieu ppeiit 1 nitar with rrletida it ojlpb v mua vjith campball u liijonlilu wait lug un mra u uiinbll bw wa ar aurry lo eay le 1m a rf urllloal oollrfllltili aurfar lu frtmti an aluok of pluieay mra alkmia inlvuda innviiia la tukuia uu thauathuf ibutiiuutb it tolta mow tlio weak and d- bdonclatitcanobtalnnewhenlth and strenatli at u small lixpana tha fjota cully veirlflad hv lnvoatlbtlon iroiti thauall iraul y quo tha raaduig publlo bava avldaooa put hafora them almoat avery clay of tha haul lug powara of dr wllllama pinkpilu it la bomautlmea aakad whether lhaarura ara permaaant and in reply to thla wuuliljay hut k oud wblolirkieuuycaiiiil to tha allanllon at the anil indloaui that tha roaulta following lha uae ot thla matti olua ara aa uallutf aa thay ara hamualal bouia yvara ago mra ilabrfrt wabuler who la wall known in oranby pabiod ibrouuh a vary aerloua illueaa in whloh bar condition vary nearly bordarad upon oollapaa her blood appiaral to hava lmot turned ho watar hba waa vary weak hr appallta flckla aud aha m oared from aavara haad aohaa mra yehatflr had tha bdvaulao of excelunl inodlcal advlor but paraiilly without avail aj aba tiiil ataailily growing woraa tha leaal txartlon wonld fatigua har aud dually aha waa or a lima uuahla to ito liar houiaworb and waa oon flood lo har bad iir huibaiulaiigiiaiad tbauaaor dr winiatna pluk pilta and pjiruhaaail a few boxaa mra wabalar lijd not bau taking tha pllla loug bafora aha foubd haraalf crowing alronir tier brad aohaa dfaappaarad bar appallta improvad new hood appaaraii to ba oouralng throuuh liar valna and har narvea aflain bacama atrong and aoliva alter uilng lha pllla for a ooupla of moulha aha frit aa wall aa avar aha- bad dona lu liar ufa and could do her bouaework without fatllng tha atlgua uiat had formerly nu tie bar life eo muar ahla thla already indicated htppanad aoma yaara ago and lu tha period that haa la peed mra webetar hii anjoywl tha bt of health lliaaaya that if aha faela at uy lima a littla run down aha ukw a fav doaeaofdr willlama pink pills aid la aoou all rijibl and aha ihdika ihara ja no modlelna toatjual them mr wabater apaaklng of hla wlfaiarrr wllliama pink pjjieriui bar ajiouaand dollara worth it oat and friadha aaho kuew liar condition bofora aha baajlba pllla anl aaw tba alfaot updn bar bay lha bnia thing thara ara a numbar ofolharain thla vicinity who hava deed tlii a grtat iiiadlolua and ao far iv tha jjuit au laarn the reaull have afwaye baan bauanolal t thara ard ihuueauds of i onion through not tba oouulry who bufftrua mra wabeur bbj who arc iala uubjoct to baadaobaa beartpalpltallau and dlulueia who drag aloug frejtunlly failing that lilt la a bur- dan to all buah wd would aay ulva vt wllllama pink pills a fair iria lliaae pllla makaruh rati blood ireiigltisu tha narvai bring tha glow of health to pala aud aallow ohaaki aud mako lha feehlo aud daapondaul fal that ufa la onca mora worth living 1 ba uanuina ara aold only in boi tha wraier bearluu lha full name vr iviniama pink pld for pala pole aavalt had from all daalara or by mall at to onf a bon or six bona for utl by addreailiig lha lr williams mcdlciualp llrockvllla on i uvcitton io ooo flilill garjplls ouarantood curw for cntarrh dronohltla aathma throat irri tation colda ia don i ut ilial catarrh or ilrotiohitu rnu on hoot jl out hefora it ohroulo iba uat elinpleal aud iulokaat raulady for thaaa oomplaluta la catarrh oona it coala nothing to test for we will aand you fraa a jj cant outfit aufualent in many caa to cura aud one itlqubaud uatluloulill lltcloio 10 01 lb fa boding poitaga polafin i co icliijtaion oni nrmstklu run iiiio ubau but whan it cocnm lar ttattn out hea goiter craw lllrb lltocd if tho elontbch and bnwala perform their uty tho blood 1b rloh in al tha lemanta ludnd to aeaura perfect liaalth karl a clover itool tea taken aa directed guar fculaaatha iiarfrot unllou of stomach and bowtli irlc j5 cla and iooli money refuuddd if ytiu era not sktlillad fluid by a trbrown r he careful of our unuuue whan you ara talking to tha elevator boy ha ii apt to laka ou up veryqulokly ofcyoiutt young or old should carry a baltd iainkillar jo iheir saddu ba ilouraaculs and wound with wonderful iiuicknaea avol 1 pubtilnua thero ia but ooa pain killer perry davis 25a and 50a dont guess at results ihli man lnrmn whit ho tlhl and hnw liu did it hiirh t nilnpiciilliitfl u t tlmfnllfnilnjj nruuiu n milllcitut proof of ila luirlta liiu i u ll r i 111 wltw fc14 nilu h i i lllijlf juur li uull k4lilurul luru mum jl hkllirv pric fri alv lor la aa a llnlmont for famjiyiibill uan il ml aaliv ritniill ror klfsoall spavin cuhii alw x tmrtllui i hiiihorw uu l f n- rullrr bit j b klhwll co lhftshlao alls vt ila piaalonatelv uomotblng stirs within ma bho calml why dont you drink literal water t arfl ou ifarrud to the old tlma ixttvf 4lat couiumption cura has ovrooma many a aerloua casa and it never falls when taken in tba aarly etauaa ona bottle will prova mora lo you than a whole oolunin of argumant fry it 1 vary botlla auaranlaal jlolitocti andi00 sold- by a t llrown ha wliy will you treat ma ao coldly t uaa your heart grown oold toward me olie no iurry my heart iu tha at me aaevar i hava oury abauad my mind gurpee philadelphia a po uil unl nihl rjui d iw ftlioti ulh ynjiimn uflr t 1 1 i ly wriltui mi tho pdior sitl uill ihiiji ly tuiii null intiiih uitli ut nut aiiiyof burpees farm aunual for 1900 tlih iu n hrijiht luu l full r fuithful ilhutrit ill jiu 1 trn ilcunptlon ol tlio uest suhds that aftowwlih 1 arw i m ilircit to urn pkutrr without uny mlihllaiunnit prollt hiuno iuu ir tiiiit and iliutnilthnijow ft aim m fnrldoo henderson and co i dress goods r oaepbts gubtains t j 1 r our leaders this week jkcendersqlsr co 7utiiost hcton flrlii dtiuliormrnts sitllatronjvantilji oil llol luuilei jni ol i farm i i i all bin la f farm wrb wara iiohny formula uiru f imi a an i villas- t rly wulll hiititlit wknkitaljiifclilwantki aimh ru t mx k i tiimmi wegna al fin i 1 111 iiti ofytu jioitsks cjilpii tv marjpjowijh pld llhlrlu 1 injiumi alln i la rlatl t dllf t i any allarn ij jalfim 11 jill v tli dalrtf vaim we have as usual the j best stock of bposfchoes in town w htif no roojn for cheap iraah and no kilro o deal in it we juaranlci ihat mery pair ol lioolu and shoe in our udm liik anl tha mondy a valu in it and la wonh ciery cent of i ho price wq aiu wo tell lha lint ol bhoa that improve ou ciom limjkoc lion and stand by you like a brother wo iitnko jlw pt lea a low a can lus made for an hoirsi nrlicle mor mnnny ii lost in ibfl wear of cheipkooila than la aver taied n thu buying lhn fnullly of jooda rrpromn the nmney value lluy a rwjor artlcla cheap and you load your foliar ihtt loi dollars ara lha onrt you pay for gooda lliat oyaiuadcdjcailqwll heap do not take any rlika but iinjie your purchawi at klmnpv jijfos where you are awured of etlln inncit ffoodb at fair prlcoa cjniblnalbki lliat la aa joodjia old iound arasr whites of eggs and glycerine thonoij9hojjlptosalntxiorjladiosflna8hoos to hi had atoultstoijh hoot tnado lo order and repairing promplly ailntdd lo by experienced wbrknicii wo am always willing lo show k and kivo prlcea 1 hankintfyou for your liberal palronan for ovai aj ycara and aollcltlng continuance 1aatrtowere kenny bros main sireet acton ar 9t the right house i hamilton s ravoriti shorplng place things youre needing now in the springtime our atapf lerurlnieiw such as lmnts calalus apron glngbanii cotlonadea and shirt thu vtck ua rle nromhient meullou to uumaroi un to inga you can huj all such fhinga moeiadvanlageousjy here in addllloi our bifiarticeiita belnj ilia la rues our vituaa ore loiter than you 11 find ehuswlmre liccauu we bought our llnoa bofora tbe idv4nca and ara selling them at lha old low prices kead nery item to seeds ipks por 2sc among lha vlallora for 1 aster wa uoliod llowanl wation of toronlo with wm 1 varlai mr wilu daiuthlar from king i j abbott fiauher from gutlph mra hlnipaonof oorwhiii miaiaa if anl l llenaon mlaa calrua and a venal of luronlo alo j mulnloeh juroulo mr william lovall praarbwl ii tha dlaol ue church lautar innrnliik mid evening llmh tha oliumhua were uautl fully ducuihud ltli plauie an i ibarra fur i ur mr ilrnry amy uf miiuou wm at mf wm iblwitiuun mnuilay mr lurtla muirlu wt lh unl or ut pttr inijdiui uy mia fi j iliertaon hit a giua t lir ffutev b al mlmuaa for a ifborl yllt 65 000 hulls mokoo for wall fupor 65 oua hollu m0k00 or wall papor 3oo kouh moko6arwall papor ojhk koiih maicao for wall paper 65m holla mukoo far wall lupor 5000 kolu mokoe for wall 1apor 5000 holla mkoo for wall vapor siwi kolu mafcoo for wall papur mckbo choose any ten order by number cash with order full sized pacliancs mailed free i lie i round a ltet lung 3 lai bifcc lu motor 4 cabhxi it winter 5 carrot uhurt it carrot loiijf 7 cucumber plcuiini ii liicuiubr long irtiusn j lclery self hlnnchliik 10 bajo 11 sumiiibr savory 13 sweet markmm ij 1 otmc calihai c he id l uolluco curly licad 15 musknitlbn cailj v 10 v1l0rmelnn earl 17 oijlon lhw h onion hed 11 1 jriiili bo crown jo uadlili fiiimnior 1 ji mil ill wlnler 1 jj smajli hrthhard jj i onulu ntarl h alter niurul js mlnoneuo inucd jd 1 fliiayhnutil v j lilunln musd uh nasturtium du uf aj nasiunhiin till i 1 hwiwii 1 caa inixc 1 31 wriulluuar garilen canadian slrlpcd galalois auilabla for lioys suits ovni stripes in navy and while tac special ahio in heavy galatean cultahlo foremen a shirts and boys wear fancy navy and whilo atrlpes ujc i nhili gnlaleaa unlendkl fjlfalliy lor bayi suits and ladies under skirts iu ml pink huh blue and nay ground 1 with wlilla slripea and in navy with white apots aoc 5 pieces fnnliah oxford shlrllnaa in ktripea and chcclis special value at 10c 0 pieces donhlo warp i iiluh on ford bhlrtlnfjo in sirlpa and ciiacu designs ujc apron ginghams in blinj aud whim chock dclt ns some wllh fancy border 35 inches wide h4c and toe- other h and 40 inches wide wllh border i3j coitonadesin fine soil tuel make ariety of check design in brown otid ercy 15c 18c and aoc 1 xtra ileavy collonadea in hard twlit make check patterns 16c aoc mc and 33c our stock of sprlnj prints- is try larjic indeed prices rani a from 5c nplo 15c we have a special uim of odd lnftllih prints in a larji a sorlment of pjltenii in hht and dark coloring 10c immense ranfto nf crum s famous 1 nil ha i rinls in an exceedingly hrj n n nmont ot floral strips cpsi anil fancy loured stylos unlit aud dark shades nji spclal tliltt of very heavy indigo dine imnls fait oofor wllh cpot slrlpaand floral designs in while hew bllkaspfiolal i lain lilrty sllka soft make bright fmlsii av rane of new shades ai inch worth consider ably mor than tbd prlco wa ask 50c 1 ancy 1 ngllsh sllkif for wauls hrirbt finish soft make larfl variety of prelly patienis oud colnrinjji 10 ixs had only at this eiorc thee brd really very super lor silks and worth much mora than the prices 30c and fvc hoel a ry spoo lal xarce shipment jw recelvej coo tuning a big special purchasa of hbck uhbed cashmere stockings for sp iloubl misses lw really worth much mora than our price aje i xtra value in llln ulack cash oteiidorrf ior evcavtion im nukhli uill i7im u t nalnrjt x uul ii at tor uip eiatl ii u ii t la utal i r ll 4 heif i 1 itlrtr mill and wlllu uliaala ji r iiuoulata a olr at oi fa tn ioun it waltltl aouiu agents camllliaku u tin ljckliuu ol t ui n im hi coniylbuyiioel nuuer our i 11 uu ui iw volume w rk m idtarllilluli wr i rtijm e of sluojy im lag fyllilurt itti tlilri ui ju11 1 your ad lra anj b giriu jiitok j i inhcott i uiii llllliku toujanv t roti to agknts n t l deealv1 willi a 11 rtlie wriulilll lliow otnitiaiioi uatitlla on cajladlatl manufaelure1 wuib wnk- iui le ruly book comiuu l t 1u iihii v l cat mxuiiiiui 11 lueonl voliima t ul hal a1 mlieii war la br wliy kuu tluia wftli iniu id i late luwiaa t 1 rimiaiub rise ljhkcottm ulli ililunu lou1 amv toroiilo agents tmllt last year of tha oniury 1 all lie our jjliiaueiiui oatitury book d all tlia lfml bulllaa ltot lilall el i ii 11 1 lot kill lufiuvnhaa frocro of balloiia v tt loouht otureyfua trial lilauxy i itaulu attica tn dale vv with hilti an 1 rrr tiroktnl ul tliabalitury it id boo k wall llluauated kiuji lar liuiltr i- wholly ti ihilktitov co i luilt ltrautiurtl -a6jen1s- xu in bauui jltiiea vi rat oonlajue country ajid war so ilau llli about our can unsot klvtuil liauiae of i rrlnara slid liuu tuooud voluuie to be t ul lltlet wliatl war la ttreiytjody eanoaia uialrvdefof amartean book wliah aulnif uunl if a bualur thla 1 your ol3 tn in 1 roatetua five llkldlaty qauuutftohco tjnilt1 new brcsmakiiifj jestablish- ment thi ladtaa of leton anl vlolulty will ba 1 laaaatl to laain that nalam dima mikiiitfaalabllatimatil will wtiwl lul wk ou m alii huaet unrter the loiiafiuiant of uim aialoald fcutuarly one at tl a ikxiiid draarf aitj liiuillatuakenfu tie etikt toy at tlio wu known ulaa llatrat ot toronto and ua i4vliiaauna of ljiiaalnf of ulaa hy u isordbumd the i ioj expedauo of ulaa uwcomul ju tha elty and ll at ulaa i ivlt d lnoa leajued ul liaila tb kila huu 1 auiida pmo uiat aatutaettoa call cully be suaratiuvtl u ajt patioaa privacy for the telephone the bell thephonecompiny offers for sale at reason- spring lood weight aeamess ihlo ivoelr andloed women a and i slocklnts for women sprint weight saa4iileu fet much belter than you d expect to at for the prica 35c hetter one finer quality rock spring welj lit doubla heil and toe really splendid itocklnffti thatonly jroou buying enables us to sell al 33 i 3 for orders by mall hccclvei prompt itlciinon imikiii and express paid to any railway station in oniarlo pn alt mall ordrni amounilnjj 105 00 or over write or samples thomas c watkins able prices sound pjioof cabinets of handsome design md with all the impiovementi which experience suggests trho xoal mcuiariek will hb ublo to alvo you full parttoulafrf acton bakery owihu o ilia lutwaulutf daoiand for cskm sud viiioy 1 utry wahvamfulasrfarifia- til tn u 10 ul a b mi t y every day wa hsvcauo a rrsat variety lu lrud iavj word ut tba ah op it you wish liia waujon to call j c mattmcw3 propria tr king st east cor hughoon st hamilton rateutefl hoiso tail protewor koin bo j th0rp acton saw mills and wood yiirda jkjutes broiluw uiuk wh til libit uhll 1u im ituuhsr tuth viludlo hit lily jiuv llul knuuii w t ll lo louiilll ulwata riioltanltuslajlroluatuohaj to ilia shaft ridatiy tallpwltn a1 jw u rod u ui imi le to auy hi ia an i la arrailifl so uiat l lilifad r4lim t kt iu tall ovst lha i ills call ua oliaiiul to any rlj in nve mluuua a an 1 tl for slntfla hit ll lor double vuiuii timia rsc mkuuijsj w or luia ny mall will rile irout at unllou 2000 agents wantld jqiiiob mattliowu putuntou aatou oat cilll iurry vep itha tsril bill a tuiiitiurfull vap no li it u harry 1 ban why oau i tlity pus il j hh ah orchard vv mtaarj uflly ciu awllttrw i lull tllw ttlwclla uhh ill intlt 1 1 u i wylta ru aa twhvu a vium blttnel sv t uuulml iftip 1 m hattnel ki i1u- iootrees200lasi4 u ui i ul iim-4- a i vj mm kil h il rtlui virtwkr lfc ill la irbla n i a l alwauwi all puulo t im ou macadam roads on country ro ids on jaad roadjj mid bid roads dunlop detuclmlilo tires are talent and eamewt to rtdc ifou meet with a mis hap a puncture ten miles from homo thaso arc thoocilytooluyouneed tl bty tiutla 1ljdfci1lri ullj lulf permanent pasture mixtures foe high lands for low lands wejiavea wide experience in the mixing of pormanent pasture graiies- arid use only the best seed in the mixture when seeding down per manent pasture meadows be sure and give us a call or- wnte jarnes hewer seedsman 48 mucdoxoll st cuelph ui 1wnl mjiwimmu ua uj ol 1 v uttuuiia liming ailr mi ami i vklh uiua tu uim uu jut uutf i tuillbli twluulut ottr ttuuium u1v wftuk in uuv luwi i la mluly uldeu w ut duujuoumi t ituut iuihtf- luluumllullnhj uiluul uuluw tb llout tluuc uulnttu- tba duuiiuluil ouutuy new walt paper samii fs now hi ady ion insiicnon catudlan and american ppera hawadiunalu yinuiii will lu uraluu nuj ollluka ui mlol i uluau t wiuuwa oiiu ltlflli au i uulli imiltan a lu 1 1lit lllua luinul tfrr tl tla 1 iui i umjrwii artu lak ftvr bin of our iui t lal uuuy iuuiialioowa 1 atra fioia lo uu i few iaa itimtfut whit wi m aauilrlae al u lhi ly uiafce room fur our umw tiou vn at brov gltuijit tui suttlbuu ac ron l a

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