Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1907, p. 3

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add ihe crowning delight to your meal with m a jelly made from white swn jelly powder ail jour iixt tit i ha flavor you hie lni litre are rg both teincan 1 fruit ii hai ll or can c1 it i lice loccilu th robirt omia oa umu4 jflaa1wbimblbfbjubj0liblmishblg 5 our took or hoger b i knives wadding- 8 forks present 8 s bpoona insiusrwareend b 3 wrtditiy fancy coins b b rings fi 5 1st up to dat 8 i geo hynds jwellar b j miiisi aclon g mi1hiiimhmhmhmmhhmmhmhh news iip local import gordon hendersons death social and personal f lit kdon jfree rts8 thursday novkmiiilt 20 1007 jk brief local items now wo in ivy look for old fashion ed wlntut wenther a very enjoyable taste of indian hum ii or wnsn t it mr plcnu appointment aa pollca magistrate for milton has boon gaust- ted on tilo flllo wcalllpi of tho past wmlt gnvo i lie fur mora nnollior opportunity for plowing hurl 1yfo i likely to ho on one of hid hlg hockey tennis of toronto the nomine season a couple of kngllahmon narrowly racaptd drowning whilo skating at milton last week jowl morning have you renew iil your kiikk 1iiichm subscription cull today please tiid remains of jamos mcdonald woodstock wire hinted in palrvlow cunicilvry on halnrday messrs jnhnttnmi jk co e new fm nil tiro nnd undertaking store will incompleted in a fuw day ihe oddfoltnws expect a hlg iioum nt tliolr drama nml concert in tlio town hall next thursday ovonlng messrs ii juan o agnaw and tamos hmltli amdntrd tlio 20th itegl baud atool at la itii funoral lost week the street crossings liava been kept clitan nnd passable the pait week or ao- thanka to tlio municipal officer he opening services nt ht albans church next hnnday confirmation aervlcea by tlio dlahnp on monday evonlng anniversary sorvlccs in the met bo il in t ohm oh next h nnd ay evening ilov j j ilcddltt toronto will proa oil a meeting of tlio board of kdu tjatloitwiu im huldnt the offlca of the hecrotsry nn saturday evening at 7 110 oclock a flno portrait of tlio late col- allan intended for this issue foiled to reach m from the engrivers in time it will appear next week the 2dih nnmml mooting of ontario agricultural and hyperl- mental union will lie hold at llioo a o oual ph on tho olh 10th ami 11th l3eceuinei mlis ilusslo mokoown who haa been a vury successful teacher at dtihlln school the paat three year will terminate hor engagement nt the end of dm year hon a o maokay mpp and other spoakeis will address a meeting or hftllon liberals in tho town hall milton on saturday ovonlng decem ber 7lh at hncloak owing to ihrt annlvoiiary in the method it ohm tit anil tho reopening of st allmhy church the evening service in knitx church next bunday haa been withdrawn tho license commissioner will moot at ntowarttown on saturday to consider the tiiiiisfor of the liquor haamo from william wluihlp ballln- afitd to donald mcleod ildv j 0 wllann 1 a in been appointed model ator of the hook- wood and krifin mlllit churches during iho vaonnoy oniuod hy the realgna tlonnritevjt hali a now chrii currier ayatem haa been installed in iho oatnhllthiuent of is it dnltoitcn ihn ayatem oon- iiacte wltlia now namcobullthlgh nhoo the floor no an tn give greater flnoi ipnco ouulph moioury a good many ladloa would nnpre- oltfto an order to tlm young fellnwa win crowd the paveinente at the corner of mill nnd main atroete to move nn the pmolloe la becoming n very real nnd objectionable nuisance owing to tho prevailing dullness nf t tilde meihtfi board more co and tlio aclon tunning on have laid off a number nf men it la reported how- ever that the full complement of am ploy cos will bo at work again at the new yea i there itro several piles of brush on oluireh mid kflln ureets the results of making way for tho new pavements and ti limning shade trees which should he removed without further delay tlioy have disfigured a the otherwise lldy strode for a good many weeks on tho evidence of inspector oakes at the pojlco court tuesday morning it whs proven that a man named kolvhur on the prohibited list loitered for some lime in the bar of the quoentj lintel and in oonse ijuunoea ftnoof floand costs was im posed on tho iroprletor gualph mercury the prises nffereil by halton ooitnty for tho best exhibit of applet at the ontario horticultural kxblbl tlon hthl lit toronto inst week were awarded us follows i w v momurray btreelvltlin it m psnrt freeman t john wilson ji oakvlllai a o cummins jlmllngtont it o vowjer burlington tu cmm or turnips dblppd miaa m v lmry a c tlm wluiuanhi i rod urn drnlura who hhlp turnips horo bnn already bhlppid lit era tlila full th moat of ihtm biit wen iiiadml at acton and hut 1 the turnips are nlilppvd to unlfd htatos points mathodut annlvwry0t bunday tito sixty third apulvtrsary services to ihi held in tho methodist church next sunday will be of swclalltttflreat iuv j j heddlltetf president of to ron to conference will preach morning and evening hpokl iniiale will ite rendtirvd tiy the choir itev mr iud- dltf is an able and elwjiinnt prencber annual mmtlnar or th bible boouty the annus uiwllug of acton hrsiioh or lbs upper caoad illble htty will 1m held in uie mfelbodt oliureu on wednesday evening oecentlwr 1th itev jssmaiuaon if torouta will 1m the spsekvr of tho evening and wll have bis addr illustrated with hum llgbt vuws sm bhet id the lleajlment color oergeaitt jos iyitd i com twwiy atb corne illhee has cjipiare1 the heal shot mad ill for che ritihiir for 1007 by bis splendid shooting at camp niagara hist june out of a possible 60 points joe scored ho h ban wen reeognlsml for aevorul ysare as one of the liest bh it in the rrgl inent vondly hamemlierai old home iii renewing his vuku piirmm sub urlptlon mr w ii crawford oath cart says he notices with sadness that so many of the old realdenle of aobbn and vicinity are parsing away he is glad to learn of the constant growth of the town and says ho feels as much interest aa ever in acton for bo ban a very warm affection for his native town oututter dowh wajrasi in ouelph dells piano factory man are begin nlng to think the wall street brokers are not the only people being pinched by tlio financial stringency a ro ductlon in hours was made from trn to eight per day some time ego and this has been followed now with a general cut of five per cent on all hands this makes a total reduction in wages of about twenty five percent ouelph mercury aeerwatewn vtereil oosi oreenhoueesi a trip through the extensive rot and carnation houses of the george town floral co on tueuday in com pany with iteevo hwackhanior was a delight to the fnkk pnaon dr itoe the energetlo manager of tho concern had a very pardonable degree of pride in exhibiting tho splendid products of the greenhouses although busy pre paring large shipments for nutaldo points he took tints to point out features which gave bis visitor especial pleasure a number of the moat attractive designs surrounding tho caakota at tho recent funerals hero were from these greenhouse order on t mated to mr e a robertson druggist the agent here will never fall to lie satisfactory johnatena bloek about completed the fine johnstone block which baa supplanted the old hansom adam residence at the corner of mill and john streets is about completed it le m commodious structure and adds much to the appearance of tho strcot at this point the block was built by j d maolcenile contractor iti well lighted with a hue plalo glass front with prismatic windows at the side and rear has hardwood floors metallic ceilings is heated with fur nace and is modern in us appoint ments w ii walker and w wor- den did the painting and title rcfleata oredlt upon their skill johnstone co are moving their furniture stock to the new premises ami lb will wow vlew4awd handledterntiiorr hetter advantage main wovda by judgei homahon the trial of two youths robert spink and henry obrien for assnult- ing a young girl flftoen years nf agt suddenly collapsed in tho aminos yes terday morning on the admissions made hy the complainant mr justice mcmahnn in dlwhwrglngthe prisoners aaldi if your fathers would take let ter care of you and see that you were in the house every night nnd improv ingyounwlvee in some way instead of running uliout after ynunff glils it would be better if your fathers were stricter and if tho mother of this young girl had not allowed her to be on the streets after proper hours this tort of thing would not have happen od if you come book hero and ate found guilty it will mean that you will be put in prison for a long term globe ths mathedlatbpmlal bervleeei the special evangelistic services aro till in progress in tho methodist church the interest la growing as la also tlio attendance rev mr barker the pastor haa preached soul stirring- sermons which have bad the effeot of quickening the membership and giving sinners an unmlstakeablo vision of the helnouinsm of aln iiiast thursday and friday evening nd on tuesday of this week ilov w j smith b a of ouotpli the et teemed chairman cf the district breached vury earnest and impressive sermons on tliuwday ovenlng mus walla of paris shng a solo does jeiua oarc and on fri day evening mlaa devltt of waterloo aang tlio saviour ws need both were well rendered and listened to with interest on sunday nml tues day evenings a oholr nf male voices led the singing ne0nnar sud confirmation sunday and monday will lie impor tant days in the history of st albana ohuroli the enlargement and im provements have bun completed nnd the reopenlng service will give special occasion for thanksgiving nnd thank- offering rev mr wlhinn the rector was disappointed that a now church could not be erected but he is muoh pleased tist the change effected have resulted in so manifestly improving the sacred edifice service will he held on sunday at am and 10 1w atn and nt 7 p to rev gilbert f david aonmaofgutlphwlllbetbeproaoher for th day the fact that it le advent sunday will give an added interest tn the occasion on monday evening at h oclock the lordbuhup of niagara will continue the services and hold con firmation offering duvnled to the i building fund will be taken at all the seyrice th itemalm breusrht home from wlnnlperrunori nn btatui- dy lrariy attended onboraotonbbniomtbbtskknb news of the death of mr gordon henderson manager of the hank of hamilton t ahernethy hk sou of i hendrrson m v aoititti was pub halted lit fast uhiih of the vuuu piiktiu heartfelt sympathy mm felt for mr and mra hindcrmi and family in their great sorrow hie remain acciiiimiiled by mr and mrs henderson arrived here on friday e ruing and the funeral was held from the family residence bower avenue on saturday arter nooti a very largo concourse of sympathising friends nod neighbors attainted tho fiiperal an hnpremlvp service waa field at the house by ituv j c wilton ii a nutated by itev matthsw wllan wa and llev g w darker the pall orarr were six off he personal frlurnle of the deceased whml bo was maiding in tbw old home v maura a t drown william coopr ii d nwatkhauier v jtjdr it maeplierson nnd w soihervlll tlm deceased was taken llj alwiwl the aiib of october he thought bis ailment wns only a uevere cold and treated i uhtly in a few days he was conlldt d to hie bed and as be wmu gradually growing worse his friends ul winnipeg wero notified ills brother am lnter mr jno a hsiidereoii nnd mre dr mcursgiie went nut to aberuelby at once tulng with hum a trained nurse imiiniunla having developed they uitini for dr mc keague he repoiiul nt unci m d it was decided tn lube him to wlm lpg this was dune and ho seemed lo gain for a few days in the meantime mr nd mrs d henderson woie advised of bu condition and the left by first train and were with bliu until tho end caino nn wedneadif jotb inst he was cnnscioiis during iiinut or bis ill ness and hade nn affectionate farewell tu all the friends with him and remem bered tlio friend in the old homo hero james gordon henderson waa horn in acton on tho flth foby 18fll after passing the entrance examinations at the homo school bo entered george town high school where bo spent a couplo of yearn in 1800 ho entered tho bead oflloe of the bank or hamll ton at hamilton as a junior rlork he mado rapid progress in l his position and gave great promise of a brilliant caret rns n banker lit 1002 he waa sent in tho wlnnlpt g branch and hero he won the confldonco and esteem of tho manager nnd ataff and forgd for ward in the ollmb up the ladder when he bocamn well acipinlulud with the routine of business at tho pralrlu metropolis he was placid in charge of the banks business at tliu gniln ex hnngo ho re ho remained with much acceptance to the hank nnd its customers for a yar hewaathon ontiustod with tho important com mission of opening a now braiiuh nf tho bank nt ahernethy a growing town sonto ink miles west of winni peg in tho contra of tho konlla plains ono of the beat grain district in the west he was mado uiuuuger of tho branch and bold that position up tn tho time of bis doatb iho bust neas grew here rapidly and tho branch haa five members on tho stuff today mr henderson wn a beon alurt man of buslnoas light hearted and care free he mado friends wherovi r ho went there was genuine gi lef on the part of tho dank of hamilton uthorltlea that so populai and sua cessful au officer had been taken away so early in his promtslng career upon his return homo mr hendorsan re ceived a very comforting letter of mr w i jiuiplmll r toronto junction was in town thin wetik sir jul ii smelts vlalted bis hi other richard here title wrek mluee hnxel nnd lottie maon vllted filands in alton this week mr- smith or dunnvllle vmtml rev and mre iurkerdurlng the week mre itav dr nran1an of ancaater vlallnd f i lands in the obi home last week mus mai in milne or toronto la vlaltlng her mend mlas resale john stone mlaa wells of pari has itoen vult ingher brother mr cliaa wells the paat week mra w i hwackbamer of st riiomna u visiting filsndu in town for a week or so cminjy couneulor wllaou waa ijoi town on saturday the guest of juave swaokhsmet mlaa dovltt r waterloo m ii guest nt the jmothodlst pareonege dur ing the week mrs- v hwackbamor arrived last week m om ht thoiuah to swn 1 a nonlb or so in the old borne reeve swackhamer and mr ii p mnore were giuats at tto w deu dinner at milton on tuesday mre c a wright of t rontb mtnd n few day lost week at the home nf her eousln mrs a fred h iper mr william luyson mrs hamusl irnyson and miss minnie of brampton wvr gurata of john kennry ti and other frlcndsdurlngfl u wnek mr d henderson m p will not procoul to ottawa until montis y libit when mrs henderson will aecoin pany him parliament opens this afternoon mr t d hendorsoti of the trana continental survey with headquarters at kenora out waa home attending his brothers funeral he leave to re ume bis engineering duties tod iy rev i s ireland and mr inland of seattle wash have been guests dur ing hie week mr henry prankum marl i st rev mr ireland took a trip this wsek to bis former o itarlu home at trenton mr w coles returned from his vult tn f i lends in the old home in somerset knglaud last thursday mr colon enjoyed his visit but says it rained nearly overy day he waa in england ho prefer canada sun shine and mure vigorous allmate ilov falhci fiuny attended tho re opening services and the hancpiot at the oaurch of oiu lady guolpb laut thursday father ii eny aaya the sen ices uiru uf n mont lmprelvo character tho church now is ono of ho finest hi tho country 1 be paint lugs nnd interior dicomtlons nr magiilmcunt onbwaoni oonnbrb llimry fall weatbui is with ns again t n moitling of tliu shareholders of tho idl well on 1 uesday lnat it was dt cldtd tu dlicontlnuu all ope rations for the present nud the crowson cnrnom oil and g is o impany will now put into hutoij a large nuinbet from heio attended tho military funeuil of tho i ito lleut- ool win allan in actoli on wednea day lhy bjinpuhy of tblu coiiimuiilty will bo extended to mr d henderson m p nud family in tho sad boreavo ment they have euffi led by tliu death or mr gordon dumb i hoii mr itlolntrd com i tuck who litis been a resident of those parts for tho past fow yen re ii ft via steamer lual- tatila nlllug fcoin new york on nnvcinher 10th for ids homo in south- port england where ho wilt remain fur so mo lime during bla residence mr m crowson wa in walkerlon on tuesday w two fools with n gun who had a liberal supply of tanglefoot on board woro almost tho oauso of an accident which might have had a fatal terniln atlon on tuesday evening lost while two young women were driving bom tliolr cows from tho pasture field these miscreants deliberately fired at the natllo saitto of tho pellets of shot strik ingononftbo ladlo had the fellow luteo nenret tho aocldent would have been aseilnub one nn dmibt farm ers aro also complaining of tliolr fowl being ahot mistaken foi fc dear and ahot henry chambers or freelton waa fcbot and blllid while hunting in muskoka with a party mado up of bis nephew n fitond from ayr and savor- al mlllgrnve mon ono of tho party mistook him fui a door and ahot him through tho nltdotnon a messenger was sent ill utllfaa for ii doctor hub mr ohumhora died on the night of the aooldont ii wna tto oura of age ilia paiunta oame tocanadu from mlotilgnn 70 yinre ago about 00 yeais ago ho bud a wood yard in milton obnmploii hare dick made a largo number of ywpalhyaoupprecuuottfruiumi hradslrorrhtorhlrdepartnrr jamc turnbutl tho general manager or the bank a telegram of sympathy was also sent by the eltlxcne of alwr- nothy thofnllowlngfrlondafrnmadlstanou ttended the funeral on saturday i mr l mcglldton sarnlai mr d d obristle mr and mr w p gamble and dr lowry guolpb mre t chris tie mr o it ohrlstl mr and mra jamea allan mr oha allan mr and mrs ii b mccarthy mr and mra allan armstrong toronto t mrs jas henderson messrs john and ernest henderson mr wm shields jainn nnd bsrtha hhlolds mnaara j w klllolt and john irving milton t mrs moliiigan hamilton i mrs jae clark mr john modermld dr nixon m pp and major grant georgetown mesar walter elliott j o bluok- look d hiitoheon and nell mcmillan naessgaweya tlte floral tribute weru numtroiis and included a brokon column from the family wreath from tho bend office rank of hamilton i wreath from mr and mre d d christie guelplu anchor from the anforud georgetown boy at winnipeg and other mementos from mrt christie mr and mr h h mocarthy toron to i mr moglbhon sarnla mr and mr green way london i mr and mrs john harvey mr a m smith henderson ac co employees and a number nf other from friends in winnipeg respecting mr henderson daath the winnipeg free pre says i pillulau 1iankuh dikh james gordon henderson son of david henderson m p for halton county ontf died today at tlio resi dence of dr s a mokeague 00 furby street or pneumonia at the age of 20 year two or three year ago mr henderson wn resident of winni peg being the accountant in tho grain exchange branch of the bank of ham ilton where lie became deservedly popular in hanking and business cir cles he was transferred from that posi tion tothe managership of iho bank of hamilton branch at alwrnelhy sauk which position he held until hi death while in winnipeg mr hen derson made many friends who have learned of hie demise with deepest regret a father mother alster and several brothers are left to mourn ht loss mm dr s a moktugue or winnipeg i a sister and mr j a henderson ikw notre dnmo atoniir is a brother ashnrbeervloo wojs hold lit di mo kesguits residence at 4 oalnok title hftiiriioiui afier which tho body wu taken mst to acujn tint fur burial a place of safety and secur ity for the accumulations of all who work anj save deposits or duy amount accepted and interest paid 4 times a year at highest current rate georgetown branclt tt j hbwat agent trownvrkwctat scyroov sms spadlma ave toltonto canada the ohst fob business tbain1n0 is the only school placinglnute hands of each student loose leaf binders and supplies ns business men use them par the latest and best in business and shorthand training you must come here write for special rveoesllisa t p wright principal h h unsworth now is tho time do it now when prices arc slashed away below regular prices millinery lad1uu tkiumed ha1sa apleudld collection comprliung the very latest styles worth from jo to lj 50 tc clear at s3 95 tkls second let none tlio leu attractive regular tj s3 to t 33 to clear at 9i j mlb 1s and c ii ii- u it in h iiatb alaulisd corvespondliigly tu prices ladicb coath good clotlih like patterns aad elegantly denigssd this scauou a intent itcgulnr gia 50 to cuor nt o 00 i ndiuh coau rtgularjiooo to cloir at i7 00 furs furs i capbr1neb stoles mupfu end capswe could aay ninny good things nf thla celloclloti of furs hut it hi unnecessary when you xeo the good and consider the prloei there will bo some quick selling pnbitlvely one third to one half off regular prices dress goods hero is a bumper in urtiw goods 900 yardu fifteen dliterentshadea and patterns tn choose from worth regularly jsc to 1 oa for quick tolling agi yard keep your coat from crcunlng and being unslgbtly in appearance splendid coat ii angkks to clear at 10c each highest priccb paid for farm produce h h unsworth hcton nselect ruins 100 watches where us wear out one kep your watch clean snd ii is as natural for it to 00 a for your hurt to best prlngle ha experience end ability to repair and properly adjust watches pos albly as brest as any person la csnada firv vay- items from our great november sale which 1st now in its full plenitude of power draw goods regular f jc and 71c par yard in 7 yard untihs al j 03 twsod suliinji hiulclolitsndchviols rjular ti j yard al 703 p yrd fancy ushi ill lit la disci slrlpas lc raular i 00 pj i ij a yd al fcyc tarfala and louliln illbi in i hi shsdss raftular 71c 4 i at 40c lnlee load tsl coals ipclal si i7 50 l 75 lljsojfljtw itllea iwed thin wslai suits cm le oaij rsdlmsllrlaouowe maia raularly prlcad fosi ii 7 lailut alilrts our 0a uala ruirlykd id jo it ijpj f sules sllb wsjals si s cut pr it of each j 7j iadl fur coats anj other furs al di count i vice btxony wool nap wba blankets raulsr fi pair at li fj i ad as puil snd rlhbwl fine oulimsre lior regular ictfc msn s nliural wool undsruear sjulal- tr st each jk msn s fancy draaa vatti worth up to i4 oesxh atjgj- man black and twaj ovrcails speclil al is 73 snd in jo msniiults r at f io realdsrihandio st its cnusutl lutrialnalnmans psnlr ai ii 10 1 1 40 siftooljio iloya gvercoati f i s ducouni off rrular price mstfa ch rill mis neckwear now rvady e r bollert 8t co- amvanidhn3ic strbbt gioiphi for wintry weather the keenly cold wealhir remladii yeil u you have delayed iviag us yeur ordur that you can t deliy it any longer our baniueaie overcoatings and suit ings will please the most partlcuta dreeaer we make them up right toe or j 011 dont take them 0 9 0 wo gooper the taibor coraer mill and main st acton ont gt d pringiie the jeweller cuelph the right house hamilton 8 favorite shoiting tlack 3soo fur coats at 3500 handsome serviceable good- wearing astrakan coats on salethisweelc a clear saving of 700 practical new styles in 27 inch longth quilt ed satin lining df good quality rich black in bright finish and evert glossy curl mado of whnlo skins and guaranteed for wear all sizes for womun regular value jj200sale price 2900 thomas c w atkins oorinin kino 8t east muqhson hamilton ont milnif mala tiiiilbnio jto while ut wustutil saoocwliasbooa ahowa la eattog vssuitsffla annoy laaeoiirt albuiw um mrmrmirdlamaarsoriktsaiuark autniuulha he aefca thay wmq be bimm busm tram thla dlati 1 livar irols at isillstlaalolrri underwear time v7ere i preparod for tho hundreds ol good pcoplo who look to us each year to supply their underwear requirements we havo gained a mighty satisfactory roputntion for making a dollar cover a lot of underwear goodness somo of our friends speak to us as specialists in tho undcr- woar end of the business this year we have broken a few of our shining records and bought more undorwear than over before our discrimin ating customers should romc at onco whilo stocks are complete we will offer two lots of underwear one for men and one for tho ladies at special prices these two lines aro of excollent quality perfectly cut and proportioned heros a chance to supply jour winter underwear wants 30 dozen mehs natural wool shirts and drawers penmans mako slightly fmporlecr all sizes 3 to c nt 85c 30 dozen lndios natural wool under vests and drawers at 85c underwear uneisis stfombns childrsns our stock of underwear is now complote in all weights nnd sizes nnd comprise the best values selected from the foremost manpfac- turers in the country the most reliable underwear made tornbuixs for women and children all sizes all wool union fleecelined tho pehhans best values in inoderatclypricod underwear modium weight and extra heavy stakfields ribbed the famous unshrinkablo allwool underwear the springnccdle kind fits you ellis like a glove comfort and waamth combined i e macdopald bros henderson fe oo the ltun gucipi mill street acton

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