Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1900, p. 2

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rv r- v i ban in aeten on udr tb uul la wr end mrsw j ltpoa oaanurssin aetna onthored may 31st lo mr mtdun wostls uudlnw soa uaustinn rid luwrlwlrplaap da wedaeeder llsy mr william wesley ooni ox ujllnid lis uul frulm uuuky major uevrtat ux horn a th brides uouw oa wadoeedev mar xkh mr jot n atona lajt ana nl ur obrutopbae monat aeten to inula dtttuf of tb in ia d2jso 2 9t0tt 3tuftff tuujluy junhttb 1000 editorial j4qte8 an effort u being made lo interest the manitoba goverjimeaji id s ecberoe of oonrnpirat ills innmow which wbtli paying lb qovernrnaal tool returns wil give insurance to lh j qmuj at actual oosl tba plan being- ooastdr4 by premier meodoneld dyspeps victims the caubp oh the tqoudle and how to ovlhlome it it fraquontly proctuloa hilaha jipnrturn dlxxlrtoea eml ooior dlntrosjilntf vjnul6rniljavis3 tlm telia of hor rtoao pretoria has fallen the british fag is i lylnjf over the transvaal capital and i ord roberts is in possession of the city there is great joy iverywhi itc throughout till impiri in view of lb prohibition uw taking affect io manitoba it ibaajd nxt year lh uqtaoc man have presented a petition for eooipenaallnn tpr tb sums invested la oon beetlon with the sale at llqooc th udoaol of oompeoeation baked 1 said to be 4xnl v300o 000 canada baa never beore uparlauoed aacb u exuberance of loyalty end pet riot a demon uelioa mm the associated with lbe taking of johannesburg end pretoria the aouocr ably want i lafttudrsday h l he manifestation of joy at the victory dt lb llrilleb -foroee- under lord itoberta in sooth afrioa and the virtual end of i be war the spirit oi 13 jelly audvpaulotlem u abroad through oot lite land and tt will bovar again be truthfully eald la canada that onr people are in any aeoae lacking in tbeee ob areolar ulloa be r a geeaidy and llev jv u sheerer oi ibe lord day elllaoo bavi pen lour days along tba wetland canal in oompanywhtrur itobert burls tha oovernmaot commissioner investigating into tha neoaaaity of keeping ibe canal open ocbaodavs and oolleeting evidsnoe to assist the commissioner in prea anting bis report to the government the tepre of- the- ail is noa are oon- flrmed in their opinion thai it la nacewaary to keep tha oaoal open on tba fiords day and hope foe a favorable indication point to a grave dlffloulty in soaring total prohibition of the liquor aralo in manitoba it u atated that the propoeed prohibition will be noulfled through lb deed of surrender exec o ted by tba hadaon bay company in i860 one claoae of the deed provldee that the oom pan awi bo at liberty to carry do 1u trade withoqt hindrance lo u corporate oapaoity and no axoeptiooai tax im to be planed on the oompanye land tradepr hnuli it ia held thai a prohibition naeasore woold be a hindrance to the com panyaitade pramur maodowalrl deolaree that the prohibition bill will bo allowed to become law and tbe ooarta will be asked to give a ruling on the diapoted pelnia at hamilton conference irttarwatlngr saealon held in ha ton durinef the week tbe anonal eeeaton of the ilamilton ooojeceooe of the aietbodiet charob wae held in centenary obarob hamilton from thursday llay slat to toeeday jnne otb tba at emhraoed nearly two hundred mini atari and the laymen of tbe ooqferenoo were ejeotirgefy repreeented tba prooeedloge were of moob intereat tbe varjooa annlvaraary bervioao bring of an especially lotereetiog obaraotor ten yoang men were rooelred into foil ttfipwlftti and nrhslner and the addreeees try bava dr williamson of berlin and p- wsnidarqtbimooe ob pfjdey area inf and tbe ordination aermoa oa bandey morning by be j ii haxelwood mx prasjoent of tbe oonfareooe were of a very high order tbe report of tba varioaa c i tntareata showed oauafaetory ptogtsea dr fotta preeeoud a splendid report yf the twentieth pentory thanks riving fond showing that m0 000 of tba million ni already in tight tba qneloh yiatewm was- given tbe ideooy f or th j wr be t w aaekson of elore oeina eleoou that position of booor and distinction bv t albeit moore of zion tabernacle ham ii too was also honored by brethren with a large vote being highest on tba list and considerably in avaltorotcny 6utarosoataat7 bev b 3 treleavwn of brentford wu aleoted eeeretary and itevs 0 1l morrow of bartonvllle mjpd david a molr d d of oakville aasielant beoretaries tbero were oomparimvely few ebauites among the pastor of this ollwi the followlag wfl bo ot special io ureal to readers aotoo joseph m uanajf u a nseaagaweye kdw j clerks aberfovle w m bielby rfo wx allan onnl io 0fcvllu dejd a molr b d morvalm v oote be j a molaoblan u a goes to portelglp t be dravboanlan to jervls be 3 u maartbarujtollniwood bev john kaje to tborold luv a e bmlth b b to lort arthur bev bobart uavey to waierfonl ievjoupiotodyar 1uv john a doyle to uepworui bev pred 3 uolllnrake b a lii arimahy du i 1 vouovlnit is the report for may for ti u no 10 ksqaeslng class v uly8aitb class iv vloasle moore msgjtle mar tin jithsl hurr lena moattbor harvey uailiday claee 111 willie campbell lim bobaiteon nannie mortsy jsesls juilog ton dan livingstone glass tt lotlie moor uamoel mo- bpadden walter blank wall xajoy martin jb4sr moaxurar part ii blake home bobbie kerr alfred getnpbau annie klsel ltobb 4ah 1 r mlna livingstone may mo- aftbnr kva hmith smrtl ir freddie moxthur llaanle liviaftstooe artbnr uailiday james lnsuox jons 0 although thaorownlng triumph of british anna mfftt aunoaoasd sjd aslsbmted tbroogboab the empire last thursday with the greatest demolslratlone and rejolologs tbe world bsasvfrwltoraeed tbe official satry by lord itoberta was not made until twooojook yesterday after noon tokucm jons s 11 07 p m the war office baa received the following from lord boberts paktsii jane c 13 66 p m jnst before dark yasurjay tli enamy ware beata baduvom neaijy all tba- positions tbsy bad been holding and ian uamlllon moan ted infantry followed tbam to within 3 000 yards or pretoria ih rough which tbey retreated hastily dstlale tbaaeentvn ofllosr with llatf of trnoe into the town demandlntt us ear render lo my bam shortly before midnight 1 was awsksued by two oluolels of tbe boutb african bepabllo bandberk military esoreiary to commandant o antral ilotba and a general oftloer of the boer army who brooght me a utter fiom ilotha proposing an armistice for the porpose of salllloj th tenns of snrrendar i replied ujali would gladly inset the oommtndinl general the baxl morning bat that i was not prepared lo dlsoasa any terms aartsnder of the town must be unconditional i asked a rnply by day break r a i bad ordered tbe troops to march oa the town as soon as ii was ilgbl in hie rsply bothaiold me that he bad decided not to defend hretorle at 1 a m today while on tba hoe of march i was mat by three principal efflelale wltb a qag of inux eutlag tbey wished to surrender the town mr botha and mrs kinger are both in pretoria borne few of the british prleoosrs bsv been taken away bot tbe mejocityarp still at watervsl ovsr a hand red of the afboer am in pntoils the fa i have seen ar looking well cull tilt wouniku ottiwx jnne i colonst aylmer reports that he baa reoelved a cable from lleal col otter oocnmsndlng tha beoond bpaclal bervloe baltajlon b c b dated jchan eebargj june 4 reporting lbs following men as having been wounded on the 20 lb may lujt datls boyal canadian dragoons 1u j 1 iloblnson slat kssea beglmenk pte j jordeo q o it 1 plae hill uth voltlgeur qoeheo vu auaydon cjnd bl john knslllsrs 1 1 v blchardaon ho 5 tnilraryxdlsulat no oorps lleot col otter ilea report lvaas ko 1 bhfl as wounded bat colnnel aylmer is nnabls to ideatuy this tnan luai col otter also stales that i bo effective strength of the balls i loo at th front is only 450 al ranks houulx ikn ukiuivy cenerej boodle basnooeeded in joining bands with general brabant eodja prl day tbe two commanders were prepared for a joint advaao it was o i peeled that ibelr oomblned movement would put an end to tbe resistance of tba orange luver colony boers wbo were reported to be failing back on bethlehem itutnrxs lap tuiiotf cenersl uanur is making good progtwj an axprves tslegram rsports bis arrival at llohtenberg transvaaj alter a lollaom marob while aooordlng lo a ht4 tele gram be bas effected a junction with oounel mabooe wsboo tb brliub advance from tbe west has ao far been xoop poeed bat r a mors speak of a boer ooooealratlon farther eastward the baptist association b j qukux teaobsr 4 au lb advaatagw of life belong io no opo or proo i from knowledge wfl intorwatlna annual oathwrlntf in saelon in tne baptist church tbe annual meeting of tbe ouelpbasmv olation of dsjptlet cbnrohae u in session in tbeiuplscoharob tuesday af leroooo knd evening was divoled lo i ho work of tbe women s muo circles and the mlsson bands the afternoon assaloi opetiwl wllli a prsyersuleeledbymrs 0 v- llunh of ofknetin in tbi abeettoe of mrs w j mky of blralford prosldsnt of the womens mlaslon circle mrs 3 w weeks of qoelpb presided the reports from the cl roles and bands showed a grail tying looreaae in tb membership a dep log interest in tbe work and in or con o i rated and libera giving mrsu ii a maophsrson axuuuotlnoldul greetings to lb women on behalf of the presbyterian societies of acton and mrs wlavmelsoblau on behalf of tbe method 1st eoclalla an uoeediuglv luterestlog addr on mission fland work was dlled by miss trolti- a city missionary in oouuso tlou th th wslmer bosd bspllst ohurob toronto uhe told in a grsphla ay of th tnannar lit wbloh aba bonducls her own mission band and inoljatiully threw out a great many uselul hlnu as to the best ways of carrying qi such work this address was foljowed by another by mrs u i- uih b a of auelpuhmj lbs forward movement in nwouirio mn wbloh kb speaker outlluad lbs work that is being done end tha wo tbst needs 10 be done in tb wtslsru part of oer owu provjno inofs eepeolally lu the luluy blver dlalrlet mrs hill mad her address bjhw inlweaung by lite use of a lage map wbloh aba wad th relslive slue of tbe mwer and older parte of the provlnoe before the oloee of the af tsruoon sesslod mrs j w weeks of ouslpb was staoted presjdeot for tb enaulutf veer aud mlse warren of aotoo dlrwewr of ojkiw and band luv w h moaltdua pastor of tb oburoh piaaidad at ibaatsulog session at tit tqut of mrs weeks the flral address of the evsulng w dusre4 by luv j j brown b a of toronto korelgn miasloii uecretsrr of tb beptlet denomnallnna of ontario and qoeheo who labored for oearl eight years a a missionary oa the tsluga raid in lodls lis was slatloood et vuyynrn uo depleted ia graphic terms th llf of a ulnda woman fratn the aredls to tbe grave it is aef io aay tbat none who beard mr iron will sr fovt lli ff ti talacrapl gualm ibe rinisry causa uf i iligviuti or dyapapvls ifl i ok i f vitality the abeonoo ol i crto foroa ttio toa of tbi hi euataln in vlientin ibtrblooj koc aan p lerly perlurtn it rutclona whan llie joro of nulfjranl flit whi ll a etoiuscli is rotild of the uuitluieui ds rnaticloj by nalaro sstlmintion caaae nnnatural aus are aiiaraud and itio enllrn syatom rimoii la lo ilia dlaoix 1 a prsoiroal uloatratlon of the sym tains and torture if dvspeptuls f uri ilid by tlooitwfmn a i hjlie wl o hes in 1 hajrisco square business mumiillllhi i tb oil i id wife and the tlfs lung sorrqi and dlsgraoejir the widow wbu is always regarded lior burband s murdorer appealed very strongly lor a rooro rvubtoih sappdil of the woman a work in india at the oonclnaioo of his address the choir ssng a beautiful anthem and a liberal offering wa made lb tb in uresis of ths work the last addrsm or the ooug was given by 1 rofeasor arthur 1- masse of tb frltr intllute crania lv qusbx- mr masse is blmelt a frenchman nt with bis btoibsr 1 rlnolpal umm was oonvertad from boman catholicism through thswork of thn grand ltgn mlaaion lie deaorlbee tha work of ll s mission as being thrsafoldl 1 houao to libote visitation oy oolporuurs and bible womso 3 lvatikl uo work by mlaaion a tics on a largo number of mission stations tilths provinos of quabo 31 luoational work oarrlad on at pelur inatltute oraude llgns ibis work was begun in 1h35 by madame lsller of lausann kwltsorland assisled by bev mr iuiuy of the sahio puo jroal sucosa ha atuulad uu work especially ilurlug the last n years last year u0 sludotil wor in st and im a 1 cations tibttu be refund on acoom t of lack of room mr usee owing to ths faot of speaking in an sculrod lanuags speaks very sluwly anuiullbsr alely bev mr mao herson of anion closed uic evening session with the benediction tba following is iho list of dalotau in attandsnoe ak the assoclsuon mseting outside of town brampton be c t webb mr webb mrsadams mr pratky mlse bpeom mrs buell berlin bev p a moewan mrs mokwen mr l d lang blralford bv w j mckay mr v davis jas iwjugnit hsspslsr aw moqsig jlev a b mcdonald miss klrsckl lav quhl cloaiph mr chi luv b w morrill mrs mr rill mrs waurs luv j w weeks mrs week mr lowalr mrv lowsll mrs moody x l moody mlia lau mrs mosmlman mrs uill mr uouou mr mad iii mrv motll ml mapberson oookalowir ll w m moaliine b d varrt boborlbesasy miss bessey mr b beeeymr dayfoot mlse day foot mrs mcklnley mrs barley mrs warren ilillaborgbe v b borrll mrs burrell mr b udol mr b boot mr wm boot mr kti 1 mrs b awrey mr aud mr j awray mr matbeiod mr and mrs m btiillli mr and mrs 1 balus mlas ueiu tdr an 1 mrs j u burt mrs ceo burt m as hoot mr d boot miss moarthur oraugsvllls bev 0 l burrell mrs burrsll ms mltchsll mrs houui mr boa foliar lop john mcneil obeluiiham bev 3 okslll and 0 wilson mlu ifsiues ldmonton mr dad mrs dot sou call later leullatid bt maryi mr mallhsws a report of th roceedlilg of wadiiei day and thuradsy will be uj l ltsus iuckvj baymonoil crluwbontl cohnkhu tbercfreehlug rain las week was very oah appreciated mr john tottsn jr of bockwood ji rated a very icood address in ut mall a dtstjbarell tier jabl qabbelb mr jaa and miss gatlls moore al undxl tits w hug of mr j moffat an i mies aliule msnti or 1 iquaslug last wedneeday mm ii damper wbo was very iii last week is slowly improving m mills diokaon of mom i bucal 1a vleiliugst the bom ol ur jm moor mr auauiishmau spsut a fw days labl waak in toroilln a number of the dlsnlplos from her altsuded tbsjuus nimtlng iii qualih last master mrlvin bii i ths mj hoiwr ol aolon tiiiil buuday al mr ii damprs ouaevauintc lat wusk as mr and mrs gboj mobain wr rilurninti bonis from ushlug thsy saw a wildcat tt isevidainly thon which was hasr i iii this vldully this ring mr aud mr morgau orewaott jr vuiud friends in blrabat latl wk mr i d crewson of lull er spent a faw days last waak with hi brother mr m orewsorf sr tb viluhaoblaaconbqao when inter vlawetl by a reporter of the quaboo xtle 0ranh mrs lmbouto 1 xikrd thd pklorerof vlgoroas hoatthi bhowlug io traosayfke malady that had ma jo bar life lor ttje lima iniaerabla ilpeakii ut her lllnvaa mva i bbonto att vnt itboui two yeai 1 euffdrad ires ifnlly lf diomliv t fgsns vroro impelled aijd tb fuud i ate dl i not assimilate end left ma with a frllii g of flatulency pa in an noijlty of the stomami and frpjoonlly heaitburii this condition of etmrs so111 to 1 on my lm iq other wi with tba mall tbst i had frsquant hvsdaabu glial uo and at timra a dim rjeas of vulon wilb spots apparently dsnoluu balore my eyas liicama so mo oh run down thai it was with dlfuaulcy i oould do my honaehell woik end t all timse i fu weak dpreead ltd hwrvou while i was at my wont uun of my friands lng tba the doctor tu not bclingme orsd ma lo try dr william 1 ink 1 dl my bubsnd ihso got tn bslf a dusan bpxe sod i brgau taklugtham aflot i be i n 1 two boats 1 bitn to enjoy my tnsal and tho various y iplom of my iroullo bii to dlt nar loon tlnued iii llllsuolll i lad nj iho half doxeo ttoxo whail i aualtl fait parfaotly wall my atoniaoli wan m will y u mi ll lud be ii i could sleep wrll and my hsail was olasr and free fro t tbu diilsloes aud acba that ao long balpad msks m mfberabl it llljioro than a year since i slopped taking tho pills and health h oonlluuod betur tliau it wu for year before mr labouu added that tin will always fcrl grateful to dr williams link lllls for lb mri tbey have re leased bar from aud aim always advliee frho i whoaralut g tonaelli dr willismaliukpillt tuio by tiohitf to lb root of tlu illasam limy mi aw and bull 1 up the blood and btreuglbaii tlm uarvns ill os driving dlssaae from the byalsm avoid imitations by instating that evory hat yoa purchase is euclosed lu a wra per bearliig tbe full trade mark dr vuilaip- bluk ill i j forluloplo if your dsalar does not krp hum lliay will be asnt wstpal 1 at 60 cuts a iws or blx boitss for 10 by adlresjni the dr wllliami medlclua co urookvlll out llie farmtr cannot know too much buacn4srsiiib i uhat 1 llniulnilt why should you go llmplrui around whu piiliiams pslnlaas corn kuolor will miiibve our oortib iu a few day it will giv almost lustsut rellof au 1 a guraulted our in lbs villi b turn ou ld th gu uinaputnsm com i x tractor mails by poison di co klugitou for tunny aub btllutosare bolujf offarod and it i always bstlar io at th bait f ur palnuas w1l1i wrll your oouclublons imfor you act on them i puobasedauotc of dr lor d worm byrup for my lltl til two yars and u uiootlim old aud gava her lit lutdlcinr jtii result was alts passed fifteen round yorrns it flvk days mr h burk lindsay out fhs ownsrof tha hog 1 lo blame if lb bnlinal i dirty uagyard a yellow oil rudusm wlliug allay iiiflatmnatloii uked out palu and euros ouis bums brm sprains at iff joll tal iiior filualy thsii ajw otbr rmrly cug all vou falws wlttf paiiiikiler sg maelaue chest l itself labi lafe and qulok core tw 0dflmp5dlgrbh0ecqu0hi colds rhcumayism meuttalola 30 and bo cont botuao ucwaitg ok luitatiohtt- buv only tha oknulhit psirrv davis waff ballinafal a uumbsr of harts will bs srld in this nslgh hoi hoodlb u iuuiuiat mis wtltissell of aoton bpatit buudsy la balllnsfd mrs a gatiipull is vlltlug liar boa harry lu uuonlo ml colli lliompiou baa rslurnsd houitfafltr upsndlug a wak with friend 1 1 toronto lui wouiauskoralgiimlasionary koouly will hold a garden latiy on luu iklh ou mr blobard bboitui a lawn 1 verybody 1 weloocn at lb illli pebssdoff vry pi la i ly lii our village as moaipeopl wsr awy to tb sport s lu dltfasulpuoa mr ii caittj bsll of toronto paid a tlyiugvlall lu bli arallt ti0 ubt weak mr aitdsraou of ll ulkls speul tha jilb with bar slstsr mrs q cauipbell mia moklunou bpnt tioojsy at br bums it 1 rlu mr a t llralu wlf aud family of waterloo ar rsnswlugoll bcjualulai o nahaqaweva oauuulyui ruing umi wbll mr m alpine and family wpt uu tbsir way to oh u roll at hodom ibsy liad the misfortune to liavp ons of tbatr horses drop dead ou the road opposite mr win husband caused by lb burslli g of a mood vsss1 tbe lost u btavy a the liorw was a bus on farmers ar preparing tb kroaud for sowing thslr turnip mrs wra haoly of peru is visiting frlsnds litblslolulty lh reonl value uvw don a vast thrilling description of that ouwelooiued i annum t uf kooj to iho drop wbloh are birth of female infant tb marrame of lookii g very tutoouiaglug in every towhi and village may be had the mica nteb grease tluit malts your liorsts glact i i t n p i t i mil i eockwood beartntionrr a mutual lveixing of quality and price in jiuyuii our wool clip tins is cur thought give us clean ciry pure wool ind vc will rivc you the best price the irnrket will nllow with uic iunnce of full weilit tad fair inspection select from u tin ioklh you need ind the same pi iti will he fotftiwcd 1 he ucces of tin businc for oyer thirty years it ibheen m tandm by quality not how cheip in irticle but how good et price over close in buying joodt ol our own mnnulacture you have the sitisfacuoiratqf knowing tint we always use put wool well carded spun and scoured whjit would you h ivcjji exchange for your wool clip half cash if wi h or in foods t ur tiun msnufaclura you can aelect blankets union li bunivis tlanimls twined or home spuns j c mwu lit our btoto incl i lo iljixnjal irf lines of woraloila twoods initial underwoara special line laillcr and children s sl in chnlco asu dment and nil bizes coitona le and denims ehlrllnu an 1 apron glnrl mm iomcu an 1 i wclilnr hollanda filaia clolli white iiullta an 1 prints s jbhe spirit of mutual interest works through jtll our plans we want- 3 our wool clip focour irjilu and you can he as nrcd of siti factory trading on our part remember the unbroken rule here full weight and fair inspection ttkrris lkg5 l17vvitd i rockmood ont ae aa as ii is sa as kkt iturrar and als new rood par ol tb tew walk of um post office bard and eonr waier pood esllars erall pajntad will esllsm eas tkiuib on slock months eredjt on spprpvad joint ttoue on property 10 on day of aaia balaaoe in liar vortner paetioelan front owner ttioh ikoiuu jtw the bst uvdlrlm mr almaowioln cape ball k b says i bad arf attack of llvsr trouble and indigestion and decided to try isxs ilvsrlills tbey had a bailer and more lasting effect than any remedy 1 r look don ctotfodder corn m til ll o ear at fully formed bicvcibirs young or old bhonld carry a bottle of pain killer in tlirvaul bsgs it cure cot and wounds fettli wondsrfnl quickness avoid snbatitutr there is but obelein killer prry davis w and toe pay as you gn an 1 bav uo de 1 dof to pay for utria flan wur hundreds are kill 1 in wsr but hundred cf thoustids ar killed by cojt bumiluoti tbro would b no awalhr all caused ly this tsmbj diaeaso if people ooald be made lo uo lei aland that lib h oil cougrrgud consumption cura ii a aur remedy if takenlti lla brly ala a5 clr co cts and 1 00 a boltl drug gist will rafurld tha money if a cunt is nut affected bold by a 1 browti hvery plai advantage has lla advantage or die cures thattiked feulinq tine re- winch the bugiiic man 1ms while ant loucly awaitin plies by m rclegrajili use tho long distance telephone jtit uutaitaiieoui and you dont have to wnt for an answer what it represents jujjl 5t the right house hamilton iavohitu bhoi i inc ilacu glteat bargains in wash dress goods silks and dress fabrics a lrcat summer clearing ala ll now in 1 rogrei iwsro during which good dcalrabia incrcliandlao will bo told at prices reduced a fourth to a lialf a low of the leading lines are mentioned below comn or wrlto si once or the kch1 yoas may bo void out wasu dbjcas ctoodd al 15c were a oc cotton loulardu for summer dresses soma 3 inclics wide in slrikod and fancy figured iwtorns in navy mauve red an 1 lack atul wblla otliers 33 inche wl la lu red or blue grounds with blripcs tiols and flour de lis do algis at uic were 17 and 30c 1 ancy muslins in while grounds wild klrljiodaiul polka dot pattonis in black 1 tvy au 1 larkspur blue others in diced patterns urm sliados at 3 15c wcra n un 1 yw 1 anc 1 rrpedorrundles wllh noral lie ljnu lit bluo raeit 7ink navy and red others with fancy cm broldcrod slrlpoa in black and white al he were rajc lancy striped drcas ginghams i nn 1 lu and tivy al iy ue 35c vhlto dlinlly musllus with blup or mauva mr tie also wllhfleur de ludesirtt in i luo and black dnjcsu matkbtals at 13c wore 40 and 50c ilrown and uy berco iuu grelwod- 44 inch at 150 wra 60 an 1 fijc heaodaand gmy serges also fancy cluck ulalcrlals in tuvy and will id aud black and vrhliev anil in green grey and blue mlnlurea at yx were lr as uluoanj iteacda covert bultlngs 48 inch at toe were bi 1 sney bilkand wool milium tweeds lusters and checks 4j4och 1 at o were b 1 ancy silk and wool dress lengths figured da- algns in various shades only roof them baaalns tm bilnvs at 3jc were 40c 1 ancy striped ami checked japanese silk for shirt wains variety of colors atycwe bancy- sniped tailcta for shirt waists in many different aha ilea at e were 85c fl r 50 i ancy tauein bilks for all in waists in striped check and plaid patterns all ths leading shades ahrwera i5andut50 jp ax cepilonally urge tot of i aocy blouse 511ks b striped and plaid tauelaa and brocbes a full assort meat oi the faahlonable abades tmmmfcp bats beduokd imagine price like these fox lretty summer trimmed hals tba btgbi mrmmttuvl9binaanrarojnne- to turd ro 50 hats for 6 50 7 jo and h hats for 4 y 3 5 5 nd lo met fov tj 50 f 1 30 and 4 hats for j 50 ord era by moll 1 prompt attention i rellit un 1 enpress pu lo any railway fetation an all mail orders amounting tu 9500 drovervrtia forbimple thomas c watfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton dont quass at roatuhxtm tl iiia iiutu known wluit hu illd ttnd bow lit 1 1 iii it hurlt t mhirih tutiiu u 1 tlm following nrd aru u a llhclcul pnwif of 1u merit 3itui t iv jkss e g as a lutuuant f wn al u g as a llnliuent t family use u has un mi let ak voitr dnufl w kflndaixtf ovavan uatu al tresua un tlto i lore buok fro or aulrei tm iienmuco ptouum r all vt wimiii you alt fur u hotof rapli you want tba ukeiicis tu repehctit you propeily wlwu you all u us w want flm work lo repremiit us properly our imprint is soon on rtokio but tliq bost vhoto graphs ami for our aakd as wall ut yonrn we are sura lo give you life ilka ullafjc tory pboiokraphs if- hot xttlsv iitctobj all nl t u ott tttttendum rod oncouittry roudi oitiood rnitum und hud road a dunlop onluchubld iirti uro suett euuleat ti 7lde if you moot with a hul- iiup u iiuiicturo ten un low iyqih iioiivu tlieso uro thconlyturtlymmied sm wii m si juv v r children cry for castorfa 8000 stock fur p car to iii sacrificed in fche next 2 months fitta j6bfrttsrmntt pioiierty for sale vvu iikmkti1kkt oiuus ifrantei ritllal utourt klis f set ilea u toroalo amine tana wanes nloe bouwa rosod nuraly f euare ait7 al allan uo ijua bt vv 1 toronto auction salk of farm stock and villagb piioprhty caul lit iui to esll by puulia mm at tils home 00 ctiuieb titre aotoo on wednesday 13th jano at one o cjoc p tit follow log stock and villa jtopertj btoc i 1 phw sew sriltus jsreerpow xut elaes 1 arfvtng anare eoetlag inrwy4are well brake good roadster not tr caoipe t p txtjorr eod e alau harness 1 sea team baroeea 1 uer i eea oaggy wneels t ploati nearly new leqat mom um end plae tore a aland ipleadld soil lor gantsalat raniii si vlotosta atw and qo e odlsnd soil lor padnla est tber gberan bt all to a i lbbtea tspton bmkery wii now handlf bread also williamn jtaticyi pastry e8t0ns illratus thijlt an1 i aiily vmfctallllb sthawiii huh ssatuhday ick orkam- qoii diunks patented horse tail rein protector a turn i aiavi sou wm h or pole h a clip wlln a sat screw adjus to a basse and la arrai tbe bore bannot set ta tsil ovwr ui ttmnaxlnueteelradueouened to tbe abaft tba cod tbe ium can trhnjmloanyriuiate mtnatas a and l tor slnsle rlcs u for doable ptltcbs ptajmtsc nickuptmmd s order by bail will reeelvw pvoappi etlentiew 2o0o agents wanted james matthews patentee aoton out who t p sutnieittotacyismcluiit call early and avail yourscirotlti valuable services us this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no gucs work but at ecienrtfic certainty lii cult cacs accurately fitted alt wouk uuakantkkll i tmw mil stbt- w- wcui uu at agnews hotel acton ax nar oxur thursday 7th june spring tf and summer weakness as spring advances a weakness and debil ity seems lo seise on qm atrong awl delicate afiko tba cbxolatkn hj blagclsb on ac count oi tb esbaaatad aer forces and the blood is poor in quality and denctent in tissue building elotnsajta as a result there is a general ruaalngf down optbe bralent the atomacb ll disordered and the appetite poor the liver kidneys and bowel become inactive and there ja lack of energy and ambition whkhreodera work of any kind a burden tt lspot streets drug or puntallves with heir dpresaikg action that is rm ml red but a food lo nouflao tbe nerve centres 4nd enrich tbe blood dr wards bloohwd nerve pills llawojuul riilalmmlaittck lakliaud fad slock entirely too lievy aa all claaea of umlluto have advanced from jo to 50 per cent lu valua tinea july lau auy piw lookmg for ucuulite batttaln aud wanting ell liar furniture or carpets mould si 1 us 111 i oki 11ijvim 80 upgor wyndham stroot guolph cuotu ui i 011 eauy i6rins of luynicitl j m stkuthers hevere llsadabs lor boiud time i was troubled with ery sss hoadanha i it ltd milburu jlrliog usadauhs lowdr and ttot im tuediatw relief mr h llurl uudaay uul lmaousrs iu uriluli gaols doing hard and light labour do uul veoslv lb same auuiuutuf diet it win ijouuood a blood 1urluer aud 1 issue itullder is rl clusr llool tsa hold for half a oetitury uu our gaarsutce money re dad if re ills are moa sal lr factory lrloejcl ami 60 thold by 4 urova m do your bd aolie t take wily doe yoar baok aob if take a wuy loes your aid aohe t lake a istty aud do bol take uy olbr patents guaranteed 1 jvsi r any one sewdln jl a deacri at any uveal to wtfl ptlr venrivw our eptiuonfriit i uuw to obtaja i contain tbe principle that go totlm building up uf the body ihrthurh tlwi meilium oi the blood- and t because they supply the properties that ate needed to tune up the system 0 cbmts rkm llox ali daut i uti ok bau wlli uuh a co teotrn or kumnter togtst are of lea hardest lo abake and frwjneut ly lead to oqueuruplioa lutur ba sbeta tiored prompuy by dr wood norway llo- kyrup tbe beet vpnedy for beallug lb luui and auting all kinds of cough and 00 i hi lor ur of tnolbaobe la ipjlakly r lievsd by lsw a toothache oum lrloe 10c uaiuse aubstllute akvtcn pnwujkijr yrrw our o hi pal ca la ut lily oi aai 1aleut asnt upon t tbroush tu ndvcttuad lor sate at awuuforapl andrwa viotof j kvahw oo- twniar atfwnmr seeds all liiuu of lralu iifllk l t artlcli lutj i an 1 bluostono furls croon tc i or bfiniylng v copperas chlorid or lttno crudo carbolic acid etc ior dunlocilag a tbrown ohmdlat wmt qui cton bteuootr fvj

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