Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1907, p. 4

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tiiuithday novhmiiml jl iwfl nullsicitv iivhmuhto datm idtlht mis multst kul on a lufm kmiiii cuid mill whoy when rioiik conn ii tlnctur vllo ld linmr lilt nlkkl hsr tlmyvu uurnib in lliom throw hum hwiiy mllujkk ilirnn hut in ft nniiir katlutf a muutiu h iu tim tulcriilies im tint laldhlm 1wim ihospnt and iii i in jacfc nuvir knew why jarit nml till weulliplliitlilll tn futvhm pull of wiili r jill drank uhiuiiik alas i and bo ihn piu rnhca i nulil lu r t r- matrkooahdino tub tlomk in llii nnrlint hint hid himsrs worn liisdo ullli ihittinitii biivlngutit only furilmlffr initio thutjmt rllmhlii fill- hilllik mi inipoijhul pnrt to tltf loliu tic ii fo of hip paihr tun hmno roof wan nut inily hie idrlnuwr jiltchi ir but oftun lhu living mom a wnll lin rt when the aim vim tdiiblnr nullum worn iitctdvrtl mid nlt rtulnid in tlitfnvnlfl thu hiuilly pitliimd upnti it mid ant imtldiitf over lhu hutthf rtients in converse or lifting up llm evening ityinn tfififcther m iutunlnr to sumo story of tho past or word of instruction nnd if tlm night v cm pin pltlnus lliullnif thurn rest iihiiiiiiiim r it wits wuiittlnioa a cnnvonhnt plnci of refugo it u halter iniya hnlo dinn to dwelt in tlm corner of tlm housetop than with a brawling wmimn lo a wide him so here then was a rend y retreat when scalding words wore poured nut itrlnw a niihiroetlon winio of mu inmlcrn homed in i nil t pro fit by there with tho lnpthcrlrifr of tin tiarvost or tho rccapllnn of smne qpoclal hloauinp llio tliunk off or tig whb rondo rod nnd thtrit tin y gathered often for llio ninrrhigo uu live this common use cntised mnsos to direct the building ot n iwutloinnnt to gird tlio roof three nnd nno imlf foot in height lust muo nu accidentally fall over nnd tho hnmiaho itnlnod with blood if tho owner failed to ninltu this defense or pormlttod it to nil into decay ho must taltw upon his own shoulders tlm robpnnslhlllty of what ever might happan thus tint sacred nee of hi mnn ii to was rccognhcod nnd tho responsibility which one owes to another nothing can ho more important tlmn the safeguarding of the home nnd never waa it more needed than today it is tho homo life which sweetens nnd ennotlfloa our national life tho stream made sweet at its fountain head will refresh the land through which it hows thus tho homo u tho nations safeguard and lu most sacred posses slon what protection enn wo throw ahout our homes so that if any full from thoncit into danger lip mint flrt rashly olimh over hntllomonts hint aro high and strong and invlnollilu the first paitof tho lmtlleiumit lu n high moral utundnrd this must ho involved in tho process that loadu up to tho cstuhlluhnwnt of tho home itaason judgment deliberation imvp nothing to do with many of our mar rlsgotj tlio practice of marrying in hasto npil of repenting at loliuro la on tho increnso am la becoming one of our greatest ovilti no mnrrlngo can result happily that is not founded upon good character nnd upon ann principle ono of tho first nocissltles in human ufa is to lonrn to olicy children who grow to nwrrhowttnr womanhood without having learned to accept tho rightful authority of parents aro a inenaao to thu community thorn are two alasies of men ono made by tho ago thu other made for tho ago the former simply reflect tho passions the slns and prejudices of tholr times the other class is inado up of d iff ore tit stuff they go forth from homes with a high moral standard and stand un influenced by tho sins of lholr nge a second shlo of tho battlement which inclose and pro toots tho homo is mutual helpfulness heinshneas is n great destroyer of horns itspplnnss and there aro few homos that are not touched hv it few are tho favored homes whore nil tlm memlwrs work together in lova and harmony tho true way of finding hiipplness at homo or abroad is for each one to strive f mako others happy by help and sym pathy lie kindly nffoattnnod ono toward another is tho counsel of scripture and if thoughtful kindness on all sides of tlio household rules tho atmosphere will bo sunny nnd olenr jtha third ililfithat goes to mako tho compact that sustains uutliohio lovoi it must ho jnlnod to authority elu authority and severity will bu eotna synonymous terms to tuln without love is to tuln love and sentiment aro almost lost in tho sordid praoiloalnou of this age tho mud rush for money has stilled tho songs of love and romapco it is no sin to he a rich man nor erhna to lie a poor one but it in a sin to bo a sellsh man and a orlmo not to b a good one and if a man has to sac rlftce una thing to the other lis hsd batter eaerlfloo tho business to the home than tho horns to tho huslniibs lastly tet tho battlement of faith lw built let the spirit of the homo he devout a boy may quoatlun hit mothers teaohltigs but ho uover will question the example of her devout ufa i low many nuolde life may trnco its power for good hack to n mothers prayerful infliiouoe to a falhors wise counsel or to a sisters loving syim palliy these aru llio four fldes of the battlements that will best protect our homes nnd if wo do not hultd ii the responsibility of those who nro ouduu geml must fall uponu if wo do build it such a home will niskn meet for the homo that i eternal k ii iitibball ii in tio htanduril a cough is often ho fororimner or serious pulmnnnry affllkillons yet lliero is a ylniplu ours wtlhln life raaoh of all in dlckhia anuoonsumi live hytup art old lima and widely rvoognlsed rrtiwly whloht if retorted to at tho inception of a cold wll invariably gtvu relief nml by nv flowing ilia trouble guard tho ayeteni from any iorlnus eimsequeftoes imotr sa oente at all dealers bttimva i ill vlnl iiiii uliti i p h 1 i nut u 1 w i i- fui it hi lt 1 y l- i ihih rolil fi it an rrlhihle mnn llii ulit n iimih hog rnllid up llm viinug wny lui irnot inghlmuitlf with his own prhkl i v hood luiiiiinlntlim u lint only uiiiuldun unit hiwiijm iili ii null nul iiiihiiiu nnd nilu on llii rnof of un nniry initn piiiiimii a limn mm on tl i y in inutitit hid with migi i h wllli wtiut i lh pro dure n tiinpiiiiry liihimlty nnd dmlng hut pm oij bii in tlonlii lu iivnliliil uu nmwnninv dun i lu impuili nl brinjmiriiwdllopitindii llllj veil i iniuyir lumir luim miimhi would tulii ailivu piiii iium ji lo ihinniljuiy nut lillrt my in ik wiorssrilv tcxfuvaono ufa hit nl 11ilhm mimlr buy wh tui vmi fly hi tin hnmiuuim n i dl cioum tiiilneil tlini tln imillcxf im if hiibllu ir in nltuto f t it t tin nl im k ipn i nl ii iijiiu iim jihujnn n iwiy itliii whm mihk not fu fiuni homtoo all llm huh lltlog mill liuliiv uoiiny r lint nhilo not iuu- tli ipllid lllehoj iifpiuifnllj liny nl uinpr to uwnlloiv hut htih win u tin hook emhidiih imeir in llio iimhiiii hut the luh mo uiiiiuiiiilly winy to tiny sir choouino it in china tho clilm uu hinn u runny wny of ahnobhik wlmslmll lm if lu n gnme one nf tin in lutlils lu i hand mil with tho opun pului downuurd llion nil the ntliiro hliunl round with i he tip uf in ii lht llngiru touching hi r pulin j thun iiftei ujunliiign fmv oniln tlu muhlenly clnn u hi i llngi r nnd tru s to cntch ihulm hoini tlmi u uhn fulls to cmlch one nml then it hnu lo ho done ngnln t bnl if iho dots niiiutigit in liu prison oiin linger tint numi of unit linger has to hn it will kissing be prohibited the oaxulatoryprocosa denounced by scientists oa extremely oangerouii how thu dan ger can bo removed a keen ilucuwlnn u lieinri rnrrlod on by fcomo of tlm hint ncltnliftlu no to tlio u minor mill criinn nf knunnic lid by lit koineru llmlth omor ol at isntio ciu and lr nalpanxn ol tlm medical lnciilty of paria iluv cliarirn tlio klih with sproading urippe lunrlit fever mnnlmi imuupii itlionpnin ciniah typhoid jnvur diphtln nil eiv lipolos niiiiiinnitih tubercuhihii nml many inflictions khi dueniua iluv suaast leriutatinn on tho rmbjont nml tlio powtiiuc of imuti h in rmlwu utii tlous utriiot i aru mid tin r niihlja places hut tlmv nay it iinutd lin iuiw less to pout tin in on itramhilu ill cosy cnrnurh porclnu nlmdj ikkiiih or moonlit law mi they alho nropoho eompuunry liuuhition for uiitliudi nf disinfection nf tjm ninnth nnd purify inn the hnmtli mpiriully with u view otlio protictinn of tlm innonnt bullion rrlio nm particularly mibji u to mfoo tion the aroatout and mout offoctivo purifier and germ ilnstrojur icnoun to medienl boioiico for the niniith thront snd breath as wotl nu for tho huod stemsch and liiiiai m pnyclilno that triumph nf the medical woilil tint i sitrncting nlninnt iiiuvoraal attintinii liernusn nf tlm iinnderful r nlu at tending its use ono of its recunt tru umplis i told na a matter nf oxpnrl- enco in tlio following briolsutontotit j pr hlooiira ca tometilfl illil lunnlorm lor mo i mitnlmut3inr vftntl ao inn i luu miiink i bo line ui r lnnlnwii immi nnii inninilliir m-innt- two my luuiiiniiliitury emiinnl tlio milyillicnwldiiiluhiloil rrlor llirnijtill ilnovorbitl wvm m iniim lis ineaual rntniiont euro uffftlily ilicnwitiii umin1 irloounn i nrlith nrnuimutitlilnovdrbotlhlkir llullhm ii ink ivmmn i juiils liafl nuvcr itolhurud ina psyehlnn prnnoiniced rikenn is nd mittiml to hn tho mout uonderfnl of nil dliinase nml nrm doitrojiiib ngenoiub var hinhliiirc up tho run down tvumi and eiirinrc nil fni iiu of utomnoh troiihleu end disenuoi nf tlin rliont throat nnd iiiuiib or bond in simply uiinpprnnolinhht it is n relinhhi hnum trentmcit lor si to nt nil droughts fifln and 1 00 or tr t a hooum limited 170 king strout woit to ronto thorn nrn plenty of lioiuim in oui workiidny llfu itnuuiuboi thnt llio must lieautlful suiuoth oouiu often nflor cloudy days ns slsnstar cm vv t ol tu bmniln axatlvc dromaqiiiinno mews in rcniedtr that r ftnlil in one dav mis lflniiagnn i wnnt a pair of shoos for my hoy hulostunn french kid innamf mrs klnnngim no air i rill i kid 1 castor si vet ibfuut wai ohlldren the kind you have bears tho feffnfttunj of a trained nurse tiibv dhbw tiid li net the pnpluof n cortnlu high solum wero uepnrlug t glvn uu onteihiln inent nnd in pursunuoo of iheli phins lluy iipiiloairnngunmiith with n liicnl plnywilght foi nit oilgtiinl onu not dra inn in dun lime llm prndiihtou wis written and int to tho young man jvho was holing ns mil mi go i a day or tw inter hn nppoiirod nt tlin nfllnn of tho nullinr with tho irnumucilpt in his hnnd ill liuve to nsk you to mnko u olihugo in bin ho snld wlmtn thnmnunr with up nuked ihnphiywflght t in one of tho scones joii knnw rojulned tho nlhnr m yottjig muvf oonaosun tho stage sinnklng a cljnr otto i well tlifern isntn lnty in aellonl tltnti i will tako itm part after vcars of experience advises women regard to tholr health in mr martin ivihlmnii 1 tli r avnm f n jk inn ihn niu klmol 1 it in i mi i lor j iv uu i i i f llnlc un al tin llulihlithln 11 jitl ill hi ltur i r nt 1 ihiih hi i hnu lit no if f i- ii ntd 14 m in r i ml nl ami wh r hi i ciy nul 1 i u l it rjl 1 unii ilid u t i n nro flin i un i rin y n r i lu illli fn uwj hijjiuv h ihpmldlllt t hf i ni ivlu nnn 1 luiiotui mrsi 1umiii i ys nttit i oil llfl i 1 tfrilruhil nltirl li i irctri ri n ulihlylltl ptnlhauiji j itiln nut uul flinl tilllm ilini y nnn nil 1 f- i i 111 i u dili i i uuiiu iuuui 1 1 all kith mwrn h irjn hhii h iln i f irril li l ii i iin1 fn iiniitilujvi hi lb il l riiinurll i f r i jt i 111 not iit nm 1 v oil i th it iitltr ciiiliik nn fi inly iipthii ii ni itiil vol i hi tlin null my tiurly wll jl was nsb fi mnlif iriiiifilo ox 1 lian iit km uu ml 1 la i rotil 1 tiurly wuk fininln iriiiifilu iim lliai mr known lydls u link nm n vmfnblo onipaimil how- ilinbs so i iibimilncnaeol its unit mo vltl in four inonitu blnre ttuit lime i lurve lml oenmtun lo rocnmmcnil it to a ihiiiiih r of mtnin buiti rinet from all form iirrin ilitihmli till ii- and i llml hint wliilt it in r nt h rw liipnir b u l to r oimmi ml a imti i inedlcfne 1 cu l loniottl recommend 1 lla 1 inkhnm w viuetsb i oiiiiiiiiiiki r r i luiu fmml llint it cures f nmli tlin nbcro nil otlur ninllclno falu itunrrmi l inulli lin fur k k wnniui monty mil i lot boy wuli imlitnony as thin merit iihno mil pitmluoo sudi re sults no i lhu ntih nt specialists now orwo that ljdiii ii riullisins vene- tahlo oompound ta tlio mrwt imerwlly nuccffwliil r ineily lor all flinulo diseases known lo iihilklne when monirn sro troubled with irre gular stippn wu d or painful periods wcaknom lihinu uunt or uherutloit of tlm ft main nrunns hint lmaringilnwn feollnn infltiiiimnllin hackai he bloating or flutuh n o ki in nil di blllt imlitteb- tlnnand lien onu prostration or am liesct with such sjmptnius as dlssinewi falnt- noiw loiulliitlo excitability irritability narvontncm slccpleejmesa melancholy alhgono and wanttobeuftalone feellnw blua and hopelessnma they ewuld remember there u ono tried and true remedy lydta h rinkhams veoeuhlo compound at ooco vmovea such troubles no other tomato medicine in the uorltl line received sueli vrldeepread and unmiallfled enilorseiiient lhu noedlofw sufierina nt women from dlsesnoti peeiiliar to their rex is urrlbl to see tho ntoney whlrh thtiy pay to doctors who do i ot help them is an enonnntuj uoste i imuretland tho iiimiiy in savrnl by lydia k link- hams vegetable compound it is well for women who are 111 to write mrs rinkhsm lynn mass the iiresent mrs pinkham is the daughur n law ol lydia e rinkhsm hef assistant tor many years before her decease and for twentyfive year trine her advice has been f mely tttven to sick women in her great experience which rovers many years she lit protwhly had to deal with dniens of rases just like your her advica s strictly confidential lydia plnvhftrrts veouwe comiwihi sacccesto wber wtm psil cliatlercilby domintonoovernmenl bstsbllihsd 1864 the merchants bank or canada hbad office montuual iniorcat added four jlmes a yesr tig branches picilitcnt sin ii montagu alun vice trepidant jonatiuh hodosoh esq general mansjr b p hkhdsh capital paid up flfioooooooo iaposllsover 43000 000 00 surpbii 9 000 000 00 total aiiets ijl 000 00000 savings bank deposits ono dollar or upnarj will open an account money withdrawable any lime no duy farmers 8alg notes we hive epcclm faclllika for collecting ilieie ws will cash tlutm si once ii dailred al 4 low rate nl interest joint accounts when rerpitiited we will open accounts in iwo nsmei so ihst clihcrane may dnw the money husband or wife sic aoton branch w s chisholm manager an iiivlous mnn mixes loan at tho futness of hit neighbor hoomtos do not delay whon through debllltntcd dlgeatlvo nrgnns pnlson lluds us wny into tlin hlood tho prime consideration in to get ihn poison out ns uioiooghl us pnuullilu delay may muupdlwutur imuiiqlaoflxcgclahloj illts will ho found n most valuable nnd effectuo midlclno to nsenll tbn intrud- 1 r with they novel fail thoy go ut once to tho aunt of tlio trouble nml uok 11 permanent euro thu in the hemteenda smoko lu tho bend lorninn pin verb pninu like llm poor aro always with us that portion of lunna lira wblnh is not miido up of ploiuure is hugely compuhud of pnu nnd to lie free from pain is n ploasuro fllmplo reiuedlus nru always tho lust in treat ing hntuly pnlu nnd n safe sum nnd simple ruiuody is ii thomns jcctoc- irlo oil you cannot in wrong in giv ing it 11 trial when required a mnns tiiiont most helpful filsnd lagonnrnlly hu motbor phnsiiiit an bjrnpi nothing equals it nu ti worm mod id no 1 tho name is mother tlinves worm lix term inn tor tho gientuut worm dostroyor of tho u i hav ono sot of morals in your linnio and nnotlior in business night is right nnd wrong is wrong how is yourjcold hvory plneo you flu j ou hoar ths same pioatlitn aakod do j mi know tlmt there is nothing st dangerous nn n nooluoiiwl ooldt uo you kmnr tlirin nugluntiml onld wilt turn into clirnnin llninnliilii vnoilnmilla dlifliiathitttmuitiiuml ilia most dondly of all lliohlto ringno ooniumiitloi many a llfo lilatnry would isad difft rank if on tlio flint ammurineo of a dough it hail boon rutmulluil wjii dr woods norway pine syrup tills woiiilorful onitfth and euld mmllnlns emitalna nil uiimii vory plun orlnnlplwi wlifuli 1111i01 llm plua wiusw an valuablu in tint i roit in intol liiuinnf tlmia v ooinlilmsl with this are wild olisrry ihru ami tlin snotliiiig healing and on- ihintirant junpitrtloa of otlior iwctoral uorba nml bulio linr oouelu oolila ilronoliiua vain 111 the ulimt asthma oroitn winnlnit lhiiilh itoai aniioiii or any nirmtl il ill tlm turinb or lmigi you will ii id a sum niiti in r witwls nnrwav lmnn hyriip mm u n liinr jkiwink nr tnltnai i litvsuiinl or wnnd s norway pino hyftin for cousin nn 1 0 ilds and have ahraya fqii id lb 10 glva inuant relief i alo recomtnondeil it to oiib nf my nelrh bors nod at a was mora thnt rtoued witli hf woods norway wm byron 80 eta nnv imtllo at nil a islsrs pub up 111 yellow wrappae wtd tlireo pine trow the trade mtjev wiww ultluu thsrolstmly oi4 arwy liue uyrirp aud tnut one tk w c r l tj po n iimt r no re- tinpr frciluiunt from sloep i ill t wlt t morn womfisi lr nml ultjreder than tliey lwe n dlxsy iiannntion in the head iliehaartpaluitutou tlujr nro irritnhls end norvoiiu uuik nml nnrn out ultd tlin lifthlcat hnum hold dutiea during hie duy seem to lie a drug nnd n burden milburns heart and nerve pills sro tlio very remedy that weak nervous tlml out slclly women need to restore them tlm blessings of good health t tlioy rive sound restful sleep tone up the nerves streugtlien the lieart nnd mako rich hlood mrs 0 mcdonald portage la pralrio man writes i was troubled with shortness of hrcatb palpi tation of tho he irt nnd weak spells i pot four boxes ol milhnrns heart and norve pills nnd alter taking them i was completely cured price bo cents per box or three boxes for ii 2i all denlers or the the t uu- hurn co limited toronto onl tho fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him ohlnsse proverb prevent disorder at tho first symptoms of intornsl disorder par metsos vegstuble pills ihoukl bo re ortoil to i mined lately tvfo or uires of these salutary pellets taken before going to lied followed by doses of one or two pills fur two or three nights lit succession will serve as a preventive of attacks of dyspepsia and all the discomforts which follow in the train of that fell disorder the means are simple when the way is known the envious man pines in plenty like tantalus up 16 the chin in water and yeb thirsty t adams there never was and novor will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to whloh flesh la heir what would relievo onu lit in turn would aggravate the others wo imvo however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulter ated state a remedy for many and grlovous ills dy its gradual and judicious use tho frailest systems ro m into convalescence and strength ly thu iiiiluumju which quinine exerts on naturos own restoratives ft re i loves those to whom a chronic state uf morbid doapondeocy and lack of interest in ufa is disease and by tranqulllalng tho nerves disposes to sound and refreshing sleepimpart vigor to tho notion of tho blood wliloli iwlng hthuuhued courses through the villus itrvngthomng tho healthy anl- mfil f mint ions or tho ayatem thereby nmklnk activity a neoessary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand increased suhotanoe r result improved appetite north- top ijyman of toronto have given to i he rmhllo their superior qulnlnn ly the opinion ot solenllsu the wine approaches neatest perfection of any on he maikefc all druggist sell it i lauomls9tsi the church was parked even the miuh islng lined with elmlrw li hefoifi the imiiindlollon tlm thonglilfnl clnrgynmn who lovt d order lis lm did thegobpil thus udmniilslud hlu liewr rrs 1 in paulng out pit hbo rt imiln peal ed until the ushers imvo removid llio chair from thu nlsles an american woinnn who vhlltd th tower of itndon ricenlly ipiltn n piie t thu rquanlmlty of thu hn feiitms by a pietlon she put to mm if said b1i it is 11 proper subji rt of impilry iji like to ask what thosn letters k u embroidered on your tunic itntul for madamnl gnsjwd the nstonliud jleef cater did you wver elir of king lledwnrd llm hflvotilh wing julhl nil i oh i i nvvvr loathe vorld coihl iumb that upper iterui vorfer jnat jmnglnnusu ihllj hn cohch uia qui a school girl who lih nrchunlly jiilligsd unijireluo with another sent her this lioto t minn a presenta bet compliment to mlas h nnd bigs lo any thnt aba luts an innhiwlhi which isnt tnlnoi so if yim hnvu omi that isnt hers nodoulit they nro thnonos rjounramrim holland llollnnd le h plnco whire pilmlllvo custniussliound triullllonsurii unc red ly handed down and obsi rvwl and thla veneration for ancient things hna kept alive in tho country whatnraknnwn ns courting hundays tluougbout llnl land tho four hunduys of november are said to bo kept as fete days thoy are named severally itovlow decision purchase snd possession bundays on ho v low sunday ovoryano gaca to church after servlco thorn is n chm eh iaradr wlran all the young men nnd maidens look nt each other but foiliear speaking on decision sunday oach would bo benedict uppronchos the urn id en of his choice with a ceremonious bow nnd from her reaponso judges whether ho is acceptable as a suitor or not on purchase sunday tho consent of parents and guardians u sought if tho wooing during tho week has boon heppy possession sunday witnesses thu bret sppsarance of tho various lovors before the world ns uctual or prospoc tlve brides and bridegrooms dyspepsia stomachlllsorders mat iie quickly and pechmanentiy coked ds burdock blood bitters lr v jl uuiu lltnlwakl qu wrltr- u si follow 1 i iltisr to lliunk yon for ynui won- dahulaurs llunloek iiukhi lultara thrm yaw ago i liad m vry vi bltwk of dytppl- i utd avs nf 1 ul ilooinru i mulil nml but tiny eoul i do mo no c- l i u sdvlud by e friontl lo try lloruk wood tllltara ami to my srt unrl slar uklos two bcttlm i waa u ittrty euroj that i kavs dol hail iln ol dyrla ilnoo iaaniutpralhllleoliialilylnoluinirrt in my irniunw ll tuo bait i nvor uiod nt lh- tni for ma hka hi ii dorheoiilaulillluui tor niinlock hlood hltura tfaam bi no uu no jml ftfl kvon the good mnn who bellovcs hi will get his rewaid in heaven lu in nn hurry to ctsmfli poundmtlon prlnolplea first 1 whon wo undoruko to fill your subscriptions wo give thorn qnr undivided attention nml liost enro the patients welfare is our first con sideration second 1 wo guarantee our drugs to be of full strength as wollaspuro nml fresh third 1 our customers are suppllod with just what thoy ask for substitut ing is uover allowed rainbfl oklbhy compound h you aro a sufferer from kidney dlsooao liver complaint blood troublon rheumatism neuralgia 01 norvous prostration we confidently recom mend tho use of palnoa outcry oom pound tills rollahta and novor ills- appointing modlolno is a truo iiihooho banlshor and aystem hulhlor wo upply the genuine palnos oolnry oompound at brown aoton ont a man may lie of tho onrth eiulhy but his dreams are of the sir nlry tooomaooldinonei day- take e fjaxsuve jlromoqulnlns tabut a drunfau wttojl the menay illl falls lo em st w droves sufnaiar on saeu ilox saoin some people not only give his tetan ic majesty his duo hut pay him in advanoo give holloways corn cure n trial it removed ton corns from one pair of feet without any pain what it has done once it will do again one of the very best of all onrthly possessions is self possession g d prontloe liver complaint the llrr i the larst suml in ilia hoilyi lu bhus ii to ulia from tlie blond ilia iroiirh wlimt farm uu mlian lit uvru torpid nnd inluuad it nuo furnlth lit i lo his tawala eaiulns lham lo tom bound an i ooillve tlik ymnlana are s f roll no of fnlni or wllil in lha right alils snd tilioolloo tlo hi llm nms r ml urn uabu balwesn ik hauldwri vfiiowoms el the tkln and ayaa lmwl trrtsular eesud ieosua had laale in ike meiiilns ala milburns laxaliver pills sra plaaaahl and it lake rie- not srlp mka or lkn naver uu in uhatr sffaeti oad are by far the ssfaal anil nulak remedy for all dussmi or duorders of the uvsr price aft eents or b bottlesfor 1100 all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uubura cov limited toronto ont thc grand trunk railway 4s- ikz fe c a convcmcikc much njlroiiuttl b rprynftner of 1 iftiutprt in tjio towel rod nitridiltl to tlio runjjc jjnyi third of tlio rod hi iniiflu nt cnory it tuitkcn a hplondul knife sbarponor too l jtidwaytlicro1ifiiuly for you you need tirpuo no time luinting around for tfioei bright hilu ch an ntfeurnte thermom eter 11 u rchuhlu ijuiilo to rutcohful imktnj while nn inaccurate ono is a cheat of the worut kind i- very paudotii tlter- mointcr m cart fully iid- u6t nnl untllrcoef n piapticiil tcit by lielit is pro en correct before btinj unf out tht fieurliwliuil wli6wt thp rofjuirfld tltgrce lit lielit tiocpiuitiry f tlio fujccetfuful bftklnnof iweqilicnken pk etc nrcf ilninly inecrlbcd in ijlnck on n wlilte etmrncl fiurfnco ro thnt thcy nro caily rcidnblc ecn when tile dity isfiill if your locnl dealer docn not tell tlio piuulorn write direct for free booklet m iacjfilcnfllill rilaino 1iulili lh i ullli nn r 111 i no ti 1111 nn 1 hi 1 1 ahrliih 1 1 artnn tho old and rellablo granite and mniblo dealer wlmn i i 114 i nt 4nl tlliul fmiuiiuil if ll kit 1 1 m luimiikiiititmiiiifiiia mirk wum ii ildvlt ttrrinloil hhlliiu ivt hlm lou lr nttoiiiur o ni cll w i itvif llm i ll llm fi h bl nnly mulitmfii in ii ii ioui n li van oinr- u 1 llnunmut i j u rlv h bll mmm tu 1 1 rt i t rimummll tikoitti d ii r imd4 tili nt i 11 jib y jo tmil iiw f till ih i lir lor llvri w 1i hi- inrit anl in 4 u flunlle lu iii imiilnltii or rilnjny lltuaiiuauralu tliiwii wow liitllliiut cra slid ara iiuv ibl llllt bill iii hill i flit imlt ua hamilton it sons cor ort ltbinuo 11 li hi uli ill london tohokto mohtrcal winnipeg vancouver gt ju n d namiltoh c v h1m3ioiit ijooaij agent vtlfe fi 4 j3xtra attention is paid ta all who tome to ua for their ordered clothing you cant niako any mlatsue when you place your order here our clothing i mitle to your order per fee it fit models o style nnd artistic finish ihtler let us fit you wllh one of our special blaokaad bias saltlntfi nt joo vuo bin range of fine bootoh bultlnfl fromlaooola ij5 00 k e nelson merchant tailor and mon a yuimuher quelph is far your bus if so the weekly sum the parmers business paper will each week be or special interest to you subscribe now for the weekly sun to 1st jan iooo in coudihationtii te actor fieepress only 178 public notice 33y the order of d the city of guclph our number is changed to us replacing tho num ber 69 on quebec st public pleaeo inform your friends from outside and oblige as our fur selling meant mon ey saved to tlicm na well as to ourselves lafontalnes fur factory and sample rooms 95 quebec st opposite her ald oftico guelph wear well coods uvlies suitings blankets flannels yakns excellent qualitv harris oo limited rockwood everton5h5 eden mills the heat quality ot manitoba family sum pastry flour tor salo at low oat prlcos our own hake cliorplor pone end oils hollcil ecrv ilsy feed tor nsl cssh for wlieat snd osts henry hortop jfe synopsis of canadian northwest hombbtbad nroul at ionb anv miiiitisrva stetlnn ef dominion itndt in ilsnltotie hmksleiiewsn suit uticrta imiiilnoustiil b not rmervaii nuv is imnimusaail by uty parson ho is til sol tiud of s fannlir or sny tusls over id yawa nf as to tlia aiuni of enequsitsr laellon of 100 serai more or lata untrv mml ba marta mnnnallr si hi lnsl lend offlee lor ills duuiollti nblohtla laml l llutlad tlia liomulr is ritilr4 tointforoi llm enrntlmoiis eonpsotsa uiarewltti uudar one of uie fouowtus pfans i- ii al imui lis oionllia mldane titvon and eultlvstldii ot ills istij hi mdii year for tinea 1 if tlia fllir ormollisr if thsfsllier iaaall nl lbs liommtaaiul tmltlsi uion 1 in ths vlalully of ilia laud sii tared for tl quiramtnu ss to vaaldanu may lis hllallail by sueti nous vmldlns willi tiis ultisr or uiolhar ts ii the millar has bis pw nisnsnt mlilim bihi 11 fannlbs hum owdm by hi in in ilia ylelnli of lila bomtsbad tns vsqulrsnisiits ss iovmi denes inay ls sstullm uy mldsupe umii hid his uotilb ttollas in wiulnil shnuld us ounii in lbs oommtmlensir of dominion lands m oiuws of intention wl for jtaieni diuly of tlia mlnliur of tbs inurlor n ll unauh6rhud nblleuoii of llila md vsrtlasnumi will not be pud for ba nattagawe lu milts lumbar ulh and shlrirles always on hand cheap ultl ilnflcni to p 8aver8 80h6 kaauptwmrji p a ll z6r y bus liki 1 ho unilmlfnoil reipcctlully lolklts tlio imrfiuko ol ili pll lie nnd infurmn ilicm tlui wall xaulppsd nml btyluh rilar can always bo lecnre 1 at lit fiuhlos a comljrtillo lui mceia ml train between lodanm and f mj p m caroful ilnnijon nlcn in every order tho tvnnii ol lorn mcrcl ll 1 ritellcru fiiliy met john jnziilik7uts propribtor parwohieiiii till mu w shoo i iv 1 hi iau wlun i ok ilottsi s 1 ii 1 lie 11 onormi i an oli um lo ij puis water jfly nlnhl nn 1 meitilnj jolinstoqe go mill st hi i 1 acton the berlin steam granite and matblo works caspcn niiaun dlsihiius anil builders of statues mauhokumb mon- umcnti markers and ileid- stoncs and al kinds ol artistic cemetery work william iiemstueet agent acton w iinqson painter paper huigcr sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams liver kepairi promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessu tlcla knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and rensonawopriiii 1 w c1mson invnnnmilliia thade munks d2biqnb enpvnlainrii 40 ii l nil itiwrli l nulnltt kinurml i r i i h i ll fiuo ill or nn ite ftir srw irruwvr hliilnulif win oiaolini o lu tlio scieittiifc jmhieriefltt il hiindnnaly llliiiiratihl wrnlilr ijtrvoil ilr iilulloji or air rjiiiiii l riirniil lei mjrftijirjiiiinuisttl iuhuynll c goaoioroidmvflg 1imallmwu1llluti 1 wills fur our linrtrcunih i lofslldp anil llowyntisrs swisdud laanitiian rpugn skcliirinad nf vtorlii lyahllon or luu rovimunl nml wn wullau you mrs our rmlnhm n t wlidlir it j i intiat palaiilatli liricld sppllcahefialuivsaf tl it you s liy in v lii mondial s lis lo iirotiirilj arcur taulil bbealrcuraaws il tltvrunli mailon mft- ili dulrcud spplli iukfitiiny iiioalcii t stilly fh hinvil of oonilnet stilly qhliifiril omri snitwasb uiitori iiiumijlm ly dlatwlcli work ami illicitly atirmlai ualmmlii lire funiuliel 1iliiiu rroeiirfil tlivrunli msilnn mny rlou meslv spmlal neilcw will mil ciurss rt p awntr ilhulbuliil iliioiiuvwl ttwlviiiiliilon mamifssv raann iinuiintrsi marion marion ntmni ckprt jhd sbmohora mwtauixjmii k aviiiiik

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