Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1907, p. 2

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j kn ir xvss v 11 n in 5 i an winmur itu atxlrawa clilirul liilili v111 1 u uttiblit ii m a in lean tallin chillaua duly uuultur ol ur mlum 1 oliriallr ifoiiklli m at ilia tl n of ilia 1 dilaa fataiita i luttoll hit w fcliuy tll luium ar lv llav i w haiur fuaultwl by ma a ii hi i ii a i rolliar of ilta room of call inn tiul utv ur wlton fifyioullr a i moiaoladtm tnkllitl it lltli luugblar of mr total i ii hly auull kfkwaut jiiiubm t ilia llama hi lolitulnwu h vilayfuuutw lijlmutr juliuilvil i urr1ble railway wreck a catastropiir at qucrcc tii1hhiav hrwimftul to 1i7 lepltonial hotbs tjie n1iotincoiusiit la mail mint the ilutulnlun itirl lain out will open in next pfielon mi mumlim iln- jkli of heilcmtei thl la n umtli curlier ilntc than naiini a loiuitcli from oluiwit to tlio toronto telegram atalea t- the irl nion of the ottawa district will r cat hon hdwurd iluke with fitting teatlinonui of their itpprec int ion of liu mrvlcm in inland ni well na for caniuln during iiib long public career tfan clotalu have not yet iwcn acttle1 an to tlio character of tlio tuatlwonlnl or tlio date when it will imi presented it 1 understood in political clrclci and in coneervntlve club thnt tlio whitney government will introduce a redistribution of attain hilt nt the next aouauin of tho ontario hum several import ft nt chnngcb will imi made in the houndnrlaa of cotntltuun- olce eapeclally in western ontnrlo so he to provide far an increase of two nr three members in mew ontario with thenppnlntinantfif hanoi ahlo tfeargn p graham leader uf tlio illwtrat opposition in tho ontario loftuluturo to the portfolio of mlnu tor of hallways and oanala nnd ex premier pugeley of now hruns wick to bu minister of pnhlla worku the ottawa government is complete again those gontlomun havo proven thomaelvos men nf mm kid ability in their respective provinces tliey will add strength to tho federal govern- ment the long promised rovlslon of sal arloe and allowancoii of rural post masters has taken place and no longer will it he a ml lection on tho dominion service that micro are postmasters re ceiving 921 per year tlio minimum had been rnluej to 913 the nllowaneo of 40 per cent of receipts on tho first t8w lias iteen increased to fifty per conton thu flmt 1hk whllo thirty per cent will iw allowod on all between jl000 and 10uoo irmtajul of 1 per cont on 000 to 910010 no at preuont on receipts of 910000 and over mm allowance hns bsen increased from 15 to 20 per cunt tor tho moro elyacllvn enforcement of tho fair wngou resolution of thadom inipn purlin m on t nnd to prevent tho abuses which snmotlmos nrlso from the uh lotting of government contracts an orderin council has been passed providing mint contractu bbatl ba post- ail in a conspicuous plaooon any public works tinder construction the sahodule of wages inserted in thoir contract for the protection of tho workmen they employ nnd that contractors shall keep a recerd of pay mo n to made to workmen in tliolr employ the same to hekoptopen for inspection by whoever is appointed by tho government to arte that fair wages aro being paid 0ndlmn thainn kxaurslon train jumptd th trmok oalattan mountain bvkn killidtmanv injruhkd at tlu tuesday morning n 1oronlo kxblbitioii upaclal train on the tumid- imi pacilk llnlliond rontiilnlug live hundriml leople imund for tnronto jiiim i hit track ut the ifiimifchoe curve tlin e nillus ih low i aldou au many of out ifudors know the line here i m vi a ii round a stei p little liiouiitnin liu curve is lit a rry steep guide j ha lino truvvla two m i lea nroiliul tlio riioiuitulu yet tho actual illstiincit gained is only a few hundred jimla it is rustoiiiuiy to throw on the bnilta at this curve and bring the tiiilu elnuiat to a stand atllh tlio brakfa rvfimedlifwohki with ter idle results v the nrqiilunt taahloat itrlous one heen men wni killed and 70 or ho injur d of mia flvo rara wlikh left the rails iiio thi biuoler turntnl c nipt it i ly orerjiud lay in tle dltrh with its truplu in tho ill two othrv wiro piirtlully it u ucoped tiiernglni urned iikili its aide tho crash when the train left the tfaik and rolled over the embankment into the ditch mowing down the tale qraph polas in its path and dsahng against tho rocks alarm od farmsre of the vicinity and they malted to tho aid of tho injured hcraajna of wonlen and tho groainl ami crip of the injured hurried them to the scene the uninjured passengers in thelwn roar coaches which remained upon hit rails hurried out and art to work to roloaio those in tho derailed coacliou while souls aided the wo men and children out of tho coachoe which were not seriously damaged the mm led by the train crow selwnl the emorgenry equipment and hroki into mie itlcocoped cars and worked ilka trojans to got tho injured into the open nlr the lujiiifd wero carried outmipon tho hillside and laid upon blankets brought by tho farmers and ilisldo of nn hour doctors were at work binding up tliolr wounds tho killed and n majority of the injured wero men tho smoking car which wn crowdod with man bore tho burnt of tho impact and it was in this car and on tho platforms between tho teloacoped cars where the mon wuro standing the accident occurred all the dead nnd moat of the injured weru from points north of orange vllle tho dead and wounded wero conveyed toornugovllluand toronto the canadian magnxlno for septem ber is unusually attractive tint place given to an article by j h willlaan odltorof the toronto news entitled the genius of tho canadian club then followsovaral strong features in cluding n aketali of tho queen of hoi land with portrait nn illustrated his torical artloto entitled lower fort garryi nn accnuntofthoprogresathat lute iteon made towarda union of tho presbyterian methodist nnd con- gregatlonnllflt denominations i itrlt i ah columbia au llldorndo fruit growing in nova kootln an account of an interesting exporlmout in pre paring for national dofoncoi hcttldos n good supply or short atorlas and you woiklngmon while you re perfectly j list i hod in bocurlng tho bestposslhlu wagos and tho ehoitest hours your labor organisations un ee- euro havo no rlglit to koop shop keepers nnd their unlesponpto at work until ii or unclook haturihiy nights for your eonvonlonoo uuld itovo w darker in n timely anil eloipiout lnhor day sermon in the mothodlut chmch lut hundny evening thoromofar too many pooplo whn ipilt work earlier in the day who expect the inetolmntu to keep tliolr stm ou open to servo lliom almost up to midnight uvoiy hatunliiy tilghb hnoh a statu of nlfiilrs should ceaao igvory place of huslnqsu should olosn nt nlno oclock nt latest on satur day nights to allow tho workeie thoro a reasonable opportunity fm test anotherhalfmile ofwalks jpmiuonatl rorand decided to b built at vpaelal council meetlnar a spenlnl meollng of thncoiincil wan held laflttliuraday evening to consider petition for ndillllnnnl permanent pavements ah the members wore present itoevci hwnekh inner in tlio chair largajy signed petitions weio pie- senteul for ooitiont walke as follows t on tho south side of huwer avenue from klgln street to guolph rtreot on the north shht nf linke avouun from park avemin o the westerly lhhlte nf the enrpnralhin on the eouth eldn nf ittvdr blroot from main rtreet to willow htreot these potltlom hi log all nmotontty iffnetl as renjulreil by bylaw wore granted and the contractors will pro- oead with tliolr tonitruoton oeorcetown wina at llomaaud loaea on ourbowllnjr oreen two rinks of bowlers wont to george town lastthnrsdny and played enjoy- ablo games nftiu noon atid evening on tho grton there the result of tho days play was a victory for george town by five points on labor iny georgetown brought throu riuku to acton and this match was tinned considerably in actons favor the scores wore as follows i utuiinoon tiauk ll olldltort n attov fas moore c c henderson j holmes a m hmlth 0 skip 11 a k nloklln i m henderson goo ilynda a j moklnnon 10 skip 23 j j gibbons ii p moore w h ohuhfllm a a bocord ki skip 23 k plnlay j w hrooks ur watson 1 j jlarber skip dr mcklnluy it n ilarhet j mauormld ii wkonnody skip dr kltlott j w konncdy jno mcllenn n a mccolhim skip thai haw cntluvr 11rlrfa hiulilanly i1rk in itaj ctnlraaml kll lnlolhhlvf jut 1m e aug fltli a pull huiix gloomily ivrr juwlwc lo duy fin mm anrlimt rapilil la fci in r- with thu liuiat laiiienhiblo diuualu wlilcli imw fvrr darkennl ita history 1 ho junbi i hrldge until yutridfiy the pride mid ilftllght of nurrltliana wbli h wna look ed forwaid to to roiinert the north nnd south alioiea in a union whuh meant wonderful sti p in tin develop ment of urn commercial mid ludmtilal history is now a maus of taitgh broken and twlstinl stri 1 work 1 iug in tint lwi ijf tliu ht ijiwn nrr ami 7 human lyings mot ih alb in ku dtvui tlon j john allan one of ifu fewwlto u capcj from tin wvtckuge told the fnl lowing htory thl morning whlfo hu lay on b touch with one of his arms completely jnvt red from his boily he was ixjutiglywiik from losa of bipod ami in biokuii suiuiue jho said it was at3f7 o clock juul nlmut teh miuutes htfore we would all juft work when hooked liaek towanlu the south shore as i felt sojnetliliig movo and to my horfor i aaw the lminonh ateel frame cloto to ths abutuiont ftlve way imjiwocii the deep water plor and the shore then it rote many feet in the air and ita weight muatliave forced down the nine hundred feet of mnsalvo work which extended from the deep water plor out over tho ht iawrrtice for the entire superstructure then gave way end tuniblod with a frightful crash into tho di pths of tho swift cur rent itelnw it nil happened in a few aicuuda but tho seventy odd workmen who weie aloft at the time felt that the end had come i rcuirmher distinctly descending and hearing a fearful crashi but i lost consciousness that moment and recollect nothing further until i found myself plploncd between two pieces of iron i realized that it wee a death strug gle and i flrat freed my head and orleil aloud for assistances home ruin utee later n boat came alongside me and i must havo again lost conscious ness for i cau remember no moro till i found myself in this condition on shore hept i tlio interest in connection with the brldgo dlsavtur to day cen tred in the opening of tho coronori lnriiont upon the bodies of the victims only fifteen of which have as yet been rocovorcd iiftynlne others nro be lieved to imi pinned down under tho steel debris the bridge was being constructed by the phoenix bridge co of phoenix- vllle pa twolve hundred nnd twenty- three feet of the south alioro section of the bridge collapsed tin cause of tho accident la a myatcry the plans wero prepared under the direction of mr p l zyolopka designing engineer of the phoenix bridge company nnd by a staff of engineers ho wae absolutely certain that tho plane and epeclcn tlone for the construction of the bridge were absolutely safe and ho woutd not ho afreld to build now on the same plane and specifications wore ha build tho bridge again every pound of etoel that wont into the bridge was tested and only competent and picked mon were employed in its construe tlon no far as he knew the piers woro till absolutely intact km mm ihk p j ha r im r t holmoe skip ii wlcouuedy skip n a mccollniii kh 21 skip a m hmllh 21 skip 12 p m henderson 11 skip 22 m 120 majority for aoton 1 1 three rinks from acton will visit tho ituiholm hand club toronto mile afternoon d d mann 10 not ill a rumoi statin that ha was ber- laualv hi alarmed rhenda here tho following don pn tch appeared in the toronto dalllos nn monday t winsiigu bcpt i today tho doctor prohibited mr d d mann from seeing vlultore ae he is not feel ing well nnd is caul nod to ills bod at tho itoyol alexandra tho well known rail roti dor is seriously 111 this was naturally very alarming to mr mannh friends here nnd eapeo- hilly no to bis aged fathui moisagos of enquiry wero nt ouco dtspatohod to wlnnlpepand to his homo in toronto yesterday morning mr hugh mann rooelvod the following reassuring mes sage i winnipeg hept i himiii m iv ling aoton i your hoiih slight cold hits iulto dlu ap ton rod he has gono west on husl- nuns nowepnpor noaniinl grossly exaggerutid ij w wn tills uioauiigu was very thankfully lecolved by mr mann whosa nnxloty for seviiiiit days was very touuo indrod bavbb littlb l1vbs must llipild msillnlnoa ndvuttued tu euro etomnph and hnwil trouhlou and anninini oomplalnte contain opiates and aro daiigerouu when the mother gives llahys own tablets to hor little one she lins tho giiaratttao of it govern- luont nualst that this medluluo does not nontnlii lino paitlele of opiate or narcotic thorofoio she can fuel that her httlo ones uro aafo there la no other medlplue can equal ilnhye own tnhlots in preventing summer com plaints oi uuilng them if they oonmmi nuddunly keep a box nf tablets always nt liiiml tliuy may envo your childs life mrs v k hancock liny- mnndi aha wrtysi i havo used llahys own tabliito for sumincr com- plaints constipation and sleeplessness nail iilwaye with the itest reaiilta hold by nil inedlohio dealer or by mall it sfl dents n box from the fir wil liams medicine co brock vllle out clllcwsonn oornbr0 lull a iiiindxi finnihrrehavivull i ixmilrxiiiil lli vhllilllnil iliiiiug i mik mi riin mom jikiio iihi on h incluy at p ui in i lie miiikhiihi liurrh by iv mi walk i of ouilph mi mid mia it wiiihlnrougli went iliuoiiln liiiirllou but week attend ig the funeral of mr waiiulwi rough roiiuln omliirtor wiiiihihiioiikii who tun kilhd in nn accident on mu c p it tut week mis thou n mis imwiu jmiihh of ai and mrs wm filrd of toroutn upt nt i ildny nt mi das ghinble a dont wait flrt at lratl an evrn start with yotir old frirlld ullcuiiiatllni this ytt voii cau hed hioiofl tf you stall right pow to tmk buju it htu end vlmiigtlieua the kidney ae list tliey wtil lm proof egalmt attaebsj lied luildeii chtngta bf wtatlier com soa tmy fef drutt ar by maii 00 ntcuuircvmkuc uatus wojaam wilsons fly pads kill tltpm aill n daaal wkm uaaal mm sid v diueeiitf uooiii us cuuu irom io er isaehal paaata fmr aga will last a whola i4amm nrctob rerroval notice lei onlalne tur store is now local od on quebec sireel east oppoalle the morskt olllco will be open lor regular l uilneas about auguit nil laloit stylci etc phone ui icafoiitaiiies ht and ft store if yon keep your toole keen the master will not keep you long idle 10 h illco ii now handling g i blame bread of georgetown a trie will convince yoti that it le all right hoouwdoo the itoman cat hollo church horo wae roopened on sunday with special services nndur the direction nf itev put hor coffee h 3 tho sacred edifice ha been undergoing repairs for eonio time and ii now very attractive in np pearanoe both inside and out a quartotto from guolph cainpoaod of mrs kloepfer minn agnes qulnn and meeers dulgnan nnd jones sup- pllod the imislo at tho ro opening which was so deservedly appreciated by those in attendance old ham killud hrainpton aug 20 itoliert lnwns do yoara nf ane was atruok down thin inornlng by a opr train which crosses hi farm ho was instantly killed the old man who wae quite deaf stepped on to tho track without hear ing tho npprouohlng train hold on impo hard in tho subtle things thats spirit pucohlnrotto huporelltlan often is only n synonym for intelligent sloth greatness depends not upon tho thingq we do but the nay we do them nina mentha in jail ooorgo forbes who was sunt ilp foi trial h week ago lust monday for stealing 910 from 1 met raw at tho back of the new koyal hotel on tho hth of june last was tried bo faro judge gorham on mondny found guilty and sontonccd to nlno months in tho oeii trnl prison ills honor nt hat only intended to glvo forties six months but whan tho lattera counsel pleaded in evtonu itlon that his client was drunk when he conn nit tod tho deed ho ciiuiiroii his mind and added mm other three months to the si ntonoo as a punishment fur getting diuuk and now lies smry that ho spoke mlltnn keformer b o m demonetvatlon at brln great effort are being mndo by tho local camp of 8 ofl of krln to make the deuinnstratlmi of hept llltli an un- pn railed niccsti longhoat the win ner- of tho maiathou prke whoso mnrvc hona speed line mndn tho feat of running din most popular fad of tho duy will positively bo prtisont mr t c flanagan president of the iruli canadian club of toronto of whluh itonglhiat is a member has given his asfliirauoo to this effect to dam- 1 onstrato thn speed of longlhiat tho i committee will secure minor lights to run him for n b mile spurt ho that this featuru alnnn af the days program le worth seeing other parte of tho groat program will ip attractive and stanley park krln will ho euro to draw a big crowd on sept illth ft will lie the greatest iloinonstrallon ever hold by the hone of scotland spoetilie by leading orators shiits mtislo and a firaifd prooeeulon learn drcssmaking by mail in ynui spare time at home or take a panonal courac at bohool- to enable all to learn wo teach on cash or instalment plan wo also teach a personal class at scheol once a month class communolng last tuesday of each month those lessonu teach how to out lit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit to tho mostelaliorate diees i ha wholo family can learn from nno course wo have taught over seven thousand dress making and gunrantoo to give five hundred dollars to any ono that can not learn between tlio ago of 11 and 10 you cannot lenrn dress making as thorough as this course teaehtis if you work in shops for years flewnro of imitations as wo employ noonooutslde thn sellout this is tlio only experienc ed dress cutting uohool incanadaand excelled by none in any othor country write nt oneo foi particulars ae we liavo out our rato one third for n short time addresa we educate for suc cess fmdm toronto onff corner yongs and alexander bu hundreds of our students are going into posltlone eaoh year iet us train you fnt one catnloguo froo w j klliott llnclpa the old citizens work charlie sucy acton hand laundry willow street near pont oflke and town hall i am a laundry man ul long experience anil slve apeclal and tender care to article of ell kinds brought to he laundrlnd shirts ironed go ihoy will not hurt your neck stand up collars ironed so they will not break in the wing all indies and ronllomen ironing dona with entire satisfaction and promptly co lo charlie suey anil let him kn6w when wanled and ho will not fall you gtxeiiph central if aljii tuesday wednesday and thursday september 17th 181 and 19th th dat aiu hapvmt holiday nearly 5000 in prizes speeding wed and thur 3 g ci 1 13 ci i 23 cm i5 loo laoo simla rillway iana komi boln pm rain 8plemlr mi good o ralum tiaritaintar aolh ii iockwood rrtijnl wm iaiui4w sualary iiok ma7 iult mens shoes 350 shocu for 250 150 shoes for 350 that you may unow our square deal shoes wc will offer any day this week our 350 mens shoes at 2 95 our 50 mens shoes at oxfords and high shoci tfarrow and widfj toc light weight and heavy wcirlrts in patent gun metal and plain leathers all sizes and vridthi nt the above prices a truly wonderful bargain sec what wc arc doing in meni shoes mens store qr bryan fe co beady for fall business ready as never before r to pftiurd urrtlnht lute delicrini our huyr iturtcd for fori irii murbeti in pit of full gaedh nn tlt mii of june eurliar limn tvr lfiira the result our prciiu iiniiii are nearly all here we tun hh ow yon at gnml ufi u mitinnl now uv la liny time thin iiuaoh 1 imiij thro jiiarlrs f our adltt acketu iiuve fiiti btk wo are nuit prupnrud for ch owl hu 1 our new maple nutk in afluht1 wall ux it la fujimiitijr ttuliilh o amplete prepuratlen i for n vuilau buy early au other women un doieg- thut ymi tiuy uiikif yeur hfutorl fronftlm tick nil the kttxlt see our new dress goods see our new jackets see our new gtock of fall staples jml bet i li hilt ull w tfov a b ryan fo co quelph we do what we say h h unsworth new fall goods new fall goods for all depart ments are being placed in stock lor your inspection new dress goods a big feature with us at present now hats and caps for men and children groceries large shipment just to- band for reliable fresh groceries at right prices you cannot do better than leave your order with us live chlokens wanted big prloes paid highest prices paid for farm produce h h unsworth oppohitk out oikilk mill street actoi we pay minute attention to all the details of repairing jewel one person vet hit whole time to it and we try to do it the way you want it done gb d pringfclie watchmaker cuelph iocal salesman wanted for acton and adjoining country to xc- present canadas greatest nur series a permanent situation for the right man for whom the territory will be reserved pay weekly free equip ment write for particulars stone wellington pen thill ktiraerlee over sodacreul toronto ont spices fresh spices of best quality and guaranteed absolutely pure allspice cloves cayenne cinnamon curry powder tumeric ginger mace mustard garlic nutmegs pepper celery seed etc large candy bottles half gallon with glass stoppers ioc each jar rings 5c docn parafinc wax 2sc pound get it at hunters hghanterptimb nruggixt stationer rcton l i err y 1mb bus li me ttia uuaaraliilitttl rmlmllully anllall lliaiitlroii aja of ilia iiululeand luroruia uiatu thai wall bqulppad and btyuab nii can lwayabahmured allliiutilm a eomfortabu bin maata a uttm itatwmii 10 a w and bio 1 m oaraf ul aluulleii uii loavaryordpr tba waota ef on niiuaralal travel tara fully mat john sltfiili77urs v pnoanlbton ilrlu aolicrlisducnls st aiiiiin iiurci koit saik a ii a ii caitktakkit wantki tojki a t v wantkr u iion 1 r a rcjsi 0 tool aotisk am uoi i oh ball i jiilal v hs dog lost m ii loh r mtt rnlim 11 1 tl t suli i i to i 1 ic jitivatk svie oi- household runniturl nllliiuul iii nil 1 iou sam slxfikl ulllllt i ilain htn 1 on uillriit trtt 1 artlci4laua j ly t p110f winguhws klec- tluf insolks ul fl it n lot and uarn i or sail wl ri t 1 iiutcl 1 c 11 ur uuir lias moi j ka an 1 jm re a tu iilu ir lo val i ilily to i uu aimtllim holbl am liut for bale iitaul tiaoic lqotrciair oun ail kllclxii luotcllar lnuo i tnl ijj iui u4faou ci uloaall uiu la o l i irultl auclj ii ourranti gooaw ai t ir dbblraole iiolsk xi wl fonsalp till cou li ii i i i r i ioik on ou t iruit o i i i ixamr llir i aud toll walur jo i ur l it lavou nt in linui llvaaaut lociiol tl liri u i liiluu lluouulibjt i r t n l i ly u i ii a lr 0 m t ithifhlu voters list 1107 municipality of the ullage of ac ion notjcn ii ltuby ilii ilut i liara irhtiauiltlr i or jan ere j id i a or ana mmitk uv i in boc nf itio ouuiln ulon uat al tin c t i iiilrnl lj tall hociloii tobuio iramuiitk 1 ur lulllti i uf ttia hal iu tti umiaiit u ai 1 v i ot nil lurton aiiriuti iv ilia uit rulcl hiiliuu l hull of tin aaia uuikl lo i a t utltlwl la tutu in ilia aal i mumualli at 1 luotlou tar ilfiu bur nl ilia liuutuo ui uiuly an i at muiilol al i itiottoua an 1 iliat tl 41 1 llt llrt kild up al my nil i al tim tu ui hall olou oti tlio fllli lay ol uiliiit i an i rm lain lliaioflliiioai n mit 1 liuul y nil nijii atl iui 1 1 h ii iiuikllalit i ruooollu tu liitu any uri 14 ur iieorriclol a l r huii to lw moutgacje sale ltmh u an i l viriuo of tlio pciwola dfili ulna111 a uriaiii iiurii44i wlilali will liiriutat tlo ik 1 nu lluiu will o utfirikl lunali ll lull n tun uii lln lltli da n httlluuikr 1 k ilia lmir nf j hi ii cwb 111 tt htluill h ut ik til 4 1 uul in hi villain ul i luti miiu l lam 111 maoljunal i auotloiibur tliu i itduiiil in 1 urt nainaly 1 art ot ilia wurl i lf 1 i t iiuuili r tlilny iwolu ilm nun 1 i n kf ii 1 1 luriialilii 1 1 4iiaiciw uautaliili it lnili acrn al ian i ba lliu aaiuu iiidtui r i in ro i arllriiilatly ila aoillivtl in a l i 1 mlu 1 il liiriir at tlio tuuiny oflialioi lu liimu lltlut liour tut lawiliuvil u- i lifdtinlii- illitil tnvi i lilouiitm to in mmt of tliu 1 uu luroiili crlf4 i i 11 tlu 1 r iiiy tin tu la tat i lo l a liaiiiailwulliuuaii i tnul tarn i1hi1 in unoil aialaol iihilr i mima twin 1 1 r 1 1 i tlio 1 in unto iiluuuy 1 1 u 1 1 i i iii at tl lim ul alu i l laiualn ilnht tor tu tih n hu mariitn i n lit lout of auli ll ly 1 willi ivimiii l h illutor tur niuhwftilca iuk i at iiidiiii tin lnuiti u ljf oudlph ifafeohlelljoelr upper wyutthnm fit ohefab out tic best system of cenimarelal tralntim kuowii to niottfm buamau aduaatlon la in amwamful 01 orallnu at ilia oublph bubinbbs collbob tbla tyitam liaa baati uiorounlily ualh ami haa luuioniliaim ita auearlnvlty to all oilier k alama ef miiimamlal frajnliiit vtiaoualili lalnaaa onllotfa alona in una rtirltia atilbcwia1 to uaau hi iraloi r utar now m flay oravauluaeeuth 06ina llmrwlhe tmiuta da uaaoeln liloalt lpiav wyuduaui hi uualibi or addrm m meoonaiiokba i rrlooltwl department or roilway1 mid canals canada tim ml n vi ontanioniod lake division hi ltion no i notirb to wntit 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