n- languid mtny bcliool- elrl is sild to be laiy and sblftlea wh eo she docsht deserve least bit of it cani study easily falls asleep is nervous and tired all the time and what can you cx- pect her brain is being fed with impure blood and her whole system is suffering from poisoning such girls are wonder- fully helped and greatly f- changed by taking sanapariiicf hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have taken it during the past 50 years many of these girls now have homes of their own they remember what 4 oured them and now they give the same medi cine to thelrown children you caryaftord to trust a sarsaparllla that has been tested for half a century ilmtmlta iilams if your bowcla are const- piled uko ayera mil you cant bavo good health unlet ou havo daily action of the a cbntury aqoin ah br 10 a g merchants wrote thrlrlelure with quill pan band wii need to dry tba idu aa there waa do blotting psprr there were no tunt latur bona titer bad to w i we la u dv otfbcrtotxjvt d cd i rills eared asy naih3 y if wa ha ur oomplajaj baltr u ieslra u hael njlml 7x eaww4jbly itmiramuuwtf carried to tba post office ttcslatgiriaiti aod onebell oepla to anl a letter from boatpn to new york and twml j ave from boat on to philadelphia lea than a century ago turn was far nlsbed at ministers ordinallona alao pips aod tobaero aa lyman ilcccbir uiu kvery gen hainan washington toe ai ample wora a qoaoe their hair imprisonment fpr debt waa a common practice virginia contelnrd a fifth of iba whole population of ibacooctrj tbemuiieajppf vauay waa not ao wall known aa tba baait of africa now i two cc ooaobaa oarrisd all the traveller between new york and boston su dayelwero rt aired for the journey tbera waa not a poblio library in tbe ualtecl biataa a day uborar reoelved two shilling f day store ware unknown all oookinj waa dooa at an opao flreplsoe many of tba street were onnsmed and honse wara oat numbered tbreeioartbe of tba book in every library cam from beyond tba atlantis who reads an amorloan book waa aa englishman a incur in tba car part d lest can lory wbtn a virginian ateited on a joarnay to new york ha mads bit will and bade farewell to bu friend aa tf ha naver at pool ad to aeo them again baal pork aau flib potatoaa and bom iny wara el plat article of diet all iba yaar round the jrttkyuria the fault op the invitation mra blomerket cannot under it end why mr upalraab did not aoospt bar iuriullon thla la what tba invitation aald my dear mra yjpalreet i am going to entertain a faw paopla qo thnraday avan ing tba 27tb and tbla la to aak yoa lo bo one of the number i know yoa da not earn for society fnnctlona bat yoa will foe perfectly al ease at tbla 000 aa nobody of any consequence la invited ceylon and india tea i gkeemjor black the favorite tea of britain and her colonics crowin bv british fl7tntbrs amusing to set foreign- tcjs dvcrtistd as clean is it not filth that colon them o a i a a 99 cylon tcaa iirjtom in kralrd lend w j 14 mj w packet only never in bulk black ttlxed ok une0iart1l feylau lireeit kn tuple on application addru kaiad4 toronto yotjn g girls danger t xtoit jxtt t thuh8day aprix 4tb 1001 ffb mjng folks j luu rx i tou you eol- oiled uule jtoe and ouium ble bead la blb dliht youaaeiiuehuu4umtraa tke toi7 llrldfiet told uat nlabt i inured it then boat the little rd baa no look a bar and be upuje4 a little orimeoti kueur an jut aoe tli very ectf bo laid l d yip pal or indbjoatlon la oooaalonad by tba want of aouon in tba bllary doota loas of vitality in the loroaob ta aaorata thaeaatriojnloaa withant wbiob dlgeatloo cannot ro on alao binfl tlia prinnipal oaaaa of headache parmalaaa vaga table ptlla takatr baf oro going to bad for while navar fall to give relief and affect a core sit if w aihdown aahdowa ont writaa 1armaloaa iuu ara taking tba lead aainat ian other maltaa wblob i have in alook howi8hu overcame it and baffled her tormentor whan ininga do ant go trf ault yoa i yoa r own home tba wtaaet thing fcrfyod to do la to aak yonrealf whatbar it la uot yoor t tjtiiftteitbaaaum af mar be aectired bf am aid iiliiiaee tke parcjft rscoid dod kidney xhu aot on tba kidney bladdar and orinary ontana only tbay oora backaobaa weak baak rbaamatlaai diabataa oongaatlon infjammallon graval bright dlaeaaa and all other dlaaaaaa arlatng from wroott action of tba kid n eye and bladder it yoa ara tempted to grow tl over tba faalta of yoar oblldron menibef bow many feolta yod bad ipoadent jat b- 00relf a a eprlng tnadlolna bardook dbod ulttere baa no equal it tone tip tba ayelem and remove all imparl i lea from lha blood and takea away that tlrwd weary feeling aopravalenl in aprlng children cry for castoria il la right to plaaaa your friend if you can doao without alnalog igaluti your owd oonaolenoa work wtttlo yoahimi if you laka a lu liar till lonhjfca bafom retiring u will worthwhile yoa alaap wllnoul a krlpa or pain oorlug ullloainaaa oonitipatlon dyepapela and blak headache and uiaka od feel bailer in th morning it la folly to fear what one naunot avoid ooogbe colde lirouabltia uoaroea bora thruat aathnia whooping ooagh yield to tba curative power of norway 1ine uyrup aa it ooiitaiiie iba long beat log virtu of tba plna irw balf oonoalt aotnallmea paa ou all barullity lu order to eitort all tiudaai oompllmaul itagular aollou of u10 bowala u uea to tba health laxajllver 1llle kn tba but oooailoual catbattlo for fatally or kenaral uaa lroat5d any draggula miaa ida uopklrk of 16 ilarbord airaet tbla city li a young lady who la exoead popular with a very axlanaiva elrola oj frienda all ot whom ara rejoicing over her recant eeeapa from a tarribla danger tva btoryiof bar bxparlanoa la daaply in urea t tnftold lobar own umlgbtforward way u t i took a poalliod in a down town atora hfy work waa not nnoanally bard bat x aoon foandlosldnotdo ll and mybaal lb failed i graw vary thin bad aplltung haadaoha eontlnoally dbuy apalla and extreme waakoaaa my tongue waa tbtoily farred barab and dry avary morning and i aroaa urad and aebing i vu dull and low aplrltad all lha lima my auter bad need dr arnold toxin imla with rvroarkabla benaflt and i alao began to laka tbem i candidly eta led that improvement bagan almoal tmmad uuy daily i mended till loday i am in batter health and maoh etrongar than i have bcaa for yoara to lr arnold a toxin 1dli and to tbam alone la tba credit doa every girl and woman who antlera aa miaa hopklrk did abonbf oaa dr arnold toxin ijii thay will glva naw ufa and haaltb dr arnold toila i11u tba only remedy aautb tbii enraa dkeeea by killing the bee me lb4w4t era eold bjajl dmcktei box aanipla alxe ha oraantprepau 00 r5lp ofprloe by tbe iroold cbemlaal co limited oaaads lite llalldln kins etreet weet toronto liooktat free bold by a t urown oiki lovae lo eo bright facae lo tha world if thtlr brighlneee ha tho onuhitilng ur fnnoconl bpiiineee there it no vlrtca in mlaary andoatltlnly thbre unght to bono misery in virtue 8peohlf and paralyxtxm i bad valvular duaata of iba heart writes mra s gooda of truro n s x buffered lorrlbly and waa ojp apeach loaandprllaaiyparlyd ope doe of dr agnow cure for lb heart gavo mo relief and before i tlnlihed one bottle i waa able to go about to dy i am a vcl woman hj sold by a t ilrowh violory blonge to the moet pereeveiiog npouon thft governors wlfo a prison armri a van luvoo i thowifool tha governor of lho county jail napanee ont and waa 11 great sufferer from rhiucni tlam when the best docloi in lho com- munlland apocbilltta failed to help hot aha burled her eceplum of proprietary remedies and purc4imxl south american uheumatlc cure 4 bottles cured bor 4a bold by a t urown he wise wordly but nfc rordly wlo 1raoou qaarle pi ll-oaophy- there aro pill and pill but vt agnowa live iilli at 10 ceala a vial lead in demand tlie sale borders on tbe phenomenal bluggisb liver constipation or irregular bowels are the precursor of many physical disorders these little wonder remove i lie cause 40 in a vial for lb cents 45 sold by a t urown reserve i the truest expression of re spect toward ibose who are lis objects do qnincey bettor without aa stomaoh than with one that a go i a constant hurt lo it ur vort stan a hnegppla tablets e tutaaltreergani fcef ijoy the good things of life and leave no bad effect carry them wllh you in your vest pocket 60 in bor 35 cents 48 sold by a t urown mottsii every roee has ll ihorn f or inatanoea man may reach tba very plnaee of fama and still be unhappy wotrrh thats not sorprulng did yon avar ait on a pinnaola nobody ook as foolish aa an usber who fall to look aroond and than dud that his people did not fellow blra te irsvtut loniumuofl hkrd to cure aaey to prevent fjootte etoultlon noarlshsa tba body keeps all organs sod tissue bllhy and tha con aompliod gama oeu not gel a fooibolj h- celled toe an idiot and i believe ill juat make hltn prove it aald iba excited elllaan tnt oil advlaad iba man who ia always saying what he do but maau to iba day that cloees without uu wor perfo i a day lost iiheuma flsm au experience stands the pf most jnomisnig way to reit nn old bettkd rheumatism is tp klct ill the funeral hailth whatever m ills hcilth in other rtnhtb is good for rheumatism wc dont say it will cure h sometimes it does sometime it dont your clinnce ib bettor with scotts emulsion of codliver oil than wjth anything else now lnowii jiyand by there will be a sine cure it will mnke a big noise in the world when it comes a duty la lo sooner divined than ll uoai jjial viy momenk become binding npon u aralel ywltohy muftoloa and sloop- luintss- the hopeleaa heart sickness that set ties on a man or woman whose nerves arc ahaltered by disease can best be pictured ba contrast wltb a patient who baa been in tba depths and has been dragged from them by booth american nervine georgo webster of tores ont aays i owe my utotoit eyeryiblngolsefailedtocure 44 hrown i fuel better tins monimjj thank you i took a hnxa livor lill inst night and h worktxl hkt n ehfirm lidiulacho ntid biuouimeiui aro all fouo vya honrjl timny luditti nny thoy wouldnt bo without litxa livor ihlu thoyro huqii an vany pill to tjiko do not jripo or mckon and euro ionatipation dybjhjpam hour tiukmiith ooiid d tonrriio badbrxath and ail stomach and vur 111b her historv it was fi 0 clock aod in tha hi lea bona tha ofllee foroe was vary boty indeed lha tjpewrlter cllckrd rapidly and the heavy pent scrat our lha thlrk tes in tbk bight of tba rush a woman en tea ad iba ofno 8he oarvlod a foi tnuff and a graceful aalomabhe rsscl od to br feel a llaoner i hresllinl sevrrst of lha tflce farce and ihsu tbe yotmu jstu nesrrel left his stool ei d said what oen i do for ott nili 7 3 hhe seemed m bit con i used i have a greet sectel she wlilrtred bat somehow every oleik beer i tbey surrounded her ycf ebo oonllnued i arq m wnisn with a history after tills you oould not hvo j al 1 i hoe clerks to return ta ihcil slools are ybq li lireaied 7 she asked inlareted truarvd u10 isll pn aeratober why e stalno would be iiitersalsd in yoar history and yon will net diaeeursge mn 7 never do not fesr to tell u all nowforjour hltory hbedrewafltt volumo from the fold of her sqtnmoblla hera it 11 a comlu hllory uf the uoer war lodale j 000 psgef wu in oonfusion the oflloe foroe re tie ted hun woman run 1 shout id the clerk whsllsh bhogepd thatgreat wsur tank on the rnof bs burst i with a long shriek ho rushed to the street when tbey spring those gags jou have lo take heroio tnieos grinned the tall pen aerstoher women hlalurits aint what llisy are orsaked up t bf to drive piiom the we muit sow even sfter a bed hkrvest if stlaeked with cholera qr lantnur oordfusinl of any kind asnd st onoe for a bouloof j i ksllopg dysentery cordial and use ll sooordlcg lo direction it aots with wooderfnl rapidity in subdulug that drsadfal disease ibal weakens the strongest man and that jo troy j tbe yonug and dell cate tbotewhabtfro used ihia cholera medicine say it aots promptly and never failvto tffect a ihorongh care ibapplness lb leraq hnwllllnif more than bilf of lho h world cornes from a par hea lo look en lha bright aide eo long 1 iba dark side 01a be discovered sold by a a man who capuol comi should not think of being bsa chester fls d laud bis temper t mu of buali ttohlnjfr burnlnaf bkln dlaw ourocl for thlriyflvo la one day and cures tetter salt rheum scald head fcwma barbers iich ulcera blotches and all eruptions of the akin it u aootblngauidtiulellng tuid acta like maglo in tbe cure of al baby humors 33c 47 sold by a 1 mown us who forgets his own friend meanly to follow after tboae of higher degree u a anob tbaoksry tho proaldent a slavo to oajtrrt 1 t bample pnnldont of sample s instalment company wash log ton pa writes i or years i waa afflicted wltb chronic catarrh 1 comedies and treatment by specialist only gave me temporary mjiaf until i wa induced to use bf agnewsi catarrhal powder it gave almost iuslant relic 30 cents 49 j spld by a t urown the most delicate thd mol ictwllu of all pleasure oontisu lu promoting tha pleaaute of ether uruyer oatarrh and oolda rollovod in totooo minutes one short puffoflhe breath thionh the hlowr atipklil will cb lotoe of iv agnrw s caurilul iow w d fluaes this powilcr ortrtlmuficiof tlieuaulpju eges ialitlesi and tleliumful lo uwi luclwive inuanlly and bntiaitiilly cuici culurh lisy cover coldj iwiiiutti- sore llinul tonall iks and ileul teas jo cc us 41 sold by a 1 ilrowu a stook holder rw koldbig atock ike prv b tke oaly nlubta umj ii u tj en lc lari 5tt firm la lanada i iiuaii auliua tr aoll ef itif auxli w km wk out ewe ln coulj not id acumiik bm ll a iwitm ss suhc aa tkal u oih facsa and 1h a our wkla b ahltp4d froca maf tctcjf t6y nvs4e aalt ou loci phtlala tan 4 vp a alllag at u w yoo in than enur fiuaa lo ihia yak the page wire fence cx url valkctwille ont vtob oual ahes bprinklod about lha jjuriow ciaiil will cause them lo leave ashes may be qssd ou the lawn without injury to lho ras bitsd ashea are best bat those fresh from the stove shaken from tbe store shovel will answer tha purpose very well april imiium j7om journal wby not let well euough aluue f dyspepsia and indigestion j w tlnow it co syracuse k v wriu 1 1 lease send ui ian gros of pills we are bsllinnioreof psrmelee xlli then any other pill we keep they have a real rvpalallou for lho cure of dyspopeia and liver compleipt mr oh a a flmltti lindsay writes psrmelee a llll au excellent medicine my abler ha i troubled with kaver hoed sell e but ll pill oared her janfcticlqbeeccpyalioalbrasw slmluitlng uaffoodfltkincoula- lirsgustaaudaandbowclsof imams iiniitiv that the facsimile signature promotcsthjeslloivclwtriil- ncss nndlfcstconljiiii5 ndtlcr onnimtmorphinc normuicffll not yixnc oxio j jw arounsamzxrnubbt xmls apcrfccl hcnukly forconsllp- tion sour slomachduirttioco worms cwmilsionsjcvcrisll- ocss and lo 39 of sleep toe simla signature oc ttew ronk is on the wrapper op eveet castoria it ossteria la pat ap la eaeelja voulsa aaly i art aeu ia balk dos allev anyone to ssll rea aajtalag else ea tke plea ar preatue tkst it la last as gedaadwlll aaswar i pes ewtbeatkat yea fa o-a-s-t- n r vrmryyv tje4jl i have scobeme ou foot ul i ohsp h i feel ool ft jen i will niello me injipa dently rich ulul to lusr u what i the udj name 7 s3 it i not retb your while to worry over thetalf oodoeit of your young frlond since it i julte certain lhal th experience of a few year will bailer bit oouocll out of re oognlllon that aohlng head can be instantly relieved by taking on of muburua blr ling lleadacha powder 1 powder cc 9 for 10a 10 for 33o if u is uot rigid do net do it if 11 not tto do noi sayjlmerru aurollu beverouolda are vailly oared by the u of ijickl anil oonsumpli uyrup a biodlcluo of vxtraordlnery peurtratlujf and healing projkerlu it i acknowledged by those who have used it a belug lha best modiolus sold for coughs cold ludammatlon of tba lungs and ell affeetloo of tbe throat and ehvst ll agieoablouea lo the test makes it a favorite wilh ltd am oblldreu h la bsay to lure who is ready to follow cultivate for bear suoe llll your haatl yields a flua crop of it iry for a abort memory to bit unklndncas bpnrgeou as natu you have beau bold to hlluhyaur wagon to a star that nature will assist yoa thai all right r ara 1 1 too bow aver when you ahould assist nature and lha spring i oua of ujese thuo kalura i now uudsrlakin lo cleans your syilsiu ii you laka hood ua rasps r ills tha undsrlsklug will b kucosssful and youroouipuxloti bright and clear castoria for infant an j children tmfm- imlls atcssmua xtuinyairni rwrwiiimuiirnptf r ia hebl in hldier itlmnumi bei tls maker put u mrfrot fuiub on lt you oa u h a v do n hip urn with itba thickened irnad mi any wheel yci buy w witra olrge mlka why jo tlilm false afe u made of itleae now t 1at jjhurs an how elrsooold ihsy say tbroo am ye tb i ok bead 7 children cry for castoria walt ksmi yw alinie 00tt a dowiak try if raw like hagyerd a yellow oil tba great pain our used externally enraw rbauuisitsm awalllfmt brulsr alla qssa pain and aoraneaa of every rieeorlp i inuroally used it oure oronp ouldf aora throat boaraenaea silbma brauobllla quinsy ato irloa w eauls all droggista u is very foullah mho aim at satltfyluit all tbe woru and hi fattier anxious tuothsr rihj dr low a worm byrup tha boat medloiii lo enpoll worm oblldrau ilka tl worm dont do not wade were you see no bolt am montreal grocer in trouble with his back and kidneys but at last found xejlef in boans hlls mr 1 aullumeile undr ilu of jen uth 1101 writes i de hire for lui year i autfea1 from pains aoroaa tiiy baak both aide and bo iweaui iny alioutder 1 jnc1 ftt uluflfl i waa doubled up with pain and my urine waa highly oolorad i aaw doana 1llla advartued an procured four boxes and moat ey utey have wttooled n oomplau ours z owe my preeent ood beallb to doao a 1llla and cannot reooinilieiid tbam loo highly to any and all suffering from ftvntmt tod udnoy troubles ovb witt make usii die for lheirbeloed love alone t aud womeu an well a tuan btill another triumph mr thots alullsu bunderlaiid write for four teen yeare i wu aftllcled with pile mid freqnautly i was uuabla lo walk or sit but four year ago i a oured by utlutf dr thomas fcolsoulo oil 1 hayealjbed aubjeel to ijalnsy for over forey ytara hut koledtrlo oil eared it snj it was a jer rueuaul oure lu both oaus aa neither tba plla nor tialnsy have bo i it red me aiiine banefit derived from usingf mhburns phis for nervousness locuiy iilll ont sojil 381i1 1 900 tim t milhum co i iuiitml toronto opt dear mrs i huji lo let ypu know of the benefit i liavo derived by usiii jour uiua i am u widoiv uitli a family lo support and liavd to iofu bird winch la very trjinjr on m ner ttnir- tl xvas uitamw 10 jeop for houtt after luilf to bed luid u thiawied aa 1 every tiurvo in my body was on lha jjo i had u stnotliiiiintf linking sattaallon and had to spring dut of bed lo cutcb my breath milhurn a heart and nfrva pill iiava doie rua so mutli jootl thut i cm recom mend them highly to any lteraon udllcfcd with lie art and nerve troubles like i wiu yours with grnlitude miul wu luitrik solid comfort shoes ooodyear welt altoea with steeper loaole thera are two kinds of shoes ooodyeax weft ttnd all other varieties in a goodyear welt them ro twt kinds of insoles one ia leather and tha oilier is a slecpei patent hexlble insole tlirra h only one shoo tlit represent a rpcliml comfort whereby al u a llri i w e ill tb twa u tliu itrwr llu lu lho goodvcar welt that la niad with tbe sleehr iiisolo i ho blrejkr iulcnt tlexdle insole which la made from 11 ouncn duck u sort and plmble erciiy xmilrrpriiof and shapes itaolf to lho foot in mit 1 1 u manlier il lo uffordllie jr atet possible comfort tho sleeper diloln will not harden with perspiration aa leather lusfll do tin i u tills tys ready of iintuedute wear tlio j d klnjf co limited have the exclusive right for camilla llakat till lln 1 i ufll 1h1 1hu aoton machine and henair 8hop hhmity ouidcii rroprtatof a itk wolleuliml wltli al uo v cboeaaary u aim uleali loialrs to laeltlnry hjf ulit aflrlaullilrsl in h luiis or ataiu ntiiiiii 1 hlukbinltl in vv001 1 a sauifaetory maim tnael ilia or iir itiiumluii ami alius uud4 sell fry tfln and to do all endsaiart ljra yarlarnjad o iaj ratalr any nr of any make flaw lee shun chjn6se lhundrv in mrs sccords lhock acton ijundry collected and returned 1 amlly washing at reasonable rates all work done by baud no machines or chemicals mod lii shun iroirloor i vfllvu you want i blovr j and i jjatmeal i olt ouu i euasian hnd 8d9n jitrs bhknd corsets i we have a hra raiiic ol coruet including clio quxjof 3joo xjttccr ronu viotowa i jf x yu5ts uyoxun wairf coktovr nxw cxxtuny jjswxl tlohji vjurrautott c c c wjist 3 3 1 from 38 and in price from heller lha child cry than tha mollier igb uagyard a ysllow oil oars nil pain in nan or beast for sprains out bruise oaljou lump awoulng inflammation baumatlsm abj neuralgia it is a speoiur kevar ul fools e half on i tiled woik in case of uarvousues weakueas brain fag lack of vitality urvou proalrallon faint and dlaay spsll tobaooo head whiskey uerve gsuarsl lability eta uaa muburn a ilesrl and narva pill allen lion iu the world of borne opalhlo uedlolos baa been it vory aouroe of pro gre ha iii luilllloi aud religion tha dlf riqull of oplulou and lh individuality of msu bav beau paraut lo tba disagree msbt by which tbe alaudard of ihae bodu have uen lovul u wltbrnoal of our fainoo preparations f 01 emo iu 11 lustration of wbtoh truth suud tha world fainou reuvsdy o gadaral debility and fchguor qululue win and wblab what obtaiuablu in leg gab ul ue alreugtb i a mlrsuulou creator iof appellu vltalliy atldsumuuul lu tba gsueral ferllllty of lb system qululua wiua hud its im pruveuiagt baa from tbe ural dlsoovery of th greek virtue of quluiue a a msdlcal steut leeu one of the moat thoroughly dlsaussad ramedusaverutfered to tha pub- il la oils of lh great ionic aud aud natural life ivlng ulmuuul which tba insdloel prufesslou have been ooorpelled lo reougulaeaud prescribe uasers uotll ropand lyman of lorouto have ivan lo iba prepare tsao of thai pure cjuinliiewiii the great car du lo l impoitanoa and tha standard exoeltsuoe of tba article which i bey offer to tbe pallia oomes nu iba warket purged of all tba defects which killed dbaanyaliuii and aejeollflo opinion has polutad out lu lha lea perfect prera tlooa of tbalalur it is bad to lean against a felling- wall nothing looks utoro ugly than to tad a person whose hauda are covered over with why have these dlauguremeuta on your bereou wbeu a sura remover of all warts n ate oau be fuuud iu hollo waya oorn cora au 111 tmtered dog baa a aoarrsd 110 pimples these troublesome disfiguring blemishes can be removed by the all powerful blood purifylntf burdock bioodbitierd thoiiuuty httiu ilinplh tliutonmo on tlio tatio and othti puiln of tlwi body iir mmpfy iiiiliiutloiui tliut thu bkuvd in out of oiiti ami ro- quiwy purify 111 jj iliuy urti httiu i 1 1 nt 1 11 ir nuiul am to j on unit jon utul ikiiiunuf trod tm out with hmvlnik itlood hit irirw wliuii h b i limkoi jilui blood jiuw jiun thu titmpltii vill miiiuih uiidyotirtkiii hoioinutuiftiuid 1 inn hero itr uv tdoiili woith tuuiudut- mru mm 1 11 o koteli lit lutol gitrloum co n 13 wutt11 i tabu croat nluuiiiit in ltimmuoml- iiili liurdmkjllooil bitbiti to uw ly 0110 troulilod uith pimple ii i wan for oarn unit i would lmuk out wiui thuni at tnnih 01 my ftuo and bauk 1 truul all noilw uf iiimtdnsi intiludiii do told 1114 tin hto but rytlunt fuiltd to 01110 tin at lnwt i luiml of h h j and tlionffht i tronld try it wlion i liutl llnbilnd jiuiiiu two bottliml fl ta ttiitdoalbotttr ho kupt 011 tihiuj it until 1 inul takmi iu ull hx hot tli h it initi t niiiplotnly and poriimiiliitly n ninvml m iy pimpln fiom inv bixlv and 1 tunor fult la it 1 111 nij bio limp 1 do at thu pdjucut time y- and various others ranging lit aln y hoc to 91 3 3 t w1j xiao 1i1vw a ljutfm ulhqv oy ut0uitwbilu eth couti amd hub ouh utock i c f goodeve co 1 g mill strfeet acton 3 luiuiuiuiululuailujuluiujujuluiuluuuuluiulull to catcli tho ejo mid tho mind at tho sanm time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true tins laying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and ally- body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money tho bradleycahretson co llmtod brentford onl tlmbmliu lh iiiuht all 1 111 tlli lu i uiu qutllty prlc kinhl hknbv hohtop w bakbek bkos paper makers georgetown ontario news c010r9d john r barber for fevbrybody thoon and short at sucrxaaful adver tlalng nowadays are tho willingness and ability of tha merchant to sell acme things for less thanjilscompeiilors and all things a cheap as en n be bought elsewhere that isourpoalllooesactly and it applies especially lo the large range ol goods now in iloclt such tu fancy chairs rockers parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtaini hat hacks newspaper holders raymond sewing ma chines atul tiuuiorouu ulhcr articles which will tale your fancy call pjid inspect our lar slocl our price arc always rlfdit johnstone co furniture bealorrf main st acton furniture at cost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any loom iu thehousc a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash p not convenient lihltol our fee teiunted if we fall any una wujiu sketch aud uracilptlou f buy lumill it will sketch bl toutijiy trrtui uur o he lialculsl ulyv of mine j law lu uuslu a 1alfil milt liil r lunt latcut mtuij tliioiitili us s ijfcnim ur kale at our twimiih- jttilu tmlu 01 i ihloiiuri ua la tiv ittjlfi wojfrwltl mciimue in tliu 1 avsmr uscoali su lllulralm sin wllly cli uuil jourusl coiiaultc i lrluiiufaui una suit iuva4oia tuulfullsiuvlarupy fncc atulsas jlctott d bvamb 4 co kvansp idles wap i c j a speight co warorooma foot ol willow st i hcton h air rifle zz1 aawriltii p w ealimiwhatlwemmiliwiwawjun- v al4a waniw4wliisinbaa4aa4a1tatiamnaakabnsana us majiu ni ihawml i aairtaimiawwttlwiaa lytatreskrawsss tsaaaamiiwaaiiluaawwwwatsts-r- sjeww wfl paa x patents promptly securedl kmin uwka matveat ewladt wll f s llalp lid ilia tnugta aitatch iiillun or in iowntit and w wlllull you uiroliilinaato wlwhcr it is i ly ltulal e tfawiad pplwtlob iiavaullh bweii kuiytulully iitil y u w ii lf t fully a i ih ih i nri in mmilita i uash imluit i dli llfwsua lei i4 lyilltvicli woiksiulii utlvwcn lstfi i u tlil willi n llilhattefini ul locurl ttiio uerloa k us tluit recalv apwilal hoik wllliitut thaiaa iii fllllluulliutidlbtuuiaiulit the lviiiihiluil spsculiy ili tuicibbull kltll maritaw t marion latent cktparia bind salloltoraj t i teyxmwxrjti huw vak t lie ii we metteal mu tl c uufac f goftiikihts ac senmni 1 skat eh ald daohi ijulusi aantvtaili mlr ll ll ii lan bably itauiil iu iaariollniim tutlli miiai ibtxoll orniau frwa ii law iniur tuf nai uajat i ataula taaaii ithhiib iaai ii axvjtlwjaiie lifjiiwwlw iuwuxjrtey the sctenrific american ajhaneaoniblr lllastraleat wahlr tjtraeat hr ntlat on r m f kit jwo hmaj terwa 3 a cissjustx wrsllnewaaelars s