Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1901, p. 4

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my hair i tiitv very aevere ictnem hit look off all my timjr i pur- ctiatcd a boiilo or ayer hair vlror and it brouelil ii mjr hair back again w i julnn marseilles iii one thing is certain aycrs hair vigor makes the hair grow this is because it is a hair food it feeds the hair and the hair grows thats all there is to it it stops falling of the hair too and al ways restores color to gray hair ir jour drnnrut euimt supply yo and u m dnlw and m lllsxpra yon a holu ii awr aadalr um aac of your nnuwl ttanraasnino addm j avkllcoldwuatat ttuuuday auouhtlelb 1001 sbe joung mollis tub liujtg pfit aovour llty llolla bough aouiabiiuar hut ld aha tiiu batura blliar i hi thjt it la tuybatue it will toy kituf bluae llul lu o batta lutur will but maka my wltibtur lokli wjj8liibuobuui llltr than u muar bntur uiui lir bltur btur biur llo twaa uttar batty lotu lieuht a bit obatta lulla kth youu lantei uy vou tha vrorde wbraaotoowbal eborply apokon by tlia ooodoctw ol all avttnluff iraja ktep your lantaro by yod if anything ehould happau you may ba ak on and of tho rr and your laourn at tba olbar tba brakotnad waa a new hand abo bad juat coma on doty tha ood actor mat blm at tho vaav nod of lba laat er and tbo abova word vera bpoken w glanced forward aa um brakamati paaaed toward tba runt and ud tben lo oat aurprtea indagtbwa eaw bla iqntara buna 0pjoa corner wblla ba was ukiau i down and auapaudlnu it from bia ajrm tnatood of from ihwiinflwittlbaoorparw bgan to think noval houaiimold ruieb mow rrsqlalona ha baoo adopted tor tba jornradt of thn royal hoiiaehol 1 alrnllacbtjtiiwn 1 u at llarlhorough hon m tiara tha ktufc haa booi livil imaoacf wawlur tba laat tblld ocotfiry u- haa bad frarped and honj in protnlnnl 11 o in lba oorrllnra ol llm nalld twauauoodltulaavuand in lba htuly ofcharlm i or illaaad utamnryv a not lmonlumiil millibar f lba hniieahnhl to obtarvn llnni 1 hy arn aa fid iowa irofah no dlvlna crllnno tiftlaih no ulo mallrra urtt no bellh wok no luarrala maintain no hi opinion llncouraga no vloae llapasi no gdotraifoas itavoal oo aaorata mske bo ootpprlon kacp no bad oompany uaka no lonr tnaala lay no wr needless wohllv a dork waa aunulotf balilnd tbo coon tor or a lalettragb often la a laro town wbei au old firmer qadio in and aakad for oat of ibam piece of papef bal folkaaoud icjagrama ou tba clerk abowdj hua wbenbha woald and paoall and forma tba old rnan wont off and wbn ba liad coropioloj lil taei ak ba banded u over tba oonntar wiui tbo remark how iniicb ull tbal atatid ui in mla tar lfa paid lba rponay and waa jml off wban ba waa ukad by tba clerk for two or tbros word u ba waa unabla to rnaka tbam ool tba old man turned back and in a vary alara voioo rapllad look bara youug inati dout you ba ao impertinent llieni an tbat la onk to ull know my wriua w uioaitbt of otbarabasldaa losxparlatioad brakemod wbo aomatlroaa put tbalr lampa wbara iboy would ba of liltla uaa la au amarency tbcra ara pcopls wbo baka a protenlob or louaioa wbo atu ilka ablnlnif llfiula lo tho cbureb but wbo do no taka tbali rtticiou with tbam in their dally ufa iboy lcsa lba lantaro butitf upaomawbara wbara it cau do tbam llttla good in a paolal boar tbaxs ara yoontf poopla wbo co to plaooa wbara ibay cannot taka tbalr rdipion witb tbam arid tban bow ah all iboy ba prepared to balp olbara wbo ar in jdanjir bo aball ibay bim uwrrj tba light to roldfl tbam or belp tbam out of uoabla if tbalr light u away in soma other plaoa wbon tba amantadoy arueat ya ara hjibl or tba world jcana aaid to hi dlaolplaa but ibay wlvo ar lo rjva light lo tba world mnat baa tbalr lbhl about wltb tbam lot your llbt ao abloa balora luoti gaid laid tba bavlour tbat ibay aaclok your good work may clohfy yonr lfathiwbiob u la imaa jdonotforfiot tbat if w neglect lo lat oar ujihl abln brigbtly tby ara in dsngar of balntf put out butlraly and other light- bearer put into plaoaa donx-v0ohy- thti bh1tish bcolaw only odo boy remained ktatidlli in tba palling down ootitait taaadoparlplaral bald tba laaohtr languidly laa udo pari piers 1 apollfrd tba brjghl aobolar llod aaitl tba laaobar 11 ad d laid lba bright icholar wroutf mid ilia uaobar uow did you happen lo tall down on aa loipla a wod aa bad uaoauaa kald tba brlubt acbolar i sm urcd kvutl i ktn iutflthuala nolhlug bottr lo fall down on and ha rolled over and wnl to auap xing of them all tho kinjj quality dioo luis been n warded tho clold metlnl tltalitljosl nttirl at iho iarij kxposiliorf vhcra hundred- of inalci from the bct hhoo fiictuncs uf tho world wcro uko liowu i ho luly who weir- a 4i ki quality wcari thfchct ladles ilioo in ihu world ileuuty of finish handoinn dciii porftct fit uppiirancc mid comfort with tho price im- made by tho jd king co llmilod toronto huy what thou bait no nxd t and er hnm iboo khlt a thy iiru x un lhil hraull diirhtu ho hot summer aokoii i ho blood kula ovtir bnalejl ll a drain of thn eylt- m la savara and tba appetlla i of inn loi llurdook lllikd hllu- purine and lnvltr- ntca lh hcnij loitaa up tho uiatnm and faatore lost apnallla an biol man will rolva tieltlttr tnonay nor pralaa that la no i hi duo dyaprpda or ihdjk oocaaloned by lba want of aollou lo the bllllarv duct loai of vitality in the tomanh to aeorata the aetrlo julota wllhojt whloh dlgoatlon oauu6t go ou alio being the prlnolpal oauaa of ifadcho larmolco vegelahlo fill taknli heforo to bad for a while mover fall to give ratio and effect a euro mrvjtw aabdown ailiilnwd onl write iarriialma fill ara lawing tbslaad agalttat ten otlmr makca wblob i havs in lock iytpiaiiillinlleliii o iv lluow 1 in myrrti n y writa 1lrao al dm ln uf pil t w arllliiimora of irntumlllh ttny mlcr pill keep iluiyhaifl v um i rruttim for uiaaurauf iypriu and livr cn1 ulnl mr fjha atmltb fjnd wrlto- ierinclw 1iiij 0 my killer baa beflit troubled with aavara heajollp but l owi pill have nured her if ou taoull not be rorgolteu a aoou a you antdoad and rotlcu either write iiiiuh worth reading or do thing vorlh writing should ull qualified mr orlmaonbeak wbau h man apnlle for s lloaiiaa lo ruu s boat ha ha to prova that ha on tnatiatta hor doaaot ba 7 mr orlmaouboak cartalnly mr griroaoaboak will why tba mli- chlof doe nt hu hav to do tba ma tbltig wbon ha tpplu for a uaoeriaa to marry a womaii 7 hilltop vluoent guo tbasa balpftll killed for ootkiuorio worry conaldat wbal mtui ba luvolvad iu lba truth that god i luflnlta and tbal you ara a pari of hi plan uulliau a aplrlt of urstlluda fix daily tilorcla juallta worrying aa aoaroy which de stroy our happiness lualua that ik can bs curod by parsm- onl tiioil atlsck it uuflnllly u komalhlntf to ba ovarooma itealiu tbat it ba baverdood and uavar oati do lba laaat food it wutas vitality and impairs tba tuaulal faoultleal borgivd yoor anemias and conquer your averion hlp aud comfort your ualgbbors tim world i what ws maka ll forward then i forward iu tho power of fallb for ward in thu power of truth forward iu lb power of fruudhlp forward iu ths power oltreedoni forward in tba powr of bopt forward in lbs power of god i truil mail aud ibay will ba trua to you trsat tbeui greatly and ihy will ibow tbimeulve great though tbay maks sti x- ceplloii iu youravor to all their ruleei of trade 1ui1timacitv did it a foxy boy sppllad for a job do you want a boy 7 bs aakad of lbs uiagnsld of tha oltlos handing tfor blm osp iu band nobody wauls a boy replied tha magnate syulng blm sharply vo you uodd a boy 7 baked lbs applicant nowise abaahttj nobody needs a boy oat no tha dleoouraging reply rbs boy atuok bl oep ou tha baok of his had wall uy uiitur ho inquired do you hav lobavs a boy 7 tus uisiiata oollapd im sorry lo say wo do ha bald and i gueas youvd shout what wo waott uoiuiv imut he wish a it hspiianad in tba parlor of s boarding booas us waaa voting profoaaloual bun andeboaecbool laaohar butbsrclly young i bsva msda up my mind lo apeak lo you to nighty ba said in a low voloa hho bluabad looked ak tba tulip iu lbs parlor carpet aud was dumb i bays setabluhad myeelf iu my pro- faailou i bsva a llltls money laid by and x bsva msda up my tulud to il warriod mora bloabsd and mors alunos ou tba part of tba maiden i am going lo ask you its tal tiled bba moved iiasrsr to blm i am kolug lo sik you it you know any young girl whom you ibiuk would mska ma a good wlfa bho atoppea blusblug ohilled him with a look iud swapt out of ths room thbv were dlbcovehed wbau lhay w6u into lbs houl ba was duunulucd to do nollilng to betray tba fanl that lhay wars newly married llo look up ilia pad for hi regutratlou under lbs uaw conditions add w i lb an old married man look and swoop of indlfloredoo wrola mr and mrs mary tompkltih will yod bava tba bridal chamber iff tompklnat sskad tba curk new york tla a- abams that your family a an honor lo you i yqu ougbl to ba au honor lo your family children cry for castor i a to barva the pullto faithfully and at tha bama tlms pleaao ll euhrely u liupraotlo sbla to maka money it i ueodaeary to bava a plear brlghl brain a ftool hea tr ffoni pain and alrong vlnoroua nerves md burn heart and narva 1im luvlgorata and brighten lbs brain atrangtbon the larva and bralu 1i that would liva a hort lul lot him borrow money to ha repaid at kauer strong points about b b b 1 um ihirlty 15 ittf chudmandh ot ourci 3 its economy lc il rtowo miiuv4u ul lmpuhi frtwrt acomuloa plupu is hu woa scrouooi bom ad qut mjluiuity wt tbiid ar felhdri in lb mmlti i wlr lnmiiium ii wby m ik ma i tliaujibt iru mluiya ltvy boup ll olilokeu halb klr oou in puun 116 ohanjta fljjurl ou uii till jbady laugh it belungs to health for a tiby to eat and sleep to luifjh and tow at hut fat eomes fnst dont asl a set awny bihy lo laugh why evcjhis mie is pitiful iat comekfirst l tho way to be fat is the way to bu healthy scotts emul sion bf codliver oil is the prop er food if he needs it but only a little at first wll mmi m hill- iu ly ll im ilk htiyir a tmwrjk chmli twi dveimusix 6iu0usnhs5 cohutipxtioh iibxdaciiu salt ttlluuu bchopula ubabtbubm souk btouacii dizrimiks dkopav hiibuuatisu skim diseasbs aaa tboro s many a good wlfa wbo oati neither ilug tier dsnos hot of aillte is ootutnonly gradual ona dlh after auolhr is asl aside till fsw retnuln tha aro uol sauu with umoli rsllah aud arsofuuao light si not to afford much uourlahtdnttt loos of sppsllts in ous of lbs aral india tloua that tba ayatsm la ruuuiugdown and thsrs la tiolhlng alas so uool for it as hoods uarsa pari is lba beat of all ton to aooapl nb bubatltuts for hood gained 911bs by using milburns pills your tongue if its coatetf your stomach is bad your liver is out of order aycrs lllls will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make yourjivcr right hasy to take easy to operate 2se all drug otima pnoiyt ihiiiipb uuooks we rent upon owl not nuly in the poaai tillldo of llilr hlyr n wbal evrr liifii may cliuif to- li or im he ran non r ir anything kut it duly jv rr eirtdoh11 bva la tho aaiiio iorr wblnli i1k k the anrnra r jeu- i ly t- tb l hill lo kupet around ihu tffvt iihimitain liuoh live w all llvnln y i til- vydl lin jj i v rn b uvrry of loh on only a linn tutu ihn hbity rhii obihlirn of jol nt i diiy youa ttolvne o rriende but lohve ami f vb co i tho way tu break down ifi lyaiin if in all our wrakneaa wo tali kllll im doc i in and rrjnlut and uhnltlvr ud can and bursty will brio in the find hdug btrongtli out of our wraknri and light net of tha vry drkitea wura our houu m lot waa then ovoi a fi dupolitiuanl of jour llfn which avail whrll yotlflt ibl weight feeing upon jou did not ugh ll mm that wrtghl into wiiil and iuidr you wllhmbjwfr men think of lid alii aid tht tin but oiaiii ilwilf ac a ptirtietuiit prrimtico aa an eleinont in lua but few liau think all lu are eloiil all uiof jlnaek la ono ahleart iii hadmct athmut ont buckinghams dye ms l man u never ao ridiouloua by tboas qublilles tjiat ara hi own aa by ihoas hat he affbctl to havs aiixlom mother hud dr lows worm ilyrupllinlxel mediolus o expal worm children ilka itrwormt ilonl ait unrljhlly and deaplw calumny jilrl may atluk lo w-rnnd-wahrbuttiono- pollubod tnarbla tha coughing aud whrxitiug of peraonb lrrnll1 wlal i ihu lis victohia llc march 8 iyu hid t mllburn co limietd toronto out dear sir mnt llinaaiomy daufjlitrr ojfdd 19 years wns troubled with bad head ache mid ions of npprlitr shu wau tired and hstles mout of ho time and was loosltiir lleslu ilorsyatoiniot badly run doun 10 hearing your iioartuiidnorvd imisjiighlysrialtrn qtjlrjrocurcla loa- and by tha tuna tha had lived llicm aha hud ijaiiuid 1 lbs in weight and is now id perfeef health yours truly hub v ii cuhtul to ha bumblu lo auparlora la duty to aquals oourleay to inferior nobleness thre srs so many cough inodloines in tha market thai ll ii sometime di moult to tall which to buy but if wehad sjoougu scold or any a fill ot ion of lbs throat or lungf wa would try dloklaa anil gooauuip tlva byrup thas wbo bsva uaed it ihlnk ii la rar ahead ot air other prepar ation raooumanded for buob oompfaiiits thalullafolkallka it a it la as puaaut sa ayrup if you know hour to ipsnd lesa thsu you gel you usvt lha phlloitopbara atone bond goldeii8a iwt gold fill 160 byrs gold fill 100 loitgloul 100 w miarsjibio iwrdcl utluaouon globe optical co 03 yongogtroot torohto probably ll la btoauaa tha esith is round tint so fow paoplo act on thn tusrt7 uackacho bideacbo awolliug of feat and silkies pulling uudor lha ayes frequotit thirst bosnly olaudy thick highly colored urins xrpienl urination burning sen- ballon whan urination any ot lbs ahovoiyiiinlomi load to urights duaaio dropay diabeus ato doetna kidney lilla ars s aura ours for all klduay diaasa to obear la uol alwsya to aas it lbs looker la uotf ul athletes sloyola and others should alway keep liagyard yellow olt on baud nothing like t for atlrtuaa sud aorsnaas of lbs tnuaoias apraln brujaas ouls ato a clean preparation will hot alalu olollilng vrlos jjf oeats tbs gyulo t ao bu looking lot haaoallty that bla ay a ara aealad lo tha good thai aurvivs a ftluru llrxwlnf your uld rhaumallata ulla you so luiurgekrlduf llaod true i to lba weather baaoris rlooile kmulalou is lba boat ramady for obrodla rbeunelioj it olloii makas a oomplau cure lupninojfl haa a bad habit of going abou i in dlagulas corn oauia intolerablo palu itollowsya corn gura ramoveu tho troubla try it knd haerwtitt inioqnt of pain id aaved aylug amarl ibiua is to soblava aolal hul doing thui brluga aubalsuoa a ilicyrli flltl with linn lop tfr u hll in bluhni luvluiatlot bnkueo it innktr put n parfot finish mi it you imii hnvo ltliilit tin- with tlni thhkond tjd n whool yai blijn intiu ohargo 0 suceeelvily baraailrig to thameclve and annoylngtootliem lr thomas koleotrio ou obvlatris all thli unliraly it all i y and bpeedlly mid i a banlgu rem ad y for lament aorea njurldo pllea kiduoy aud spinal troubles lis that can hive pltanco nan have what ha will if ou lake a bsxa liver ijllito night baforaratlriug it will work while you leap without a grips or palu ourlng blllouauae ooubumptlondyapiiiala and tick haidaobs and maka you feel bettor in tha morning ai china aud vaputnllon ars saily cracked and never well meuded children cry for castor i a keep your ayes wldo open before viiar- rlaga half blml afterward psssixl 15 worm 1 i gavs dr lows worm flgrup to my little girl two and a belt year old tho result waa that aba paafcwl is round worm 11 in flva dsya mrs d roy kilmsuagb ool many a mini own loucus gives evidence again el fell u d ara land lug tiiu ohioinator op doans kidney pills thd original kldnoy spoolflo for tho oura of lucku61io dlnbotos brlghts dlsoaso and all utlnaty troubloq dont uceopteomolhlufjjunt as ffood soo you got tho konulao doans lo ta no olowu that drivaa u10 plow but ha that doth clowulih lltluga no 0110 ussd fosr ooura or any lummor 00m plaint it lhay havs a bottla ot dr j kallogga dy solitary oordlat thia madi- olna ia adapted for llio young and old rloh and poor and la rapidly baoomlng tba tnoel popular modlaioa tor cholera dyautery slo in lha uisrkat abetrkqlsd hoboohiiastar i havo beau serioualy thinking ot puiilabuu you tlniaou aa you hava invaritldy boan behind befors but you luva arrived earlier ot late and lhirm5rntnfforkwaudair at lent toil ara flral altontl oulu lha world bf homoopklhlo medlolua ban beau its vary souros of pro graa sa in politics and religion lha dlf floullie of opinloiia and tha individuality ot man have been pnaut the dlusgrs nianl by whloh tha alstidard ot the bodlos hava been elovslod ho with mosl of our fsinoua preparationufuramoet iu ii lualratlou of wlnob truihilaud tba world fanioua remedy to gansral debility and auguor quliiliis whib and wblob whan obtaluabla iu it gaiiulus alrenglh is a inlraonlous creator ot appallu vitality and alliuuleulrlo-ho- the eyauui qui ulna wlua and its im- provnninl baa front tha flret discovery ui lbs great virtues of qululns aa a mod leal gent bun oua ut tho tnoel thoroughly dlboubsed rem ml it a wnt offered to tha pub- llo it la una ot tba great ton loo aud and natural ufa iving allmulaiil which tha tnadlus i tirufeeslou hava boeu oompll lo keoogulaa alidjiraaorlbeu uoaar nor lb rop and laymau u toronto hava given lo tho preparation of their purs quinine wlua tha groat lara duo to its importauoa sod lb standard aioellenoe or ihaarllala wbioh they offer to tha pubtlo dome luu lha lnarkt purged of all lbs defects whloh skilled obeervatlou aud scautifia oplnlou ara pjiuled out in ihu ueo peirfool pritara tlona of thk lah wellj aakad tho profeeeor did you attend our oomiiienovineiit and tuat our graduatio7 no a 11 wared tbo ndltor i didnt attend but ive met them all i gunos i low many man did you graduate thia year 7 two hundred and twelve auwonwl tho profeaeur then olio of i he til inubl ba ill said llioj editor tip lo data jit havo bou around tobtrike mo for a job indiaiiapolit um half a century old a standard remedy used inthousands of homes in canada what is wisvvw avv v v x castor i a xaxnvvvabnijvvvcvvv n oujiuiru ih for inouiu and children cuntorla in imniiliih hubhtltuto for cantor oh iarcrorlc iroprt untl hotuliig hyrnph it contaliih nultlior opium morphiuo nor otltor kurcotto rmbtttancn it i plciuuiftt ith ktuiruiiuo u thirty yearn hho by million of nfouioi-h- ciuttorlu limtrxyil wonum and ullujm 1ovorlsh- nsm ctutt4riu ciirtyj iurrhwuiuid wind colic ctimtrtt io1itcj thitlilnjj trcmiblrrip cttrcii conmliimtlon and ilutulciiry cutttoria ahnlinlluuu o10 1mm1 iculatv4 tlt ktoiiuuh and iluwobt of infuulri and children tfivnff hoid thy and nutuml nlcp cohtorlu i tho chlldrouh iaivuccu tin ilothcrh trlcud castolria chlmirti w41re bate llrily lx tan tj it xuu invt hil tbrlr tblllini ua0 c ototi lamvll jljlj rutorle that i ind1ub eiltlom castoria i u wrll1jrl tt tt uolt- i i flllil aty pr ux amcunu u icilntm v the facs1mile signature qf appears on every wrapper i v jaui i fai cures dlafrhcoa dysontery cholora chora morblis cholera infan tum cramps collo soa slcknois- and all summor complajhta iu prompt uo will ptovont a groat deal of unnecessary guffor- in and ofton savo ufa price qc the t mllburn co limited toronto oat riiiouonhera attgoh ihemaelvea to doo- trlntd an barriutera to uimr oassa to glva play t3 their talent o nipouaal and de fence hsgyat yc oil euro all palu in man or beiat for sprains oulabruueet houa lumps eu oiling inflammation rbautnatiurii and neuralgia it la a apoiuo when peiiimlim la not a prclauca and a poftd it is a malady not to bs confuted bul to bo walohed and nursed castoria vor infanta and childriul ubuu klcuuue 2wt3 parfeoi your meollaniam multiply motive powers as much sa you plaaaa our aral and moat preoiouo tool iu at lit lbs baud tha master fores la yet intelligenos itegnlar aollou otto bowelo la ueoeaaary tobeslib laxa livfir idlp aro tha beat ooosklousl cathsiuo for family or general uas pries j5o any druggiat toltr siice hai always a illua omiilty to aceptioiuni that aching head can be blatantly reliev ed by taking ono of milburua uteri log ilesjlftoho powder 1 powder aa 3 for luo 10 for jc it la better to taka mauy injuries tbau to give oue govcrtiaiont approval of tho spraffloior 1t uluuioit iimlwlll iuu tuiw lle ihiiolul kahuj liy miuiofot ljii uimuiiiii oftillil lutybev hwllj utiwoiukuly eriutuaklietleuli4 tuuiilve littt fcii teuoitlj u- a kamtiutis iu yuu 1iufil ty ilia emmufaca miivihin twebincniifytuialllt jwi otabio- lj lu luinl at lumijat ll hull kkiii wial milkrfujutllilullu wuall lllul ilivm iuuiiumilie lu ll c huntfcal pfylljs i uajii uliuio tiouid ijjiuuiw ojiluaj imu yulii luminy i jut tuiii viiuinua ohm duvilknlilulur uf agikultwe lle ijwun iihiudiik cobiuaiilh u lu duly lum iuuip 1 kiuiwfue aptlyugbt- itoluk tc 1phkr cbitf itthtlcjiiit jutelujle tuvillgllji ti u aeikuuui- iuwj of canada lug1 ikull u aiu i bvf ttaj myihilool uitlu llihllual lit tl j cvougbjoiiniion clllgdwuuketului qutuc i ui iiiutli iliu iu iutuiiu you tlul lu uuili imui 1 liua yjfrf uulufnil ttvbi ui iuii wiffh j a couluufc dva lm mm hi r iw r uhiallu i ukaj tis liia wullrf icmh- i lahulilmtlltwiit yrujitftin klakkuku uh lnjiuutalirijabtl- wtu ill i0 wlili ytwr ajdih la the spramotor co lomtmjn qmt a hil lly it i i ym uhbiuta lialu oe hlhayln ea1 lull lilkalat itsanliag umu hpeyiag utlu pine istatcli hepairing we have secured the service of mr s l whcatleyrofwinnipegra9watchrcpaircr optician and can say from our knowledge of him that he is firstclass in both departments leave your repairing with us and you will be sure to have it well done savage co jewellers gctielph glb7tlrrmg sklb op r- furniture at cost a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at-eost-prieftsr- there- will be bargains for every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment of goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co warorooms foot of willow st hcton qkand trunk ka1lway uil kilj 1 11 mi t jlm 1 r 1 in uh r iu 1111 ri i- i 1 ui 1 um 1 ucloit wt u u ill jill i uli ci i ii u 11 t11 till illl talu ull hit oct ulli jm 1 ayion macliinu aud itcimir shops iiuti mitmini 1 alluwall nilil wild a i lle niarldnry i i l aj 1 ulalu lo maehlii y ai anl l do all bliiilacf tlmiii diuliu lmiliiliiifailffaueral blrbmllliliik whlwta falie htfiiiiel eatufahiory iinnr u u rk l lr any hll 1 liihlmiitil if iv liikv flaw uu1ii11i11u aul nllnk ilun iuinf hpumcu amni an1j moving show ihtj jn cclt lrj in thn hiy uf uow kuunitujle marrrrss15s springs etc aud joiinlionl- co aro confidenl thoy can ill your wjtiln ry talltficior- lly and nl tha lowest lluliiff prkee social atlciillqii la ulicii to uphoulcrln ellbor lit now work or ropjlrlnj mcluro rraitiinif la kiclally all onlcra receive prompt jlltuilou tho now raymond bowlni machltio la tho fnvorua hnrcaloiils bid johmlono is co uupply litem carpeta mado up to order and llouufur- nuhhikh aim in varioty holler idinda o all vlnda in alocb johnstone co fumlturo doolora tjudorukofn main st acton orfftit call and examine the merits of this superior slfoej made in all modern styles or lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and irwiirueepyour feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather xa iazililkws boot rnd shob dbkldh bole-agent- foracton g to patent gtud idu at c f goodeve cos i ruit dishes cjhss xca sets opal ware oval satad dislics 0ner sets egg cups vegetable dishes earthen jk stoneware vustard cups oive dishes see the stock of- c ip goodere fe oo vk1lu st hcton to catch tlio eye mill tho mind at tho sumo time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt jtlc o book de exclusively with the canadian contingents ia tljeliook to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any- body can sell if capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money thobradlbycarrctson co llmilod bmntford onl wood engraving hoto engraving halftones j any class of engravinguadvertis purposes catalogilfs magazines c jljonesengt adelaide stw toronto patents guaranteed im el ii c i iii all oucieuullliil illlfii of any liivcnll 11 will c hit lllllliil flcc 1xiii1 llllliji iln- ml i koriiiiiiirii fiilk amiei victob j evantl a co miciktlfornfji f ruinc wa8m rtints uille rr our tnlertmihuhogulilvenl mlt amt llow yuu ate ewlmluj ml in u ruiuh okatclt nr hmji 1 ur in iillon urlliiiuvaimiil etil wr will irll yi free our irliimi uali whrlhrt ll i tuiilulily iitaltr uyctij ailkalutijliacotleii i surer uilly lunw nlrl ty lie u ami ui flllj llllk illllutnl lu llll lltl iiciintniioti hi 1iilciiia prikfiitrit tliiu mn 1 in 11 hi ma ion rcelve eitecul natlca uithoui tharne in ocr luti newkijwta utiitmliil tlmmulioul owlajly i pair nt 1iihteu nl mam tuiciaaudkiiuhieeie j marion marion laitmt eapas itnd uolloltorai otiki i y v aluntti illjawaamnatam l c ilt 00 vearo expenience fs- cosvfikattyq j60 a1tvilaamtlln4 h abut h ami thtliil iihiawlmlrih11 mill ux- ihii tnliiic a hiiilmlr ihnlit w iimwi i i iu111 1 r fir r bii im- lu l tihlliu l ll wovlbjll up- i i i conbwpfk ictlt waablfmlahull i awai

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