i tiil hoard 01 iducation disastrous i irc at mcfiill ilic acton yvet jjrras mi nsnw vntimhiii 11h17 itdltolllau noxbr ii 11 unugn i cynihiini m p i hiiliihnv in inh ul mllfrago iegi tiiti 11 nit f tio iloujnliftl ingltfa- j ui wnj i timiiy wipe ikit tii mtllllolt v itll lf tlltt illllllul lb lu unumt iliiihftliairi t1iulll biuiuiiiiiiicid n a llxril pmhj in tle 1 nuliiton and our ill trtmluii ln in that legnnl alio ihl hi i ulilulud widely in nwiy tinuili y from whlh bniiiigiiinunrmlluly to unlm ii ij uvu 1 ut fully llu- pmuaut influx in aiiutinld it will ha intra tu uvold lohiliijr 1 if tho nveik atmidiud urirrnplilp unlit than ihuuld iuon lio little gimnd tm tlio corn pi ilnt unit urn 1 nluti j u 4111 unfiinilhar objert liiom boys nnd gill mniiltobi odurl 1 uinl n v ihutmvjik nownll miilm tlm big t b exliihllid in tho iniull aihuit lloumoi in tlio list mould punhn fllu will i 1 uht nl iii iimiii 1111 nt niiuiko f 1 school ilulim ttnil urn lniiiii to buy thrill thifiii sohts m ill mil i mpire ll i uuly lias deufild lm lt loads u it epulri inuetltig of til intily omit ii of lol tlio y inv nuthihisiug tliu ismilug if debiiitino fl fculmiom for tin iiinling of hnttoi rowls in tli n unty received itu third 11 tilling mil wui ndoptvd lminrlllnrs wilinn 11ml mliiiiiiii of c union moved an uinimdnient tlmt the by law i10 submitted to n voto of tlio mtu piyus of tliu county itwusdofnaud i mi ml 11 i evidently in tlio i n glial oye ul pimmit i novel imw luglluh pnoplo uo ui nn to cuino tu camilla m tiny nm nt the pionmt limo wnu thn nlhtouu nt nmdu t joronto bliu liy mi j m hyn vico president mid gomml mntingoi of tlio i 1 ii on hii ntiivnl fmm london mr llnya said hint mniulrios worn lining luuivud fiuni nil piuty of i iiglnnd und penplo want to blurt tight out nml sntil cnund 1 hiipplriiiuntniy ftstiinntuh unlling foi nn t xpuidltim of ovor half n 111iiii1 liiuo pihhnd tlio i uglalntiiio lliiu tilings tliu tot il appropiiathius fm hid yon iii to n lltllo inoru than suvou iiillliouh i ho ojpnndituin of tlm lloviucu in llhli una less than llvo million dollms in fuui y wilt thixfurt bu mi inert use wntdu of hi pui cunt in tlio oulgi llio fm jiaitt fiiilintl with hwul tlm dluhiiiiioiiiuntu of tlio lhmlnlouttn liiiiuutit woro ut ior lent ri tlinn for t nil yenra htifni lliuumlin tlio uolonlnl oftlcu in london lnloiul lapipiuntntlvaii of tin hi ituh tlnvuininont will nunt ntid toilful with tliu in vi 11 proitdpia of tliu self ipiwrninff cnlonie of tliu i inplii i ho rupii iluinitra ruprociit niltnl omrauim tliornatmt fro up of nlllod ditpnnduiilleu of n motlietlnnd tlmt tlio woild uim nvi 1 nnn ihs numltoi of poiplofm whom hlr wiirilil inuritt bpo ika l ntinnt i km 00 1 thouo re pi o aiitud hy mr atfrod rakin of tint aiitrallm gnminonaoultli i 00s mu liy hlr josipli wmil premier of ow oiiunihhhfthi hy hir itohtrt ilonil uf hie most am lont colon nowfouiid lund uvhnio1 hy lonnrnl kotilu dnthu of lint jrnnsvmnl 1 lvjlot hy dr tninnaon of upo colony j wt mil hy mr i ii moor of nuul 110h 7tl ulin municipal world diiyat i vtty counril shoiim ondanvor to piocurn notiipntont mmouaiir who will kmp tlm wmdi iltmil vnluo bafoio him until hhi work in comptoti 1 llitrn uhonld lis no diiliumlon hutweon un niuoiwor and nwnnr hi to tha nctuol vnliin of hla piopirty onu of tlio iiiont efiirt putont towmdilp nuitoiunia w know nf 14 11 younu fnrninr wltlumt oxpnrlomi who inndo tlio fliat uyii0mont of n towmililp of kliixmi meres uniur tin prosoiit luw llu kapt thn wnt da nn tuu i mihui linfnro i1i111 nnd ncurly ilimlitul thn hkhiiiuud value of til rial prcipmty his invminhla n ply to thuun who objirud to ida valuation wii lo pi nun nt n imiilultlim fm n roturn iiihihi tho provialoiianf taotlon 1r of tha anicmiiunt ant niiiilrlni the pernor nhjnotliig to niiiko a otiilu- tory ilstdnratlon to tint vnluo of hla proiiarty nnd roturn it to lilin if tlioy worn nob aiitlhllud tuarn xri ro ioum thnn ii nppnnl nriiinat ida work it in unnnrnuaiiry tu uy thut ha won ro appointed lut ynnr if svory prop arty in tlm piovluon win naauiiad at itaimlunl vnluu tlm tax ruts on tha aaafihuiihiut would hn mm h rmlnaid unit thn hiinuial pulilio would hn jnit tin well olf a spiuhdid bntuntainmbnt a liiiitoiiudluiinn ifiittitrtfil in north htrfut muthotllat ohurolt nn mondny evoniiiff to hum tha piofcrnm proparud liy til nidiilhnra of tlinufihhnthhtihnol iinilni thn dlriiillon nf miit amy i duty of loiriluii iho progmiu wmn laiiktliy mid vmlud om nnd film out without iivciiptloii tlio nniulmra wiiio all crililiirt nut in nxonllant aylt a ntilnlii 1 of ohoi umin tioiuprltiiik from ttiltty flvn to 0110 liundrtd inuiiihma hem ttlvon in ii 11 inn mir which nlumud aklllfnl tiiilnlnif and icnihitlouw uin tind iiiiuoliib loinhlnnd lo mn kit up a itlhtful hlllnffhif 1 hn pmntaila of tlinoritpilniniihiit willi h limit 117 noitll htrirl msthofjut hiiudny holuml lina hoinn lnod t ntm liiliimerila tu itu crodlt hut tlila wna nun of thn tiuat it avoi utvn nnd mluu doty will cou rt tin ted thn trnlnhir nf m pnrfoiiihna until itlml to lllffli pmuo for tlm auo aaitf wlllnli nhn finhlnvml lodotluli fllgnnl ml w j iiiiimi 11 uh tvmurwl 111m tflir uiilvaratty nitibi r laoiihi on or tha ii ml i hi hi 1 1 ik iiiiiiiii oil m 1 1 tlio nl 1 hull i 1 1 iiiii i i ii i i 1 1 1 idikp 1 innr nnd inpnlit up 1 h i iiiim niiii r no n ceswury fop tjn yfv in iii tha m nmcj 111 ii 111 lht hiiv llltopldd mi w huiiipliihlixvinifdipon 1 d of ftl pf mtiy liiii iilidiotiiovid i m h wu finilniil lil nnliniihon ifal 11 iiidici f the float d mndhyll lliidcll oudd ly it aliv hint tho hfitiiktlmi of v t iiiiim luiuhc phd ai 1 1 that th mnnl iliu mil itipiculrd li tiui hiiil moil or n 111 1 cmiimi lljt ii 1 11 1 tlliiiiid tlui iiirimulty foi nm u ilk nil mt llpi arhool 11 now hi in uny f 1 tlm ipwihipiipmri tuu nml iluiiiututlu writt fane rtumd ndj nil nod nt h iirnclock cnicwaonb conncna llio rt mix ai 1 itlll in n vui y bad ron ditlou nnd thn pionmit uiutlmi w not lliipioliik tin 111 nilitli mi i hwml lvln had n vaiy binriornl i uhiiik in on wadutiw tla i ihl lii tlu ivi nlug ijulttt a nuin hn ol tin ii in ikiiiioih wain voiy hoi iitnliy 1 utiitiuiiud hy mr and mru kiiikbliuy mi at x t ilpp la 1 ouflned to hla i with 11 ovei nttnrk of nppondl 1 iun it i honl tlmt hl raroviry will lo 1 ipid mi will iiiiiw who hna lie 11 111 dining thn 1 n ht fow wet lb u itcovir ini mi l miwmfiu of i uthui fpilit fl fuw d ihdiuiiic tlm woik nt mm m cu si ploinhlik u fiuin hnu hi n mrh lulto 10111 i ii lipt iiu a iwn in tlila vicinity itiilxnt nicktilla anlo inst wiok wnn tlio inrjfont ami 111 nit auccnirful u tin held in uibhc pni la in yarn a vaiy piutty hoiiiq addln waa nlimlid at tho homo of mm m l unvaou i on widnaadny ird a pi ii ulu n mibi ituhy ilnrnea ntunn liitniuo tlm wifo of mr john liuwmon ii prninptly nt i ikaic wtriinu of tlio widdliir iniich played hy mm aunio livivmn tha luldal pli took tluli iliicea in thn pitilor undi 1 no null of ovui uremia nnd llo 11 1 hu 1 ok inony wna perforin id hy tin it v mi i uurnlr of aclon i hi inidi i okod ny protty own id in whin uilk ullh nvxrliico nml aniod a lriiut of lirldal touna llio inidia iniiid minn mnttls ciowaon wniilunid in i rain lnnlniier with hill titminiiik ilttlo miaa mnruito cnwhon nmdu a ory awoat llowor hi duid in whitn ornandln tho upportad hy mr cino hum- biothoi nftliolhido afli 1 1 1 iikiatulutlons lind linen ex tunkd tu tho happy pair the kiicata uliii ii nuinboii d uhout fifty intlmuto fi laluou and fi imidii iidjoui nod to llio dlnlnu loom uhmun miitiptoua lapnat wiih liild nml to which nil did ample jiiallri llioy wnio tliu ililpuiita of mnny dully nnd iimnful pmitinth juoata win pinuout fioni minoniirii tm onto nounii iitalph alioii mid tlila vicinity mi mid mih muuon tnk up thoir rnildunn at tlm old home hum ihnlr ninny filmnla j in in wluhiotl thorn iiniuy yoiini of impplnnsii nnd pronpi r- itv f mi unpin of duliith uim hna him vlvllinit hi hituii mia itobt mite lull luluiiiid tohuhomo nn i rl- dny mr i oh lonuiin of mluuoiirl la vulhiikhhiold hoiimhure it la ovar foify yinim nlnu kit cmwiioii loft tliuii pint fm tlio utntou a grout ninny imii n linio tnknn pin en hero alum thun mra i 1011011 nnd mra oray of nolaon inltrd at mra m ornwaou a hr inat nn k indianotion ounso dy dr wllllnmfpink rtllaj aftar bin doctor hwtpttll tobaoroanant hint kiiiiwlng piiln in tlio utnmnrh bouii tlinuu fclnmllnk up into tlm choat ofton piodminic n 1 lioklug hmibntiiu in tin thiont 1 muritn pnlmi urnund the 11 foiling of diowaiuubu it ml a dibtiimlo foi fundthai n hidlgootliin itu vli liiiiuniunuinbiipd by thetlioilb iimlii lo thtui llfn la a tniuuu dr william pink pillu linvo done mora tnwmdh iiliivlnif thin aulfnring thnn ny othoi niodhiua ofton thoy hnva uniil uftoi nil olhur imlp lmd fullodaa in lliax nun m mia willia ilcrninn of ftllimlnna out who aayai hml linun iinilntod with indigestion nnd htotnnili irouhlu for yonra at tiinog my iiultni lijr una iilmoat inilvscribnbla hiinittthiina fm wholii dnya i wna tin iihln to touch fooi i dhtnd uinl at dilfnigiit i lino wns trontoil by uk dno- but thoy did nut imlp mo i only grow uniwo 1 m 1 tlmo i wna living in nuiv oik und witlioiauounultil n upiclnlint lint ik wiui uunlilo tu glvn 1110 nny iidlif i thnn doe id ml to tiy j wllllimiii pink pills riul in loan thnn 11 mouth i folt uonio inliuf icon ii mud tlicli umi foi 11 muplnnf mmitlia limgi 1 and mihu d in wolghti my np pel ito impt ii l tlio pnl nn ii ft mo nml i miu fiilhillir hinn i hum nt any tlinn duiliik lio p il twonty llvayrmu i will ii1hiih kindly inaomiunml ir wiiiiiiiuh ilnl pilliitoothflr auitoirrn indlitving that thoy will smnly do fm othmu whnt umy inn n 1i01111 for nm aviion j on un hi william pink pillhiifmt hluoil linlldr nml lipi votonlo ou niu not ivpoilnmnl lug thoy litivn liniui tilnd mid piuviul unoooiiafiil lit tho 11 mi ml of iftsm it la thnlr pnwa to imtimlly iimko now 1i0i1 101i blond tlmt omthlini liiom tocmnjilinli trnubhu 11a niiiinmln indiipmtlon ilieiininllatiti khlm y ironhle hi vltnailuuao paitinl piimlyslu find thono tpcuui nllmants of glrllinnd and wouiiitilmud that em no in- iiuuh mluaiy inr vnliuiy nil madlam dfiiliiih or hy nvtill ilwcoutu n box or ilv hnfl foi gjftn finm tlm hi wil li a nit medlrlnti o hionkvlllo hut 3c a day will cure rheumatism loqo ovci haw a mil liuii mouinlil piinil 11m h il 1u nvti ih hi wllliln tin wmu iiltud 1i1ii i t h an uly in 111 li 111 iiiiiikfiiid pi oil ally ii ti jut 1 moll 1 i ill ling f hi i t 1 lahli of hi pl 11 lid llr ii 11 11 llro gioiindu llu iimiiu f 111 iv ut duiudiomi iw in idlition to hn uaunl njiilpiik ul of tlm nlkuhmediinl bullilliig tlm iimai tm ono of tlm licit on tho lionlimnt wuh dtstrnjed hioiohhiii tlila tiiiini l hn couniitriitl by n niouty utniidiml n thn iimaimui uuthoiitlca hivo hum collecting fm imiuly tlirnu ijum ii ia if a t utury and it ioitfiiu d mnny nlitnlutaly piimlfrn njujalnirii in nctunt rrfwlll vrmid linlf n hitll m dollam jnit thn grnidht j v in not ivwhutjiolliia niidianla in rupjnir luit in tlm uiiuriiiii library mut fs pnuau irvhjiratdi yvpuipnii 11 1 nkcwh ottiioav r lla i rnrjiiik lory n mhhudhl thijijiumy w drowned nt maol od allwibi oifhnturdiiy i wchd aprcinl tinina wllbiiruilyi ikhlpiiiioiigura lert montrcnl fu tlm wtatoiimomuy hiiccasalon dtitiaa of 8110 loll won 11 ci ivad from th uatuta 0 tliolntu hnnu tor i ulfonl hid nay join a whi sniitaikrd at llnm iltoii to two yenrs nud n half in tlm panltentinry for nt tempting to blow up tha i olliru at tlio lolling mills 011 h it urdny hlr wilfrid lain lor guvonwiiy i lin lift mmtd duiisinulr daughter r f tbo ijouuimnt lovcrikiinf ijruulit m bin who was iiiniriid nn mond iy ti john mope ion nf tlio itpgutrarof tho piivy council nt london i ng tlio jury diangrord in tlm 1 him 11 hi trlnl a now trinl will hn hold hi tha fill i it li nmitul tlmt tbti piliicrmid irlncou of wwki will piy miotbei tinit to canada in llio nanr futuro it is reported thnttbo itnllwny 0111 niuilon hns askd tlio liiiidinu itirlhc grind trunk ami tho into- colonul rtnllwnya to hnlptlm cmmillnu noithorn in tho present nisla hy lonll lug luatlvo power nookwood mr j t wood of hruisolls wnu 1 wnlciinio vliltor to tlm vlllgoon i uuu mrs oiborn wns in alonduihig tin week attending thn fumnnl of hir brother in law jumeii hbarp i nut prlday availing n iiumliur of thn young frlnnds sf mia francis f loo mllad upon her and pronnntod her with a kltclion showoi lu rocogul tion of hot npproncblng mntilugo to mr lorno walker of iiiulpb wbidi hippy ovuut took pluco tuesday ovou ing tboglfta winonccompiinhid by the reading of a vary compllmontnry nd ill on hy mian mngglo mcqiiooii llnillhraiy hoard are consldi ilng tlioadvisnblllty nf obsaiving ictorio hny by a celebration in thn pni k nnd n concart in the evunlng on day lint week mr iloruard flamltls innl occasion to cross tlm rail way track which runs thiough hit farm when lie discovered u brokuii mil iko of tor noon express wnu duo and mr heliultis had only aiilllclont tlmo to tun down the truck n short dutatua and stop hn in tlmo tu avtrt whnt might havo bean nflotlu r linln out ut d i muter mercury qrlp qulouly knoekad out homo wuoka ngo dining tlm snvora wlntor wenthcr both my wifo nnd ni htdf conlrnottd aeiero colds which apocdlly developed into the woiutklnd nf la gilppn with nil its inuornble symptoms my mr j h i glmituii of mnpla lauding iuwn knntiu nnd joints nailing imwclnnuoii hind stop pod up eyes and 11110 running with ultortinto ajiullit nf rhlilu nnd favor v begun uilng chnmhailnlnu nngh ltcmody aiding tho wnnm with donhlo doun of lhainboilnln 11 nioiiiik h nnd 11 vol tnblata nmt hy its ub use soon completely kuockid out tho grip rnld by nil di uggiatu irv in t 1 bit klf i i tllc p f ruhtii nh m the d n iii it and tin lli r ymr i xi rtyour rrloudship which la ganulmi 11 my invnilnblj bn rn ogidwid in tlmt it iu neither jcnloiib nor nalflali uhoni imvor wnu unit novcr will ho ih iinlvorufil pnnaeen in onu imihuly for nil illu to which ilosh in holi what would lollovii nno il hi tuu would nggiavnln tho othuih wu hnva howoviu in qiilnlno wim whon obtained in a itmiuil iiuiiilultpi ntmi iitnto i loinudy foi many nml grlovoiih illu hy ttt gindunl mid jiiiliiious uuu tho fialloit iiyiiloiuu nm hd into com nhuk into mid iticiigth hy tliuinlhiiiiko which qiiiuhio nxiu on nutuiou lmmi iimloiativon it 10- llovim thuun to whom a 1 hi unit iilali- f morbid duftpondnnny nnd luck of inttrtut in lifu in a tliiiui no nnd hy trnncpi i lining tho nntvoii ilinpoion to mirtnil nnd rofnnliiug almp lmpititti vlgm to tho notion or tliu blood wlilnh hoing titimulntiiil oimihtui tliifiugh th olmi iitiougthonuig tho imnltli mil- innl fiuiutloiis of tliu nyuuui tijoinby inuklna iclivlly it imiuwiiuy h milt htiougthunlng tho finino ami giving llfo to tlm dlgitullvii oigami which miliirnlly doimuid incionnod nuliutiimu uiimlt impuwiid iipptllo north lop ft lymnn of toionto havo glvon to thn piihliti hi oil hiipoiloi quliilnf hy tlio iplulon of in iimllntii iho whin appnmehtu muuoht pmfootlnn of nny of ho mmkut ah diuggbitii noil it an ilm lu lifu iu tlio only foi hum wmth pni suing adunli i itoitaaieulwnysiiufiuoiiunii ulshnp wiilslmm flow ikeceiitle kidney pill diffitciib it dorjt relieve the iviut airfjinflly an the lirnt iljif 11a nt alul ii ivmh morit it pmovis ruilali f 1 1 uhiu iituiii uric icil ni tbi i livwl lir dr pi mil 1 1 isi rmllmiikb lb ki liu llihvurgiinithnulii filter 1 ul tuiimllitf a ban tin y nrc wol lull mud of ihwrisul llic vimpimllt fit iy in flic blood nud nnr cyniil to tin friihitue ncrvlri t itwumi ill hi 11 1 hull till 1 ti nt 11 if ii r ainvt nimit liyudo 1191 t ii 1 tbet liiiiihliriulugdi jxmxu i liuili tin 111 tin f r fivorjlc iuci ik ni tin iuiitn lull mimclta mlu the kihitytt filtrrtbl bhiod prohrly ki p tliu blood putu nml rjch nml ibtro cnti lie no lllicil liiilwui buju docn tb in jtuy quju on nn uiicoiulitioiinl gtnrin- itc tlalt tin y will cure you or moiuy re- iiindir at nil dnigginth oc a urge box or flit on icctl 1 ut price canadian hohsb show ibu first canadian nntlonnl llorsa show will ha in id in lorouto on mny 1st jml inland lib ihlaivthflbik rousorof thn fniiimm imndinn ilorso slum nbub la nor iii iwo pnita conslathig of thohpijng htnllioli i mhihltlon lu march and kiel nnnilinn nutlomil lioisehhow in mny aa it wns alio tlio ihfilcontb yem of tha show tho unlucky number wna avoid vil hy n new organisation rrprasouta tlvcof tha whole provinci j wall aa tlm city of lorouto i tin show piomlsns to ho greater nnd hitter than uvor amlthabt iawrtneo arena the nuw building erected by tha city la ndmliably suited for the pui pair there nro no loss than snvcuty tuoclanscsih voted to the liar lioss ouddle hunter liorsoa and ponies and thn uiiin of 7hnia tu bedlatribut cl din principal officers nf tho now as uoclatlon aio mr uourgo w ilouid more ml ii piesblant w j htark hacrotni htewnrt houston m hunger induced intes tipilvntont to a single fata for tlm luund trip mn offered on nil mil ways hwtel uro tliu thuugbtii hint savour of oiitont n ipiiut mind is better than ii crown oreeiio wetweatherwork is healthful pleasant if youwlak warerproor olled clothing mlabh oh viuo perfect protecllon longnal aarvka low in prtca sold cvaryvyhara synolsis of canadian noittiiwkst humeqtbau ntlqulatlonb an even niiiit ore 1 uoctlon ol llniuliilnii lamia iii uatillda haualcliuwan allioru tincoi linun nun m not nurivi i i u lioiimitouifu 1 1 y any uiion wl u la tha lioad nf a famllv or any mala ovnr in yuaianf sue to llio intuit nt qui ijimrttr uoottoh of liuj 1 imv uiual to 111a 1 1 1 crinnallr at llio local lanl eltlca for tlio illbfrlot in wliloli h10 lain lu 01 tlm tinuieitoailor la rciiibn1 tmrrformtli eonlltloiia aaiiiioatiil iliciowlui umlur 0110 of ilia followlnu itaur iu u ilia father or mollisr ii umfftlli ituddsinl ol tlio i mil cut 1 ailer roal ira ii on a farm 111 ilia vlnli itytitilin la m c tril fur ilia roiiulioiiioiiu a tu ruui tonoo may i a aatlaf liy aiiui 1 uihouii rvnl uuu with tlio inllmr in ntcr 1 1 it thn uattlcr haa ida j unnanciit icamo 11 fatmliiu ui 1 omiihi tiy llinhi llo vlolilt i hla tioiiiietcn i iho to it atunaa i y rcaliloi 0 vicinity 1 lo real sal 1 utl hlx moiitlia tiolloo in hrlilnif ilioul i ho pi v tn dm uoimiilml nor nf poiiluloii i anln ouawa if lilt mluu in an lily fnv rstmit v w oollv lultity or llo mlnuti r of ii11 lutorlnr n it uiiatitliorlioil pnlmeatlon of tlila a vurtlsutnunt will nol ho 1 altl for ih 111 nnujrhtoold while llimtlnp a ilurf- lle mr win lima lnnarffiin provincial coiibtnblo nt ohaplaitu ontntlo snyu 1 i enught a suviio cold whlhi hunting 11 hitiglnr in thn forest awamp last fall hearing of jliambnrlalnn ouugli itomedy f tiirul it lnd nftei using iwo aiiuill hnttlip 1 wnb omplutnly iniiid i bl itjintdy iutundod ibinolnly foi roughs mill 1 oldu it will ioobou nnd inllovo n uovoio cold in less tlmo thnn hy any othai trwtnlont nml la n fnvm ito wliniovm it mipurloi oxofllonco linu hnonmu known im anlo hynlt driigglala well finished flo 0 rs aim lira i manis with the sherwinwilliams flqqft finishes thoy ure mndo 13 llnidli flooia in tho moil tlmublo manner in nny stylo you doulro pm lnl la wmrarwr a w imim neat n mt tt torta ml n if potcu ftuat rwr for vainlilbil flnnri mot a iluial i fliw vamiil vorprwinclnb n wax fli liirr fmv fuw iv4 fm ujiilgfilly latut til li if cut aho wuu fill i aak foi tlm ilooklct a t brown all ion oni thoro is a dlftorenco and that dlftorenco is in favor of today new carpets s new carpets lliarr w41 fititue ih the lilhloryof carpet selling when lolor all 1 ipiallty ware nlwut ibo only two i milk of tntcraht to ike buyar imliiy 11ik hi al i01av oala far ortrlck original ntlructive aualgnu not only limit ttio irput color liammnlrc but the clam of dehlgn tnggetita1 by tho enmal apeuraiico of tlio room mint n uppeor in a morn nmliri d form in hie turpat 1 his 1a comddi red 1 ood tuhte tha sign of ilevi h 1 1 1 1 in ridnemeiit nml the urtulic iiunaiild to 1 ur mind gnatar and even greater panalbilitiei 1 lu know irdgo in 1 led nn to land many jcjuttmealu up to nnd soma timai 11 hltlo beyond tliu rtyle ilcmntiil 1 be pi itwmu mn knva pn m led im to mnku 11 llinrough 1 tndy of the urcefittti 1 1 uj lemmn and ilrrnnii of till 1 dap utmeut nud it lompel tin ta puco in the very foraun nt positions da inn nitlitic fteil ill jhe fojjdwlnjy tlcscrlpllonifarca few of tiicvcry newest patterns wilton caifpol self iko afrceti vrojiiid my tie etnnito pallerif witwi4 lx rdec u iu itch incolni r pink nnd blue nnd era im v for ftnytjl ratapliori or drawing reonia rrkaetl lo p yhl ijlltfjlilll axminluirto tonb rcan mottled wk round nejtil oriaatnl pattern 111 cnlori whir anil goll dsep rick pile for reception miid drafting foam v ho iy y 3 t bo u leu hi 7s per nnl vlvo frame dodyfiruillilllveriliird tapestry phtm art original tic ign tor library nr dan hmly anil 5h bordai a in at l it at ljo per yard vl could iivbr tbia upjjje several llmeii with ilsicriptfotisocslsftlgjih juiiraft gded might vc jmk for a few momenta of youv time in wliklr to ilcmountrtitu prugremi prog ft i i art 111 cur ets und houm i iirm tilnspi bruniola carpata liwu jnni up volvo u i 33 10 i 31 wilton f u lo f lo lcr ynrd tapoethcu joe up ingraldm 34c per ynrd up curpctn cut and laid f of luirgc wall pntjcf window shades and curlalii poles i ko hynds x m i a i im o 4yf g b- ryan co guelph ilrlu aiilurhiifiiinilo st s gilncl h jii lv 1 lurnll tarvloa- lit jo jh iiav 1 ai- jliujkktattorurl fbil itet 1 ury dy blfjlp lw kohsali del kn rlltl 01 all ii allyl it maldl wantki ulilkolatkiiy flant llmall al tln adioii omhi wif if this acton wanted a active 1 ul or hoi an for 1 li in lsuiiwoik wl will null r own boar i ail lifts ap ir 1101 in acrohl o wo0decraving dhotoengravind 0raflycu5 0f twouiwth0mmvcjti5ih8 purpoesxataidcucshaflazlhts c jljoneswl if j geee during the rum er we agree to meet you bnlf wny on anything in tliu wny a mons furnishings our nwrnrtment is fint clnxfl the gnndn precisely what wo imy mia prkeu nenr- ly your way it a up to you to make nclccmnnii tin wu cnu head tip hi goodti d0i1 todai e b s mens on i fitter acton to aiiy address to dec 81 1907 for 00 cepts order todny v vupfwpr aotlallftm h h unswortii right in line with the right goods at right prices mens and boys clothing readytowear the superior qual ity of cloth and workmanship ko to make our readytowear clothing the bent on the market mens trousers perfect in cut and finish and with a burglar and safety pocket that ytm cannot lose anything from at iko to ijlitoo pair mens shirts latest styles in colors and designs guaranteed to give satisfaction sizes 1 1 to 17 at 100 each boys shirts unusually good quality and colors at 10 c each mens derby and fedora hats up to tho minute in style the best quality and the prices right h ii unsworth oprositk roaf oiiicu riiom no n e w r e nelsons borselina h kniokorbookor amstordam a insurance health brand vtx all lubillne rllnil nmt new et durlnga tffo to ifio s ilatlbr ami curnluliur ordered clothing ruisucauchon sale or chattels i nuul j rnllei 1 di hry w 11 con i iat inflla larneaa rol ui i latibalu i alia will mic hala at 1 a lam in oil i y li i uoo lata a lo eor luurili an i 1 lain ilircal anion oa naturday a11iiuuu1 aljutlucli j in tu wu hi mfttjtlt t auclloniti oliuan iioil 8aik am art m 1 ulan inah u llano ci hall it 1 or lly ha nn si any a i krualn lo rath 1 ulclnitr ghain cuorring wbdn1ibdavb al mhtviitk dlillnd tho aprli u 1 an i mail 1 ml rno wllllo niuuluuou n 1 iir iiioitna ihontliililll id ualuilsy cleaning closets and ci qbpoolb juclmrtl iicaer uuolpli ii i l o in arioi nrki hon lay to conioiani tliiumml wwlt if ckaiiluu cloaala du lunl ad ill ii i m itary wnrltlt well ino in lilpn oi lualrft ullh l lanwoll slunl il al ulllcir w 111 uiulvti 1 romi t allentlnn hiliiauoiii un vnlunme jtopeity in acton ior sale tpm if a 1 roilljiitil tin ulo tlomas l mclucknn t 11 lornur i ulll an i wii 1 r aim mull li 11 k ca a tore tha 1 oina a lull i illt rout i can mnryanla lalf ronial t h mn rnmm b 1 nut i ulluln kar i an i toft water 11 ry uoalral lo lor hod jur larui 01 i larllnilara ailly la john tatiioroiior u 1 irutiittiui t acton or i hltaohotj lligl gala olil execirums notice to ckedituits in tho mnttooi or iho catat or mat thew job monloi or the township of nneanirnwova oaoeaeed noti01 i orohv sivnn 1 iiraiiant toll r o mt lhan ij aiii ainotillnaacti that a i cr tliora i airlnu culma aualnu ilti atttta of uallliuw j i u ulnr lata of tha tnwiiatili of haaaauawaia hi tl o ounty of llallon ila raaii i mint ills i nn or ahout tlio twauty fourth itar of march 1w7 am ruritioital tnitor rlnjlvertiilt j honahl of llo till tea of aatnn it tha lain oiinty of llallon aoant lor tha kiooiitomof tin aal i loonaioil onor haiorallia fritinh jay nl may iu117 lliair nanido as i sit an litoaorh hon ana s fullatatainant of i llio imtmrool ilia aaourlly if tlilroi anr tallh an i fi riiiar taun nralna that aftar lla aln fourth lay of may i nn i j will 1 ro una i ta tllitrllhilo tho nmu of tlm al i ilnrtimil aiiioiiu tlio pbtllm oiitltlot tliorou tmlnti rcuftrl only lo iho claim nf whloli lliay itisfl llio haio lis i notlco ii i alonaiul acton uanl tor isxoiilon thciini riiorut mi 1 jama hinn natal airilith iuf7 11 the 1ulllic health oitizkms anrc ncqubbtbd to comply with thtc pudlio 1ibalt1i act notioi la lioroi y rilvi 11 that all rail if nil ol aoton sro n luirml torttiwltli look an tlalr onllara iralna rarla ma water oloiala oialiutllliit at oiliur ironlaei al i riuinva ii nrnlriini all ihrt iiaiiiif an loiiiar alii rlanaa yrlllhiuay inlaiuor tin il llo health all i in 1 lui i hy if a 10th iy ol ry hinwutor j hhi pnunii ami fmiliar i ino that iho oi 11 ii f ilia i nhllo hmiiii aoi irnhluiiluui u in 1 nu u hnc liclwutn lha init 11 ay aul iho lal f siivrnivr mooilla lii nt loat 70 f cut ir 111 nty ilwalllnu i nuta biilulfolfroiiany alrrit nr lano wllh floor ul i frno fr mi any mali lina walor ami rohtijily olsai ml will i u ulctly inloron i all oiiliia an 1 riintlv thjimrtol lo haep 1u1 vjni nrowblili llw iilulitjnllnin4raiil to nil ull onlora inr nlaaii 1u nl anli oallari ti on ahorlrat nolloa itavhu iminliia uhati neat ami aallifao tor ii huackllaxiktl thomiiiilallitv ii i aoton a rit kill u7- huiihoimirt ktooiv uviitai aiisana thu wlillinoton mutual inburancr company katabllbbod 1b40 head oiii00 oublpii oht w ii di nnacaiil iuiijkl aclon ouaiil fir tlio union inaiiranoo co of rockwood chopping mills kied corn elour and feed stone cloppmg klnke chopping ou uoll- nig pioiyipt alttntion harris co limited