Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1907, p. 3

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youll be delighted with greigs white swan jelly powder in 15 true fruit and wine flavoii it makes such a dcliciousdcibert toqulckly and with 00 little trouble price ioc tin nodcnt oneip 00 limited toronto e maaaa 3 ouatodk of bogota b g knlvob wedding 3 g forka proaorue t 3 h bpoond in llveware and 5 fl wortding fan ay chllw 8 3 nintfi g n in up to datp 3 g geohynds b sjttwflller fi mill st aclon g tiiuiisday novkuukit 7 1107 brief local items high hcliool concert next monday night waantthfinkaglvlngduy weather a delight p horvli wna liuld on thanksgiving vonlnglnht alhans church tiui liiiii clurk nnd trunsurer la 8b00 short in hla accounta nnd ijiui boon nuhpendid thum wtii mmicioua delightful hollowoen puritan in town on thankfc- riving night dr iioi a hat moved hla office from tlio fonyinao hi tick tnhlfrnalilotioeon willow huoot inuristlng all saints uayofvlcoe uerohuld in ht joseph jhnrch by hov 1ntlior lyony milton him nrgnnuod for tlio cur- ting boiiann thoy will havo n wry sttnng club this jciir tim htlck wotk of ml john cum- orouu now twostorey hoiuo on main htreot nearly flnului tlio slrttot crossings wilt stand scraping off oncooi twlctva week dur ing the prosont muddy weather deputy lluevo murray of isrln has purchased for m ciimmlnge the itoht iconnody farm lot 1 con 1 iln it la hollovod in ninny quarter mint thu high pi lei aof niont are detln- od to tnkn n tunihlo boforo ninny wookn aiiulvorsary smvicos will lio hold in tho method i at oil urc h on sunday ieo tut ituv j j umlilltb of to- rnnto will hit iho preacher tho now lion sua on wellington street mnsira adam stownrta nnd toroinluli ii ill a ore nonrlng com pie- hon thoy nn n credit to tlio tocitllty mi jaiiionttiiriinct who ilaa juat i amoved from his farm in njnmoin has tnkon ovor thu express business recently purclinaod from mr john uurvey ltuv goorgo ii smith nd of kraiiiosn will prunoh in tlio method 1st clmroli next sunday mo v g w ilarker will pi each mlaalonary sermons tit iraiunsn uiulattuowllldtiljolatqjiilgt hamilton who waa n member of graca church while county jndgo of ilalton that church will rocolvo tho anin of 1010 w champion mi woiid iiio nowly appointed ticket ngwnt bt tho gth will move hi fun illy from purls in a faw tlaye thoy will occupy mr turtfwoha now house on frederick atroet at tlio ipimtorly communion itr- vlceln tho mathndlut church onsundny there waa n largo ninnhor of uommunl oanta tin- iihi ir tho individual cupe ndda itn impreiiulvenoa to tho service oltlxnns inuo boon ro freshing their miimnilra by u rovlow of dickens a oln ultima curol in view of ita recital hy williamson tho dlakona man nt tho illgli school onncurt next mon day evening it would ho n good tluio now fat tho rtioot coininltteo to havo tho limoadnm atroota olonnoil tho road machine would do tho work lit u any nnd tho atioata would ho in much hot ter condition for tho wlntpr a plowing match undor tlto man- ngmont of kiqunalng agitoulttiral hooloty will ho bold to marrow fri dayon thu farm of wlllliun oleavv near georgetown plowing will con- tliiuofromflnonil to 1 in tho after noon tho dally pnptire any the aurvaya fur tho hydro klootrlo powor hnea linvo noon completed the anrvoyora bvlduntly overlooked tha in at tor of coming thli way acton baa about 1000 h p for tho lino if prlcea nra mail a aetnvy when in town on saturday mobirs john ffrathrooc nntl auatln tuhhy of toronto took n trip about town together to view the old land inaika or tholr location when thoy were hoyu hero forty 3 oara ago their ramlnuoonooa of tho ourly dnyaare full of intoreit according to their tool tola boya wura boya then iui now awarhino to mothms tlioto nra uiucriipuloui flealars who for tlio aake of trifling gain ara willing to aorlfloo tho henlth porhapa tho uvea of uttlo onoa tlila la proved by the f not that there nro a rnimber of iniltatlona of lubyn own table ta offer ad the motliorenn protect her child by arelng that tho full nam oabye own trthtota nnd tlio fourleaf clover with u ohllda bend on oaoh leaf la found on tho ontalde wrapper nrotind wavary box do not toko anything elu na you may nndaiigor your ohllda ufa if yoi ennnot get iho genuine tahlou from your deiitot tend 2 oenta to the dr willi m- medlefne co ilrookvllle out and get box hy mall poet paid many 11 girl auppnrta heraelf and a urge rurally by marrying news or local import llmlton o luntr llccnaca bato ihiitn lumiifd in milton to th following dunr liiinttir who loft for thr north i hnvn o 1 ii n nutt milton nod tohu g hrotl m 1 rltton g ie hanudora jdiu p11 olma jul via win maiiiih loseph andorann flndoacnr udwim trufulgur and l wuloa mtltnu ohamploii ttart holmtmt l llomai agmln mr 11 b holttitie wont to ilamlltoi on haturdny nnd hrougbt ida aim uui t homo from the hnapiui thoru ilrta woundod limb line gotten along won- dr fully wol it la jullo boulod up mid ha la ahle to gtt out felrly wll on crutolioa hla indomltahlo pluck baa atoml him wll under hs pnluful muforune oanv of hoodlums plnaxt- nina ifuttonvllloygiitba war fined trench and cnat by tolloa magistrate crawford ilrampton fur dlalinlorly conduct night after olght thay had hnwlad hroundud threw thbigir at the hpuae of george hluipton an inaffunalve kugljijimau only a few moiitha o ttiolp ngeeworesfrom 1ft to 22 yoata hnanoone tatbaaaialon 4 mr 1 onion jobuatnna who haa ben angagod in tho bairdwitre atom of hla uncle hare for anmaj tlnio haalnkan a altuatlnn 111 a ahnllur hualnuaj in thaaaalon ho u ft tin limb town on fhuurday on frltlny uveptng a niini- iter of hla frlonde gnva daiioo in tho rooma over tho atora in hla honoi heat wlahoa follow him wondai where it w tho ilrnmptnn consor valor anya that thore nre welt autlionllcutrd r 11 mora of gambling in hultnn hotnle nnd that drampton mini lent a con siderable auin at one alttlng in a game lately the conservator dotn not nay in what part of thornunty ihla hap pancd but la in favor of a raid there havo lieeti no riimora of gambling in milton for eomo time nnd thiuo liau callalnly beon none in any of om hotela champion a ftvomlelnar vounar preaoher in tho absence of iuv j c wllaon ii a who waa preaching anniversary aorinnua nt grand valley lust sunday rev j w gordon of knox coltvgf ocouplod the pulpit of it no chimb mr gordon la a young inun of good nddreae la n otonr nod huont awrtkor and line aplondld doncrlptlvo powcra hla aormoiir woro much enjoyed tho old adago that a prophet ib not with out honor aavo in hla own country in no aenat applying mr gurdoua hnme la at hook wood and hln filondu hnio are proud of hla prngroia nnd proa- peota sixteen veere or pnlthf ul bervloe at the mooting of the o flic la 1 hoard of tho mothodlut church on monday evening it waa reported that nt the recent annual mooting of the womana missionary society mrs thonma kaatun who haa boon thoverytmciont nnd energetic president iilncu the organisation of the auxiliary on janu ary 15th 1601 had reulgucd mra kaatona internet had in no roapoot abated but owing to tho on nt in noil 111 henlth of horarlf and mr huston alio folt unable to contlnuo longer in ofllco mra o c speight waa olectod to tho vacancy nnd will therefore boon officio h member of the official board a little tombud pluokt for heaven there way n general fueling of sad- ass whan it wna learned a few months ago that little thninaaeno flcott daughter of the late thomas flcott was seriously iii at her inotbara home on take ave with diabetes during bar long illness tho little girl inlllod aavaral times and hopes for her recov cry were entertained hhe waa up street in a cnrrlnga two or three weeks igo but the insld dise shon ran ita course arid lait saturday morning tho spirit of tlio dour llttli nno took ita flight she was in her ninth year of a very lovable dlspoul hon nnd nu apt scholar in tho public school always anxious to win a ptnoo in tho ninthly roll of honor iy hot death the homo is overwhelmed in sorrow and for tho mother and frlenilu genuine sympathy la folt thl wna tho third death in the family inside of a yean the first wing a sister thou tho mother ami now tho llttteilauglitor and nleca of tho homo her teachers mlse kennedy and miss holmon had her uttlo playmates march in a body tlio pall bearora were maggtortnlkni amy speight jennie stalkor horu harvey ida graham mid fliirlle john- atone plnit weddlnar in knox ohuroh tho first marriage solemnised in knox church was that of musjonn isabel bamoron daughter of the late tlianini cameron nnd nno of aotona best iwloved maids mid mr john alexander smfth of crceinare tuesday afternoon only tho invited guests wore present to witness the ceremony hov j c wiuon d a tho pastor of the bride was tho officiating oleigyman promptly upon tho stroke of the bell for six pm the bridal party arrived at tho ohuroh nnd took tholr places mlaa laura gray played hid woddlng murohi and during tho coroniony con tinued with impress 10 elf cot in aweat and subdued touoa suitable selections of wedding muslo hand- soma indeed wna the hildo in her very incoming travelling costume of blue broadcloth trimmed with mili tary braid with whlto lace waist and white hut trimmed with whlto vol vet nnd chenlle she oarrlod a bouquet of white obrysanthomums her pretty brldoimald waa hor long tlmn friend and confldanu ulaa marie harvey mlaa ilnrvey waa coetuuied in hrown broadcloth trimmed with military braid and white hat she carried iv bouquet of pink chrysanthemums the groom wna attended hy hla brother mr angua smith after tha ceremony mr and mra smith and tha gueste proceeded to tlio homo of the brldee brother- inlaw mr william uonabb bower ave where n recep tion wna held and olse wedding dejeuner partaken of llarely la u bride the recipient of no inuny beaull ful wedding gifts iiio grenma pres- ent to the bride waa a furllned coat and to the bridesmaid a pearl orottont mr and mra smith left by the fl 40 ptn train for toronto on their honey moon tour upon returning they will settle nn the gvooms fine farm on the outaklrt ut oteemore hearuaetoon gratulatlone and good w lilies follow tbal oraln prlotm deallnlna- wheat haa got mow lh dollar unik iignln nod cnnllnuea to doellnt i hnr uro h good linmy poople who urn sorry now they did not noii when tho price waa up to 11 hi 1 ho njlou tlona heiti yiinterday were 1 wheat wn oath tvi iui r ley tiihi poaa too ivus keep op to n good slllf price new vmmut at churohlji uiv ii a o wlllougbhy u a tho now piiutor of thncorigrrgiitloual cliurches of georgetown and clmtcblll prinched his initial iirmnn inat hun day ills very earnest sorninu ouipha- uuod two points l 1 what not to ex pect of n preachei nnd x what to x pect of a picnchsr itnv mi wi1- loughhy created very ravoruhle luiprea aloim nt this first appearance sjmuq of bnioumb mlawifon olrotm an interesting mestfug oftb6ltup fut wimlnir mwiorfclrrutuji anion guargotnwn hrinpl6n and ocelli n- limn was held in town on lfiduy havewas bgoil ntfondance and the font ure of thtt meeftqg wna a va tlimelyjaddioaa by mr hnlmaii to rito deulig in a inojt intrrbsllng wny with tlio work in which tha mluvlounrleanro ongiigpif mia day- font ptoaldod and at the cloae mra ilrldgmnn of cheltonhiiiu proposed n vote of thanks wlijch wna buaitlly carried lunch was served in the hasenienf after which mra mo alpine of unui p 011 expreasod thd npprctl 1 tlon of tho visiting ladles fortliu ontortalninont piovldid gangatowii lleruld anathei landmatu a one list krldny tlio ft umu of the old nuv mill on tho sptlujht property now ownml by k rluclili rll wlthucmi nnd thus nnolhcr of mm early to- llu thin of the locality ban dlaupp md the mill was built bxtwieu llfi and sixty uain ago by thu firm of wbloh lie into john speight won thu head or forty yoata it was hi cotumlualon and with itn old fashion ml upi igbt saw hundreds of thouaaudi of fot of hard wood nnd pluo hiiiibji was cut it was bore the elm planks worn sawn for the famous siiolght stone boats which have boon in use y tho farmers hero for many cnr the fntmo of thu old mill wan built of heavy pino tlmliers clear and straight the mill hue not been u sod for several yunrs knoxohurahthankejrlvinarpunatlon tho old tlmo nputntlon was juoro tlinn sustained on tho ovonlng of thanksgiving at knox church tho table nt the loa hour woio laden with toothsome ilalnllofl after doing ampin justice to what was provided iholuigo midlonco repaired to tho aiulltniliiinof thu church where a progrnmmu of high order was rend tired miss toaalo living of hamilton tins nt her boat nnd delight id in 1 audience by tier rendition of a splendidly vmfud num ber of selections wu havo heard none hotter in acton her interpretation of scotch irish and kngllsh olmraotei loaves nothing to lie desired nnd while all of htr salootlnns woro good still probnbly a scot indeed was her beat ml horace s dtvls nnd miss pa ion of toronto uuug many lientitl- ful aolou nnd duals in i manner which showed much range and sweetnuaa of voice mr davih loading number king of tho main was tary highly appreciated hov w g wlluon m a of guolph delivered aalioitiiddresb which wiu full of wit 11ml son so mus laura fltay organist of thu ihuvch was tho accompanist of tho oiiolng mid performod hor duties in hui own accomplished stylo tim piooueds amounted to 7000 thellljrh sohool ooneert ihls interobtlng aiimiaf fnuctlon which baa always boon bocrodltnbte to the high school and so interesting to thoao who attend will bo hold next monday evening uth lust the pro- gpaniuie4aofaiuunutuauy ntlmctlvo- clmraclor and la nurn to pleans the largo company who will give tho entertainment tholr pationuge tho porta to imi taken hy tho high school pupil a nnd the teachers will lw moil- torloust tho olooutlonary ntimliora hy mlia parker tho rendur who by tho way la a pupil of owon smiley will ndd a most enjoyable feature 1 but the lending attraction of the evening will imi tho grand recital of a christmas carol ae condensed by ghailee dick- eua the author foi his readings hy mr i s williamson toronto itwlll lw the pleco do resistance of he even ings proceedings mr williamson linn earned the pseudonym tho dlok- ens man throughout canada by bis mngnlflcont reel tola all mho haio hoard him declare that ho u inlmlt able and thore is not a person in acton or vicinity who linelieard him but will attend next monday ovenlng accompanied by all the friends thoy enn influence to go and enjoy thu literary treat tha diplomas won at the recent examinations hy high and public school students will lie pro sentetl doting the evening miss laura gray will lie the accompanist for tho oconston tho man who waits for juat tha right time to atari never gate any where absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mum lr aignmur of carters tsw aseu bmu ea near nimuubstst roithiiuvu inmbtnmtma iu uluwiui jifijnkmmpuma clirb tok mtabadhc social and personal mua morn maluuinh visited ouelph fi lends this week mi a ii moore of toronto was in town on saturday mra jennie aklus spent several days in uult last week miss luolu denny spent thu holldaym vilh filondu in toronto allnu ida kmnola was home fur n couple of days inat week mlsa minnie ilolmea vlalted friends at mltclull 00 thanksgiving mr 1 jnitiea mooie of guelpti visited huru during tho week mi thomas iloniistt jr waa home for thu thanksgiving holiday ml nnd alias iergllson of goderlch v lulted fi leyds hero this week mus iliiby clark was homo from jurvls last friday sjnfj saturday mr aitdmrs moll mclutoidi apeut siliwlay wlih itnckwood frlenjla alias llln grinltb or toronto visit ed acton friends during tho weok mus ijilta itgg of stratford pent tliankvglvlng with friends in loyuu mr wud mra gordon hay ward tnt thliukiglvlug with frlarida in liu ipli miss myrtle mulllews waa homo from oalmlon kasf over thank giving mm jiisle oram of toronto na in ton o fur a few days during thu week mrs a i maddock a spending a ynuk or two with friends in hamil ton mus jennie smith teaober at mixori home a couple of days fast week mlas uogers or jarvl illted at tho homo of ml fl c clark last week r nnd mrs james lnwaou of guilpb v lulled acton fiiuliils lust walk mr itoht hyndii of lorouto lu apandliig u few days at his home hire mrs moitla nnd her daughter muriel visited friends at preston last weik mi and mra t xi spolghr of toronto spent saturday with aclon fiieudti dr and mis i lore spout tlinnka- giving lu thu doctois former hum at villi nolo mi wuiimui sialham and master lyh or isxeter vluied aotou friends last week mm ltuv g w darker visited at her falhuih huine at aylmnr during tho week mm geo cam pin ii anil her grand sun mvlfiiit cotllu spout tlio holidays in toronto mlas litllo ciiiniioii of chicago mrlved homo laat wtik for a few weuku liolldaje musanulol hudson wvut to i101 homo ut itunnock foi 11 fuw daya during tho weak mus a mluchin of parkdule was with bur blstei mia g ii ii row n nvoi tho hodiia mrs 1 copping of south parkdalf siout llinbolldnya vvllh her daughter mm g ii hrown miaajuaale irving ol toronto uni versity waa thu guout of mi john it kennedy last week mr j l cilppa left last thursday for vancouver ii o wheru hn hnu spent numeral yearx miuu kdllh hoherlaon of strntrord spent tlinnkvglvlng with het hrnlbui mr i a ilolhitson ml and mttl geo thurston and chilil 1 on loft tor tlu lr homu ut little ton n1i 011 monitu mr mid mrp mhur wi nlmin of hamilton woiu lu town lenowlng ncqunlntniiods lait week mlbsea lily momurchy and beule mckeown of quoslng spent a fuw daya at tha formciehomo miss mngglo lie nno tt of knttloby waa homo for thanksgiving mus jaarldukotmiccorananlodbur mr andmrf ii k mokoirlben of toronto woro guests at the homo of of t t monro lust thursday mus wlunlfred ovens or toionto wna tho guest nf her filoml miss laura giay at thanksgiving mr nnd mrs john mcqueen nf guelpln woro guests on thnruday of mr and mrs j ii muokonalu mus clam coblwn of toronto uau tha guest or her friend mud ijtortlo speight on thanksgiving day i mrs rov d dick or toronto spent a couple of days last week with her friend mlaa annlo oorrlglll misa margaret zoollnei of ileillu witathoguoat or her frlond mra a t hrown on thanksgiving day miss sara lilrl hupt or the sanuniluiu atpiulrlodu chene wis u vulting friends in iho old homo mr and mis 11 11 wordeu nnd maxtor krneit of toronto visited frlumle heio an thanksgiving day mra chat lotto modonnhl of kloia was in town on monday attending the funeral of the late thnmaseno scott mr nnd mra quo moyea nnd mi ii o funok of toronto spent the holiday nt mr wni millers yonge st misa myrtle watson who la now touching on the staff of the stayner high school waa homo for the boll- day a mrs dr horo will receive tho first nnd si com wednesday of each month nt her residence on willow street mr duiilcl smith waa taknn to tho hospital nt guolph last week the old gentluman la not improving in health alias sadie- plait and her mend mus lee mount pf toronto spent thanks giving with her aunt mrs u 11 drown air john momurchy waa homo from trafalgar for a tiny or en during the week ho waa accompanied by itov mr riud air w ii grunt superintendent of construction of the canadian north ern hallway apeut a day in hla nnllvq town laat week hov w k gilford oa la spend ing the winter in million work at now denver bc mr gilford offered blui seir for misson work and wax willing to go to ohio but the methodist hoard 01 missions decided that it would be unwise at present to aend him to china dr w j sberltlain sailed laat week for china na a inteslnnary under the methodic mission uoanl he la ti girtilunte pr high aehool mid passed hla final examination in ipidltliicj at tmlp laat buuiiucr- soma years ago ha taught aohprt nt zlntnieunan aehool in hla oil u tit y camyai ran u- totav aaaanrai mimvi rpxm 3 mm 000 ttilltrlullllollotuh roooaj ib bank of hamilton a general hanking huilnei tranaactod savinqs department llepcdta of 100 end upwarda received and highest current rate of interest allowed p6 l b tl rout bout canadau geokgetownmbuancii ttj ihswai agent m we invite you to cxmirie nt your dealers a pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they ore one exnmple of tho velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortablebuy storeys and invest wisely insist on storeys at all stores made at acton ont by canadas oldest glc vers crnrdirn skirt comprhy well drcikcd women more and more arc recognizing tlio incrita of our goods canadian skirt cofi garments bear the stamp of clean work and correct tailorings our catalogue ia composed of siniirt new stylos that will delight wdmen who appreciate exclusivcness in thoi dress in addition to getting a perfect at beauty of sfylci and perfection hi workmanship the lowness olour prices nre an added induce ment dii aviay with all your dressmaking worries and wear canadian skirt cos tailor- made gafenents we make to your measure highclans tailored suits coats skirts shirt waist suits etc our modem and exceptional facil ities enable us to accomplish work of tho high est order in a very short space of time no long waits orders executed promptly office and plant on3rd floor e r bollert st co- wyndhrw sthbbtcuelph wa storey son xrsyvvrisss svs3was trownwe5vjrcvvfc zfoohs mmmtib 308g spadina ave toronto canada a school owned by timnilai men a coiiric iltviwil liy bnslnem men a training to mtct the need of builnc men a btalf of capable experienced tenclier nt w up todntc furnuhinn throughout modem typewriting and billing machines latent improved lilinp dcviceillcbt otlicu applianclh uoru tauiht from forma and nuppliea identical with thogo now in use in the largest office ware homo and fnctoric all contribute to the making of iluaimh sytcmu commercial school what it in tho bent for buhiniah training wnto for our saellprepelli t v wright principal l l 1 hihruaswsihr now iv tho tjnc do it now when prices are blauhcd away belonv regular prices millinery ladlub tkimmbd 1iatsa apleiidld collection comprlulng the very latent htyleu worth from so to is so te clear at 3 as till second lot 110110 the loiit attractive regular jsj 94 33 to elenr at 9185 mishus and childkhns hats hlnuliod corroupoiidlncl in prlccu ladicn coats good cloth h ulco patttnu and elognntly denignaut thin koauoau 1 tntvnt regular 13 5 to ilcar nt tj 00 latllea contx regular io 00 to clear at it 00 fura i furs i the right house hamiltons 1avoiute shopping ilacii ai irpniepse fr sle 10000 worth or reliable new furs at greatly reduced prices sale lasts 11 days nov 5 to 16 every pieoe of pur in our immense stock is reduced for these eleven days ruffs stoles ties throw- scarfs muffs gaps oaperines fur sets fur goats and fur- lined coats choose frpm hamiltons best and largest fur stook and pay an average of a fourtrr to a fifth less tnan regular good values bebt choice now dont miss the golden opportunity come at once thomas c w atkins corner kino st east huohsoh hamilton orjt you can rlely capkk1nbs s10lic4 huimh and caps wo could wy ninny good thliirs of this collection of ftiru hut it is unnecessary whon you in iho uoailtt and cointlder the prloei tuero will bo some quick mllluffpnivulvoly onotlilrd to one half off regular prices drcsr guods hero inn bumper in drcmt goods oooyanlinrteon i1itorrjit ahaitea and pattern b to thoouo from worth regularly 30 to ft oo for quick hailing 3 50 yard keon your coat from cronulaij and liohiir tiuniahtly in appearance splondld coat iianobrh to clear nt too ench highest prices paid for fnrm produce aaaafcaaafcaajjasaassesasssaaaaaaaiaiaasaaaassssssasaaaiaaiaiaaaaaai h h unsworth rcton old iron rags and rubbers wknt6d good frlcvu paid beconil liana atnves and ropalra for farm maoliliiory aupplled uorria saxh boa 430 acton ont tolbg rr phy hallway snd commtrclsl work l wall at 6 our uaw wok witoli fc forl p tea laatsjay i iilahii ailwttti irrt inaon 10 any iipllriiil nit rclrt or r to f u li irss tain jmoi mil li oualph utuoulo ibtaek vpptr wyudhmta bt oueipe oaf tic jgest system of oamnaralfj yraaloa knewu to utvtara bualaaoa dnastlon ts to auooaaalal pruwi at lha ouelph businbsb oollboat tbla avitau bas been tborqushly uatatl and lias ifatnosabistaa its aiimrloillr t all olltar auiaotla loteti md prsalm it h hooonmiok prtoeipau on the purs wo sell and you cannot match our low prloea iv vou onuldor that a strentf htntemeat romoniber that we guarautae to back piti 0ur f w utul c th kocurinp only reliable wo place larae ordom in tho dull season and thus obtain low prlcea theio factor provide for yen umintially liberal rujuirtmeiiu reliable niinutiea choice styles and unequalled values exceptional values in fur and furlined coats rich iur jackets and fur lined coals combining exchwlvenciui nnd novolty with rare stylo bonuty tho kolectinp and watching or tlio filtlau tlml outer lute these minorh garmanta waaaccemnhahed with nront care and skill- there are 110 better fnr to bo had any where the modlhhnohh of these bentitlftil fure will annual to ovory woman of dlt- criminating taste if you want the utmost nt tain able value in a coal by nil means sue tlilsshow ing now while aisortmenti of ntyle and sliea are ae complete here are a few ladies purlined coats in black brnwu navy ami green shells squirrel mid marmot llaad alatka sable trlromliib nt 50 6o i75 and 80 hoavy reaver clath cbata in ftavy nud black with soblo collars at 930 ladies fur coats persian lamb coats from a 10000 to 17500 aatracban coata at 933 93s 940 and 45 becharoii coata at 4s 9so 9sj 96o and 970 trimmed with alaska bahle western sable or ulnk marmot muskrat coata beautifully marked tit now heal coata at 945 9s nnd 96o d e macdorjald bros the ition guclplj netlsct ruins 100 watches where uoe wasrs out one kp your watch clean and it is as natural for it to go as for your heari to beat frlnarle has experience and ability to repair and properly adjuat watchee pos sibly ts great as any person in canada q d prinsiie the jeweller ouelph

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