Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1907, p. 3

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tlie fincnt quality cnlfn- foot gelatine and pure flavors thats gregs white swan jelly powder in i delicious flavors both fruit nnd wmc jftiat ndd boiling water nnd leave i tn n coot place ami on hive n do- hciniiinppelltc mlic ingdeuert aiu your uroccr price loc th nonttir oneiaoo ii o 8 our atook orporfr 9 q knivoa wedding 3 b forks proaonta h h 8p00nll silverware anil 5 s wfldtfln fancy culna 8 9 hindi b- 5 u up to dato b b geo hynds 3 a jo well or b g mill si acton g thuhbday novruukil il 1007 brief local 1tcms tho hrlck work of mr john camerons now homo on main htreet u completed tlioro win fairly rood skating for n couple of days during the week on andersons pond a tnslo of indian summer war on joyed again this nock tho r pairs and linprovemunts to ht albans church nro ncniiug com nlotlon kvorythlng will be in good shape for ilia re opening nn december 1st contractor fur boa it flnlslilng the foundattannf mr i bayers nqw resl- iloncoonolturoh 8 1 root tlio section abovo the ground una is being liullt of out stone mr w j flould who has been manager or tlio acton house for neuilytwo jonrs ban resigned and mr v d flinlth hue assumed the poslllon on hallow po u night ii mold hall of uigar broke anu of bis legs by running against n pair of old cart wheels which pranksters had left in bis neighbors lane the illustrated loc turn by cunon spencer on tho xato of the karly settler in tbe lownliall on tuesday evening wm highly intorentlng itov muttlmw wluon presided whljo walking up to mrs c h smiths residence on monday mlu margaret cameron bad tbe mlafortuno to slip and full nt ilia terrace sustain ing a very sovwro sprain to thu right wrist or ault has tnkon the office in tho parrymiin dlock lately occupied by dr horo where he may ho called during the day night cnlls will bo answorod from his rosldonco as hereto fore up to the present dnto there has been ten nor cent moro wlhtat market od nt acton than last yonri twenty- lie nor cent loss of onts and about tho same quantities of peas nnd barley as last year mr i v snydor who recently ivlgned hleposltlon ne-bunerlnlend- ent of agencies of tho sovereign dank has accepted an important position with tho hunk of nova scot in with headquarters nt toronto interesting services will be held in tho methodist church on sunday 1st docambar tn ooinmemoiato tho sixty third anniversary itev j j iteddltt ok president of toronto conference will lie tho preacher of tlio day mr john hurvoy bus purchased the residence of mrs gardiner like ave mm gaidlnnr will remove to quehoo and rcahlo thnro with her daughter mrs gardiners houiohold goods will bo uold by miction nn the uotli the fltxh forms rooahrd i on- 1 olusa ohcipio fat 911 rfe i could not wish for hotter printing j a m arthur ont this is a sample of the kind words constantly being spoken of piikk phumh printing nnd was receiv ed on saturday police maglstiato jilfs of hamil ton has notiflod tho county council of ilnlton that ho has committed j3tnloymorrow of hurllngton aged 14 to the victoria tndustrlut school to stay thero until ho is 17 years old ilalton will have to pay for his maintenance that is one of tlio wajs in which bad boys cost tlio aountry largo sums nbjupj or thk day the premier sir wilfrid lnurler iwlutnated bis sixty sixth birthday yesterday grand trunk yardmen have received a 12 per cent increase in wages by tlio snapping of the cable ou tuesday seven men wero precipitated one hundred feet down tho sliuftor tho ishiitd waterworks tunnel four are dead and three hadly injurtd babv tlmillm ono uiotlioi hitpplly expressed her opinion of hattys own tablets when he said theres a sriillo in every dote in home where tho tablets nro used there are do cross fretful sickly children tho tablets make children well and keep them well they euro in digestion colic constipation dlurrho- ea teething trouble und all the otliui minor nllmenu of childhood they eanhegivon with nbsolutft safety to the now bom child for tho mother ha the guhinntee of a government analyst that the tablets do not oontaln on particle of opiate or poisonous soothing atutf unt such a gunrantoe worth something to you mother f the tab lots are sold tf um utoillolno dealers qr may iw had from the iv williams bfadlclne co ilroekvlllf ont nb iw oontialxtv a man may 1m of tho cm hi eoithy but hi drtaius are of the air airy news of local import ohrlatmam kntatrlnln merit gomlnar knox olmrch hmuluy school com uienocd rehearaal on moinuy ivtuiliig for their nnnunl ontertn1umit on now years night tills yenr they will present a pretty clirlstutam cm i entitled snntn clans by clin ii galirlrl 4ulnjj mowntsn at the plowing match in connection with vnipinelng agricultural society hold ou win cleave farm the fol lowing were tho prlxe winners i ilrst class men john j thompson goorgn wilson d mccftlliimt second class men time clilahohn archie mcoiih imn i third class men n modmignl john mccallum llfth class men itoht wahlen t hnwden death or mr jpph h beyd general sympathy will w flt fpr mr joseph it lioyd in theeuddrn death of his wife lit their luuud in uamlunn last saturday moaning marrlsdiit kaster h they spnt tho lntervunlng months vrry happily to gether iijl this sud itvent oamo with terrible suddennnus tn nil the moods the funeral was hold from the homo of mm iloyds parents tn loronto on monday afternoon j inn new ator opened mr ileglnrild johnstone who rocunt ly purchased tho hardwnro business of johnstone to co bus iklii moving ths week to the now store on the west sldo of the johmtono block the new premises are vary attractive tim store is commodious has splondd light lie ii x twos nte modern and con venlent and altogether the preinliea nre such as an onorgetlo young man ike mr johnstone will delight to husv- urns in success to him hilton choral voelety a choral eocluty tins been formed hi town its members have scoured tho use of knox church schoolrooniand ex pect to stnrt practice on tuesday night next tlio chorus will consist of about eighty voices tho following aro the oflloors of tlio society t hon i es illy honor judge gorhnmi pros j w kihott i vice ivcs v oblsholtn t treaa j irving i ssoy l j ii lawrenco managing commltteo it k harrison dr wlckion it k golllnsi conduatnrh 15 golllns champion ollmblnar toward the top mr kdwln francis son of mr i francis willow street took a iltna tlon with messrs kllas hogers co coal doalere toronto eight yenre ago hy careful attention to his duties mr francis has wan tho con ii- 1 donee of bis employers who have manifested litis by frequent promo tlona to positions of grentoi respansl buttles nnd increased romuneratlon in april inst ho was made umnagei of tlio companys yards at north toran 1mb ho hns filled with great saturation and at tho beginning of tho present month be was advanced to tho position of manngor of the main yards an the knplanadt with fifty men under his control tho now situation commands a considerably nbvanoed salary mr francis acton ft lends congratulate him upon bis auccib a pretty weddln- last weak a pretty november wedding took place lost wednesday at tho homo of mr joseph hall when his daughter km ma and john ii ii prlco were united in holy wedlock the interest ing ceremony wna performed at six oclock by itev matthew w i lion m a rector of st albnna church in tho presence or about fifty guests tlio brldo was handsome indeed in hor bridal robee arcream ladlos cloth trim med with insertion and a bat to match and carried a hoiiquot of whlto enrnn- tlone slio was atumleil by miss- herlha mccormlok of lira nip ton who woro a gown ot cream isdlos elotli trimmed with insertion nnd cnrrlod n bouquet of pink carnations the groomsman was mr harry k minor of toronto the brldo who was given nwny by her brothor jamo entered tho parlor und stood under n lioiiutlful arch which was docoiated with ever greens carnations and rosea in tho centre of which hung a lioautlftil whlto lull after the corotnilny tbe company sat down tn nsumptous nod ding dejeuner at thu conclusion of which congratulatory timttn woro drunk to the hi idnl pall and btnitleut congratulations extended mr and mrs prlco nro now settled in tholrnow homo on tho sixth lino whero their honeymoon will lie spent a very largo und attractive array of nodding presents was rocelvod thoguestawero from toronto brampton nnd nassa- gawoyn appointed to m good poaltlon hie position of managing editor of tlio canadian grocor published by tho maclean publlabhig do at in front ht kust ttuonto locently hocnuia vacant and the company advertised wldoly for applicants for the position applications wore received from a wide area from throughout canada tho united state und great llrltuln the appointment was mado inst week and mr ed j moore son of the editor nd publisher or the fnwu piibtut has liad tio good fottuno tn ito chosen from among the numerous upjillnnnle for this important position by the management hlnco ills graduation from the university inst june mr moore has been nn edltoilal work on the grocor nnd tho iluay mans megn alge both puhlluhed by the maclean publishing co and hie woik has evidently been regarded with satisfac tion no doubt the 1lv years spent in practlcul training in hi nffloe added to his collegiate advantages haa served us quota in fitting him for tlio respon sible position he now occupies the canadian grocor s a weekly trade newspaper of bsventyslx pages de voted to the grocery fruit provision and food stuffs trades of canndn its opinions nn mattei pertaining to these and kindred trades aro regarded by the various business concerns as nuthorltatlvot ita weekly wltoloulo market reports are reliable and useful it wield a wide influence circulates eveywhbre in canada goes into many places in great lirltaln united statos west indies south africa nnd aus tralia and enjoys the confidence of its clientele in a very ma iked degree mr moore will bring his characteristic energy nnd keen htialnesi insight into play in maintaining and anhanelng the high standard o wbtoh tho cana dian orocdr hhs attained mr itobert niu prtmnud with m olbla and t complimen tary addr on tho occnulou of tho ilepaituru in the ueur future of mr itolwit ntlles tn cuba a large gathering of tbe members of thu vorewsons corunru metbndlbtclnirch indnu aid socmy and adherents of tlm olnirclr met together last friday evening ut hlu homo in nassngnwnyn foi llm purposo of hi ihl log him fnrgwell mr nalles intends spendmg tho winter months in cuba and t be fi binds of crewsons cornoru ohurch of which itoliert li a ineuilmir futt llmt thiy could not lot thli occablnn pass without allowing in soma way tlio regard and the high estimation in which be is held ainonght them i ho nvonliig waa 0peilt very pleas ontly by songa and i ustrh mental ihlialc intirbpersed by wry impreablve dddrosios from iluvi h taylors mfesserjt ii wanhroiigh tl w y gray in which worn emphasized tlio noble units omiiln jooog inmf and thclrcjinndencu as tn bis conduct in the future lliey fullnuuured llmt ho would prove hlnibotfh trno man in every respect under all clrcumutnnoos all present joined heat tlly with tho speakuts in ttidr goml wishes fm a succflitfol nnd enjoy nbln tilp and hopuxl ilia ho would itilurti in the aprlng pi oil tod gioally in every way by this venture at the close of thu speeches tho following address was read by mr hoy wansbrough on behalf of thu ladles aid sodul ami mi uol j gray presented mr nultuu with mi oxford ulblo i uk vlt llluvtlltm 1- thu uieoili i m or the luilliv aid hochily ofcruwh nu corners motbodlst cliiucb tnki ihla opportunity uf muulhig lugutbor luie ut your inline this uvvmiig ou tlm occasion of your daparuri in tlio near future to sunny cuba of t x pressing in n small way the regard anil otic m jou nro buhl amougbt us you have ovtr proved j uiiraeir to im u young man of truu chrutlau intcg i ity always ready to kind u hulplng hand in nil the duties pertaining to tho lnurulb tif thu i liurch and unuday school wo havo found you to possess in n marked degree those magnanimous qualltlos of mind anil dlspoultloii that are essential to tho making of n good and useful man as a small token of our respect wo would ask you to accept this u i tile nnd wo tiuut that it may provo a friend a guide and inspiration to you in tho cllnie towards which you will sot your face in a few days and in which you will inako your name for a while god permitting also throughout your whole journey of life i wo trust nnd pi ay that you may have a safe and enjoyable voyage i and wo hope that in god s providence ynu may long bo pand to llvu nn tlio christian ufa to whhli tm hnio luhl such n good foundation nnd that when your labor here on earth in uur ynu may enjoy blessed peace nod happiness in tlio boavonly kingdom there fore my beloved hrethorn ho ye steadfast nn movable nlwaya abounding in the works of tho ioid for ns much as yo know that your lalwr is not in vnln in the inrd i cor 15 sh signed on liohnlf of tho imllon aid society by t miih w y ghvv mkh w a mumiay mna it ii wivnniinudii although taken by surpruo mr nellos mado n very fouling and appro prlate reply couched in tbe following wordsi die vu ritiknim- i cannot find n nrds to express to you my thanks or this valuable prasant and too llntlorlnf nd dross you have thought fit to present mo with it is indeed a great surpruo tome nnd i nm cettnlnly taken alto gothcr unawnreb i did not expect anything 6f this nntmo becnuso i did not think myself deceiving of such credit i do not know of anything lbati havodouo i nnd sympathy i havo spent ninny n pleasant and happy time amongst you nnd will carry nwny with mo many tender rooolloctlons i consider this gift from god ns well as from tho ijidlcs aid society and it shall always bo bold by me a cherished treasure and with such a friend as this i shall bo able tn surmount nil difficulty nnd 1 shall in tho future andenvnr tn fol low my saviour jo tain clulut mmo closely social and pergonal mrs a i mitddook vliltoil in ouulpli ovtr htinday mi jaimih p wllmii of hamilton spent saturday hi town mrs alfred snper is vlaltlug this week with friends nt milton miss m mi molntosb is bpendlng a fnw dhju ullh gurlph filuinu mlnsdu maud and hiuel mason visit ed friends at memlowvaln this week mr i i ink moore of toronto was in town on lursdny mm i c too mid mrs rank gambln vlilttd filrmu in ilrnmpton ou ivi day mr nnd mis norman oatilol of gait spuiit sunday with acton rrlnndn mrs clum w alasnn spent a couple- of days ibu wuuk with fi lends in loronto mrs junles moofit nnd mjis clara vpent iicotiplft of days this wotk with frtruds in turoiito mi jmd mrs jbu hornby of pi nulling nru guouts for a wotk ni ormr lluimpaon mill street mr ltlip s loumnn ntleiuud fo anhnimry mrvlctin of tlm mithodl t cliuich gcorgotowu lust sunday mimh carrie smith tame home ft m loronto inst wetk to upimd a fdw days wltli in i fnt her who lsseilouily 111 m and mrs j hi mcoollom fm m ijlv tf milton have removed from iliiiilltou to portland oregon c i mllploll ml- 1 ifi norrls anil mrs jnpph huddtll and babe of mlllnp fpuut a fuw days i it ntek nt mto liomn of mi alfitd hopir mr harry say ore of nwasngam jn tirilviid hnmti fioiu a fortnlghla deer hunting in party sound district ho s succesuful in sucurlng a floe buck nnd a dot mrs adam stiwnrt mr nnd mm charles w mnnon nnd mis ponri ntewart atltnded the funoralofmrn joseph ho d at toronto on manila meanra 1rcd johnston nnd itolurt nullea left heic on tupnilny for cama giity cut i whero tin y intend ppond lug tho inter lliey expect toiniet mr hi n nellin who went to cuba last december their many friend v i ah tho j oung men n safe nnd pleasant tilp spselal alvanvellauo bervloaa speolul services ere being held in thu moth ml ut olmrch this week und will probably continue next week tho nttundanco la encouraging ituv wj smith of guilph chairman of thohtstilot will prench tonight nnd to morrow night in a critical condition the friend a hero of mr gordon hon derson have been in dally communica tion with winnipeg the past week tho last mossbgo said that ha was very weak but that there wero si 111 hopes fqr bis recovery the pneumonia is lurgcly confined tn one lung iatuu wo stop tho press to state thaw mea sago has just been received by tho friends horo that mr hondoisnn has dlod iho remains aro inlng brought homo by his father mrd henderson mp and tho funeral will 1m held front his fathers residence at three oclock on saturday afternoon hornby window smashed ijnh friday night and on soioia nights last week stones woio thrown through the front window of tho orango hall hornby icvery pane was smashed on wednesday night n half briok went tluough a window of the methodist church it cost t5 on to repluco it the trustee hoard of tho church talks of advertising a reward for the brick throwor hut tho orangemen think they know tho breaker of their wlndowchamplon another drama in preparation the oddfellows nro preparing to re peat the well know drama t tho social glass i or victims of the hot tie given by a local company in tho town hall soma twenty one year ngo thursday otis december is the date for its presentation tho drama will bo given by tho following caste i mlisow hesslo johnstone jean llynds and mnry itnhortson and mossrs ohio r khhago taster wop murray mcdonald harry jeans geo hynds jr m hornby and wm coleman mr hany jeans will inkn the sains inline ho had when tho drama was previously given john farley land lord of ilia itlshig bun hotel mr kddht plggott the well known humnv- istof toimito will slug between acts nnd tho malo quattouo will also assist in tho programme makb new dlood that la what dr wllltama pink plllai dothat la why they our o many dlaaaaaa when persona hiivo not enough hluod oi win ii i lie it blond is weak and watery llin dnctom iiiinio the trouble anaemia dlomlloosness is tbodlicct cause or mnny common dlxum such indlgf ml on palpitation of thu liimi t debility drcllui ncuiatglh nurvons- nesu ibeiiiintlhni and rnnstirnpllon 1 lu sorest signs of pour blood are palu msu hluub lip cold lunula and foot gnucral ueaknesb low spirits and lieaducliph nud backaches if auaomla u not clunked n liinu it ill pralmhly develop into conduinption thuro lu ono cui tain cuu foi nnacinlu dr wlllliinis pink pill- tlu no plll net noll y uinku new ilch red blood which fills the vtlna nnd brings now life now energy nud good health tn bloodless people in pi oof of this miuh mnhcl clundonnlugi niagara falls ont says i 1 or two years i suffurttd ft nui nniitmli i waa weak thin itnd no appollto t i soinollnios bad dulrosh- ing hondiiobes nnd felt low bphlted my heart would pnlpltatn vinlontlyi 1 could do no work ni und tin hniiat t i becamo vely pnlo nnd my nervts got uiihii ung the ffurts of two good duo tors fallad to help me i was in such r pitiful statu ono day a friend urged inn to try di williams pink pllla and i did bo soon i sh tv the pills wort dielplng majiiid hy tliqllu i had taken nine hoxea i wnu completely cured i had u gmal nppotltc galnod in weight i hadnt nn ncho or pnlu could sloop well and i nm in far huttoi i healtli now than i over was i cannot speak ton highly of what di wll hums pink pllla havo done foi im whitdi wullamu pink puu havo douo for mub cbinduiinlng thoj have done foi tin iicaiidrt limy will do fur yon hut jmi uiuut get tho genuine wlllt thu full naiuo di williams pink ilia foi palo people on tho wrapper ui mind eveiy ihix if your doitlur bus not got tho ganulno pills jou can gut them at m cunts a imx or six laixea for 2 ml from iho di williams mndlolno oo ilrnokvlho ont savings accounts invited interest- paid quarterly georgetown buancli it j hewat agent cowrivtbrctat- sbcttoo boot flpadina ave toronto canada t r wmoiit pwmsipau is a good school providing good cquriwa of sfudy in tluilneis mil shorthand subjects junlorn inurmcdiites nnd soniorn are nil provided for as the course an lai i out to meet the needs of nl enter any time but iwtter now write for our spiels propesllua h h unsworth now is the time do it now when prices arc clashed away below regular prices milln try laiuhb trimmtj iia1s a splendid collection cnnipriilnjt the very latest stylen worth from 4 s to 8j so tc clsar nt 3 33 1 hi second lot none tho id a attractive uefftitnr 3 3 to i 3 to clear ut i 8s misbl ami chi oki n s hatfa tlnuhed toruitpowdingly in prices ladcr coats good clothn nku pnttcrmi and rlcgantly dchigusd flilu ucatou u luttht hoculur 1 3 50 to clear at do i nilicit cynta regular 10 00 to ilmr at 17 00 furs furs call kinks stoma mui ts end caps wo could uny many good thin en of thu celkctlon of nru hut it la unnecosiiary wliun oii hca tlio gooiu r utlllng pnmtlvoly dress goody d con hid or the prices there ulll bo noma quick tliiul to one lulf off regular prlccn htro inn bumper in lire t flood tjooards fifteen diffeientnlindea nnd pattcnia to iliooc from woith rcjtnlirly 33c to 1 00 for quick kolhng 35c jard keep your coat from crciutiuf and being unsightly in apnonraucc splcmhdcoal hanglks to clear nt 10c each highest pnccb paid for farm produce ittwwfflwwfwwlttwwwwfwwwwwwwww xxivkaixicxxtzkxgttie our crbht november sale 1 lio unit of thli eiilranrillniry event i intending in a lively liion i rom ilia ajjicent country for miles 1 rami j ha crow u are coming smunliy a wain drought u mny hoppr from oilier own all of whom were imlglited with the mnnoy tavtj on llielr purcluim a isle of this kind pltnneil for november 1 of exceptional mptl nitco just nl i ha lima ulien wlrilert wsarshlei are most in drmand lint we have before plainly i old our reasons far inaugural injf i hi lihi ojranorfnous slock at tlili uiun are lieivlar thsn ue tra lo earry snd io we take- ihli means of cull inn prlcalo unload iuormavs choice nnd except lonil price reductions sra prominent in li men haidy to wssrnd msdj to measure clothing aedloni and purnlalilnga in womn icoati blrls sult wahits millinery nn i noilont in i ure and i ur coaia for men and woman dreie gioan lfjlki ae wall ai sujile offer mom iemptln0arralna nekl ueauealvtrlliemehl will contain detail of thle novemlier sale event ol real inlrrael study our columns carefully the eameil activity of i hi opetiirfg day will increase as iho monlli ivancee b r b0llert st co snjyndhj0c7u strbbt cu6lph for wintry weather riio keenly cold weather remlada you if ynu hnve delayed giving us yeur order that you can t delay it any tenger our linudiome overcoat ngu and tiult ings will pleane the niout tartlcular il reuse r we make tlioni up right too or you don t take tliem 0 0 0 wni gooper the tailcor corner mill and main st acton out ttnrtstrttan a t 7utns smotutbns ch1ldr6ns lsiarortlil ahondy tboio mo indlantlnns of moro ttiitn ordinary into eat in tlm munlclpnt uluotlnus of january next itoovo wlllotigbb who 1ms soi rd tho town during tho pnat tuo j nitre with judgmont nud ability expresses hla in ton i ion tn ntho nt the ond of thu j car thoiewlll pinbahly bo a contest be twoonmr joliiihaihty and mi job moore mr thuiwialtlnn of ileeve hoth havo solved tho municipality foi n numlier of yenit nnd naturally nsplro to tho poulilon of cider mnglhtrnlo genrgotown coueapnndonce of tho brampton ooiifervntor kcton absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mutt bar slonmum of warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsehidc will never be found because the best is used or storeys cloven ond gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is mado pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof nnd the best working gloves on the soldln nllslores insist on storeys vmmikliauthf rocautukc ni oinmuf roi tluooimm foitthmbuvui roicomitikktlob m olrb blovc mialftw nsglecl ruins 100 watches where jew wsaiai out one k ep your watch clean and it is as natural for it 10 go as for your heart to beat prlnsrle lias experience and ability in repair und properly adjust watchei pas llriy as great aa any person in canada qc d prinaiie tio jeweller cudpli ouk stock of underwear is now complete in all uciglits and sizes and comprises the best values selected from the foremost manufac turers in the country the mojt reliable underwear made turnbulls for women and children all sizes all wool union llcccciincd tlio pehhans best values in moderatelypriced underwear medium weight and extra heavy stanfields ribbed the famous unshrinkable alhwool underwear the springneedle kind fits you ellis like a fjlove comfort and waamth combined henderson fe oo mill street acton we were nearer 80 busy in our garment department- tor the past two weeks we have been breaking all selling records in our suits skirls and jackets wo dont often deal with past performances in our advertising they may be gratifying to us but they are usual ly uninteresting to our roaders however this week wo feel in duty bound to speak of past performances that data up to the present and should interest you during tho past two weeks weve sold nearly twice as many suits skirts and jackets as ever bclorc in nn equal period here are three good reasons which account for this 1 we or any other store never assembled any better styles better workmanship or any better allround goodness 2 bettor assortments a more diverso assemblage of stylos or a greater stock was never displayed for sale in this store 3 last but not least our low prices customers toll us that on comparison they invariably find our garments a dol lar or so less on equal values if jou will investigate theso three reasons you will help us to bwcll our garment sales record madam youd find a coat one youll enjoy every mo ment you wear it for as little as 800 and 3000 at the other extreme a stunning coat wo offer other extra good coat values at 10 12 1350 15 8 and 20 and tho woman who wishes coats for tho children can choose from an assemblage at 250 4 5 g 850 10 and 12 special attention is called to tho 5 and 6 values wo will be glad to show them all to you d e macdopald bros tuc lston gcii

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