Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1901, p. 3

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i a i bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonornl bankingbuiinoss transacted correspondo noo solicited savings department interest allow on mil onl doi i ah and upwards torn day of drpoalt 1 day uf withdrawal nu fitmallllpi and no delay in drawing money farmers bushier sohcllbd tfotcaof msponslbln farmer diacounlod anil money loaned lor r dualuea purpoiea our collection department lias every facility fur niaklm prompt returns sale nottm handlod and money advanced on nccatinf lof samaat low ratea uf tnlcrctl traveller no notified that inn lulitt at hamilton and la llranchc iseiin circular nolo of tho ivovlncljl hank of inlaiid limited which can lie cashe withou charge or nmhln in hiiy art of hit world uuad officii jiamimon sstabuahad 1073 capital paid up 995i75o erve1uiid 1500000 total assets 17671750 jamkx tubwiiuji cashier b forsayeth agunt georgetown bronaii the daintiest thing nckain wall paplr vo umad thi yur oe- shown by the news at home paomtly or a local crarotf and ovprv item intaraktlne tujj at wjtt at the oanlph gealraf tbe ltiitieetnu lug of war lcean will nhlllenpt ilia gnolpti leetn to a lutf el tbo omtrel inhibition in bepvpmur the hall m men warn looked upon a likely winner hora on ilia 11 of july hut hava failed lu nee 10 and have aluoa fall dial tltlr atandlu on llial occasion atiould have been belter tha ounlph men will llltoly eocept a mimuf nl teems have ueiy util11 hi r lenllon or leklnu iu lu lliu iu of war contest llle exhibition u tlia roularolaa urrcury a herluumaooldtttt mr oh a pavldaon of indllna 11iuca inu reoowtx a severe kick over tha eye from a young roll on wedneeday morniliu of laat week while irylnif to put a bridle on the animal it turned in the tll and rushed for the door kb tried to atop it an j iu so ddiuf roottwcd ilia klok lie fell insensible lu th floor where ho wu found a few momenta laur iho doctor u immed iately aoiit for sir il4ai regain id oonselouuese in a few minalaa tie wea con fined to lila bad for several lay bill will soon ba able lu la about ajln a hpleudld xitourmioit iho axduraloti of tha fjauadliii iroaa aaaoolallou lo lba inarltlma ptovlnoaa wllob leavaa mouliaal lhi mornluk will ba au lunreatlni affair nearly oim hundred member and ibofr wlvea will enjoy tha trip tha party will proceed by ajeclal train on tha inuroolonlal llallway in monolon n u whom a at of asveral itoura will bo mada xrom tlioto id oca edward klalij oapa llralon halifax tha fanioiiaalniapolu vmlay tha land of kvalihallua tha llraa da off lakea lit john trd via tha tl john lllvr qtitbvo and uoutreal will ba vllt iho trip will ooxur a period of two ka kiid at a coat thra or four tlmaa lower lhau a totirlit trarllluii alonv could do t a cioa lietottm ml to u t limlll iii a nam of baseball on saturday alter noon aoum defaaud ollllon by a boora of utj to 0 tha following warn tha play or il ihalr poalllotia saltation la chas l nelles cuecph del jtotom it i d iloatua c f uolutudi i f j v- itylr e 1 wgoull r f 3 1 llydr a u 3 v llullla m 1 u moijumlj ut bjj it lntn0vjrjl 9 ulltou rjx win of a uowtjjaue- 1 laaock lit b 1 lalurson snl l 1 lojwevr 1 kiltjbr ii uwl b 0 llllaon 0 iauafawrri t atiltthitl ttodb pi f thuu8day auotjst 15th idol uttle localbrieflets which cauht tha eyoa or ears of praa proao rauoriora ttl wook iuata william look a well lu hm uaw- ly boilt boa oakvtilaa lax rata thu year la traduced ioalgbuen uilu milton lata for tha year hat omn atraok at twenty mill tbo alluita of dray u 3 li apendlnk 14000 on permanent pavamont ihi mm- mar tba rural acboou re opml tiaat mon day tbalowo aohool otv tha und hap umber awmpuof orlllla youth who turned id ft iftu alarm of fir ona day laat weak wort fined ili 00 aaoli for their ainuaemetit aqtooa qrst improaaionh ou ktranera will ba modh improved bow with tha wall pavad atreat from ualu btreet lo tba o t r dapoi arruoaieala ara uelutf tnada by til aibaoa church for 4fcrud kardau party at mr baardmorea realdanoa oborob ut oo avgnat 37b tba talaa ara pyiba thla yaar in two aqua losulmenu on tha 7lb saptambar and 3od noramber batllo ilaaloalitioouty tau art eiour too lo panaungaiabana yeaurday tba far from acton waa ouly 1 is and tlokata war good for two day m daitdo tba oontraotor of tba power booaa oblmnay la ruahluit forward lh brickwork with ped abouk another weak will aa tha 79 foot atruotare oomplalad st alhan bunday hobool will ho to book wood by tha 10 oclock train ibl mora log abd will utara join tha huutuy bohool of bt johud church in a plo bid on tba rook mayor keunajy of qoalph ha rooewad oqlum uoltoe b tba propoaad vlall of tbo luka aod duohaa of york old baa raoaivad luilruolloii lo oltlaaua aa to what to wear bow to act eto mr x w wlttlua under whoaa dlro tloa tba lloyl ilualuoacollane otlalpu it makinrf uoh aauraolory headway u to b ooofralolatad on the good work belo don la tbat loatuutlod abotbar taaohr iabain added to tha uualpb etalf lu tha mraou of mr t walaon huu uiadilut of tba brluh amrloo oa tbnraday lut a luava willuhla waa bawllujf a pole to tha park from lba powtr boum hla horaee took fright anj tlog away from liluj rati dowu willow 11 u nd op mill toward tblr aubla thoy wara eaukht at kljtlu ht whara otlrt of the haraea fall down whlu tryluti lo turn ilia oorntr ma dauiaa wit dona howawar a joolor baaaball uftbl wul lo lime bouaa vtuuy aanlp lo iuy a imu with lba aaow leatn there tha llmabotied playora allhouuh ooualdarably above tha acton boyalu and alaa wr bompaf uvaly eaay aud tha uauta ouly watod ibra ibjiluka wheu the aoora blood ii lo 7 id aoloua favor wllb au lunlrih lo apata tba buallea wara llydur and lyfo lor aotoo uu1 and moora fur lliboliouati a bautlaiuan now nwljlntf lu oua of tbaoluaaof mlbblaao i writh to mr j ii uamluoo of lba alaotrlo uioulotil wwkaoualpb lba other day aalj when i in aoloo raoantly i aultad lalrvlw omtry and i tuiuld uot but ttotloa the baddejma mnnunibuta tuolly all of wbloh bear your unprlul lbu niuat b- very arau de alaataa ihaexoellettooof lba work ulug ptaoad for patroalhar thoan who oouumplala purobaaiutt moutuoutalnrworkuf auy dlacrlptlou f tbalr meury plot ahould order diitat 1 from tba old rallataw ramu and marhh dealer j lumllloa cluelpb ool ah ipaoaaa allowed to parol aaara all ork md maurfal warraulail t ouwpallllou daflad t- 3 4 1 s 1 10 00 300030 3d hud imfaf uooldotif on tuveday aflarnoao wliilo haulluk in train mr albeit alluoti of carllala ncpliow of mra joi uolmea aolou met with at accident which oaueed hla death a few hour later tha boreea became mifhteued and ru away throwing bm from tha load mr alllaau waj about thllty year of 040 and leaoe a wife aud two liltla aoiia to whom haartfalt nympathy in exlauded lba fuuaral will tak ylaoa thla aftaruoou to mounuber oamelory tie ifouuueaf vuvoljtai cetmottum during tha weak the aaoratary of tha quntiar uoer motiumant oommltlaa haa been lu couabltatlou with capt j o lmuloti of txirouto who la tha wall known and liiurealad ollloer iu oomniaud of company no 0 anton and alao with ool john ijavldaou guolph who aulldad lbs mambara of tha joolph oouunganl of d uattary to wbioh the lata ounner mooro baloued tba mgullod of thaaa kentlame raepaotluk lba oaramoolau atteiidltid tba unveiling of lba monument naxt month will aid tha com ml ilea vary muoh iu making thalr arrange men ta it u propoaad to kaoura afnllmuaurof preaeob aud retired mambera- of company no 0 to luvlta lbs oomtnlialoued oflloera of tha ijolli lultneul j tha offloara of tha quelph ooulluijant of d battery and perhape tha tuan aolou cornet llaud will be invuel to take pari cap labgtoa will oommuulqate with major uurdman of ottawa tha noramander of ft baltary uvltiuif him to bo prmnl and will alao audaavor lo aaoura tha attendants of tha luttimontal uaud of lba oouuty uriel edreeeea will bo invited from local oury- ruao and goritlamau of military and civil prominence and tha effort will ho mad lo make tba sveut mamorabla in tha auuala of local hlalory h baa beeu propoaod thai aa thla mooumaot la to ba located in ialrvlaw ouietnry that clllm aud v owuara etiaraliy ba urged to make the day a tleooratloti day for lba oeinaury whan all uravaa and plot wilt ba dtooratad wltb uowera and fliga aud lha etillra premlaaa ba put in tha moat altracllvo poealbla condition tht lluutfm lieutnt ulghly daaervlutt of oradit ara tba ladiee who ao kindly arranged and vuoooanfally carrlod out tba gardeu party iti aid of uid band laah thuraday bvetilug ftoauclally il waa a dacldad auooeaa and wllb tha llluuly aaalatauco thua raudoted th tuamuaraof thla worthy luatllalloo will bo uabled to bloaou out lu uaw bulla or iu whatever oulqt tbalr fancy duuua tbo vut had baau talked of for boiua lima and wubba for a auilahu avau- luj wara grail fud by lha w 61 bar uiau allliqutth it waa a trifle loo oool lo 00m fort ltd y mu many of lha caa bervad cttlaaua kduarally however ijava thalt pblroubia tha aulerwiumeut of tha availing waa opened by an iuteraallug baaaball match balwaau taauia froul iltory factory wtiloh waa a vary avcltlug gaina rultlng in a it thau a hort program m of tnualo waa glvau our owu baud playd a tiutubir of balactiona aud fou ft t mniiuara jj rtark fu ttuhl coaoorl willi oommeudlbla toreejght tbo coooart oommlttialiave a rcaily itainl trie ularst for lba auaya opulr ilrl nkht ciwioeil lo be bald in itie lawn bfll on lha ftrt ui of fiualug ksbibuioii 1 he following lalentod enu rlalnara itava txca aoqiirod mle jardltio ttmniaon kololat toronto ml lillian fraaor lifluuoult ifamllien uia jean wijuin hcottlib vooolltl it ronto and jim fal die ifumoriat who i alwa a drawlnc attran lion here zieutuot lxwmntvu iluituay tbo oouiily of llltoti ihi una of ha be i reameula ti humuy whtidurli tha active yearr or bla life wa oite uf lu moat uaaful and lilnhly dtjau hi lha porion of n111u11 luidaay l f ore town father or mr nlti v ltmay 6f the llruwit hume4ld hem mr li ltd ay waa fur many yeera a innnwr of tli loainahlp couricll ul w cuuuly a few yearil bnfur public llf- th fnnnral tut luaoday after noon from crorktnwii tu lb family plot io tbo ltmahamn remolery wai vrry laro ly atlendml tjia jlfew jjfciuauf lba cco font of new unoulithtu pev mnt fromlrederlokhiceotu thu o t it oroaalng waa completed on x ueatiav and la a highly orddtlabl- ptua of walk tha lloyal artificu hume favlng co which haa tho contract for lha work put down hsra thi bumbtui- filling a nutaw of large oouuatta and their work la mpokeu of a highly all factory fore man h j harlow ia determlnrd to have the walk bare turn oot 0rt olaa ihe drat bectloo dornplaled oil lueaday will ba opau to tha poblio on halurday lha walk on tba aontbaldeof mill blroetwlll hi oompuud uaat week acton vlotir ullld uauulad ariereeveral montha of patient vllfnl overhauling and the introduction of lb lataat improved machinery aoloa jtoller mill aro now in full rumilug order and the proprietor mr globe u julle proul of tha eiclleul tirade of hour he ia now turning ool tba pride of ontario la hla leading brand and the puhlio gaurally ara invited to teat u merit aotfln itab bow one of the beat flour milt omu hlxa in tha provinco aud mr globe khould reclvo all poulbla bucourageinentfrom both clliaena and farmira for hla vary oonimndihla antarprl a vmlumbla holla lha ftiki puioui hid lha prmuga 011 tuaaday of aiamlulug a rare and valuable ralla mranlohaua of l who waa vialtlug bar hlter mr john cameron had jut returual fr a vilt lo frlnda reitnrtr cominfc and going gibbon jeaua aud oinlth gave a quar- ulla au old favorit iltci on pm ooldeu wing lba iolh luglniant hand drova up from qorgalowu am yjoaromly ailj lu tha program ma their pr waa highly appreciated and thalr tuuilo thoroughly 6uoyd by our ollluaua lhay flayed a variety of valeo liana aud proved tbauialv a uapahl orgaiilitlou lha laad ami baaa of ilia baud warn oapaoinlly good and thi ptoablon aud aluok waa uioaly maimged aa wu pillotilarly uotloed iu their aooud baledtloti an iutaraliiig failure f lha waultig wa lha drawing toi the mohitgaiiy table offrj a a prlaa lo tha tiokat tiuldr poaimlug thaluoky utimhar mr uvorga vluoaiit waa lba fnruuela poaaa6r of lba wiuulug utikal no moo uul tb attrautlou of uia van log wtiurad aniuiul the gaily dicoialed boolba lura a aoora of charm i ig young udua aovd loaa aud other kefreebmeut tbla prt of lha priigraiitma waawl jikn avfntgn if lunty whtl u old lady raldlng in tbat town praabntbil bar with two link belonging to tba veritable iron chain owned and ud by llubltoy macoregor between ioo aud 300 voata b40 in float land mra iluraa greet grandfather waa a oouiln if rib iloy and lha cbklu haa boon i an dud down through auoceealvo ganeratlona thar were originally tlx llnka lu lba obalu auj two each have ben ylvau into tha cut tody of lb roo of mr llurus dear- att frunda ojjmiowm ti cuelph ibid wir ihrao gathering of tha ludependeill order of ojdmlowti will hold ititlr annual aaatloualti quelph thli week ou lufeuley al 0 a m tba grand kuoamptneiil i o o f convened lu the city hall grand ietriajrcli leonard farguaon of bt thorn aa prattdlug on lbs aauin dav lha abemhlyof ilebackah degree i o o v mat iu the 1 p o v hall outph at 0 a ui lha iraldent mra amelia tulford of amharelhurg prualdlng ou wcdnra day tba grand lodga of ontario i o o f cpnad iu auuutil aeaioua in tha city irll grand matter o i iawia of chatham in tha chair guelpba aeooomodatlonaara tajtad tbla week by lha large influx of ojdfellowa aud lhair friend ifmltvuw ceaiotery u ueautlfal ljaec during the preaaut i u miner falrvlaw oametry actoua boautlful city of tba dad haa beau vilud by boraa of daraoua white vuitlug frlaud iu loi tba oomiueutla universal as lo ila ijouwal beauty ahd attract i veneaa ita wall kept plot and tlm general uutforynlly of the monument being er4ud vlellor from tha city lra charmed with lha location wuj gaueral coulour of tha ground aud ax- proa aurprlaa thai actou la able to kep tba graval drive aud grnatibward walka iu buoh axoallenl oondlllon a prominent cltlaeo from guelpb mada thi comment lo the fa rofcajj i aiu aura acmti ia u ba oougratulaud upon her uautlful camelary aud tbo mautur ia which lba caretaker and lha plat owner ktep lha cemetery i thought oar own otmoury iu guelpb wu well eard for but your wmftury here i really in ulur oondlllon dan la a prattler place thin w have cuumiimm naturml jlurmvtloum luv 1 albert moon of uamiltou lu writing laal thursday from ilauff n w t aaye i aui lera lu tbla lovely pot 011 my return trip arrived herd tut aveulug and am delighted with thla plana a a bummer reaorl uouuulua ou every bid of you groat mountains uot mera bluff ilka thai al hamilton hut mouuuin thouaauda of fl high ttielr brow a covered wllb auow and with lea and now in canyon aud oravloa ilavlug coma thla far through ihfeea hill aud ouutalna i am proud of canada aud canadian tcauary lb la routs far excla lu baaulyt grandeur and majaatlo gtgaullo boeiiary ilia route by whlob wi croaead lha oonliueo lo california u u really wouderful aa aoou aa you eulr lha mouutbluayou ara ohtrmwl ihag 1 il i a road of wludlug ourvea tuuuala bndgta and mounuja climbing at evtry luru you hdhold fraah twaulia aud new aoeiib il ought to glva people gral ihroughi to live among hie gtel tiiogntalua and glaclafa aa and i doa vealrday i rod about ui in ilea ou the angina it waa thy ut pteoa i oould find could bad batter thera than anywhere h tli kaaa taaaa inwltea all iu ulltul to uiu oolttmn if yoa mr voar frtaatd ire itdna away on a holiday ulpor if aoo ban frlamlavlaluna yo drop a eud u ub vaaua 1aaaa mr llrry noble of toronto la epoodlog a few weka in ac tori mr if h if imea apcnir a osula of dayaj at ootelob llueaetk iercy multao fa holidaying at jobn ilruwn a for a moulb or a mr- ja mauhaera vlailad triaoda id ilamiltm a feei daya thla weak muauarirndelurryof iiarrlo la apood- ing mouth v urn lion al hum mr ami uri charla uaduy vlaiud friend at grnd valley ikn weak mr j is corry aod mi uelea by moo loft yeeterday morning for buu hla mir l mr w bomervilla uacbar left oa luvodey tiiorulng to vlall lba fan amori- mr tolam bmitb of monuaal mad a bftof vlelt at bla mothers horn beta lal week mr llobeit waliaa jrbpnl a ooopuof dy ihl weekullhehomeof mr w jf dony mia lxi clark haa bean wjjcagl aa aololat of lit andrawa obolr unalph mlaa ida day taft last friday to spend aevara waaka with friend in btratfotd and fori ttlglu mr john hunting atoning aocallal ot toronto bpeiita few day with fraod in town thi weak maear uaonra and lfw cook ot gurlph vliud fnaoda in thla belghbo- hood thla week mir aud nellu kelly of iluffalo have beau vlalllng aoloo frlaodaj during lha weak mr jama mclem ilt yaiurday teor- ulng for midland to apaod a doopla of day with hi daughter there mr thorn a t moor aod ulaat may went to toronto laat friday lo vlalt frlaodai thira for a wk or two mr u iioimeaofthafaxkfaaaalafton uaaday lo bpend a uooth ruetloalidg with friend iu nauugawaya mr ftuk uarri and ehlldrao left 00 thuraday morning tor toronto lo apaod a waakwllb rrteodalkare mr dr mekaagoe la homo from o i f lea d o wlllao dyspepsia from fonrlam wont eanhif coo baa mine ratber lo algnlty ted aaaeaau for um moat oommnp caoaa or tbo mora u a tirodlaooalnt want of vigor and tone in tbat organ no dlecaae mahraf life mora mlacrablr it aorarora rartalnly dn not um la eat tbay aornaumra vonjrr if they tfiould de um w a nucnl ilallvlueonl waacrrally troubled wttb ii for yara and falar it oaara ken claire wla wbo waa ao aflllctad wltb it tbat bo waa nerioua alecp- leaa and actuauy alck moat of tbo tiro oblalnad no nllef trorn medicines profta- blooally proacrtbod tbar wre coatdletaly curod aa otbera bar been by hoods sarsaparilla aooordlnc to tbalr own atatcment vop dntartty mmda tbla croat modiclne atrcuitbana lha atomacb and lb wjaole dieauyj ayatam to aura to cat uootta a hi elnalaca la oa erery boa of tbo zonula laxative rtiiquiiiae xbui dinner sets i pay buy al bollcrla ii pays lo liuy al bollcrls it special bargain for july juat received one crate 97 loco dinner sol a printed mlplcd ami gllted rcffbl ar price 8 00 kpocial two caiea 1 ancy china ware tollable for weil ding 1 resent 1 i6hm kajmibood for i m tho kotod tea btokk china palace j a mccfcea cuelph tc august 15t11 the right house lcutabtiiuxu again in a day or ao wm hatnaay and maaur vrad arrived do batnrday from glovaaavllu m v to vlalt aclod rjetw mr john davldaon of oatedoola apaot a few day labt week at lha borne of hi fatbr mrvbarla davmaoo mr nlehaua of toronto and mia mo- dermld of hraoafuld have boon tbo gnaat of mr john cameroo tba peat weak m e wllr wboaj boon lb xoaol of w ii walker aud ether friend bra for nivral waaka retu road homalaal thuraday mr o ei bmllb and mr holland fjmltb of montreal ralarnad yoaufday from vliillng tbo fab amrleeu at ilobajo mi o mcfbejl ba bneoaaafolly paaod ilia examination upon whliwaba waa writ tug in new york uklug vary high aland ing mr k holma cf th o t it paaoed bla axamlnalloq al btrttford laal weak with honor qa ha bean given a position at catejonia ule miuula nardlnif ml ou futnrday for lha muekoka sanitarium at graven- buret where ah will apaod aoma tlm t caparauug her health mr john uegillof tb tradara babb batilt bla mario ool wbo baaibaajibpmd lug a few waal wtlh friend in towo re turned bom yeabarday mlaa minul modooau of uoouuivllu and mia badu uaynaa of toroolo ara apendlngtba weak v tatting at tba bom of their oooald mra alfred boo- mra john forlno and mr w vorlona of buffalo came over laal weak to attend tha funaaal of tha lata llobart iaraon and pant b day or ao with aoloa frund l ivrrlh kwi of kd moo loo nwt father of mra akthmfld cameron of calgary haa been tba guaak bt mra 3 d cameron al iloaf col lag dor ids lb pat weak mr jama o ilarolay wbo 1 rapreanl lug tha dear a mabur co cf mo- tba ian amerloau fclxbibllioo bpaot b day or ao laat weak with hi ttoola 0pl john phew mr a o haardmort a pan i a caw boll- day during tba weak al dearraaal loint laka blmoo maaur torrmbo uii dagraaal on monday uorntug on pony irtpto hraoabridg tba anuounoament u biada al lb ap- pololmnl of tuv prof 0 y davhuou for lb paal two year lecwrat lo divinity al trinity uulvarally u lb taolorahlp of bt aeor aojph tobooollb voorahu arohdaaoon dllon who raoanlly riguad mr will monabh uft ual iiug lo take a good poeltlon with tba ilalbar glova go ihr hi vert qu mrs monabb baa for bin year bean boollnoooaly id tbaaoi ploymenl ol tb canadijcuove wkabaa iii friend hero wish htm avary boooeeal in jit new position whlu vialtlug htbaulttiu marl mich laat wk mr a m hmilh ol tba vaxn laaa oallad upon dra waauy and vd towuaeud who ipeot tbalr boyhood daya hptf tbyar t biwt popular donuraj tn the uault audbv a vry axlaoalv praollca tha pre ara arrowing a alall to aolort end other poiuta lu oulaklo for lha naar futur hamilto 1avokltti shopping place oar nil order bcimritaeat in entirely at your nervier order filled uame day au received aud all good to tho veuae of 500 and over bent eireajt chargei kuald to uy station in ootnrlo krguytfemt tito loudest voices ch ixj iktard at the gretel distance hut il tbo toundcat argument tlial create tho btal irnprcaion w do our talking hy our merit i tbo we tell you things in a qulel ay but tlmy count becaum ou lo half li for ls the valuo which hack up our argument w want you to ualed and lo profit by what we bay tbe a ii much in it for you as th new colored fabrics for tall jtrj- w00j tfonuuoi- 56 iodic wide apochilly aultahle for walking skirl and coalume in hhalea of oxford grey r roe 11 fawn navy brown and roved a pr yard 63c jjjw00j iantjrn una c incite in v 11 lb all deurable shade including oxford ry reseda awn and brown per yard 83c ifyeuauma ciawot all wool ami indiea wlds hade of oxford spedaj at per yard 00 iaah jamajujur all wool riiadc of fawn brown navy raaeda oxford and light grey per yardff co wd cmy and brown ird vi 00 csnra tfojzuipntx now weave and 36 incite wide in khade 0 navy grey reseda and bron per yard i 10 jiu woof cbawota- 36lnclie3 la vidh in grya lawn reaeda brown navy and oxford apecbdahierjard i 00 ktfineh chvjot all wool xliade or navy reseda brown an 1 greyc especially bull ahe lor unlined aklrta per ydi 50 all woof iraveusfbi ci a wot 36 todies wide id dark grey shade wllh check bock per yard it 35 seittah ojwooj vbtnn lfciillti aliades of fawn grnya and navy a kpleodld material per yard 133 thomas c watkiiis king st eaat cor hughson st hamlltoriy the l our hosiery sale was such a success saturday night that wc have added 360 pairs more for this cashmere hofiery sale 35c and 45c hose for 25c per pair kid gloizes 12 pairs of our 1 andj5i25 kid gloves for 50c per pair late summer early fall 1 at all times m ihr tar wc make it a point to sell de- pcnflablc merchandise it close prices lliat is wc make it even pay to buy at uollcrts because as iliicct importers we canjogicaliy aflord to and because we liavr to in order to please and keep jour trade this august we are going away beyond that in order to make room cor the new fall floods mr bbllcrt is in europe buying and s i ding to us hugust blank dress goods we carry an immense slnrk which wevhava decided o rodncn ami elmw our good lallh hy the following cut j figured ulack llrilllaules worllj jy- tala 1 price 35c i fancy uroche oltotllaiis k weljjll wonh c5c sale price 4jc vry rich pure black mohair worth yjc akjer price 6c urlghteat mohair jttcuardtt worllibl 30 sale price jhc itlaxk ulch drea coo1 j11 priestley a irices cold mclal aud oilier makci in aklrl mollis at one third on tha irjulif kite purr wmi llteck llenrleiln vehuru wodli fwc silo pilrfl u great bargain yjc i inn i nith sorgo woilh jc aale price oy plain lllack stin f incites wide worth 05c bale price oy i i lack flinch luingallniiteiry heavy and rich worth fa 33 uhipflcati 3h inch lllack cravmnltn waterproof worth wle prlre ftl jj jo- inch heavy nil wool srn worth vi 33 sale price this in a great opportunity to buy a nice black dres or skirt e h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyiullinm st gukbph actons greatest store new black dress qoods youll find theres a big choice hcre in blacks its a part of our stock we take extra care with choice lot of homespun 25c muslins to clear at 15o 15c prints to clear at 10c cotton hosiery at half price summer bargains in all lines gurnet fc co the new store in tho new block hcton pine mktch repairing fine we are now prepared to do watch repaiiting having engaged one of the best workmen in canada say age co jewellers guelph end the youiuf udle war kptbuey all avouiiik till tbojr sleek waa almoel be uud aareult of ihlr labor lu aalllnx uct aud lu illlnn at lb lafreahnlfjit booth lb tidy emu of over a hundred dollar waa uetted lha hand u thuiouglily grateful to cufle a hold in unb dav tahaliaure llfouilualnlu tablu a ilrukutsta tatuud lbaulbwtif it fail iu iui im w rotabjalorauooaxbbo jothth 0 uohtrt pmltmua ihareuiatnuof air ilourt v4re0na of uuffalo n y wrd interred lu ialrvlaw cnietary on unhday montlli mr laraoua waa a riajnioud raaldaul of uuffalo fur aouis yeara i to paatotl away on auuuit 10lh at lha houia affile dauliur mra john plyuii llarliu onl ua ufljltiffdua taw wske atfu for a trip tlirnugb canada lu hop of uienlli hi health which haa uei taihuu or eoui time ii auivunly trew wore on auuuel lauwheii lite family war aunimousd to bla badeld wberx ibay reuialuad unlit b peaoafully passiid away ha leave a widow and ulna ublldraii to mourn ida lo mr ibi bumiy llutfalo n y klr john fly mi llerllu ont uru jnhu uaj jr h y auuli ma vauula nallu hohart and juhh ua vsa a member uf ivltltly iol- i o t no fido and fuleruatluual lliunipmeul no llil of lluffaln n v aud nl aaloti a o u w lit fuural avlca war ouuduolad at lllliu by iho luv llobll aniitruuiralorlf tha ohuroh of lii land 1baboy waa lilvred in fair v law uemetery where iho earvioa wera duotad by a daleicatluu uf oddfellow who aooompanlad tha body from luillu 12 sideboard drapes shams to match 125 sale price 85c each 9 ladies print wrappers regular price 2 j bale price 125 7 only white quilts slightly soiled 225 and 250 sale price 145 d e macdonald bro the lion guelph on the go by can dim windows sei tiilm you 7tste33a oat to tha tr hw aotoo and vlolnlly hava boutrlbotaj a fair ijuola to lha army bl burvaatar who havuoua to tha north waal lo aaalal io aouriik lba imnieua liarvwt of fcottun uralu now rady for lb bluow tweutly- vwu llokru wr aold al hi o t il depot butou tualay to tha following alex wamid ar to oartwrlithl t a u chayu tu houlhrn manitoba allan mauu it uuio i 8ubea oakuooban kaliiual vrank and john frank tooypraaaj luvari llouit hloray alex moklnooo and x a hloray to lrnfl joeapb auw willi uardlujf tbo i john gibbon llobart movbaraou to uattnay flupbau uoruby lo ualhoen jobu haw aonlo alexandria kir and mr john 1 mjrtt matter nell mooreatot- and leehd aa jn7rtaltertnpito4otirdd lubll moalpl to traharn milton house furnishings ilia looal fltaman lo the no on bar of a went to hi uatbarloo laat wk an- look pari in tb nreinn demooalratlaa jberw- lha plant of lb flimlo nldoe removed laal weak froua tha btajfaoaoo tilock lo lu old iuarlewa on uaw bl uppoaiu lba tbomfiaoa aejimao v laoo cuftaltis our ulock thla yar iu laiuof 1i14u ovr and as wa ininort theva tuodu ilueclly from lha iiiauulscluiora lu ureal llrililn we cuu whow you value lliat jaa hard to leal wa have thmaty 7jc1iooll yi it 65 il h i ti 5 j vj ij l 75 our dolur curialn ca inches wide and 3k yw ait ta liui ileal curialn for lb money to b found auywliere ami our oihr ilu am in proportion tjoatry fcttd ohetlllfj ouktaltim kto al- ml rank- of tapaalry and cluwlla cutulutf aod tahla covei a an sateein are uraparua spot musllna etc you should untjiuy curuslna he lujpocti our alock art mualins in kieil variety of pallema and colarlua perfecliy tisl colora at he 10c ujc 15c carpets a esmiila ijol r i iml ua brlloii iuallty at oc alao a full rarnjo of bailer qualute of union andwools troffl5o to b5c a special line of tapestry al joe lutup carpel lajc hc japaoeaomatihira coiton warjt at 1 itc 1 3- mena tail bals j to 5 now 217- misses button ami lace wore 1115 now flflc childronh button aud lace wevo 125 now goc we have- made the pncetsell rpjick 20 per cent off trunks 8 stores phone 286 i trading stamps neilij the shoe man guelph nv trouble to show coods j hendersois co mill street actori boudoir clocks t beauty wtildcd lo utility a choice selection accurate ntlmtpidcev graceful designs in kilt pretty patterns in porcelain an appropriate fft to grace a liifl burcliit anil t pnces that j will agreeably surpnic you gdp3inale audi jbweiltu u jzixjsr xx

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