Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1907, p. 4

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h ninmsnvy no imiikii 7 1007 llvc liz llialltop pitv lllllxluait 11 in 111 1 i mlll1lmhtriulyi vm wihnlliliiirllll i rani ilii ii jimi luihmii il utility 1111 1 kluw it jlli till haiiui mttiiiiiithitiir ihy lut limit ulit fuiiatiiiart utilu liniitnf pity on tlm win id hii tind you thiwn iliiiifiiit to tin witty you mluiit lult do atlu hruvlnf pity hilly illilhiiuy limit pity i 1ltyl iltyl do yttii think limy i ul for ynn iniutl folm in mnrlty pity ihfmwlmy liiiit ymi ton wllylullplly x rfnmkr hmjm slcy wntl now i ih ynur pity t wlm u tlilu xylill tttrufttitltm fttn riulhiuiir du piity vmopl lilu lit thy dly riitt now ho iiouiln yimr pity uturily lltthi pity burnt 1tirnlor lltifl pit ii lit 1 1 forfit you uliil wlji n fc r uaouward to tin city t 0hl will uluiiya love you uioiikii i too llttln pity aimem ainoiiu tho mllmpa of ft comtiiorclul eaictr noillv1 liy u umliul irmrchunt it till in tlin i1iib when thoimiitacho- eups wcro no popular that thsy wsr used lii tliu lilrlioat clrolfi i ordered from germany a grant nuuilwr of rifts good for llid christinas trail thoro rnro chlldronv mugs teacups cotfe cups inuatnclm ciipn and no on and 1 had llinui lot to red in fiom with in- bcrlptloim ti ratlmr to brother to mother to hlater wlmti llm consign in out iirrlvfd would you im- llovu that i lind nn my hand llvo hundred muitturliq cupa labelled to hlstar this la trim plillanlhropliy hint buries not ita gold in ostentatious charity lut imlhla ha human hospital in tho imi mm lisart thorold thsy ui ivo ilmphs awny a fact envortd with pimples la unsightly it tvllw of intuiniil irrtguturltlos which elwuld lung niiuj have boon comctud tim uvor and tho kldnpyn ar nut par- forming tlislr functions in the honlthy way they lumld and uiphc plmploa aro to lot you know that thn blood protests purine we vsgotahle pills drive thorn nil nwiiy mid will hvtj ha akin clnnr nnd cloiiii try thorn and thoro will ha another witness to tholr ckccllcncu ijvory ninii who rinse above thu common lovol rocolvcs two otlnaatlon tlm first from hi instructor llm second llm moat personal nnd impor tant from hlnuwlf gibbon tor inflammation of tho eyes amonn the many goodqunlltios whlah purnioloits vvketahlo phla paiusa lmaldiiarct u tholr cfllcncy in ridnohir inflam mation of tho oycfl it has callod forth luupy loltnra nf raonmmondallon from thoio who wore afflicted with thu oomplalit nnd found a euro in 111 pllla thoy affect the nerve control and tho hlond in a biirprulnr active way and tho roiult u almoat lin- mcdlatoly noun jo long ita wme wa oorvei ao longna wo nro invetrliy othora we aro indlapftnaahle i and no man u uielna whllo ho has a friend it i steven son ureat sltxllolne tontl one of the pioneers of vronoh canada loat a hand and wore an iron hook ae a uualltutojuiuxyaiiiitliajlkblljl hovlnp llm oars nf refaotory indians with his iron hand nnd they have re marked that it was groat medicine dr thorn da kclootrlo oil la groat medicine t it take hold of pain with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system thoy who never atop for llttlo joys find no larger ones dr j i kollogga dyientery oordlal la a speedy cure for dysentery diarrhoea oholeru summer complaint tea slckneas nod complaints incidental to children teething it gives hmntdl at relief to thoao nurturing from the effmuof indiscretion in sating unripe fruit auciimuers etc it nets with wonderful rapidity mid never fulls to conquer tho duoase no one nosd fonr cholera if thoy hnvo a hottlo of this medic no convenient at hit wono surnomnt causv lloiuiholl v iiu tiu how ait himliituro h mill luriiml li hnik on i in loiiipitnym inrilliitl t xnmlinr mi iii iiloiihliii int n lit rf in kiiglund died uiuliloiily lin wiia u- miii t il in vm loua oftlrpx uiid rumnr xiiui ho hiul uhnl hhiimir a nic ting of oiio of thn limm mini i kin id 4 whh held and thn dlrieloia wurt tmlklng thu mntti i over wlun doctor m nppiiind uho wiia llm riuiipmnym uiitillliil rffiuc it a wtll iih mr vaa own phjukiuu ah i now juti run till ua the true imiiae of iifth ditiilh cottiiluly i ciiii id ll tin doctor uoluiniilj lm niur i iiltoiulud hlui htio lit piunrtl mini nut aurprued to dud that hla merely jim llmltniry hiimrk wan liuiiniry ri coltcil aa a tjilullon of tho tvlioh tuulloii iriluu inncllfltluro iillka to the tnii omi pjieodf tlio ititt lu cut for a waiithurcock uml one fur thiruhijmur of u hrlilguj tlie virtue t tho wood u flppanitt hi hoiht iliiinnion tluim nover whb ami nuvortvlll x a uhlvorual pamtxj in one nmiwly for all ills uiwhloh lleah la heir what would relievo onu 111 in turn would nggrnvuto tlm ottila wn llftvtf hmvttvcr in qiilulno wine whun ohtalnod in i sound utmdultor nted utnto n remedy fir many ami grievous ilia liy ita gradual and judicious uao the frftllfut syatoms ro led into couvaluscenco and atrngth hy the mhuoiilo which qulnlno exorts on naturos own rootoratlvci it ro- hiwoa thoso to whom a chronic state f morhld desiiondency and look of interest in life la a dhueso and hy tranqulllxlng the nerves disposes to sound and refreshing sleep impart vigor to tho action of thehlood which lielng btlmulatihl eoursos through tho elns btrengthomng tho healthy ani mal functions of the system uierehy unking activity a nocoawiry result btrungthunlng tho frame and giving kfo to tho digestive organs which naturally demand increased suhotanca result improved nppetlty north rop ft lyman of toronto have given to tho puhllo tholr superior qulnlnn by the opinion of sclontlsu tho win approaches nearest perfection of any on thn inaikut all druggists sell it p5sa the pandora oven is perfectly vcnjjlotctj l ho oir in llm oven ia conslnnlly being rurnewetl willi fresli air drawn ihrougli llircc venta between oven nnd jrepot jootbonj life oookiup umch cur rtxjout xt ihtaujffi another ml of ventn mjbackti tjnd qt oven as iiliown by illusr- irotlon pntijoro oven never amelli closo and bluffy nn do tlio majority o range oveng food cooked in it in mors liooltltful on well bm more appetizing and soliifying k nur ihal le1r ranivil iv hi rhnlln indfmllhin nmil llm candor unit ri ut twmm beak 1st- m tokokrouoiftiri tiwnmc0vahcotivtlatjojiiulllto c j 811210111 tjocatj agent many post office names nro queer enough to make one deslro nn on plans- lion of thorn hamctlmob tho on pinna- an u luuerur thiui thu namo itself a iiilnluur in ouss county wrote to washington in hehnlf of tho residents of u growing hamlet asking that a pout office hn mhled to its institutions the ruquuht was fiivomhly recelvcil nnd liu whh imkcd to suggest a hnmu that would he nccoptahle to his nalgh- imiru iiw leplled that they were nob hind to pleiiae no long us thu name wus peculiar the post offlcti department took him at hla word and peaulur la the ntiinu of tho omno to thin thiy kanuns olty louniiil he had thrrrshbd it out it was the illaaful hnlfhoiif after dinner and a group of workmen were lwgiilllng tho time with an argument on so mo qunilllon or olhtu an liitbiustlng deadlock rtind boon niaohed when onu of tho nffcn oh the losing sldo turnod to a mats who mtl remained silent during the whole of tho duhato lire illll he said youre pretty good at a uigymoiit wutn your opinion t tf i aint a goln to say ssld illll i ihreehod tho matter out afore with dick oioy ah i sad tho ntlini arl fully hop to entice him into tho tray and what did you arrvrrtf woll qeveitehiinlly utld bll i urhvud at the pollen station and dlok ha nrtlved at tlio oupiui lviopli who itonit thoy never did anything to ha fuhsuied of are unk ing in ii anti of shame v tlw limn who cant iffurd a luotuty ear can cnniolo himself wltu the thought that a tiomti tioesnt oust so ttmoh mid lu uliuokt us uuiigurouu thorn is no tlohtnr in the world so houuiiihlu bo super hi y honorahln as love henry drumtnond dont neglect a cough or cold w can have but one result it leaves tiie tlmoat or lungs oil h0t1i affected dr woods norway pine syrup is the medicine youneed it la without an sous ss a rsmody for cmmlif cohls bronchitis bore throat fain in h olioit athm wlinoplng coiiflli quinsy and all affouona oj the threat and luiins a aingta dmo of dr wootls norway pino hynip will atop tlio oouli sooths the threat and if ths cough or oold liu lis- none settlml on the lungs the healing protwrtlos of ths norway tins tree vlll proclaim hi jrest virtue hy promptly radlonttngtliohul sffmu and a persist ent um of tlis remedy cannot fall to bring shiot a eomplets core p not im humbugued into liuylng so eallotl norway ihns hymps hut be sure and hulat on halng dr woods lb la put up in a yellow wrapper hires pins trees the trade mstk and price 23 eta mrs itunry sophronk ilepworth ont wtitesi ihsveusedbr woodsnorwsy yin syrup in our family for the past three years and i consider it uin liest remedy known for tho euro of oolda it bis cured all ww ohihlnm and myscu in thla world every mountain top of privilege is girdled hy the vales of simple duty ii van dyke wa ila imalsr ui w ban l tba aaula iaxatlve bromoqulrhrw tsbuu uo rsmsdr thai aa si ssfat la omms vay it is proof posltlvo of a mans essen tia soundnsbs if liu improvoa as ho grow oldtnmos parton do not lot a eold asttlo on your lungs iloioit to illcklou antl con- biimptko ryrupnt tho first intimation of irritation in tho throat nnd prevent disease front lodging in tlio pulmonary organs nrgleoted colds aru the canto of untold suffering throughout i ho eountry iillnf which aould hats hecn prevented hy the application of this almplo hut poworfnl modlolne the price 23 cents hrlngs it within tho roach of all cliariersdby dominion odvemmeni cijbillicj 1864 the merchants bank of canada hkad on icii montkhai intoreit adjlotl four limes a yeir 119 branches preililenl sia 11 montaou ailan viee rreitilent jonathan honoioh xlv general manager li 1 iikiiobn capital raid up 16 000 000 00 deposit over 43000 000 00 surplus 000000 00 toitl aauti 13100000000 savings bank deposits ono dollar or upwarili will open anaccaum money withdrawable any time no delay farmers bale notes we have apodal facilities for collecting thew we will cah them at once if desired at a low rsio ol inietal joint accounts whan requeued we will open accounts in two namai to thai eitlier one may draw 1i10 money husband or wife etc acton branch ib hot a rood a uiimlier of papvrs nro 1 mining 11 ctlik of higanlnualy wordid ndvii luiiueiitu ihrluilng in ullmlug fmhloii thiil iwrr is n fiwhl imhtetit iitnilylwlt ami pliytli i1111m dei hirn otherwise ihhlg tlm gniit ihauilit tuiya liu ie a mnin imiirulmif nt in ua inurh tlour uu will lh on h inhlo knife until in nine quarts of iwni lltei wlm aplrltb elo furnlxh no eleuitiitwrspiihln of entiihig into tlio romptmltliiti of lilooil miuciiliii ihrv nr ony pmt which la thn sent of the ihilpilnrlple dr itldga ssysi 1hsre la su miiah nouruhmeiitln a penny uith if hroad as in a gallon of ale hlr michael fouler goea atlll further and anjh 1 thrre la no mote nniirlali ninat in n gallon of iteer than la fouiul inn lonip of sugar tumors conquered without operations unqualified suoooiim of lytlln 13 plnkhamfl voootalilo compound in cuhoh of mrs fox uud miou adunin till hum tluni railway iiau to knar avriix wheu llttli j en till- who wa tfot qulto llvw ytaru id went tb vlsli school ana tiny for the drat ulov xh was as gay ns inlk ut wiieu school waj oyer nnd die retomsd to her lionie iho had a tired look upon her fct when ulio wiia asketl how alio liked school uhu suld i did not like it why not was the next imitation oh i had to wor awful hatd an u we rod tho little girl what tiki you havn to dor she wo asksd i have to keep alllt like every thing alio replied w s chisholm hanaeer wq gooper for wintbv weather tho keenly cold weather reminds ystt if you hnvo delayed giving nn your order that you cant delay it any longer our hnnduomo ovorioatingh and hult- ingh wlll plenio the mout aartlculsr drekaer yte mnks them up right too or you dont tauc them 0 0 tflf tailor corner mill and main st acton ont mon loam to tnlk 1 instinct women talk hy do not delay in getting rollef for the llttlo folks mother graves worm rxtormlmitor la a pleasant nnd sum euro if you love your child why do you lot il suffer when n remedy ib so near ut hand paiuclbb you told me ho was n good indies horse angrily snhl tho man who had matin thu purchaso ho was replied tho deacom my wlfo owned him and shoi ono ht the twot women i over know a puhllo school magnslnn conbalns this courteous announcement tlio editor will be very pleased to hoar of the deaths of any of tlio old hoys no donht the old boys will oblige the odltor fiotn tlmo to time now york trlhuue dlhorlmlnntlon polltlcv said tho ambitious young in on puts many temptations in a persons way yes answered bonator borghum t and tho worst of it is that it la often difficult to dlacrlmlnato ha twee u n temptation and nn opportunity mrs yacht supercilious my hiiblmud iiub n beautiful ynoht i dont suppofu your husband can uffoid auoh a luxury yet mrs naoht 1 nn the boat ho can do is to hold the inortgfigo on tho one ynnrhuahnnd lint a poor man hnsnt much to do with iswyers hut some of them havu lind foundation frtnelplesi first 1 whon wo nndftrtakn to fill yoursuliacrlptlons wo give them our undivided attention and bent oaro tlio patients welfare la our first con sldoratlon pocond 1 wo guarantoo our drugs to 1m of full strength aa wolt aa pure and fresh third 1 our customers aro supplied with just what thoyask for 1 substitute ing la never allowed painbq ckutnv courouno if you are n- sufferer from kidney dlsoaso liver complaint blood troubles rheumatism neuralgia 01 nervous prostration wo confidently rocora- mend tho uso of palnos oelory com pound tlds reliable nnd novor dis appointing modlolne is a true dlsoaso banlshor and system builder we upply tho genuine palnos oelory compound at brown aoton ont the man who waits for just the dghttjmatfi atart neyffr pets an where turns bad blood into rich red blood ohrxmedy possesses such perfect cleanhlnp healing and purl fylnffnjfopertlei fwtcmally heali sores ulcers abaccsses and nil eruptions internally restore the stomach uvor bowels nnd blood to healthy action if your appetite is poor your energy pone your ambition lout bb n will restore you to the full enjoyment of hnppy vigorous life a girl la vsry very intellectual if slia ennt toll you what another girl has on there me a number of vai lottos of coins llollowiiya corn cure will re move uny of ilium cull on your drug- glut nnd get n hottlo at once idvo pure ppsnk true right wrong oluo wherefore born tennyson suffering women who fll llf a bunus u kiv baalut aa4 tinaili tmlotoil ly tke um f mllburns heart and nerve pills tha piimfil mbllm wemta sad slu hmv more thsa lur sliaia of mlury wllk soma ii la aarvauuwu al palpitation wllb elura weak dlisy awl ttmlng tpslu wu wilk alhtra lhf ia a saaaral eollsfma of tha ayatsm illlbuma iftart and nrva rilli tons up tte srv straastkaa ike bssrl anil mil il wl mrona snd rasuur omu w hh ttlood ear tmulfia snd imparl thai asnm ot luoyansy ta iks spirits tkal la tke raaull at ranswnl maisj and pkyaleal vler ur d o daneskua ohuia ortl wiitwl fur ovsr a year i ww tmuklail wllk narvoua- mm anil baart treubla i tueliud to ull- kurna ha i and narva pill a dial sad iftr ulns av ttoha 1 n uml i was botnpuuiy surad i slway rttnmimml tkam to my frunda prlta 60 canta par lwi r thraa haim tor ft 38 all dosur or lh t uubura co limited oru it lo oal ono of hie itrmtult ttliiiinhu of tv1i 1 l tnhl liiimiml u the roomit rhiu ol wmnunv dri l i iictny liuiior kwrullid miiihii rlnit mini muy minifi from lthinily btw n he m itko of iluiiui r iiinv im iniilit mi ul i id l hy t x- iiiixho imnltilv rinlh onitili hyeauiuimid n i i xt inline fmui thi uiwidioi h thriiiiuli th urmii mid i hi uhu if jlu um iiitthitlnllh 1 11 i iih if tin n hmliiilliatioiihoiiillioiiilirii nli nil imi or iljiluiimiit ilint unit for llim- v onflnu iur fnru mil u ihroiitrh tin linrnith lioiilnl fiw ration niiin- ldln i iinkbuiiia v tahli om iwnml at oiiio uml imuiii hh u- end write mm pinkhnin of 1 mid u for tuhin iliad tlnw ctrntm i tt i it intt fl woiikii u 1 1 1 ililm im i it u ml iknrmm llnuln i iri uur in liulhir our iir i i 1 ki ilii ywir lilihlrliu i in i luinur i ii w lii ti liulrlur hiil nlli i u it liunr 1 ulll im mr llm i u ifll if ii in mpmiu i unnl mill i vunnlil l llm lt fl l i llnrmr 1inllmin huml uu r 1 tilkutlii 111m rt j 1 motrulihti ii on tlm six ins i hiimj hud mill jinr wi rful nielli i no kiuhutii niitlh im ii ihrlu ilojjmd hlinrll nf t- i i it m i i ll i xnl liilttthltoallktmiiiilii mi mil il y ii iihi irluit ind uii im llul i hiul n lnmr uiid would i ooiliill r mill ni f iniirihhtrik nirnte and dfldil to lv fj liu link lihlil a vriktiilih 1 hijh id irl i all i hv tho ihvljnn luid im ny i ah rv au l h utiuur il i i ii aj iir- alil my i rlhl4 iiniind il nr nn i i iilllnly i l i hnt nrvrr j will 1 il hmili r fvdln iinkliam vrei k niiii in liu ln limnlajt j llnnffnl 1 1 another caw of tumor cured by iydla c imnkhams vekotsblo com pound i r mf llillmm mimui tlri nj i ito iln in n y i utli iriniri nt iiuliu imilnh4 ii dklnr iriirilm for nn i it ihilmit ii 1 i 111 ii i t ny lihiirlt hiiiiimi mi uiid 1 ysuriri- im illi1uiil r i f it iri luut l i i rl my dill rrmt mi 1 uim iy u rind i ixil 1 nl fl h i lu i lliluio rt i irruuimr lill la lwtor 1 mint ii ililnj i ut mi jxrtin mi ul i naxn 1 tli iv i i rnh tided wit y nl v li wlmnlunl t i try i liu i i inklmma vatulli ihii 1 i rro ilniltilii iq an jr iiklng r- ill i i h ifuilihiit indliic i y u u rl tlit my i ii- nl ultu ihit i ii rilim in nilu i a tic i hi 1 t in- ulttfir i l t ulir ii iifl rili iactuhui it iflaltlll kciriovcil xtice ll r m i- llr ii i t wm u i 1 r tl- i r an f ir 1 1 1 r n flfit mt pnr tho old and reliable gran i to and marblo dealers tlhlllndiiiln- i it nn iih nitlon nn 1 iu ii t i lia i ilnblnm a iit ihl it i ut i w u fall to iri hon tmtfil v in f ri hai d in ml- il adonn i ion mi lull tl hnti smh iiiiinivlionalili lietlmnny proirs tint alm of ixdm 1 iliiuliains vir- lahli oioknnl anl thiill fflve ronll eh nrr nd i to um r k uoniflll mix rinklmni ln id w all allincf wonun i to tu tohtrat i iin mmu fursilut ljdli e plokhams viefllabla compound i woujis rflmd or woais ills to oonh a gold in ohs3 day take a laiatlva ltromequlnlna tablat all anumlsta relum ike monay t ii talla to sure m- w orovaa aliaalare on aaeb ho uesnia many a girl supports herself and a large family hy marrying milburns uxaliver pills era mild sure snd safe and are ft perfect regulator of the ayalotn they gently unlock tlio saerstloos clear away all effete and waste matter from the system and give tone and vitality to the vrlint intastlnal tract curing constipa tion blok headache nillottanesa ftyf pap- sis ckwteil tongue foul breath jaw dioe heartburn and water brash sirs il a ogden woodstook kil wriun myhuaband ami tnyaelf have used mil- bums laiauvnr 1llls for a number of frs jve think we cannot do without item they are ths only pills we ever tke prioa qaoenla or flva bottles for 10 at all dealers or dlreot on receipt of prioa tlio t mtlburn co limited torooto ont extra attention ia pild o all uho come to ut for ilieir ordered clothing you can t nuke an miitake when you place your ortjor here our cloihlor l msda lo your order perfeci in fit models of ilylo and ribtlc finish del tor let us fit you with one of our special blnok and biuo salungi at 113 00 v ito big range of fine bootoh builinfls from 1 10 00 10 l5 oa r e nelson merchant tailor and hen e fumlaher ouolph the berlin steam granite and marble works oabpbr dnauh pphtor designers and builders of statues mausoleums mon- umsntbrmarkciaandjufiildr stones and all kinds ot artistic cemetery work william hemstreet afjent acton n paihohleiidli the great b1io01xv irurakatlon for notes cattle inc uim 011 pan tan oleum to 13 pan wntor tprny nlrlit ami mornlng rmcu ioj rim can johnstone s go hill street acton greatest of tonics those who use it get well a certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseasea highly recommended for insomnia the proof the followlnr is a ample or thouianda a tasllmsrtlea to tne woniivi inerlta of hem87 several years aga my wife was so serl ously iii 01 lung trou ble as for months to be nnahle to walk at which time a noted physician told me that th nest dress that 1 would buy for her would he a shroud she used rsvciiink and is new reasonably wu mvclrtmiuux t baplutmrnlatei 1 forest ont for coughs and colds take p5ychine f6r throat and lung trouble take psychinb for catarrh and consumption take psychinb for aftereffects of la grippe pneumonia and pleurisy take psychinb used psychine 20 years aoo yearango i wavnlinoatanhyaicatwreck andwashulloiinghillihinglroume 1rlcmla and nelglibnra tlunigbt v would never get bettor 1 liognn 10 tloupnlr myself iosliig faith in my pliytii inn i ptotnrud another one who rucoilimondud llm tiso of pbvciiink ii wait mimrulug hoyond dualrlptlon the effect il hail 1 huriiiihi to gnln uilli every doae inwldooftwo woultu 1 wan able to attend to my lioimowork again there are no symptoms of lonmiinplum about mo now mrs iibndbiuion btjobnnd for lou of appetite take psychine for indigestion and dspepala take psychinb for chills or fever take psychinb for rundown system take psychinb to feel young and keep young take psychinb o i unint an unfailing cure for all throat lung and stomaich troubles a reliable remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet for ul all drunlata and at00 or dr 1771 laaum mmludtlvs kin st w toronto evertom sweden mills th bssit quality ot manitoba family and paatry flour vv of avll ii 1 1 lu rt tnrul t itll r t el ni in ilia urn num lt fliosallalt ctiitbirn y ii il rt it ml dily iiami1 ton sons let vot u nlv ul ht ilulfll kcton ul jkzsry bus liki tho uallrslnc rrpcilully lallcllt itie ihriufie ul tho puh lie nnl i r forms ilicn lint welt equipped and styllslt ii lira can olwai tja ifcutc 1 ut nit sialics a ccinoil4l lo 1 ui mccis all iralnsletcd io l0 i p tti careful aiicni every orilcr tlio wit ta jf lorn marcnl irjvellar ul mcl john inmlmuts pnophiutor w- giitlson for sale at lowoot prloos our own make choppinr done and oita rolloj every day peed for sale cash for wheat and oali henry hortop acton pump and tile works o b bbbaqe proprietor our premlits ere now fully equipped with all ilia utest machinery anil appliances for manufacturing fuwptmnd jump buppltv tiitamljvtmtihboulyrtm to stasia fip fitting toolw mad lipa supplm orders promptly filled main strbut ac i on syinursis ob canadian northwest homestead rtlqul ation9 any ayan numtierea aioliqu of dominion iauda inuanttalia hashatotiawan and alberta leapllng h and to not raurvstl may tmliobiatuadm by any person bo is ilia aou tiaad ol a amlly or any mala over ia ysata nr as lo tun aataok of ouenusrlsvsaotloii olino seres more or las the tollowlus plena 1- farm in ttia viol rqulrtnsnu aa to aslaeiiea inay hesatlsttei by sueb ttareena vesldlns mihi the talber or niolhar ts h the aeltur li lil hiicui risldaiiaa dtmu rartnlns unit owiiad by him hi ilia ylelnlty sthlliouath4 ilia rtrewsii aa to rost nee may be aallsnail uy rteuletioe open the aid teed mis mon lbs polios in wtltlpa ihouu be ivan 10 i ha oo m in us loner of ueiulnlen lacils at ottawa of intention leftply 9jtf oataty of hi minister el the inutlof rllunsulliorlsad pabluauad olthl ad yarilisnini will uaihipiuiw painter paper hanger sign ritcr picture pramcr shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to f u miturc inwarc etc fto unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices v gimson jc itl70ipaplers tho david smith eng utho go l ormurly of linlph hnillh a co 00 ob 00 church fltroot adjoin inu toronto nnllwny ohambera toronto inurnvors and llthotrrnphora unrtk nnd commurclnl fatntlonors menu cturcra of hiqii clnaa cal endar onnd ad oi tin inu no volt ion lie tulaikb droiono copvniohtb io anfiwa sun unit nrlmlmnimli1rwrliil nnial nitfnwly tuffti 11 p r i ill i u iruj in llr li fciiuni milv spa njifrpa iii l hi purr i r i i urliil i llili iiilniils ihui ii iiimiiuii aliiini ft ik rtcala ip 11 italic will iiil ul nrun lu i ho sciciuiiic jutiericati ii kliihliea mniiroiiitit klsiilable nvlktsd opnlkatu an autciimfimy iniinrciicil conducu liilly einilirl omtv auttwaslihihiont ihaiillnt ty dlspauh woiu unit iiilclily srcura iauni js i road nj um invoiillfii lllnliest rfr iirnulieil i raisiita rroctirel llirnticil mnrlnii h wv hon racatva pedal luiltco will mil ebarsa bl ovar ion iitursiamis tltttnlnitnl omiu the doinliilfiii ipedaltyiratixil tmsliim nf vlaimfaew tuiieanaiilulneeii r ullarion marion paant emlisrtu inu bolloltorm i mb1 nw vbv 111 i m ft itrtntl yaikaivii

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