Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1900, p. 1

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ujr ix jttjwt tt volume xxv no 4h acton ontario thlbttflfday funic 7 1000 pkice thiiee cents 1jljscion fmprtss i rtfnjai bvery thuubdfcy moltninu iff tb vre pratahtn frlstlng ottiee utlii tttubbt aotom ont jtsjuraortio bwrtpue 0toylg la pud i del it one dollar per year i eubaarli tluna dlaeon r wlqob lliey beve been te u wuiu iol3 00 u bdidhe taiuahm btnobm udob m t j 1000 00 ol txoi i o oo jio aaeertueroenu without epealflo direction wtllbe inserted till forbid end aherged seeord lofiy transient dvaitteenoeobi most be paid u advance adrnrtlifnotiu will bo fehangm ooae eeeh tooth if desired var ehaogao of i oner then one a month uw oom position jnoatbe paid for etregulai rata cbangawforooeuaotsaveruaamenu tans oo tbe offlo by noon on tnmlsjs accounts peyobu montblr newrlooq stron velllmcd patent brake jubbcr tires s725 at days bookstore cuolph day mks cheap wis traders bank of canada ft ckynr p guelph branch nsitnoas to fotibrnu savings onkdoportmo iiionbbt ouiuihnt uatb ov intmjik8t mil on lumi depoajted 61 41 end nrnvaroa in urea i allowed trom dele p deposit to data of withdrawal end paid or cotnpoanded half yserlv- iuiius4 g j ohn m macdonald m d c m suixxaace to j f urbn m jj 0 m oaeaeod residence- ooruar if ill a wrederiek reels aeton oqn hour u mjo am i to p m ind jd r drydun btb l1mtiuuut uclmdi juock dooilaa hl no rruahiouu- lb ni tolpta and n lo fl pan suwzutb 10 turn ulpa jcochlanj d d s l 1 s dbktist omai uvea uaowx dave drone bocuxtui ni aaoat p to ft t m bell d j b l d b v dxvrarr ileooawxa homo aanot ox soeoarfo uvaarr work made batuieetorr prices uodarau tiutdo dtblloaday afumoon cajnp- lltutaittmadar acloa offlo oiiuha voui trtday uookwood meiiohants bank of canada capiht 5boooooo 2600000 a glnlkal hanking uuslnliss tuabacteij inlereat t in owl favnrame cucronl raiea ajlowl on hank axcounia and iicioai uocelpia jjillora of crotlu lamed avalubla in all jnila of tlta uoru siiecul oltenllo rlvrn lo rnner ilncliiesa moniy oklilkb yth amy bum til to i50 44 iftyabla at any banking point in canada oulalda of llio yukon territory may now bo procured a tbo i tank counter without any detail it itawaa a il ii a h taiikiii imalooaa truiaatd mmnmger pndru tjixrx is it lack is tub jius or tub btiy all artlat o d lila a atood a m- m o 0 k should youlhink of of a hammock as a source of pomfort and pleasure for the sum- riigr months sec our 1st iglrta r raybt 1 1 anv mocks before buying reversible hade ham mocks for places where shade is scarce netted and unncttid ham mock hammocks from 75c to 17 00 call or w either will receive our best attention and aaaiebad wlui a panoll tfat t1m blsl pf t nlaadow uia graan wood and ilia purpla and gny lb aa a obltd looked ar ft lllua ajr back and nuaatlo tba ajtlat wsy ypu tula wfilt rotif oom toaa klaok whanyoa pain i lb ulna ol tb abr t only uaoatia i a it oiyitfjij itualqtinctutkrllu ai 1 tia aoty aajd to lilmaaxt bdtmlll it a on of aarui mrtrlaa voma iiijhi un parfaof wblu knr tt rad roan ubmlsad djra tl ata la ugbl in abadowa and abadow la in llalit and black in tha woa or tba aky ttlara ji ajtna ovarnalat avarrvltar to aootha and trafraali 001 tight var mortal wjf yarf not piada to baar tlta daaala otaliadalaaa ijahl oirr oomouuion and our oomplaint awallna both amila and algb thara ara baman fulla in uia bollaat aalnt j jruarvta black in tba blua ol iba aky wliat lhao t ara tba aalaa tndaad not bill lulaawblta uortba roaaa rad r hi all doubt wbatbar aw tba etjtul daw llropa peaalaon th paui a trvadf vfmmysw wliara uiarau no unr in tba ou baa jrowu oida t bo xla4mad antblnkldgly ab j ba put away boylati tblnrri inos j la i aw yon ulaa uiara tba hldda manlnn of thft worda ranit tbrooitb bla ton and acton branch j ii waziack mmn4or jtoiieah a mclhan itrruura8qlloltar motarlaa oonvyanoaa offlm uolmxm town hall anton jo a moxutf a 3 luokinnon lunuiru soucrro oojtti onio ktill bttvatl in uattbawi bajutwrab bouoiroa amd cowuia jfliftt q9ttowi t j uohabb hark fourth dlvuuoa court oounty of ual oonvayanoatakanlviraandljfaabauranoa i batata aanl hoi mjscxljamso os d r a husband v b uradnata oburla vauilnary oollua hoaiuajryacannrj mwlloaj booiaty qgoau moblaairuxuand vfad uioj liitl eton r nsurancij agunt w q dknmv oootadaiauonl and motumth thtw ds9 voong bt aolon fi boltoltor of raauta tot iqvanuon ata ptwpftdaa applleauaoa for tha canadian ami lon add mturopaan patant ofllaaa and or tba uaylauktlon oi trad uarba futwl lor pam pbltftf jfbirtt two tara asparfanoa cis wuna uookbindbuv an ganjpfe oaiarto qvar wltlutna btor aaoonnf yj04kjfu klnda mad to ordwr ho4lolof ryd6atlpmoiojriiluybot ttlilraal 1 pronapllvdona titiran m ajtluaok uqenbkb af o if z40otaa prlta offloa no wl tnaaaaa aaquirad iaaud in tlta aymtlnc rraa ft om iotoh arai3c sc fxbajwxjutaaf itiusfuu atfdttqkfub roa tba oocmum o wulnton and hejton onlsntlaftatknaraani lma offloa aeton or inirrldnala aaton will b pfoinpuy at- ddf 10 tumi itaonmila u to loan on- tba tnnat airoimbla mniuna at tba lowaal rata at lutaraat in aajsa of aaooand pward aansoiubud btouif aii itai muajooo thb wbtllnoton mutuxt p1rs insuranoh company salabuabad 1b40 hja ocijw guelph ont l mnqlmtnoh nn uaab and uutual vuu abj tano9to auton mdcliino anil hepair bliopa bshuvuiundhtl 1ropiuur k jummtfuuild woodwofk vapaira partorniad 7 v aualty tnamnar kaaobloavd or nifffirfi fllslslatft and wfaiidoo acton saw mills and wood y c7tbs brown vakpraftttf itm mb haul u l uft shingle wwl a to jil vu fc4 ol wood in loavaml ptttiffpily jkrft waaowblaiwlaa voub pictubbs srb waters bros can do ilfor you at th low- est pncti and in the latest styles wyndham street cuelph speight brady manufacturera of arjuwas mlxctbic mototls w4txm motors oasoljfmajv o as xnoxtnz brjl3 1r0m castings to orzkxn nepalrlnj lvomplly dono geo ont wanted ajteoltaflu parmanrnl pndilonawuh u at good pay all auppllea froo c banco of promotion lo good vo alio tlealro korw good agent either on wbole or part tima to soil our preparation for tba destruction of the tuaaock moih calarplllar known mm oatarpxiiriamne wany of our aojcaruco cany this as a ai lo lino and mako considerably moro tliava their a peril thereby wo hv i ho ur utortmafll of atock of any nurwry in cnad pm plo prefer our gooda becauao of our wnaaanlefl all our alock u aent out uridfci- government certificate proving cloanllneaa and freedom from dlaeaae ajkply now for territory stone wellington iqhontct seed tjow tuly tmpoited dlrmt from growers lu ftiifuitil kuil hcullmit hlrlclly mill ami itua to klod i of khipin hirou 1 would refoiiililmid halls wustbury highland prize east lothiqif crosse improved i or foajllltf lutoo dleplumt langholm lartts imperjal arslialk improved ttoiia cliiiiipiou we huvao- mjhartloys brorue shamrock royal sklrvidgu rennies prize slcelcaiaerecled v grcyitone aberdeen etc tn fin ilye imi quiuatlvlf kmcjl uy o ouior v hcrabor wa buy wool and pay the hlgta ptlce geo j thoip dlreot seed imppriar john m bond 8b co cubcph hollo satlilictlou llalunvahl acton- livery bus line ag of tb public and 1 1 wall xqoippod and btytlab hbja oaji ad waya b bocured athlaaumfw a oomfortabla boa tnaabf ualna batwaan a at and 61jf p tn utvtful altantton slaa ta miitj orit tbawantaofcomttiarelaltraval ian ullytuat john williams iaornlbtos suitsavings and-loanco- ihead office toronto ont autharlnd cdits jtifiooooo 00 ten yext malurlly aharoa are paid monthly inatalmenta or soc par aliare for tso moojh when pay men onasc so oo aid lnrtnaturlly valua sioo oo moaolo loan at almjjhl loan or ropayablo in tnoilthly lnatajmotiu on appli cation o r j mcnabb agent aoton wjlhn you want x iloull i end t oatmeal oettooh bjibhton knd 9u9n wills bbknd tbballu uuiukl all umm1 dlrt ou iu uatl qualltflhlm tusl hlinky hohtol i john wcqubbn aclnt lou irnplemeits rnosr a woods ihadmrd uawr xla aooxjd iloupixy mvws viadaiw mud dfala orinjm i and a completa lino of 1arni loplomeiila andallklndaofheimlni id my- aleencr mr joliu j lllott who roaldci on tho pioporly wlllaltuuj ux the waiitm of cuatonicr warftroome- john st as season gljanfle sq dq fashioiis x oooiper sticiws fhoh10hmfjlo yhilomji uotf to hniiounots to i heir patrons and tbflpubilp generally tbatt thoy bmve been lrovldtii for the moat laalefuf dreaaera by purchftlni freely of ibo rnuat u to dftta ijooda in tho woollen market auid will abow of tbo ipriatf irndo iba uleel and bet i uooda prodiicej by tbo beat in iii al price yjuiln the reach of all ilt and vokkmxl4bhii cuallantuud cell eaity uu trouble to eltow uuf kooda w w aola fkgeuu in anion for h oav breted btlnrp auwl blenheim berg wbiob doewoot fd or obang itaj ooloy in two 7mw wvf or uiooey rerundsd s i fakt yquarefluelph i cooper akin a mill l aoton no vail oar aertli by and by ijnt hood bl food alwaya and aarywbara tbougb blaek tnay ataal into blua aky w 1 i read irani tba laataa of an old aablonad lleok of oua in uia alory uuan vtiota i tba poor aaraphln dara bot brook hafora bom uia ijaaraoa ara tmciaan and uia bop or imtnoctala bl in ui uiooslit of axrutandeyhaoluab thatlioaalbla aulllaa tbm ot- j hoblakln uiablu of ibalraky ii lucy xiarcotm- jipids revenge ouil wile tborntoat why it aeama only yeaterdey yoa were eerrying fdt books to eabopl whet do boy know of lovet and nollla hara jjlanoad ionooanuy top inlo tbo faof of bim aba ajdraeeed a innooantly aj tboofib aba bad not known for many month the qnaauoo joai pat la bar bad bean trerobunfl on bla eaar up a hot fluab dyad tbornton may obeeka at bar worda the 1 aenteooa oat ilka a knlfa a flaab of angfr leaped into the dark ay e tnomant before ao tandarly pajalonata u ba anawared jnlok ir i am bare to talk of a inane lota bo i beya i eeewenlyalx full algbt jaeje your aanlor nrllla but tbla ta anbtarfajre on your pttaud eujtuamjoitby oi yoa auawar tna datlloift tell me yod trill be ray wlfa wlllplaoa your happloaea lolo my keapiiioofttierrl fnrterraoeb i xiow prat illy you talk tborntoa 1 ttj ceadajnaluke a aiory book luelly id aoeroe expect oca of your yaeli now dool be aufiry but yoa bete tekan m ao by aurprlaa i bardly know how to reply exoapt tborulon i beliava i wont think of it jutt now if yon dool tnlnd i am kfrald your bja woo 14 walb too baevlly oo yoor abonmara to bardau tbam with kn added waif hi and lb uakblnjf voloa had la ik e ring of moakary wbldb gava lo atary word en added tin villi i hrarlaeal utl i u kv mo tiered whlapar from iba younjf mat a while lip then he toee with dhtnlty which aeaoiod auddanly to bee aprootflnto ufa 7 will not than datalu you iongeit mellia but wbaa unotber tnan ottere yon en honaat loa aeelad by bla name wlu you not ra roam bar that trua women woond whan a wooiij deoaaaetj if dot frltll with rjrat at laaat with cere lb i i be rpeef thruat go no deaper than the oeee demands i hbell ro abroad to a tody taiy to remain indadultsly t bd alnoe i ahelt not aee you again i will now bid you good by err and without aitn esuadlnjf hu btnd wllh almpiy e low bow of ooeiuay ha laft bar ab titling cnotlonleas the aobo of ibe oloalng of iba outaitla door tinging in her ears btlangaly ilka knall it orept up to tbo whlto tetsplv bat no oiljcilgji botreyad bar aad ao for en hoar thy abetted on ooooarnlbg tba paat ont portion of whloh both ao carafqlly erotjed ao btajuaaa e flirt e eyar f be aolilo- naived ae h deeeended the at pa rtmun barlnjf bar glence of waloomawbloh teemed to eay eo toooh ae in tba old an time it told the self eamts alory utha men whowrou bia win edvloa ahoold h k aoma otbav wsopori for woman who panose no baert ba eddad all nnoonaolona of iba flrey eyes wateblna bla jjjaro till it was blnvrad by a mlat oflara whlla e aobblnr cry broke from ibe red period lipa how cold how indifferent ho baa grown bnraly ba near could have loved me white i ehj thornlon bow many umeairbate prayed ibat i m lob t forget you i tboy aay may engigod what wonderful alrljta belim made in bla aril lwooderiulinaeed iiutwboie the fortunate winner of auob a prise a spanish rirl whom ha met abroad uia leal plotnre about wbiob ovary ono is revlng is aeld to be hay counterpart boob was tho 1 lie oonvoraatioti at an oaanlngparty three mouths later whiah fall bpon nallla lllvara halfplnglar bba had imd the picture of whloh tbay spoke tbo lovely painted foe roae ono more before her the half laughing month the delicate now tbo passionate tnmtnoas eyes ibe hair rlppllnr in dark wavae over tbolow whlla brow tnaklnrf the perfect tewltohlotf wholo and this wee he meanlnfl of bf indlf ferenoe when aba should have mado atono moot for the peat for tho folly of a girl who did not know herself and who bad itemed thd lesson only through four years of bitter lifter lug of whloh this wu the and draamlotrmle nallts end ilona i whet doe this rnoeu f it was bis yoloe wblob broke upoabr revarlebls eye trostlnr upoo her from whom et any ooat aba mnal hide tho truth i am ftrowlug old aba anawared hht iy like yoarsalf i beva put eway chili lsb ihlnit though unlike yon i hae not eeautqed fresh rsspeualbilltul upon whloli by the way i txllova you ere to be oougrit blated etthongh yol hardly daoarvo it far keapltl suoh e secret from your friends you speak in enigmas of what do speak if ao tt u a rpanlab enigma and painted lu ery lovely oharaaer how over oabeliatlo tboy may be ohr wsnddsu lht breaking in npon him yoonapeak of my plotnra and doe rrijibjtiamejutitbridr i km indeed therl open to your oongrattlla tlona hot oom mm i am not yet bene dlot tnay i bol have this walu t and this is my tevengo t thought thornlon mey m m few hours jeter ho bat elona in his bachelor apelmanu moodily surveying uia dying ambers in tba grate i who fabolod bar voloo oonld no ronger thrill or bar beautor rooo mo bavo bat rivalled tbo chains i thought a ira ok off from m forever to night how differently she congratulated die upou my anpposod engjgmanl had things been dlffarout how cbarmlugly tny pretty modal might have helped ont ray plan i i will put tbo uooeii batwaan be era in my weakneas i unoo mora give bar tba rl to rnook me how rnqlish officers v1hw it kewtuoftreet ilhliib victor of omdornao a gained by an ermy of total absutnors from tntoloallog drinks after phenomenal maroheo thrnngji iho daaert nndot a bora tribobnturvsohibpohahao- thristic if yoa would wreck revenge upon e woman aral geld bar baert j then aba is at yoar aasray four yeevra haul wrought bctlituenbaogo in lbs young man who bed loft hie najjva laud to find elsewhere forgeuulneee end- wbo nowktopd oaoe mora upon its sbdvae with this bentenoe a piece of edvloa plokej up lu soma book on his foreign irevrl rlnulud lu bueera an added shade of brouae was oo his his checks lbs broad shouljer wer e trills broader the desk eyee wore e more ear neat look the luug silken musleohe drooped mors heevlly this was all it all alas xhotptoa may was onobangad outwardly within uo oyo can peoeuale bta ee eeee morethe aenjttqoe rtue baforebim hlo eye kindled and bo aeld aloud j itevonge is eweet pour year have not thd be eddad to bhiiwlf u teeob the folly of tbo psl if yoit would wreek roveoge upon ir woman ural mako her lovo you ah this was the wprk laft hlui this tbo weak reyenge to gain the baert which onoo bad mockingly trampled bd hlo owl lhau tbow bar bow worthless wes tbo prise ouoo mors be stood lu tbo library tohioh bad wltueaead m loog hgu tlie boons branded upon bl taemary wis it poo tibld ii still had power to bum as bo strode with itapetiaiit slap up alld down walling the moment of mia luvera eulrenee 1 uhe bad aeul for him 1urpoely bo bed wallod qbtll hs should do edunlll thf baessags should oome asking if hu old friends bad been forgotten hut the door opened ills reeorlo wee interrupted es llinolng up the slight graoefol agar a whloh n a pile of btraeejf had entered ao often into bis dreems stood before bim tbo yeaje bed added bo bar loftiloeae bul despened the rose upou hot cheeks aitd lent b boltcbad brlillanoy to tbo dark gray ayes wniou rested so reproachfully upon hlm why dtd yoa make mo send for yon t hjeeksd oooe more tbo low sweet voice thrilled hloi with iu old roagla power bo i remsm beflbg tbepeit bebad topley bo pnt hi woekoees beblad bim as hsj aoewored l foot years melu many oheugoo miss ft j jtsllle i did not kbow i bonli still qnd a puoji in yoar mnory ing eun end in e olimate famed for iu power to kill or prematurely ago tho onao- ollmated meny of tho man end some of iboofuoere f wttaotoulartcbo4os7oaeone of them rnedo wry aoee vfbon tb brttlah war department decided et the siprsee desire of tbo oommaodsr in chief at homo field merstal lord wolealay end 3eneai kllnbenor to the oald dot e single drop of ajoohollo aiimofent should be jlowed in oajnp accept for bospltol use for some tinaepeevioue to this nperi man el eviosnee bad been ttbsred npon this mjlltery tomperanoo qnoaftlon three regiments wore oelaatod from each of severe brigades for teats mtdlttsrenl times partly daring menoaavore in one every man was forbidden to driok drop while tba test luted in tbo second molt liquor oonld be purobeeed lo the third a sailors ration of whisky wu glnn to eeob men tbo experiment was repeated in sersral inalanoss where foroed merohes or other bard worft was required tho whisky tnbseraaboweci more daeb et first bat geoorelly in about four days abowod blns of leseltuds an j ebnormel- f aligns those given malt liquor displayed loss daeb al flrit but their endurance lee ted soma what longer tbs abstainers howover are aeld to have inoreeeed dally in alertness and staying power tbo french victories lo tbs wee urn hoods d end in madagascar wore also gained by an arm of total abstainer geo 0 all lent their commander eabatl to led tee ooqeo tantonada and other umperano drinks for lelos loan island lis writes thai the eaoleoay of tbo men was inoreeeed forty per dent their morals end health being greatly improved oar own ljedsrig generals are elso op posed to the regirneotel liquor canteen the adjutant general ef the ermy henry 0 oorbin to wham ell the other ge nereis have to repor has said a ce of real whet has been tho chief oberaolarlatli of tba ninsbkqtu oenlory t no two oil i oo igrpe nor naathayjaaoi tenh pmfei dlffsrsnl quality ono singles ont aounoo another invention ee the dominant trail a third who looks mainly at the political espeot of mti eeyo democracy others bomh othittt da y there ere woedarful tblnes we aieajex boms iba tier ami nerbora wo bope to drift into home otbar da j juvt ateej uolug away mr mayt uavs you tired so soon of your old frlsiid ibat yon most dosart them t hut i forgot eornj one is welling for you in tplte of hrrself a thrill of saduess tang throagb iho girls tuueelbe had known that tbl mnal com yt the shook was boas the lee keen yes jio ebswesed i must otioo tndra say qood bya but tbia tims miss mollis i hops you will add god speed 1 have uohorgplun oar uat pajrtltig though i hope tny ally has long oeesed to he teafsnl bared yn wre right it was a boys inland i liua i tbkbk you for mtfre tbeu alia cooll imantxatueabluimered in the dahpf rose lo hsr throat but she aof wared irevaly it is i who should tether askyou pardoo fur thai idle vanity of a girl who kuew uot thd utmsuilig of bar own wordsj but through them hu beu the only batter er good by mrmiytbnd ood apeedl tiu tbs only vutyarei i wlut oouu ah inoeu t v yor a motkant m wild hops oroaaed bl mlud to boslktlugulabad th bext its ha jjaooed iou tbaoalmtaoo and tho evi from wheooe kll iraae o uar lied fled but bt lbs hall door- a moineiit lstflfhtl peiiaed he would return to dlaebaae her tnlnd of this idle folly of tlielr ugageiiiaal bo again croesliig tbs hall aud moouliug th suirs hs stood bpon tbo tbrsshold of tits room ho had left so short a tlmo before dowu upon bar feos lay the figure of lb girl who had haunted hlni kll the yetr while sob sflar sob reokod her frame nellie i be uld end et bis voloe bit sprang la en lusunt to her fast how dar yattf ah cried how dare yotl bom beokt did you went kjl added trloniph t was ii nut enough to until mo with the pasl to abowme how gledly you would reoalit but thaly6u abould ejj this lu tb uls ibet you will pour lulo tbo ears of your hpeuiah bvide r impaluoualy ssgsrly the words burst from her as she mocked bim but surely tbs llgbu growiug in bis oyo had uu rnook lag key as bo clasped tbo sobbing girl plooo lo bl- heart is thl uos toy darling he eejj sod has our gems been oroas purposes all this weary llmat th nellie my prlds would havs kspt me but i forgot i had leer tied tbs iseaon longigo ft isseon whose sweet teeoblng will guard all my futuro life- tbus thornton may wreaked his raveogo in tbo army u traced to the ex cease of the oxobango the saloon f set are of which is not prodootivw of good en boaltl be dono ewey with without further sxperroent surgeon oensrsl fjurnherg who of ooarse is at tho head of tho whole medtoei aervloe in the ermy end who ought to know what be 1 writing about says i there is no need wbauver for iotosl eating drink et these canteens and ii will be e good thing for the army if they are abolished v geo mfles went as far a bo was per milted by iho then sxiallog ajmy ttgou tlon end in tho general order no 8 july 9 lflofl ho oald the history of other armlae baa damonatratsd thai lo b- bet climate abatlpauoo from tbo use of into oatlng drinks is seeenliel to coo tinned health and elnaienay and he urged tb commending oitloers end men lo glva their fall physiolal ebd iauueotael force ta their fecultie end strength in eoy pertioolar major ganaral bhkfur wrou from ban tlago i have alwaya been strongly op posed lo the canteen sysum or the sale of inuxloetlng drinks of eoy kind 1 regard it demoralising to lbs inen beside impairing rloualy their eiuclanay major general wheeler i km utterly opposed to soldiers being sold intoxicating liquor bad i believe that every effort should bemads to removo tho fcamputlon of saoh dissipation from them llrlgadler oscar qny v henry xorto hlco i am opposed lo tbo eelo of liquor of any kind to euliaud man with theea high dfllccre agree geo hoy o ton ilooheaur howard wuoojt btaoloy oarllu and more then a hundred ootonatr majorecsputo rkarraodbunit ohaprklpi luv john xilgblos lu ckru blbdoh hammflr blows nrx amos j 8lodkaeudthoaes w uemmor ere tbo names of the editor of a afoeurn newspaper wbooe motto io natblug bot slsdgo beracoor blpwa glrorgie ouos bad two editors frank btenlon aeya whooe turnoe won nj end okujf and tboy took no ouamahpilon a color in flaqs though the policy ol military kuthoru tie it being leas glaring ooloro in uniforms has jboeu very marked of lau years red remains the moot popular color for uallonal standard of twenty five countries bliereltftiave flags with ked lu theta thejfot qoludlag qreet drluln hquovcuuo francs qermvny auilfjgr italy spain denmark uejalani tlwedeu bwllserund turkey malloo chill 1ortugal veitaauele end onbe tba countries whluh hvs bins es en elemeet of tblr tiajr krereat britlan united titst uussle reuc rcauiij kouidor vortiiiisl chllr veuaaoau end ouu 1 brae countries bavo block me fans of um lsmsnl of their flaga aermany hal j glmtu aj oblutj but qermmiy hi iho only oua of th three that has black and whlu together tbete are ai countries which hevo green ee a color ireland uriel i the flag of wblob u green nblajly i m jugypt ilelyend 1erala nine countries bevo flags in wblob the color i pertly yellow lhaee oouutrleo ero austria luly bwiuund turkey iorsls japatl mai loo holland denmark portugal obbe end chili ibere u no wbju hi urn natioaal uuj bid of englem- hut the uritlah bevel tlag hag tb wblu beckg round tb hag of hfltledor 1 beeper while thau any other country being made bp of two peraltal whlu oojtapiutf between which i eoolonm of hlus wblob are whlu buuts uhould kuui- uucks xcltiaeu celled reeolly at tbo waur tegiatrera orno end lulroduoed hlmsrlf end hi buainss byaeyjng im mtaur jerry muldoon my belief is full of waur and my blu will wdiowued if it leu t fired so i want yoe to iu it mr muldeob we luformad that bo lb log j could be done for him there i iwoor lbr4ey later he reappeared i com again to see about that cellar seid he its wcioe then vvr hut we told you tbs other day mr muldoon that wo oeu do buthlng about it yes but my cellar muit bo niod or my bin will be drowned well mr mntdoon did you boo the mayor ebool tho mtturt inoede end i did roplied mr mai dooa and whet did tbo meyor ey t wjttot did bo eey la it r mr mntdoon eey be by don t you kepo ducks t lis ibet oeaka flada uo ibat usee hood m beramparllla undo in it oee pure tlb btbod end ooneequeouy good bee lib or loiersulon bomeoy eetnree komoch diversity argoe at isaatfor meny elded now there is one character suo bowsvor whlob dxetlngniebee the nineteen ufoentary from ell previooe oeataalm e ocarecter istlo which bee beoome too oom moo to bltrect tbo etunuoo it deecrveo autboagb it reelly mass a res ell the reei thtl to longevity daring the peel one hundred years the length of life 61 abo vsrago man to the united butes end in the roorm civilised pjttu of karopf bse naroeeod from e littjs over thirty to about forty years a multitude oi oases mostly physical have oootribeud to this result foremost among these ahoold be placed 1 wbsuver may be poinded under the general urm sanitation j improved methods in msdlolne and 8 the more regular bablu of living wblob are tbe direot onteome of iodnstrisl life oo m large oaje these ere rnoma of tbe evident mseno by wblob life has been lengthened inventions which bavo made production cheap endjlbs transportation of all pro ducts both chssp and assy have had an influence too greet to bo oompuled and nn doubt mnoh has boon due to e general improvameol htthstljod ot govsrnmsnt sjthoujih in the main there baa been m nob lass progress in prectioat govern meet than la commonly supposed no greei railroad company or benkie boose or meociactar lag oorporetlon ooald prosper if iu oofcers end smployeee wsre oboeea end kept li offloe according to tba aysum by which politic oflloso almost ovary where are hi lei none bnt erperu wanted is tbo sign written over tba aokrenoe lo every profession trade and oocupattoa except govsmtnoot hal whatever ftvernnmonare done or left undone abe fact to he insisted on here is theh the average men lodey live almost ton years longer then bl grandfather lived xndlspuubly tberefore tbo year ldoo finds ooodillono more conducive to longevity than existed a century ago this is una beyond question for rbe rasas who feel immedlauly tho effoou of plenty hunger and cold the great physical dispensers of life and death tas forum wllfc tmimi bai we watcb and wait roe a revering gala to nil the t otda nf an idle osll home oilier day vfo know wo meat loll if over we win nibuijiitrtcjur- r ai w oarsevs therev una to begjn ws bomoelhec day and an deferring we latter on ubuletlaetwennd vrlui4rewn tbauenuiof utebopewe leened upon borne other dar and wben wesjecld end our reee la na home uw day y we tret for uie tbleo uat tolgbl have bean florae outer day we trees tbo petli uiaajaeda us wbervj tbe beokoftlcl band of crbrl deapalr ooder out pt tlie bare bomember day i jomtrvtua jottmol c3 i the lost chord bandys toabt to the queen lnoorgenllvnen will e a fill your glas for t ro about lo bring fprrlt tho queen applauao oor qneen gentle men is reelly a wonderful women if i may key it abas ano o the gain euld sort nea wblgmaleeriee or falderal about her but a douoo daeoent bodyj hhe a respeouble boyond a doot bhe ha broobl op a grand femily o wool feared lad and laesloe her baldest aon being a oredit to ooy mjtber od tboy ro a woel married ao daughter i bee leas then married lo tho duka n argyll o son and heir cheer gentleman yell may be bo bajievs u bat i ano baw the qnen sensation i did it was when i took my euld broon ooo to vertb show 1 remember her wool snob color boob hair i interruption and cries of is it the coo or tbs queen ye re proposing r tho qoeea gentlemen i beg your pardoo hot x we talking ebool the ooo however ss to the queen somebody pointed her oo to tns at ierlh btatloo and there she was smart and tidy ilk i and eeyo i to myoel gin my auld woman a he slip awe yo baedna remain a widow anltker noo t i o ngsr cheer noo gentlemen tbe drinks geld the night i uotf the weather u wei and the roadsr sett and will harm bee- body that names to grief bo kff wi yr driek to thekotleeel ike qb cheer danqerb of borrowing here u the uuet btory of the mat who ib ettbjy to uko hi borne tpr a man who was too stingy to uko tbl peper sent bl lllllo boy to borrow tbe cipy ukan by hi neighbor in hi h iho boy ran over a i stand of bee tnd in uu minute looked uko k warty summer sijaaab hi cries reached bl fstber who ran ba hie aaals lance auul falling 4o notice k barbed wire fence ietl laid that broak iug ii down cutting a baudlul of heab from hi sbelomy aud ruining e ti pair of 1enls the old cow lookadvsaugaof tbo gap in iho fauo and got inlo u com held and killaj haxu sating corn llr ing the racket the wife reu upsetting a fourgallon obura of rich ciaem into a basket of kit uos drowning the whole hock in tho hurry sue dropped a h set of false teatb the beby left alouo crawled through tho spilled milk andjlolo the parlor ruining a brand new 30 carpet daring tbo exolumenl the oldest daughter ran away wllh ibe hired men tboddgbrok kpsleveu aeltlug hen aud tho calves got out aud obawed the uiu oi four fine sblru bioqebt la fhtf qn record one million dollar i bald lob the le thal james ii dill tbsborporation lawyer u to receive or bringing tbeiuureu of tbo two big steel king andrew uenrnegle and u 0 priok to a harmonious adjuetmenl mr dill wbo u yst young matt was baked by mr carnegie to find ootne way to iii tho diaereuoa belweeu the magnet thf mammoth now bornblnajlou u the reeult of mr ullla work it i eminently eeusfaotory lo both oeruagl aud vrlok abdmr dui o hilt of it 000 000 it is said is to be allowed without tiuaatioa mr tui who i a member of the fitm of dill liotneue ualdln of new york started life a a reporter on a chicago peper and bl rise ha been toeteoria vat the ut five years hi firm ba organised and bandied tbe affaire of wan of the biggest oorporelioo in tbo country failure of the q crop there seem la be fewer and fewer ghoau arory jsavr boy ere dying off rabidly i suppose tboy art subject to cholera lo nbeutom 1 i a bo aald iho words he rsuaod that ihe man in the oogtooat bad hoard him and oaritlg loot bo oboatd be eekad to bay a hook of fnaoy stokleo bt oooretod blousif tnbo bageege oei ierbape tbo moog soooeetfaj ooox at modern tlmaa is the lost chord wbooe in genet britain baa exceeded two hundred and oily tliousand eoplae the toryof iu mm pool lion as told by mr wtlloby in bis mselere of i hnctlsfa mnslc illustrates that in srt as in elates lanabip euooeas came to those wbo knew ibe uuou wban to takm oeeeeloo by uia hut j for nearly three weeks art bar fjaymoov bulllvan had watched by lbs bedside of a dying brother one nhthl when tbojnd wu not far off and bla brother was sleep ing ha obanoad tq pome ecroes eome vereoe ef aulalae pmetevo whlek dveyeere before be had triad in vain to oat lo music in the sitanoa of that night watch he read thsm overagsln and almoa tins tea lly their roumoal expression wee oooooimt a stray sheet of mutlc wper waa at hand abd be began lo write the moalc grow and he worked oii df lighted to bo helped while awky the iwfero of watcblng aav be prograaefd bo fal apre the mnelo wee what he had aough for end failed to fine on tbe oocaotoo of bio first entrap- to rat tbeworde in a abort umo it waa oocn- plateand not long after in tbe poutabera hands howyounq men succeed i rvilw flamual hloao tbe rreet railway mag bau track the right i hoy nou in tbe following words which appeared ii recent lesus of the ixtturxlay aeeam0 ptti i know of no belter guide for th yoong man who want lo ateer clear of fail are ibao tho hiblo tho good old book hast lost booe of it helpfulness in the eo rolling of the oeniuree and la today tbe hast chare extant for tbo youthful voyager on life stormy sea it le ibe custom of aome men to aoeet at tbe teachings of holy writ bnt they are not the men wbo have attained the greeted baigfau in either business or society lot a young man btody tbe wisdom ol the utbbv nd acquaint himself with it baked siren nous troth and be oabool go far wrong in his everyday life fortified by a sound moral kelf training the young bnaineses man of today will bover know tba reel bitterness of failare and the live of those wbo go down lo tbe trnggtr for oxlstenoo will bo tn snob si young man a perpetual wjmder amerl can a4t4yf he was clean the advantage of a trained nurse u that aha knows bol only what to do but what bot lo do aiooe unneceesary attentions merely exbsbsl tbo patient- tbo poini to illustrated by lb following story from an old capo taewspapor of the time of the 7oiu war when kindly bat tin ins tr noted 1xdtenshe5 nfttn emberrmstng a am bore to give their services at the mill lazy boo pllel what can i do for yoa ray poor feilowrskksd ono of the gentle uuroos- of affersr not anything thank yon mlssij not anything y said tbo cbexm ing visitor persaaaivoly i dont think ao murmured tho wounded men wearily at least bhe held mildly bnt firmly f can waab jtvir face tihe fel nooaesary ioaarika and sooc atktse cuununsno there now yon will fael ulce and clean hhe announced i ought io id lis you re the ninth lady wboo washed my faos this morning i aaid tlie toldier with a faint smile chi oago sam thu umehe4la maker two oycllats at out tba tbar day for a ipln on got a long way ahead of ihe oilier aud turning an ujily corner in tb lane oollapaed over a beep of klooee smashing hi machine and gelling irre- rrievabyoiao eaaoog the e phkee an old women with her egg basket bebpeolug to ooms down lbs toed joet then wa mot round the band by ibe second cyclist wbo asked bar uy good wooan btte yeeeeeuayouu tnan on tt blnyls up beret na na woe tbo reply ive seed bo bicycles but i vs been a matt hitting on lbs door mending umbrellas btoathoconb mouse a oouclao and oompieu history of tho ormaxjon of blralhoouv horse la given in the april camulu uupiim by lieut ooodentqo il ood of tbafetoreof tbo article la fetuumplol 111 of tho officer with their previous service there are piotureatofblr wilfrid leurler ej j i seeing borp ihe itarado al uuutreat lord btrath cojib a group uf tb was urn horses uia vomifrv and k magnlfioeul group of twenty tour bidders ibe ambajrkalion ansgat haltfaxbreouerly described by rally i weaver tueee stloive are worlh preoatrvlnj and are not tbo only axoellout features of the april number of r belloaat magasioe thok to instruction lumember deborah said mr uum- woll when ilinnar lo ready yon mnal come to the parlor door and eey din tier le eerved thai i the way th do in good aodstlos hslfan bourjaler deborah appear ai tho proper door and called out n a ahrill far reaching voloer dinner u jaereed thats the way they do it lu good society r asokht4 poetrv ardeut youug women ifrom what bid den aooroe mr juardde do you seek your inspiration pool my dear girl im too much rushed wllh nay writtinggvoo u jtjw ohaolugeround after resplratk j

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