nutim inhalw wmav january ioui u r atidmn tli 111 t ni a km i km in aninu nn wi inn he lit january ur ftlulmia ulwarl llvilaralaiiubur mauuxkit new council at a deadlock mlnutm or th imuiunl mutiv objeotsd t the itatev ilav- rum to kut motions oolrbulmonr i al tliu lliilll if lljm lift if lit llilfntwo miuwlim b mil j nil uar r lr uv ii v mini j mii u j ilemaii ami of ur- william aiiluil 1 aal ht aotii u ojh t oaau oicuiou mip rottmn al oakvlll oil wailimtlay january sib jobu i attar in t uhth yar uehliiiai blareamaiine llnwar av anion nn waduahlay lltb jitiuary atfltilliald ua nabb ilflhr uelamvm in naaaaflaw nn waluaaday jrt stli uliiiil- lunii r riaarly batuvad wlfa iin j mularau matjlyaarn a uiuiiuil and ltdst thuiihday januahy hi 1mb ii j i bditoriali moth tbo open wour in llm wvit is nfticb hlpnj tli j fnnufiuii fit of grnln wlilt h i law miu year th in it lint over ljout at this lime onhuurday inst uihiiji redolptsut wlnplpctf tiaalnl hw curs against 5a for tliu mmio tly hbt jriuir ti steady ipiprnvmliiiuit lit money conditions tbrouphniit the woutwrn country in tuitfily duo td ibis furl j it riipnrtod ihiitu mnjnilty if members of llu now comity council are opposed to county rood muds nnd wllltako stop i ul mud in tcly to repeal th bylaw recently pnwaod hhnuld hhl notion imi tiikon ttm rofmctnry nismltorsavlll nndnnlft llnd that there are lentil dlfllciillliu in tho way hit hytutv having luiim uiiuoliniind by tin provincial rowrninunt orlllhj und mi loot- sinnd out ilk lilnlnd stain in tliu durkiiiiuii lmvinjr carried local option whlln nululihnrhik towns and low null i p huvo lust it hut mir tempt rituco frii mis should not dlcounikuil prohibition in juut nu uro tocouio na nlghi id to follow lli day bulling liquor la u in matniii vll and llk tlm om 1vciy qnoln will novif ho aettlid until it u ucuiki t bpiiaklng t it well iitttrtdi d tinualn ofllio went knd onupol t input unci- bocloty on hnnduy nftumioon muyr elect ollvor of toronto wlin prewldoil ftr aongratnliitlog tlm iciiiptifiiiik workera on tlm iiiukoinnnt vlcuir they liail won tliiniiglmilt llmprovlnn in oatlhilg thtolominu of tnnn nliii ave innre hat rooinn guvn uu n iniw ag for tlm naw yvar tlm following aim high do inn tor miclioly morn i ly plrltually in moh tlmn in 1107 hi elieorful ra thnnkfnl for nil out morel tn on day in onch year toronto fur tlutim incontrovtntlhlo ovldunco of tin benuntnrclorfliik tin- imr ronma ttt unw yoari hiy tlm nninirlpjil leotlona aru livid on that day con mtuently tlio imr ronnm r ciobhi tlm olootlon law provide imavy pen- itlea much lionvlor tlmn for tlm in fraction of tlio lice nio f for tin mlllng of liquor on tlmt ihty lit new yoard duy nit aatiiglilmlivuliial waa arretted fin diunknnneaa oi olirlatmnu day ihi pinon worn nirt td for ilninkentiom on the day hi foi i there wero hi from tlnn imiin- morul aald dpty uhlrr f pidkt burk to n repurtfl it lm hum the custom or tlin pflro to uk good dial of liilltinlo on clnim utait o thattheue flgniuu nprmoiit tin mlnlinnm- toronto nawu dbeath ov arch henado rot twenty vni m hiipaeud neat- dent of aetont kver lnoe the sorlnua iiacldtnit wiih ulned on the 7th nov lohfl whlhi net ing he englnuer nt tin ouniidu qlnvt ivorkvwhon liu hud ilnuiiiihrikon broken and roci ived mivom injurlem about tlio lmnd mr arch mcnnhh hae iwen in very poor h until not- wlthiundlug thin hu indomllnlilf courage periiadod hlin to rominir work and hn oontlnuid tho fit lth fill titl- fllnientnf hu dtitlna up to clnlhtmnu lie wm able in ho nhnut until hint week when ho wh a con fl nnd to tin houeeand rradiiully grow woukm until y ei tarda y morning hotweun vi und 1 oclaokwhan ila spirit niritoufully lnak lt flight hu ailment wna a growth behind tho lionrt which retarded tlm hearta notion nnd flnnlly catiuod death archibald monnbb wnn tho nop of john monihl ami wna hnin tit lulu hootland in 1hi2 lln oiinio tn 0nmla with hu pitionu in ibm mid uottlod i victoria ouunty tlmlr puwhiigo uoriim the atlanlla in thnt ni 1y dulnoconph d nine weeki mr mrniihh uorved lib time ae n iiiuohlnlht nnd during hh twentyyeure in acton wna ouipluyid nttkla capacity almost contlmiontilj by beard inn re k co forty omi yearn ng dccoiibod jolnwlln wmlbok to muignrft hmllh who nrvlvea him- tiidii homo haw iwnya been ft imppy onit and tliplr family llfo of mout nltontloiihl character foui aonaiind nix ilaiiiihtcie came to irioun their borne of whom tfu following mirvlvo t hmihon j dwiwli court clerk wfllinm and nrll nlth tho oaimdiv olovo workm mru d a jonee fluid quo miu hituttlo mid muii liln nur nt oiiiciiko who arriv ed linme ytbttnlny moi nlng defofo oornlnd to aoton mr monnhli woe for nmny yem h wtqritint halmllt unilupiiiilid fm wviial yinia m woollen mill ur mcnnhh imvor loat i1hv for hie nntlvo land iln wna a llimntounllc penker nnd conld ril nnd wrltn hie language ulim il waa the flint nhhif of viinhmi camp of lln bona of flcnt- land nrganlxtid hiro bevuntiiun yearu go ho waa for tlihty wn inian tuomher nf dm motlindut oliurch nnd woe for it nlinilwr or yoarn hiipm liiten- dantnflliu mflhndm uniiibly flalionl t oreeninre nnd hum ht mount lint ha wan n regular httviuliintund llhorul opptirter of lite cbuml hr and wim rwinlunulurjetaii h day f tbo year in hlllfi mr mo- nabhvna mn ardent ltmrhl and hud mad the gjobo dally hici ha eailj married llfr lie wan n man or kindly dpillim bad h gnxl wiird fin overybody and liu nmtiawhnt niiddfii itnatlt will tuiitfo fientfhil rtat hodlwl in grwttpeoco tatfeettng ntntoet atuildnoe hi he savioiii he had eiidenotei lo vlffaf bill on ww vlynjanib ttihsflewtf kavivj ja tt issjjftiirj ti 1 w willie btiilnnae went forward at be uouiioll nulling tho hmt hair of 1107 with ft fair dikrnt of harmony the nnw yonr him bunii luliernd in at the council hourd with troworkt of quite brilliant chaiaolm it te very eafa to prodlct theiuforo that the inoetlngb for the nokl ftivv veka will lw ftooted with u vuiy full gallery trouble iiroae nt thtf ii rut nioellnk in connec tion with tlm striking nf the btandlng cnninilttntii for tint ywar at the haconil uidiitiug it wna nllrgvd thnt the nilontfli were not n trite rtrnnl pf tint proeiodlnga of llio lrt and ninnerou pauugea ut irnm lutwfeii ueeve hwhokhmiiyr am tti orajr oconrred the cmtnull dlpotiid ht 0j mnnday vttolqg itulatiau tl ltcevp nlaiind to put niollinicprobfliitid nnd tbu ooiili- i more dillueil to prir4t willi bind nim until huiild on tnhuiliiy inornliig tin nuililkira winn aervd with tiotlcnathiiti kwcihi motlng wniifd i mi lipid that evening fit h ndlnrk at that himlnn corpora- tfun rolirltm mrlc lotion waa prfiont mid tho tjinftlini wtiro urn ii vu i oil tliu member nuot of the mtinclpl council i nut ot it oclock on monday morning tn t uku the itaual declarations and ui bitnlxo for the yonr ae follows i hictcvk ii a bwarkhniiier councii miiui a iikii dr gray j c hpil and wllllnui wllllauia llm ilrut luiuliieaa wan tho atrlklngof the atandlng committees for lbs year tliu hi ova and councillor bell and williams worn appointed by resolu tion tor the purpose tlio committee retired nnd biib- mrquuntly iepnrtd aa follows t riiiniioo dr oiuy chnlrman i xv wllllumaando c bpelht 1lro and light ii bwnckhainor hiilrimiii a ihll and dr dray town irllw williams chali- inaiii a hull di qrnyo o hpelght ii hwiickhiiuier fhrcets and walks a uull chnlr man i dr gray o c bpelghtund ii rwacklmmor public parko 0 speight chair- it i w wdllanii and dr gray cemetery tbo iluevr chairman i w wimiama and a belt when the onininltteoe report had lusn proadnted it wae moved by dr amy secondud by w william that o 0 hpolffht he appointed chairman of the committee nn fire and light huppnrtlng his motion dr gray aald he thought a- man who bad given full h ft servlcont tho council deserved 4omii recognition and tho promotion ho meiju d mr speight may be hsiivu nuxt year und should have an opportunity or getting acquainted with tho work of the mnro important oonimlttods councillor bull yes u a man le tn wt iy with tho business he should have ti ctmncu to lino tho luovo i claim tho motion is nut in oular wo havo tho commit t mis e port iwfuio ua after bomo further dlacumlnn the it nn vo dtrldod tn put the motion dr gray nnd councillor williams uujiportud it councillor bpulght enld that as hie uiimtt was litborted in tho motion for a poult inn he prrfurred not to vote councillor bull declined to voto for or iigulnut tho itaovo doclnrod the motion lost tho commlltwa report wan then upon motion dactaicd adopted thuro with ho mo further discussion and tliu hoe vo said i tin indmltore of tho striking commlttoo will surely not bo hook on tho repot t thoy voted for in onniiulttecr tho by law to nppolnt auditor was pniuautad rend tho required numlwi of limes and passed tho names of a k nloklln iwlng propftsiml by the council and william htark by the rvovo cmmcll then adjourned to inert at uth oclock in tho evening and each ulteiniito monday evening durlnfethe year council resumed at elpjbt oclock members all present raovo in mi chair the minutes if tlio morning meeting wro rend dr orny- i would llko tn know how tho voto went on my motion this morning to mnuo councillor hpelght chairman nf tho fire nnd light com- iiilttee tho motion doe not seem tn luivo boon recorded did yon vote mr bpelrhtf ooun bpelgbt i did not dt grny dldynumr bellp conn boll no i did not the reevo declare tho minutes correct as read dr gray mr hoove i nindo a motion at tho former mooting two voted fntltrtminengaliibt it i want it record od tho iteovi there is no record of tho motion i declared it inst i con- flim the minutes as rend dr gray tho council has right to nbjeot tn minutes which are not cor rect mid i idijiat the beeve tlte voto stood two to two and i declart d it lost cniin bill i did not vote nt nil drgi ay your deolnring it inst did mil difont it where la the motion p the cltnk tho hoevo did not pas the motion tn m dr gray i now want the motion put tnd tho yiiim and nays recorded tlm benvo vonre too late dr tho cihiiiulttche ha vo hetn appointed dr giny i object to uiu melliod rdoiillng with lio matler und do maud llmjcitwiiiidiihyunn themnllnn conn hpelght according in he itvew ruling n motion might lw left nut of lhn minutes at any lime mid if tho itsovo dvohuo the niluntea cmiflimtd nn rrinl wo could hate no cori mln i f the procewl ny s dr gray your declaring it lost does not dafnit it ooun hpvltiht i would net vote for myself to be put into any position dr gray but the beev was vot ing himself into a position your modeaty councillor hpelgbt u to soma extant responsible for this tangle the clerk then rose and said as he understood the matter now as mr hell and mr speight did not vote the motion was carried as only the herv voted against it hut the motion never reached him tlio beeve if the council wuh to hate the motion recorded they will havo to and it i have iteeu reading the proceedings of the inaugural meet ing of toronto council lo ulglit and i must say thar la a strange contrast her to the harmony which prevailed there if you commence trouble tldii way now i do no know hove well get through lira business of ill yenjr dr grayi am earnestly trying to avoid trouble and that le why i do tnand ih tit imn motion m reoordstl i do not propose lolui bulldoned by lit pvitmldlogooleer eltber t tm biuve i claim tltstmoltihi we lost lit qri then your voto annuls tho untlci niif ihh whole council the ileevo if jour motloit goea then youll tint o to strike your cunt inltloes over again dr gray i do nbt care i want ibis motion recorded and ute minute made correct and legal the iteve mr williams will you vote for tills kind of thing after sign ing the report of tho committee t dr gray now mr reeve i decid edly object very seriously to your effort to hulldme any member of tide council tho reeve you cannot enmp 1 me to put that motion i take this ground out of respect tn the clerk the clerk you need not consider me i have no feeling about tin motion being put the reove gentlemen if you think you aro coming here to ride over me i want to tell you you cant do it i have the respect end confidence of the electors of this town if i havent of the member of tlio council dr gray if that motion le not put then the husfnoe of the council must stop right here the lteevr i object i will not put the motion dr gray ir asking to have the the minute made correct i it crime then we should know it the chair positively refuses to put our motion iteeaiim they do not suit him ii bluklflw the our of us because our motion are objection- able to hlin well gentlemen the only thing that we can do is to adjourn and ascertain where we stand the reeve then we can issue no cheque in payment of the account due dr gray we certainly can not now issue any cheque legally coun william we surely must see that our minutes are correct the following motion waa presented i moved by dr gray seconded by w williams that the minutes or tho couitoll held at 11 am on january 13th 1000 as read being incorrect we would now move they be made eor- root the hoove dr gray you are ln turmptlng the business of lb last meeting dr gray i am not i am endeav oring to correct the errors which have boon made in the minutes of tho last meeting i enter my protest heforo you all gontlemun thnt wo are being very arbitrarily dealt with tho rasvo decllnedto put the uintlon t following motion to adjourn vol tbon presented i moved by dr gray seconded by w williams that this council do now ad journ the beeva having declined to put a motion to correct the minute of lost meeting the reeve add tho reason to your motion dt gray you have no right to dictate to ma what i shall or shall not put in my motions it i rather a ridi position for you to assume the reeve i dellne to put the motion the oounoll then dispersed and the clerk was sdvued to transact no busi ness until the matter under discussion was set i led willie th discussion was in pro grew tbo com mil tee oiv finance mod out and presented their first report and recommended paynientof account a follow i james carnulian feeding tramps 3 si mr jam oarnnhan scrub bing school 4 00 a stephenson repair 10 co acton fiikb prims pig and adv woo bunbenm kleo co lamp 20 60 can gen kleo co supplies 10 00 beardmore co repair to bolt geo usvlll tinware dr guy i object to proceed i tig it ltd ihihiuhm until the mutter f the oiiiiiiubiou from the minute line been nindo right i want the motion 1 prtmntfil in bo tecordsd the ilfftv i am not tapontdhlu for mtiyfhlng incorrect in the minute pr amy if ur bell says he voted lhenriinv imtthlng further tn say yoi fire iitvrvly valuing side issue mr 190 03 the report wo adopted but cheque will be issued until further authority is glvsn the treasurer on tuesday evening at eight oclock the members fyled in all wore pres ent and solicitor maoklnnnn wm on hand with books and papers relating to munlolpiil law parliamentary pro- oewlure etc the reeve explained that the object of the meeting ws to secure legal advice a to the proceeding of th meeting the evening before of which he alleged he wa tbe victim concluding bo eald our iillcltor will now inform u whether i was right in my contentious or not dr gray in hit ti regular or h special meeting p tim iteevu its i a special matting to consider your motion which wae loat at lb inaugural meeting drtra7rtltlflpfotaelflr mr reeve dont misstate the circum stances whtnele lb motion p the lait i saw of it was when it wae in your bands before mr maoklnnnn gives tiny opinion we must consider what question wa are to submit to- hlin ty feeling i that this i a vry- dlffloult and important matter otrt- tulee of iiirfer have been repeatedly tntnsgreed do th f trnnsgiwsefa un birtl did fctot vote i ooun williams- did not and do iraftta ctrfd tho motion uot now ootwtfef ota my algilng th v tlrtsjtewry i 0wm odpimltteva port wai hiifibfflhbam binding upon me in any shape or form the report was merely recommend ation for the council in consider i do not want any more nf ih iumvus in sinuations directed at me either the following resolution wae then presented and carried i movod by dr gra aeroudetl by o c hpelgbt that the council do now go into oomtnltteo of tbe whole to consider with tho solicitor lite ques tions at issue and hint tbe mover take tbo chair can led dr gray took the chair tito reeve i want the question first to imi sottled ns to whether i am guilty or not guilty tbo chairman wolt now proceed with tho business in band three questions were submitted to th solicitor i 1 wa tjie lui vo correct in declar ing dr grays niiotlon lost when two member voted for it and only tbe leeve voted hgulrjst f 2 wa the motion lo ante ml the minutes in ordr it wa tbo mulon to adjourn n order v mr klncklnpouanawrred kb follows t i if the presiding officer put a notion und dec red it loit and tbe ytaajind nays wmo not culled for tho motion was lost notwithstanding that but one voto was cubi iigatnut it a a motion to tmeiid the minutes le it way in order unil should liny been submitted to hid council by tbo reeve ii a motion tn adjourn is always in order and tho itnevo was not juitlfltd in refusing to put tho motion the reeve there gentlonion you ie tho solicitor has justified my action dr gray ob no mr reeve i have to take my mudlclne and youll have to take yours notwithstanding a long experience with municipal bodies i havo juat learned to night for tho drat lime the important lesson that we must carefully sorutln- ite the putting of e i ry mol ln nnd by calling for the yeas und nay know howaoh member is voting iain more surprised that the reevo will take advantage of this technicality lo over ride the wishes of the majority the reeve i cannot under tund th solicitors opinion as to dr gray motion being in order when he gave it that i was right in declaring the other motion inst t he solicitor further explained the reevo welt th dr says he ha takan bis medicine i guess i can take mine the report of the committee wa then algned and put on record general business then followed the solicitors account for 37 00 for ssrvlco lost year wa passed barrister maeklnnon and w if denny presented the map of the fyf survey and requested permission ot tho council to havo the agnes street rood of 70 link authorised this action wa taken moved by dr gray seconded by o o bpelgbt that a separate audit of tho books of the blectrlc lighting plant lie mnd oarhod tli council then adjourned very rorm or th oishmum vuufsi te this blood buttdlrter remedy it i easy to mak th statement that a medicine will cure rheumatism hut tho rheumatic sufferer must have more than mere statement he must have itoth reason and proof dr williams pink pill- cure all forms of rheumatism here i tho reason rheumatism is it disease of tho blood every doeo of dr williams pink ill i b actually makos now rloh red bloodt tltl now blood drives out the poison oua acid looiflm the aching joint nwl rheumatism is banished thousand have testified to tho truth or those statement and bore is further fresh proof mr ruoel moutlgny of bt jerome que say i for many year i wns victim of rheumatism and wa almost n cripple my work made it necessary for me to lie on my foot a good hit of tho day but my limit ha came an swollen und tho pain so agon- lslng that i wa forced to stop work i tried remedy after vomedy but noth ing gave me relief nnd i began to think i would never get better at lost i was pflrauadod to try dc willie mi pink phi in loss than a month i noted ti slight change tn my condition i con tinned the pill for three month and at tbo and of this time th swelling had disappeared i every pain and ache had left in nnd i felt better in every way i wo completely cured and oneo more able tot go about my work with ease dr williams pink pills are certainly worthy of all the praise i can give them thousand write giving just a strong proof of the value of dr wil liams pink pills not only as a cure for rheumatism hub as a cure for all the ailments finding their root in bad blood such as anaemia heart palpita tion indigestion kidney trouble head- achn and backache disordered nerves etc dr williams pink pills are sold by medicine deaur or by mall nt 60 cents a box or six boxes for hflo from th dr williams medicine co brock vlll one wte stant more room sstant it for our growing business and wo aro going to ftct it by taking in the two flats over j s camerons drug store to be candid with you we arc not making the cut in price in our fur and cioalc dcpartmont bccauhd we want to but because we cant well help ourselves you know what an amount of duet it crcatcn in our home to make a slight alteration or remove a email amount of plaster multiply thm by many timet because wo have a tare wall to remove and you have the dust it will create in our store it is for this rcasnn and none other that wc are cutting some of the prices in two it is a chance for ou to pick up highclass furs ladies and misses jackets ladies skirts waterproofs and silkbluuses away below what wc would sell them at unrjcr ptljcieyjlc urn stances a few of the upstair bargains lamps anpmibflsjaocktl priced rile lowest k imwii in yearn the biggest cut in prlvr ivpfvliiiulc by tr coat capus and small iwvh cot vlfry much a aktrachstf coals length a ill sl j regular price 3 j fori a antfoclian coats loagtli 37 if hlto yl regular price s40 for jja 5 uocharnn coats tsngtb 97 in le 36 j and 40 regtilartprico si3 for j 9 noclinrsw costs looktlt 94 1u wn ynnils regularprlce js lr kioso- 9 aitrnclmn conta austrian halite trimmed length 94 trt rio 3b regular price 4 for 37 s llocliarnn cents rattle squirrel trim med length 34 la site id regular price h03 tor 50 g kratnar lamb coals length 34 l sites 34 and jo regular price 05 for 1 kramer lamb coat mink trimmed sltojh rsgutar price 00 for 7 t bleelrlc seal coat nue 34 regular price 931 for f jo 1 electric seal coat austrian sable trimmed nlw jfl regular price for ms french seal coat site 36 regular price i60 far i40 s t persian lamb coat mink trimmed ee 38 regular price f iss for 1 1 30 1 permian lamb coat alaska sable trim mod site 311 regular price 1us 113 r black cape hamster lined austrian battle trimmed slie 38 regular price 3s far 133 t black cone hamster lined thibet trimmed slu 43 regular price i37 for 7 btnek silk cope grey nnd while squirrel ii nod thibet trimmed slie 38 regular price iss for i40 all of our small purs very much re duced in price such ns sable ruffs and muffs grey hqulrrtl ties nnd mnmt sable pox isabella pox natural lynx niue lvbx ml uk stoics nnd ties and mink muff thm nbw county ooun oil john meaibbon of ksmiueelnjr likely to b wmniati neev ewnek- hantey boa ft o the twelve member of the ilaltnn county oounoll for 1008 srei aoton ii bwnokhamar georgetown john g ilarley miltonie f karj burllngtonmnv 0 smith onktlllu-ja- o ford bsaueslng john ucgibbon and w- j thompson nssgawy jas erwln nelonw g pttlb and d sin clair trafalgar john f ford and p 7ol1ieribn it i generally thought that john maglbbont r icquuslng will got th wardensblp rir luoh bis of tho twelve are new msiubers although mr pettlt was u member of a former eounaii ttie new council is composed of nine conservative and three liberals we mint reduce llio uijo nf tlio iuil ttefore vfo utart our altcrutloiih ns tlsv start of tlio storo will nuffur hi or 0 front lust than any other lot no 1 n ladle t tweed nnd honvaf jucliotn fermerpdfu fmni foa to 7 no price i ss lot no a la ladks dirk iwctd iaclielb fofiuir price t7 00 ua6 price l 50 lot ne 3 is lndleft jaokuta in arcy bnok and brown covert clotli regular price 17 jo bale prko ta jo t rack of ladle nnd mitten wntof rtroofa in fawn trey grcena ami weedfl to go at half priiu rormer erllo is 75 s 00 6 no 7 no 8 00 nnd llo nte prlco it b8 9 50 3 00 3 jo 4 00 and ijoo ladics suits only i take litem honto with you ut hnlf prke 3 suits in lltack clotli slxu 34 und jfi short pony coat gored uklrt former prlco bio sale price j 9 suits in pawn tweed ue jj nlinrt pony cant gored hklrt former price 810 uale price 95 1 suit in itlfick cheviot lie nliort cont gered bklrt former price if is iinle liitui7 so l suit in greon tweed slie if short coat gored skirt fotmor price gis sale prlco 7 50 1 suit in plaid tweed iiiio 3t norfolk style satin lined former price 9ij rata price 7 30 1 suit in black cltovlnt hi 10 34 three quarter length coat former price 150 tuilo price vbas 6 suita in black grey ami brown tweed uo tills neniqnn miltn former prlccb from s to via to clear at 91 so st a gnfrco lllc i oil i ho llrv mulllik wimi m a i rh bnnln inntdli iti nlru iom tluiiilny riilnk tirvl n 710 tililijrl flio culhcllo liurcli- iltln jt liciiinili wamki xl huh scli ludh hlubml ld if anlym i ouiniun hurul wantkd immkdiatbby g fjinj w6 atly htation hotkij cash immz1cs ladiim white and 1ilapk silk waibls 11 hwi wtilmlit regular prlco 9t 7j for j bilk witlntb rtgular prltr 9l5o fur s bilk wairtta riffllltir price 9 so 3 hllk wukl rigulm price 5 no for 3 s 1 silk wall t regular prlco 7 3 for is 00 t bilk wnui regular price 1 so for ladiiss colokkpsilkallqubtib in navy hrun and green with toilg nleoven and buttoned lit front s hllk wfjlnts tegular price b5 far 73 a shk wnfati regular price j3 00 for sj 00 1 a ilk wall t regular pi to 500 for 3 so a hilk wnlutn regular price v ao for stoo a silk waku regular price 7 so f 500 4 lilncu bilk wnlsts regular price 00 fer fa 8 1 liluck silk wnlbtn regular price fa jo for 3 to millinisrv department in thin department wo nro doing our iikiial iormcr price cuts no figure with uu nt tlitu time of year bomo tliiugu sell nt half price nthera at quarter trimmed millinery hnlf price lmllen dremt hnta in velvet nnd ft it trimmed with wlnir lowerb f fathers and ribbon hnlf price children hata nnd llonnctu lit felt nllk nnd velvet half price jo pelt hat shapes regular jiss to 3 o for 35c i table flowers and foliage regular price 30c toi 00 n bunch for 35c i table plain and dremlstt ribbon 4 to 8 incuts wide hnlf price 111 ihbljr u ilftiittorohto r ohm i kiatnohali unri ma 11 v uouil iui f jintr 4rtiltlb bi iff boqiiio lujf air auiata llntj luuty v o 01 ho jihls wantkik qa miart uliu waufnl hi irani oltoiiidtildr ilu itlulknt tumiti i tuajytliilofinaiif plvihoioiri fahm8 anii dwkijjnu houbksiouwale our buyer mr harold ryan arrived in liverpool catcrday per s s adriatic g b ryaii co ueiph have you defective eyesight eighty per cent of tho people in this country suffer with their eyes through cheap glasses which can only be relieved by the scien tific aid of a man who thoroughly understands this profession many pcoplo have trouble get ting glasses that do not hurt their eyes hut they will rcccivo complete satisfaction by consulting gharles j western eyesightspecixnist who combines latter day skill wlih old lime honesty anil aloud by the ulest mechanical spnllsncei is in a position to give you an enamlna lion unexcelled anywhere in the country he may be consul led at growns drug store acton on monday january 27th por a practical uptodate course in bookkeeping and kindred subjects for a thorough training such as produces the best stenographers and typists attino business systems commercial school united svtrbms buildina 5 bpadina avi toronto oanaoa 0lasses reopen thursday january 2nd seeds free a lire arowat of popplra mya 1 otir osnu ttoula in arillaiially one nil lure of rtilrlfy popplci 1y tar the in w ribvmn w will riv alimlulsly frm s patltbga of tlitw bcmin in every pcranit wtin will mail for our titw tmmlantinly iltuiuaud iso cauteeue 1 vn pff you my hsva s packbra of our canaillatt gem turnip or canada prlds tomato aatxl 4 11 place of th papplti write twlay and name your clinlce darch hunter seed co ltd london ont learn dressmaking in a week to curb a60ld1m ohm day ww mm uoodm mut irani id diiiiiuiapmibcnfl vesra snit have ant tn sir i0q knan to w tke adv u ttnulo v mm matr i bualtiaaa tnr tan vesra nvf 7 nno end srusrsnla f la mltraan the iih nf 14 1 1 din offmluiion it imown n eopy our may and vafi hy war not known to be the wta no dv u ttnulti ifrs win bsodsrs laventor bodpiej ar tsmbw u us rt- will be si us doss hotel asia en aidiraat slodvqua ftrj sttb i foul id tpruntll a im ibowlea new pictures at waters bros iff i mmmlimmk now ideas in framing artlbts supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality water bros 0uelph ttors f fur bargains we undoubtedly hive you the best btmafrii ours are regular furriers own matte our regular slock reliable and unlodsie we are offering lbs balance of our siocuatabsc- rlflce now ibasx- cltementls over you un surely find the place osrounbec si oppoblte lite herald olttce we do more tlmn wa could bay tn apace k you hsvo llie money ittia ib your chance we need the cash at la fontaines fur eetab- llahmont 05 quebec street gublfh ont jj0tice jjil 10 ditojts in the mattor or tho uetate or thomas kaston late or the villa of aoton in tlio county of mm ton gentle man deceased noticl la imrnl t ulvuii uraoanl to ll ho iwn clian ljjaml nun hun aott lliat all cr-dllflrabilcitlfriliavlniilaliiatuatibaka- laluillidml ilinmaa kailuu wliu iiiau en or atioul tlio touiith day of utcam r ikjt ara ra- irad on nr licfnm tl a tiilhi firs i da nf jad rv i m in aati t liv i ml iil i or dallvar te j mac kin 11011 nluiamjuiiooragloii in ilia county l ii all 011 miiclior lor th icaaaulors of 111 last will an i irhlauiaut ol tli aald da- cataad llialr t lirliuli ami aurnain aildraaaaa anl iforltlnn tlm dill nirtlculara ol ibalr otalma llm alaiomriii nf ilmlr aocoilnn and lbs nlurof tlm aiwhirliio if any litl by i bain ah i liirilmr uka untiou ititt altar tiieb lait minilniiad ilala ilia ml i loculnra mill proomd inrtlairlliuu tbaaaaaia of ll ilaeaaiad anions hi iiarllna oiillilol llieiof liaiina ragard only ta tli el tlmn of wlildi tliay rbail than bsv notice au 1 dial mm aald leoutora wr 1 11 not b liable fur iliuaal i aaiuta nr any part tbarml m uy iiaiuon nr raiiia of in ulalun noilm liali not lav brati rticelvcil it tliatn at lbs tluiact nucli dutrlliutlon a j mackinkon ttallnllurfortli usmalan datal title milli da of january luui tw t new telephone the bell telephone company of canada is about to publish a new official telephone directory or the district of contral ontario including the town of acton chnnge of firm names changes nf street bitdreiub nr orders for duplicate entries should be handed in al once to a t brown local manager superlative quality this is hot water dottle winltitr and a hot water bottle is a neeeiilly but all hot water doules sre not ot tho ume goodnesor quality no where else can you buy hollies ol such s uperlallv quality as you can from ui miliestbllyrtnled-lo- wear and tsar thai wortl rip along ib t margin or seams pr break on the fscjev remember that ay added gustily cos yon no more tops r e a robertson s phokd druggist stationer ctpttdlan adoit xoas offer ssso for 3 man i in courte wtito before december 31 i kleen years cvperl ence g british canadian businbss coll9cb anne anil hloor slreli tohosto for tho next 30 days wo rfler any suit or overcoit in the store at a discount of 15 also v small boyg tut paiiiww tu svccuu the canadian telegraph and business college of bt tliouus out and alymer ont hne tho ngulir flrnul trun diapatclt- wire running through tuclr chus roomh mid gimr inteo to place every young mnn rutlu itu of tho relegrapli uopartment unit a nil mail enmoany or refund tint ion lc new term enetiav thunttlo j tnuiry 3nd iijo cull or wrtto or pirtkulnr kjlujsst minager and distinfeotants modougalps littlos english snoop and cattle wash zonoloum a t- brown l special clothing sale smlh mzos 35 to 33 to bo sold at cqst call and inspect thceu bargains ot j wallace x muiih outfitter millet v acton w- 9