cr w i mamtjlubd ktra ykmto4t the rmmtiwi of w 11 hem ilion uueipfa ou wedneedey i4u april by jlcr jrdinluieorthoroiaemhrud j ii iaait olmttatsroy lu rrarttuya ha vaalecleulay huei riiarcb lualfh uillmortbwlbvmminlcof ltefrelo n y i irasuattualuees on wedoeeday april l i llie rwuor of umbiita v v ulna na i mkki t in flennretawb on april m i koa u4 ur and airs kennedy h m uja uy sruimvll uiww unub lehiui 111 will i orsaurwi uiumi at ibe borne of bla naphee- tti unrai lot so eon 1 kequain ut umiriw itrecodta yaeia a hmrabtai oaelpfa oa idu apll wllluurf lunul lonnmlf dry jpda nierebant and utterly in u bostotna liapertnieot aad t monument fund closed our clttxone and a fow outeldw frlnndo contribute 200 to haljm a memorial to ojr 8oldlerhero thb location and style of the monumbnt nil dan cmurichilu a lame back tulattfxtt xts thuilbuay hay sad 1001 kditorial notl8 i urovinolal license djpaitmet1 sh ncufynng uo of uje pi weirdo eooorded to all under tbo raoaot ml of paying uialr fees 1 two instalments inttead of lb whole nmonnl in advance on iho 1st may toiml mibecrlntloai as formally r t- t by tba paoeaa of the bill roaijotf sunday shaving barber shops on illegal act tba legislature baa pat an tnd to tbejractlce mo oppoalng votoa u ralaad against lbs measure in uio hoqn which would seem to indicate that tba eentlmenl along thai lino u decidedly strong and nnmletek ftnong th amendments tfa tba lord day act passed al last session of tba legislator wm ooa prohibiting sunday escnrelons tbla tba christian people of tba province and those who believe in c preserving a day of roat to tba worklokmen lojcard wtfh touch nr allocation importance tba qoaattoa of whether ibo gates of tba 1en american gronnds ara to be opaa on sunday u finally eeuled todajr by tba board of directors their decision la a compromise tba gates ore to ba open from lpni until 11 p m bok tba mid way and all amceament faatoraa will ba closed during tbo twenty foar boqra from saturday night until monday morning la iba jlevtno a jtokm for may appaara an important ulaatratad article entitled tba btacl tnul an tba great xiakoa by w prank afoclooa tbla artiola aata ferui lb oatareof ibaoramlnlnc and oarrylofl oparationa in wbleh it la x pea tad ibal great economise will ba etfeotad by tbe oombinatlon tba remarkable develop ment of lake tranaportatloa in recent jeer u wu deeoribed la text and plo- tarae tbe orangemaa are taking atrootf groonde asalnet having lujaot oa eaje on or near tba ffroanda wbara tbey hold their annnal demonairauooa there will t liquor allowed on the exhibition groonea toronto at the 13th of july orange cele bration this year tbu we tba doeuioa arrived at in the quarterly meeting of tbe couaiy orange xtodge when a roeolutloi wak paaeed inatcaouoif the eeoretary to notify tba aeorelariee of the primary inilgna that be llqaoe rtt f ry ileanripllnn will be allowed oa the groanda tba llqaor baalneee la uaine baa raa up again t a new anag aeoordlng to tbe juabtf jorauj all method of puolablng tbe rom anller have ao far proved ineffective or at laaat inadequate in moat oaaea tb profile axieiofi from tbe nefarloua lrtflo aaablaa ihem to anap their flngera at bdm nnleaa unusually heavy and frtqoant and political pnlle love ot popularity leek of baokbooe bave oooenlred to prevant the iodgye from imfoiing tbe eentence of imprieonmeal bat tb uteet aobeme that of getting an injunotlou agalnat tba owner of tba building in wblob the liqeor uaold igoorm theacller enlirely abd i the ground from qnder hie feel irt a wy wbleh he u poweriee to prevent oa the opening ot the uoaee on wood sir wilfrid lenrier anooanoed that it wae tba intention of the govern moot thai tba 34th of may should be obaervad aa a pabtlo holiday he amid i i elated aome time ago tbal i would made the announcement uju day upon the delebralioa of tbe 3etb of may tbeoovernment i think la hgbt in aaaumlug that it la tbe general if not tbe qnanlmoue wleh of tbe people of canada that tbe 3th of may whiob bee long been oelebrated ae a national holiday ahonld oon uane to beao oheerved m in tba daya of queen viotoria 1 therefore move that tbe order honae looommllim on bill reepect- ing violoda day be trapaferred from publio ordara to generai ordere tble maanatbalur honeys blll la- adopted by the government a propoaltiod tin honn w for ih adoptloa of uniformity la the klse oolot and deelgn of poetge elamps by all oo ant nee ipoluded in tba 1oatej union aaldo from lie affect qn a tamp oolleatore the idea opeo a pleaalug view of tbe oomlngolvlllaellan already there la an international eode of aignale tot bee of ehlpa et sea in cable telegraphy tbar la alao a eimilar oode ayttem wbloli la of gteat ouuvenienoe la eating time labor and a peuee from the unlvereal poetage fcutnp ther u only anotbexeup to uniformity of coinage and from that to the adopuott of an international ayatam of welgbu uidf meeaoree then there will have to be of bnlraraal languaga hut hal will bom but by agreement but by uatutal evolutlpu and the koglieb leuguage will thu re do m in ate the guveruknfut baa deolded to great o in ulry into the obarge prefarfed by the canadian ireae aoollloo that a oombl nation ealeta among tbe papet taannfaotur are of the uomlaion to undoly anhanoe tbe prloa of paper tuis aot le taken under a 1 elauae in tba oueloma aok of 1b07 living tbe govern men power to deal with uuate or oombinelloo and the praeeot le the first oaee of tbe kind wblob baa yet been inatitalad la canada a deputation want to ottawa end interviewed hon mr vui lag and tbe minister of customs when tlte charge that a paper unal existed and was aqpaemlng the newspaper publishers was mad in the most dlreot manner and annpotted by evldeao tbe ulnlstar of flnanoa after a denial consideration of tbe matter baa lakao he view thai lbs slateawnl by tba frees aeeoaiatloa oon tains snffiotsnt grornils to nail for sn inquiry ondsr the termiot tb u lute and dingty os baa bson ordered tbe aeaedgauoo wl i be made by mr josthje niprifftsobecs of mootntu tlia eubecrlpllona ur i be i monument in ibe manry of i ldlor barn ltianer w j moore v died of fntarle fotar at ilalsrl- bni afrloe nn iba tixlilh nov lait liavo been rroielet ibu iiim allior early in ihs jaaf tbe ganeroaa reaponao ou tlte pari of the cilikena especially the working paople to llie popuur fund liaa been a greal plfeaure to ibe oommlllee incbarhr qulai in r h a lag into grnsroos id oontrlbotloua anil ho fuud whiob clocol tail baturday eveolng has reached a vrry aatiajactory lolal of 3ul c nearly allof wblob baa beeo paid and la ou dopoall in iba bank a few anbeoriptiooa remain aopaidbutabeee no doabfwlll behanded tnwwrtir a tswucyc t1m following noma ware paid daring the week aaedeet ealuowledgea 1 u h4u0wm acuu k i teuiktn aeloa u leatjuor a co hxoihi aubeehp- too r x ool oolllll oeoirfolown t co a aeton 1 to urown john alattbeeatoroaui t ii balaton aeton bergt obaa gambia r sat u an oldand hlgtlly ealeema i i ret lent f till vlclnll died very an 1 lanly leal fri day atkernooa lt iba peeeon of imvid w flmilh lot t oon a 1 rln ur bmilh bad not been reeling well and aborlly after uo in loft liia work in taking turnip on l pf a h and went lnl3 tbejiouae to tin down allltte whila mrs hmllb mluuurttl in bis oomfurt and than went out to roske preperelraua for going to acloo with mr tjiullb to roarkel hlte rolurtid within fltr minutes anl fonnd blm appatontly alerilin as stq approaotjod who ihsugt lie looked liak sd invaillgatlon proved thai the aerk of life bad fled tttla emd uddrn afuiction was a heavy uw to mr hmllli who had jual reooeril from a period of severs ulacs mr smlln wsa eon of jlio ute j tbo hrnith wa bom die farrti wboro be died aud lived there all bis life ho waa a man of ijaiet die pseillon e gopod neighbor bvlived by hli family and a friend in all 1 1 j si- oboroh bare f nd waa lb bave been tec ad ittto full connection at the coral ng ininnluu deceaaed waa married h yeara bjo acd ble paltor in life and four cillldron maaara ajbert an i jolin on eljulning larma ltd ura tbnmaa lljlrr mr tlxms hurl survlva him remains wore iiiurrod in the comelary bereoer monday r etev i4iuuy nd luv h a maopberaoit ufllclallntf in order to decide upon thoohareoter of tbe monnmeni t be ordered and to unite opon a location a mealing of all interaated will be called next week when it le hoped tbe matter will bo anally and etlfeilly settled disastrous fire at buitllno ton th baxtoroalloway mil la bnmtara bank deelroyed buauaotoi april 37 baxter and gel lowaye floormlll aud granary and uax tare bank adjonln tba mill were daatroyed by ore ye lard ay tbe loee of tbe baxter oalloway milling company la ell i mated at m 000 pahnhoib pal b umnintf toulvothnt town 20 ooo for a publio library xllmkaaro april 35 ialmaralon is at preeent very moob esoi over the mayor havlngrecelved word from andrew carnegie that be la willing to donate 20 b00 f k a ae l psoe ibe town soppllee tbe alt for bo lid lug sod a oertsjo imoaol for malolenanoe the town fathers bave been very bnay looatlng a alt and will call a epeolal meeting at onoe to paas tbo neoeeeaary by uw moiib k oold praeant beaeone output i uatl- mated to ronah joooo000 viorosu b 0 april 39 aooordlng to news raoelved by the eteamer amur the work of cleaning op the klondike oom menoed on april 19 and tlte bill and oreaks wen alive with man about to com menoe el o icing a tbaw having given the mloere a full head of water thoae wlo have mad investigations on tba vaclon creeks and gnlobes report that ibis seeaod wlllexoel the past ones and tba output will bot le leas than 3f 000 000 borne plao the estimate as high as 930 000 000 these estimates of cooree including the gold that will be enquired by summer workloge omallpqx in w a cnrlatlan bolpno casebar and waterloo bxoltad bsaum out april 20 there is a raae of smallpox in waterloo tbe patient la mra master who live in waterloo town ship or tbe past bine days she be been treated by christian bolenos heelere mrs adams of berlin and mr winkler of waterloo tbu morning mrs kaatore condition beoame o serious that xf beams was called he pronoauood the lllneas a severe caae of email pox he sent for the waterloo medical health offioer dr webb tbey held a oonaultalloa and sustained or bautneoe deouloo 1rompl action was than taken tbe bouse of the patient and neighbors were qoaian lined u ware also the homes of mrs winkler in waterloo and mrs adams in berlin a special meeting of tba board of health will be held tomorrow mornlog whet raeajuunn for compulsory lyaooluauoo may be paaaed limbhousb mr andrew hobble ba beeu appointed commissioner for llmehoiua by the low ship oooocil nowfw aallefsotory repairs to oor roads and walk mrs 0 u bmllb of aotou was the guest of mrs john mom lait friday bar dr boss of ouelpti preached la the metbodlet 0 bur oh last buuday tjternoon hu dleoonree was msob enjoyed the nebermen who have permlls will be out brlgbl and early this morning chbwb co oalng to the quarterly oommuulon servloes being held id hdeo miu metho dist cburob beat banday there will be no servloe in tbe cbncnb bare a large number from here attended the funeral of tbe late david w bmllb of the fourth line of mrlu mr bmltb was well known and highly eeteemed by all who kuewu blm u thee parte mr wid y gray is enlarging and lui proving his realdeoo mas mary crnwaon aud mls ibotnau of kaaeagaoeya speut tjuuday at mr m creweou s mr and mrs wui vrluk ud oliildren of aquiii spent bubdsy tt mr hobt aibhou s m brtba luywetd kiu gaiuble and nallls brown of aolon speul tiuudsy at mr jam gamblo f luv j k uuswortb 1 a of the vint uoagregallunal obuftili hsiitllloti and wbo is will known by viiuu ietuui readers hi taking yedloal grouti i tq bis publlu nlterauoealon tbslujuor uuestloil 111 bis pulpit laat bunday while dladueelug tbe liquor problem be advocated goverpniatlt ownership and oontrul ou the dlapeoeary eyatem wbloli ptevalls tu booth carolina this syslsm t a moves tbe evils of treating nujl iboee luoldent to ute bvartoe and greed of tbe barkeepers also the eutloemeuls of elaborsle knd attraotlve furnishing i bi ippouanls of prohkbltiun as well as tboeo wbo favor it can unite in advocacy of this reform the govern meal owning many uoh olads has many hardships i a card we tba undsnlgnsd do bar by agrea t refand the money oa a 60 oett bo tile of gretdss waryknled byrop ot tar u itfelu to oon your oougb or cold we also guar oloe a soneat battle t prove eelitfeotiry or money tsinaded a t brown injurad hie bplnn whllo llftlrttf and iho dodtora told him ho would navar fully rnoover but ha le onoo moro frao from tnt troubla tht3nnttra51traiiit oaitt la lha following alala b8quesing council ovonoers of highways and village commlaalonar appointed al tbe lat meeting of ltqoaalng council all tbe member being present it waa moved by mr mcglbbon aeooitded by mr graham tbat tbe ireaaurer be and be le authorised to pay james hobble he sam of 933 00 being two thirds v aloe of ebeep killed by dogs tbe owner or owners tberoo being unknown carried moved by mr campbell seconded by mr graham bit tbe troaaurer he aud be ii hereby authorised to pay the following a am james ij wilaon elpeiaes in coo n with taking walter cam ml to guelpll hospital e j 05 john mol hereon repairing epproaohas to west branch a i credit brijgek fa b5 a graham repair lug culvert lot ie oon fi fioo bamuelme clure sod james momenerpy c days each outtlng ice at 10th hits bridge 10 jtames momeuemy drawing stoue to 10 b line brldgo 111 00 cerricd moved by mr cook seconded by mr graham tbat the grant to john charles bs diooolunod after the first day of may pr moved by mr cook seooadei by mr oraham that tbe bylaw to appoint over seers of higbwaye be now read tbe second and third tiroes and paaaed and that the blanks be h hod up with the following satoee hivliou no 1 arch mchongal john huffman win moore john mclarty blephea uagxerd iboe lenrmont jabies m ireslon vuf tiaber w j oottrell wm klhott john w murray wrn u kirr judab ceo t re bivisioo no 3 tbos buow xboa may geo h thompson cbas campbell john v brown ridge john huffman jas a mot j iljobuakro jas brown brands hun tor jams bald vt ingram geo bwlt division no a w w miliar usury a bald henry wilaon wm mocsodlaea john deasey wm asbenhurei jas it xtlndaay u t boas jaoab hal nor james dobble b k buddell george hume john l leellv hlraut graham john w beesey diviaion no bobert brown alex holmes b j mokeukls david cariy ea mclheluadtieel walkltls henry bayers nathan dredfco geo douglas jas buwart wm mullen kphratn moore 0amerortj mamu ian cbas davidwu tbos klliotl john mcdonald diviaion no c bobert bprowl donald mann alex twaoit duuoan mann biook bwackbammsr b b heudersoo jas new too joo iiiudaay goo mino tbos cook wm cooper ira hillx levi cols dsvid mills diviaion no 0 wm momsnamy john blngbam js 0 cook vtni thompson uonald mokay v i bloati duncan bin oalr wm hoare bamuel mcclurs jobu blnf itoberl logan beouh bear charles bllrrett john mcclurs hobortp held john dolaou carried moved by mr cook seconded by mr graham that leave be grauled to introduce a by law oouuriuliug tbo stalule labor li tbe villages of norval gleowuiismi btiwertlowu and lilmahouas lo dflue the bouidarie and appoint com in i sa loners sod and lo repeal existing by laws relative thereto sud that it now be trad ibe dret lime carried moved by mr campbell seconded by mr cook uiat theby lawssppoiutlnglal ooramlwloiiers for tbe villages of guu williams norval blewartlowu aud libia bouse be now read the emud aud third times sod paeaed and that the blanks iu the by laws be filled in with the nauje of angus vergueon for guu will ianis john mulhsreaii for norval willunt bell for blewarttown and andrew dobble for lime houee catrud moved by mr graham aeootidej by mr maibboiitlial lbs traa be aulltorued to py the following sums matthews k co oofuu and funeral ax peases for lbs ute ulabard thompson 13 moore bro forofl ik luoh eower plpsut 0d per ft and 10 ft 0 inch st iiod pr ft j0 carried moved by mr mogibbon wooudod by mr campbell that this couiioll do now adjourn to bteet ou monday the uolb of may as court of luvialou slid for olbsr bualuea cerrled lteafueas lsuuot lie lurvd tlv loealatiilteaucu ulluy eauuotrub ibj jihas portion of lbs ear there u only ooe way lfqule oeefueas suj that 1 by eotiauli tkuel reuiajiv tialixami u iifcl by au li tuuisd aoiilitlou of llie uiueous llultitf j uie uuttuhun tul wliu u u lube bu tuttam j yuu hevs a tumbllug bouu or luipeifeol builug all j wbau u 1 utly aluewl dtkeiuea 1 ute imult slid bulem tbe luriaiutueuou tu be ukell uul aud ibu tube iiauwed ui ii but- vtial auttlluou baauug will be iwuoyed fur- ulue hm out of tau are duj by eaterikl ttbleh u uolltiinj bul an inbemed uomllllun of tbs muoous uiiwi we will kivs ouu iluiured dotj fur auy oess uf tleafnaes uaueed by batalfb 1 al tu lutbeydly hall caurdi oui ueud for ctreulan free v j oiirwnyaoo t ledo 0 imj by lruuilau kio wall ivatlly 1 ills are u ut lhs lisat of ooiniuuu tire is 1 140 degree but i takse jo degree tu molt iron his alcaature le no every bo of lit awiuiae laxative brofdouibide tjieu from u a llrockillla lleoonlar in tbe weetern eectioh nf lee le con my there la mi men better known than mr obaa u wifbo h bah reeured lip the victitiiy r mnloloah mll years ami dbrinr moob of the time lias connotated a vocy audoeeeful aaw milling boelneaa all of mr wilcox aneiklibors knew thai he wae a great aaoerar for year front a lame back and most of them know thai this affliction happily paaaed away ur wtl ooaaaysb owe tb is happy release from pain lir willi m ii h imi aud tboaa who know blm will n t for a momanl tbe ainoerit of hie alatsment ik day while working in live iii an j etuiagrin lifting inrnber 1 had thai mlefortane lo severely wrench my as so badly injured lliatl had lo be carried home and foe alt tnonlhe i wae aotioally unabfo to movr and euffarrd fireat torture the doctor told ma tbat i had injured my lue and ijiat i would neverfully reoover from itv affeola at lut i waa able to go about aaln but was far from being the man i waa before for year i suffered a 1 mo it continually from pains in the back and wee unable 40 lift any weight at times the pain waa so bad tbat i was unable to work at all sod i was often oonflaed to lbs hones for deya at a tlmo during ihu time i was treated- by four diflerool doctors bul their treatment did not seem lo do me any rood ibey told me thai owing to ibe injury to my pine my back would always be weak beeing tbal tbe doctor were unable to help me and having heard of tbe many cures resulting from the uae of df williams ilnk xtlls i decided lo give them a trial and procured a supply very eoort could eee that tbey were rrllevlng rro a little and this encouraged me to oontlnne thtlr pee in all 1 took about ten boxrs and wbsn tbey were finished my back was m strong as ever tbe pains that bad raoked mybodjrfor so many yoara bad entirely dlsappeartd my back felt as strong as be fore the injury it la bow two years alnoe 1 dleoontmned the use of he pills sod la all tbat tlms i bave not bad an ache or pain ao tbat i may safely say that my care i permanent i would advlte all imliar wnferrtra to try iv williams 1ink r hnfqrur fcftiow rills xor3fnowing what tbey have done for me 1 am oooudeat that they cannot be leas seooesafnl in olber oases these pill are eold by all dealers in medicine or may be had by rnall at 0 cents a box or six boxes for j 60 by addressing thedr williams medicine co u on do not take aoy sabstllou or any other remedy alleged lo be just e good l oolbecqaator lha avenge ternperaluro of the ooeait surface is 78 degree i but at 00 fatbnaui tba water is only five decrees above frcrxlug poll i in 181 1 only two auuapau ware noticed in 1871 iu were seen some reasons why you shook inu on havin j- eureka hm1iess oil ricquaued by ony other t fenders bard lea i lie c soft specially prepwxodv a havy bodied oil harness an excellent preservative reduce coet of your liarueea nntf bums the leather its efficiency u increased fiectires beat service qtiuhcs kept from breaking oil la sold in all localities uarby kaarerul hi tbs brat blgrl that lbs honeymoon i over is wlten a womiu begins to think that she likes to comb her husband e hair the average girl finds it much tir to get tnirrlod lhau to keep houae worms nauuot axial either in children or adults when dr lows worm byrup is used uoo all dealers tb average expectation of ufa iu i ng land is now three years longer than it 1b40 children cry for castor i a the cream of cbook is not obtain j by skimming for internal or external uae hagyard ytllotf oil auuot be txoelled a a pain relieving and soothing remedy for pain whu soma tosn see welcome o door mat utsy ar afraid to wipehhelr feet oult wiikn yoti want jrilokjt gild oatmeal okt ouu euanton who sd8n jvtllls bbwnd all llkwilri um 1l uku yu jlly i low tuihl 4 wantklcaumhtereliab ibkaeurfeinivetlonl ebovj ayabolj reliable parsoa la every eouliaay of anlld year payatila aaueeee momy ad eaen week attaj uaiuluoutia m paaaaoaa ttr jsmue bahersand gweie wbo hftvd itoeu for beven years in the nlore mi mill slrocl liave rep to vw i lo the promlmd jual vbcalod by jidin u kennedy on main st here they will imvo urer prentlfco bud will bo able to enlarge their lock as before pure ireih i rucerle hud vlajons will always be found on bund ioe cream duiing the sumtitar pom ice team sxla wnloi and suimiicr iloveragc a new louutalu will shortly be put in custodiers orders will receive the most xvdul attention attj all will be welcomed jktllie now premises t 3tatmm8tson atain st actoh procrastinate no doiil i hat but com l to iy to the acton pump works and pet jour pump npund or buy t new one vv cm do it w lttnnj 1 roiifh cit ni md i icner ti jobbing liosinc doiw s t i fution fjuir iulclci ntt fnnatin main t ailun 0 pagka6es fur 25c v ni ttr tnrkakr from h ar inline itnnjni i lownr anl tartlpil erdajttr jji- al early garden 1 uj ifaint com etc lu bulk cheep ciiiiii a criojttatx ilatly lcd 1 oloto al 35c per peck rryci qujjilliy b- t dutch e tin ltfpi fjuaiillty no i ixed i cj mil 0tl sole ttswiyfihetamtis 1 lymrtuth binder iwlno silver bheaf lc au kinds i lour and 1 el ot lowest prices for best quality at robt nobles ftour feed store acton a j0uknhy by telkw10nk v will i lit you ft lailn of ideuj ttapii transit and wve ilmoand money your lima is too valuable to apend in writing idler and awalllnj leplln the telephone fclvcs instant anfous communication glvd the long distance operator the name of tlu individ ual you want you will then wilo no lime irutalklng to an ofiici boy the bell telephone co of canada sliilng iiousbcllaninc and moving bliow lha necctiiulcli in llifl way of tieu furnitujre mattresses springs etc and johnstone a co are confident they cn fill your wants very xailactor lly and al tlm lowest llvlnj prlca bpcdalallcntfonugkrii lo uphotilprlnk either in tiou work or repairing ricluro framing ik a specialty all order recolvrrpronijitratlimlon tbe new raynton 1 sewing machine li the favorite hereabouts ord jolintioiie co aapply them carpels ttiaila up to order mid llouvfur nuhlng also iti variety holler blind of sjlkluda in slock johnstone co yuviil luirb doriterarotnqrndortfttoora main bt acton looking it 0vee yico y ft a ti us wa want you lo look it over at fint you ii be- nleaaod with lis appear anoe but further evamlnatiou will show you olioul the rare qaalil of the workmanbhip it all uoes lo male the tult perfect iy aatufactory ws want you lo place iba order early wm m cooper murohunt tailor mill st aolon purs i purs great cut in prices sable kufiavwere i5 00 now 4 3 30 cairliie ol bahle ueie i45 00 now js t aalruclun jackil were i jo ou now jj 50 and ij 1 ur cape wero v40 uow tu 0 cray iamb cah uero j now ij 33 uiid j 50 hahle mult were 15 uow u men u 1 ur coal uorn ja n i mt jy l j e ee ae a g ys tf- u t g a ae wf ew b grennan co just a friendly word with x j 1 p e housekeeper when we started business here you know the oppos ition wcmot from those who thought they had the sole r tu a trade our poltcyof best goods atttlghl prices didnt suit them you havn shown your appreciation of our way and we thank yoa for tt wo are allll al li an i will slick to our motto we get choice freali goods every weok wnglvnyoujlicbeaxjjualbhai b i n ojjr buying and li pay a you as well aa our aalxea lu uo ao yoocan aavo money by deajlng with us every woctr and every thing you buy is k as repreaeote 1 or- yoult monliy hack we want your good moruty you want our goods lor you cannot gel better or more f r llie ui ney wo liavflfl lot of good customers who formerly went to uelph and 1 cronto for their purchase 1 hey tell us they can do belter itere than in the largest dcparlmcllta siorcs come and grit the beneit of our one price lowest p barg special barcains in rewest millinery and dress beads this week mfcvh huith good solid all wooltvtoed riahl iy made well trimmed special values it 7 ml h and ffto hoik hv1th strong roods ptlctx1 from lso tip to jmj each uoyri uutm and cnp at right tltlcls low 1kici s uoy leather llrltu with plated haniess iluckle tc oach lloyit braced strong at 10 boy it uoko heavy riblmxl from lor to 23c per pair ladlrn velvet belt tlem at special prices hindliit vrhh i in rood quality tc ioc 121c and ikceach tallica shirt ivaiuu an elegant lot of the lslcit ely lei 92 io mt dkc hsv soe all choice paltern ladlem wrapper llilra rood one for 1 each new prlntat lvery pattern new and cltolce a rood ranfe at from he to ic a yd hblrtlnxtf taat dyes eood wcilrf at 10o uo 12ifl a yd new aculm a moirkkluu lboninubo friday evonlnk and 8aurdayv barcain8 beoyy prlnim mlue and while patterns rood vslue at 10c special at 6io yd bain ty american percale regular 8c and oc pattern for 60 a yd heavy cashmere klb base 40c 4c and 50c qualities at 3fo or 3 pairs for sl plain canhmcre flos 35c and boc qualities at 19 o v only three doren at this price on sale imday evening colored velvet klbbonat regular aoc to 30c yd for 120 yd wo want looodoieggb in pound p japan and ceylon teas very choice 35c qualities for q0c beit quality lard don t buy the common stuff when you cari fjet the beat for 12tc beat saco and tapioca so lemon jl vanilla extract 7o of 4 bottle for 35a 1 cache lrge can for loo each canned e tomaiocan deal quality special at 63 each and boo lbs choice butter inls this week the b crennan c secorq block acton u glbhrinc shlb ot furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost rices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speigrlit co wbrorooms foot of willow st kctoh secure your white underwear pjsmiiis wh all i lth may iii i imt ri nnd and tula u- iiahwii f r trade y u pnll iy you can i hjh ttr hah wilhftoil n anl auc cea with jul the- pnprr rol lino hook tinker floaler rvel and fish viaakei if you want to fibii and naad ally oflhatn articles remember our hihlti t to calclt your trade we have a full ttck and our tall la i tu johkm boiwnrror jlrtrj bbtditmrnlfi fdiirsalea pioperiy for bale huuiiuu ol trma and vlllaae froumty far eal oo aay tmtaxm apjjr lo wkf iibklhtiielit xotea g boaitdebs wantkd ehtf kukn or ladue can mdk eomlnrt- alle tiowaa by anplrlad to uiih wai uoi 1 ahily ullllu muit oppclu i uk 1 comfortable dwelling fo fhr tinderaiimwl bevies battled in uraod j lupua alleb jeatr to al bla boeaa and lot on lajia avaaua ttiai bom is k vary ooinfortabl voeslieasi all roonlad ooa with baixl and holt watar eoodeardan in loallaal looauoo and in good eoodltloo tamta reason alita an i tau4a known opon application to uurney liroa aotoa luouaju coou grand itaplda uidi m notice lc srank uereil 4 uie commerelaj ratal aeton baa made a plleadon to toa lor ueve to trmnarar 10a utn lleeoae to j j hoi land of uie oil oi hamilton jdesikable aesidnge fo sal that wall known propert on valrvlew avenua iwentlv ooooplad by wm rirtppa ta uowotfmd foeale tue booeels well belli has elcht rooms witti ball and paotrr urn oellar and woedbooae eoaneeted hard and son water btabla and owl bouse no tbe pramlaas ttwre m an aerw ol land walt atoeked with oholee trait tbe pvopartyia wllbtn tneoovpor- ellon of tbe lbrivloa utaoefaeturlaa town of aetoq 0wlnslohie proshnlty o valrview camalary tbla propaxty woald make a splendid alia far kreenbooeae and gardens will be sold on eeay larma vor paitiealare apply al vmm i aass omee the pttblic health citizens arb requebtbd to comply with twhpublic health act atoti0blabarretvilh4 ajl reeldeais of x aetoaajrereqairadforuiwiuitoelvaa tnab eellare drains yards pig atyae water nlrajg and oetbolldloea and nremlaa ku pobllo nealtb and lb iplated by ibe lotb day of utr mil oq whioh dar uia banlb wllleomi tasappt act ftroblblun tbe keaplo oi boas between ibe isut of slay and tbe ut moyambvr aaoept in pane etleaetfo feet from any dwelliae bouee eeel futy feet from any atreet of lana wlib tbe boon kept free fresn any atandlng water and racotarly alaa will be atriauy enforned alt eluaans aw eamaetly reqneeted to keep tbalr prwnuae ooostantly elaan aad lboroexhiy dulofaotad 30hu wlllfaull uavauf uieuaidolpality xtto4jabilloui tool walrimper all ilia newest designs aud colorlugr in ingraiks and every kind of paper lo ault any room paints ahxk uihrnuintli color caul o s w p ii la b point kltly or lha brufill window shams cuuta1n i 01 lib 1tc m t blroiailsl ciihmiut acton look here l- i at once from c f goodeve co and you will be perfectly satisfied skirts from 50o to 150 gowns from 50o to 150- chemise at 7qand 80o dbawebs from 25 to 80c cjobset covers from 1 40 to 70c un e laro goodeve cfe co furrlor cuolph 3utlllst hpton burpees ie free tbe best seed that grew are tunmaily uracil bed le ihu uubt new cataloeras of alast base uiiul lu atunvy ulrnarairfwl euvna write a rstel cord irf soil taa eentafo ear sranjeoerial ouajianckmiia amvial ul aae paiee nwlrw rolored riceoamhcr wtthm tttt aattwof lvf i jhwi a-wirt- jtmwfzft dir tluili trvia this arcal took really tuu yvu twlblua aud i well wwle ae ue wriu t04av do debtyr juidreat w atleg burpee a co philadelphia f to clear oul lha lulaucn of our clovef oud timothy heod i will toll the vaty beat hod olovor al 80a a biwh tjraotliy tho very bout at vu 76 a busn grul vtocl of mangel mainniolli bawlotf giant intermedials ow lobei 6c strictly frab aeod tit try lowett pilce butter ilocls ueuule lunlli slbeu itoyal giant ued lop daulah white bllealiui etc itap boo 1oniiuine dwarf 1 imi we imported 4 iu luiis h 6o lb ii hsi been leahxl at llm o a culland tlud found 10 teal 0 pof cetlt crrililulltul our garden beod are only jc a pkl or loibr jjc land sail 1 real carload juat lu ulao land 1 laaur iaris ureeu lllucalone cup pera llbllebore luiwct 1 owileis lice killers uclkuxu o dip i lilies bhoep dip aul wutt illusion s bhrp dip gbo j thorlp skxdj ottaitf cuolph a hocitwoob w hulid id i vxuf lluattlollliu 1 o fiyraouldvill 1 00 llostotaawee loq we gnarantee per ool aatuu aouotw globe optical cov 03 yonao 6trf toont j k