Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1900, p. 2

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i let tin a haplai maaljlns ii a i 11 il hweehbammar arnnwewrot lemler lllli devil yaja2 luwiliij iii in naj iu 0r vratil uj 1 mt and 0 mi hi irrt in iporiratoi imrliili iouxabu ueelty rallet t lloul lleally eel 7k years h month feij jttitan jtte zt tiiuithdav buikmumi joln looo kdftoftlal notes fu the laal four year lb eapoil from canada of butler baa increased by ah hi7 jlj or elmt by li br of dk by si vol iii and of baooti by 013 4w a tolal of 145 juy jtoa lhe four artlolc at th tdutiloipal convention at loudon jut wmt it u decided lo uk for an amendment rejulrlng that alupenae in connection with n eleotloo of mimbu to the leghdativ aaaambly be borne by tb province another oolouy will fellow tli lead of canada and j rovlde it people with 1anny poitago within ulie lrapire 11 i an bouiioed thai aueualla will probably take 1 ibla atop u january lit bail when the federation o the ooloaic on tbo ieland oontlnont elo inaugurated owing to the ooal atrik id the united btatea oonaumere am setting anxiou about tbalr winter eupply and are ordering liberally 1 he toronto dealara are aaid to b wall aupplfed and it i believed by eoma that prioe will bol p over to ij ryw mr cbaniberlabd writing to a unloull candidate ixpcstm th opinion thkl i hi principal isauo of lha xlrftub eleelloa will be tbo merit a of th war in booth africa and th nature of lbs aettl wblob la lo goard agalnat tbo roni of danger to hrltiali poaeaaaioue in boo hi africa mr gilbert parker new tola k a pro apecllv member of tbo brltleb oqm or common laud additional ioteraet to the well knowd fact that be u canadian bout by blrtli and education mr parker wu born at camden eaat addlngton coaoty ont la 1020 th oa of joaapb parker at one time a bon com ml ion ed offloeflii th llojafaiiwy hatva educated al ottawa and at trinity unlveraily toronto lb difhoalty bilvmo lb toronto h tract lwlwywrpmnyiiortsolflianiotoat rearddco to tbo rabs of wax wu aattlad at tbiftnam maetlofi ol u man tbl waob whan tbo offar of pridok maakanala wblob wj mad to tbo commlitm of tb omployaaa at tba ooofaraooa on thurs day taorotui iwl w14 oonaldarad and acoapuj tbo lnoraaa of waoa will biaan an loareaaad outlay to tb company of about tj000 a yaar baa oboaad a candidal for tba hottao of oomtaona ik may b talua for graatad that david uandanon m 1 will oaoa mora b tbo aundard baatar of lb con aarvatlvs iooordln to tba oonttown iltrald 9 v uokiniioo of toronto my bo tba oboloa of tbo li ural mr mckio nun ir a tl alien man nd bafora ramovlnaj to toronto waa lu tba maroauula baalneaa at oaoratown wlltou cjuimjhom to aay tbat tbo troop did aa wall as any imperial battary oen ian uamutoa and qn cnnnlnabam oompllmnnbad tbarcanadian artfltoryomowa loximft bapl ifl iord itobarta t porta from uaohadorp under data of monday sept 17 tbat a faw taaloor aklrubtboa ba talua bjaoa between tba urluab forom and tba boert ho add tbat central ranob haa oaplorod fifty looooootlvca in addition to tbo forty thra loooootiveai and other rolling atook wblob ba took wbn ha 000a pled tlarbertoii on hop i 18 and that oen bupboneon waj expected to oocnpy kal spfclcdnrint urn artarnooatoi bept 11 tba toronto wwhl and oavaral olbar journal hav dnrlnif tba paat few daa with avidaot llnoarily pobjiabed tba following item a nawa in tbalr pojttiaal 60j drone ur u v uoora of tii xtlaa vaaa 1 aaaa u bow ui moat ukal man for tba liberal uoml nauon la iujl0 ur uoora 1 a paour preaaman both la lu town and la u trovlace hat a a enamy batb doo tbla mr mooro baa no tboasbt of asab a iblng oa no uplratlona towatda a aeat in tba uooao of com moo and baa no olajm for tba duudotlou of being tba nominee of tba liberal party in u good ol 1 ooonty of bla blrtb tbarw ate aevaral able and uparlaaoad toablla mad a and aaaoolatad witb tba ooonty of 111 too wbo would ba willing and wbo many aladlore tlilnkean auooomfolly oarry tba tunderd of tba liberal party in tbla oonatltueoay no doubt lb liberal convention will lu it wledotn in du lima wait an axoalunt obolo from emottg tbeaa inbuhanch mates hi advanced at- prrvtluma to b ak shortly by maarly all th comdanlea krudfib has g up and lttft tho doara to pi thalr dntllaa without him pnaibe to obit anrtuimny lumium kept id tbo lau 1roldent krii witb iu1 a and hie archive of the uulilb african jtapnblln baa nroaaad lba vttiobefrmtttrrant arflvodal ixieno marjm wllh lb view of aalllog for kuropa at an early data kroger baa formaly lealuuad lba poaitlon which le bold aa 1realdeiit of lb tluutb afrloo itepubllo tbua aaveriiif bu ofoolaj oordm hon witb lb tranaaal kragera eollon lilwa how ttopelee in bla opinion la lb war wblob bee now bean crrud on boarly a year and bla deaartlon of lb iloer oauaa ebould make olaar to bla follow burg here tbat i a daeuas to 00a tlno lba elrogfiu any longer all doobt a to kroner in ten iowa nf pruoacdloga to jjarope aura bow at reet in reply to a leletfram eant lo tbbj4reaidont by tb ixjirfst tba t ooaaul uenaral ataud tbat kroger waa at lorauao martjork on tee fa and tbat lb object of bla propoeed european trip waa pareooa and not political tba oyage wa to bar mad for lba aaka of bla baallb krngac deollned to aay w bat her tba too moot wa opportune lor any atlmeot of a political obaraotar ure kroger baa joined her bnaband j kroger a tnllllona era tb aabjaol of long b art a uvea of diaprelae th lowaat aetlraata of bla wealth ih000 0o6 in ved abroad j whlla aoroe oaloolalora flg- oro bla wealth at j 000 q00 it hyromoored in jobannaabnrg that i wot waa killed n tb 7th iml hear xotobofatroom it la probably not genenlly known uya oen lloberta tbatnarlyu0o iiotrt are now prlaonar of war not on of whom will b relaad uatli boa now under arm agalnat oa aurrender unoondi tionally all tb war correa pendente wbo peril olpatad in tb booth african otnplio will raoelva medala in raeognltlon of tbalr aervloaa tb canadian bearepeparraen a wtll aa all colonial oorraapoodanta wbo followed tbatr ranlmanta to tba front will b includad in tba hat oiyawi elept 18 tb repulatloa of lha canadian a fighter la avldenoed by lha lone of lha utter reoejred from mej hurdmetl in com to and of s llattary tb loiter ar dated adgual i and worn written at itenaarepooro 1 mile eeal of pretoria maj unrdman aaya i am receiving rraat prala for tb work of d llattary under fir apeolafl tn tba aotloa onjolyhl oen uarahali had of tb artillery lo boolbarlaa7rdmrihthotor onlaadad and riarobail tfaroaali tba oily to qar 04 rap irroonda fnnr milre dulanl htayed there nnlil the ttiiuinu monday when w f prt of u oolomn nnder general ian ilacnlllon tile anittwo or three ila out lhra wae only oooaelonal anl ititf tbo lloer killina two and wounding more ft tur dtancaiioard friday we cam pod near en orange ami umon lovo ikwaallte oral tim i tied tbo bnaara of aeeiug the luaclona fruli ao puntlfml aod it wa an alyht it waa oomioel lo aee about a lliuutaltd wildlara tripping lite trrea jack and i did not fare ao badly for wojjol two handred be tweeu or iirf an tutor after atriklog tba orchard liter wae not an oran or ntn to bf eanfi katnrday july jlt i under iop i lift dy and date for it waa a red lei tar day for na owing to t txlng ll day tbat wa aral got into reel aollon aa bwl baan 00 atom ary two on of our battery had to atay in tts riwr ami form rear guard for trana pocca that happened to bo our day tha main oolnmn pulled out at tt and we wara lying aronnd taking it m wlian aboat algbt oolook moat eocliar noiaa waa lard in t air right of oar bead aaoond latrr w beard a bnraliog aonnd aud wa knew what it we tb ural aboil from the enemy wa followed by aeoond w wlmcjad one gone and bad tham in poe liiou and bad opened fir on them al h 13 than for one boor there wa an artillery doel our guna were aeetaled by two gun nf tit i lawioh llattary and a poto pom grand little gun and t tit end of tb hour their gone were alleuoed w found oot the damag dpaelu be wa ok native driver and ave male kill ad and one wagon demollabed weeurud afler tli column aboat tan oclock and could bear heavy firing to oor front at two o clock wa halted for aahori reet when again the tyoer opened fir on n ah wa wheeled lo tot into poaltion on of ibolr ebelle landed bot ihroo feet away from where a con pi of n were a landing throwing op the aand ovr ua luoky it wa for ua it did not buret nnlil it truck tb ground than found tbat nur gone ware too abort la range to be nf uar o we h4 lo land tbalr fir and 000 id bot abawer bank tbalr ambulance waggona deter ted that ight aad joined oar force and reported thai wa had killed dfty during our engage moot with them bondrfj morning w enpeoted m general engagement with them bat in tb morning they had dlapprd monday wa reeled la camp about thre clock in lba aitarnoon two of oar gun era called oat to dlepenea a rang of rebel that war bolplng at our oalpoal when wa arrived thartrwafoonc tutrt bey- bad too large gun la poeltlon after ex cbanejng about a doxaa round w had 111 pleaaura of aeeing tboir gana getting out of hugil a ongat oathenino at ontario chrlatlain endanvor cdnvontlon at oualph on oot ja 1000 our bold i eh bovs latter from ounhar ooutd of aotoh wrlttein kt ollohanta farm south afrloa tb woodelodkmnmw rvmwaay aa a reault of be larla eonfiagratlou and tb other firea thai havi vujud lb r a circular baa been uaued by the canadian vire ubdarwrltara aaaoolallon rauing lha ratei of inaurauo ou barua atoia- bouaa tnercantil hooka u ato tb looal luhtirauo uuri reoelved tb ttotlo oh tueajay and tb nw tate go into effoot on balurdky llpl 15 tb rate govern all iuaurauo oompanlo by tb dew regulation 01 e and v in cluding barn atorabouee oonutry alnr eld hav been rated a follow lit olaa an advance from 4 78 oanu on im of properly to f i 25 juj claw 11 w aa agaluat kj dulforaierly 3rd bla 176 a agajut w cent formerly and tj ja ogabiel l metoabtll atook oau uot u0w l laaued fel lee tbau 75 cent 00 100 aud tb rat ou lumber ha been advaiieed jb caul oil it at political dtimonbtjja- tiow at ouatph on mondybtoha by hlr charle tupur hon oao oatr and hugh john m lb ooneervauvea of bouth wetlhigtoa ami uiauy from neighboring oouallluenola luruej out monday to join lu tb political ovation uudered hlr cbru tuppr if ugh jolurlfaodonald jqi a yoour ui lllg tbr and tb olber hiemura of lb lourlug jiollllaal prly a rouing recep tion wa giv11 luni aud an intmeuw prooeealun oaoorud tham to iul itiuk when tb aimacbe war delivered ii i aotluialad thai ftooo pereon war prewtlt lollauu to lb pollllaal luleta wbo pnx uiulgated tb oonervativ polluy in glow lug aud abxjueti terma atnoug tboo preaenb froul acton tb following war uotiood jatue llroivn oeoritalfyudao 0 lleudoreoll lit oogb tail it aguewy jnd kaunay jr ifeury tieyera aud u 0 urowrt li now iii summer tb aeoret i told klabed from lb bullaroup glory of gold ilu turned lu tb bamtdeb glad tioe and auug now from aaoh boogli wber a bird a ueel ia awun 1 tb 1mxmd reoalved lao friday rom gano doold of hitary utoyal canadbui artillery lb following lotareatlng letter wrltun on the 80th july while it ooatajn particular of wot ng4a- mdlpraooely reported byritra ame moor it will never tb lee b kaad with bleeaur by tba many peraonal friend of billy oocld oliphmnt farm is mile from pretoria tranaveal b a july 0th 1000 tolbayjuutlaxaa owing to your oor fee poo dent jack being too boay moodlug baroae i am going to try and fill hi puo in hi leal letter b wa aboat joining tb rt of a at d aar bboctly af ur joining u oar aeotlon of d haltary received order to proceed to oranga luvat leaving pa aar sanday boon april sotb w ajdved at oraage ltiver toeaday aitar noon making the trip of eighty mil in feet order that tilgbl w cabaped abocl on mil from town nejit morning w war told to tak our gun lo tb top of a kopj oalled fort mlnlur and tber train them on lb htidg ceer orabg luvet y felrnok a beautiful puo to camp quit a cbauga from d aar whkh u a tagubu- fvar hoi wa were on top of a kopje 300 feet above ground ivl and had a grand view for mile arouad w oampod there for about ala week and durug that tlm jack and i got thrw daye laav of abum for tli purpoeof going to kimberuy w 1 put up at lb oraud houl where libra ham th hi van lor ol tba lotig cecil gun wa killed during th aelg w had a permit to go through the d lueradlamond mluo and w a grand alghl w lo aaw all tba prioolpal plaoo its lb city and bad a good tint neutrally while tber wrtot ur jamueoo and ftir joltti vh loughbyof jamie on itajd fan w word eoootud around tba town by captain baddler ilia ogtuhur of tb klutberly voluuter hide corp wblob did aucb good aervlc during tba aelga monday jbu ihth w received order to aiittaln and go to llloetufunutn- and there join th ral of our own battery failed but of lba iutiou at 10 a m no tarrlag tut bon oar to aleep lu twenty fiv lu aeob wa arrived allliooiufoiiuiu wedueeday afternoon a huugry aud dirly lot of boy ouly having bol ooife aarvej oul ouc to u during th trip tybeiw arrived tbr w fouud that oura waa lb ouly teotlou of d haltary yl arrived about tr 111 w war ordered to uuload aud lbu bad to march line tuft to oanip grouuda th liexl lay tba other iwo aeetloua arrived abd ww to- gather for tba rirt lime in thra rnonib while tber was aurprlerdat th liuuibdr of daalba an average of twuty aevau taoh day w have u a kuauy a batiy aa forty thrw buried hi ou day fevr ad dyaeulery being tba chief oeuw uamiwd there uulil thureday july ctli wbau w reoalvej ordr to go out to be wau- worke or baumaba loet witly three tntue away leaving th uemt morning w arrived baturjay tiigbl jut befor getting into oatrip w paaeed qvet the ground wber uiq llattie r out up a aboi while before and all qvr the grounj were alrwu dead horee wblob u killed during lb heavy u gagetuetil bueulay biorttiug w wr p reded with lb uiuuour lugimnt ohuroh parade monday morning we aalll eoelvod txdar to jy bajik to illuew foutelo aud their entrain for ireloru w loaded lu tb train aud pulled uul fur 1reloria at 0 10 having not e bo or tbla lime lu eleep ht bt hj to aleep our gun or in any h i w noul i orwl o wa arrived al lrattxi friday uoo toeaday w made a abort march cenip log al llronker bpruit wber tha coo neacbl llanger war oul up in 11wi on wedneedmy wa ooatlnued our marcli and got aa for ij ualmor alxteeu mile from ulddlebarg wber w bad to atop on acconnl nf rain aboat tbr in tba after noon a th under torrn brok over ua wa marched until tour when w camped for the night and what anight tba pott waaawrtnck nwhebiod oeleaeln a without blmnkate or provlalona lutn continued allilkbt and waaooldailo ou poor fellow a lieut in the argyle died from aapoaur tbat nlbt and eoveral irton of th boy are in a onlica oondltlod f tb nail morning lord 1 lobar u and kitchener appeared on tha aoen and lo our piece were changed for we got order to telanl id irelorl th next day alur having a good reel abd good meala thai day we did bot feel the effect of lb ttorm very mnoh the bejtt day we aurtodhick and for th nrat ave mile there were ovr j0 dead oxsd and mule lying on tb road ioor brnteal they all died froa nxpoeur we arrived her 00 bonday all thanktul for a iltuytaet but hoping we will aoon ireoeiv vavd to ro lo pretoria and from there bom wuhity to be remembered to all friend i rem in wj qouui qeohoetown tb gam to deoldn th cbamplcnablp of dleutcl na 8 junior aerie of th o l a- wa played her on friday when kw won from krurg gtial to 8 irio had tb dhmdvaoug 0 being ou mail abort for th 8 ret twenty minute aud hlor aa- ourad a deohled advanlag by acoring three goal lo on fron krla during that time afur oraliaui kriua twelfth man came ou jt avij mailer up but klora proved to b too atrong and ju lb and won by c to 3 th death of councillor d ii arrow amllu ll tueady la much rnrud ii waa a uaeful oltlaeo if was ailing for tbr monlha prior to iii death from mu ouiar theutoallem tb laloa were in urrwl at lerlu glula maui orent sang at aduo al knox church harvest home on monday oveulug lb high bclkool football club for tba aeaeoa le ofnoered a followe iou pre ur joeopb ilarber preajdout ur 1l ij goull7 vic prw mr ii m whlbr aid gapuiti mr p llauton becraury mr a o hohuw treaaurer mr t v llendereou curatom meeer wnioillii n ward committed omoer aud uvear o william aud ulitlla- al th annual mealing of th hpworlh leagu la i week til followlllg ohloeia war elected lhorj pre lie v j uuderw m a prw mr harold jlolme vic pre gbrltun kudeavor mra ii w keouedy vlcelr- mlaelouary mle hnima tyudall vioe pro literary miu m 1uij vloepr b00ui mr jno krwln cor bee mia 11 holme luc 80 a 0 hahiiaai tru mle mama kbuuojy 1 vuuih ml j v wil heme tuedltriot leagu cjnveuoii yuurday watt an lutareellug getliarlug kdllov warreu return d ou saturday from a trip to cleveland he had an it citing aupmrteuc a a prr ou the lleiule cug 0 kru during her perilou voyage 011 lake kru tba ulgbt of lb big wludeloriu tb veeerl bulwark were eiiiaahed lu and ah narrowly aedeped d fetruotlou tbo rojal city of luelph will vilend oiwn haudxl boapllallly m ontario fn doavorere tn ool jnd 3rd and 4tb end tbeyt mig proplfl of all denomination as looking forwentklth 1 teeaure to the great fee at tb rreeidinl end bocrelary eound dlocipleeblp aa a diimiuant nolo ill prec tical method itieool winning tha jo tl u per in tendon t wanla to ana war prayer lung live chrlhan 1 ndea by giving the juitb f work an m will enable it lo oorner tba boy market llrii lie che m tlbeldon or tope lie ktnae author or in hi iltepr wll be litem and deliver an add reel on ibe abject the open poor tla wdlelio a peek u the junior and conduot en opal oonfaraooo mr wm tlliaw of lloetou traaaurar of tb the hulled floolely q cbrlatlau kn davor will be on band for the opening aalnntueeday afternoon and evening aleo on wedneaday ontario will poor out br leet tilenlf co to norfolk bt miltii uburoli and you will bear the leading llaptut and praebvlerian churob divine in cbalmera 1rrabylerian church elo 0anl uatbodiel and cougrrgallonal aprakora will drllglit you general becretary crewe of lba 1 p worth leegoe of chrlitlan lndeevor will have charge of a practical conference pr mckay foreign miaalooary cre tary of tbo proebyteriaii chare will prove a great uj llf l to tha youug peoplv iraldent lurri bf tha loronlo itllle training baliool will touch vital jueetlon uev w v wileon ibemetbodlatoralo will reply to coclphe wroomr and gl another addreaa beaida luv a l onrgla or perkdal preby- tarian cburol lal of tb maritime 1rov inoo will b a apleiidld acqulalllou ilev j l ollmour of tha llaptut cburoli hamilton and other leading worker have a place oa the programme purchaa aingla ticket frum your rail road agent being aurelo aak for a certld cat and you will itbom for on third nr free if three hundred attend any pereoii can attend the convention abd a or the reduced farce aak for a tlflcal liol a receipt hole a and privet bouaea hav mad a rata of one oollar a dy there ia no reason that tbla should not b th beat convention ontario be vr bad and every riaaod for lie being auob vat thrf of orpi a tloo ca rit th secretary a t cooper clint tte it j m claaeford ouelph owing lo aolona proximity to ooelpb l hftl vm liiyi tteodanae f rcea in every town and vilfagc m ly he had o the axle grease tliat mtfcei your iiorscb glad javlnsriagbonesplints ctxrhp anr4 all forma of umenea yield to tble diatrlct th rate of taxation ha been fixed at aiuiuen mill the aaeiiieit la ihsj slesned 7 3tf c5 will b raid in taxe the laal 1 1000 of loan to carpet factory wa paid laal week milton baa tlghly hv dogi reglatered by th collector llavivvtesrvior wtll b conduoltd in tbo melliodlat cburoli during tb month of october ilev go urowu a former peeler la expected lo aaalit ma klhl bhapikard uoher lu tb third department of th milton puulo bobool 1 iii with typhoid fever during th aarvio in knox churobal sunday morning the plor llev mr bmltb wa aelard with a fainting apellaud waa unable to proceed further th erf vloe in 1i1 evening waa taken by luv c t toogh bf ilorrby w are glad to at at that mr btailhe lllueae war only temporary jleformtf a grea rep has- been achieved uv dp williams pink pills among the loadiug barehouee of tb nova bcotla ble1 company am maoketiala and maun lba great firm of railway pro h 1 olr have you avr tiotioed bow muoh of clirlate lit wu pul iu doing kind ibltiti iu merely ddug klud ibltuat hun ovat l wllh that in view aud you will fled lb i ii apaul a great portion of 111 time aim ply in making people iwppy iu doing gwtd turn la fwopl whel uod ha put la our power le lb bappluee of tbo ebdul u and that 1 largely to b teaured by our belug kluj to tham ww u in ii ohumbe tae tb uliuk rub l rxt it will tkm1 0 i eoh hit only in canada but in every clumlxd country throughout thw world marlt alone ha klvn thla madlolna ita qraat proml- nanoa ovaf competitor bvery- where itierepuutlod achieved hypr williame link pill hot ouly iu canada but through out the world real upon a very aolld baaia wblob may b aummrd up in two word aterllng merit th eltrprld baa bad oeoaalou to iuveetlgat a number of cure vffeateo by tbf mrdlolu and know thai in soma iiialaiioe at laatl thee ourea wore wrought altar other medicine bad failed even togivarellcf llroenlly another our udii uuder our notice ii al cannot fell to inoraae the popularity of pr william llnk pill in lb locality lu which it occurred and aa w can vouch for th facta it may well brlug hope to auffer r ie wber mr waller ii johnum i oueof thebfil known realdnita of ibe northern acolion of quii county ii raeldaa in lba towu of caledonia where ba keep a hotel and ateo run a luge that carrlepeeenger aud mail between tbat town aud liverpool a dlauuo of earn thirty mile ur jobuaon waa lu urldgewaler reoeutly on which ocoaajoc ha gave a reporur of i bla papeith following fact about ibre year ago ha wa taken very hi he bad the beet of medical atlaudano bul mad very utu progrea toward reoovary and h doctor lold him tber waa very little hop tbat be would b all to return to hia former work lha trouble appeared lo hav located iteelf lu hie klduey and for eight weak or mora be we oonnued 0 bed h uuffered greatly from oouataul palua in lit back bla appetite became lm paired and bla ooualllutjou geuerally i- pearad lo ba ahauered at thia juholuv b doolded lo try pr wi hiatal pink phi aud got a half down box iu lba course of a ooupl of week b uotloed an improve maul lu bla condition and h oooliuued tli tie of tha pill until ha had taken aoma ten or twelve box wbti l uot only fell tliat ida our waa compute but ulao fall that in alt reepeota hi heal lb waa belur tbau ii bad ueu for year blue tbat lima be baa ueu oontliiually driving bla ooaob belweou caladouu aud liverpool aud baa not bad ilia allghtut raturn of tba trouble uolwllbauiiditig tbat ha baa to feoeat time vry incteuieut wealher thai might well briugou a return of th trouble had not hi avatri beeu ao alroiigly forll led agalnat il through the ua of pr william pluk vu if ibe blood le pur and wholeeom diaaae oauoot axial lit rciaou why pr william pink phi cure ao many form ofdieeaae i that iby fcot directly upon lha blood and nerve thua tee nb lug ui tool of tb troabu other medicine nil only upou the aymlptome uf th trauble and that t lb reeeoit th trouble alway elulb wlieu yotl 0ae thee tnedlollia pr william piuk llu make permaunl u kiduy iroublee rlieumatlim eryeipeu 4noii auj kindred dleeaeo hut b aurd you gat the kauulu wblob boar t full uume pr williame pink tllli for pel j petilr uii the wrappey around every bux millinery opening w wish to intimate to the ladies of acton and urrounding country that our display af all millinery will he open for their inspection on v isftednesday sibpt s6th and following days our mib liiach has ad larc experience and oronffse our patron a treat indeed otir staff will wc visitors all the latest found only too jjlad to show our creations of womans hcadwear our soclc includes i rimming of all kinds felt hats ireadytowcar ielt styles of which a large variety is shown including all the different styles of soldier hats go popular al present kwi at tbo unm lime we woul i roiucat you 10 pjow and inspect our rcceol puichxtca tj dress qoods jackets capes ceneral staple coods w re ihrt fully eqaljijm iar lha lll toulo iwl ourwki will im found more complete than over lefoce corne early all welcome hendersolsr co oittsgoiaat mouse tottois fltiv mitfrtiermfnfs piopprty for snip sliuiil n nf far nu iikuhti1r al dksihabijb rkslifknck p puit wua l- tl lty on truw hbr wm oiippe linoaela well lil ball eiul two try lee ellil sl lei- kih vooallioute wiar blel le end t ml buui ttttr la an ur ot alien uf tlie thrltl aeuhi 0tn lo t cuveterr uita xoerty voald aiek nee elle la thubonui in4 irtni wllloeeald 00 ear trme vat 1iuooli uall eiul two try iar neolad llard end oil ie on ule uremuae wsll b wlui win town of f of kalnuw v bphr t a l oloc acum out horw inilueiiilvoliwtor ilello cohlotf uimelui hie tail lprtoo 1 delivered at titareat preaaofflo 7 hattifatitlon guaranteed or tnooev ref umud uaad lot 01 james matthews patent actorf ont a w a aa aaa aaa a ui speight brady i kjii 4 kvi i hahual yitittiur im r ike h- uw uwk jejalhli w ec j allball waiajufytmtmai raux vf rthoumatilo joint mr coorge smith ci cbarron alrect point st charlc u aay ii he u mat lam irt my joint canvsj me buffering that word cannot dcacrlb how terrible i took four bottle of south american itlieumatlc cure and am a well woman i hav racurnmatiiled it to other with aa good reulta think tb treatment nothing abort ol ajrtxwicrv 10 a plectaair diirty wbfrt i know- anything worthy of recommendation j consider it my duty to tell it uyattev ja murdock of hamburg pa dr agnew a catarrlial powder lii cured tneof catarrb of five yeii itandlng it 1 cr lainly magical- in ila effect tb firai applccatloii bntfited inn in fiv mlnulca 50 ct o jsaelph till ig dookstohi- july 1000 wall papku window buaplq hoou moulpimob bpoutino goopb ciiilpkkn g galtuiaaro htq cai11b the latlbt bo0k0 al low prloe the right house kmthushkt 81 hamilton b iavoh1te shopping pcaci some rare bargains remnants tba very brisk belting of i bo put few monlha ha lafi ua wlib uio a largo accumuhulon of ltemnanl tn the varioo deparimenta which wvs markixl down lo clearing price them aro remnant of phpss coq ttkj varnifxtoiacsnnnihtsrticaniri i ttps and i lannhls you know tic aort of bargalnii llial arc oficd jucked up from a lot of item nan i the are very uudu pieces dont you wan a ahara of them bnya ntrj hjrlk rnhnnlfliitbi ileal pood little fcuila reducel to nearly half price pull detail follow poo t delay if you waul on think of tiki price 1 moy 3 sttlt tor 1 36 two pjlocfi bulla panl and iialw lilouic blud ctge braid trimmed aliea 5 to in yar h so salt ioy mttd dlru far tjf 8a uoya sailor suit bloua and knickcr navy aerg with braid trim mlngj aire 5 lo 10 year alao killed sailor uniii lrlmm boy j aire k lo 10 year girta lo 7 year hltte aerg braid 3 p mokll ia our ajenl ir acton be hill rite to ua for prloaj chas le welles cuelph ttfaxnnvsm curator thahari act dhoclly and quickly alimulalra tins heart a action atope mot acuta paiit dltpeu al algna of weakneu tlullering alnvin airiotheflng or palpitation thia wonderful cur i the alurdy iliip which cartiea tha heart akk patient lutojb lutveuof radiant uul perfect iteal tb glveerelleflnmoctacula forma of btarl dlteaw in jo minute 1 1 bo 3476 iuttow ho a lot of natty littl 3pec anltt for uoya coal vested and puou in kerge and tweed various aladlng neatly irimmcd 4 lo 7 year olrw 4 sdit mw 3 bo clrla 3 ikjec suit tailor bloua and akirt ofblucurg fancy braiu trimmed alic 3 to 10 year flannolofctoa great variety of new llauneletle in pretty atnped uv- igua apocially good value at 5c cc yc hjc tac ujc 15c and isc also nciw wranperc i tc 1 lujt ery urga auortmenl of low dcalgna at bjioc ujc 15c ami aoc flannolotto sheetings plain and twill plannelettf sheeting in whit aud grey 73 inch yic and 41c union sltocting n twill grey or white 6lnch 31c ami 50c a yard 71 inch 50c and 65c a yard ah wool rtanncl sheeting in white 73 incite with 75c- write xfej for bomplm hav you tried ordering by mail yet it a a very aaiufactory way for outof town mldcnt that la atthiaaior becaua w aerv you juat a well aa if you were liert in tkirum w guarantee fcatlafacllod and pay lb charge to any railway station til ontario if your order amount to j or over try it thomas c statfcins king st east cor hughaon st- hameliorie manufacturer at ucctjiic motor watxa motoas oasoumkaxli oa1 xolnx3 brass jk ijtqm cjlsntrato ordku jtrpadjfng injmp4ly done ooorgotovvh ont hctgn bhkery j a matttucwg 3roprittav w handle th fallowing kind of ureed haier horn made hrown ourraot eyrolta vienna branch laka bandjeioh cottag lady went worth whole wheat hun top aleo a bio aaaortmant of cake and han j c matthews reaj acton lotiimills- humphries ek hawke proprietor ifigheit market irlce paid or tho pall pairs tukjuoo iorou odl 15 central oluwe dtuwa tu4 it i itouuirn uraiilfart iipl lsd koful vork kwwuket b1lu1s0 orel horlliru lolllujiwool leitluai evtitral oultilt kept hist icdum uilton ttt 107 01 1 eel lirauttou ool s3 weulwortb duniua oot t3 world velruooklan oot 0 10 centre weluutou veritu ool ii lil owair llouu1 oweu uduu oct 11 ij woodbfmi woojbrlibta out it 111 urainoea itodiwooj oot d10 kilu lriui oet 1s1u tub glib at paiho firh boots shoes lffi faiil wear keistisiv bros dojociwion qoot hi 3hob stohb xin sthcton h am ilally receiving aiuilloua of new falkowear which owing lo lb recent pur cliaui of a urge stock in lown al a very low rata on the dollar w ana ahl 10 rduc in price lo a point considerably below ilia umal prices we ftr ibis fall making a apeoially ol uhool hoota for boys and girls and are ahlo to offer excellent uue3 it 75 cents and mi purlitg our lontf reabuuco and buuiwi laljn in acloa we hava eomiid ft- rcpula lion for straightforward aiulhmia butinota cliajraxter our cmlooiere tltreforo know when we uihllih largalm limy can corns to tlui atore and be uir of securing tliem u piirjng always carefully attended lo we mka a tpeclally of turued work in both 1 idua and gentlemen a lioea onlrrvd wcrk is a largo feature of our buiinaia and o can auura tallifjctlod wheat amp otjii k ciuins our make 0 floue hal woti wide read favof let urailea alway oil imml 1louu chop uiulliu cllackld will at itc arloweml pifce otcaili humphreys hawko fa- acton yrv- fall1900 coopefe si kicims rxbhionkbla tkllorto muauino th bbbui anaouue w wa heee loot peaeed into ulocit our vejtud winter inporuuou doaelat tog or bnitihob thoubkoimod irajll o vkroo attn d s aailot vtattkos lltuie uteet uonlue from the beet kuowu uefcac at prlee iu aeeplng wlth wokuletialill md materiel tea yeera weejr or taoomf refunded cooper akins miu bt acton cijrelph cm oei ntral fair sept 25 26 and 27 otkn la lit tiublld utuujlv kvuino mui i- hu u i in liuutlh two kenny bros lb dlaattroua flre wliiob vlailad pari out laat wadnaeday alimut completely wiped oul tha main builnoe aollon of tli lown many famillea were left aliiloal deelllute aud tbo buiitiasa of tie thriving town ia paralysed aha heavy wind pre vailing aj read llta are no rapidly that vry little could be eaved i ba icuwa willagr k1 about 1jso 000 wllh an euaurauii of 1105 000 nlwp roroulotcalr roecipta were ffuflit aa oompared with u j00 in 1hu0 a dor j of a mt cable deepatolie rport thai lre aided uruger will make ha beariipurur lu hruaeele a ureal whit w fuiiadry uujlkl did daniageaetlmalml al bile itoooo aud fill 000 llioma ariualroug wuu atruck by a trolley or at ltrhiitfurd atuijay and died iutlfteetl tuitulu ja i hie alanaluro la on every i ul l uuln laxative bromoquloliw tvbiw lb reiuedy that eww a m iw wee w a cmmtaih marruau for curing orampa diarrho and dyeeiiury i by ukiag pain killer ihlsmediolti baa aiulned tha lllgbeel tepuuhoo fx 0v4 co yej avoid aublime there it bul ou palu kilur prry pavu aud coiu lha great majority of boy and girl will hud ihelr work iir al ttaivd it may he prhplo correal tb faultu iu one belt or lo aweeleu tb attooephef of hom ah tli lung heeliug proprtu of tb plus ar honied up iu pr wood a norway line byrup it la lba uioet satlafaotory remedy for ooughu and ool da of all kluda trioa jjo wortfte cannol atlet either lu children or adulu wliil pr laws worm oyrup u dtwl jso ah dealer por fltel tdaae eaah and door leav your order at hmwne tdantug mill actou ileid mr tl who had oom lu aud tl day to little j jlth are you k to aem ugalu ldjth ysa iiim aud mamma glad loo atiplled 111 ollil i u aba v vm m in bb tejd ah hoped you d nn todey and have ii uvar witb m ii ptietegraph luymoaj he in ueehl htfcer valueue pua concent kaata badoou aboenolon and foru- kb dv by a lady and ttwtjnwu thveo f iriitoliuia uuji ju uttvo boon engaged tti ruur uelu e4t will be lieu al quallol uulil elo at eotumtt ou w y vnlu blofiu i alee on all lallwaye all lafuwatlo a u be obuleed frol j ii 1muiyyiu uaboa heerelury solid coia tas ihwtcukill 1 60 ffymcoldkitl i 00 lliaieo 104 w guaianl perfeot tthjjhil globe optica co tw yongectheet torvnto hfayourjeir as oilier u you but let us preaetlt you at your best our work is coiiimeiiddd not alone for tli art ut 1c madia bul for th eicel ifivce and accuialenee of our ukenekae wliat a a twelly plclur atul it utoka ao much ilk you a lit hkivilahi aaqulua i loo m f2k5tslhpiih photo wrtsf ttctow lei fe children cry for castor i a inulleotual beoyl mak a great may uiiateko beoana thy be uliee lha world uj be aa atpld a il i madame d tanoin pr plly bvor fil io k u and ttiy our if gveat au twneet trie nerve the c nerves and bring srbhin65i hew york and london drug co nbwvorkusa foii ualu uv t ultownialton

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