Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1901, p. 2

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mastusnn nitm timir at the tl funllp reatdaaee 4j tuale hlrvel lell ml tltufrdet itrmmr imti y le llr iheseue ur iuieut w bmltb of detroit toocil toe late h hmuti kw af kelrvlew ileoe xetee u mry deoaiee alttw lata jotm teller uiuejl an otffortonate case owlnslo nomtbtraotthe wkdnkhdiy deckmklf 25 1joi anuthuu uulittsfq christmas tu jujluilm til 14 mornliijube every reader merry merry cbrmtmi nil esleiiue beet wieb for joe in every bomb all over oar land tbouao d of th ebeent have turned hotnearard eiilfa th ootn ibgcbrtelma tballateof beth lab m wbo ra burn in manager aud lived a horu lee life epou aaitb blb ml mi olitryih f apilttnc and ctytu ua hooj ho eouoay haaejmeoy horse uoon darin tba peal toon lb happy ecboolelrle have been eaaerlv ooooltn th day until the bolidy rsos when they oould co boar carrying many dainty ftllu of their deft handiwork to the loved onm there kce boy from dalian hall have oonw bsek to the fireside ther euxloaa bray ere hvo rieen dally or their irtn aiooe they flret weoi away young qteu from tb biru of oomomrm and the path of trade have pat it oily with lu manifold temptation and oar behind ibsm lo find real end strength io tb old oooolry bom middleaged dms jma woman will today ko to th bom of lbaif childhood to meat co brother mid allr in family gathering and to ohaat duo dot with tbeir prewauo tb belated pilgrim that alii terry below divided between th oblldreo wbo have koo before wlwblmrttlllmagtioa ytar- eround lb parental bearlbaloue what joy what memotia what hope th gbrlatma lime wlllwakatf bat to boa tb marry mmoq will being tma pabg of sorrow grieie lhy baver itnaw before lino last cbruttaea dee old parent bei koo bom to god and children who used to gather about them will tool go to tba old homestead tbl year heoenee bo tnoeh of th bom that u tbar haa vanlabad into bcva agad baothr will wktob for ton wbo will ooai no mora- uxarl hoaband will walk jon lb rododj of lb ohildraoa room trjltt vainly to h both fatbaiaod tnot i ia brprlog tb aarprls for tb llitu oamoo obrlstnim moralotf aod ihaa taolbexa will do their beat to kaau littl on from fliog too koty thl oral obrbtmaa binoa th husband dlad that pap u daad yboaaanda of utu aotort toronto ihnnlth oh i do r inoonvanlinoo mtion tmli cask wbllgxnuu foll ml uk ac ion ilk aoorim of oibr munloipallllaa in iba piovino baa a cu of mhll pot rwty qnttd mi whtab am tax to lb piompi oi4 it uf local and provincial itoarda of iltalui mtd lb lolled location v itta borne la lk ly to b tba only oua in lor oo ibr 3rd of ucmbi mr a vanor dattgbterof lir jura hydar if bar tmrnernonialirvtwatf maw and oatrw at to oblngoooay andapanta ooopla of weak will tier baabaoda frienda tbar on u ddaday avminu of laat wtak bb waot to toroolo o nit frland tboob not faaling vary wall at u tim o tbuiaday btmplc aupeaias 00 bar fao and tboi tlllfaamiutf unwell aha bad ti thought of any aw i oua illuaaa oo ilatoi day ftornooo h lllb th on oloo train for aoloo to apecd cliriatmaa with her mo i bar and u10 family bt a doctor oo the halo bolload th paouliat oondlllon of bar faoa and blalad io tba oonjoolor ihatahabaj email po th oonductor aakd ufa vane lo laav ilia lialn bt toronto junction aud ibeij t ll author- itu tolaphooed for lif uavaty tba uedl oal haahh offloar of that town ur uavaty oalled bcoomuaaied by a young doctor gavw bar a thofoa examination aid aba wu dot a alio led with email po aa alleged and gav her a eartifioat to that affect naturally mtr vanoawaareamored and aba oaot on to aoloo by lb foor o clock ualn baloiday aiionood still faaling 00 rail xr uokamoa th family phyaloian waa called la that analog bod ha at ono dtagood lb ca aa email po aq effort waa made to oommnnioat with lr dryoa ivovtnciaj health offioar 00 bandaywltboatbiicoaaoddr mokaagoe want to toronto by tba eeily ualn monday mormo th caea waa eulad lo dr bryoe a u h qortrppaupipgrgi will lio aa they have but boowa before th lo which th year haa broogbl tbam oood tna and women will thank ood for th home behind them and for tba good lome beiora and way taring wanderer will atop to think of goldan day goo by and to woodet if aomahow tbay will not on day find a icaatlng puoa and m with all olaaam that aeaaon bhoold be on of taoda and lov and tbankfolnaewl abovaiall 14 ua b tbanafnl that oox ooontry oontaina bo many boma to wbtcb tba paopla may go the ar tb oltadele o naliooal vtnogtb and intenelfy tb marry chnatmmaw uoat all will ooy editorial notes attbacoaoty oonrt and general he bloo of tb ieao bald her lael week jocu oorbam daparung from tb banal owtona had aeaoclbted with him on the bench jm noma j i we belit ula honor intend that tb moovetoa ahall b a parntanant on ao fa aa bla luoambmoy of tb offioel oonoanmd rafnnd to luchard dick afror in aaaaea mrnk wo ovorua lhn o 0 for postage to dalo cauj j uovod bv ur lrabam roniidtd by mr ook tbatlietreaaurrr b aouoial lo pay- bt arooaatahtocrvy ibe annual eranl of lo oo far tied movrd by mr ore bam acoonded by mr took ihat tbefolluwink aura b paid by iba traaxurrr for loe and tlamae to iitrur alter p by doib uen iloberlaoa 1 ebep ft oo l malcolm turner 1 abaep l 00 carried moved by mr cook eaoondad by mr graham thai the treasurer pay lb fol lowing acnmnla jamca iiiuko 101d lect lumber to cover llbawa brwlfc 1g 70 4obo lllugbam for building new atona eulveit in mortal 15 00 and putting on and applying 100 yda kal lot 2g llor 130 00 oeork ftflno for pulling in naw culvert lol 21 7th una o 00 jirmi 1iioa for cleaning ditch l 35 7lh line 1300 j ami newton or moviog bridge from check line lo lot ju otb una rob 0 lid logbildite abd drawing plank from anion till 00 ale mokay for 1 day aeaiatlngln burvaying road allowanoa between lote 37 and 30 oon 10 i 00 bt joaepha ho pi tal board and attendance for ualty trahay iron augoat 3rd iu01 lo december 9 1001 at 10 per month ijioo aualln uwaok- hatnmer for bull ling abotmeota to bridge lot 3fl otb line iu part elooo margaret kfriler ealal for lumber aopplled to path meatete in 1000 00 bh johoulvene for dleanlog djtoh lot 37 hlh line j 00 carried movadbymr campmiaeoqndrd by ur moulbboo that the treeaorer be and ha la hereby author ixad topty augua fergusoo lload oomrnlaaloner tba mm of fld gc being oommuted blatota labor tak in oleowllliam dlvleloo carried moved by mr he gibbon eaoondad by mr graham that tba clerk be inatrooled lo baer s00 oopiea of th inancta state ment and mloale and ily law of the council for the year 1d01 printed for dle- irlbutlon carried the inapeotof of prleoha be ueoed olrouw to all eberioe and pareoa in bhetr ol jail prlaona knd lookup- in tb ivovino to laopreaa all gouda wltb tb heoeaatty of ylgtlanoe ia tb om of known djesparau orimlnalai u will be re- gardad ai eaooaably oalpahl w beglect to abxroond tbeoa with snob vlgilaoc and ooodltlooa of aaoura detention aa bennoi be evaded diamleeal la threaten aa reward or oarelaeeaae in ibe malur tbuiltoo euambaya th balling of liquor 00 buuday at brobiuted boo re and to dronkaa tno baa bo and la too general the invariable exaoe mad by tb liquor tell when taken to ubk foe- law breaking it i did not do it other would prove that it la not exceptional if it were liquor dwora wbo have no tedm foe annlaly now it a pot tod let for tbam to orgenlae foe th betur obeervano bl th lloeoee aol aoj the eoooer tbey dd bo abd tb moretjfeollirethey mk their oejeaulxalloo lb batter for themaelvea the caowjhoa hope that they will uke advle in good part from a newapeper that baalougbtprohlblttodlbtbetrwajand tea etroogly oppoaed lo ll u ever la the inteieete of tamperanoe morality bod good order if tool of thoae in lb the trade i the irovinotal lloard of health retorned with hf mckeague by flrat ualn abd bpon axamioatloa of the pa 000 fl r md ttnfo nceag uee lbgnoalr th juoal uoard of haallh waa im mediately celled arrangement made for a doablewalled leoutlon tent lo be located o the urge tuld in the rear of mr xlydere- reelaeoee ible reaideno and family lo be quarantined an rxparianoed nbree to be engaged bpeela eanitary oonaiabla to pauol the vlolnity and a prooumatlon for oompnuory ao- toauoo of every olllaao within four dayr fortuoauly tbeoaee ieavery mild one and bo puyaicien ia needed only lb buree being la ettendxnoe dr mokeegue medical health ottoar will ooneiqueally not be lu elteodeoar if noeiver a pbjaielan ia needed a young doctor ha volaijtmred to attend ibe car th locallaa of both tb bom and th eolation tool are vary fortuuate end plane the cae bbeolutely outaide the point where any dangvr from lufeolion oould poealbly eriif vtui bnnji tg th iff ph tbeaaataodof mill bt and tb uotalion tent la located iu the held immediately in the rear aom three bandred yard diatanl the midloal health offloara are quit empbatla la btetlng that with tba eplendid preaebtloua bo proroptly takea by the adlhoritlee there u positively no danger to the pablla from the cee and cilutana and vial tor bead have do fear of coming tq of departing from town had the toronto junction medioa health officer detected the oaee aa be bhoold bave been able to do lb trouble would bave beea tancb leer in that town there exlale an leo el loo boapllal and the people on the train would have been eaved the danger f ro moon leot daring mr vance a trip toaoloo tfak cpldttqlo of imall pox a toronto junction a year or o ago la attrlbolecl lo remlaaoeeaon the p of t a to otooar and aa a reeult flfiy caaee of email pox tee ul ted from an alleged oaee of chicken pox and inaofaiolrjuaiantloe and leoutlon tt mokaagueaaya that be felt eatlallod bpon examluatlou ofthe oaee that it waa email pox and knowing the rlmnmttanoea of the epljemlo at toronto juocliofl and the bungling at thai time be dsilld pal bo 0wfldnoldlba glean mrt veno by ibe toronto ju notion medloal haallh ofhoer the toronto oaif on monday mail the followiug kafereno to the oaee aa tuiter auiu rox 1 x woman who got off a train at toronto junction 00 baturdey wa pointed oul to the ofnolabj aa a email pox huapeol boaplolon we aroaaed among lha peaaenger by a fee pimp la wblob were id evldenoe 00 lb womab faor tbey re ported the matter aud dr mavely torentd junollon medical telth offioer aooompaoied by another doctor tx mined tb woman aud found that there wei bo tymptomeof bmall poxbudallowj br to prooeed oa bet journey the township council moved by mr campbell aeoonded by mr mcoibboo thai lb treeaarer- be bbdhjgherebyfetitbqiiacdlopay the be vera i member of lb council the bum of tl co per day for taper in tending tb building of bridge inapcoting roan and letting coo tract iv b near lleeve 17 da a 3o co john moolbbou j7 daya 35j dvld cook 17 daya ts60 john campbell 17 daya i so ittcbard qrabam 17 daya 35 50 aleo for atund- log coonoil meeting v b near 18 daya 3g 00 john mcolbboo is daya txl 00 david cook 18 daya 20 00 richard qrabam 13 daya ft2 00 john campbell 13 day 2o 00 aleo p b xaar expeoeea- and tim going to milton 00 boelneee t3 daid cook going for surveyor and ejit- lomn a hue 00 lota 37 and s8 eon 10 ta crril moved by mr oampbatleeoonded by mr qrabam that ihe tbanka of the coonoil be tendered to j b near lleeve for the oourteooe manner la whinb be ha preelded over the meeting of the oouocil during the paet year carried merchants bank of canada cffpita rest sfjooocoq l 2600000 a unfral nanklnc dustnefis ticansactkd intereat at moat favorable current reiee alknveil on saving hank arxounla louor of credit available in all paria of tho world iasuod this offloo- sneclal monfy okdkks mv kum vr 10 fjo ouialdeof ilia yukon terrllnry may now bo procured at tho uaok cuiutlcf without any delay acton branch u tfitucb efenager cuelph business college guelph ont- al this lostilntion you will bctlaughl shorthand and typewriting by an expert tltw grapher 01 hvm yeara eiperlenea in reporting and uffloc work wbo whiea tborthend at a apeod ol ovef two hundred word per minute at tuis idstttdtlod you will bjeota l taugh t com merel i mntrrtttal 1 -flmj- irench bnd german by a practical accountant and leaclier of fifteen y c n ucccaaxul ex lair jencc- w ho lav a tiratclaaa honor graduate and ei- teacher of the mott famoua american lluainea college and ol the moat progreaalxe canadian university twent states proiince and territories are repreaenled ou the register of thl institution iu course la ihc moat thorough and comprehenlva of any college of it kind in canada its diploma la a pjtaxpori lo good poaliloob in the employ of leading linns tyndtcate nd corporations at canada and the united stale hot is a cood time to enter tor day or night clastca ior full information call and vtelt the addros traders hank hull ding cr college obqanized ior further work rhe ifuelneaai trehaaotwd at th cloalnrf meeting laa week the umm lu ibe chair member all cruubono coitnutlb quit a bomber liom bare hv attend d the bpeolaj aervoeel bt cbutoliill durlag tb peat few week f about thirty young people from ibu vielmty and hiloam a pent a very eojoyalu veuing aud war treated lo ail uyaur tup pe at lb bomeof qooocltlor abd mta a murray ooyriday blglil but th abed lug vu eimiit in vocal aud ttialretueutal mualo kbd vetloue getne and it le udu lobay thai lb geolal lloat aitd ooete alld their family did all iu their power to make all feel beppy the parly broke up u th early hour of th morning all w ah lug mr and mrs murray and tbalreetlmablafamlly merry obrlatmae aud a happy he year bod voting it wt one of the moat enjoyable event the tceeou mr andmre johu u oilpp bttaudej ibe marriage of mia m will ay enj mr n lluokloek at uookviu ut waduy ik x councillor a j mury aoloi spent buoday at ur j murray tb coulpllmeut of lb teatoa to the actoo lea iaaae aud btaff adeapeteb froal uydney m h w taya be federal uoneruueut ba decided to apod a ooduugeul uf 1 ood tned to uoutb afrto children cry for castoria moved by mr campbell beoonded by mr mcqibopd ibatlbetreaaurer u abd- be la hereby author mad to pay the follow iug aocoebu william mcmenemy ke- parlng paper mill hill 10 00 d held tptkea forglen bridge coc colin mitchell supply ala tlon ary for clerk s si jabie kennedy vouching elalu labor h8 w j george 0 itompeou refubd dog tax 1 00 william llobertaou error in utalulaubortax f 00 whllsm hoblt eod lefuild diig lax tjyjithoe huow error lu dug isx having bo do h00 veur oilbeoe rpulrtg tivkett lute 17 and is oon 94 0a chat ileddy bjlm tog efoue- abulbkedla tllin brtdge aa per 000 tract tjeo 00 chai- lldjy tdlllug in hpproaohra to bnd bu mlbg fjlxn brtjg 29 7s ohsa lladdy bultllug rtlliiig uuti bridge it 00 lelr jtbuna oullutr divuigu 4 rluud w walker 1 ulloli ui able to ooluot ill 00 oeorge mby brhhl lu wroug bobool hectlou sij trefoud to jameenlckell oolleotor imvulou mo 6 cbb klrkpetriok dog taxilm john 0 1 veil refuud ut twf biube 4 00 carried moved by mr arahstdlbeoaujed by mr campbll that lb bum of ix dollar abd alxty four oeute be paid to jobu molbeteoojxuotnihlouar koival belug ooet for grading and gravelling town line cbldguaoouey paying a ilk mm am va7 for building approepbe- ul ktoua nulverl in worval abd 67 being eultiu labor ux for the village of morval jaleo to pay jobu m nl hereon the sum bt 10 00 for i lb support mra uobiueou the wing in dee ll tut clioauiatanoee carried moved by mr moulbboo beoonded by mr cook that lb tteeaerer pay the following aooounte ureeulee llro for l umber supplied to palbmaater lu muu klpelily kol m tbo chubulm iu oadar poets ft 00 1 four bora double tree 1 40 tbo ooxr balane of aooouat for lumber lab law eon liroa for plank 137 18 uoor hroa eewer pipe t47ue hatton prohibitionist are sanraln unltexl for sarvioet in thw cauaei they eapouaa tba annual meeting of iba halloo xro hlblteod association waa held in the xtoyal templar hall on toaaday afternoon there waa a fair attendauo of umperanoe worker the following officer a were elect ed for th ueuing year i prealoent h v moore aoion vioepreeldent d hartuy milton secretary w 3 annttrong milton treaaurer k v karl milton cbapleluhev j w oooley milton audilora johueon harrison and b die vloelteaidanta oekvule w j young lldrllajtton u cleaver georgetown ll d warren acton ju h a mao pharaooi mil lou dr hobertaon melaoo a newell kaaaagaweye johd marehall trafalgar l k wviuoh ewjueeibg b ituddel the following resolution waa passed wbarea hlr oliver moeat oa broary tdi lfloi declared lu favor of prohibition itlalatlon aatarta bl govern menthad tbeoooautuuoaaj powat to aoaet and whereas hon o t uoa on ph 13ui of rbupraeeoteejr7uo tattoo trf tproubluoolela btated that the oveumt wa sjwaye laadytngoae far a the caeatltutloaal powaveof the tmvlnaeelll ajloe aud bad not receded from thul poeluimt and where the woklbltory ujiuot let of the uaullube rasulalur suumltuj la the 1ruy couuoll ou eu appal froul lb court of eltufakleaeh of uanlloba bajbeau deejenj by lb judleu oouimlu of tb 1iwy council lo be oonautauonal and wltbld tb power of the iovlaoe to aoaet therefore reeolved thai thl hajtoo oouoty vrohlbluou aiaoelsuou hereby request of th ontario uoveroulaul a fulaluleat of th pn knlee uf ll pretnur by th lutrojuetlou at lb corning leealaa of die ltlainre bf a bill to prohibit frovlnouluauaaeiloualu tulaxuauog liquor for beverae purpoeae to the extal of it etiiied ikjwert iu the eveulag a publla meeting waa held id tb tow a hall at which addreee were delivered by tba ohalrmau lt j w cooley xrof jobu nichols agent of th dominion alllaua aud luv v v mtid bmltb mr cooley dealt with iba pledge ulvau by lb ontario premier r prohllltlou wbud irof mioboiu toad a moat powerful arraignmeul of the whale liquor iratlld a hty vote of thank wa accorded hiui for hi bloqtieul and i aobvlnolug tddree m maccormac b a principal honeywhntsd llolb comb aud extracted quola lowest jwiccs and say bow put up 8auukl l lkwis co london reference faralslioj do you ugo your neighbors telephone ily so doing ou are injui ing hla bualocu ikiblnl itamb make ll poctlblo ftir you fr lve a rdeplioue in votllt nami ihoiill tcloilioiil co of canada bread cakos confootlonory oyslorsi cannoc4 coods mro anna maddcok rii nks licr num rruus tuilomni fur th lorl paironagc and announces llutl 1 as allicannldroolsandfltlsll oystllt to her stock ujkuiii hudiad itc hi and cake are received from uelpb every i uculay thursday tirul sal unlay tohonto hhiiad riwonto llreail l teceived every monday wrdnejday rrl day and baturday mitsannahadiocic mllt biaklir acto- a little talk on ihe suhjret of lloota and shoes vy few people are compclent to judge i lie teal value il footwear wlieu it is new tliere are ko many way lo counterfeit bod imitate leather that ufa easy to deceive a buyer it generally happens i hat buyers have lo lake the slioeraali a word for ll in ihe end so you lee a rood deal blngea on picking out ihe right shopman and yon can elwaye rrly oil jcbo stostbl- whoj hools ami shoe arc always found to be as represented splendid stock of winter oooda some thing bpocial lo v buppeia now- ordered ooodx aud llapalhng reoalva beat auonllon geo stoirel mttx dtrkt jtcton asthma cure free asthmalene brings inetahv relief and permanent cure in all cases i nt ahsoitm iy i rik on hhce1it of iostau wllttk y0ui and addrk1u1 vualhtt chajneo for ten years nre la notbii caiea it con ling 11 like asfhmalene i he worst ualla the hot c p vvklts otyilta mulge iii says your trial bottle of aithma ltaieiccrdjnlacdodcagdjtfog i cannot tell you how thankful i feel lor the gotxl btrivod from ll i was a slave chained wl h pnlrid bore throat and aubcba for i en yrara 1 despaired of ever being cured i saw yonr advertuement for tbo core- of this dreadfnl and tormenting disease asthma and t bough i you had oeenrpoken youraclvea but resolved lo give it a trial to my astonishment the trial acted like a charm send me a full el ted bottle jlv dr uorru wohabar iabbl of the cong bnal israel maw york jan i loot das terr haos maoiciaa co obfarrlemam your astbmeiene is an excellent remedy for asthma and hay ever and its composition alleeiatea all 1 roubles which combine jlb ast its success la astoolsblng ami wonderful after having it caret oily analysed we can stale that aathmalrnw contains no opium morphine cloroform or etber k very truly yotira hev ok morris wechsljr un ftbrrhsftiunla four- itoomtd tottagc loithalk rpifat ooiilotatii kiui cuiiunl rotlara best 1 door to mr alirani tuanttrv restaeevd cliureli hlfeat aetna lo oo very immb atile leime yor farthblaie wille ai oaee is uu1 ii tai xxniuii nietfjwuod i o0 company no f attention r baviac unlttmoia blonclag lo ms a a oo votl llatiallou will bladly mara umu a ll miuotua itiie k lo iniivrlloe 11 uaoaa tjaitalt lakdton note lohtjtiajmcnt stopied aaliimt dale nota for tld maja by ch lee iaviaooln raveeof ltolat lebr pay altlaataleeeuaate itaak aetoa tee hum 1 betaby lune acalea aacet latin eald not aa layroal tkereol baa baen etopejed uoaaarr iaar voll balk a putry idbi datirr hbos u clntleuem i woaderful effect of jicimx co lie thl testimonial from a sense of duty having tested the r astuenaleoe for the cure of asthma mv wuo baa been afblcted 1th spasmodic aalhma for the past la years having enhansted my own skill aa well a many olhera i chanced to see yoor sign upon yonr window on 130th street new york t at once obtained a bottle of ihnahwr my dla coswdcaccd taking it about ihe first of november i very boon noticed a radical improvement after oalttg one bottle her asthma has disappeared and abe la entirely free from all symptoms i leu that i can consist enily recommend the medicine to all who am afflicted with thbt distressing yoor respectfully o d wieus md dajtaft uoon mvbtcihkco reb vt ckntlxuicm i waa troubled with asthma for ax yeaia i have tried numerous remedies but they have all failed i tan across yoor advertbment and started with a trial bottle i found relief at once i have tince porchaaed yonr full aire bottle and am i haea famhyof ion r r aarf ioc year w towoek x the heal of health and am doing business every day thix testimony yod can oiaka- such- bee of yeu seefit r homo ajjrets aji rivlngton street s halhahl 67 kaai 119 si new york clly triad tlottuc bent asoltjtkly bx oh rxoxtpt of 3postax- do no deliy wrlie at once addresatng ih- tat dltos medicine co jo dat 130th st new york city sold by ah drnggists big chbraring bulletin of x mas novelties at r e nelsons acl each each smoking jackets oo 425 450 500 and up to 1000 ncok scarfs 50c 75c if r 125 150 1 75 and 2 each neck ties all shapes 25c 50c 75c i and 123 each fancy braces neatly boxed 50c 75c 1 and 150 colored sliktsnow 75c i 125 150 and 175 each umbrel koldaiil silver tipped 75c 1 150 to 5 gloves lined aiiduilinedrocr7 initialed silk handkcrchiek 25c 35c 50c and 75 each all floods marked in plain figures and one price to all will be pleased to have you look through my stock h e nelson merchant tailor and mena furnisher os wyndham st guelph children cry for castoria now is tho time tlie wiee putclulcr looks about him for the belt cutler anil sleighs lo buy i haven vry full stock of cutltmatul sleighs of uiy owu make which you should inspect bfore you buy i alo hive a drj 0 variety of wcoml hand ilugglds curia watk suiha and cutters vvtficli i will ull at luw price io lair tlieru out i have the lubt makes of root 1ulpeni weigh scaleb aud hag 1 rucks on hand m o nbill quouattowk dyenc gkuuills dyeing ani cllan inc works culliy ibt place for gonllomeii lo have lltelr suitaaiul overcoat and ladlcu germcuts and iluueelioul cwkla cleaned aiul dyed ostrich tlumea and tip cleaned dyed aud culled alius eiui yuan agent 2 ranoy qooda aotoo aotou muchiuo vad iteiuiir bhoph itmmuvuulnuatll 1 ivprutor etirwj a ullwell equluited with ail th luaehloery v livraaaarf uiihu alt e pairs to uiaeblo- err andearteuuurejiiupieiueelaaud to oo all hind ul eoaa otttag tweae altoe ng and e blaekaattthlng woojwoib rir ueafoeaued loaaalutanlory aiumt we ess lepenr aar oiaebiu or impleettaut uf auy mase be sutumln and bllng done high we pah j witm our furs at lmce which are not high but uriaugb to ensure the itost tluamtla a particulahly fine link ou 1urs reudy to be in add up into uaruienle lo purcltaaera ordofa also 1 ur tcitiwlelld to ihd utcrt blylo 1 lie utrlest ustorluid of 1 ura ever shown lu ntnljili wot tliirty days prices still gonnt after friday 37th inst at gurney and cos store everything will bo marked in plain figures at cost r huabew teller rwd well new lot udy bars ira-h- km all eepesui thu teeaoni iliiie it bt c4aieba ajplr u blkaa 1 earynaan aeum tiuule t a ifrick x veau store and dwelling for bale lee iwoelery solid betek i etc at uue uur ot allll ai well built eev radar- a wen wuill eeven years mfo iood eallar tabdar tba aeti belkhag with brtck partition onealtb acre uoodcuufi rrea frees all eiiblnlma fttnbet artleelare upon application oo tle ieialeee to ulis- akma uoiilsu tenders for wood furnaces- at public school tehdkiui wlu be raeeived by the uulenn ed up b tba san deeecolaw for tb- l wood fnrvinw oeer vaaiataea a and bu4 air pea wbich baabeao lu eaa at ibe aciieol tbetnmaee boar bs eaan as any uaae bpea appueatlaa to the meenuere of ut lrotertr cannlum h i- irinuall j ii ataitbaw if i bfooaa bee u lnbli ucbool uoard acton liae loth loot pr06jbamati03sh comnulsory vaccinatiou yo tuw crirxj nv yuk i hljailiratirv wannnl ihuriuch aa ihf ilaibl ilttul llallh bullufilud unr uowully bmi 11m- iluot- riiel limiifctil rj tin itr ij m ci j kasall tsavul of ihu torfk luur ilaye linw ihr pauxilioh f bcive rvy kikm truoiaer within ibe naulonalily nwl m vwciaalrit or twialarv a lill tkal he irf kbc lue 1ml kuccruklnuy vhvnulrj vllbiu tlwf tva kma yraia bmt he fulbnvinr inrtlial lmtitkmn uwlitn emhlblj a twe at llu- finvu ball k iter lurim viiuiwit aa fullowe of uankwui lnen j in 4 p iw tiay i t ui y- m thrtmpmauaw frlaltjrt-in- uulnul kwl all rhimtrn will wuhi ir j ckair aalulle will ue tnuinnt 1 1 ty real rait i rf vaciuiliin vaktoatluu will irflnl- wtwrr4iahj ibe ufl mm ku1 itw puuuralw truatxl lo b tbr tint 1hmilily inn anj doll uiwuitlutb lnwwlim tltrycanw varllhrlnunju ilia igurni ou thoia are very attractive aud ue are already soiling tar iiuiiibefii to early buye sk stylo jn hat tint clovos at l n e lafontaihes i aud kuii kurrl guolbjh xmas jewel erjr we have a lovely stock of gold watches ladies diamond ijapphire and opal iiirtks ebony good with silver initials on xnuu stock now complete skykge st co the j bla6lefis quklpb prices sot1iat you can secfjoods arut prices without asking give the store u visit and see for yourself that we mean business and if low prices will clear out 0ic stocfe in thirty days it is bound to go we do not want the goods we only want the wholesale prices for them this is a chance acton people do not get every day freshcroods at cost pbices no bankrupt stock a full list of prices published next week big stock of groceries goods delivered j h wktthews jucil1l stheet hgton will wltliuty cmj with tkte itui johv uiitiamk iuur ittl iv our store is rilled with christmas goods too numerous to mont ion and too lovely to boscrlbe waters bros art store cublph the real thtincr bocus of fcfooj quality bj wu in our ho nul bcu hn 4oof 1uuumau1 thka ollun urijs bat iuut4 8 b buuama wopuulloa u irt wl uujtiely hb da cmluamrt wx lt literally ubowd ks ih hujuely whboons literally ubowu h voutuo boot atul bbu ruunt had w i a tiy 1 catch tho kyo and tlio mind at tho smiio time 18 the art of advertising this ad illustrateshoui- true this sayingis especially io those wishing pleasant anj profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body c n cell it capital or experience not neccjsary send for free outfit and make money tha brableycawretsom co limited n urantford deaite to continue to deserve the delguallu whoever bay foot coveruwtroui us bets tlw kcul thing every time al right price home of our lewder for the pfcicut season will auomsh you by their etcbjtttanil aud low prkv iaz xziljlm7vts boot knd shod dbrlbh hcton ioo dimmer im0 tei set piec and pieces silverware selecr prrnimts uo l j tuvul tjro i i lur i ti j i it t ji ouly i ol ilk nl x t r p w tieiualuilli ifilhul it i till mm hv ie nt i iuht c i ii tu ul eiul uiu-r- iul lalfouiicuaii4uia auj nutuiy iivj va v stftkssi ge of the emmvarwcta o tai hie lata ve era ehusa reeaeaet irswlnrsarmbsvre haerrttat i w in oe sjeee vtlawl kuawllllmnklil iurnilwaaw 1 fcfcaae eylea t mmt i waaeewl i i sb wo itav tu wuck a huxw uaeof riujl 1viiij ii with iultl rfost- q chiwii wub weuch ualiibil 11 mvaultutahsxiwu kttt katwilt be a roeulof t li euji al i a kuuu to mwllls umi 1-j- f llili llur aaoe ctulliitl iiixll ftr xuia kujraesllutl win brbkine iysl pausoh dkuo btouu acton oni

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