Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1900, p. 4

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u about it the rush hj w th 1 exhaustion f o nbouts a great weight resting upon ou you cant throw this feeling you j arc a slave to your work sleep falls apd you are j i on the verge of nervous exhaustion what is to be done 1 take b for fifty- ycure it hs ti 1 been lifting ur the dl- j coiiraffcd giving rest to f the overworked and bringing refreshing sleep to the depressed no other sarsapuillft approaches- it in age and in cures vayera is the leader- or tbertall it was old before other sarsaparillas were borp ttmwlkabnaw aycrs puls aid tbeac- k tlon of ayer sarsapa- ji rjlla they cure bilious- rm ness llhtaamdltttlmdklambf ib 4tt year hd fcv mid very itut uws yea ma4 nwdfot justfoi pptf i tommy dotantfttl ilkekctqrt taaehocl i ibl mocdinc a hi mra tucker ii ni h haaspain in hlalo iwkieea h fj logon the louqg in th inline room all obpiaupor6rntpb- 1 ihrnwsasnm tockar reaching hvhlod tha uilrrorj for a rtltr i en liok him iftw ah ape chicago faibm ily rfjiiiis eiiiiuil minister were the ra to tar i and look himself wia iu th yr and k bimlf whal 1 rlly needed moatl hat would bo ilia first rroly toggeatad to mind 7 a tttbher neckl aboated lb preoloua urchin loih rear of th room and in um contusion which lolloped lb good mu iosl hla plaov in hktwo- script flod trgtn or again a atoty af i brightay baxrootd ahebby liulliauow u told by armnf he ws srorkjrjg his an brtmgb- crowded osx ofierlag bis rjspsnta arery dimllon i way cmiboj htm wall bead to tb boblmn mm of tvtompanttmoi do easily dsanua twusju tftd while b wa enakjeg cbftiim and lbs ooadmlor passing bim lwffbad cagm ibl tlau jos jm ash yqd1i have to ran to poor- tasalh bltttt don ear laaghad 3om- lo return i can sell all the way back again a wbilhird old fantla- man aetmad interested la um boy and jfjrff qoa bio ooaccruiog bu earnings 1 sod way al living thar wm yoaojpr brotfar to b uippohftd it p jimmy waalam ftod ooaldoi do tnoob bumir ab i that maka il bajd joa ooomo batur aloo- tb ahbby lltlla qgnr wa eraet in a motnaol ad tbdoial wm aooiawb jtrampt aad iatjunaot no i eooldntl jimakom body to obotd to baa lota of halp what woald b lh oa oibvin lock it nobody waa glad 7 or of gaula tbiojia if um vm bobody to dlfld with pom uaolb bueei i oallad uw ooojttotof aod aa lb kawsboy plongad ot into- iba doak tba old tnllaman r roar tad to nobody lo particalar ia baard many pooror aarmoo than thai 1 i i srjie jirton jftee rtab the crowning proddc- lioinorghextrr xtittle cotd mysician let run tqdiihuay hay 17lh 1000 fjhr jonng jolks jpvj lxttxj pios vi m lutu pip all rory plak at abat lo a pao aa black aa ink all day joo io a dark pao tbay vritslaand tut altont and than ttita ufua pic wabt to inarkat to bay bim mom ersckara aitd batinataad of a itmeb h boogbt a bit bnaob of fraab rn ajd aa tfala ilttla pis atajaj at boo and acid with a bitart rtodlntf wall tba au- la ao damp ii aml ma th ounp and taka all to euil from bay tail tbto uu1 pi bad a plaoa of braad and boitav im udflqaooi hia tbo im lit tbap udroppad oaa bac ajown jrta battarad aid dowo and oh bow aba biaaoocbad at that thla iuu- pta bad dob nat ftoromb tun- a tnoraal of brvad bo ha aw no on th fu until uwaauu and than ha want boofry to bad ttala ilttl pu aaid waa wa wm i find my way bom t hut no woodar tb mcoa want aatray iftw u tao down tb trt vfbw ba baardllmklniau baat and ba followad th alreo ail day vv 1uu pt aa plak a a aoa 1 tbayrbonly tbabahya tiny tosw j and bfor thay ar tockad la jhj onkat tdtt a tbam and kua lauugoodalabt bankers wife most dbmhnted nsrvoub troublwa almost wrwotccxt hjr reason- south amarfoan narvlna uftad tha clouda and ourad har too will ol a wallkooato priatbajikr to tba wavnui ao affllotad with barvooa diaordara that bar phyaiolaba faarad that aba would loa bar raaaoa hot aha rajoloaa today with bnr jwhy hwjl raadioj a aimpla teal i moo y ol bow sooth amadou narvtna onrad anoih aaa bopauaa oaao 8ba waa indnoad to iff it too nod today u a ooxad woman baraclt bold by a t brown halt tha fallorai in tu arlaa jrom pall ing m osva horaa aa ba u laaplng muborn bbvllng uaadnoha ioardam ara aaay to laka barmlaaa la notion nod ara lo ear any baadaoba in from w to jwenlx mlouaaa yoo any o th tnanu urn to whal parlod do yoa rwfar t to booaa riibanlnaj for a olaar oomplaxloo laka paiiya fill tby oavaf f all to olaar th akin tuoonknd of ladiaa awaar by ibaoi i fsfesv- frlandahlpolaaaalta ayaa ralhaf than aa th taoou anllpa j whll maltoa daau that it u vr al lb all a oaawol 1auu 1 voo btana iloaapnl tab lata would pro a far raaiar aolaoa to th dl ibaart anad dyapapllo al b would buliaal ibal potanoy thay at vartlbla gama la prntlng- tha aaaunt of atoranob diaocdara by aiding and ktlm- nlatlog dlgaattoo 60 of lb baaltb paarla jaa bta oapj by tha paow noonirmoiitd by moai aaftoaol phyalouoa aura and parr bold by a t j two aitiat got road at aaob otbarand foqkbl uat waak ij wu daolarad dxw m s r bwh pij mt v- qila m is contracted as vvdl as in herited only strong lungs arc proof against it j persons predisposed to weak lungs and those recovering ryompnieumoniaijrippc bronchitis or other exhaust ing illness should take 5trtauatoix it enrrches the blood strengthens the lungs aid builds up the entire system iti prevents consumption oqd cures it in the early stages aces3 forc of h bar1 jran to juj jta fiaxar- ldof uwniwttxk hnprnit coot t waa ppolntod ao uililtiil kaalaiit tllitrjot tlortay at ll oouloi thlr uy of t7j50q jiaax 1 lufore takintt ttpa ltotnrdu a oil want in a oldtiad jwoddiuic in- wban li t lurnad a month l wa ilua tilm and u w- thvodoa fr ll hiln rila i bpua j moon lu had ulvrlltd or atood pait of tha oootury and aa hla fond wa jow h went direct from tha train to ba ofric llara i your omonay ooonllor aaid tha pay claik dafareuoy altar uiakind all right rapllad ur fjtxgatald pookating iba roll of bill ishjolbatay ror ftlaaaa crttinutdj lhfiark of ooorrppiidol tit br id aftpom abdabaaotminddly wrota aa jollotve jamta fitxxtrald and wit ahd thaaoiry la oo tha ajg hooka to thla day batnim vlaff hovjtxjcad rrofijablv daaotlory reading a indod ry mla- ohuvon by oatarlng habllaof looaa rft- oonlmoooa tboaxht by tdrmngtha mwinory iolo a common awr for rnbblali of all aoru afloat ibrongb and by ritaig tho powarof aluouoa which or alt- our fanol- liaamotiwedacare and iaimprod by tt bolawall roaalatcd naur of alody will no roorr woakan tha tola j than hard xerotm will waaban lla body ar will a fttroog nodarataiidjug bo waulted dou by it know lad mry nor ibau lb oak ia by it ua or than hamaoit wa hybla lka ila whoaainawa r dflnad by bn hair moat already b waakllitic painsncelerjrcompoxmd the great life eonewer and health giver jt noted physioiaks opinion laina galaxy oompoond waa th prown- ing prodootloa of aaarioaa wost sralnant phyaioun trofaaapr e e phalpa md booh aphyatolan ooold ooly rjt what waa worthy of hla grani and auvaiad obarmotar to oftarldg homanlty ilia baat boon war davotad to lb parfsoting of what is now known in million of boaaaa in britain katop and on this opounaok aa pain calary compoand natnr food medioin for tha naxtaa brain and blood altar oar long wiator and lata spring a boat of paopu of aaary aaa baa baan latt in a wwakrjaagnld and dapriaai oooditioa of baaltb tha naxvaa axo noalrnog tha body u arriaoiatad th blood i stagnant aadlmpora dlgaation ra fanlly and oooau- patiob ia doing its daadly work yoar aaity baaltb and fotora physical bappinaas datnaod tha imrfiydjata nas of ajnasoalsry oomptmna wboaaarlloas virina ara taoognuad by oar ablast phy- aioian many of whom maka psraooaj oa of it la thalrbomaa dr a- w k kawtoo writing to tha proprietors of t ina calary oompoondjeyri tbajormaiatfcis ocury oon- pqkndudm to glva it s pa a trial ivnd 1 waa mooh p with tha raaalt i prcaorlb it for mn and woman who hav ao appatlta cannot alaap and for tha waak and raadowa- for this ooaditloa and tor diaordars of tha blood and narvaa it baa no aqnal it a lb baat poaaibi ramady to kp op onaa auwogtb and anarfry daring tha pring and taatnar r tha oat of tan man bin tor tbslanth i ara boroto saorb dontc3iidethe chiidten iwt aooia outlulu onr if tubsd u wt in tba noroinif il iant th ohluva faall 11 la aoitar tag from a weaknaa ot tit kldoay and buddar and waak kldnya baed atnntfth logthata all you oantaflord olrul dalay fjeguct ma aqtail a watim oj ojl aring atd kniaary doans kidney pills stngthaa th kuot and bladdar than ail imbl t at an aitd lira k kuuar a london ool moihar liwitxt al 400 gray bi- aayat my hula daughur alt yara old baa lad weak kuueya alnoa urui lat vab- roary i ff4 bot of doaviia kuuy illk at blnvipa drag atort hi no taking ihm alui liaaj itatl no knorw kunay troablq of any kind i gladly tnaka uila ba- oawaaaf fit haafl myohud baa raoaivad lrii this mwlieuna sotn tnaa ao dlallka lha dait klokad up by th fanaralloa tby belong to that bv ing baahl to paaa thay lag behind it aohtap tula uri u wlulama oootutbem v o out wrila l ba uaad llagyard yellow oil tar barnoaoalda apraw aora throat and lor pain la th etoaaaob and bowali and it ha kwaya glvaii rallaf my ajmtbar aayeilia m regular knedloio ohaalltaair tbr i nothldg ao aaraa a mans daalra id work id thagfjntfq a tha di ooesry that bla wll haa muplaoad tha ka f y dlokua antloooaampuvr hyrap atanda attubadofihalial4oc all diaaaaaa of tha throat and uogs li aats uks maaio in braaklog op a oold a ootigb u aoon aabdhad tightoaa of th onasl la rallavad a ib woral oaaa of opuaampuoa la riaal whll la xaoaol oaaaa it may aa aaid br in fall it la a rnsdloia pr- pared from lb actl phoalpl or vlrtnas of ere madteiaai- bafbs and asp h dapaodrd a poo for all pulmonary ooin- plalatat wban uoosy gau ughl tha way to bring llaroobdall right acalo 1 to gal up a olroolauoo j owwren oar poalry in ilia ihutilli cettlurwf waaproe oar proeq iu tlm aavcnleanlu oeotary poetry ifnndredabayavleattiwi lo tho rxvl iattj iilla havedona iham bomatlmaaa tnan atari oat jdba aoolal hon and anda by making a too f blmaair a liula ilckllng in tho throat now and ihan a dry hacking coogb not bad noofrhlo bother ahoal yoa say bat avary hack tnajcas a breach tu tha system alrain u lung and preparea th way for mora aeriooa trouble twoold bawiaa for yoa to tako dry wooda norway pin hyrapnow before tha lunga booorae parntanently aifeotad it ia tha moat certain and aatlafaatory remedy for coogba coltlaj itruncliltla croap uoaraonoaa bora tliroat and whooping coach mrs tioq w fosur 3landowna nb baa thta to say iwaataaanaaddably witli a oold whmi satued oa ray long i had a torribl oooah and it ro ma rroak aiarm all the ramatllen i triad asarnad of do nas i tbeo started taking 1t wood norway fin byrnp whiab oared to so protopoy thai tt was a blaaaant aarprlaaj i shall always kaap u in tha boaaadarragthawihlar open evil at all event doe thla goodjf it kaap good on th aleit vvr thara la no likallhood of an anedar nacblny wlikajgr5ot ailing oar teal daalry to bkampted enoogh castor i a jot innby nd children inamial th height oat for th tnoal part as ob olhaf bat velteya oatinot a hoeutollaraaairu tlogliah bpawiu unlmenl temoves all hard soft or trllnnaarl lampi oiblemlabra from boreeat blood bpavio uurba apliuu ring bona a w eon y ill has apaln aor and awotua throat oooha old tbq ua tf ohabotu may maka yoa lit war ranted th too i wonderful bumub care er known larlty la th femlaloa truth th maatiu- hua of honor ask yoar tlroettut for 1altys iilla if be haaat got litem writ ua aooloalug tha prioa cooaou and we will aupply yoa many imau a vloe have al flral haau nothing wore tbto too qualltu ruu wlul for id ureal or a iul ua ilauyarda yallow oil cannot b acellj a a pain relieving abu aodtblug remijy for- all patu a btalaamau w ara toli bhould follow pabllo opinioa uooblua a a omolm isllowa hla borae having firm bold oa th rsloa and guiding them two severe cases that were completely cured by the great blood purifier and healer bunlotik b trail for pwer eleven years 1 auflared with dyspcpata and triad averytbuiif i could flunk of by waa arts hla to gat rwilefuulll i look it ur- dock uumni ulttcrt i ltd oidy akau oua hottlo wltait i comiuciued o few better and afuw taking aixbotllea wai anllraly well and liavd kvaiauunlao artr line and feel uuhigh uuu imu aaved any hto mrs t g joyce stanhopt iq cwvwbfjil uy ilttla boy ajjod lo with bores- j- a cfttbpieta nuti of aono laused llto doctor as id by had htood 1h head arid body wars entirely cuvrwd with aoraa and wo could ami no tiara ftially i f i bottla of llurdock ulood lilt to ra and baroro uoa- ludf th bottla waa gxio ho began o trtiprova and by tlia una u waa fuilabad them wm not aaoro on lilut 1 ud tlw ubu aa a waah a wall aa llalwrnally and t saaaedto giro great vatlof as aoon as it was put oa mrs inimmltchall 3u msrya oot xfcaelaucpniirartdblbras- sunllnllrig thctooilandbeflula- ugihcslomodonnduowlsof ii imams huihin protisteslioiicrru- w5sjmifcstc0btfljluhelllr ojmiishorphlne normhebu motkaiicotic thatthe i facsimile sioijature ancrfcclltanudy rorconsllpsr liontsour stoniorhdiamioea worms convulsionsfcwnsh- nrssondeosorsleep lacsiail signatur or stew tfohk is on the wrahek or evebt bcxxjjb op castoria a oatiaru la ut ap la aaaat hotust ooly it u sot aau la balk dtmt silos mjoaa to aall yoa aaytklag alt en tha pl or fiwli that it la laat at goed ahi will jwwatwy baa tiit foil too much ia iliiom enough lumplng after your bucket i full prova lop- ingao r death was knocklfjq kldnay trotibla had wall nlab conquored but south amarl- oajykldnay victory uro calnad the i fael my oaaetpjaraiirbplliakrj liosl of one of ontario laadlnk aaalorn huula but lvq been reading of aome wonderfal cure a caua of ijrljthla du- aaae aud kldoay dlaortlara fiin rally by booth amarloatl kldnay cure ao i am going to ban lb my doc lor atid try it aud ba did wltbth raault that in a few daya th lid of health returned a iki- to day lie la heading toward a pom plot recovery ita a kldnay apeoluo itaota quick aud aura hold by a t lltowti troth whan wiliy it ilio mlttlt or all tblnk loa your hrad achat take a iatty doea your baok aoba t take a ialty hoe your aid achat take a ilty and do not take abjr othar kfcaraplaa would ludoeil h axoallaut tblnica ware not paojila w moumt thai batie would let btd ao vain uil hoim wlllrollow tham jlhay are carefully pitl yu wbtondiaipl liiamjjvm ipabohomiob oislt4tbsspejptj4 haa ruudi flot ne7 and to overoom tha mad olo a ad ml nit tared moat iiiriueoot the aotlan of the cadala prmalv vvgitabu emi a ar ho tnadr under th auparvuiou of rxparla that th aubatauoe in thein iotaujdd to oparata ou tha intaatiuaa ar ralaruod in action utilh thay pet throuh th atotnaoh lo i in bowu toclene aa alk 1y mid tiling klgnloau v wormn cannot eiflal althar in ohililraa or adult whan if xhiw worm jjyru la bead ud all daalari buraly hauth wodd nmt b blltij thay can ao nothlug utilsa it ulillara b jtoplteitboul lditt biay l eetwed by oar aid addreat 1hc patcnt sxcokd al nothing lutha wailj 1 uwlasa eioapt a uv dr iaitya tiavor fall to lv tauefand lliay ourd if gvati at ivouaat trial a waik mind tlub uudof pro4p4rliy a wall aa uudar adwrlty a atrong aud deep mfnd had two blghatt tltla vlitiq tha rnooii iu al ila f ull abd whu thara u bobiooii th moat ldiiulav vllltu pill ulbs moat popular ol all forma of tnadlelii and of all pill ilia tnoat popular ara ivruituea vefuhu ill u haoaub ihy do what it la arted they cat do and ale uot put for- rd ou any floutlpo claim to oallao thay ar ootnpact aud portahla thay ar lly takau thay do bok bauaaal mm grlpaud thay glv rallaf la th uioal iuhborn ofaoai tha jacobin lo realising llmlr ayati of ffsertiuatlqu alwaya contrived lo he th elder brelhera amat vtioia all the tlmr owing to irapovorlahad blood ahould take hood baratptrlllv- to purify and enrich hla blood and slve him vitalit and vliior a good spring roadioimita etbeojaaitit with almoal every una hooda baraaparil u uwhal tha ullllouat iu lb a print it great powar tu purify aud eurlali th blood and boll j up health u una of faola of dorarnqo experience ourloally la 111 tin more nam for hope thn tlhr mr j d robinson dundas ont qlvcs his honest oplnioa ol mil burn heart and nerve thila jfrr k nrxcibrnliou a rauhlont of tun- tlaa out has found tlea phi to do all that i alainiw for them slid tuad tho following autcuueut of hu caeo ioino um ago x ohlaluoil a hoi of j uhburn heart und lrvo 1m1u abd x cau noy without hesitation aaythvthey havtt been bo uq dotal in relieving lit of an oh tin a u and lonjf standing oomidalnh affoolirtg toy heart aud nervo x waa trntlhlod with kleapleeirielui tlijtil- rtnaa lalpiutlou and neuralgia for buqii b long hi no that i had ton lly glveu tip liopd of a oiira now that otlikrs may learu of tlia vlrlun of thla remedy i give my unsolicited toatlrttony ofyhonaafa opbloa i a that there i ho cure ao good for heart and narra troublo as mllburna heart aud narra iilu milium hoart and norvo fiiu ara coo a box or 8 for 125 at all urugglata xrlonjhlp la love without althar flower 11 tb rttrvnsth oftwnttty mru- win ii bhakeapautre amblayod ihj pbraa ila referred f oouira 10 haallhy able- bodlfld uiuu ifj had ikrd in h day ha would hav known that uacu aiil wonlou who at not hathytiuy hocouia ao by taking hooda bar thu modlalite by htaklug th blood rich aud pnre and glvlug uood appatlt and pfot illsaalion itapah vitality and atrniutli to th ayetaoi tha illn utile a tfaa ha horue lloihqble 111 aprlugi you will vainly ick for fruit on it in auluoiur j uonlrriutlurt calharllo hood tha mau wbo wllllbai bl wealth with a wumiiijiu aom lov for hr th man whooau raaolwa io altar hiapovrty with har hmtve thar bavar waa bud uaver will bl a uullversal panaoea id oa remedy for all lib to whicdi flesh i hair tha vary uaiuto of rnaiiy uuiatlve halngauoli that war th arm bf other and drfmbdiy aaid dlaaaaea tooted in tha aylernj patent what would tsluvtton 111 iuturu would agiiravald thai olher w itava luwavr jn qotnla wlu- whau ohulud iu a auuujl uuadulureled italo a reiuady for many and grinvoua iii lly it graduarjudlolou u lit frailaat ayatsiin ar letl into ooo vajoenoct and blranulh by thd jufluenau whloli qululiwj vxaila uti nature uwii yaaitoratlvb it fouevea th drooplug bplrit of thoeo vf ull whom a ohroold atau of wurbld dopoudeniaiu isok of in ureal lb ufua dtaeaea atid by tratujul 111 rig th uarvo dupuae lo mound and refraeb- jrikl bnpart vlnor totlia aotlou of th blood wbloh being atimulatad nouraod throughout tha vtrlue atreuuiablng th healthy aulutal i fuuqtloo of tha ayitelu tharahy maxfugaotlvflty a naoaaaary raaali alrauglhauiug the fraju nd glvlug ufa lo lh dlgeatlv orgu wblolt uaturally demand iuoraaaoil auhatabo raault lot- prwvad appotlta northrop dl ltiiiaii of toroato ltv ilu tolfia puhlla hair qulnlno wina ak th usual rata and haagad by um opinion of ealautlal thla wna approaohm naalaat perfection uf aji h tho market all druuglal aallu a llul mauageaianl may often evade realttanos whiqh yat foroa mhhl vaju- ly alriva to otarcom j ohlldren ofy fop castoria bob mccready aho u a apuadld twnwlt ot halt fe crcady ou of lliu bunt fuojuill plajrnr iu cauaja lf u o tiloiiihtr uf lliu dttawa unlrvralty tmtn umi ima ltcutlu all of it chiiuipluualijn in ut uli oa iu i n miumlld bpacluibu uf ruhut timuhmi hilt audfiif u liu li liu ilua kiiuwn wliut it i to auffi- frum oyaimthtlit id hirloimly ttdl- d woj ii nt tuu ulhiilnu uf lliu iant iu0 aaaon tlmt ua wua not atilo tu irn out yltb bl tcntn pain in hit lack mid kmih lu- ttiruillunl uaatlacliu und i lit uwful pdtik hn iitrtcma nrtir titllux tliu rriiilf of nu lukpalrrd illcfktum wufuel lilui tliut ba wa jii ui isiujitluu to li lay fimlball tba hfltjft uf ull 11110 hwljw htf latkad tho etibttf fftviy liltulliroiiu a cu palsnhenultak hi it pkyulwhlulhat- ftuutuiuiuu uqvo ijiii ho rtuf at tul atagd litf wrtlaw 1 l novlid to try lr imtya 1imm tho mw rumidy hist una of toy rrldulu nbaluiil ukd vin wuiuurful bt it rcu i jm aujitliitl but uj ftouudad lclr sralirveo inraulfiuiy ihbt lwnanl leuath liitiucvtl iu try itieut 1b vrry urat dna drutri i lat tiniu hhhv atil at um and of auk i rujulsitxt my tcumail 1 bav r-un- llniu i nir bnrdvel kaaaooa in iliclwal turltt llii i llavn mmr a iu jir ivitr- nil ht ulmo tu llihiik nr my ttir csiulltlin llvj nru lli ul iitnlklu i hh nrr inkru hny inak iuiualruoa ml ah full nf irnf i tr n bbah liltvur laka any uhitru hi i tu iu need faiinor auppiy yoil uf belt djrfrhbrtiij vldkln co ottawa crqa4l the well dressed man ayoids many of- the rough edges along the pathway of life if jqu wear vilioroys clothing you w 4re well dressed kvery stitch is guirnteed every seam is overcast and will not rip shorey niayiie obtain ed from the lesta only if quality uiicl valiurare a consider- ation ask for and see that you get- shoreys clothing bicycle suits are all shoreys rigby waterproofed xesherwinwiluams co ttnp tatfsu fcahvtay iw 7 aetaa atfct lfall 10aiiil kiuimi tsaan kanreiei- lis rmrknom 10 10 a a halt y u pm wall a i4pni lljliad ljujvru rotmlay tralnal loin a wnal 10 ale m tj onnrraat o smibi tims of cioaiatj wanji ooina vvaai0 ntnittirra itto uolnllcaatjii kautahda 8 pm thla tlwa aaalo w attmit on kundny junabstb wu w lie n you waht v flour r y gctour- everton nd eden milts brand the best in the market all wideiwakedealers use it rxtca quality prices right henry hortop sun savings and loan go head ofpicc toronto ont autborfaid capital 600000000 paint bonus bani floore dptoanli itritas rahltira balh tubs farm toou etc a xctil juint for och pur mx not one slarwlali mix- turcfor all not low priced but highest grade at fair honest prices you knour cur reputation wc bay these arp the brjiit taints vj ktiowof youll tay so too alter you have used them scu j t bholnin druccist kcton mcmnhens poultty wattiny and lawn fencing are not surpassed in the world j their woyeu wlro lsnclnga havo aioo oveffiloen year of very aucceaaful letting on 1nrm and hallway special offer majo thu year on hog ieoclng those good are nil manufactured by the ontario wirarlenclne co jlimited pfeton out lor ulo by tho kurd wans merrcharia and general dealers ihroughout canada also by tho cau ilardwaro johhera- gawaaai achmtu tho il greening win co oi ilaiitllton and montreal akemt roa uajlwav pawcixcij coot montreal l3acorrestwiideoca with tha manufacturer invited r expexieiicgd undertafcerls v by dealing with us you are assured of the most carclul attention and everything done- in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional iaseswckccp a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funera supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets- j delivered l- j a speiaht c 30 kcton tenyear maturity ah ansa are paid monthly instalment of 5c per ahara for no months when payment ceaoe soooo aid in malurily valud tiodbo money to loan al atralght loan or repayabhf intnonthly inixalmentiton ap cation to f j mcnabb agent aeton johist tcqubbn aclimx iou irnplemeiits most woods v blndanorffwarw- j i amd aoolp siiajzjcr ji unvii wminill and oria rptadai and a tplemej corn pie i o line of 1a and all kind of i in my absence mr john t ftiottwhc resides on tho properly wlllttet in the wasta of cuitomcra warorqoms john st j0un mcqukxjf acta as seasons gharige so qq fashiens cooper siciris phshlonxbla thiuor8 lleg io announce lo tlielrpatmn and the public renerally that i hey lutvo been providing fur the moat tasteful dressers hy purchasing freelv of the tnost 0hodato noodajn the woollen market and will show fur the aprins trade the latest sod heal good produced by th beat mills at price within the reach of oil itt and woukmanshir guaranteed cailrly- no trquhlo iothoy owr good w ara aohj agents to aoton for the oal- bratad baqararp and blanhelm barge which doaa uot fads or ohangs its oolor in two yaniwvar or otonay refunded cooper sl akins mm st aoton agents jtvanted for yjnroprohoaud dutriou good pay to qood mou stccuhx yovh dmtrjcr om tjfgf cquitfo sjcuaoi now freight and ktwpross paid the 1klkiiu nubkbv co growing a coiotlololiue of nursery liloclt includ litg liiaiiyaawvaritstleaofllardyeosesr ornamental shrub and trees all ilock guaranteed free from 5ti joe ckh v h a we hold qovormnoul dortlfl- aate of innpootiori ooverivt our stock yfi j- write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto anonth wanted for tho jjargo foniaiillz jnurseriee hoo acres cun satisfy any energetic man who wants employment 4tnd desires to make advancement we have the largest assortment ol nursery stock in canada ourxioods are i demand position offered is perma nent fay weekly find all supplies free if you have never sold nursery stocli for us try it and sec how easy it is istone st jiazellinctgn toronto patents guaranteed our ic trtarned tf we fau aayoaeacadla akctcb and daacriptkal of any invent loo will j ihoteptly trwi our opinion free ooorcrnibf he palralaullly af same- uow to otriala a patent acnt upon riut rateala akuj thiuusliuaatlvcttued for aalealour expa rauul takrn out thravjh u recrlve iurle mmtiiluwmiicula tuaramrllaoii ui tllualtalod and widely circulated uurtwl vlcnob j svams a co jwrinf 4faracya lutdlac waahinoron wood enkwii 00d entkwlno nn photo encpavinc half tones jljonlis patents writ trtv our mtirdliur ujtnvent- nrw help aorlluv ti ciw twldlad handaaakouanalwioh i teedtiof your invenuun or luitanivsiiu tit mill o will ull you rrea our- iiiikuui i in vhotlunr it m jurwhly tauiuumu wo iiidurkilty j nr ansliwilunm rttlntttl in ulhe lilgheat ronjroorux niftlbtlloll acasuom v masxolf jpatjft boucttojul a x3ctjits rh afaakaatoaj t uiarluaim of taa jjwaata hjdjl tt kuuliluw llwh u aael4 ftotw uvt tlyraurt wlal 1w iwxlalkn aaru wur wmu taaaiu smut1 wtl wo a a jaamariinrioiatfal ul j 1 ailabtia btnlimmc mtlnlncibsa ail traoc mark ocsions cofnritkurrs c quick i eamrtalit wir jui fre wfciit rmmiilmi la talur itntala yifai wl iwwm 1u forlol ertniiaj aiu trwm luurt mnf lor aa laaaum ukti itntat mmi aal iwiik wlrnmaru scientific hn ha miauatt r aar 1 inerajual ara r izliyzsm

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