uauuxkjk mluhwm w4nihwai ix lllllilom hi haniuhii nu w 11- i i mil nnvuil ar ly mv vr nlini ii r nl kno lmrli jaw juiiilwrn li mr illuuilllili aniuii hunu mitili nth hoi amiar laututi i lull i 1 uiii i aiume abni dvuai allnl on liluv nottmlnif bill jolmdavl u ufw imhii a now- a luvlllr nn tiixur uih novum ar kunlrujuh mniy it hi il mm litis jiilm alini mil tl luril w minn uixfaimy rx u v t r 1111 i inlit r liur tim liiiiiiftl will l ltlil lmii ilia reulilmiisa aloaktlluun wi uilyi1 looluck iiiituniay novimincil ii 1007 kdlloufal hotfcb hlr ii in iihll ii nn hum aijy llio ii igun i in niu pliiut til fffv towili imt rnu in wtikl im has gimt oiiildeiii the hrltuh tlullkitf l ij all they coqlil tonduituilhi orull nu iithuralhin if tlyy liml nltitiipud to lui co hid lunn tliu jnult lui iliflbrim would havo biiti nigiilivji nr vviii wtirb- frlctluii yiil htiathionu in lei viiwctl 1y 1hit liiliiiiu 1 union 1uhd u- uutnuu hu pniphity lhut lnfor tliu end omhi rtuliii y c iiuikii will he the dominant utulii mill the food mart of the ktnplii ik thinks there lu nut tliu rnimtiut tinmen if the uuntlnlon ovvr hmomlng a lepuhllc there is no vltllilii mumi wliy in lliu future tliu viut population ulldllll hill lllllftlll loyul tu hip crown ttiunoviinbnrniiiiinl of hod find uun input tleiitnrlyilvitid to hlg gnmo hunting iiml ut i pi tills ulject well to tlio front iilthmigh i hunting nunitior whb ihiikii luut itinnili tim story of how ono hint hi r tiouts the door a backwoods lucldiinlt mudy if ever equalled n pironnl niirrntlvo related by the settler til muni f in well worthy of perusal tim stoi y or hip gnmo wnr- d m nnd tim t nigndy of tin deer in liltmvlit ut bit rumiiioudid tlio iniiny other coiilillnitlons biiutiiln tbn nttsn lion of llio rtiiidura inllrnutiid in vnrlmu hrnnolio of sport nnd uuo keep nllvo ilia intoruht tnknn in on nnd inn sport inff iniiunru tlltfunt of tin kiiiku mrttuluy linnni wiiu i kiiii mi iii hutiiiiliiy hit ulnirliix tnppvr liiw in ill iiukiii u ivlvy conn clllnr u m cnultir dipnty pint- innhturcli iiimil k thn ordii of 0 m o nnd thiif jnulloo muua nt tha oiiliu in cmirt of appoul in nindo a ki lluuliolor hlr oluirlua tupjini nn ijt iliinb i of ohiiikim itppkur fliut nn tbn lint of tltn now privy conncllbtra to itiriiiborslilp of tlio impi hut privy council ntuclioi very comjovroblo dlsnlty nnd linnor the iipolntincil oiinnnt l obtiilncd hyotlui than rilullnguliuut tun ice to uie btiuo oi thn kinplrii kind kilwnrd culuhnitod iiib sixty ikth blrthduy ut buntlilnglinm on btiirduy atnonp lila gnuuts tvara um kinpuror unil icinprcna of ournmny tho king ami qiuhui of bpuln nnd the king anil queen of norway prcunnu and tilu0rtinu pomod in from all tuirtsof thuwoildtlio most costly present was tho cnlllnnn dlnmonil from south afrlcti vulurd nt 7w000 hlnco tha donth of his lwlovid mnthor qnoon vlctoilrt on that inamorahtu tunsdny of iiiiinnry itiuil 1001 kiiir kdwnrd ban provnd hlinuplf uvury inch n uihr ilo is n wnrthy snii of alliurt tho ouotl u lid vlotorin tliu qront juil uumii hlml lu wouks simiuhlnff duftut fur tl whittle y oluniunt in olootlnns tliroiifjl out conntios in smitlinrii illinois nnil in novorul othoi btntos of tho union has iitvon a ulinitd mnitua to the prohibition movement nnd runued tho nnnouncouiunt hint prnhibitlohlats will lioffln nt nnco tlio most vigorous nntloiuil ciimpnln in tho history of that party in addition to illinois ihiportmit ittilns vro in it do by the cold water forces in kontucky mis- slslppl ohio nnd other states xuioliguoiit the tritl ted htntes tho rrovlli of thn inoveiiinnt mny lie jndtfud wbun it in known thnt 10000- 001 of the population nra now under prohibitory lawsoneluilf tlio entire country ono of tho most hopeful uigns nf tho tlnieu in thesu iuvm of torn poru nco agitation tiays tho michigan pi-cuhy- utrlnn u tho elumglng attltudo or the itotilui press toward prohibition of xhe lliiuor trsnio thnt paper quotes numerous ontinols from dully papers aondfliiinntory of tho liquor trnflto nd the snlnon of which the following from a chlengo journal u n sample i llio olty arounud ititilf as nover bo- foro to curb tho jnlluonco of the saloons whllo in the state as in mnny other voinltinuwniiltlih tlinro is n growing ventlment of tin trod against them which ouniint bo ignored or smiffud out tlio nl tit ndo of the dully newspapers toward the tint saloon movement is a notable straw which hows whloh wny tho tomporauoe wind in blowing whom onco tho groat dallies shop red at all tompetnnoo mfnrm they aie now printing columns of nown with roferenoo to prohibition and nntlmtlnmi oiyorts thoy are evidently dlunnvmliig that thn huttor upon their pimnlph u to ho ohtnfuod luniu from icspiutahltlty than from tho inw lieikliig and disintegrating saloon iiliimiul what n powor thn seouhir piens of this country could wield in the inloreslu of morality and kutnl nnh if tlny would dim 1 1 tho liquor advertlseinimils out nf llmlr ool- umns nl tnko their stand ngalnst the llqufoi saloon and thq liquor traflle punwaons oonnbinv tliiiiikbglvlug liy pnuhiid off vevy quluttyln thlu vlolnlty quiirtotly servlons eio held in tho blloalil melluidlutolmuih on huuday mrm oiewton jr whs lu toronto nn wodiiukdayi mf jus kumnhawt of tiooigitnwii was hero nil imblm sm uxt wednesday mr and mi inliu oijmiu niullmtwi and miss agglu oralnun spent thf holidays at xorontn jiuinthvii opt ulnth n funilli- was inmlllou oil moihlay timoiidlifg llit rail idmikoa t lltyilllii anotiirr marked success social by th ilh school t th jltinurtl conairton monday tcvnnv avaiubzbs shat takbn ibit iiiiiiiiiii hlgli hchool conceit is niiiviot of mbunililug interest to thn tear burs nnd studntr nnd inohlently to ull cltliiis inti r hted in local edtica- linnni iiihiii i u tiiuhi entertainments 1 in vi invniliibly m n grallfylngly biic- iful und tin event of monday tivun- lug whs no ik epllon to its produces- uors in this rnbmct the ohjscl of th function is two or ihrco fold it en- gi udii s m vci y irslthfiil etprlt dn rorps in the high hchool on ths wrt of tlio htudiiitn i it provides a delight- fid tltirnry nod n mulct 1 enlsrtalnient whch purunts bcholars and tlmlr friuiuu nmy tujoy fofelher and its piiiritd fiu nl u futd rur iho pulcliubn of tin- lutivt mlmitlllc uld tltersry- vvila to hdd ti the fllglt hcluml ilbniry ilnv ii c prvst m a presided difil lui hjioku jifghly eucoornglng wordii to utrlmrs mid students nam plinientintf jiotn iimn their lusgnlfl- nt attnlnmeiits the past year and wluhliig lllein doutlpiied succsss lbu progvtiiiinih opened with a legl- nunlail song by tho high hot tool utiiduits which had a swing und volume which won epplumn and ap plication mibb wlnulfred parker ulncutlnnur of tomnto unjn incited hpobln n on if n down south dialogue which sho rendered in a very lisppy stylo and with a god interpre tatlon of negro dlaloct she was ap plauded and reiponded with tlio widows decision mr k h william son tho dickon man of toronto then reel tod stave one nnd two of of d 1 1 kens a chrulnins carol in a liiosi interesting and abtomsnner mr williamson is wthaps the best inter preter of dickens popular works in canada i in has inadu n special study of dickens characters miss minnie llolines sang ivory gates and gold en her sweet well modulated voice was well suited in the number and gitvonniple evidence of enhanced cul ture mub llolinos received splendid iippbiuso and in response to tho encore bang a ucond well rendered selection llio first half of that programme con cluded with the following school song supg to tho luno of tho maple leal i tub bo it ool iono you have all heard of our high school and yiu know what it can do you huva nil hoard nf july uxaras of its pupits getting through and there it lu that wo belong of this nourishing uchool we boast t it u there that we nil are trained we scholnrs nil this host clilllllth- aemn high hchool ha ha ha an ton high school ua ila ha gold and pm pie purple und gold true to our colors as tho days unfold kilahllbhed in nineteen nnd one and it has grown steadily first there wits only imlf n class llut now two rooms w eoo and none with our school enn com pete i above all others xvo rise with one accord lee praises ring acton high school each one crtee in bclonce nnd in languages knob day we are instructed and in euolld we strive to prove anglos aright constructed i is no r espearo is doen tlio aolon high hohnol can do tr lint then there li i mynl road liven if slmkesnearo is doen and goes with n hound nnd leap and we have woithy cause to laud pilnclpal w ii htowart and for iisalvtant miss norton i a chango woll not endure kor now our school perfoctsd and the praise of it waru singing till nil tho country round about willi our schools pralso la ringing this hrnught down tho house hy its apt local bontlment tho first number of part two was tho rend itlmrnfmntmftlurl htbrdrtdrnntr monda favorites lcotlo datoese hy mus parker whoso rendering of tho hnhltnu wns very creditable m wllllnnibon followed with tha otoilng staves of a christmas carol hn was listened to with a keen nd de lighted intoi cab and whan he painted in vivid wnrd picture dickens inuitor- pliri nftho ghost or ohrlatiiiaa yet to come his nudlonco dwelt upon ovciy paragraph with koeneit enjoy inent mr wllllnmson wns successful iv few years iigo in securing tha first gold watch that dickens carrlod which he exhibited to many nt tho close of the cntettnlniiirnt tha pilvllega of handling thn tlmeplooo of this great i iterated r was omhracod and nppreclat oil hy many of tlionudlenca liv h p mnori socroury of the ijnnrd nf kducntlon presented the diplomas won hy tho high school students nnd the entrance class he congratulated tha tenohere upon their splendid woik and tyrtiphoslod vqunlly bnturactory teaultn as tha outcome of tho present yeais training in both schools miss parker ihon roudered shako spealraa lady macbeth with a dramatic effect whloh won the favor of all student of shakespeare tho enterltilnninnt concluded with tlio chorous may god preserve thee canada hy tho nigh school students and tho national anthem hy tho iinilionoe tho high literary character which predominated tho program mo was crrdltabbt to tlio occasion hssltp your baby no mother can expect her llttlo ones to escape till the minor ailment of childhood hut she can he reasonably sure that her child will hn healthy if she gives lb tjooccmulonhl dose of babys own tablets ami she can feel nhso- lutoly safe in riving this medicine as ulin has tho gum an too of a governmont analyst that lb contains no opluluor poisonous soothing stuff mr utla grossman now hamburg ont says i i have used ilahye own tablets for stomach trouhhs mid constipation with tho greatest success i always feel saro whon i have a box of tablets in ihn hniisi sold hy nil medicine dealers or by mall os cents a um from the di wiuiaiiinmodlclueclo ilmck vllle out thi rollt or honor th following gives the lut of pupil n thn high and public schnnli hei who won standing for thn roll of honor nt the octnlhtr ttmkuiliialonsi hlfill mllloui dkrilltmkt miltniu ml num iht ii j ii tuuiiithh ckssim chupmaii a ilnrviy w grlndull i whit chumltm hlrhmond jv matii1m iithn glas i w ilrown rviir t jii ruu hkiim cisbs ia smlght m moffat a obrien clau 11k smith p mullin a- mcdonald k garvin class iiia dikfc h wordsn i graham 6 jul mi tunc ii iluuhnuil uiwtll atlumj clabn 1 ii ulivk lv llldck a km iiry k faulkner a plistbrtkik m otjrlun h llmt n wlllun j moore i andeison j olhlums j macdonald it nelstm j plank lr aildsradpf d- joints r l hiwter ou 1j ii ilrowh r fulllu sharp c swackhmuejc k plank ojasb ulu wll 1 huhlmud h pearson i iiidiilkmi himii highest in geometry w grlndou i in physical science a iwvryj in cliiiilstry a ilnrvuy nnd w itrown t in ijitlit a hpeight ujwkuhthhr highest hi geometry a pirslhrook i in geography i wsck i in iremh 11 dtacki inlatlntivaulkneri in art k paulknrr w ii htuwaut pilnclpal mihh noirniv assistant 1uikir hi ikk1l dciautukvt hmht iiufalttuunt sr iv llertha drown i1m 1red williams 1chi mildred matthews ufco joslo kennody 2ui annlo porter 208 irene snyder 2vj toul 400 jr iv jessie purvis ikw dorothy nelson icii kthel goldlum it2n kthol faulkner il1 uonanl atkinson wl hoy dauer ml total 400 miuha iiudhon teacher hucond drlahtmltnt sr hlboyd clark ru chos matthews 801 twrenco dunn 001 j d hurt 000 j chapman 000 e 1 1 row n 012 total loflo jr ill kthelrod white mo isaliel anderson w1 krule ilrown hoi hobln- son locker 70h gertie pearson 721 joseph sye 000 total 1kio mihh minkiis bknnutt teacher thiiid iltcimituunt br ii nollle andorson 705 joseph smith 700 lily wilson u8 karl vln- cerjt 02fl harold stewart 022 louie wluonoif total h00 jr ii letlloscnttos2 haaelagnew 038 dlrdl porter 010 gordon mclood 010 kthel crnlg wt melfort collier b70 total 7m mmu m i suitii teacher vavuth iikivhtmknt sr pt hlaura patton 031 wll- hert craig 27d clara andnrbon 277 krnsst speight goorgo abiahaui 2ll ilawl proctor 227 jr pt ii jennie pearson wo loyd doll 252 jessie mcgregor 2lo polly heaton 211 phyllis clark 221 kvolyn itltch1e20fl total in miflflmlt holm teacher vivtii dltlmltmicnt sr pt igerstdlne movoigli 111 winnie pearson till lily johnston luy tarawell lilt itny ilrown 101 henry hunter 125 total 150 jr 1t lie wilson 140 allco johnstone 1011 marguerite stewart 120 hoihlnnitchlo 127 margaret wilson myrtlo thomas iso total ifio mihh k kknnkdv toaohur thein is no playing fast and bwtse with litllh in any gome without growing ilia worse for it dfokoits tui1i6rt pifpaiiitlnti for tbo fiilura s tliu pniuoiib wtl oven to ihv his duty well dono oenrga macdiiimld the cotikltnit vln itea nt tho gnnd hh tenderness and lujvtt arnold orhbbouool tho following is tlio result of tho october fexantlnntlons ntlnrnosahmil nn 12 those marked with nn asterisk woru not present for all tho examina tions i sr lvmugglo mcdonnid m max im n m 000 sr hidullo odpps 207 albert gamhlo 220 clareuco gamblo 22 max boo jr ill kthel damper 211 vlrena maaalofc 150 maggla crowsrm 121 herbert masalesmoii dertlo davidson 00 max 1100 jr ii orwell johnston 230 mnr- garet snyder 210 wesloy mosaics 100 laohun mcmillan 151 mux 000 pt ilclara drown 183 john lnjnhart 40 max 200 sr i annie snyder lftt vera gilppa 14h john wulklns 61 max 200 jr ibarliata plank 10b rohhle dunbar 00 klsloorlppa 70 max 200 mirh lain dtadk teacher balliharad tho following is a report of the october examinations held at s s no 10 tirln fifth olawmagglo molntyre 117 fourth olamilobert wurna 105 mary butler 12b alvln fisher 07 third olaaiflnrtmca flutter 101 vlototu molntym 110 wilmd me- intyre 103 frank swaokhamar 00 willie dutter 42 sacond classmargaret watuon 100 fl watkiih teacher there are aevoral duugeraiii doge in f siting this neighborhood mr andrew ores hail four sheep worried tho othor day and donald mclean and john akltt also had their nocks molested misses j maloan and l waters or lulllnnfad thoroughly enjoyed their round ik ut trip through georgetown anil orange vl up during thanksgiving holiday is not making others happy tho liest hnpulnesep thoro is joy in help ing to renew the strength mid cour age of noble minds anile how do you know you do not need i st- a chircli good furs only you tiesd buju if uiereawliead- rchcsorneiinilgla you nrcdbsljsl if ou art nervous snddonotsuep well at night you nel bsjjn ii there uncoiirlanldeilrctourinstu you ned luju if the urine is aid i ah cloudy milky ho and scalding you need btfjft ittuy iryou era tortured wltli ita funiiiatory or utuddsr rbetuiiat flam bciatloj uumlmgo yod cer tainly do need ikljij if you hau any of ths above symp toms dont betiuta dont dslsy take btijd and curs yoursclfj taylor nt tbmkl i smi ftnoua tuat rou hlju lwut kllf m1 imhat i ha itik m fiom laklu jk tli mtticl tmii wlivallaui lwl bsoaiad arjrvly ror ara wlllt ualh in ilia tiack lll mm id iii ihnhilkrf bja h1bi ully aaluurtm ltsohua- a laaaythalllivalmliacnmprlivllutbmd kmfora umf tut iii i lia 1 if lil wry rmti i hrl of for kmiiry t ihl wlthaat m r uitif raiur i waulil ttvky rtlm auifarlbir from ktldaty tmurla in tk 4 j wlluoiitiulay ca k i war it coats only jc a day to tak buju and your money refunded if tlwy fall to cure joe a large ho kt drtlyristi or tent oh recslpt of price yhk olaflim oncuioal oo liyivw wihoaon ear n miltoh opm bjrtatloh ohstkd tho thuvu threw btonoo throuh tho wlndowsjtunnlnirtho ops p toes on wednesday night of last woek when the operator was working nt hie key at tho o pit sutlon milton he wasattackuil hy two nun a tnick was first alined at hhn through the window and before ho could collect his thoughts a stone six inches by four struck hhn on the head when be re covered consciousness two men wear ing masks wore rummaging his office the moment tbo desperadoes noticed that tho operator was coming to life again they tied him up snugly nnd continued their search leaving shortly afterwards alwuto oclock the oper ator got hie legs loose nnd walked to cph agent parks homo where be had hie bunds untied the burglars secured 010 in money belonging to tha company and a gold watch frtnij tho operator who 1s loft with a out in tho chin as a memento three suspects hsvp been arrested they were caught hy a cph detec tive and a constable as thoy were about to hoard a freight train jap claims bbttlibd deputy- mlnuui- ulna award total of 10705 ottawa nov 12th a report from mr w l mackonxlo king to the sec retary of state says that final adjust ment baa been made or all tho damage claims or the jupanose in vancouver in connection with the rlotu of last september mr king has awarded dunnages totalling 10776 on fifty six claims presented tlio total amount- askod for was 11500 rjusr because it storm aont conflna yourself indoors oaed nauahle tl yasre -vrf-v- bargain 8165 th aotort free pi and thsj family herald and woakly liar of uonlrssl tlio free preua will i urn lull yotl with everything of intercut in thia local terri tory kxsry home in this district should receive tho local paper the family herald and weakly star of montreal la tke acknowledged best family and farm paper in canada its magnificent hows service its numerous special departments its interesting magokino features its great serials and popular short stories make it tke greatest dollars worth to be bad the combination of the free press nnd the family llorald and weekly star provides tbo greatest amount of wholesome family reading and reliable nown from all purls of tbe world bend your subscription to the acton ireb truss actoh oni new pictures at watere bros now ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh nnd of the best quality waters bros guelph art stork shilo 383 cure get a bbttlc today from your druggist if it doesnt cure you quicker than anything you ever fried hell give you your money back mmmmmmm i sm si shllohe la tue best safest surest end quickest medicine for your childrens coughs and colds it lins boon curing coughs and cojds tor 34 years au dragguu sa 5t nd iroo a bottle a good appoaranoo dooo not abouro a long life 1 finmi omfoil ir r finn me luxury jiju itk nf a lur co it unlt muff or sink i uol milijcct lu llm muni li4iigt ua i tlm chij with ulniict nil oilier upparib in nwuuciico llicv hliiutil be bpaubt iil tliu ktiil t eye ji tu unl hy ttoiiglitasanatliilccf valiu cpcud logtve jnany yr irn fnli measure servlse v a matter of a vew dollar bm mall ompariil to extra ytur limtci wrvnr wo nevur ilarve a per we will not m11 wlidtwc bnvc not fijilli in will iml k muru fnr u iur t thuo a pur in worth and will not lake lumi porthlrtyhongysani we havo piiruueidd our imih llmaigli lliannc buyij age lirjiigrt knowledge ksperleace lirliigs dtacrtlon a whole lutiuti mid ban been learned in thirty ycur iur nionufcurcr tell us we are harsh critics kvery fur ni title wlvich omen into thf utorc lu thoroughly innnected before luting put inlo stikrk ksoh utile omlimlmi or ilttelt u ciugbt in tbo act and rlturnid willi tlmt nrtitle to the people wko made it there are evidences of our having rnido uiibtakci- 1 lioyoii- tew ami far batutcn but there urtf rjri infttauces as evidence thatg it ryan co did not buck up tlalr rcptitathni with nhmitirv deul when you require furs nut your wanti lu our liuiidn knowing tboi the rospn inability oftlie nalc- the what csmeifer need not disturb yoli itclamui it couciriih us we give more thought to tbo buuinetui of lht futtira tiian wo do to hid huunosu nf to du g b ryan co guelph ont jhlii atilri 1 1rinrnln ian ham av- if ii j monallli kill sam i2k 11 u ii til svariou ohl oi luodlih 1 un tumlilt miusrt ii u li i alignout koukkisalk owe hill jotillii liuntr a ly 1 i u llilht oufl i valuuhlt huildiii lots yqh hall una an i rllcutan a in ly jiuls iiahm bargains in slioes geo stovel acion for everybody has larger store larger stock customers more au brought about by the vary reaion- able prices we have been riving iii satisfactory goods we hive supplied and i he courteous attention we have given to every customer a fine new stock of fall and winter boots rubbers overshoes socks etc hssjutt been opened and we cordially invhe your inspection because we can suit you parlectly both as io price and fit we specially bank on our slater siioeb in all slws they never fall lo rive saiufacilon the tpdd boot for boys and girls is mperlor it is solid the leather goei rlrlit through to the toe for 30 days this big stock will be on sale at a good discount off regular prices rahairiho piountv amd neatly down geo stovel rct0n h h unsworth now is the time do it now when prices arc slrahedawaybelowregularprices millinery ladies trimmed hats a splendid collection comprising the very latt styles worth from 4 50 to i3 jo tc clear nt j333 tkls second let none the less attractive regular 3 33 to fs to clear at 9313 misses and childrens hats slnulisd correspondingly in prices ladies coats good cloths nice pattcrnu ami elegantly designed thin uoniions latest regular tfisjo to clear nt go 00 ladles coata regular 10 00 to clear at i7 00 furs furs i caperine8 btoles muffs end carbwo could tiny many rood things of this collection of funt hut it in unneccuiary when you see the goods and consider the prloes there will be some quick selling positively onethird to oneiiatf off regular prices dress goods here is a humper in drem goad 000 yards fifteen diftci cut nliaden nnd patterns to choose from worth regularly jjc to t 00 for quick soiling 950 yard keep your coat from creasing nnd boing uiitilghtly in appearance splendid coat hanqerb to clear ut mi each highest prices paid for farm produce h h unsworth hct0n central ofrwouto bss iurt4 ihau- saudi el fpues man and woman nothe aay wv to lanupsttdbuh sod sumsm tat ua a toiilbs vlsbt suh writs lor oaialoaua sud elan to seaud lbs uasl bis meatus willi ui a alar soy ifoie addrasa w ii maw prnsjhl voeas sod osnranl 8 fa torente old iron katfi and rubbero wknted oeod prices paid becoed hand stoves and repairs for ferns machinery supplied morris saxk box 430i acton ont waggoner extension ladders buy n wnggfiner extoimlon tnddr ami tuive fruit llmt oil oartfa tor nl imlilor liurpm writ for prlc lut hml tlljtcolinti or onll tne waggoner ladder co umlud os york bt tondon ont coat shirt this is the only shirt for fit cviimmienco quality and pattern fullnssortmcnt just opened qc j wallace mons outfitter mill street acton stock foods and condition powders in various packages of various sizes and ot different form ulae but of only one quality tho best dr hen poultry iunacei 15c and ujc makei lions lay dr hess louse killer an j heave remedy are vnla able preparations let us fill your recipes for condition powders etc we do it right e a robertson pbmb druwlt station and optloln that druvbtor aoth st georges baking powder a pure canadian food product no alum ammonia lime or phosphates national cream tartar guaranteed 100 per cent pure government require ment is only 88 per cent sold by- a t brown aeton ont wood engraving prlotoenciravinci frhaiftakirft tones clothing cikaned and 1iiksskil ll ltuiliiuaiiilh4iiiiilil holsk and wit ron 8ali 1i it a ii i houtr uii lui li- ituqioorm an i kltnliili uoi i rrllrtr it jun i ty it iiacr two cuttni flai uii contain blixuiif fruli attrh tir itaia rlmrrlci j lui va vi el aimiri raiiy i ii ninlnu o j i i l incti for till wllllir u illr ulvluu ikiiin iii i j ilea ol aly allrri kc4 nnil inmlw astiay sciia i n f in il n ruuiu 4 ii uip uliclli rrn tlm uui jul n niiillouruuil nliu ohhtbwi iiim li l uo ihra vt ilia laintia i ao i uclt lacr iy loluiinallna ulilcl ullllsail to llidr luruurr will to milt my loaanuj i 1tmmon lil i l ii i 1 iln or aclnl o u fok saik building lots apply to bkakdmokk puiihciunitd btoajai iivl sia3ce the wdllinoton mutual influrance company established 1eko- heaii orloe ooelfn ont ikflvianc pncmliaiil uutnat plan any 1 imurauoii niutrc4 will tai romi uy aiiaoif jlo u ii d1inv ascnt cui3uph s ollcfic tle best sytcoi of cammorolal tmluiiiu unowii in molaru bualnua taluoallaii la in iiulumiui o uratlun at ilia quolpit dusincbb collgob tliuiitcin1imufil lliaroniilily into ami liu ilnuiniibiinivl u i iorlnrlty f all ntlinr itiuliia ot oonimriclat halnhit tt ii luplpl ifualnan colli uu ulono in tliu rounco n a mil oil oil n itaali an 1 rtilloo it llrlnlit jrounn nun ami vrommi oi cnortv sdi oliaraotar can nt tluiimnlvfa imro at mmlavata ogpatiio or llio trul iolluma itjlrnj in ilia builiiaia worll tlila luiltuuoii litimn uiiliiio roilllou amolo cnnllan tlitltipi nlluua i wllllky louto liiviitlualo how antl why kilter now fur lay or oicjiihh roiuto coins 11 mot in llin coiiub clll alainulo dlocu upper wynilliaiii tl liiitpli oralilrvaa m mnocohmiok da principal acton pump anu tile works o d edbaq proprietor 1th all tho latent mnchliicry nnjnppllnncca for inonufaciurlni jttmpsaadjiijiij snjiplltta tilotar wolji olmuirnu owivortt to sterna jjjie rittioc tools ami pip supptiew orders prdlnplly tilled main struct acion by mail at college w m b ni tish canadian i9usinbss collocb touosto 0 a freo usllway fsro pa a if hilt liaimriliinllrtiiti aililraa ii a fau jjlllltt ion l llnopai the old cituent work garllc scy acton hani laundry willow hlivot nunrlnsi oflke uidtowtl hull i jim n hiitiilrj in hi cl liiiij ckpoilonce mil lv sprchl anil hinder cure to article of all it i ml i hroiiklii lo he lmnulrlnil blilns ironsd so hoy ulll nni linn jour neck rlnnd lip rimiri ironed ai thoy mv i ii nnl hrenti in the inn all ladles nnd minimum h irnnlnu dune ih entire salluciltin nml prninptly on to charlie buoy ami lui liln tuiiu ulirn wanleif and ho m nut frill you