Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch a general bankingbusinobs transaotod cbrrospondancasolioitod savinh departmmit inlereal allowed on sums of onli iou lak anil upwarda from day of deposit to day of withdraw nufotmallilea end 10 delay in drawing monoy jfannow btihiiiesh solicited nulnol responsible aimera discounted anil money loaned lur eitlmala bualnesa purpose qui collection department sale noujh flood lod and monoy advanced on account of uma at low rales of interest travellers arc notified thai lti llank u hamilton and it hranchei iastif circula notes of the ikrovlocial hank of knaland 1 te cashed without ny pan of ota world the news at home moetly or a local charaotar and ctvarv iterrt lntaratlntt umllod which chargti or tronhle in a head officii hamilton kaubtlabod 1b73 capital paid up 99575 reserve fund i5oqooo total assets 17071759 jamj tuamuuu cashier b forsayetii aculht ooogotown branoh wall paper change mow arrangement have been made wllh w hrablne lo handle our blj lino of sample at acton a ho la an eiperlcoeed man in ihu boainc you may rely on having every thing up to the mark special prices and new llook fur tha fall inf ohas l nelles onzltb spije tton ye flrtss rnoitsdiy november 7u 1001 uttle local brieflets which caught tha hyaa or bare of fr prau rafjortara this week ufa ootweljib all thing if lov ba ilh- ioi- tbe faaa taaa to tba and of lb yar forloanta j wa wlu aaa tb faa xaxaa lo any addreef until do slit 1003 for tl00 potnpklo pie aoolali are i ha currant atuaausa affair anuoaaoed tn many ratal diatrlett toeeday nljbta froat covered fairy lake end tha poarerboose pond wllh nolle a tfeto sim of lea hanjry boolt waaw and knltur la doing work wblob please customer at bla abop on main street eiht bertie hotel keeper were fined ixlootfpd ooau each for tailing liquor after boore daring fair weak a qttalnh taamatar wa fined and ooau da 4oadsy for oraelt to lba turn of bona b was druioa tba flneat paranlpa wa have aaao ibu yaeu qame from the aplendid garden of air jamavrilar a a bubclaia ounce rt will be given in aid of anton cornel band in the lomtl hall by lb paget oonoert co nu nov ulb tana for november baa given tt toora brlgbtanu aiim autumn d than tha atunonoly on a lb a boat slug about troopex ojolloy who baa ureugod to apaod out sunday wilb acton t rienda will briefly add rat tba metbodlat sunday school ii enclose floo foe tba fa- iaaa lor another yaar i find tba papa valuable mdtialrfl6lfawikiyittji wrw tr d fordwleh tba qnalpb oroaa country and lload baoa aaaooiatlon ha glvati tiotloa to athvtaa that lhay will not admit to tbalr tnanaaajmmt day raoaf any who do train- tn on bnoday baf j al uattar m a oai to uoorafiaul next baoday in braaob aonlaf- aary aarmona ila uanry if utll ol doxirafiald will oooupy uiw polplt of tba mvtbndlatcharcb bara thafaaa paxaa bla kecalvad oopua of tha ihrae aplandld prtmuda pictaraa of tba aootraul slarkiaa kdwatd vii qo alazandrav and tba lanowoad lalnabafougb doobtfidijuavonahlra tbaaa tbraa plotorat miw alt riaan to aaob anbaorlbar oaw or ranawal tbu aeaaon tbay ara utmt dtgalflad ufailk portrait ol kiou lijafj and bla beautiful oonaoftadd a faithfully exaoatad lapro- tfitlrtif rlk1i paint- jaiaoaals ur l lunydarof boauiarlnai wbo baaj bean vary law wllb tjpboid favar tba paak blna wek iaalowly raalnlaaraiigtb ndion toajay waaabla toslt up for ab hour ot ao ur unydar haa alao taken tba fever and u lu a orltlual outidltlou in rnuliu hu hubaarlptlun for lite aantli yr air liiwj hairy of uaolt utajalariauidb wiua ilka ll aul- arloaquoo that rat it ualivalypuoa i of uii alhe lowir aotoa boya ou tha guiun huu thay are all dul4 wall od aa all will plaaaad wllh tblr altua- tlooa i will ba plaaaad to be raoieinbefed to ill bid frunda tha vaaa laitaa la ilwaya walcoma and oouiaa avary yaak ilka a latter from home llmltoa vlawlna mmtoh the elovenlb annual plowing nirich uf tba ilalton plowmana aaaooltlon will ba bald on the farm of mr alax ubruholtn near mil too toraorcow a auvar oop taloa 30 will be competed for and aboni i ico lo naab priaaa tlila abouls large field of oomptlora and make the roatob one of the roott auooaaafol in uie blalory of the aoaiaty tbar are alao a nnoibr of vpcll piiu- ocaiad ac tvnlte 11mm cobjuny a oompatiy haa baao formed lo oonttol the wbiu lime bualnaaa of oourfo and inoorporatad under the name of tba ulan- dard while llmo company tbe autbur- iud oaplul la 1900000 tha provlalouel dlreatorv mro 1 x ohrlalla and ll k niikmi cualph david uandeiaou u 1 aalon jamaa bolatar of bt nlarya and tltoa chriatla toronto it hj be obear- vad that ail of tbe direotora ezoapt mr bolaler are old lime anton roan halloa maiiwntworlit vjiutba bmuaer ab tba oloalnj aeaalon of tit ptovluaial w c t tl ooovnl luii attiuatford laat week alia witllo4i of toronto praaaolad tha prixa banner awarded to tbe local union reporting tha larraak ooraaa in mambarablp durlntf tba year tba victor- iona union ihla yaar ia thai of tba oomblpad oountiaaof want worth and ilalton which reported lb a inoraaaaof co par oent tba baonav waa racalvad by mr ionian of ullton vloairaaidautof tba union hlh ot xilwmrd nlottllit q deatboktne aborlly altar noon yaattrday to nfr kdward kipkllo one of oar oldctt and moat biftbly aateamed clixaoa vot aome time ur hiaklln baa bean in poor bahllii but ootll abop i a week ago ba waa ablo to be around hlgbt or tan day a alnce ha waaoooqaad to hla bed and itwaaaoon aaoartaioad that a braadtlua op of the j- etu waa lu progta lie waa lit bla 7fllh yar and bad apent tnora than half a nan- tury in afaton a more attended akalob of the lif of tbla wortby mat will appear in uaat iu tha time of the funeral will be fixed a aoon aa frlendri from a dlitaooe are heard from tne iroviacul ttttr vmi arraukamnota are beloif rapidly tnad for tbalvovlnolal wlotarvair at ouelpb daoambarutb lo 15th hound trip ticket will bo laauad to tba pnbllo at kingla far from point waatof kingston and sbefbot lake vtaitora from point farther eaat will be acoordad tb uma rale oq the oartlfioate plan aod axblbltora and judgea 1 i 11- aln fnt tn gn hnlwp hint to oar town vmthcrm it ia rcfoud that a riiomlnent ucorge- lovbti inanplaotarcr ta coualdrriojt tbe adiabiliy uf rtmoilnglo aotou in order to be at tb uee of auppllae and ihu i aao a large amount annually in freight and ckpiaaa chrta- ttiia innutouir imploya upwarda of 0 banda a ran41jir- abl nutuhor of whom are heed of familla adlou will certainly extend a ootdial welcome and put it lo a praetioaj forn- too our rianlolpat antboritlae ahould give the matter their immediate odaidaraton oolt umloh with coorgttotvb a ttam from aolou oolr club went to uaoratown kal haturday afternoon and bad a dllidilful ouilttl wltb itaeve wll- liama lu obaiga o the carriage a vary plaaaaut trip tu and from tha aaplrlng mannfaoluritig uan waa mada tha waa- tber waa ideal fur yolflni behtg an un uauallywarm aod bilgh notemwf day the georgetown playarawar in fine faille and put op a aplandld gam and the inter act waa lutenalfiaj by tba pteaanoe of the lidr mtnibora of ilia club whd vary court aootly audakillfully aolcd atjstddlaa the aoore uf tliia kiu i jh waa in gaortiitowna favor but wbaii tba drfaat by a ilun in leoant tuatcbl a ou up la rxmaider ad our playata bavaatltl tbe liberal tnvori- doming and goikg viaitora to and prom acton- amd various othatfparsonal notaa tothosk you about to malmv man or old man who inland to inarr u plead lo learn thai tb new uarriatie aot uroadaajalla aim pie by iplybej tc 11 p kloora laaoarof marrlag tioenaea at the faam pkkaa osloa gui few dyt balurw lwoarmony and bate uie htuiwr axciuutflj vrlvate offio all tudita triatly pfiveu and oonfidantlml iheotb and istb and return until the j7tb many improvement are being made in tb pramtaafl and tb lecture room la being bularued by i wp- third of lt capaoity many euquirlei am beldg raoeltad by bao- ralary waatarvalt regarding the lite atook aneiion aala at outlpb and ottawa next vebrnary- a prmtty wejdiag in xmaammlmj u tb home pf mr jame hooltkijqm- lajti a the aoene of a very bappy event on tueaday of last week wbati bla daogbaar mies itsbaooa n lu united in boly wedlock to dvld barclay of oualph ideal aoa of mr jma uatolay ofioa- tloob tb lo ureal log neremouy took pi toe at 3 bo oclock iuv 3 m uagat m a otnoieuox the bride waa daintily attired in wblta dlpilly trimmed with valeoalao- ne lane inaeitlau and looks attd carried abouiuat of white oaruatlona and emlux bit waa given away by bar fatbf r mis agnaa boot alalar of tb bride parforenadj tb dutiea of bridaamaid draeead in whit roualln trimmed wilb lane loaeltlon and tuca mia nellie crewabaw n of tb bride waa ho war gll looked xwaet kowoad in whit mr jama barclay of vusuuoh brother of tb groom aopporud him tba wadding party entered tb parlor wblob wa decorated wilb tba popular oolor at prevent prevailing toj whiu aod blua lo tbeatraloaof the wadd ing mar oh rendered by mrs uagat of acton after tb yoong couple bad reoelv ad oongralalatlon aod good wlabe the company repaired to tb dining room wbare ajl did ampu juattoe to tba abaudano of good tbinga wblcb bad been provided home fllty gueeu war preaanl tb popularity of tb yonng ooupu wa amply altaated by tbe lrie variety of baodaom bridal gll u bealuwcd mr and mr barclay will aelll in tbclr new bom itt cmlpb froofmtr tf jfor splendid uoiimj a a reaullof the intareatlog bewappr report lb peat few rnoulhi respecting trooper l w it uulloy th brv canadian aoldlar wl0 toil bl eight by a 11 tier bullet wbll b aud fuur other ware aurrounded by alily of uotbaa man at watpoortavry uleritwe akau in hlra by our oitleeua baforalta ta ch ad town a large attendance greeted bin ai tb town ball ul friday aveulog nrom tba moment tb chairman intro- daead tropar mulloy to tb andlinoe khaki clad gauntletad bporrtd bi abl- la eyaa oovsred by dark glaaaea until h oloaw wilb tb ibrllling aoan lu wblob ucr bulut narrlad a way bis sight lb gallant young bero bald bu audience al moat epell booud ilia raraglft of butnor waa bbarnllngly amploed tbroouliout ill lutrododtlou in which be cave unanswerable argumauta proving tb lustio uf oieat ilritaioa going u war wilb tlm aloutti alrlcac itapubllo attd vary valid and loyal rseooa for canada seodlug aid lu the shape of tba pick of bar olttu soldiery waa highly interest log and li tractive his raiul of vxparleacee oil tba vsldt bad a wealth of moat autsrulli lug datall aud gave iutoruiailou reeptcllug thtfooatoutland gsmeraldbaradtarlatldeof ibaoouotry and tb taclloa of lb iloar i figbtar which have but been so vividly ami luulugaolly explained baretofora by altbof pyhlloapkare or wriura to canadian peopla whau canada deter- tnluad to tend troop bo boo lb afrlos trooper uulloy wbo waa phnolpal of a publlo aobool tisar ottawa reaulusd bla kltuatlon tutrl ouarad hltnik lor aululr uniit lt jnltisd th aaouud nonllngaqt canadian mouulad ludaj wblob aaw tome of tbi bardaet asrvlo of tba war lulurn lug to uuglalld lu a bpeeob at llvrtool ha ulleled tboe word that rang t oul tb wlmu kuiplreat hi lluiv for m tbapait baa ao tvgraley aud tbva h raluralad li iii addree bar the raoap- tiuti of the lllliid trouiwr by lb puke aud dutches at ottawa wa oua of ilia luoat louohlug aventh of tbe teoaut royal- vlslt lo canada thaalgbb of tbla baud- sum young cauadlari alandlng before tbera bearing tb sad vvideuie of hi luoaloulabl aoiifia to tb tirnplres honor drew from ttil r ldy1 lflgbneeee tb moet tender espiwsuiia uf sympathy t la a nobl sclmail of wall dvaiipd young ruanbomt anu tha indomitable spirit uf pieervvreuolie manlfesu in his n- uouuoeil i ii taut loo of ooutpleltug ble uuwaraity cuur nuder bla preeeut physical dleabllllier nails for lb tb edmlraaiou uf atl tb true per epnesied here audar i he ausplot of the nworlb lasgu lyof oj iimss up llalurday aoore follows l xurott i nor as uomiitown uul 1l uolaumh i oc lie it uholuic 8 ii h haujarsou if i uoora 8 jlrvu wauon a j uoklnnon 1 y d oooilwilu w tik i u u wthaj j h wallaca v ii vaiarltl 3 e coiti 0 t u tlaniiy another kbi me wl itlt capetown for before the aeaeuo olos dlylmlba court aeaierdaj th only oaae which cam up fur baar- log before judgolf smlllon in tbe 1ourlh dlvuiuti court alllliig yvslarday aftoruoon wa that of donald maim for tbe lima hone tug of war team va bjovln agricultural buddy thncakd aro out of lb tug of wr coulee at the fair hare on the 4th ooliur ua4 on that occasion four tsama entrd in the oontestllniahouse pullad aulou and mad a draw wllh bpayslda bpylle pulled boolcb block aud it llisu rauialued for bpysldeand xtmshouaela pull by this 1 1 trio it wa loo dark lo pull and donald mann captain of uie llmsboui team stlfi that jobu mcqueeu and ii 0 clark two of the dlraclora of the society arranged for the flalpull at j bo on bst- urdey the dey following h fair mr manua uetn wtl to tha park lo pull but tb otbsr team failed to ujijlajr and the ila pt in fnrml rlr mand for tbe prlaa money in order to avoid any tiilsdiidsrslstidliiif however lb offioer uf the boole ty arranged fur kuolbar oonirst on tuesday trjudoctobrr booub niock spesue aud ulou pulul but llmehcua fallad to enter goo toll ulook i prlae aud uotou aeooud aud tb prlae moo waa paid tham tha bultwka brongbl yaatarday by llmehouu to recover ido tbe amount of tba flistprliu after bear lug tba avldanoe of mr mann and half a doau witnmsea the esse wu liuitilsad without 001 vtf hompltij var citihuuitiuvm a vary interesting mtatiug wag alteodrd by a number of publlosplriud cltlxsnaltt tb downail obamtr last wadttisday evening wbenmr walter jbtileallrowt of toronto geoaral secretary o th national uatilur- i lum aaeoclatiott addressed the tnsellttg i mr hiowd gav muob valushl uformslloo raapecuug tbe work of lb anioolallou lu ting oouautnullvtb lu tb iuslplcul alage of tba white plsgue at lb baul- uni attravauhurat ii also explalutd tb purpose of tb association lu talahlub- log tlie nvfrrlioapltaltitide 4b4tna matiagemaot for tb ttaatmaut of patlaul wbo are fluanclslly uuahl to tut ibe x- pease of hospital traatutsut this uw fro boapltal will be opeued in a few week with aooommodatlon for fifty patlaou vblob willbe increaaed an fast a tb baeda aejolre tb addiaa referred further to tb cau of oomuuplloa ha iufeotlvlty prevautlon aud curability treatmaot of uaaee- in tba early stag of thedue aapecially in aaoltorla give aallsfaatory ulu it oouslsl of sunlight open air rest dry soil j a good dlgeallou and oouuot tnsitl i an abnndsne of alrong food wblcb la lakrn to tb limit uf digestive power uedioaliou of a eonstruollv chscactsr and very oareul watching aud uurslng by skil led bledloal altiudauls tbe lime may aooa noma b aeid wbei tnor advaboed oaae will be ourtd with tb purpoa of balplng tb uacolatim with it itudabl work it we daoldad to oraiila a uok branob lu acloo abd cllloara wsr appoint ed a follow i cbalrmab luv j k qod- du m a traaatirsr luv ii a mao- pbaraou becraurydr b a mceagu committee li v woor and j h colaman tb mambarablp fee u 1 00 per auuum to furnish a bed coat lo and tb local aaaoclatlou will no doabl aim lo aocompluu lbla tb following oltlxena atlvnded tb meeuug luv j k oodden m a j m uagar u a if a maouharaoii dr mc- kag maodoualj mi ida munebb areb momabbjanjaa aloor j b col- tnau li v moor t ii harding jama matthews and biduey bauiulara qkoitaetown tb vaan fajsae invtla al it reader taeoav ulbut to this oolumn if you or your friend aracalna awav uoabalulav trlpoelf yon have friend vial una yt drop a eard to ut vaatp jaaia mlaa hall grabs m i vlalung frtud lo toronto mlas lidla hill visited rrmlvaw in hilton last week mr i j obrlstls of qnalpb waa in town on monday mr it k nrlo nf ouelpb waa in town lait thursday mlas u0 llkr visited friends in hamilton during th week mrs 11 k nelson ndohudrenomtielpb i wore in low during the week mies mile trotoo waa borne from toronto for a few days laat week mr andmrawlllism ui i of ueorg towuvlslud anion frlaod ou batorday mrs llobert watsouof kqrval waa a ul at the home ofmv w if danny this wlrk mr j bullae tlhaw vpeut a fawdayadqr ing tba wsok al the home of her aou al north liy miall ueattla of unslpb wa a gueet tbla week at tbe home of mr d it uaat tie bower avenue miss msggl bmllh rvoruad to tb lu- atllute st ilrllevlll on monday bb will fiolsb bor trade tber mis ids mcnabb wbo ba apeut a oodpl of month wltb ber sister in ollawa returned bom laat weak mr w oibboua left on uaturday for iluutlviiu where be apent a few day with bla daughter and other friend mr baniqal johustou be removed from toronto lo hamilton wbsr tbe family will b gud tu weloome acton friend miss jet m scion si i returned lo toronto lal waeksfur spending a few day with hr brother drj jolui u macdoosld troowr mulloy attd bla travelling com- peiilnii mr w baui apet batorday and bundsy in anton and made bumeroo hlvudadurluglbalr stay mr msrgart bmllb of uamuton wbo baa been spandiug aeveial month wltb her daughter mr k k cook returned bom laat bturday muaustdet tburull ol cnslpb wbo has just retururd from a trip lo great britain ynoe and garmauy a a goeet at lb bom ol mr a t llrowrf mr cbsater mattbewa wbo went wee i last tnoutb bow oprofortably i natal jed in dyspepsia prom foreign word meaning tad caot ttaa rom rather to- algnlfy bad item tar tb moat common cauatt of tb dlaweao la a prcdhrpoalng want of vbror and tons in that organs no dlsseuw rnake llto morn miserable it sufferer ccrtalnlj dq not lip to tat tbay aometlmea wonder if they ahould otto up w a nufent nallvlllrt onl waa greatly troubled with it tor yri and peter k- qaare kan claire wis wbo waa ao afflicted wllh it that ho waa nerroua alceo- taaa and actually sick moat of uie urn obtained no relief from medicine profes sionally preacrllied they wera cnannlrlely cured aa other have been by hoods sarsaparitla according lu their own tul pnit vol- 3 ay alt lit ilu atli 3ardijolol rdcpnipauy wilb lb a good situation at colorado o aud i at lh w 0 t u convention laat week at btratford it wa reeolvedl that tb inrmuri ibould daclin to ne fermented win at aacrauiauti and ehoald advocate the um ol ludivldoel oommnnlon cop mr and mr sams liarry aud family leltoh monday for their new bom lu llatrl whsre two member of tb family already reelde tba best wlbe of their numerous aotou frleoda follqw ibera- itev t larr u dpaur of dohlln flr church qualph it turned from wlnuleg laatweek thoroughly leatored to health after four month eojaura lo tb prslrl prouluoe ills oongragallou gav him a vary oordlal weloome absolute sraran genuine carters little liver pills mliat deaf signature of f taka as aagas tluluimumt- roifiiznuss ma kiuoiiiiul fqltulrlbuva n comtlf at101 ifmuolowull iwnccmpiixitw lilsji cure 1ck headache tb golf match wllh aotou qof club on uaturday aflsruooti waa an inureallug gam our bay j gave lb aotou ilayr uaarly a big a defeat a wa autfared by georgetown at actou vcoaully osueral regrl i fell lb at geo kauttedy kiju not progressing at ell toward health trooper mujloy tha blind aotjuf bsio ioltbojilhjutlcavwllllnarulgllt ua town ball tomorrow uvulug mr je culbria ha racuwd liotlu ol bu appolulmaut bailiff of tb ocorgd- tuwit dlvuluu com t mrarnoidha utt t communed prr- paratlou for bl utw klov fnolory lis i uudsoided s to icojuou wbalbar to uk tb king foundry property tb old thoiup- ion uous or the vaovut lot opposite vkolj h imuu thdpuuing itilll on tb harbar propaity al tb tlaui waabdrwad about midnight uu bun lay tba building wa fiatuawhst di lapidated ntid uol in ua thauull udvdral lllhlllld wat 111 it th load i valllualei al fud tb uiviiibii war baudloapad uwlug to lb lung oulaiio from a bydraut hob cebibbtir frluud have lumu ittjoj lllg vaulsori i he peal tw tlavh if bul tb first deer b abut iii muskuka home oil monday increase your wages th boy who atari work aiicc a cour in this college will atari at wage two or thro time greater that h could hop to obtain without this apodal training col lege at guolph toronlo hamilton lon don ottawa saml iwun call st catherine now u u good llmo lo enter all particular from royal city business college tmdarw tlank bulldlnrf j w wiocwh ouulph ont itlttclpal bw do your shopping friday as the grocery stores will be closed on saturday 2 specialities 20 lb gr sugar for sioo 97 ploco innar sot or s7 remember our china pal ace is on the second ooor tho notod txa store uid china palace iu lulot t on ry ta o lb puiuln i jifltivc brorooquinloc j 7 7wvcre7t cuelph nov ytu the right house hi hamiltons 1avohitij shoiiinc vulcv black dress qoods priced loisr w dcnlrablaln everyv us a a a la si i ak7jpee lali ibe llmla thtt nrr a opportunity for every enough to a i blllt of two al price that mean n laving of almost enough lo pay or the making th lot comprise vlgured wool 1 ancle figured lustres mohair and wool in plain and fancy stripes camel hair uroche silk and wool itlah ioplins and french grenadine in a hnndaomo lot of design and plain goods they are all tnaiked to kit at these reduction in price for a variety of aorta tbatliav hitherto nold at 40c yard going bow at 35c for various kind that wo have always retailed at 5 rjo and 65c yard yon cut laka yourcu at sro beautiful fabric thai ur blnc of kind thai were tnaked ai 7j aud 50 yard lo go now at your choice of material in plain and fancy welve particularly rich and elegant quallile and hereto fore marked and sold at fjoc i 06 tr35 3s wmi tx 50 yard will bo sold now at ibc and 1 and soma clmlca coalumo lenglba marked at these low price for a coatuma that we bave aold up lo now at ten dollar you can gel now at 85y for coaiume thai were reasonably priced at i5po h6ooand i1h00 we offer now al io for choice of costume that were marked and ban sold al tu 50 and in 00 each you get your pick now at flll a for elegant coaturoc tliat never sold before at lea than laj 50 are bow marked for selling at 1018 auy ordetti heccvcd by mnll will rcfcolve hiol prompt and careful ktlcntlon and sample of any of tbe above good will uladly bo lent on retmest when baking w aa triple kindly stale a near a posalhl lb kind of good you want and li ordering in thl way whether we many subslllutc for any other material a the lna are being grad ually cleared out and at tho time your order reaclic u i ha particular kind may be all sold bloro will bo opon boturdoy all day thomas c statkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton actons greatest store new fall dress goods arriving daily wc have now the finest display of dress goops ever shown special line worth 50c for 35c samples on application new french flannels in stripes or spots 50c per yard heaps of wool blankets at low prices special line of ladies vests at 25c and 35c oil cloths hosiery tweeds flannelettes cottons shirtings towclings extra value iir table linen and napkins gurneit co dr essm aking millinery our aim is to lo our very best for our customers in every instance aud that we usually meet with ducccss ithc many expressions of approval which come to us from time to time and of which the subjoined letter is a sample amply testify oct 3ui 1901 mfsbks f ktiom1 kl co cuctph gxmti uuuh- itilciulcil writing you sever i daya ago to say bow pleased mr- wa wllh her drct3 and hat aupjillctl from ytw premlsoa 1 imlicvo in git ing credit whernvr il is due and for that reason lake much pleasura in making this aiknowledgemonl your mora enrtsinjy suppur good and sal kiacuiry tioods and iho heads of your department are artists and understand the url i executing onlrrs ihonwgbly and up-to- tlslo aud bocomlng tolhn wrarcr i m very slucrcly youra black dress cooda 8ale wc have taken some very nice orders and have sold many black dress gouds during the pui1 week under our 25 per cent discount sale we shall continue the same dis count of 25 per cent olf the elegant black dress goods laid on lour bargain tables this week miss dawson will give irll orders her very best attention dont miss this chance e h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyudhom st gueupju hendbrson si co new arrivals in millinory jaokots h swrte u skirt stuff waists glovos clothing all the novelties of the season will he found in this siore our stock f staples is being constantly added to til today it is the largest and finest assorted stocklin the country henderson co 7uvill sto hcton we part with our furs at price vvhlch are not bleb but uah cro nli lo cuturo the best quajiib a iauticulauiy fink l1nh ou v uus kcady utlaliiada hplnio nnnenta to purcbaver order also fure remodeued lo tha ulet klylea tlte larneii axaoflmea of lur ever nhown lu guolph tba fiunon i lies firu very allracilio and ue are already tclllntt lurije numlm iq early buyer lalost stylou in huts cops and clbvos at l n e lafontalnes wholeaalc nod itelall furrier glfgllph kings birthday saturday nov 9thv oillllutian boiunce cfibu- vrdlot df ndnt lwl rowlto nov 6 th juy in lbj6wli x luily fuuml vflia tiiuuutk ur tb om wlu b ilu it lb oour htuptt thk couoh anu works off thu uolu the pklkce drug store acton to mala room for a largo shipment of import xmtu ctxidi we- have uecldedblo clear a lol of llooka at lea ibau half lc utid ulfr 1 100 books pitpor bouud yeultu l5o at 6a eaoli 300 olouf bound booka rouluf 25 and 30a at l6o uaoh or 2 for 25o and m lot of other hook al tbe uma tcduttluii keutcunber w are ilaadouartar for fell uchool suppllea loou scriblara jual ar- rlwcd and are aitra valua llvu u a trial and be convinced the new store in flio nevltbeock hcton why not wrnexshuie sj trufult ij taijaob dboo btobu attonjnt duyyour fall hat from nelson the up- todate furnisher and hatter- newest american solt hats latest shades and shapes from 200 up latest american stiff hats from 225 up sole agent in guelph for the celebrated stuyverant hat the latatest new york shape one quality and one price 300 see our big range of new fall and win- teh underwear every line ii up to date r e is elson ona prloa only 0 wvndham bt gublph on account of the holiday lilling on saturday and a very impurtant time of the year both for customers and merchants we have decided to keep our place of business open all day as usual j a mcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st- guelph to catch tho kyn ami thn mind at u10 sawn time 1 in the art of ndvci using this ad illuswates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons ou kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents ii the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary jsend for eree outfit and make money ttiu bradleycarrietson co limit e julj on

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