Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1900, p. 1

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t volume xxviho j j aotntontaktotircrtosjty- skrmsmllbltfco lwto xmici okbijs tuma r ii autouytn i ftiili lauati ay tua rrelmttiltu wlatlnjcoaua wlhi mtllukt actom ont xoniluiki fr vr 1 bui0llluuia liaootl uuued wliiim lime for wtilal tlia va tteen paid baa eiflre1 the rial u wbuli evry aubearlutlon 1 teld is ilinvud uu uia addreea apvaattsimt lutaattetialaiit advertise nuu 10 oeuu if hiuiri i hub for nl lu eertloa oeul per hue t w ul juaul luaartloa cowtkaitt luynariivfulluwiut ul u ihon oar nu fur lb loaertlun ut aditleiiienta for epeataed period arlii 1 vg uu 3 mo f mo fcj soool 11 00 i co binehea 1 mjn lino too ujm i i pah i aooj nto loo ijri advertisement wltlmut vpealfle direouoaa will u idmim ill forbid and abexxed eeord taxi tiuultai advartiaemenl mnat te paid idfidlmintnu will b ehau one- el man lb if daairvd vut nliettirae ofiner than nmanonldui ooaipoaluoa tit tut b iieldfar change for oon tract advartiaemenl ktiu o i the offioa by noon on tueedaye aowutiii peyebla monthly h i uooitli amlloraujiroiirlelo school books wo hat a 1 1 i inrni tiotk o irfhfwd tuppllc id lxi found in llila town wfl hto i he uew irl i loci ft id dw log imuu we hatti sprchli ik vkoirlwa unit lbbllng hook which ecel ttllnlri f wo ivr away itrwildiirpencrs tin uuur lu every ucllttul bays bookstore- guolph day sell cheap jbimnrss jhrrrtorj uxvical tohn m macdonam m id c m kbttou to j f ulllim u d g m offle at 1 rldeueecoruer u 11 ifrederlek ueeu actou offloe hour j to 1o10 a m 1 ta a 1 til and 1vu c i ki lly ho oxiduitk ilcolii uwuliufllt uot uiuu iliaktflym bociatv of avotljclililll lov 10v xi1lixd office and lualdeoeelredrlok it- aelou omcifoujuioio i to a ami t to o itvu 10uydun kt kitt tottiixt ulll sm moxami lllttak dousjajt il umt 1 0 uukuvyk lostd lo iti til ij l ilknuktt l d tl dunt18t a gun lit al hanking uusinfss transacted intersil at mou favorablfl current rale allowed on savings hank axcotinli and dcpoull kecclyla ucltcrs or credit lsud avnlulilo in all lurtu o tho uorld snecul attciiiloi ivcn lo i amicni uuuneui honiiy oudlirs vau amv uuu xir to 30 iayahlo at any iwnklnk point i cuiiatu outudo of tlta yulon territory may now ucvicurbaiildbojuaiivjcflujijiuyil any delay -acton-branch- jcogulan d d sld s wok c4kxuixy uokm lmjtiil wjjebltl owriljt ovm uajwm 4 duu fittikm al hull ddbldp fltloalfvkjul dutrur uomum 0uduith oy yokhmto uwivttajirrr wotk taiaj uuafmiory llw uojiu vtarrinu wi ucxuuy ijurnooti cmt- llltuwuy aouxl oolmcltkd llouj vridy ltoakmood m otikajj a mclkan ulrulantkllciuu houjiio cottvayutomri ofllo town mail ablod w a moliw jwo a mcltaw a j mwjkinnon lllkkurrxm tuluciyos comvwv1mciu ovilcmailllblrmt lu kutuiw uli uiuua jueluod mkutt iiiuciruttiwi coyyiuiu ka oa tk1h a vfiui vit uaiu uit osorimowu ooavayajmlus dotiii aai1 tuaiigy otil oil fiil tuoitvm ou i win xuhmty ak i r j makaim jlkvouftiiiluuiou coutt coualr til hal ton caavyajucratlrilttlljfaahauiuio lli att acaut uuurtlott u urlum i rryiuau alilook aot0n on juri cxliijjfxo vs pvll a r husband v s majuau kluirl vulitavr oollm lrm uainu vuiujy uwlleal uou unihukrf woouu m urbr luoi u insurance agunt w h dlnhv laural aiiol cuntwuau lit litocuuou akoot uulun kuj nuiliuu vlf liuur4 ootuittiu cvdm yotug i- aotou h uoll4lof ortiuuu tat inyaullau w 1iw aiilwllona lorllia cioiajuu aliiw 1 mluiiioiiiiii ataut otllo kud for ui raluuj of trad ualka btid far dui tttlrtrtwo viij kltrlum it ul 1fi1 llan 0 1 h nokan boomiuhduu wyudliawllt quklpltouullo uu wuilftiui bud aftaouul hook of t11 kluju tilaj to tmimt 14iimlolaof vryilorlllouiiajtaullylmkuuj uluuallvbh t tr0tittlvaoua m aimiaok liqunhuo if r uoojiu ihuiwh ow uiukiiiuri llnikaki llivatonlj howlumn rjulij iaud al wuum lu ul tivaultiif v lj ofcfloi aof om 4vtm ukuavuuut llouuhhu auotlomkmh ptir ttm fouutlu of wllltiit0ii uj iuil0u jlululchtlltukmhm 1 kuatl dtllt aatou t a lo iiioufcy to loau ou ilia maat tuvoraiila 4uiuuuj ttlm luw t t4tai ol luulaat lu uiuaof wxuj iwaij hullliqillllkin ji c mooo tub wliuliwqton mutual pihu inhui1anck comianv ilaubluitl 1040 iiwidowo- aujduvaoht n ckhijl uutual ilui auy luna lurwaiaai iy iuljt lloatms irf uuijium w will ui ixouiitly hutuj to atron- livbry killylklibluulahll ad of till tmltllo aoij luf5uua uuai us line a at till tmltita uui miiruia vuw vu wll fcuulpid vwl btyl3b tlu ou fey wy 1m uaurwl tl lluulilo- a htuifarultu bu uu tmliur blhati hi kuj mlll l lu urf ul alwituou glwau ul yur la tba vaulauf intiiuibtnlkltiaviil lairi fully taial john williamh mercuants bank of canada capital reit 56000000 2600000 youhp1ctubbb c rr waters bros can do it for you at tlie low est prices and in the k latett styles wyndham street cuelph the business man who has no telephone not only misses all the convenience ol the telephone service but is lost to the com mercial world the 1 elephone is the qreatest business agency of tht- century see that you are associated with it wanted atnu to uu itcrmaitetil nolllom with at good pay ahupph r cluuicd of promotion to jood men w alio dealra touia rood auenta elttier on wlioia or part time to ll our preparation for tlve destruction of tha luufuick m01i1 caterpillar known as aoatahpiliiaiunk many ol our tile am en cany llili as me line onil maka considerably more than omlr expends thereby we have tha lareil luaortmaut of alock of ny nurmry in canada 1eo fla prtitar our uoodi becauw of our uuarante all our slock is unl out under govenimcnt cartlficata nroiln cleanllnoafl ami frwulom from ilicaie apply now for lerrltory stone wellington toiionto dunlop solid rubber carriage tire k iiflw cartiuiii tixtliat males riding on all roadu a plo4iure economical too for 1 doaa away with the vibration tliui shakes uad lirckia llutcurriaj a iliapa hm uttf aall tjljiul bar ura atul 111 alaa tiaua trfaiallu uia tnijtm auj eutuutf uuit ulhx ua u aultlmt lu tua u14 lilbll al ul lui taild ueud al oikj or lr lira atjiouk klvlujf pt of ul alma -thd- traders bank of canada capital paid up si 000000 assets 0vor0ool3ooo cueloh branch nkxt ixhim in hutnrm 1 savings bonk dopartmont iiiuubtit cuiuirmt uatm lv ihrtihkht liau on auma itapuailsil uf wl mil ujwanla inuratt allow frumr ilata uf iltall u ilala or iuiltanl and l id if rniumld laif yaly advanoaa inajlo to touallu rarmartf ihi tllr own iiaium al tli aat rlln l noouarb- tiiail- lor rollaoll u mot 1 it tataliultultti a kailara laukliif imtliiaaa iraiiaaoud roval oitv tho dunloptiro company toronto il iu3inz33 wimnihtu noinl in s6ssion ittujanla tuay cnlav a1 any lluia aa inatrunttou u larval y injuulual taiul uala ttom uay aiuaanl ooiuaa in if you an lajioua of kxuiliiu vuiittcil kua unomtuixn tvtkwwiriwu km- in ulw fa a xuh 1u aa 1 catsloua tut uta aaklui a w vovng yraur jink llulllliitf lrxrjmii uukflir omt aoton machine and ttewih shos hkwuyuuihduil 1 roorulor illhll aiuiu1 wlltl tha niaefilnn jv naaaaary umxnu la all rattalr u tiiaelilit ra atil aaileultural liuj uoiuia aol lo do all klnia of ataaat altintf boraaalioallitf kuiluaimral blankainluiin wihtjaora rakalra litiiriiiad n a aaiiaf aatory majinar wl can tafalr any htanllllt or liilplamalll of ally lilaka llw umiulujt attj dllujt doua sun savings and loan go huadolficu tohonto ont auihartxdil cjjmuj ts 000000 oo ten year maturity times arc paid monthly iiiktalnttnts ol 50c pr ithara for laomonthi when payments ccaui 6o 00 aid in maturity value gtoooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalment on appli cation to r j mcniibli w barber bros xt clxj3x makers georgetown t ontario colorqd john r barber as seasons ehaiige sq hg fasliigns goop6r st pckhlsts phuhiohmulu tllow8 b to siiuounca to their patroni and tha public iciierally that they have hii provijintf for tha moit tasteful dretsera by purcbailii freely of the in ml uptodato oodi in tha woollen marketa and will show or llwt eprinl trade the latest and best goods produced by the best mills al prices within the reach of all i it and workmanship cuakanti ud call early io trouble to show our oods wa ard aola atfanbi in anion for uto oou- braud ballwarp and nianhftlm flanfa vrhlohdoaanot fula or qlianuu 1u oolor in two yajr vr or monay rafuiulod cooper a akine mill st acton its your nerves it tho condition of your norvos that either mako your luo a round of ilunsuro or a u so la at burdori lu many vjomrn hfti 1 ona round of tick ncii wciknau and 111 licalth to atlompt oven lha lljjlilcil houuhld dutlc fatigues thqjii many of tho aymplums accomauy ing this mate uf dcclinu ara a focllnn of tlrediies on wikiui filntncss dliclneaa illkliih faehuipnlpitatioii of tho lth short nrsitif brcaih i on of appcllm cold hands and feet headache dark circles under lha eyes piln lu i lid luck ami side and all lha olhct uccoiupanliuenli of a rundown ami weakened cnnaliliulon all ihoui symptom ami condition ate simply l ho rcull of a poor ipialll and jjij j iiiiim ihr bluud with a wsillnn awiy of the nerve forcea lly ted i uu tho tyilein with 1 or try tmili man witiiiult thh uok aa naluie a balpar in ttta frulugl aoll iu11 lovpr urn lio wutlaaotoa duly alilika wuo u a lraosr to all liouaal toll willi luurattiatiootauieii arlu ttta youul uaabitublamltadirataariutuluiutaii ilia tall la luuir qukanal fzid lofsoatll ilia aooallail oultura monu plain somtdae atln t llli tauaa lit aod ill iloll atul aaka bol talit ay ball bla rial or aull it auuaa ubuiak ilia kuw jon 04 a 00 t klisiafla ilia ruaa uixn all aliati rool tliua eoniaa tia burdau atiunolna auoli lb air of flaacantamot for i boa wbo bold blmdaar u lboaa abo bora blajlwbe tibj burla taar to bird are craalura of a iowa loliar a iowaoivlllonbjruiablil in iuktall iu kaorna uta nobla ralllnif of lil hhth an4 ollb- f lhia uw of a ball wlilla cbalotf raku forlunao lha aartli 11a aiwa lo cat aatfioa 0a bjjlara bask aim till a an uiat tiflaarabla ol arwl aruaaoua want forava ilia traak iliads itoh 111 rnanbood body rtiltid al it la bol oultura lo rol up uia biala o till it willi uaaaraajy wntugbt tla roolad tlaaii iri tiiaiiliooj a ary wain a lij bloom lp aaary alloa avary tliouabt tu nrulta kuowjlia arluat r aouda tla wll ul ualu ilia 1u11i aa uat w- can hut mora titan all ibousbt aiwl hiaduart fttnoolb it la 111 tiioral aiatejat ala lka farnil lla alow to katitt blaa front aaylaa aioatl vnva olaaaio lalurw o trout lilsli browd alfll erualaajtlaaaluolliaart uayiiaauaraj lu faatui uult ornala 11a alow lo fcauga a tuau wtioaa tbougbla ara alow tliy titay la blaar aoj uua atlj ttrotitf and u tlihik not lb bamtaj lriu or foialiaaj low a liroof f kluabtti to tb o o all 11 baak bol lor tyba bf a ilgrjj ta lu aalja vltara batura alavalaa til lilatt raoobarlia taul aaloall aoolla f aa la tlldad lialu oalguta taitalvaa mm k ioory xru cnll jv y nd 11 eh of a on hof sraotetl yam iuabing t cjalorricg prosli air br warfc blo0dllnd hervrt pills vou slrika al jho rot j the dima nd lay a mild fuuutillon uu which to build boon ilu wtitflll li cnaimii tho suitkuii chualii and tlallonml iiubtii lill mil lha ejna hot brluhwainl lha thrill of inuwul health uiul bin luth vlliraut throu h thu ttyuluin ma ibr uk ut ujl iltutuu nr dr ward co toronto out rrrvwor tliemlttutara wlf ald vtlly bi hrpoticll smpatkled witin ofaroy no i ona a all i ott oiatiaftd and tnort too roand ml4 balom i oouldut cat my alaap out lakl hlybt draad ih it but i promiaad yoar busbattd i you can put the down my llfaa tuaaradj uulh wouiu ubithad h ovar tha hill pl6utry but ll wan ui fulou aobur trot aral tha faaeof lbamlnlalor u hill wlf took tialurally la uugblnk eurvaa atid bald tbani fjriiunlly altar lb rl oooaalod fo tbani wm ovy tb paople of bwactwaur aald it waal ft wood uia mot bar of alx llttla eh i id ran all of am o avar fait inollttad to uojjb jlva k tha t all kuada ml bajom i dont swd bow i can tdada ft at into an o i xtaaldaa uua wouijba ao laueaom airaut you tnoal afrabl aot think of uy 41uu jury o wy tad o mulraajmary baltiif off aomawbars alalia i that pattcll waiud ktill aud uta mini ura wlfa looked toward mu oaloma with arch quasltaaltik bha bould m byond bt4ba broad iraloh of prim lawu aud iba llli buaha- frlnglnh ii it lookad ilka such a baautlful ebanoa for frh air oh 1 1 dnn and tha1idti ut btlitlaura wlf abibad aoflly rabiuibrliiil tha crowdad lillla ataonaua bboit i wrlu ik- wo aftr tba t t or i could writ bra you kuow i ulaa tlalom uufibtd but not with yltld- ln in ll wrlla o u a ah oatj aud altar my nama you oin put lu a pirntbah and tba lord hava tuaray on bar aoqll it was aarly july aud hot wavu of clowr awtal tuusblua erapl into all tba op n window tbara wu acairoajy a baatb atirrlnjf la tba tduaa tba taut maul bouaa pod aapad for lbalr brth and lha lltlla bablaa wara borua away in tiny plus 00 una tba utluiiutra wife wna tblukintf of ilia bablaa oa aha ro to to my hat a oountliik up aba aalj i aball aaud il tomorrow x dont dara o wait any longer uba oaoouutu u laat nlfthli parir war hurt itrajiu ulaa balom tba tiny oa ara dylu so i i doulraad tba papara in tba hot wsvur mlwsubwna aau brlafly i make fana of ibam iban i bba followad bar callar tlirouali lha oool dim hsll it tba front door youva aald a lrl of ooura sb calltd after bar of oouraa jou uudar- aland i oiut hava any boy iralpaiuy routtd i yaa i said ooa lltlla jlrl tit tulnlg- ura wlla auawarad quully tha child ru uwalwaura aliara would coma tba las i waak in july aud alay a forlulfchl uia city oilaalouary wrou tbay woulj ba ba foilnrual walfa of tba utrmtaud no ona waa to tpol prfaot mauuara or ololbaa ulaa tlaloma a lay ad awaks ofcauar altar tba iniulalar a wlfa rjd bar tba lalur tharawra plauty of tiiuea whon aba railed bltlarly at hrlf for aver proiiiulojj jo tba ioiir draaded day sba walkad lo tlia atalion to inut tba iraiu and bar fal tha mlnlatara litila wife jolnsd bar half way iba- had a dlsrmud look in bar awwutlradfaor im joint to trlutf honia tba ufl ovar tba aaid thar ara uol always ona or to tlombbody tilva up at tha 4l i mnt ur ali ilia mlaalouarlaa canl raalst tba lamplalinn to inuuuia uua extra ul lha end i aball brln my utila uuovr bontv if i hava lo maka a halt bad for my boy a out ou tha puaxa i h brakg my bairt tb kaad aboat tba poor llula auffarib lliluua hba ias uot tblukiuii of mlj kaloma bl amply roouia aha wan thinking of the ttrriblfl oowdaj rooidi in tba awur ink ally uuatuauu flla ratoiua would not ul haiarlf ibluk 6f iboia 1 bail tba iralu awapi in aid tha liltla waif trallad out ou iba iuuuv platform and alood about uuounifortably wta loin alers wifa aorlad llutn out bually bhack isjij ibaui off as aba wul down bar hal tbaaa two to daaoou hpoour lboaa two lo mra willtaapoounudlo u walbarllla una to tba uiaauaw una in ulaa haloine but oiia hahtutaa baa a buy i lhy w ttaaily all boya ttta una ur two tiil lilafw bulaaud uiw ualotna bad wul tlvd ho babied dear mo muiraui parplaiail lillla wlfr ahtif up at the d are u la bla lillla rank- in klrl tofll mlaa kfloma a toucli arm ntada har turn novar tnlnil about uta ulaa haloma waaaaylm with immorom wrinku round her ya i can nut atoiitf i waapi rally bankarlntf js hut tbarall t loo manytij no round uiia haloma i htbant da ad u oouul but i know thrra at ttioro than onomjb ait aofaarllllla irui do uliava ml irani 11i a uunar nd ill ua uio wrnurt oonalnntattl i iuu llulo lhlnjja i v barawar a lltt uil noaru oven after ijaacon upoonar uhj an vatr loy ami lb uraanaa look twt icn ayaaalwn lnbalont aviuaeu tbraa in 1 aiinply ran 1 wbla parad tba tnlnlaiar a uifa ul daapalr illia want up ti tha aot ttry boy that nobody boull sfjuaaa- in si i patlthl bla llttb grimy bauda ooiipainiially ha blootl kbunllutf bla ut iral at lid ill ico wid arr ha aald audjauly ralaatnjf a band ti indicate mjaa ijalimo rottaatlu fljiarf and wlllout any further warolntf id dartad down the platform in oloa purmit at the ktroot oroihiu ha duuht up i ootobttd yof ha orid braatllaaa im bolnmnnit o you dtra alnl no toom liowhcro blaa alnl jar room in your lauomeut i i nail bunk on da roof all wghl mlaa halome a food kllll and rati bar kaan gy wyra ovar tba i an palolij uu lovaly utila craatura ramctbluu in bla obearful con fld 1100 in bar making room for blm touched lur ob y thara waa room nouftb thara were flvr alx room ha would not tiead to aup on iu roof hut ibla urrlbla hula uuwaaiid ttoy ll waa ufll fay to aaaooisto him will ona of bar itnmlrbuuta lieda aa while every on of tbam ayha waa lilaok did vu aver laka a bath aha wakul abruptly tak a wol uttaiti 7 the laantbrowo faco axprraacd i her ubacpaalntauoa with tha word a why blh did ynu avar wakb yoo raalfr a mluutaa wraalu with memory and tbn a kindling of new born pride in iba bwuta voybel ul waslioilms fabd wen ma pal uot trowai down m i want ur da hospital ur kaa him i dldul wid no dirty faoa niw i atlaa bslomo raii lialplaad baforaauab an kxnarlouo it w utioonsolously tba fcnlluji of tba two way rt rt liar mind and aba took tha ona that would lead tbam boma toolbar ill kaap blm lontf enough to wash blm u poo t an ab ihoubt grimly mlaa balomaa oaaa waa an undaui oui if aba bad but knowu it tba oily mlaalonarlea who round up tha little walfa for thai outlntf in tba oouniry mada atran ttoua a tor la to wnd them ro thalr banafao lore clean al laaat aud aa wbola aa they oould maka tbam hut tbla urlmy mortal who bad adopted misa qsloma waa an saoaptlon taken into ilia tauka at tba last mluula thara bad baan no time to maka tha haat of blm tliay walked on lolbar tba boy bar feet paddllutf uaavedly bealda miaa salon a bba atola a oovev rlaua by and by at the aurt un- obiljlsbfaoa what oould ha ba tblukintf of bo you had a pal y what la a pal 7 aba oakad oh i wall a pst a a pard yar know yar rfoaainto trade wid htm abaraa da winulna aaat yar atlcka by blm iroujtb tlck au ilu yr dont navar k back on yar pal uv 1 aud your pa la dead t tba change lu tba boys faoa waa won- jarful mies balome marvallad al ll mlufadad joy aud uudard atrujjfilad 1 tb tough tba jrlma for evjual aitpraon uiokaydaadt yar ul ba aint i ni batlln wall yar cant kill mickey haa flunln out ar da bin pit i lu a weak mickey la i tliay wero olooa to ulaa balomea h i wblla bouaa and furlhor oouvwaatlon waa interrupted coma in mis tlaloma said at the ie- laa busha thai framed 0 gateway and iu allflot awa the ctly waif paddled in bla aollad hltle faoa lifud to tba jraat purple taaaala ovorhead wbala thamt ha whliperad afur ft momant lllaoa misa bilama atiswarad brlafly ii waa auolbar ardumenl in ibe boy j favor to think ha bad never seen a lllao buahl nla 11 tm mite il laylock bba felt bar beait bhiiis fraably tuujad it do ndl lake a uraal white to waab avn a little yanitns fees that la alranuar to tha opraltaiu hut the oleanalutt ovr allll lha boy tarrud uitfl baloma did not invite blm ha auyad ho waa perfectly happy in a novel awod way ha wout about lha bij front yard on tip toa at ural as if ha waf afraid of qfuablna tba araaa with ida utile calloused brown feel aud whan luadvartanllv be irod on ft uraal rd oovr baad ulaa haloma aw him atoop and al it broken iialk with apliula of herds irasv hai look plenty of time and bis thin uiiohihlish faoe waa puokarl uav1y i shall lal blm uy bla ilma out mur mured miss hilome anil that nlghtll waa tba flrat nlubt kha eat up to mend bla ololh whan aha carried tham back a utile leu out al albowa and forlorn lha boy waa fast asleep and tbri moonliubt wai criii- his faoa aa it lay iu brown nlief einonu lha wlulo pillows it oould nol have kissed more tandrly the lltlla faoa of ft ohild who waa loved whoia inotbsr unl ovar 1dm illie llht lu aflis balohia a unsteady nniera hired and half rousad lha waif he opaaad bis oyts and rjind bar in alupld terror laminaloua l i aiu i doiu no thin ba mult arad uhlaldlnu his faoa aa if from a blow then alukliik away into kleap aaln mu baloma utlard a aofl sound uf plly lu bar throat iheluy at bar heart ilrin lltfhuned lha nest day lha boy uppard bidiire ulaa baloma rolling bank hiu vlaava anar helically ha uamtul up at bar with a fdtndly yrln yar h bruib an aoma bliokiii maam t i klu all in a yr bonis rjqniplata thatll in tarfaakhm an ill ulva da atova a otl i ut yt wont mind maam ha wailud wlalfglly it wan bbi nuly way uf aukunwudktiiik i davulluu to hie adoflod mislroa tuvaral daya paaaeil uueutfully ilieii ulaa halnme look tba buy to town ativ plained ht 000 jerry eol ma jerry a ma pal yar know lie aald aa i ooqld wear da clotbea h loojht yooee wouldnt mtntrr rilt4l blm ot with new clothaa thatday wia evtttiful ibanblld waa uenanxureri midu over new kvao bla utile unoouih lonkua aoamad to iarlaka of th eofutnlii indnetioa of tha patch 1 04 hatty iroaavrn and lha alrange atreal dlaleal aaanded lon oml li uia tlalomee ear bba waa proud uf ha freali air boy and bar liaait lriujiluayed bo tiflea and ao paraltbautly vlltraled with cnllo ateaillneaa ttta ion ly women waa uoajt tu 1orinjjhnblle lonely utilhl then duno tba tudsawakenlnit wbatl ona mornhtllaaalottefoutd bar bird had flown trlokad out lo bid proud new plam- ajjo tha raus old cloth wreamoolhly folded on a chair thara waa nothing tae aava a froably blackeuad alova and ahlulujj abotni l ulaa baloma door ba lall of bu bavintf boar ibera and one ulaa balooiw stood a lon while tba heap tr folded ololha torn uwn auger and jtrlaf bba bad davar fall ao keenly lha ona way or tba olhar lu all lha fifty aevao year lhat apaunad bac pilet lif theolotbaalf ha bail only left tba now fjlplba behind inauad uf iba old i 1 bjtt would have brlped e much hut it wouldail bave been near ao- li u man alglied iba poor wornati draardy than 1 abould have bean enurtalnlutf an angel udkttrm no tio let bim tanf am bank to bla tlttma but dont fat binihvrkait my door aala rum tbla lima forth and forever more i btill abo uil tba llttl tmtufl doth uu mouated it takaa lima foe heart airine to roovr tbamaclve two daya utlar tba walla dlapeaanoa ulaa baloma aaw a atrany lillla flu urn hobbllnu up brr walk to ihaarootnpanylo tap of erutcht bha bad never aeu tba boy bnt lha cloth bba adjaetad bar lilaaaea habllly aud nodded aa aba looked 1by w aevaral alaeaj lao large the troueara and tba auevea wra turned up aud the noat was upd until but ou row uf braas bullona waa vial bio but uia clothaa warn tba one ulaa baloma bad bought for bar freeb air boy tha liltla fluom hobbled bearer and an tenant lillla faoa looked ap frankly at ulaeflalome ilq me- mickey tba child aa- what pnofkbsjon shall mv tlov choose thaupwerd inflect lou at the and wee luleuaa wllb wilful inletroffaion mickey proped ont crutch andr hu arm aud ran bla ibin wblla inge up and down tba eoat- front admirin alni day dandl t jerry waa a rettlar toff but i uu im too little to fill em out it take da kluftln out o yar to bunk at d boapltal a tnont ha draw oloea iri mia baloma and jerry wanted i abould kx yar if yard u willln ur awopba aald u ull yr i wer a hploppw chap au blm but be lied jerrya a brick i ha five ma de clothaa an made ma coma ooa im bla pal an k0a laroa data jrry tha cltlld lu tba overgrown olotbea aoau- ad to alirlnk to ubya a aa uua baloma looked at blm out of dim aya tba other tsbllda fam jarrya paarad ovar bla abouldar at by yar wont mind maatn ll aeemed to aay wistfully i any aint it prima barit mickey aald derea k you kin aup on aji sowera ou da lfoea au da houka is pain led fit ur split i data wat jerry 11 on dervd ba jerry said ha bat twetrw ilk wat da mlaaion obap aald fain ur ileaveod ba if if yor wouldnt roluil oould i bunk on da yraaa maam v two weak laur the raluuura lillla wlfa called on ulaa baloma again bba potuted out of iba window lo a liltla flgura iu tba urasa oud smiled btill haw vi aba aald yaa miaa baloma aald briskly im using to keep ulfvay lill baa strong again ilaa oomlok on youd ba surprised to saa bim aat now j andjarry uiaa baloma a faoa broke into mellow curve out riders of u lau tha ml 11 iaurs wifa wondered why aba bad aver thought it a pttln face jarry went off as brown aud fat i you know i aaul for bim to coma back after be ran away and swopped ulmaelft ilaa uteii bar two weks with miakay7aud bea just uoua today lie aald it waa uaoeaaary for blm to o uoknd aaltla up his bual na 1 tba laugh bad arrived aud ulas blloma ttava haraalf up to it luxuriously boob ft boy t yaa wara going inlo partnerabip together jsrry aud i altar thai ware joloi lo u pale 1 anula hamilton donucll in country omtltmah aahool tba lad dourea agaioal wbat bo ratards aa tha folly of delay and dlsap poiuu lbs hopes of the father ftttd mother vbaliaveatwaytrrnnant hinrfor-w-laaraad- profaaalon ha m ay u tljjhl lhay may ba wroutf wbo un pradlat ouly irtae can aolwa lha quealioii a boy m meant by tiatura for a sclenllflo atudetil or for an artist ilia liter aoecaeaiul shrewd olavsr baa no pallanoa with tba tbouuhlful invaatigalor ho oonsldereuou for tba drasmar of dreama hara it tba toldan ebanoa uta boy opposite would oovot and kppreoiau ll la loet on tha poat ou tba tawdwalwe3m3watu0ulfaalawka mtul qolat kud a clalaurad axlsuuoa attalti thara u friollou in tba home and paxxled faoae frown round tba glowing hearth a oourieat of prudence in thcad very wndnon crista is walt do not forea ewnla leave eoinolhlng to d i vine provldaiiw trust tba boy whom you have brought up ftud gulda never eeek td drive hlmratthat purling of the ways whioh moek of all la bla paraoual and vital concern margaret i ilangaur in owira itiiy magic aqejcadlh to asaartaln auy persons age with ilia aid of ihla tat rnpieat hint to inform you lu which column or columns bis ago la ooutuued add lcyibeir lha figures al tba top of tha eolumuu and you hava tba caorat ibui biippoaltig his sa lo ba oavauloeii yuu twtd that nuinur lu lite hrsl aud fifth ooluuma add lha 8rl flgurte of tbaaa two oolumua hara la ilia toiglo table in 1 as 7 1 7 11 111 as u 10 l u ao uu 11 11 l3 jl ji j7 n u li 14 jj wl o is 15 is ji uu 17 ul jo jl at 01 iu ll jl j5 jb n jl ij j j jo jll 41 ai uj j3 j7 j7 el j jll ill jll jll 41 j7 j7 jl ju w 15 ju au jtl 10 u3 40 ji 1 31 11 ul 11 47 113 111 hi rl i si si ml ul ja f7 i7 67 amtiuu tba uratlons wblob moat ololy touch the itrarl lifa of tba borne which ara nv4 eamtaily and tebdaiiydlacusaed by ibe fire on ttta hearth mini uke preco dencejol that very important ooa witlch profraoon shall my boy obooaa t wharw ver be may ba enrolled aa a atudant bow over to hltnf and bla rxitntadaa ha to mi a man to iba auxlouu peranla wu- ara trying u foraoaat bla future ha la allll ibelr taddl the obol uf their dearest aolle tuda and acrtly or o polity iba poaeeeeloa in which tbey take moat pleasure and prid ha and lhay etv oonfronled with tio ellfhl dimcully wlnut tba maatiot to u decided balancing aornctlmaa oil the blander edga of a hair la wbetbar the ton of iba bouse shall aaur bailnesa or aludy for a3me 1 1 ural vocation for the law or rnedlolna or jouruallani if the boy baa already choaei for blmslf if b hah a decided t prefer 0110 for lha tniulatry of vulon or if bla earner imparalivdy urk oaititt baa stout td it initiative for army or nity al una of lha itraal acliool west ioltitur atmapolla tho thing la practically ftrrankod as to the preeent what la tu oome haraafler wl 1 depand largely ou tho bluff in lb boy and lit ueaar dagrea otl lh oppoftuuillra b4 may nuat after bla prellmlrary training la ovr tha major iy of caao ara not ao aaatly and areaby adjualad iateol a or think lhay ace lhat thalr aons have apecul tllntaj along oeruln hue j lb bonujebmaelvea ara pulled another way young man brought up in plain bonira with limited ihhuii find baelde them altouldar to abooldar in utau collage life other young mu ijually gifted rijually atilbltlouu ripially claan of hfoand pare of aim who hava what ap peers lo tha poorer onae a tretnaudoua ad- van isga plenty of money lhat it is not ttacauarily the advantage ll hminl do nobootur to t bit of tan impecuuious and always cramped aud iuoouvmilucd stu dent wbo faela day by day the clog of au aaally eropuod pockatbook ilia htronu dtr klra l to plunge at onea in mnvwi rtd in tha bbelneea world lo maka money and lo maka it rapidly aghast at ihfj yrara of jljljy 1 tha medical pr tba law hints pon sabbath school teachers tba work and opportunity of the bab bath jchool toaober is uiol import an i and raapoualble bacood only to that of thai poitofata and the home aud a eomatlinaa mada van more important by tha lack of godly home influence and tralnlug it is important lo ramembar that tha opportualty is only glvn you for ona hour in eavatt day and thereto vry momenl abould be apeut proflubly and faithfully for tba msatar il la alto luipjrlaut lo ramstuber that if we are to be buooakful wa mull labort la the power aud undsr the guidance of lha holy 0 host always bk and axpict his prswnce and aid ayold a far aa poaslbla tba noa of halpa whan taaoblng lie faithful in prparlnj your lesaou be for auttiug fur aohoqllbut if for any reason yon have falledto raaka full or evsu paxtial preparation do not make malura woraa by slaying away from the dun ever strive by praoept and rxampla to lead aacb acholar individually lo christ ha not aattsaad with any measure of auooeaa that ktopa short of conversion ro joloa in every indication of progress but labor aud pray unoaasingly thai each aud all may beooma out and out cbristlaub kndjbvar to bava each scholar in lore tod iu the ltsion maka tua moat ot overy houul ajiaiarfiivoiiwbtilbr iljjbt or wrong aa far as possible allow no irrayelant ulklng la tlia clsia during lha teaohing sauion a bouia acquaintance with tha scholar is vary ofuu tha road to success know li scholar personal if a acholar la absent without reason vlall blm or her as early as you can the same weak confer with tho ouperlntelidaiil aa to dimaultisa in your class 11 poaalblu during ilia weak al all svsnlb after jou hava spantaoina lima ova ibo mailer in ptayyr and thong lit haporl all iraiiafcrs or ailuilsiion ot new acbours to bacrotary buwriuteudanl or proper o moore promptly lrlxo highly lha prlvllego of taaohing and ba not auant from your plaoa exopt for reaaona that the master will honor whon reimrfd to ba abwnl provide ft suballtule or kiivimi lha h u pari nl ende nt early luinambar tho kiibetituto sltould have lima for praparallon nothing will mora rmlokly iuoouraja or diioncanlaaftulsksthan a teaoheru irriul ar atundanaa he faithful therefore and earn uia mauura well dona a mloundlihstandinq- uniur orj a carrtit uano tba a a wol 1 uk oliap lu 7bbiarlll ulciri 1 1 lea hrl of iba waalwn t lain where a allllneae fall ilka a vail of ihw a rlta lay in liaulory wat a jrvhera ilia ni lj kla lb- far aattb and lb tfut af ll aul woiu wlui tltalr talaklirta lklm ailry llfiht lill ul beaver willi keaul 4 ol tlia itaart uau aott wltti a aootlilna muu i rraatlom aoj calm jlllit aa well arwl baa at uia wblftnaor willa oir bead lu thai playful hfs wbeie ll loaaa tuatla a lullaby by tba breath of ibo ttlsltt wlol atlrre1 an tbato wolf linwla in iba aaudy bills an i tbaouatxiy aluipi tu bl hard i otl tba on tb 1 taaal of a tlln blofa tba eatluullulalli nor talaa tbalcbaaiu wltan lite abalowy forut of tb tbwvuu um i y uut doaeuielraya wtion ilia ojililmi euoit uf the tlrelear weubur tby bear- tit aoitif tbat tell tl hi to uu iii faaca bo iuinr laluiklugiiiar tbewaajy 1111 fmit lha rltywni m tbe hiul lu ida blaokut il- a 14 taada a aoty ol lrhil imi on tl u hoai f uiasuilltaklm an i draatnlly watclt tba iltfut tlllil ot iba kllaaaboouriiatl lil wb lit lo wolf bola li llj ly hill iuj iu oowloy aliitfa lu bla befit how near to tb praaaooa of ooj wa f 1 1 how saoie1 tb btlllitu mill i how 111 waal lad aoul in iu newfound rl wllb tit joy of aalataua tuia t how wa alnioat ibluk we can ke tlie faoa of lb vatbrofalluiithra in a twhtklhiu frain of tlia kllttt star uial jwal tlii iilltilulil alrl what fantda till lite dulitilita 1 talis a w float ui lln ilia vtloa bluiiutlaitl fr of lliaarlliatfr- himt on till lb laat dim vuluti or earth by ul rtner oi i u biarxni ubor tbo dog wolf bowls lu uta kauly blllr stsu 1 lla oflyboy altiia lo bla itartl junwr j- vtmwi poti wiiv do wh wlnkf no aathfaniory ditlrmiuatlou baa uu made of tba reason we wink eioma sup twaa that tlia daacaul and rcluru of ibe lid ovar thu eye rvrs la hwrop or wash il off othciu lhat covering tit the ijt ir it ft tl froul ill libor of wlaloii if ouly fur an iitmpprai labia inalau riia vtow borrow a some futn front ilia act that the record of wiuklng iacauaidarably uaailbytupnri manlw physlologlsla to brlji measure tba fatiua which ibe ae nulfcrj in another line of in herr r oarlml has attempted lo meaaura lta langth of lima occupied by tba ditfarant pbaaee of a wink he ud a ajwiially ar- rngd pboloiiraphio apparatus aud affined a place of wbita ppr to ilm adga of tha eyelid for ft mark ha found lhal lha ltd dcioaiiils quickly and rhi a lillla at tha botlom of lis movement after which it rlaae but tnoru alowly than it fell lha men duration of lbs downward movement waa from 7 lo 01 tbouaandtba of a aeoond hatatsrttittwtyvmitrt tbe shoruit duralloua being iu hundredth of k second with ona ubjat and 17 bun urvdtbs with anolhr and tha third pluvaa of thu wink the rising of lha lid look 17 bund rd lha ot a ecoond more making iba lira duration of the wluk 40 hundtodlb or four tofllba of a second lha luterrup liou is not long anough to interfere wllb dlitluot vision u v ilenrt aays inii anna fsyahola- que that different paraoue wink differently soma of ton others rarely bomelngroupa of ten or so at ft time when they real ft wblla and othara regularly once only at a time tha movement ia modified tyftlta degree of atteullou 1orlol of cloak u uroat whan we wink hardly at all may ba followed by a apedy making up for lost time by rapid winking when tba tension is relieved popular science loxfay 3 the passing of the horsc lha invention of the aleain railway did a great dl tq jeaaou tha immur of horaea thai would but for it have been uaceasary for t radio and locomotion purpoies lha leclno railway has dona its ahara in en abling mankink lo dispense with tba ser vice of a once valued animal tha same may ba said of ibe bicycle and now a new rival la forging ahead into popularity the uloui obi la it ttmu to ba indisputable that t re o i ion by meauaof its vaitly cheap er anil mrn rapid aa well aa otherwise more convenient than traction by hora power and tba only serious oulacle to iu antral ma in rural dittriota is tha bad condition of the country roada tbea it will aa the bicycta has already dona tend to improve so that its more axtenaiva lu traduction will be atonoe an rffsat and ft osuaa 1or aenlltnentel rsauoua tba paa ing bf tha horaa lata ba regretted hot nol mora ao lha n ilia uuutltulion of iron stamara for itificlj wooden bailing sbijia of from a half to thrco quarters of century ago it la only whan ha faals joy or borrow thai man knows about hlniulf and only by joy and sorrow ii he la ba instructed what to uek and what lo shun go tha make old dresses new i tu 01 63 u ttj ibataarulwo tbiug llis1 man should not weary uf and humility w get nona too iiiuuh of ihain bi this rough world and among ooll proud people ur i hluutioenu vliaii we bavi giwwl blood wa aie healthy atmiigi vl and full of ufa aud aurgy hood lufaaparilu iiihkea gtutl blool uy dear aald ft ifaiillumau to his wle wbsra did afl lhoa books on aalrouomy iu i iba library ooirla from ljiay ara nol our owu a ploaaaut lltlla aurprue for you ra ipoiulad tha lady you kuow you aald this morning that wo ought lo aludy patron oiny aud ao 1 want to a hookabnp and vtuuht avjwry thing 1 onuld tlud on tba subjaot ll way soma tuluuta ufora lia apnkt my dear be then kalil ulowlyhla voloo hveky with aiiiotlou liavr aaid wa tnusl atujy aalruuuitiy 1 std that wa mint itudy boonumy dlatuokidjdyos tho sim plest and easlost way of homo dyeing thqlr groat bupurlorllv qvar all othor ways of homo dyalnu a tun cunt puckuyo will color from otto to i ivu potrnda or aooilo coloruttiut will nbtwat out in btronij boaimudu hticcuuu in homo iljviug dipcudu wholly upon tha kind uf dyda uut i with dla mond uy it the simple diiatloua ou tba packsga ara followed oarofully ami tha special dyea for cotton ara uead fur oolton and nilxatl jooda and tho wool dyej used for all wool goodi ibera la auoluuly no ohanoa of failure diamond dyea ara very almpla and caay to uaa aud by utlufi a sllok to lift uia goodawliiuin lha dye bath tbara la uo bd of soiling lha haiulu 1or beauty brllllauoy and fauliiara uu other dyutuffa whether for tionm ua ur for ilia dye shop equal l ho diamond lliu latiwl aolbiitlna dieooverlaa ara usul in llialr manufacture they ara guaranteed lha slrouget aud fattest uf uli known dyeu and will uot wash out lu thu ulrotigcai aoapuiida uor will lhay fado when uxpoid lu tho auti light i lry diamond dyojuiin aud um how bauy it la in makn ol 1 anil fad i ilreaaa wait ribbuuu captiw jaokrlf do look ike new

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