Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1900, p. 1

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i i wkt volustkxxvi no hi acton ontario tujjiwday ootoltkil ih liloo imuojstiikkii c10nth i cvi ibjit hvkhy tiiuhiujay morning af tu free preeehuea wliiting offlrx uimj ijtiiklft ajtot4 int tkmuaortlttftmiuirriom liia dull par year ulouyln edratio all eahanrll lioiia illaauu udumi wlau ih ihiia for whuli uiay liev urn paid ilk aitlld til data ut wliloli eary aubacrtpuanla peld la denoted on ilia oddreaa label anviatlalmd tllte tiauaiaut advertla mania 1u uqu per nuutjrll hu jur ntat in mmtilaa 3 oanla r line tit aaob uliaoiuenl ineertlon oowtmaot tutmtbajotlpvlng table ehi a for ii ituuu speeaqad parioda t edvailueaiaiiia tui lamps for winter evenings ion hall paklojj kitciikn dining room aooo m nono tj moo 000 1100 aoo to ml lloo too bbo 400 so 00 1 00 adterusinou without inaalfle dlreotloti nib pearled ull forlid and tihuful ueord tnjr transient edvertiaeinanu tonal b leld in adwane a month the ootnrioajuon miulbt paid fat at rrubu tales ghaaateje far contract advertlaamects tnnl pa ha osloe by boon oil tueedaya aooount payable tnonlhly upuoonu imller ajid l6rlur uatnrflb uikriory idkjilcat yoiin u macdonald m d c m sucgmbbak yd j f ultkn md0 m 0n and vaaldaueeoonar ulll wedeilek treuaoloi otflee hour e lo 10m a tn 1 to fl l ui slid f lp m fine new stock extra ow prlcos days bookstore cuolph day fcell clioap trade bank of canada capital paid up si 000000 aseots ovor 9 000 000 guelph branch t kit boon n iiitirrii a savlngd bank dopartmont linlllurir lukltlht uat1 ov lejtkhkht 111 un buuia italtad n 1 ami unwarda itilaiett llpwd fimn lata iloalt ui ilali of withdrawal and laid or omloilruljd half jmtif j advaunas inada i vmiwiilalhla faruleia fill thai iu dainty at uio luwrft miiiaiil tatoa or mllxllliif aua iinua if lult bilalhoa imuui merchants bank of canada capital rest 56000000 2600000 ttvlt c i kllly hom otuholta atctllll unjvmkattv uomr illosimayal hociarrf u jhotukclklku lokf otfloa tod ilaajdaooa fmladek 1u id toll offloa hoorafl lo 10 1 la t bud t lo 8 d nrdhydhn klrlautjlaojlvlxtl kua a llloak doulaa rt- baat 0ueuil omen lloona lo in tolpta aojstoopok boox1t 10atad ta 1 p to ij uenuktt l d h okntibt jcoghlan d d s l d s wo ukinu y immm 1mj oattua ovati ukoww a dnud hvoajt m dhlij ddb l d b llomom ottldoit b oamto uiymaitv wock uala uatlafaalory ituaa uodaiala vtarrutu dlya holiday aiurtiooti catut balwllla tuaadaf aeloti ofll ca 0 1 aitka uoul mday uookwood m oiaak a molkaij llarriataxatlallaltafa houilaa oonvayaboart a pritatalundatoloau offlaa fowb hail jlotau- ww a mcli jo a uotiwln a 3 miflkinnom llulaotm bouoltlla couyayucavm brluauul uuaat lo utulw llloolc upataira jitkod a ulkkimv boucljfik 1ho couuualom lm koa vaxiad aatiouvita main tiliaat lnifl0tu gomtayaballitf djmia ajjj luoda uatla ou brt tdortc oo am aropaiy aa tkjr r j uonadu outlivdtiruiduialoa court couuly ol llai mjscxlxuxx0 vs d ka miusdand v s undutu onurlo vuury oolwa hon ualtlbar vaurluary uadlml huolaty ofllo otw wordaoaltarlmiulot llaal tloor b kaad bun ulll uuaal aowu nsurance agent j attaitt i ublou a odda yoiiu flt aelou jjl orwi oiwiijir hollolloa bf 1alaula ttut luvajlllou ata rltaa alipltoaubua for ui caltajiiu atuar- aha4aaliott bbbl tblil piilai tlillly twtf vaja aaiuilauda p hl4n0ih nunan ubokmihduu xhwwi luka of all klilja ulaja lo ulldalr lrlodloalaufaarydaaurluaiaubajiaiullvbouud m alllluatt lioknhko it v uoouu lullttw otf ulimiaaa llojtwaaa irlvauqolm nowlulaaaarllllrd laauad at taaldailaa in ula ulti w-alra- odlo 10toh w m hkmhthkbl llobuamd atjorlouema for iba oouuliaa of wlutiioil md hajtail unlafalaflallllaaatla vku unlm aoulo at l hiyaljiio lu at too will ba lullmy at- udajio tatlllb uaaauhalila alao tilua lo i04u ctu 111 uinalfavuiaiila aubia aud al tw lowaat yaus of lulataat ul utdm uf aodabiy lwrd liflbhouillaiu h c lb000 yhli wullinqton mutual klim inuuitancli company wd q0io t otjifllvm oht iuuuuauukloaallutd uutllaj bull ally tutiituulilaajpilj lorul la my kililiw vo au w fcjiua id mui lia prauibuy uanilii lo john tayrj3hant acton- livery bu line til uildtbbdlaj raatwalfully kllolu ilia tattu a tit til lubllil ajld jufwila uiaul ulat w11 cqulppd nd btrbakrkiga uul- wy b baourad buklabl aa a aatiifuitabla bua uiaau alua baiwaad u a ui aud b1h l ttl oaiwul aiautloo lta tiawvrraidar til wuil vim miokl travat lara fully itial john wlbuamh isuivalahim a ginikal hanking husinkss tftansagild iiilnrcst at moi i favornhlo current raft ullowct on saving dank accomiln and deposit icelpla ltlltra of crullt unnul bvallablo in all parti of lh uorlt ritwclaj ojlfhjioj given lo farm am money orders vou amy uuu ui to s50 pdynlita al any 4ianklnk iothi in canada oulaldaof ilia yukon tenilory ttliy now tj procured at ilia iuu counter wlihoul any delay acton branch j v waiiacn 0iji phhme vouh picturbb skt waters bros can do it for you at the low est prices and in the latest styles wyndham street coelph speight brady manufacturer of xlxotjuc uotous wjltxtt uotoux ctjliolmkjlxl ctjlit- xiaarxs imxss a uton cusratas to otidxn repair luj promptly uouc tjqora3 sun savings and loan go had oiimcfa toronto on t auuohmif capst 6000000 00 ttsn ydar maturity hire a paid monthly inelalmontu of 50c pr slura for lao moiillii whd piymtali cuu toaao uul lumalurlty valua i too 00 monoy to loan al itralcht loan or repayaula in monthly inelalmentt on nppll cation lo r j7 mcnubb ant aoto acton flour mills humphnma ihaivkc prourutori nihet market trices tald wheat and other pralns oui- maka of flour has won ultln ipreafl favor hndl railed alwaya oil lisud iloufi choi milliiiu ciiackid wiiiat 1tc al lowrpricb forcftlti humphieyo st hawko acton hcton ssw planing mills jutwih st munufaaturora anil dwuurs in all klntl- of diussid and undrhgsid lum her lai ii and siiingms tjsir iioous and illlndb window and door 1 ramus all kinds ol indoor andour door lnisii havn n mtjloiiwirlnd 11 lock u liimltar on hand urdera will in ull caumlm tiruniiilly filial j lumbar drokwlmul matched while you wall wceanaa low iu any othor mill turn iiik out work wjuul in quality cubioui lx u h jno xvunu jjiiuku if uotft all hilda if wtwkl 111 lllllld alltl pfuliljilly dolivfieil lii any irl i tht uiwn john m bond co p gain back up their jjx lamp reputation by showing a complete line of stand and hanging lamp of all ityleb lamp all bctt american make if you are in guelph and pass this utore look into the window comer cork st and you will tec a creat many placed for your easyseeing convenience no old stock all les than one month old our prloum ura alwaya nlaht flortrit uos vi vutkitx 1 111 li intf illllo lmtllt ubt bull ti uxlkjntribom joun m 1i0nd co imiidiaii gulph boyaccity iu5inz53 prebare-tomeet- ilia robiwntlmlilloii which will davoue upon you as tha future buniiidsi men nnd women of our proriiuo country by taking a courid at guelphs up to date ichool royal city dusinlsb college we liava ovary facility for doln jood work and are dolnfj lt z vm truln for uuilnobo when in guelph call at the collere office traders dank dulldlnj- or write to iiw vovno au luiik hulmlnu principal uuulllfown wuun you want klour oatmeal out our gorton knd don 3utillls brknd tlia hut in ilia nitrliat all wil a awako doalor una it- ultra quality r rlauu henry iiori3 i dunlop solid rubber carriage tire a dbw carriayetfre that makes rldinff on ii rcudi a pleasure economical too for it doasaway with the vibration that lbakes and breaks llio carriait a v ilibiial tpao balwmii tlio rul lir lira n1 uia itul fltiila pravanu til 8 breallllu ami oulullff wtildi utliar tlraa ir tulijaot to ileitis iilblt at ua bltf fain llstha bend at once far i ree tire caui iut fjlvlng pricch of ll ttiea tho dunlop tiro company toronto llmiej ot john w1hhipeq montiieal its your werves ite tho condition of your norvob that tlthor makoa your llro a round of thoasuro or a uso- iosb burden to many women life la one round of tick nets weakness nnd ill health 1 o attempt even ilia lightest household duties fatigues them many of the symptoms accompany ing this stftto of dccllno aro a eelluk of tired ties on waling faiutiidsa dlnlness sinking fooling palpitation uf tho heart ahorlnota of brtatli loan of appetite cold hands and feet huadache dark circles undot tho eyes pain in llio bick ami tldo and all the oilier qccompaninicnis of a mlhwii and weakened ciuiultulinti all llicui nymploma nndconditiona are blmply the result of a poor put it nnd def0va clruulluj of hi bloud wllb a uaillnjjuiy of 4111 ncrm jorctni ity fecdiny the uyslem with kr wards blood and nerve pills y011 uiriuo at ihn root of llio dliean und lay a butld found illim on whlcli tu hulld siwtt il4 wullit iicrujkji ihu tuuikmi uliwka and tlatlenel inula till out tlio fly biltit uml tho thtill of hnuw health mid utroiitb lliritt 4 ihiuiinh lh ayitiaiii s- mnlu pir ho at till druklxi u br ward co toronto otit all t c uulaa lll aeon ai uillutuahirauit j tay ii try to iiiab it litidjiaumj tllay ii uhui tit tl- t- vlllill u tiuil lliii not 1 unlaaa yon knoir i lii abaraufa iwlnr lby a illarllalautto ut1 wln 111 blt awar ti lal orvoxl and oil uiaaldaofwillttara liaard wllil imtllilttliiiaadaiiiald wlo rlflliilaa ira known abroad aa iiiihuimi from ilia word uf lil wltiilrairb wikm vuij haa un ujr buitd irul youlli v ho nvr dvlau from unlli wiul iu a ttallai uirlr- iii vba- v wlio itkikuimti t aa ioiadliliiu lo oontamu who ula wntiltt loili iu lupiua luibvlti all tlial biaad dutiaal and all lliala wrotia oondatun wi10 ylll nut alooi for aalfiali bain llucli fbihiik li rill or a lo nlulu or yl ilia irala of nicti vliod only aim in all uiay da ii o lit ullliftit juit and trua and many kuoli wa van wa liawl llibiii tu xjta the na wltlla mrutlu ui tnnjur wlia oliimiaa wliritfar wi ara fiiunl j tq buekliii uilr aimaur ilnht llrava aud tiivlnaltla lo n tlia foo hut aurua ajround ilutli tr tlia mail to iiiak iba eliiln tint tiu im n foful llirouuli ua of and aull our land aurrouinla a trail willi paralyitilllt braalll u aui ull itiiulnaaiaa1uuar ilia xhaiildeoua irameuiat d i til ii a tlia koul daauoyluf ilrau ita toorahlutf uall llbalita aji lb a reaj that laada away from bop ittd jod wlio llava iu ttolaou quatfad if mad lliiaavll will kor til ow out um tlaitklliat atiould u uiara ttiay mhtlil aa wll rtlra til ioila tiava ui rltitit to aud tlia man who will lalr ttlita muuj ill wlial uiay moat dbalra our country batida baiiaalli i la tulit tlial lilndara iatireaa iii uia i1uu iuoltna iiubbiiia 1 ita hrlu i evilly rrolucliia inurb inliullyi wlilla law la ttailafaiiea our laud uaadauood tinti toatiaaa to pilot liar llirouuli aloniiy aaaj of wrout and inaleeiiuut to uk ilia burdaiia that otfltraaa vir lllandurwl lo uiva radraaa our lawa a4 ujla ara iiiaaiit p l qranlinumarli ava- siattxjfmxi itwbing tmacpliuroonb tcilptation- oiiut up uaophi nl v walter maepharton niadlaal atudotil who wu thua iphhclly addraaaw fluuhed lbs vorw ot the muslo hall melody ti wad alugltijj iu hlu mualoal if rather bolsleroua voioa aud lii an turned toward iii oomptulou whata up old 01 an t he oaketl raard- itl htm with a oomlotil look ot ooucaru on hlu kootfttajuud laee you dont look happy ri 1vd seau j ou to quote guhrlo in the qiun of thd craji whatliar il i your livar or your hwart that trouble you 7 if the former und for the doctor if lite itur send for the woman that advloe invaluabls my dear fallow and ought lo be aotaj upon at onoi lratjk roaa puabed the book he hod beau poring ovr awy from him itupatunlly and road from iba latla he wan a ull iljjhlly made lad vary diffaratrt in ppar ana from fhe stalwart maapharaon with whom lie had shared liia ludiuua for the last two aeaioa thy wra both tiiadlcal atudetil and in their eotid l4l yay i with youd keep your ad vie to your self he said i and it difficult noajth lo ludy just now j when you ari in the room ita impouiblo i oannol luia how you ever mauafie to get through your exami ami with honor too you be im not lu love road aud that makau a difference my dear boy he continued ohanulnf hit banurlujj toue i wish you would uot worry yourself to over iriflaa yqu will make yourlf 111 bafore the end of t ijion trldea i llou exolaliuad do you call it t lrlfja that i have not aeen bar for nrly tliwe wk and that kltliouu 1 kuow aha la in town aha bin not even written lo let ma know her iddruat 1 ull yott it la tiouh to drive a fallow orauy lo he anuaod to a girl like that waltr maophareon lauoad at roae pslnal angry faae with a look of sympathy ou hie handsome oue then a dark fluiti orapturadually over ii uav you not own uis wilton than lately t ba aakid kindly iuhaj dli auraabla flimj of disloyalty taajila friend in ldi ttouait haajri aa ha thought of bow only a fuw ti lli l ao ha bad m quiu by aooldatil oji bin part the younjj lady in tjuoatlon and aa ba bad had nolhlub epoial lo do walked part of the way willi bar to wharo aba was alaytnjj with frunda fjomehow ha had ouiltttd ti man lion the fuutliuj to roii and of oanra took it for jrautad that he knew wliar aha wa aly iuu and had b4tn hot lilmaalf uaopher eon bad kuowu lily wilson for loma tinif and was on idandly terma with liar as beluu 1raiike lutauded bha and frank rauie from the lima town aoinb dletantu out of uusgow and had kuowu aaoh other alt their livog ii was an un- dareloqj tbluu that the marriage would take plioa whauovtr jloee wee uifouflh he made 110 scare to mtopboreon of bla aluabaorliiuu luvo for lily and walter who had never baej love as yet kiunad good hatiimdly womlerlna aomatlmae if any itirl wis worth troubling an inuoh uvr auj luvriably comluu to lb eobohlalou that if moh a one a i tad it waa lily wu botir lily with her yellow lulr aud ull willowy fl kor a inomaul he imitated wliathcr to tell roia of ilia ohauo euoountar or not then hu mida up hlu mlud to say- uolhliig aliout i lie would try lo aw ba again and ul bar how muoli pait alia wla caua lug 1ieukby berallanos maopllnram hud grown viiy fdtid of bu oompiufuu within lb loat ltao aaaaloue and itihia own bluul good uaturetl way would have dun alinoal any thing to rave blui irouhle ef palil dont rret over hr vikiu he hl iajiublahaud 011 his ahoul ur kindly yuu will bat- aonii im ujuvlited uf ibal viul th11 ymi will leitgb at mii your fa and doubuatbuul bar and lloaaa daajiondaithy aa oaual aii way bafara ida frjanil oliear tulnfn anil ulirallitiglnfluiin lhat lltl wiw maoiliiaflr 111 elaaaa wera uvnr want ruuiil in lha dlrao linn of wbafn lily hl tnld 11 ah wa ataytng in tho boiiaa nf aclog lif it u baglniiing to l dark on hn aauttlr d aloy along tawaid ilia tialaa uf ltta 1ark wharo ba had almnil ylvrii up hiw uf meellug her whan 1m iaw hrralim flir onna biijw ly along uward hlnl wltli a bo ik under liar arm ifa uppd and ralant bla hat thar ansjmad an unutia glow nn lilya fair feoe am ihe kva lirn bar bani i have bren aiiiylng tho wik and a book all ehanoun aha aid v trim ueetinad lo met mr aiaepuarqti i erae la hoe if doing ao wavller aald la liia blunt way looking from hla gial hal at br graoafully kiiaul head and soft blua eyaa whloh almoat looked hlaol iu the galharlng duak- it la too la i for y i lm watidarlng about alone llataiuoa wa hv mat x wabt to bav a talk with yno m na lakyi a aeat in th 1ark fur a abort tlm lily turned with liim ami 11 oy l down ou an amply acat tiaar the iark gate aftar a liioninila allnce walter aald abruptly prank ull me he liaa not aoan you alno you cam to town mia wllaou lorglve me for interfering but la lhat not ralhar unfair r iu i- making himeetf jullv inlaorable ovar not hearing from you doa be know you have aeu me lily aaked liar face which bad bm duall ed a few mluutte ago gradually growing difc no i have not told hint maephnraou ana wrj i know it iaujuuululhllon al on your part mia wilaon for you oould not do an unkind motion but you are oaualng him urat pain i cannot bear to ae him unhappy ita and i are ilk brother and i know you will excuse me for plrodiug with you on hla bhalf yoti oautiot have any rraaon for ttrallng hi to like thl and he doea not tlaarve it i ba- hova be would not off bia tight hand aoouer than qjkua you a momente pln lily oat quiu atill for a few mluulai after wallar had oaaaad apaaking ha looludftt barlirurpriaotabitfcremadtlff fareut from the high vlvaolous girl she used to i had aim really intentionally kapt her eddroa from fratik walter lied never thought of thla bafore bub bod put her conduct down to oraaaiia at laat aha ralatd her boad aud looked al him in tbednik what do jou with ma lo do aba laked in a low voloa to se frank at onoe amiput an and to anniaty aud uuhaptnaaa of dourae burely7 thatla whutha might naturally vxpot from hla future if1 lllv turned on iim suddenly aud laid bar small white gloved hand on hla arm you ask me to do thla t aha asked pattloualrly a ouriom thrill ran through waller arm aa aha touahed him ym be auevered aleadily i oak you lodo tlilar elerely it le the mode of aollou your own heart would dlolata oh 1 lily said in the same low pas slonate tana you will for o me to speak plainly and humiliate myalf to the dual i ilave you not teen that the bond between frank and me ha become inlolarabla un bearable to me ever ainoe i mat you v tbelaelworda vara almoat a uhuipar but welurheifd idem uis liaarl gave e wild throb uieu almoet oaiad to beat what undreamt of unheard of thing hid bappeued i walter uaopheraou had none of that vanity with whloh soma men are no plentifully addowad aud ha bod never thought of the poaalbillty of any woman falling iu lova with blm aud lily i oaraleae built lful lily ifor a moment ba ibougbl ha must bivo dreamt that aba vyblapered thoae laat worde theu ae bn saw her faoe be reilliwd that ll had oten no dream walter thought she bad never looked ao baaliful aa aha did now they were all alone in their ooruor of the iark and a pale yellow tnoon waa beginning to abed ita reya on lily goldeu hair and dark alight figure eo cloe boilda him for a moment a wild longing to draw bar luto bla arms otme nr walter to take the priia that wato suddenly thrown within hi reabb was it not hie by right after what she hid said then suddenly re- membarion frank he put the temptat from hi 01 waa bo going lo betray bla friend who had trusted him with bla whole baarit a dark fluah roae to lie brow i am aure jou do not mean what your wqrda imply mua wilaon he said relieve me i shall uot thick of ibam agalu remember frank who baa not a thought apart from you who ambition ho pad and dreams far the future are all centred round you and whan the time cornea bo tho true and loving wife to him that ha daarvo lily hi tailing lo his grave calm wordti did not gua the wild tumult that lay be nea lb the outward oomwaura fill a only felt that eha bad humiliated herself in vain and aha hid bar feoo iu her hand a few da- later lrank rose htirut into luelulteiuiiij vo-na- whua uaapharvau waa poring over hla bouka aud executed a dno mora distinguished for its violence than ta grace lu trunl or wallers aatou- ishad ey congratulate me old fellow hllly has consented to mkrry nib at onoe i tlhe le an augil and esya alio doa hot mlud being a little poor for a year or two until my btudiee are finished elba ogreoe with mo live i itieg engagements are a vaat miatake what a oad 1 was ever to doubt the ifrar oat sweetest girl thai aver lived 1 you mini b best man welter with all my haail aiiewerj uaoplrir sou gluiug him hla baud itauk in hie happlufiia whioh la apt to bring with ii eelhuhnaa did uot iujiim uiat bis friitide face look d while aud drawn aud i with jou both the uel of everytliiug that ufa oangho lliank old chap 1 rauk aaiiljta ha oka pud ueopheraon ikjlml know youraalf and your company wont mutake jou l 1 ha worth of a thing ia tieat known hy ihu waul of it 1 hey tjiil havu the orqdlt u soou riiiug may lie abad all day i you hatui raail nf the jama by irkula haperllu anil yuu ahuuld buve prfol ooullilrtica lu lie nfll jlwllidu yno g04kl if two ways of doino it ire la a ptotaali i auiry which haa neve appeared in prlm but la klluwii to bo i ihe poet walt wbilmaii waa aa ia well known dapeudoiit during moat uf hla ufa upon the klndnaae nf hla frlapda and ad- mlreia fcr aupiiort a few lyoara before bla doalb one of thaae frutida oalla1 upon him in hi illlla huuaa iii camden a aubur- bn town of 1htladalphla wall wajt be a id huw gia it tide wlntort aby aubaarjptldii nailed fof ohrlatmae t no aadd whitman uo iwat work now- im in the employ of jor child lie pays me fifty dollar a mouth you at work i may i ask whal a your oooupatlon v why i ride in the street aire i fell luto talk with the drivers and conductor end and oat whioh of tham have no over ooate and gueaa at their aloe and notify child and then be aeiida the overooats its uot hard work aald the poet thought fully aud then yd know it llelpe ohilda along david gbrlatle murray llio well known author laid jn print soma lima ago the atory of the herdehipv of bla flrat years id london ltr carrying about hia miuu aerlpte iu vain from bue publlelibig house to another be fuund liliiiaalf petiulleea am homalae he alapl upon tho ihkrnaa am- bankmaulfuy two tdgbu for two daye he had not eatoti food oil ihe third morning he was standing on london brlil looking uloomlly into the blablt watar whan the udltor of a news- pepsr who knew him psed with a haty nod he libmltatod looked at blm and oamebeok oh murray ha cried you are just the man i waul i oau you spare a couple of hours t ye said murray dryly i waut an article ouongolumbm for tomorrow hirthday article nothing labored uo dry datra bom thing light fanciful you understand go lo the oftioa youll find paper and pen reedy fismd it lo my deak and oh by the way 1 may uot ba there in time well aellle in advauoe thruulng a couple of eor igus into bis hand u i wrote the article aald murray and 7ound out long afterward lhat the or it day of crletopli columbus did not come for mouths from lhat day auooeae came i me that mau lavd my life of almaglvlng as of lbs giving of advice ii may truly be aald iu value al dtpeuda upmi u way in wlileh it a dotia iba full wing from ill new ortoaue ttatt ituurat uluatrale the oharoclena tin or runm on i ooiliiiuamy meeting there goo a luatt aald a oae threat pblupbar who ha mad a fa lure of llfi in aplte of exceptional aquipmenl for auo oeee he la ho affb highly ducat f and liiduatrloua aa beaver he haa ho bad habit end i coul jut limt a mat in npar oruaoa who poaawwea a kltxilui duposition jet he ii rontluiflly cut o e job and i atuilioualy avnldej by attfary bid who koowi blm tbe myalofl6ui pari of la lhr nobody can loll you juat why ami ht1 poor fllo doeaut um ataod il bimeolf h a tiuning lo think theteoniobody liae worked a rabbits root aw blm but the score i i really jua h has a gaiilua for the inopportune my ooine taallgn freak uf ho alwaya aye aud doee ilia wrong thing at lb vhoug time it is uot laok of tact it la wlnyv for axampl i like him but he never oallad on me in bla llo thai hla viil wael i highly tinw oleoma ha la morally of laiu to drop in juat in time lo cat oh one doing oomalblud foollab or discreditable and jou know how we bale the iunooent chaoo witucm of our folllea ii o made a mortal enemy of col txoaua ho happoned to walk into bis offloo while the old man was dyeing hie muataohe he ohenood ou a oertalu prominent lawyer smirking before a mirror rnboaralug an impromptu after dinner poh and ihu promluaiil lawyer got even by knocking him- out of a valuahlo ootuacl lboae are two oaaaa out of dojuus he uever goaaltie of tmtueel but the toe to fed thai he has aeon tbluga be 0 tight not to see and haaeej things be ought not te hear make tils vry preeenoe embarrassing to the other fallows its moat unfortunate aud all fate if he were introduced to a man whae grandfather bad beetl hanged be would ba abeoluuly ootulu to begin talk ing about rope inside of two minute aa i said before be hoe a gniua for the luop potune my wife loathe hint txoauie liar fait frlxxaa blow off ou the sirrtt oue tlty aud lauded on top of hit umbrella ne had nothing wbatevfr lo do with either the frlxxea or ihe alamaiil but uow i oan- otaaarhlert tawy bona terrible lo be under auoh a curse isnt it t howtanfmatfflot im timk it a a common saying amopg keepers that avaragiug one animal with another menagerie rauat be rn owed evry three yeara aeye h writer lu tb ctury yet i kuow of one manager who kept moat of bis animal tbou of woodwards garden sau franoieoo alive healthy aud happy from the begluulng of the lime to the end sixteen years later when the eaulluhmeul wan broken up and the animal were order- oi to be hot in their oago the great ueoret of tils sucoeas he ull me wait oaring for their mlud as well as far their badiee why doee the tlephaut swing to aud fro forever from his chain picket t why doee ha gather from the door all the straw be oau reach throw it over hla back aud ovr the stable to be rgtliered later t why does the aqnlrrel enter and work for hours the almleea treadmill and lbs marten leap lialleealy half the day from point to point door perch slat box floor peroh slal hot day after day to all the auwer is the tame as to the similar query about the man prisoner they are putting lu lima they are re sponding to the natural craving for exer cise thy are trying to pa the tedium o their hopuj lit ihsy are doing auy- thlugv everything ibelr poon brains can suggest to while the weary drag of dull eventless days bol at apt- pedlar opening his pack i have here madam anlmprtivod rat trap which bt oatharinae blrecf woman wa are never troubled with rate which can also be used for tracking uute wa never eat nuts or ae a ooffaeroaater adjusted in this manner wa always buy out ooffee roasted juit ao reversing the wfrevuiat fariu the upper portion and briuglng down the side flaps thus we have a device for hold ing eggs when aooklnu we never al egg and hy holding the wire loopa an you see ma doing uow ll make a bandy ar rangement for holding srnall tnlrror havent the sllgblesl use for such a thing j while by adjusting auouior umau mir ror in this position and another at this angle aa you wilrnolioe and placing it iu a kitohon window for example ll has the curious effect of enabling the obaerver seated at one side of the window and en tirely out of flight lo aee distinctly through any window that may be oppoaits aud lo note what ia going on inside and all i aak for this most ueefut and comprehensive in veiiliou is twenty ave oenestwliioh i nly about one half- x i 11 taliait too uio for 1110 uooto with great trouble 4 small body of men ware busy hoisting a iveavy lag to the top of the bloakhouse that was being rqjietred after an assault in one of tho campaign ot the vi of amarinait iiiilepeiiilenoe aa the log swung to and fro the voioe of the llllli man waa heard encouraging the worker with a naave away 1 there alio goi heave itol 11 y and bye there rode pest an ofttaar lu r why ha did uot help ilia others fllr was the pompous reply i am a corporal 1 indeed eald the other i did not know lhat i ak your pardon mr cor poral dismounting without further ado the otilaerlont a willing hand till ihe job was done llisn wiping the houeul sweat olf bla bruw ha turned to lliu lilile mau and remakkad tha lie it time mr corporal you hav a bit of work like that lu hand am too few men to do ll aoud for the commander iu chief and ill come aud ajel yuu willi wind oirr and rbnku lii wabhiugltiu uf t the aatuiilshad uorpiral tu his own lolleotlouu most wovul or all duels one way of combating kn evil practice is to make 11 look rldloulous eaye the boston ilertiu il wee by this meauf that dueling wa bloppodiuacarulodulrlot itikeix tuaky a iravelllug preacher named llow- 3 a strong muscular fhow waa conducting services in kentucky at oue of bletnaetlaus a wall kuowd u per a la character created a dli tar banc and being publicly rebuked by bowman aent him a challenge to fight bowman aa the ohal- leuged parly had tho choice of weapon na aeleoud euialf bushel of irish potato aa big aa his flit or eaoh mau and stipu lated thai his opponent must stand qfleeu paces distant and thai only ona potato al a lime should be taken from the measure thu desperado was furious at being thua freshly insulted and made an indlguaul prouel but bowman insisted upon his ighls aa the challenged man aud threat ened to denounce thod jperadoa acoward if he failed to come to time aa there was no way out of the fix but to figbl tha des perado consented tlin encounter took place on the outskirts of the town and almost everybody in the place was on hand to see tha fun the eooonds arranged tha two men lo position by the aide of each being s lialf buibel measure filled with large hard irish potatoes bowman threw iba aral tuber it struck tils opponent and daw luto pteoe a yell of delight went up from tho orowd wblob flurried the desperado and hia polalb flew wide of the mark bowman watohed bla chance and ovary time his opponenl looped for s potato another hit him iu the short ribs knocking tha wind completely out of blm and doubling him up on the grow the people were almost orsay with laughter but bowman looked aa solemn a if he hojl just bean preaching ft futiarsl keroiqu tba dts pared o was taken home and put to bed and stayed there tor more than a week before hr re covered from tho effects of the irish potato duel paintinq her portrait if t c i m i ii nli an nld lady as l t so beautiful ear no sweat and lovable i shoaldut mind growing old uald a young girl tha other day speaking of a white haired visitor who bad juat departed wall if you win to ba that kind of an old lady youd bet tar begin making her right nop laughed a ken wilted com paniou qhe doul strike me aa a piece ot work that waa dona in hurry it baa taken a long lima to make bar what she la if you are going to pslut thai sort of pot trail of yoursvlf to leave to the world youd belter ba mixing your colors the to wry words wre true and whether she willed ll or not the girl was already mlilng the oolare lor hur portrait and drawing day by day the outline of the mature womanhood which ballyal bright- wtor darveu lha tlve around iir many a careluw aelilsb gltl has lu her inmost hert no higher ideal than to be like mother when aba shall have readied mothers ysars bat in the meanwbila she ia con lent to be au unlike hr a possible uho has an idea thai age brings lie graces with it aud that a beautiful character comn like eilvar hair naturally and with out effort oirls you are outlining your future and okooeiug its coloring now tho woman you wish lo ba- must begin in llw gltl orumni hautllu mumriuua it fs related ou good authority aud in this aava good authority mean a gocd authority this la uo kaftlrgrani that a young woman went into a muela store lu ihe oily ie other day and asked the cutk for a oopy uf angals always iollshod lha olerk lurusd over a ulook ut coon soilgs iu a ptiaxled way and aald ha was afraid that lhy were juul out but ha oould houd or ll my tthoaber said you woul i be sure lo have it aald the mslteii its by if del uuualng ii a part uf tho cturko busl- iia and hu uiuwd iuh- angels l lliigbl and fair it was what she wauled l hr laaktndum w till dren bauulli ii a u lu ad bwinu br all and rlu liar ull while rotaabiu ul ad di lhud11 i aaa hr utkuli uia aaliir laln 11 all hi fitty daiav uis tlau kaiilly ta lxli mi hlli t waleh th- tliu u ibal iu 11 wilu hullt tiiakm all the tneajow blaok llbe lata ue nlilchaia on her uk fallfaalailaac and al until the buu euiiia i tu r tha hill ntllo in lha yoar ihfil the blnamablp sutifouf latt ihn c of gm1 hope txmud for lllulatid anuitig iba paaau was a child of iwo vrre auif a uuvae tho tajy bad al houli with htr a bandaome newrfiundlaml dng a omupauy of the paaaunitera tin suaoiiit lad on lie deak when euddenly all ware awe struck by the loud and piercing crome or a woman ihe tin ran who had bnu holding the child in her arm- at the aide of tho veaaal bai lual her bold of the reatloea little one and it had fallen overboard luto ihe great atlaiiue but some thing mahej awlflly past bor i there was a uap nvt the voaaele aide a aplaalj into the water and than nams black hoed sphered above the waves holding lbi child in his tth ih anginas were stopped as soon ae poaalble lul by that limn ihn dog was far buhlnd in tba wake nf the vetaal a boat wai lowered bud tlia ahips aurgeora ordred the sailors to pull for thidr live one oould juat maku out on lha dalle i g waves lha dags black bmui holding uoirfo thing iu his mouth ihe mo thereof the child stood ou tha deck iter eyes stralolug anxlojaly after the boat add the blaok spot ujnur thewaves still holding irmly to llio ncarm jscktt coma times a billow higher ihsu iu fellows bid for a moment dag and child but ihe boat came near enough at laat to alliwof iba horgeonae reaching over and lifting the child and thvw alive t was shoaled from ovary lip the boat name wllbln halt of lha steamer and as the enewer camituck alive i a lhank god 1 broke from every heart then the boat came up lo the ships aide many bands ware stretched out to imlp the brave bog on boerdj aud good nero brave dog resouuded on every aide but nero trotud up to the childs mother and looked up tnta harfaoe with hla big brown eyes jt wa as if he aald it is all right i have brought her back quite safe tesoli them self reliance teaoh tham lo make bread teaoli th to maka shir teaoh ihsni lo foot up store bills tasch them bow to cook a goodmbt teaali them to wear thick warm shoes teaoh them bow to wash and iron ololbe teach them how to maka tlirlr own dfuases teaoh them ihit a doltr is only 100 oaiils teaoh them haw to darn stocking and sewon bullous irtaoh them courtesy modetly patience aud oharlt teaoh them ovory day sound practical common eon co teaoh tham to eay no and moan it or yes and stick to iu teaoli them to wear calloo dreaieu and do it like queena give tham a good subelantial oommoti- sohool education teaoh them that a good rosy romp la worth ally oonsumplivss teach them to regard the morals more uiaa tho money of their suitors teaoh them all tha mysteries of tha kitchen dlnlug room and parlor teb them lo have nothing lo do with inltmpurata young uwii teach tnem that tha mora one lives within hie income tho more lie will save ten ob them that a steady hoaait ms- ohaiiia with fair wages a worth a dozen loafera lu broadcloth teaoh them ihi accomplishments muslo piloting drawing if you have lima and mlliey lo do it erlui teaoh thorn tfwt god niado them after a wise pattern audi no amouut of tight lacing will improvo llio model iluly upon it that upon your teaoh lug de pjtids in a measure tho weal or woo of their after life siinarrrrh i lo- charley dear aald young mre torklns havs you any donbta remaining about babyu belug tho eiparlesl child lu tho world i must oonfeas he answerod as bo rattled hie newspaper ralbor irritably that i have seen no proofs of auy super lative lotalloclual superiority thai simply ahawa you aro not obierv- ng do you rememler how you reed thai long list of chinese names lest night t yob well baby wau trying to talk today am it sounded exactly au if he had learusd ovory ona of thorn by heart i tho only homo paokago dyos in tho world that givo porfoot rosults lha saluiitllla preparation of dyetuffs and putting them up in a proper shape for family dyoiug has boon brought to perfeo lion by welle t llicharjaoti co who are urdpflttaiaol llie cqlebrauil uiftiimud dyofl i heaa popular dyaa have batiislibd from the homos of canada maddar fusllo log wood dooluntal aud all other aulluated dyuituffs ihn umk of home dyeing la now done quickly and euouessfully by diamond dyes tha prooeas i oue that would oalunleh our graudparenti todayiuillloiiasil over lha world use tha itoieutltlo uiamoiut dyis iu praforonoe to all othuts diamond dyes oommeud tho m aul v o io all wlia uuu ththti bacausa they are the slroiitt ut brightest aud fsalest aud the cauiust to work wllb diamond dyti ilka all uthor iwrfcol aud popular pmparatlouu are largely itul uttod iu style of paokajj add the uiaythuy are put up 11 idtiu liullatlunu ara wortli u and adulloratwl dyua vuiulous ta all kind i uf toodii anli ilaugettiiis to handle urual uaulhni is udviund whim buying djes fur biniik ask uiilyfm lli ma mnnd i sou thai jlht iianid iu ou uvery peukut j

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