Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1900, p. 3

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rttija rrft ftik f georgetown branch aqsnerat bankingbuapneas transaotttdr corroapondenpe solicited savings department ioter allowed oo um of on li dol- lar attdr upward from day til depoalt- to ttarof withdrawal no foirmthee anil no ly money fimpors business solicited nobwof roontirite rtnefi dlaconnlod and money loaned for legitimate oailnet purpom jarooueotion depaifeinent ihai every facility fur making prompt faiavna handled and money advanced on account of same at low rates of internal head officii hamilton kaubllahod 1873 v capita 1500000 250000 1000000 1363000 jaw a tuhnuuu chief the4jewsat home mostly or a looal crtatrftotar and evrv item lntratlna a word tram chief varvtiyj ohlf hitj woald ilk 11 ajliaua to an4ruad tlll mhfln bom rati i lakra for ario 1 tb or it moat go to tb flr im biihiiiii t iii a- j reserve fund total assets b forsayeth aoent georgetown branoli window shades mounted on the best spring rollers special sires in cream and preen colors with lace fringe or borders nowhere else can you find such a complete stock wall paper clearing out some odd lots of gilt papers at 5c per roll obo hynds aoton nt jroxkar rrakko t jutim jttt jlrrss thtjbsdy may mih woo ottle irocirbriefijets which caught tha byee or ear or fraa prates raoorter thin weak qaaeaa birthday s tiolit your flag tbla morniuj the jlory ol pringllme ia now at it height eartolng court of uevuioo next monday tba railway give lnge ium today rood to raturn to-morrow- tbaeonuooed drjl weetberjja ban trylnjrca vmpjtetlon fieoerally tb j a afolaoblan hfa preached as able patriotic mimon in the method ut gbtirali laat baoday evening tbu belo aoenalon pay there will ba eervtoo in st alben uborcb ihi even- lug al 7 80 oclock tba georjialowa council have accepted the tender of the quaint paving co al 12a far permanent aidewalke dnbtio pionlo with lie garaea and emaatmenu will attract crowd of vlallor today it tba weather anaplcloa tla boat of boouaad bavabaadad mratjarto cbqoror 91000 oovntad tbapouoy mr oarvla baldin ibalr ordar ulinproya iba holiday bj oalling on oar frtaadbamahaw tba artiat and aaoura a fllulag for a doxari or ao of bla popalar photoa l l mr vm d wtlli lata omiatoa baa opabad vary attract a itodfol ftrooartaa aa4 provialooa in tba brick atora oppoaita agoawa hotal basra darbar lin a llua of aod ooati on iba fauiar of afamlly lojrowo wbo 1 baa baao naglaotlog lo tand bli ohlldrao to ahooi utrald urpvoioioab ofuanillloo u lo iowa aogagad a iba work of proapactiog 1 with a viaw to organising a con noil of tba hayiftaniplara of tamparaiioa hara yod ara lavltad to spaod qbaaov blrtbday areoiog with iba kpwortb liagdartbaywlll ba at floaata yoo in tba aobool room of tba uatbodial r dharob tba aoanaa of lha war in boatb africa g in tba town ball laat friday aaingwaiverylalaraatjog xaaalpli uoot bv haa- hnoamaroo gaa tbam a vlvtdoait wbloh all appraolaiad i bpaaklp of tba eaiarald gaooart lo qs5ewo tba herald aayc i liaaafa r j ctttrnay ande j fdoora wbo war fumd iqtoo ara pa pi la of hit urabam aba ta volataof anoallant qaality bav- co olarrldga of london wbo baa baao aaoorad aa paator of oh archill igrrgatlon a i 3 b o rob taa iba taauw oo0qpld tba pulpit ltvt banday hi 0nt aarmob crattad a vary farorabla imprwton tba waggon from vlorai vaw graan- booaai qaorgatowa will vlalt lotoa twlo awaak olra yoor ordara to tba drlvaf jd hava yoor pfauta dalrad at your i door- xjomjrta aotoo or on tba road aaal of to0 on saturday aftaraooo a pookat book u otwulaidg alghlaan dollar t itiodar wilt ba lajiably rawardad by laavlng at iba tfux um offloa g- qfontatown raaaa may ailhaa naual kaarly laoo in poraaa t tba oalabralad x- waterloo sand day and aiaoipg it will baaaraday for ljaraof good raoa altd jilgh band muilc aqu luxton xboaa who oootaoiplata paajobaalng or work of any duoriplbw for tbaitoaonatary plot abopld ordar diraot uiv w rallabu iraoita aad marbla vvdaawxtj- hamilton oaalpb oat all riyjlpiaa alio wad to parobaaara all work warranlad oompalilloo analpa ay oooaaloo onaof iba lioaa rfu waa lakao to laat thoradaya dro by eltiaana and tba boaa dnraclad from iba ora to iba angidi tliiti waa wrong and bad to ba raaraad wfba boar totildaaadbjrtba fla tatu v copdrutatloii crtoem tba aonoal confirmation aarwoa lo fit albaiia chorob lal tbonday araolng waa wall altaodbd ilia iocdabip dtahop du moulin addraaaad lha oooflrmalloo bltym wilb attaoilonataoonnaal and balptbl advioa n a vary tntaraating mddfea flva ovuddai raoaived ibia importaal rite tba iuotor rav j k ooddao m a aaaiafad irtbo aarvlna and tba ntloir randaiad apaolal and appropriala tnnaki llmltou teaebara ammoetmtioa tbbltalunuaobata will oijomoa la oakvtllaon tbnraday and fclday jnji 7tb and htb flaailooa will ba bald in tba mathodiat aobool room qn tba tbaraday aranlna iba traobara andhbalayfriaod will anjoy a moonlllit axcundon to toronto tba pvpta of akilla will gladly opan tbtlr bomoa to antartaln lha taaohara thyaxi rlfihl walooma oatiho alwaja pratty wilt bo at tba nljbat id janr star i jaolacr frmail vpoti farliara varmara ara warnad agalnaj aooatlrd took baycra wbo aa going throagb tba oountry promlinjl to feay big yrloaa for higbgrada cattla bat mnaga to aajoora fladollara frooi tba ownara of lb oatila to pay iba coat of having lha padlgraa uanafarrad in tba ontario stock book and ara taan do mora i la a family raaomblauoa lo many otbar fraada par- pauatad upon arm ara by man wbo ream to ba booaat and waaltby u cmamdrnm romiet atmor jtaart wa ara in raoatpt of a oopy of- tha grimaby trk prograrama forlba oomtng aaaaoo it la moat artiatifl in arraogamant and lllnitration and tba atlraotloos to ba prcaantad cannot fall to folly maat tba moat aaokalna axpaatatlona tba widaat rangaof aubjacta will b daalt wltb and avidantly no axpanaa baa baao aparad to aacnra tba vary baal polplt platform and mualoal attraotlooa a poatoard addraaaad toji b aodrawa box 538 toronto p o will aacairr a oopy ondnt moor itt a rarimnrear jajjptjirb thaw pratty now oaptlat uhuroh narrowly eaoopaa total doatrubtlon abool balldaai uira jaal tbaraday atlamoon mr qlorga uyada waawlimliog along hill straatwhao howard oramdrova np oppoaita william litary and aald it ipoka aa if i bora waa aflro in tha ataola frncipal trttmoore baaraoatvad a bciaf uttar from blaaon qaooar w j uoora who war wban ua wrota iuat raoovaring from tba effacla of a klok f rord a mala by wbloh jita laft arm waa brokaa kccldant ooonrrod at van vykrlia at uma of writing april ith ha waa atartlng to rajoln d battary of tha canadian arullary hu gaoaral heallh la xoallaot and ba will al iba aral opportun ity writa a akatcb of recant u for tba faaa paaaa nattaf sermon to tba s o 3 tba bona of boot land of 4 van bo camp aoton avundad divina aarvloa in knox choreb laat ban day bvanlng tba camp waa oat in foroa and lhara waa a larga oongragatlon bar- h a alaopbaraoa praaahad an impraaalva aarmoti from mloh 6 b hj bath ahoarad thaa o man what la good andwhat doth tha tiotd raqaira of loaayboflo do iaatly and tojoca maroy and to walk bamhly with thy god from thlataxt many valnabla laaaona waradrawa tba banavolant and balpfnl work of tba aooiaty ware rtffrrad toand lha mambara wara axbortad to llva tba ufa oollioad in tha word of tba lax tha aarmoo waa moob appraolatad by tha brat bar a of iba olana mev w jt xmuamwlm b u li erba omamaa mirror of laat waak makaa tha fouowingrafaraooajio ba w m kannawln aon of uobt kannawln of bbalbnroa formarlyof aoton wa ara plaaaad to aaa that bav w m kannawln b a baa won aa a raaalt of bla lata axamlnation at qoaana unlraraity king- atoo tha dajrra of baohalor of divinity tbia involvcaa vaal amonat of atody with axaaptionally good natural ability for aavaatyflva par oanl of tba total marka moat ba oblalnad id ordar to win tha dagraa wa tbarafora ooogratolata tha rav gantumaa oo bla aoapaaa il la gratl tying to bla ooogragalioa to hava a paator who is a clavar apaakar with antih acholarly attaiamanta ha u aa nnaaaamlng yoourf man wbo will no doubt baar with graoa hla aaw utla of b a b d tha faxa paxaa haa plaaaora in axundlqg 1u ooa- gratojailona jl caafaaajfaaitoj mrav nloholaat focbaa ar and bar aon mr baht j forbaa want to hornby laat friday to altaod tha f onaral of 1n forbaa mothar sophia uollmaa widow of tbalau gaorga uomprray of hornby tbaoldudy waj lo baf taar having baao herb on iba dtb joly ihoo up to bar laat boon aha waa joaaaaaad of all bar faaaluaa know thalriaoda at har badaida and bad a tbam au affacuonala farawall bba paaaailaway at tha homa of bar danghtar ura joo8aaadara hornby mr kfoaf array waa a canadian and waa burn in toronto lownahip oaotary aaa har hnaband dlad twanlyalxyaara ago sba waa a mambar of tba jriabjr tartan obnrob hornby and bar kwmalna wara laid to raa twtba o thaa-obarob- blx tjhildranll of whom ara wall up in vaara aurvlva har l ura k forbaa aoton mr uanry momurriy toronto townablp mra j no- banndan mr hao mo- murrat hornby mra nawalj niagara falu and mra hoblnaon trafalgar tha xaftf tbouimm qkydet tba ramaina of tba lata tbomaa i ujdar arrlvad from plalndrld n it by tharaoay aftaroooaa train bympalhlx- ingfrlandv no aalgh bora wara hatwtyaaaat tha baraavad toolbar and brotha who want to lha daalh bad of tbalrlowl on tbatamalna wara intaradtn tba family plot at churchill friday aiiarnoou 11a h a mopharaoo paatoi of lha family pifoxmlngthatnoaral rltaaj muydar waa born in aolopr 1178 a youutf man of 17 ba lafl boon and took a altuiauoa in lha dapartmaotal atora of u blmpaoa d oo ayaaranda half latar ha anjfad wltb wightmao co bpadina ava wbara ha apantlhraa aod a half yaarai ho than want to naw york andwc for aomal tlma in tha larga wbolaaala hoaaa of obaa b boo thraa yaaxa ago thi aamtnar ha want to plalnflald hjmui at lha uflaa of bla daalh waa at tba haad of tha ganta furnlahlng dapanmantof naaof iba baal atoraa in tba ally jua bad many triaoda la vljlianald and during bla laal illoaaa thay talolttarad to hu ooinfort and atoarad for blmvua moat- abilful pbauiaoa and noraaa hla proapaata for lha fatnra wara axoallaot and tbara la ganatal ragrat at hla arly damlaa togurv acold in oni day taka lualtva mraaaa qalabia tabfauf all i mraaao qaiala tabwtav a a umamrltufa4a tow raaiawtwa m ooaaaaba pvjttrmaff tti t roar of v tbomaa kaatona boqaoa adjoining tba naw baptlat cunxob flamaa wara aaan buratlng oat anahmr uyuda harrlad to llio town ball and rang crowd waa oo lha fcona tba lira had full conlol of tba baru and rapidly azlandad to tb dwalllng la front and lha now bapliat church and tha abad in lha raar and bad it not b foroor aplaudid flra cqulpmont and brigade aoton would hava aaau ooa of tba moat dlaaatroua woflr4tioli of liar hlalnry tba itoaa raala and book and laddar track wara on tba- aoauo with wondarfut promptnaaa and tba ataam flra en i no w atailonad at tlifjjrtderlpti hlrcat tauk and had a good aixaata playlng uon lha flamaa withlnulna mintila4 frorhthpauudding of lha alarm- it rjulrad avduoua and akllf al affort howevar to gain a rogatory orar lha davourlog alamant tba roof and- towor of tba ohbroh waaa aiaaa ol jlaojoa whlla lha raar of tbo dwolllnga alao waia within tbo graap of tbo wo kary do parlmaat of ibo brlgada parformad ibalr apaolal duliaa wall and within half an boar tha 0amaa wara andar couuoi tba kitolian of ona of mr kaaaooa hoaaoa waa dealroyad i the roof of tbobaka ovao waa bornfd off and tba main bnlldinga adjoin- 3ng wara alao badly damaged tba barn where iba fire originated waa oomplalaly annlblutad knd tba abed at tba baptlat oborcb waa badly bornadvj tba baptlat gbnrcuauffarad aevarviy aoa l looked for a tlma aa if it would ba impoaalbla to aava it the lira bad a alrong hold upon tba aaat aide of tha toof and tower aod it took peraiateoi vfforta lo aubdna it tba roof and tow or of thaoharobware badly damaged the leaded windowa malted away and- tba door and window framea wore partially borned fortonata- ty tha damage lo the interior of the build ing waa allghtr thd carpet waa aomawhat damaged with water and a tew email bolea horned in i fay aparkaxtbobullding waa covered by loanranoe in tha eoonomloal and lha loaa we adjnatad on monday at i3i0 feeling of gratl lode pervade lha membara of the oookregatlon becanae ibclr naw oharofa adiflae waa eavod and ollixaaa generally have axpreeeed tbelr oongratnla- 0mtng akdlolng n vleltora to and from aptonana varloiiaothrparaonalnolaa thoraxa raaaa dviim all lu readarateeon- tribnie to tut oolnoia ir you it roar irletaita are folog eway on a holiday trip or li yoo ttava fri and vial uog you drop a aard to tba fail r eatrsira auoor tot i bat the tibl had no inaaranoa on thi dwell inge wara oovarad mr edward maitbawa who bad tha barn laeaed loat a buffalo tobe baruea fork ajid feed v aided at abool 81500 he la very thankfol that hla hooae oq tha next lot aaampadaa it eeemed ukaly lo go with the reel alone time ij the fire orlgioatedfrom iba roan ore ple baalde tha barn where hot aabe had inad vertently been thrown acme tlma prevlooa- ly a oomroerolal traveller wbo waa lu town at the lime aod wbo waa for aeveralyaara a member o toronto kjro company givafl oar fir brigade their wolpement and organtxatlon unelinted pralee for the manner lo which ibey handled the tire ua aaya oo oily flroiaa ooold hava doue more effect or ekjufot work- a local association formed to aid inth provontlon ainvl cure of conetimptlon auvd othar farms of tuberoulokle a mealing of citixena waa held in the council- cham bar onmoaday evening to oooaider lha organ t tat ion of a local reeoei- atlan to ooqpeiata wlththohauooal banitatium aaaoclalion toronto and aid lu the maintenance of a free hoapltal for oooaompllree la muakoke mr wataoo of toronto addreaaad the naeeiing explain eg the objeota of tha ban- tar lam aaaoclalion lha a plead id work aooampliabed daring the peal two yeara la oaring and relieving ooaaamptlvee the raathodajrdopted and tha urgent need for a free hoepltej for the treatment of the poor hi addraaa waa very in ureal log and fxaoefaod ehowed oouelualvely oppor- taaillea for pbllantbroplo work moat valu able in relieving tboee afuioted with cou- anmptioa the onreabllity of cocao mp- tlon the ooutagioo oharaoter of the dlaaaaa etc ware clearly pointed out and ranch lralailfitafoxmallaa wee glvad tba work aolmpreeaad lleau upon tboee praaant thai lha following teeolutlon wara onanlmooaly oartlad moved bylt f moora aecondeothy john cameron that we the reeidant preeeok of lb vlilaga of aoton having learned of lb advantagae tbonglit to be derivable from a local aaaocuuoa lortha prevention and cur ofoooanmptlott and being ooovlooed that great good in a variety of form may reautt therefrom now bare- b lo entnele- kw letaltea-to- ftiitfilthj known aa tba aoloo akeoalatlon for tha prevention aod cure of conaumpilon and otbr formaoftuberouloeia by aeafatlog in the maintenance pflh free uoapital for oonanmptivaa in u us wok a moved by j i coleman aeeondad by john warren ar that tble aaaooiatlon hereby adopia tbe object term of mam- barahlp roathoda and rule taoom taended for local aaaoclalion tba laat named however eubjeot to ameodment as ulroom- lance mey rulra7hy a lwolhlrdavole of the aaaooiatiod after doe uotlo bev 3 k ooddenrm au preelded abd lien u a maopharaou aotedas aacrelary p iiteetlng wllloa bald u tba bear fulora to aleot permanent ofocera i- the jscilpaa of tba flam gee yoar imokad giaaa tt lt obeerve the auuvaoupaa baxtuouday morntug in tbla aeotioa tba acllpea beglna abool 6 oejook a ni and al quill khorlly after 16 onlockrtbogteaiaaiooerniratwibeiog about 0 oclock about fodrildha oi the eooa fao wilt he obeourad in tbla part of north america i the faaa luxaa la read fay neatly every temliywthoaj wirl radlu nt aoloti though tnaoyj reader are iiot eubwlbar tivery oonpelk prweaqtation taataeellng alhlatlo match 1 reported beeidae dee lb maulagaa bktba and oburob aervloaa ivary ohauga you make in- your buainaa la tootad and when yoo ltuproauuir premiaea toany extent you read about it la the fax paxaa lodge touting are annonnoad and election of ofnoara are given cooncil and school board rnaetltig ara reported if jou do uomeel ilka pul ing an advartlemant in tb paper you can nrrly afford to aubeorlbe for ii and enjoy lha looal naw u ooulalna yoa ara helped in many waya and gat much beaantfrom tb paper a dollar la a email eubecrlp- tion and baeide ourregelar aubaorlbara all eay it la worth it every nalgbboilng utaga and banal 1 repree and every bappaaiog of any aeooanl i outed oar advertlalog cola mo loroieb etbraoilva nolntera raapaotlugtbabargalaa pjtarad by 7 heave jeareon ia i pan ding tbe week in toronto l mr w k hmithof kramoaa apaal a day or ao in town i hla week mf ii- ii worda hta baiu a tbe pat two weeka with frirnu at colliogwood mr kuo a walr of cbidego llf i tbe guaat of bareuub mra o 1- hmltb at kalrvlaw 11 we mr tj p gaodovo baa boon vltiliog her eon jtew f w- goodeve llnruina mill iho peal tv4weaka mrv john cbiaoolm haa lf uanlt btr uarleaiidriaa taken a eiloatlbn at bag- oaw mlab- mr chlabolmand- daagbter will leave aclbo jor haglnaw next week kev j a molaoljlarj ma and conooluor wallace attended tbe auoual eaaalon of ooalph dletrtctof i he- method at church at klora on taeeday and wednea- dy- mr william uydtt of barnia mra pollard of patrolea and mra mprrleon of toronto were in town taai weak attending the fnnaralor thrlr brother the lata thome ryder jr mr cbarlea oamaroo r of winnipeg arrived in town oo tueeday and la ranaw- ina acqaaintanoee in town it a about eighteen year alnoa mr cameron left aoton for tbe weet ilia dnooan mcdonald and meatera john and j3 labia leave i monday morning for their new home a bracebrldge to join mr mcdonald then the removalof anob worthy oltlxen le n ocb regretted aoton loeeaooeof lie at clllaena tbla week n the removal to london of mr n p molam who went to london on monday to taka a altoatlon in the g t b ear ahope there mr molam ha reaidad lb aoton alnoo childhood and for nearly twenty yeara haa been employed fey hla brother mrjamea molam in hi black- ami thing buainae bere ho la a paat leader of aoton home circle and wax highly aeleemed a a reeldant of lha town ha will remove hla family lo london la a month or ao duskes a thief many caits of poor health come from want oftvatth- fulness but if you- keep youvblooj v thiefran absolute security genuine carters little liver pius muat boar signature of 5 tws51mlm wror detaw rxt bufiacbt roi dizziitai rot liuomkta foitoinduyul nt cohttiratioi tuauuuayull njetbccfjatpujum cure oick headache local bribflhts barber j p wordan reoelved an ugly gaeli on hi heed at the fir laat tbaraday a pall thrown from iba roof of the bapliat cbaroh truck biro at the ij carter ly feoeplloo larvlce in iba mathodiat oborch laat hunday morn ing tha right head of fellowahlp we extended to algtilvjiavr tnemoer 4 capi langton waa la town bb monday eyenlnggettiflg company no 0 into ahapo for drilling for oamp in jnne tba com pany will drill thraa bight each week chlff harvey reoelved ye tarda y morn ing a obaqaefor 1 1000 from the baptlat church in acknowledgement of tba a plan did rvioaa rendered in aavlng the oh arch lakiutbnreday actda wa represented at tha sunday bchool convention at hornby- laat friday by rev w b moalpiua b a mi urp moore ml a 01 ra lumahaw mr j m ch eaj ma u v me e- a meetlutf of the lord day alliano will b bald in knox chorafa on friday evening rev x q shearer field eao- reury will dalvrvn addreea on oaf imperiled sabbath and how it my be eaved there will be a collection in aid of the cane tbe wlkr vmrnlty unruttd oat the family of william walkar who lived in a log oawia in tba gorr near the lawn q betwa brqajeejng and naaeagw weya were awakened from ibelr al umber at two oclock laat friday morning by tha drejpaad which al that tlma almoet entire ly euvdoped tba place tbey called home tbey barely eeoaped with their uvea olathldg and everything tbey had we gone tbey bav alao domiciled lu a building near tbe ajanghley hftieee and kindhearted clllaen hava auppllad the pareut aud tbelr hloctaofpblldrerf wllhclothjog and food inoeodlaruui u uapeotedl noluurmnor t te i 65ooo holla mokoo for wall paper- 0000 itolu mo km for woh paper 65000 ltullu bftokeo iov wall papor- djfooo boll mokod for wall paper- ojioiw bolu mokeo tof wall pupor bjcxw roll t t makae for vail puper ijoou tfolhi moxeo for wall pnpr 65o boll mokeo tor wall paper xikify steal ydur health tin 0110 cfofllivo nattirnl blood puri fler 1 hood hnnwparilla jl wtrej dixiiititt uw uinuit nmwl liy lnnwirti tluikl htm wns nliiioil in ii- mlr whorl nlm tnnustlo iiimxla bomnwrtlla mix ihulwoi tbla mwllcnwi iiintilctrly rurnl imt j of lt vxixmak fiull tllll v scrofula iimmvb krrinirllaaa cnrrtl inn ttt aonjuu lmn wrnk nnil d- bllttalrtl init it ninov m atroiigand wru after a earcirc irtilj liad cntarrtial tcvrf a nnlu rrnortoj in tlila mrdlclrwiandlt rtircnl tur kaiam k irtir annapolli n h ii nrllllumhnv4rtliltiai i homcutiuy1 imperial oxford range wo want every woman lo uf our ok- fonl baking powder in ooapound tin a 5c ml i t tn make it iniarcstbig wo will give an imperial oxford tango free toonacustomer out of every 300 1 the aeled envelope containing the number that take the rxnga la in the bands of j m duff baq manager or the ttmarltarr rlakof wtll bw oficncd by him wtien tbe joo lb are aold she sample op itanglf and hakingjowdiiu jnthli window of tba noted tea sfqfie and china pauce toronto coljcc spice qcl l wllluarantoa the liking ikrdcr and give nny informal loriiaulro3 j a mccaea oottliph upaystobuyalbouerisr itpayrtobnyatibollerto the logic all loglctkce a back aaat i j iba logic of prldn mhoppcrv swoni nmui to a atora jua i teule thoilgn iup enw logic of price a n profit 1 faaicnod lo our great alock of wash cjhu mnrcerirnl sateens atl6y gingham vely iwm organdici iicucn wblo and colored ijrllla in colora ami blue black and khaki muslin and camhrita galore thib prices are 3tery ltavsr new system store ifiltul h dwells dliyililij to call ihoattentlon of iho people of acton and the brrnlagcommunlty lo the fact thai jio haa u mined a ceneral grocery and lrovlalon buxlneaa in the brick at ore oppovlto agoewe hotel main street acton which he propoeee con- ducling nna ney ayatem caicplxtcd tu aerve biacuxtomen aalifactorllyand with price which are aura to altroct an endless line of canned cbods fancy arid staple groceries i as well aa hlphgrade and reanonable priced table delicacies will always be found in 8tock any quantity ol hg taken in exchange for groceries kktra value in tea coffee and baking powder with whlchi ant giving coupon to be eichanged for valualilo and useful article a call reapectfiilly invlled j ifiz7wt nr atzetuls 4 4rermf t4t i swell snappy and handsome spring styles in cravatcreations that will ktlract thd allenllon of the ktylmi jlmtolet ua ura receiving ihjht vloag now u well a ajl kliul of furnlahlng foe men wttar si ulcea hull will please you a well aa your pocket bool sii5 ouk new srmtlnc hats swell stylus in straw hats latiist in colqkld si1ihts r e nelson cuelph merchant torfor bnd wloxalai jfurnlehor jste3st method for keeping out dirt some months ago wo advcrtisdthatwe had invented a method for keeping out the dir vhichgctsirito stem winding watchcsarbtndthostcmt c3rwitlryoifrwatch show you where the dust gets in and there is no successful method to prevent it all case makers seem to he equally careless and until now thatrour new method has been tried and fully proved a success no case couldlc called dust proof we arc using this new invention on all our new watches and will put it in all watches bought from us with out charge no matter how long ago the first time they are left to be cleaned although some of the older makes of ca d not admit of the improvement pringle th9 jbkislgr cucph we have as usual the best stock of boots shoes in town we have no room for clii lrali and no dbalra o deal in it we guarantee thai every pair of boots and shoe in our atora- lu got lha mooeya value 111 it and la worth every cent of the price we aak wo sell the kind of shoe that improve on cloae initpec- tlon and aland by you like a brother we nuke hie price a low a can he made for an honest article jmore money i lot liitta wrarof chfeip gwdluailunvtxfcayedlnlbflbliyllb the uahly otgooda irwpreacnrilio money value huy a poor aitic la cheap andyoateaer your dollar the loat dollar are the one you pay for good that are made cheap to eel i heap tta not laid any rk bat make your twrcbaw at kkrtnliy bros where you- jred of getting honest gtjodat fair prion a t a combination lhal iga good a gou- lounl at last whites of eggs and glycerine the finest shoe presslnar for ladles fine shoos to bli had at ouk stollk boot ihado to orter and bepalhog jwompily attended to by experienced workmen we are alway wllllog to abow good and give price thajikng yaujor yourllbaral patrooigfl lot ovai15 ypara aadohcltltig coninunea fttihlng yoi kenny bros main street acton henderson 7 co goods wo plae id stock today a iresh spipincnt of lmoibs jnzhiro knd colorbd blousos tlieniost natty and uptodatp stuff obtainable taffeta and silk in black white and cream all qualities satin back velvet ribbons there are lovely sal con a from 50 loijc iancy ginghams from 30c lo inc organdie muilina from 50c ttt tc iialrvslrirxi lawna from 30c to 10c- colorod swlia muslins from j3c lu v5c- whllo iiiiea from jjc to 15c cnlnrnl liue5 aod ijrill from ijc to ikc white spotted muallni from joe ta he wlrito iawn from jijc io 10c whjie llrochc riue from tstvio j3c ona caa imnlikt 7c per yd worth iic and iilc vo dont know littw we could better our mock wo dont know how anybody- cfiuld tell mich gohi for bits wo tnlabtjhu t o u 0 would 1m tfiloufniofe than wo can allurcl us r bolert fe co 25 mid 27 wyrulhatisty guelph m s2as5y ttt gurney st gos bblits unliucklks new novelties in ladjcs- pulley and collar belts and buckles swiss musiins new range of swiss muslins in large and fine spot ditess goods new line in black and fancy dress goods -reajlthkasnn-euatains- large stock of wool carpets and lace curtains at lowest prices table linen and towlings extra value in table linen arid towellings geiirney co mill st acton wanted a travelling ceneral acent s an experienced canvasser or a man with good character and address with the necessary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents no canvassing salary and expenses paid position permanent and promotion accord- ingtcrrrrcrit the bradleycarretson co limited mention thi paper brantford ont 8000 stock jfurniture carpets sacrificed in the next 2 months have jilil fiuuhetl slock- iaklag and find tlock entirely loo heavy a nil daaae of furniture have advanced front ao to 50 per cciil in value alnce july last any one looking for fienulno uarxina and wanting cltlujr furoitiire or carpets sc should s1u uli uhlohh 11i1yin0 80 upper wyndham street giielph gool lold on easy term of pdyntent j m strttthers a york- shi eli nff is anuiuisudllylow price to pay lor a hoorjcovering of any kind but 4hisweek were oflering several pretty pat terns of ciunese and japanese elo0rmatllngs all trie best widths now in stock veilings parasols laces etc r skirts in plaids plain und fancy blacks also in white piquo and linen hbndbrson co kctomv in qualities worth up to 2bc or that oyerpopular price 1212 ojek ts a yirjttx our jiomcfurnishing department is doing great business the reason for tins is you j beadily see value for your money in everything we offer demacdonald bro th6 idol queph kfahkki

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