Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1900, p. 2

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-w- jjtdj atkk aul cj t rra a mmum pirowmfniaai ahorfojla on alestdev wat ur ii i rallotoltlte 11 hemoel kaleon bride aged yeera d cecquie lutw tau laraalaenee delhi in orl 4iitj ulpt oa odt et i xxi ifcat puddmiljr ol beert allure peter luuf sis late of brtmott hl jreer l hi tied mafeking is relieved osmant badsnpowall and hla ba- teaurd town and oarrlson f aftar savan months 6al dreade mea time the story op a dyspeptic who has pound a curb hjtan fttt rhs tiujhbday hay alh 1000 editor i ac notes tbo committee of the fouroallooel i eoo murtso has drcldsd to make a final eppeev u lb a5 power who ara miners of ba oon volition adopted by h um peso confsreooa to favor of lbs raalor hob pf psaoa in booth africa the movement of now hitler to tha wast la urc iuu dood umaru addition j the tpolmuop tm yaw promlalo bo fatjtbly satisfactory iull rey rafflo ot all had in lb watt i present lively yesterday u kraplro isy tha ecbooja of tha province abowad unoaoal patriotism flags war onfarled and union jacks were worpjnjpioeiqa events of the war in booth africa filled a considerable section of tba prorrooi of lb day advlowaof iks manitoba crop are an oonxagine wheel along tha tlna of tba northern fecinc t all aown aod in many place tha plant ia op about foor inches tba growth utalj haa baaavfataxdadby tha dry weather bat tba punt is not affected tb crop ao far la folly two weeks abad ol laai year thjtlnlslpr of hdaoelloo baa red need tba pariod whlob a aohool taaobr mml hava served before being abu to apply for superannuation from 5 to bo years tb opera nn nation allowance for a yaaraf active servloa wu 7 par annom for every yaar for thirty yra it la to par anantn for avery yaar dnrinx tb lea moo tha aodintf april soul tha total trad of canada was is37 032 033 or ap increase of 13 b76 53 ever thij o period last yaar tba total export war hj8 isl earn tba import waretiled 6977i an loeraaaa of 3a551 for tha tan months tba coatooas oouacuona wara 24 236 h2 aimaloatt21 073137 a bauar roantor3j4 030 canadians aidbd in raising the asiae jmufo uay 33 nom of tba rallaf ot tba pluofcy sarrtaon or maiahliig u nalvtd bara lut fdjlod tba rwololnic fbleb foliowad wara avan tuoro voail xtn wioaa abown at ittanfaltit of lad ollh and kimbartay tha idiimi of popla oolafda tha moioo ilocaa aoon raw tojiaoh dimanionalhat llta polloa wara ootnpallad to divarl al traho aat o4boaaa alo throogb tha aid i dm la bimllar aoanva ara pnjtf fr pta of tba amplra lord jtobaru raporu lo tba war omo n a doa patch datad krooiialadt may il m followa uaboo report tba ba fly lut oolocoq aotatad mafaaidg at 4 a to lay 18 hawaa atobbontly oppoaad by 1 000 tntn on jalay 17 oioa rotlaa nm itafaklng bal t4a ijoara arra 4rlm rom ibalr atrantf poaltlona alur ata boora nghuotf ibaoka t aaya to lha raani qolant dallty of tha troopa a dtdh mant of nadian artlllary by a aaria of foroad mardbaa raaohaclhlm tha rooro ln ot tha fighting and randarad war valoabla aaalatanoa tba and of jha war i now rapidly approach bk tha brltlab trwpa are now north of tba vaad ulvar in tha trana vaal twntfaan fraa btata and trana vaal lodbraotlvaa wara aplo red on monday tba way la now pan for oao bollar to adrano into tba traoavaal aa aooo aa tha rail way a ara aatflolantly rapalrad a uurani from darban aaaarta oon fldantly tbai a plot baa baco dlacioaad at pretoria whlob baa as ita objaot to poaa krogar and bla txaoatlro connoll and anrrender tba tranavaal to lord roberta 4 an aarly day a helpful convention thara la an lntlmto cqhnaatlon batwaan x30od hoaltly hatipl- rtoaa and oood olanatton- dr wllllama pink pln orlns about thaaa coridltlona tba lataat raporu from kigoma and northern ontario generally iodloala tba bipanditaraa of large aoma of money in development oparatiooa tba railway oon trnouoo goea on acuvaly lombar opera iionaara atlll retarded to aoma oampe by low water in tha atreeme tba demand for labor and tba oompaxallraly email ntpply u indloaiad by tba atatamanl that lombar companies ara keeping man who arereoalrinff from 140 to too par month end paying their board ull tbay ao nod work or them rather than let them go and take ohanoaa ot replacing them whan wasted jor work later on untdmrch the boar rtalanatinn to waabinston got nooooaoutlon nor offers of help to cego- tiata paaoa propoaals tbara praaldant eaalhn g tlm tli fuuu uffl reply i tha graaldant ar pat h ana hearts ily in tha elnoars daalra of all tha people of tha united states that tba war now asllot- log booth africa may for tba eake of both partiaa angasad oon to a epaedy oloae batbilbg3ooa his roll doty in praaarving aatrtotty neouaj poaitloo batwaan tbem and in mixing lb aral opportunity fos tsnqering his good offloea tn tha in i ot paaoa bs facie that in thefeewig io blm prut in the pouoy of impartial nantrallty to darlata from ibis woo id be contrary to alt oor traditions awl would lead to oovianjnennee whlob neither the president nor tba people of tb united ptatas ooald regard with or esauaslrur sunday school worker enjoy m day toga lha r lhornby tha annuel convention of enoeelog sunday bobool aaaoolalloo bald each year at bloeeom time u invariably a profitable and enjoyable eating which many sonday school workara of the township partial- pate in the convention at hornby leal friday was- in ovary respect a eacoeee tba altendanoe waa urge end representative and lb programme unoaually atrang balpfalid intellaelaa oeorostown tba koood andqaj basday bobool oon van lion of to usaosry of halfeop met in asorgstowo on wednesday may icth tha ooovactioo opened with a oelebration of tba holy commtmloo in bt george oborob u 10 a m at which tba lord bishop of tba diooas preached in bla naoal earnest and able qtaoosr a largs propor tlon of the delegate arrived from the dlffsrsol parlabaa in tlma to the aervloe soma going by train others driving long distances across tba ooantry wplu dv pariahes wars nna to be preantsl ibis tlmaof the yaar the oonvantlan to the tab to her of svsnty ova aflarwavds aeaembwi io tba basement ot tba aba rob w bets an intaltao- tnai programme of a bub order was anjoyed by all praaeov tba oontribotors toab programma wsrsltas mr voaaalloi kglidgloo bbortt ol bt thomas oborob toronto mogann ol hornby alec mie oiler toronto mlas iudgsway gaalpr and allan diamond ea toronto julmoalilbs qniiaimpossi ta apeak in ugh aoongh terms of praiaa of the dlbaraot papers ot addrsssaa glvany above apssjur jut log the day tba diahop vary kindly proetded over the meeting tbeftwles of bt- georgaa oh a rob pro vldsd an ample innoheonaud tea for tba ooaventioa in the town ball which we tboroojibly enjoyed yby all appreciation f the same was lolly amprad la the at 3 o clock in the afurnoon prealdenk browniljpe look the obalr devotional aerviom ware ooojocted by ltv a p qllleaple of man aa wood the etatlatioal report preeeoted by mies marion nobis of nerval waa very inureat log tba echoola of tbs township bad not all reported bat mlas noble a report had taomerons aoooaraglng fee tares and had a paoolarly angxretl value to aohool generally and especially to thoea which dilatory in aaodlng jo reports when reqneslsd ao admlrabls addrees on the part am ployed in aindying tbs locellty of events wjsgtvectby rev w 8 moalpjne b a mr moalpin lltoatralad his addrses by tbenee ot sonday bobool maps ate lie gave bible geography an important place bal always subordinated to the bpiritoal elds of teaching bev t it grocqry of boatoo church ipoke with interest and aatbosiaam on tba vaios of a oarafally eelected library in tba sunday sakool be named a tin mbercf hooka whlob be oonaldcrad aboold bava flrsl place io tbs selection both these eddreseae wsrs tollowad with dlsoosstoniwbtatl added poiouvt intarasl at this point tbs report of tha nominat ing committee was presented as followa rreeldantcapt a vi aanls slack uana f 8 hear lleuioalad treaaorer ulw id wrisslea worth aabgrove btauatlaal becrsurr ulaa kcbu morval mlas wriggteswotth declined the notn foatlon bat tbs other offloers were elected nod miss noble was requested to foborporais tbs da ties of secretary treasurer with bsr office a vary able address on how to head tbs gospels was presented by lu 2 v uofadysn m a of knox college tha professor begins tbs atody with mark beoaoas it staada nsareat to jfeeas hlnualf tba foor gospsls ull lbs siory of tbs ufa of jeeos from foor diffsrant ataodpolota each of which ilnstratss an important elds of ii j a ministry and eaoompliebmeal tbs addrsas tbroagbonl weof a highly latere acting character at tbs clos of the atiernooo eakaun tea was vary kindly provided by the hornby friends upooha lawn at lbs manas and a pueeanb hooaor ao was apeot lb eocla frciu 11 a tutua taaronto wnhanfgood digeatloa there neither good health nor bapj ineas mora flspend npon l thw dlxeative ornate ll an moat peojlj imagloa and even ktifthi fooolional ciltlathnree of tie aloniech laeve lie victim irritable malancholy and apalbatlo in euob eases moat people resort to laxative mediclora but theaa only furtl er agirbve4a tt troufcile whet brnowtodinrrdirto aomo thing that will build up tt eayalam lattesd jiweakaningja es purytatlvs rood lo i nee do korlhiapurpoe i liar e la uo metllojua t juel loi wllllama vjk i ill thay earlob lue blood end atasogtlian add atlouul the dlgealive traot from flrat ioae to last in proof of ihla aaasrtlon lbs oase of mi tborau a suwtr tbs wall koowo and geolsl proprrstor of tue oriental uom ueesrotlto may bo qucud to a repatur of the tribune who mentioned tb fact that be was buffering from dyapepala mr stewart eel why don t yoq txke vr wllllama pink 1 ills 1 aakad why ha gave tbla advios mr stewart oootlnuad simply becaua tbey are the deil madl olnee for that oorapuipt i know of for years i waif a great auffarar trom indigea tloo and during that lime i tried a soon of medlolnee id some oases i got tem porary rtllef bnt not a ours i fairly dreaded meal times and tho food that i h gave ma but little nourishment on thi recommendation of ajfrlsod i began uelng dr wllllama link j ill a little i year ago i soon uxperisnood relief and no rongar dreaded meal time bat aa i was determine that the oars aboold he perm nact if poeslble i ooounned taking the pills in light doeea for aevera months the result every veetske of the trouble left me and i bave aa good iu eppollurnow as any boarder in tbo hosse and my digee live organs work like a charm i may also aay that ot general health was greatly improved as a result of aaing lbs pm do you objact to my publishing tlija in the trthutu t asked tha reportar wall i have no desire for publicity said mr btewarl but if you think it will help anyone who buffer aa i did you may publlab the facte dr williams link 1 die care by golng to the ro ot the dlaaesa they raoe b4m bulid up lb blood aod alreogtlten tba bervea thai driving diamiaa from tl a syetam if your dsalar does not keep ll em tbay will be aaot postpaid at 0 onnls a box or alx boios for sj fco by adlreaaing the dr wllllama msdloine co brock vllt onl wurde of tbs bishop tbs next annual meeting will be held at tbs bsginning of june 1h1 at oejtvliu tba gosans birtbdey oalebratlou today will attract many vlutors tbs patriotic prooeeslon at liw p m will bs tbs event of tbs day tbs prooee sloo wiu include gaily dsooreud doals reprsssoung fogtand ireland bootleud canade indj aualrslla aod uoutb africa tbs visit of waterloo band today will be aa unusual varftlo mnslcal circhwj mr l kinlay was prsssoted but wask by bis bratbsrn of grsdil lodgs a f di a mo witb a bemoliinl gold i est ibf aster s jewel tha jua oompanjf savad kay photo- graph gallery from deelrootloa lakt wednesday by their prompt reepouea u lb alarm the track bad for tbs nsw lln from tbi jubotloawtl aoon bs ready for tbs ralla tor paris to sty tbs world s fair mr w j mokechoir of hovers hie n y bpsift a fwosye la town last k catiren medicine co wins llrait oowl prallit of ll garter madioinacouipanyj ymtsrdmy received a telegram from bla lawyers in chicago mature lowdeo atabrook t datis in tormiog blm tbst a final injucuoin with coil a had been granted agalnat the ohloago label and bex company tbla opmpeny makes a apeojalty of mauufactarlog ubela bores etc for iruflglits tbs garter company baa baan followintf thain through the courts for two years on the complaint that tha label com pat y was making aim nlatlona ot the ubela ot carter a little liver xils they have now obtained a flnsl in j n loo w t ooata and the costs ara vary large as ih submitted to a master in final acoouojing vihs garlsr msdlojgffcompany has ths first aodpovlyono to prosequle printers bo bavo prepared euob wrappers it mark a dspartur ia lofrlngamatit oases and ibalr victory is one of importauo to the whole proprietory trade land aleo of in urea t to rsull draglati n yvl rm may 2 1000 flaye yon thought about iu for four tt ouaan i years or more ih world groaned a a flared en 4 famed nboot lie ooroa for tliore wea no poaltlvo rallaf no oartajojand paiolaaa oureunttl dr soot i inmemvtave t the world hla ureal porn 1 kwastor f r t 10 now it te a radttoi oarrlaatnam fur ilie remedy la at i mi 1 try put am s i luhua go kx tractor ii la aure painlaar and ptomi l iuwaraof aubetiluter n o potaoovko proprutftra kingston j harris co k i imlled i wlaa aumt goa i a mind but a fool la at and eae if it redtollntt i ealth haallh or dieoaae karl s lover itoul is leauline us aoa mi d oaiixiot and aaurea perfect i mhi all irugnlata ifl ceuta and co cei t moury afun lod it reaul6i aiu not aalufaoiory tioll y a t llrou the urkat bll i tha world la in moscow buclkxm run hint yiaiia tjil la u e record or 1 t dvla 1 l kmnft a vorcj- onte fof tflarrh w uvenfrywt i ll bowel oojnplali m avoid dul t lv t fs la ijli one linkhior i rry luu 25o and coa mtn a coruu fit d llly central district- ilvlril u lacrosse at a meeting hsfd in on el h ou saturday the following refsreae were appointed for theoeftlral dlatrlot dr unbar ta ml milnball bramplon j if alallhewa aclon j ii b ilandoraon flooryotown a belp a g steel fr following la the bcheddle drawn tip or dial rial july j eargetown at brampton july in uramplo i at 1 ergua july 30 fergus at gaorgetowi july i7 bramplon at georgetown aug upargu at brampton aug 10 georgetown m frhu spring v and summer weakness aa rl ik a hjnieit a uealmm an i del 11 ily aecma lo iclrc on lie alron nnd dchcals i he circulation la alugsuh on ac 1 sec illle lugglxli e lore co nt of the exhausted nerve forces and the 1 lood is poor in lualiiy and def cicnt in tissue building elements as a rcaull tl verts la a fceoeral r innlri iqwjlof thcayslcnl the atoniacli u illtof urwl and the appetite poor the liver kldi eya an i wmel becomo inactive nnd there la a lack of energy und ambiti n which renders work otiiny u i n hurtle i it is not strong druse or purgaj ives willi their dej csslnjfuciloti tfiat la reulrcd i ul a food lo nouruli like nefvo centres and enrich tl a blood dr wards blood and nerve pills contain the j rl clplns hit 1 he 1 ulldlng up of tl a body tlin uth ll e i tedium 1 lood sti i nerves because 1 boy k ipply llin roporlloa ii xt ate up the hyila i io cxurt n k jlox al i dki rd t bau vculiau a lo tow ita e i lo ion mu timimm i ii u min8n-g- ir nj ttilrtytliree yeats of square boslnass bockwpod tfitel hfblp f stretch your dollars oyr pror imnil for the clohtnfj yc u outhc old cntlry is one that will work fery much a the gnin of the customer of these uildcbtjblibhcd iriills we rclonitt th it you wint to sell your wool clip you will find that wc trc re tdy to jjivc you the bebt m frkct pried witli a guarantee of full weight apd fair inspection of course you will bnn ub puly pure drj wool free from cbrt and burrs thtin you want a return for your clip vc pay half cash if it is wanted or ou cm h ivc the half ox tlit- whole in goods from our sjorc we offer you just the kind of goods- that you wtnt artickj of we ir tint ii as jtafjje a i the sugar in the j tntry suppose we go over the list hunlcctfl i ian no u a 1 ifo i ojmn of our own ki itlrd i n lerwesr nn i i a hot an 1 hlldren i rices isnufaciure vesta oil at cl ni c jll n ailes ai 1 denlii i sliirtlnga uri 1 apr oil ginifhams elllnjf t latscloth hollnnuandl rinta jul thq goods aoue t f you hae been looking for 1 i towellli wl lie quills xhcrc no need to tell old customers that this is a satiafactbry plsce to do business many have known u for over thirty yeirs old arjd new cubtomcra ire always treated just is wc would expect them to treat us hrrris st co litvutod rockwood woollsn tutllcs rockwood bnt c 1 a j fitbi bbrriistmtnii horse yor sale 1 ooi1 tanaral i orse for sain a ply t j i u wcdihtyid umaliousa rvopertjr for sale nt uheu of faruia and v iii age property taraaeon pujrlqtma apply lo wu illcuhtltkfct r iiliri wantkiv 1 la ou tryeulaf r sarrlee iu ton lifllh g od mafias lo luna foi j fro of cl arge apt ir al otlie vi aluuj soctuoantlt west tim cahdofihanks rsbjr aslaeda cordial 1 effort wore successful iu aarb t ma fro u daatruauou by flrs lest tburstur bfjiainj uattiibwh ca4u of shanks u air moat porslal thanks lo themes ktmuta uaq and to tne llapuat obnreb for gnanua donatloos occneijoa for 1o00 lite ilrnjad for ulalr eueeaasful aooru coal onler your coul now from johiliir coal delof lirslclats cvul of nil i delivered ro nxly a ablt riccif stoves hansel glove jlaards kcton rj i fed j c hill inter ooorac aftatdsvouooal sjtsrelaaa by by tbos ajsy vords of welcome were spoksa in a vary cardial address by rev g t tougb pastor ol church lyssldeut brownkldgs tliao- inuodooed bis aioeesoe lit a faw falloltoua remarks oepi nobis assnmad tbs poaitloo of booot aod vaspeosiullty lo a brief addv id whlob tha importance of ths work of be sunday bobool ws ably ampliaalsed 11 thanksd tha aseooialjou for ibalr ooondancs bid in god bespoke their oo operation and pvayere derlest u ctbs address o llsv lie george 0- orkmao of toroulo oo jeiie the teaobar was a masterly and interaatiig oo ihsdr prefaced rmaras bis witb tbs assertion that oo of the most interest i we elgoa of our times is tbs in ureal tskeo in lb study of tbs preoapta of our lord tbla u a subject of klmoel unlveresl 4jukl ojlllat aiasxhw wss ideal in prliu olplebutperatly practical tb address totovat an hour traatad of tba matter of cbtlat s teaching and tit toanoerof christ teaching in bla matter bs taogbt tbs dcotrlues ul lbs fthaibnod of godj ths brotbarbood ot tnau ths immortality of tbs soul an4 tl s prh dples of lf eaorlno ioilova tbeaplrilualllynd uie uulver ality of ills teehniare praamlnenl la his mauuey of leeoblug b arguad bs oateoblaad bs ual aymbula he was em uemallcal matpborloal parabolia and paradoxical maly every phass of leaobioa of which qcs can think were need by jesus ths feast of good things closed by singing tb national anthem and tbs beoadjotlco tbs oonkaaliou nsxt year will bs bald at unloo uhin th anksito all especially td the fire brioade daismklinrroa will yon kindly permit u through tb medium of the fuss vases to most sin oerely thank the people of aoton and also those from lb aurrouudlns country wlo so earuaslly ana ftectivrly elded in axunauubing the lira whlob llirsalaoed ths entire deatruouon or our baw oliuroh hot la a special way do ws reoognla and appreciate the well directed efforts of every member of be lira brigade so energsttoally ao faurlesaly and skilfully oonfluoted to command ll a axpresed atlnil ration of all and without whoa aarvloe all other efforts would bavd been a tailors and iu all oertalaly aat nsw abureh ineuad of belt g ooctaldarably damaged would have been s lota loss in bebairot ths n mbars the bspilal oburob j l wauiun church glrk aetort may jju lww milton j u aagnuh of hhsl ii out hks bought out john t hi mr a itove and lln boalnses mr urain of trinity go uge toronto islled hla altv mtdjt f uaubju uu week ii la to bs ordsii ad a deaoou on j dos 10th atr wblolhs will hsappolnled ourew of holy trluhy ghuroh tuouto ths volm tears are tow hosy drilling three nights a weak iu view 0 fha camp naxi i tot th a uumber of ull ton hiludav bobool worker at 1st led auaaii g godvantloil at huruby on friday tbs atoaa masons hava ooniiitancad work on tbs foundation o th new csrit factory the factory ii supeolod to bs lu operation in meptember nabsaqaweva tb isxttssi oborsh in th world is bt f stars la borne tba blobal railroad lo tba unltrf siasm to 103m feat oourjf mn ltnm tblnnsr ura rfutloa of krio mat with uoyorlnuata aimlilanl tila elii itilii mutnlutt wbso abooi twomussoula plsj fruhtaovd bar bore and it rao away ur uotton aod bar kills bod wsrs thrown cot of tbs boggy sod lb idrcosr ens tain a3 a badly fraetnrad itollar bona 8b was oonvsysd u th gsnsrsl uoeplta by s friend who was rjaaslnit wbsrsbst iujnrjs wsrp attended to mrs ballon had only ml tbs general ifjmptt whars ejjs bad baso nodsr ifwimawatfor aojd tloss ft ov waf go miss i ing of nasaagaweya who i i been liking a oouras el tba xuroulo malhodlat tielpfug and dsscotiaea aid booulyj bradusted last wk whii tba clom menoernet t bjcerlaas of lbs aohool wsrs 1 aid in lb cavltou hi uatboditl church toronto aav jsmae lowlr ftatner raised a flse bsiu for mr john ball on thursday afur noou thr was a lsrgs crowd praeai t tbs sides were captained by uaasra aia crawford ul naaaagawaya and juhn moksnsie of lsiiusalug a oloa race for victory fo lowad and itn mr orawlurdjtiebattnswillo ft tb was dubelywni iloh crew son a corner 4 t bam jnlabed wiu be doe a on as tbvr is lb this ssolioo keryll lnt waul togethar without a hitch after lbs reiilug waa over thsyiunjf people apeot a vary anjuyebla bvanlns agcodahowap of tali would be tnuoh atpraoletedacpraaeut yost la a goal show lug tor fair ore of apples aut other fruit tbla spring tbs man who travels also tails ilea cunt all vou paima with pain-kiuer- memnllons poultry letting lawn fencing are hot surpassed lrj world 1 heir v9en wire i enclnga hate tloo over fitfcen yeas of very successful- testing on 1 arm and icrpway special offers made tl la ytar on hofi i e icing these goods am all luiiufacluwn by i ho picfod ont hardware were anta and general dealers ihroughoulcansda also wam jobbers gxnksai a smts the b greanlng wire co o nil i on and montreal aiumx fou uailwav fumcih j cooper montreal lcorrcspoodence with the manufaelorers invited ontario wire fencing co j or aale i y tie a medlefae cheat i tet iple safe qalek oar far cbabbpsdiahrhoeacouohs colds rheumatism meurjilola so orioloo oent boules sewart or iwatiom buv onlv the obnuink fpeifry davis hm wnnw tiontqubbs ai results this man kt dwa vliat ho ill t biki bowl 0111 i it frtrli rn iiirtkii imtrt nn ihd follow ln urn 1 hi n h tllklint rotit of its merits ct 11 kjimim ttub- si 1 sis u st am ii i i rr fautliy ri nl auy ir tn kjiui r t affwoal i s hi avirj u ull u a traeuw 1 tl ii rw mh i t w ruu b j ilklwullcdmosbutd fall vy what it represents when you kit fur a photograph you wai t lha likeness to rcptcsent yotl i rojerly v licit you sit lo us we want the work to represent us properly is soon on bost photo- our imprint none bat tho graphs an i lor our aofco aa well u your we are sure to glvla you life like katlsfic tory photographs kh oto krist jacctctn au lul u u t- oil mncttdam roads on country rjuiiu oiijood r trad a mid bad roads dun lop detachable tire nra 8ttfcit and euslcut to rldo if you meat with amis hap tl puncturd ten rnllc from haove -th- itrotlto only tooltyou need the h f umu w uuu- wja e in i j caki of thanks 1he andsraliaei dsslres to extend lb heart felt thanks of baraeut aa4 family lo tba mamliera of ivantto camp bans of neousnd for tbelr lindnaaa and sjimpatbjr during bar recant oereavanjanl ami tor their pranps par bant ot to ewm of ic3q ths amccnt of tba insurance poller bald by bsr let husband lu tbla order vhkp la avar notad for us prompt attention and kind treat n ant of inoes 000 aseud wllb it in anyway lam ayt sloearaly matilda oabvik aeton ktay atod lino t1ik strike is on notice bttlhkptieantaperlb rlbo oanta per lb neck cents per lb beef roasts w in 10 csuupmlbbtlueactsparlb eiuek cbopped wlihout extra enarga a fall season a supply cf sugar eared bams bacon and basks ooturtanuy ou need oouk okb oomk axl h your orders witb lha yoong man as- be t is roanda every mcrali leld in call and aatue all eld accounts t it itolbtom n tluleber m0nicipa1jty of acton m court of revision notice la hereby given ths t tbe first meeting cf tbe court of itevisto for tba village of aoton wilt be held lo tb town hall on monday may fbtb 1900 at 0 n m hear all eomplejnta aaalnat the asuaiiusrn boll for u00 persqnsb quested u place datad at anton tbta iatb day of may wo t t afooue uark f cowns from 50o up to 1 oo skirts from qoc up to 1 50 drawers from 20o up to so chrmlnn 70c and ao corset covers from 40 up to 80 wt art making thlb one ofpur specialties and arc sure thi hdics will be pleased witlithc large range we have to show thdm cur6s 5hat tihed sbblino which the business man has while anx lo a re- telcgrapli u89 the long distance telephone it is instantaneous and you dont have to wait for an answer c fh goodeve sv co 3ucill st 2kcton tje mother love the bad eoii lett are uu uarrlrd to the old tlltlebellaf that ooleuuijil u ulucuraust if so you ar weddrl to a mltukaii tiolloi uuuahjioouubat i in aumpllon oursbksavar corns msrtym bmiouji oaas stil it nevar fails when lokali iu ths early blagee oil bottle will rove mors loyou than whole oolumu of srgu blant try it kvry bcllla b laraiitead u ots u otasml 1 00 hold by a t llrown mhtch repairing mw uni the right house hauirton b lavoilltl shoi imcljtack fitie show of shirt waists a very large display of the very newest and best styles most of them marje up specially for us kot j nn youillaeiielscwhofe jocciniurlc wlh c ids slid sen urlc collar larue varioiy of faili 10 tabic sniped and clicclwl de kiiu 73c caiijl rlc kood quslliy largo range of fancy slrljiei in 1 lues puks and heliotrope ll i i is i ercjlo 1 rdoch luck lrtsa nlfjve wry latgc fango of fiucy juilorns in tlva tha led of 11 a in 1 mnptnlt4utid iclu hmiiin ladarnvsr i ull aaaod tent of ll e lighter weights for bj i g si i aumnter in clulltg li lias white collon vests with short bipowi r uo kwvoa tocsitl uc llellor uklitios will fancy trimmed hack ull aiiea up to the very iavx onen al orl slcevei or nn aleevea 30c mi i 35c wc pride our- btlves on tiro manner wc at tend to watches entrusted to us for repair savage co paulr cuelph adif iosf try of black col ton blockings for women llennsdurf dye fast scamtess feet z pair a lor ajc very kpocut values in black cash 1 lore ttockli js kiijnusu unei wolghl either pluln or ukriowa rlbiwu1 35c jialr jsjifonsbjs xatmjf- 1 lili u iik1 loilly u ikes neiso i ai 1 our stock u by far ths isructt slid ikest over li0 wit 1 1 hsmllioi 1 verythdij you aiuld tu sii ly wish f rluhcre fw hints i unch vnla iclcntiee lai tloui lu wl lie crosnt and inser bultor and black dn i nnbrusc variety tboua audi of doxeus of yards new and prelly styles prices cto c er avyar i culpure trimmlnira for eummer ureases in galona floral inaerllona edgings bt u laces white cream butter and uew iwu shade great many novel styles complete tang of narrow medium and wide vrtdthlji la sumutrnf aairtinj i ilgllali oxford shirtings in good tlriped an i check designs roc ltetter tjuslllles all ah inches wide i ailcand 13c heivy causdunlwiu blurting in assorted check and stripe pstlems indigo blue dye iac co 1 1 ohm d f new cottbiisdes la fins u ft weed tnakevarteiy xtt tboclmlealgnf in brown and gray 1 ibc and aoc hxira heavy coltonados in hard twist make chetk patterns too soo sac and 3jc wwnrs our stock is very large inxleed 1 rices rangd from 5c to lyz fwr yard sjtecut line of good uugllah 1rlnu 1 1 a brgo assortment of colors iimi t and iuk 10c ii 11 icnsd range u criilrt s famous 1 1 gllsll wlnts 1 i ail eace llonally larpe assorlmsnt of tloral stripe sjkji and failcy t gurod alylc light an i dark shade jic ueceka 1 ro itj l hllcliill 1 outurit 0 1 all mall orders amounting to 9 00 orders by mall 1 relglit an 1 est ress palj lo any railway station uo r over writ iq aamtle tlidirias c watkirts king st east cor hughaon st hamilton seeed corn afwmmfjn jcutaars snt tuow aanc r i mmmmoth cuban xsxowl clouttm xtrly ymuow wisconsin rahiasf itutf 2nf tboroushbfd whit runt ssjcsevs trqrth i7ejn conn tons jbtrjty xto our seed corn is of extra fine sample and wo have all our corn tested our customer can boo it at oar store growing in boxes call and sec it atsobwedes msjagetand rape seexjs james hewer 8sedsman 45 macdonell st cuelph- iatalitod horse tail koin protector an umaii ror umm iis uu0 id oo1 baob irlp -a- 0 hlldren cry for kfcasjoftla solid qom tin3 uohluldtil 1 00 synnourill 100 llot hum 100 biobe optical cov os ypnfftrt toronto tne nexlbl steel rod k attacbd toh dr- io get lla talt eves tb ilas set red bl attache or pole by a dip witb a e seswu adj uetabia to any novas and ta errenfed ahaft tb roc u thai uaa ufiurs by mail wul receive prompt smentloa 2000 agents wanted james matthews atont6 aoton ont seeds all lilnda o ad carjon and kiiroi bluailone paris croon cue tor si raying copperas chrorldo of llmo crude carbolic aold pto 1 or ilnrlln at brqwn uhenihit an4 aulloor acton earnanorchard kitntssi tei5 slaw ffir i i00ibees200vv5jj rrrt

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