Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1901, p. 4

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h holthf zi a m n l w i i h a m thin head of hair 1 s a marked but big uaiq bald spot is not the kind of a mark most men like too many men in their twenties arc 4 bald this is absurd and all unnecessary healthy hair shows mans strength to build up the hair from the roots to prevent r andio c d r c bald ness u sc mm mair vigon it always restores color to faded or pray tyair notice that word always and it cures dandruff hon aluutim a ii rouly rl k i wlll uke ii battle allexwzarlat lunnvuiuumf u1 i oll3 rl oiv liumt leusiow t lr u tly l tta i kk ue iwwl of luff a i erer tuu i ill ibluiy what 1 tlhil and ttmy ay uat la a wunttflll limedy ijktl itfaul lleo 14 ljofc clilcacn ill we a koka the lair a i ilfca jics wtmr vtv fishballs pnovbd decisive tommy iivu of lwwir umlwy waa alow lo piarrut and ilia iiue ami il lolnity look much loureel in walohluk lb sroareeof lb unsold bal irresjeublo curtens whiob bor him toward maul mooy he drifted up oonaeculively tomcli iiititr then tctrkch capable widow af utlhla eeily euloalion or mar beauty bavin waned aa hie ooipuunoi looieed be eddlad belplaealy between two both mituri ladle- of nolable hooeowjfly capacity- in j ad flilur mey and annie ilarkin vara reckoned tbe two ural cooks in all the relon roundabout and tumi wbo waa numlelakebly a goormand wu popularly aappoeax to bo unablo make dp hie mind wblah wee lha better and ooojootly wblob to invito to ebarn bl horn heart mod kitchen at leashe married mlea juruot rather to the earprlaa of hla fallow lowoaman wbo wan inclined in vlow of illlura meye plant pudding ami election oake to think he h mnli m ona -of- sham with aqtiar numr wbleb be triad to render botb airy and delloale vonluiod lo bint u tnuoh trad it low bu preeerved tha reply of she loyal thomaa no b aald firmly no i vlrt madi a tnleteke ill own i considered hiuite bbe a a floa woman hilar may a fine woroadt and abetf took prlsee for that leollon cake of heia kl half a doan mr and earned am too i dont bcu ram bogl iiaalf oould bt bilo uynuotuu mr diuku proaamably tnaalit amtifo la bat bit bearer found kmbmu qollo aa improaalvv aud kuppoaad it a it wftut andanralniu of hllara fcul ty decldaa too foliar may 1m contloaed h wi lotlafjk lfii kald i lo toy if lvctionjoaka and plum pnddln an mlbty jtood but tbn tbayia mlfilily prnai bot to y imijifrallbla anil folk oant uv on am i dont say if i took uilara i bslttbtitl b raaaoii for iua tbankfolnva 1hankvglvlnri and ghllt- maaaaa bpl on tba oilier band felld baraj th lokloirt tkatittl ilarklnt ill bo tbankrul i marrd ibm flli bl awry altitile llaljy t11 my ufa i lje rtoir ttt tytts rnunsday mauou vib iwi ccijr 5 ifowiz cvihh wmjtra jfw itv ocxbts cliaractart oorca auj a coup oilmj coriawtui hu baud in bu-ioeku- i liv obiutlu in iay twakl atkl i tit yon all to voi wlifct it u uifcf la u paekt 01 tbu lauuul bw oot vfbuk uioocbl ii mjt hji atii willucnaaadktlnudball tttul nurloj bu v and bald tlit bouilotf tba ai all hut uiara u aoowuiloj iu taiy poakat ila uow jtiat uiltk k taalouu anja wbkb cuatu ull nrt vbat tx uial iby in it call i yml buaaat vi1 woax luouilj o ixaood voloa auoruicol lloaabajri nhlrd volea- jltaaknlfr kourui ol uablarir habj5uoua i will baa to ull you than now opn tds your tyoa aiwl fcr i llu likm tyoti ultaaull how lluad i krarr tm o ol tla uoliiln but a bol liuualiunq atlln tb baiia of bla poekal veul llat work a widespread trouble in spring time paines celery compound the only remedy that cures and saves life cannot b don tmuaa you bat food itoaltll you oautiot 1mv uoo baajlb without pore blood yon way have pare blood by ukinjf iiooda turpjrill hoc you okuuot rsellxe u pod it will da yoa until yoa try it lloia uklntf it now ud m bow quickly it will u jfou uu sppaliu feueudui kud vigour ftttrfoareyoar rbedal k tla td catarrh or aorofulfu all 1- illaooordbyuoll 05 oenta ila t u wld tuu wbo wuui uo nriy ou pursuit for wblob be ia uot flltd oladioud children cry for castor i a a toward took should awakati tba pur- iium to liveftitmnar and abatur lifu lltao hliherlo a ijlfa 8evej mr jatilca llryaod cehiaron atatee i waa oonfiisad lo tny bed willi luturdfttiort of te luutr aud wkh ivu tip by tba pbyalolana a neighbor advlaed ui to try dr tboua koleatirla oil feuiink ibfet bu wife- bad baej u for it ibroat ttotibla with tba beat reeulta aat- lux ou bla adviaa i procured tba tuedioiue akd la than k balf batlu cured id i oarukntly baluva it aaved my ufa il waa with raluolauoa jiat i ooaeotj to trial aa i wag rtuod to fcuob a ibat i doublad tba powar of auy ramady to do ma any liooil ila ibat daaplaatb bli neighbour aitutalb but li that balb maroy ou tba poor bappy la ba watch vuii ui iu j t l4uuiuv kkhk iiuimi miwuwltl ii i fcj w wtd ur4 t our yrand bualueaa iu i if a la uot to bee what ilea dimly at a dielauoa but to- do what liaa claarly at band qarlyu consumption begins and luaves elt in thous antls of people who never sus pect it it isnt much more thnnapirrfple iiitieetl itlsa a pimple lung pimple health all round it stops it just as a slin pimple getj stopped how to get that health all round it take scotts emulsion of todliver oil and be caieful v ii k y i u ihil t f if yw uu ucoii ii iiowj4l umuu osststiktwlnrpawlilbl kadiktrrtrt- ttroablra at ibla aeaaon ia kidney dleeaaea it romn on ka tilently aa a oat uala up cut ita pray and loobfltn w lifo before tba vlotlma are fully awara of their danger ho net dltratiard i lie early aym loma of kidney dieeaea aome of wbioll are back ache oouaupallon indbtaetlon wltb bead mba and a oonalaul call to make walar which he abondaut aedlment of a bricky noloc tba prompt and honeet bee of pel nee celery compound will quickly baulab every eytnptoni of dlaordered kldooya tba kreatmediolna baa dbred and itlvoi a new life to tboueeada iu tba paal t will do tba aame yood work for all aufferert to- day mr u afaber halrdmeer iu john had atya i auffrei urribly tor two yara from kiduey trouble aad dypepaia i waa oompletely rundowtiud bould not nit or eleep one of ela able i city dootore at taoded ma bat no good reeulla followed bla work happily a frieud advlaed ma to oraxajaaa celery compound i procured a aupply hjai tba ftrat doaa relieved ma i have uaad ebjht bottua and now alp will appetite iaood ajid i am aa atroau aa evr bafora i reoomtmaiul paluea celery com pound to all lifaaureat berooa and iwoiuea ar tboaa wbo beak tbeir owu bardena bravely abd glve a helping baud ta tboaa arouud iherii it hurt to eat the pain nausea nnd dis tress that dyspeptics suffer afterevcry meal cm all be permaneiuly removed by bur dock illood bitten it tones up and rtrtores the stomach to normal condition so that it digests food without causing discomfort i leres proof positive ulan mnjtfla bnludfl dalbouald ni wrote thn folllwllir i hava iwflll u feiiffnivr from lwr complaint and dya- pepuiv for thn pa i two yoare and folt viiry inluimbln i could uot tain much fund bb it hurt inn to at xi y frlantu slid why tloiit you try h ii u i lid an ualni two iwiltum which made audi n doniplfui cum tbnt i fan now cat any thing i like wl i limit iteaualiiifiuadlaeoui fort getmm india tea trben gr bliack lmje rolled i banks fur lliellp dkink i vi on s fltlin i lout il wholes mm awoil ami clran now that i in hmind in limb and ixnlu i ii novrr ilttnk ipi1flalu kjli- good grocers ker it a free kampln ot drliriouh hala1a tcu ttcill oil receipt or pohtol inrnuoulun wlilcli you drink bifvrk ftlfxnt or crrrn ton aldrmi kalada toroulo or montreal the doc advice lad mr w v lufltaf of wlllliim- fonl out to uei or arnouie tiitrum more moiiay ie ahlt every j rat tot lurdicln for iheea dlaaaaae lhali would buy out balfadoaeu mllhonarra and el there la a cure alioplr- uutp perm anaiil one that cota llltle alld prxxlucea bnclftottbat la abaolulely uu per ailed iho lilalory of netllolno the mrdloli u knon ihroutlhoul ha kuuhrli wiout t j world aa 1m arnol l- imln till lor weak pop it baa the tllnot of pt flit hi- ently rleauafnif iho ayium of dlee and it baa llltftrctiry uihuu the kruie that cetiae the dlaaaik lieldr kllllltf i ho korma of luteair it oounlfraolm thr poleoua uimii they err to ill ibu muxj it ixaoea the iiervf puila ibu bood and nevlla liaae the whole ayum xf amolda toiln ltlla are pretarlbed by muy of tho mot aiiooaful ptiylclaiin in their private practioa hare ij acaae that alibwh lh powvr of thla wondoful nicdlchis over tiarvoua and waatltift dlaaatea i auffarrd for rntmlha with uaruou dim ami ueticral dablllty i waa ullrly mlaer- abltf iinabla to iloflp and continually in tha mott dapfp4ejt pirila my tiervae were twitoby i had anlilllnu huadacbra amlaaweakaaa olil il oy family phy alclan pr advltad mo to uae jor aniolda toxin illa i bouiibt and uaed lhr larfe boxan wblrh i am bappy to attt ourl ma complaitly i an now bald and hearty atronu and vioroua aaund in every miiboir nerve and limb thank to dr arnold a toxin pimu w i lkvi tti mkuciiimt wilhmeptft out r artiohlatoiiii ldu ua ouly roily ou aartli tliatoutaj luae tv kllllnu ilia t- uiateaiualt are aald by all ilruillt at lie a bo aaiuplaijxaumi orient prpale on roalpt l miuuli lf iu krrv hmii hatoaide yellow oil abouhl l in wry home i hie time f the rr thro a tiuthhlif lu ual it fur chanped hatnu tratlnlaa aujtltnblalia caueja iju llulluua u kbltf illrmt waat tortiutolloabut aeut free in the clutch of consumption dont nctflect that poriect hacklnp crtugh till you fiml yourself in tho clutch of conbuinptton ita an easy matter tof tofi it now by tklti dr woods norway pine syrup thla pleaaant ronirdy heala and aootliea tha lonja aild broochial tidwa and enrca huffing atul chronic coulta wlicii otliar nsmodn- fall mr w p cann wrttlnff frhmmorpcth onttayai i honestly believe i would have dittl of connumptiou only for dr woods norway pmc sj rup i nave uwsd it for ycara nnu couhider it baa no eipuj ir iavtsre colda and throat troubles tharo ia alwaya aomalliinu link of a aliadow all for m i of 116bii torlurlnu uvl diaoaaea are permanently cured by ualn ij d ii externally and taking it internal ly accordion to dirolion an eotut ia a man who opjny talking tohimstlf einaiiututifuiaoiu coul uj lifu ivjuuu iwi kuul hiiul wuuly l lijiu ulll tr llj 1-lij- ill li hi ui u iuww nl iku uku iaiunuaiaavutflwudti kaaikl kovhy ee 104 1m ilamauiber that in every rjuarral tha leraou wbo haa baii uaat to llama la generally tba moat ready to be rroonolhd howdlar atuutioti in iha world of homw alliio iiiadioina haa bjan it vry muroj tf pru uieea aa in polltlca and rtlljlnn iha dlf nouttlna of opliuoua and lha indilduany of mail litvi lmu prut ij tha dlbjr ineut by wbluli tha alaudunl uf tbraa bodlea bava baau tlevatu l with iiimi of our fauoua rweparallona foremost in il- luetralwu of wbtoh truth aulida tha wrwll- famoua rauwdy to ueneral debility and uuituor quluiua winu and which wbed objaluabw iu ila uauuiua alruuth la iniraculoua orator of ajipitlu vitality and atlwuteiit lo lha itinera frrtlllty of lb ayeum quiulue wlua and ila 1m proveiiiaut baa from tba aral dlaoovary of tba kreefvirluea of jululna ae a wiadlcal aitaiit lean one of lha tutut tboruiubly dlacuaevd reuiadira avr offered lo lha pub- lid it la otia or the rat lonloa and and natural llf- ivlny alimulaula which the luedload prufeaalun bevexoeiouoiptllaj iu remitiulaeand pteetirlua meeara nortl- tropand lyraam of turonlo hava ulveu to the preparation of ibelr nure qultilna wlua tba ureal cara due to ila itnportauue and iba ataiifterd fxoleuoa of lhaarlluu whlah they offer to the publla onma into tba uarke punted of all tha lufeote wblob akilled tibeervatlod and eeieulinu nplnluu ttaa pointed out hi the la prfl prpera lluuoi tbeulur loal waellh may ha racovarad but lac i lima never milbartia hrt and narva pilu cura narvomnaaa dleapleaanaas narvoua proa- trallon palpitation of tba haait paint and uiziy flnella bhortnaaa of ilraalh and all trouble arising frbni a run down ays tain iboee havn thn beat rap of the praeut who have thn oleaieat miluik of the future ihn- kirat demand fur a pleaaulit aafe and reliable antidote for all fleolionj of the throat and luti la fully mtt with in niaklea antl coilaiimpthe hjruti it ia a purely vrtttatlo- comjwxind end acli proiupyly and niulohy in aubltiiiik all eouitha bolda bronchi tta irnltnmalloii of ibe lun via it aa paleteblo that a child will not r of un 11 and ie put at a prloe that will not exnlude the poor from ita uae all ouitoe of pi r for in lien ie betlur than a pound uf protuiue a wrycli fltlrd ltli punlop tfr tnrpnttfnijrnnr rirrtiiinn dmiphi itn mukcr put a pnrfcat fuiltli on it you nn liavn dunln tirwt ulth tlu tliickcned irciil on any khonl ycu huj no xtrn cluirjf a pefaoil who lelli jou tho faulta o other- intend lo tell olhere of your faulu one lexa liver xih every nluht for thirty daya mekaa a complita cure of blllouiuni and conalipatlon that iu jml 32 oantu to ba curod if a man objecte to undraped fig urea ha dan uae tauvai covered ledtioi kidney duty il la tlu particular function of lha kldiloya to filler out poliom whlch luua through them into tba blood who il th kldneya are diieiaed thay can no i do their whole- duty and ahould have tin hiiln and strength that south american kidney cure will afford in any and all forma of kidney dlaarder it relieve in 6 hour 14 sold by a t drown it la tar more honorabla lo black booti than it li to black obaractani norvouaneu bys0pailat indl- ksiion kitiifrrduiliihiill lale wine xxtoie iliahcdinquiiiitce of buili auuruan nervine piojuaj urnlini of diuliam onu look bu prcachcra advicr follourd tllrcctioni and waa cured ptrmmctilly of iliovont fivm ol kcrvou ifouration nntl liytpptla ha hat rfcojumcjuud it to oilier wilhgratifylh teuiltt it a griat iurv build ia sold by at ilrowa loutc llta ia denied ua ttierelora lot ui do omatliluji to ahow that wo hava lived tkaai cuhln aold that kruaa from tha itonuch and ahrigittiajigu is cauied by tsrmontatlon of tlii tood in tlta atoioarji tt uafofntosta of indlicettlon and dyepn- ix tale one of dr von stansj plnaapplei tablets immadlalely aller eat inf and it will provtnt thlidlitroae and kid digestion to in a box 33 cent a 10 sold by a t drown a qro cuuiod ia merely a water pitcher painters kidneys tim uoat llunj a painter ban to ton- 7pvy iciivih i llu lur jf rj tuqhiilina nits tho uidiu 1 lu ll inu i nnd wiulirna inihcu 1 1 dnn- lilr inma our win 11 aiuiitrr lb uknrh tuu j forhmi to tiim irtulmirtl z i iii m llllkog vaus painlrru lifrt n a doans s pills om tptetbw- tdwa j by ear eu auli h patcm rtcoao belkwera will fix thrm up liko out tlui iiiflliumntlon uul congckliun ie ravo to tha uliiuii luck mr j nbiiaon thn nll known pah hi nntl u coral or rr oxford st toronto out budi almut ciijht urrhano i waa liken uith 1111 pxiruc ninjf piuuiiuiy back over tlmbulnry it ua 1 to liail lb it uiy uilu i uul lo upply hot dntha till tha iloctof cmu mul mauu jim tutu plnnr lluaid thn inmhlo w idui to n aloud jufchlnu from iho lulurv to ihn hludddr my waltui loidrd with a nck dut deiwtul uud ki aided on patting whilo in t hie condition i lir trdof foaul kidney pilu find ttart- 1 i ikintf llu in ft uun not luiiif ihifoit 1 jjo rll f from iaiil uihmuivo lutu iuirovunf uililallhcvrr aiiut my urinn ia tuiwthar and ikku not anjurt nui und i foul itutlcr tbuil hi years lflxflllver pills srj rut tally ami liaturully m tlui ayauiu h trlii uvby all biln and ifxte 111a lil tuuaupetloo hihuiionuhh ilhvphlu ah u liucllu hnittlilnl wililliiiuh ill du appear wiu 11 thuy ta uuul illw jul tht haraalau carriage oatnot beniu to ooma up xo tba lallleaa kite a floaaarit duiy when i know anything worthy of recommendation i consider it my duly to tell it say ilev jaa m unlock of hamburg pa dr ancwa catarrhal powder haa cured mo of catarrh of hva ysar standing it is cer tainly magical in its wt tha first application benefited ma in fiva niinutt so cla 0 sold by a t drown bome chlltjltm humor rtt wrw eorrrtf prfnrnna of rhtldiah oh 1 tha fltlcai a ma rihlinn vrd lb i rm old fl aln ae aim ai- ootid juarler olinn and i mik at tlio moon mlfof it fpuhl ivt thn rky nd iho thcr half it tluhluu lummy afd flvr had ln buy whi 1 and minh i ul- i lr u hi haudwhhh canard a fclljill hirak i h kkln ilinnlnjj tl ilia mulhrr ba lord it tu her emtuid mamma i lu lmkiiimiit t eaaarnul did l hay aintf ay pert y ot a at htm day iu hool 7 aakixl a lujlh- r of hrr utile four j oar old daughter upon hrr nturu home only one piled the bltl mlea it waa tomethliui iul lirrlhnda ice cream inuiiutaiua papa wh willie hae j ou un a k boy lu dayt limall wilhedid you aakmaiamat why ihouhl i ak her t dont yiu know whrtser llu have been 1 1 v- 1 ijaof j i dwi ul yea buuu utkrjdcuttliov warn in ro bank nri an thin tin mye till- ul nii it ok tliti douut not loukego a uun lady wa wutlluii aome wcrka kl tcotch country bouee and jml befutn dunor one nveiiluu two cduilne uf the boat one uf llietn lha feat man f the f a iplfy arrive unrxpeitndly llhoil ly iwforn dlinirr w auiinutioml lh biitlr aouubt thn you u lady und ki i ti hrr ton ndeulially werd puttluoii jealerdaye aouji au for fear there khoiildua m enouiih a tiuuii decline decline 41 u p l cxoulmel lha yuuurf lady much kinueed dut uu know john that woul lul be maiiura na said john coolly but theyll think lakpti nanbrltir a dinner pill many parona euffar tx crucial liif kony alter paiuklug of a haartydlminr iho food pattekmi of la like a ball of load upon lha stomach and iualcad of binn avbeallby uulrimeill it bccniiuri m wiiikiu in tho uj elom dr priiitlm vru tihld pill are wonderful oorrrctlvca of each troullea thuy corrett acility cpm aeoretioua and convert tha food partakru of into healthy nutriment thuy are juit tha medicine to take h troubled with indl aatlon or dyepopil ha la h gouj cullaolor who can nlleot buwitaon all oca ion strong amd vi everyorgan of the body toned up and invigorated by mr f w myorklnffu k merlin out tiaja i nufturod for ftn jcora with ialpitntioi abort cjw of hriith all fiplpfisnrimt nnd pnlu in tho henrt hut onn iwix of xfllhumu ii n art nnd ncrva illlu complololy rimofnl all theuo dlg- trocalnic aymploiiih i liao not liifford iduco takhitj thorn and now uleop woll and fon 6 trout nnd vlpornug milhiirnn ilcnrt 11 id no no illlu euw all dimnkoii nrislnir from weak hoirt worn out norvu ussulh or watery blood corner ulonoa to soma of tha flnut air oailloa over built may ba foandm enuiffa- ment dr lows worm uyrup u a mfe eura and rrliahlo worm cipellar act rrjnally wall on children or adulti uo sure ou bet lows the only way ti have a friend ia lo be ona kmemod chlldrenccyror castor i a many peopla who aio aa true au heel are unfortunately just aa cold vary miny portona din annuelly from oholera and lummrr coniplainte who mliiht havo been aavrd if projur remedlaa had heon uood if attacked do uot riolay in celtlng a bottlo of dr j d kellouud dyifantory cordial the medicino that never fall to elfeot a cur thoja who hsva wd it eay it anto promptly and thoroughly subdues tha pain and diaaaep old man think uothlnu uata aa ions as it uiad to yatktl ortt of dr anew liver pilu after dinner it will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of loo hearty eating safe prompt af live painltaj and pleiunt tills effqcilva llttld pill la tup- planting all the old school nauseous purga tives 4a doses 10 cents 13 sold by a 1 drown tho inoaiiuito iint tha only uoro that singa at bis woik thitf worry in a piiwi ona application of dr agncwa ointment will give you comfort applied every night lor lire lo six nights and a cura is effected in thn most ktublmrn ciun of dllnd dleod lug or itching piles dr aguewa oint ment curaa 1 cm ma and all itching and burning akin diseases it acta ilka magic 35 centa 15 sold by a 1 drown ila lhal walkoih willi wiao man sbull la wita but a companion of foula aball b dsatruyad oraijfiawourafor4hehourl flts dlrocily anil tmlckly slimullrs the iielrta action atups most aculupaindktwlb mil klgus of weakiieia llullering ilokliift siuolberlng or palpitation thla wonderful euro la dial sturdy oilp which caiilea thd heait-ikk- ruilmllutn tuahmvauulratllaul and perfect lilih glvearalleflnmoil acuta forma of heart dlkcaw in 30 in in u lea 11 sold hy a f drown llu hut ie soon angry doelulh foolishly uud a nnu of wicked devloae la haud hhaummtlo joints mra ceore smith 6a cbfmilrt point si charlca qua mv klwumatiira in my joluls cauwul me kutcringa tliat worda cannot dcacriha how tarrlbla i took four botlje of south ainulcaii ithouniatlc cum and am m well woman i ave iccnnimeiided il lo otlte with us njkl teuilla think the iteatuwuit luilhlujjhoii of a wonder in 11 i y a i 1i lihiiuui f 5uv- castoria acct-jevrcpjiralionrora- itnllatlng ihcroodandkefjuia jjgihe slonadis nndbowcb of imams iiiinurn see that the facsimile signature promotes tmgesuonjclieerful- ttssnnd hcstonlalns ndlter ouutnmorphlnc xiormiacal not taio oxio apafrtl hcmcdy forcotupa- tiwsqurstomachdiaattoea vsttis coiivnistons fcvcrish- ncss and tos or sl tai5inali signature of ttew ytjhk is on the wrapper of everx bot37le op castoria oaatetu la vat kp la e she leukw aaly it aea aeu u kalk deat allaw aayeae te aau raarjtuac elae tie yjea er aeeadae tiat it jaat aa eej bawl will aaswtf arery fcmr- p bee teas yea at obtoajui km quality ladic iliocs are marie in cuoujjh shapes to fit all if inri of idriiei fcot ojotlliitvo un c levari t appearance grc iter variety better selection mora style more comfort iwtlur wo ir th in any other canadian ladlcj thoe- goltl metl ilist at parii kxrwit l on sea th it they uro branded- kino qoautv- mado by th j t ktn co llmllad torxnlo furniture and funeral requirements j a speight co furniture dealers and undertakers wish to announce to the public that they have at present a full and complete line offurnituro and undertaking goods which they have desided to oflcr at a cremt rbdugtion in price parties wanting anything in these lines will find it to their advantage to give them a call work promptly and satislactdwly done j a speigrht co acton bob mccready above ie a splendid pirtrlir f uot ito orady one of hid tut fooiiiali piujirala caustla he la n imrmhir r hip ottawa pulxirsltj tram ami lu turn in a of itn cuaiiililniiblnp tnnlctiii up id a splendid aiwchucu of rvbmt lauadbu uiiuhuid but atroiic as he is be liia lnovrn what it ta to suffer from tlrapcpela iu 1111111117 afflict td wm he at itic oprnlni of u tnt tfloi sraauu that lie waa not alilt lu cu out with his 11 nui ielns in the lili ami ujcs lo trruilltrut hcadacu and tht awful iiaoj lr lufforcd aftir catliiif tli rium or nu luilialrrd ulcritlon arnel blin that ha woe in no con jit ion lu play fooluall the uanlrsi of all enure iltalilm tie lacked the jtuewcr lo tarry titui ttiruitli a cam paltu ha cousullvd ids phyfclc au but ttiat kutuiuau cata lihn 110 nlw tliia ilab tit vrrltti i wia adrued la try uf ivtly a mil tht iiw remedy that una bt kiy fruuda ohnured nui ja woiuurul bl thl arfacta 1 was sacptlcul hul he bouudaj their prauu iu iicruituliy that i waa at length induced lo try liiem iha vry ural 1i11m ilroio tba ptiu nway kad at hip tcj ut a vtvk i lejuluud tuy lium au 1 tive si ul ttirough ode of our herd haakeae in ilia iwitt arm lliul i have exiir ltu hi tr istlye iuia w hlu tu thank for tiy llu luimklou iby ar i h brat lilkdlclua i have rr taku 1 lii utah ouc w atrouif and m full of riury i ru iti shall livfar take any ollioi whvii i t lu bred of a striiatheur huvh u hut rmtutn rialtoii of hin wrllkiwwu athlete ani ancu will ba lliff iruitft of eiarronc wimi uloa l uxlul ifill roiled v if otir drllkaut lnf i ru k llrn oipiuj taua tin hr ull tutll rlr midi rw to catch tho eye and tho mind j at tho samo time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant ajid- profltablc employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experienceno fcneeessatyt send for free outfit and make money yhobrableyarreyson co limited brrnitford okt q hand trunk railway u4 eiwt 11 klaa a ul l i kiiimi k t 17 11 uall uall o 61 i i uii lolua aau o au a in aitl ft io i lolnakeal loliiu iiisi i tliia ilu uiu 4i uiiu n oel luiij iju jouiu c lum actqn livkuy bus-ij-nk- tba uitdniatau raetieeiruluaollciti ue tietnui ace of llie puula end laforaia litem tfial well equipped and btjuab llbta oao al waja be beotired at itlaalablea a comfortable bus loeeli liaioa le4wee41 id lin and 013 p n cajejulaaieauonivejiloevitonlar tli a want of oinmareiaj travel ler fully mat all john williams sun satings and loan go headofficti tohonto ont authorimmd otpttal 000000 oo ten year maturity share arc paid monthly instalments of 50c er share for lao tnonrha when vaymcnla cease 6o ob khl in rrnluruy valun fioooo money lo loan kl y airaluht loin or lejiayahle in monthly instalments on aptjl- callou lo r j mcnabb aont aoton for everybody tlva aaji and aliort of 5lxcui adver- tuln nowadays uru tlwt wlliiina and ability of tlu merchant to acll lcmu things far lc than hiacomitciltora ami all things aa cheap aa can be bought clu where ttiat la our position canity and 11 applies especially lo ik laro rano ol uoods now in soock such aa hfttttcyit rockc xy jna parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtains hat racks newspaper holders raymond sewing ma chines and mumfcfoun other articles which will take your fancy call and inspect our lard slock our prices are always rljht j johnstone co fumltuko xealerb main st acton good morning or five dollars pertinent points of interest wq business and professional men gonl prhillm is llol nrceuwirily liljh pllceil cheip prinllnu is not nceivarily poor printing oood printing h like ood painllncll demands and ubtalnu u lcccnd jjuuca tha second ilahs loads to thought qikiiii and knowledo of llie lilnrr pfirtnyed and then on to tho artist or advert iwr 1 htira u unly unn lliul of prinl int wa dun i do thats ilia poor kind i hats tho llnd you dou l want hul when you do want uimclhin that s ucal clean riglit upto dale printed uu ood paptr with finriinu frvnn lypa that ia iiewmvd of lha very utcut fate set in au artistic and intelligent mannof hi short when y tin want a strictly first data ol just jlnlo our telephone nr frnpin at ihn 1 ui 1 juim tuc mill slrwt and male your wanlii known h r 7utoore5 arjatott fru tts air rifle z llaaulhjt i iwlhnitlbiu j t ilk i d utii4 11 i il 1 hik 11 iaiuiui b11 nl imruui liuelibkivn- tiumuiiuulwk weeaiaiwaipta wtmmk 500 i will make 1 doz best cabinets and i large photo size 16 x 20 inches h rhjutsrmw fnovo kfiitiar koyoh patents guaranteed ourlctfn illicit auj utilun of any luvt kmutniaiy tcethe our noiuiou fire cxmuemlua tlic tmiawuuhty l m lluw lo qwalu a vuiil acnt uuiu ihoij wltuu krcuiij uauybiusimluj wualnirfpiaw isitcul llru out iliiouuli u iu ticia ujiwllluutchatiluluvi 1atimy uacoku an lllukiiattd and widely cliculdtm iourual conioliril ly ubuuiuliurivtui invhiuia ludfortauiiiumiiy auvikm victor d tfvanb a co jwfrnf attorney kvaaar itm wabim c patents wrtu rw burlul r41ntf uude h rstllp- and how ju rw nwlu-tlod- tlaiul uhkawoattakkailotl or wodllof luvaiitlndimt hiiniuimiit uiul wo wil ytu tvaei our ijiilon a lo wbftliar it ta baubauly tlruuuli- u iiuuc ft luwuuty u iijuilmu hiuiitl in oui4j- ult i liiftuvhioiid rundhouv atlilom a watliow aatxmt tidtlclttiub krkjltll rill wmiuii kniilurria uibjulm bf ike hiiiv k ui ild y u huiv aiuljlaii aiuo utwjlru kwayjull i wlu i j bo vcars- tisadc kwaltrtg ocaihti coektohy ac j aafcelfk and tlu my iiualr haartatn iwr u4hih free mltlt at it t 1- la neaur thueiilaida i nml lumiiorima4autul hjtathirim w-lti- fuaa ihmt ruf jlhtlabalat scientific jlakrican k muvlr lluhrla4 aealr mt 1 li i r iy aiiav bui v aj ll h4j lru i iw aabbbbbbbbbi rtf iw- i 11 h1j u all l 5i tejaspedtele-

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