Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1908, p. 2

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ur ant ui ml i at ulji muy honabyanm january jolm h awrrtfmull ii- i lay uki u ilia r alllllltl urif ulionday ian awti ii rt litmus huillli 7 ym siful 7j ljllii iii lilt mi xi i ur isilli january ill ldow of ilia ul llluhail nlsklllu um hofmiual i tan inutun on frlday i lilt jal uary kllt wiiuut iitiiur i holm jrdtjyiii loieimm iufir1 llmlaii jymiljanra 1 rlli iltml inalili liauci hlluul jalumliulllu nn laflnnj lln 111 january jihli wlatid it jaara iialtons s school jubilee tha nrtlkth convention at hornby lat thurarday an sntsmt inar nt tflukhdav lammtv 111 ipuh kcblyoillat note 1 mr- vf nnillijn x wl ill t villitirii li iwjiui it pihicrnf a lilll tn amend ttjiiiiuuli tnif thocilluli n oodo iinwltk nwviiultu mi wiiineii audchlldicu it iih only provides fur nioru ndiiniiiti iiinuiiueni o hsmiii ants or wopnn 1nfi iromwci nr tlm sentencing tn dmiilr of tmy own wlio rrludnnlly tiiu mliu u ulil under foiu- tcon yoaienf iign mr mickin mug in iiiicluding ilia it poll in llic umttnuni ul on un japanese liivm inn lludu tliut nn effective tiitliiliiiii uf llir whiito qnnu tlon or jiipnni mi linnilgril ion di niiiiul the i oli million of uiicli jiipnuebe imiolgriiiliui ii w iimy c win fi oin eountilen lijoml tlm jurisdiction of japan nnd nn nhanluti- rutrlcllon in tlio numliem hint toinn from jiipun direct the tlimdltn eiiiignitlnn iiinlori hnahtou tilthd hi jiii j v eriilliiml hiia imiiwd li alio tlnit tin toport of lion llinlolplin iinkiik cartful inn mfnntir of alitor unntliuly eatlaftictoiy to tlio ciimdlun hmern- tnent end tlio liniinmeiit would nc copt in grind ful ii in wtrlml pro nil hum of restriction or tlm emfgriillun of inbaror relying upun tine japjuiotu government to tuifmce tlieiegtilimimiii which iirimiiitllikiliiiltuiiiuiiioiiiniliiiii ce0rg8 r agnew chairman it la piodloted that tho immigration from iho uultid h m ton during tlio coming boftiioii will liu voiy heavy and likely tn iimcli diiipuhb tli ii total of lust year apmt from tlm fact tliut oun- adlan piovlncm urn olfuilnn wplvntlltl oppnrtuiiltlom to rnnv mjiiioih tliu unltwl utiituu nillimulu inn offtmlntf exoullunt mtuu tliu ameilcun tin idlgrutlmi in ktmoiully of iv inont du iratila clma tlio pcoplu arttkoiiitully wall biippliml with tnoiioj mid thuy tlmukto liiulntiuu hi tl ii ilktrlcli in which tlioy lucnti iloupfictlnjt tlio picumit hixirillul out look ilrjiilttiuctii of niiv voilf hiiyu ibwniul lu liiipnllilf tvuu if iioli abb to cliio ontiu nim to lliu fact that n ruiit lliiiuijf iiiiiklng for clioor- fuinuth flllll olllllldoilcll llllb ciii1io ovll tho knonil sltiiutloit and otmidtihy tho llnanclitl pokuimi wlucn tlio tl jy of into not ciiiht i nnd curly docomhoi slnnf tlilu chiingoli basil ptilinp nlow in initulntf tholr kppom illicit mid lliuh gruiluiil tipprouoh in itktlf htiu hoinultiii prwdntud u oorroot nppridriiniint of i ho im jwitunoo duo ouch linppilihitf init it u beyond rptnutlnn that h luuaunli of tlio flniinohl tinivloii hnu occurroil in tho put ipoii th mill picliihy ulnco tho turn of tho em tlm tlit wef of january miw mill inoiicy ttoiy tlm monny onro iiiout ro iippliirud in tho matkot mid utixiku wu to ntlvuiicit iluliiriixfin ihollil full yon of thn miiiilnlpiil kloolilu muhtlnu plnt ulldiir tho niotin uyntoiu iiitriimv imill- fttilaiind two liiipntiint fnct nrt du nnnnliiitit fltat thn iiviuiiiu of tliu yunr mn mm hirkil in tlio liutory of tho plant mid mkhhiii tho nvurlond on tin tliklim nnd dynmim to quontly talkud uhiiut nndoi tho flat rata ayntiin wiih nivir folt ihn j cur ao tlio aluctrlolan donlmid uvitn ihn inn tho liinnth of pi ciiiilini vhiil tho do mmidm uro lliiiitni mid moio cnnilnii out than in uny ouli month tin adoption of tlio mono uymtiin inm tharoforo pliant dltiintly piollliilihi ti tho plant and hail uluu ohvlntud iht neaoaalty for n nonuldomihlfl ixpunill- turo fur nn cnlmri d plant tlio ulna trloliin lfooinininidm that tlm iulllri output rf cnrinnl ho put nndui thn matro tiytttuni tiii to uwiiy of two imnpuof imy impunity killed nv a falling thdu john spvowl tha only bon or alax bprowtinatnntly killed on monday a iiibiiohhiiih ij fa aochtflnt oootirrod in tliihiiihiin ifho fiiim of mr alaxaudm hpiowl lot 1h oon 2 nhnul thraa inllou inlow aalon on monday forannnn mi hpiowl u lunliliik p partition a for iho uiliiikciiuint of hi- barn ikki hiiuiiiui nil hound lilu fcon john wont tint tn llm iiuhii mi mniidii innrnlnff to cut lhi nmoasiiiy llmhtti about tho mlddto of ilio fohlinnu they ward f idl ink h plnn iiliont iwilvo llinln w in cllaniflii am it hft ihnu iiinpthfj teppui linck oiu of ilimeii th thought hut whiii tho tifii ivaohrd tlio nrtiniiil u bum nn unoxpidtiil u bound ktiuck tlm iiung hum mul tlrnvo lilui nuiidifct u hinnp tlio foioi of tln hiipimt fuiuiinid iiimiiihuii tin left sldo mul iniitd ihoiii in pnuiiiuic tha hum t mi hpiowl limklfiifd to hl- aona nlil wlinn lio naupnl ktithui im kulod mul fi ii liok and okplioih tlte unil jioultkiit liaa fiillun n n tor rlhlo how upon tlio family hi wna tbannly mn n lnllit young follow mvfhteenjyoiira of ngo nn olirutmiui va niul hail lhotuiu hu fatlura right band buppiut mi i in fm in mid wna tlicli imlovid in tint luuiia tha poor mother lit hull iinlid ul ior auddnba ronvaiiivut unuofiil nynipatby la omtendihl to tlm htilrkon hoiur tlio fiiitural to kalivluw ouihetary yaatanlay iifuinnnn whh attandad by tho antlra eountryslilo it wna cnniluat- ad hyjuv j o wllmin ua thupna- torni tholiiiuiii it la a tdiigiiliir iohinldni llm ioiim tbhylvo yvnru hgn jiiunia llyora waa tllad liy ft faluuu ttoo on ilia tmuia hitlton county hunday school amo- elation hold hi juhlloa gonvantlon in tlio aiikiicnii chnreh hornby lat tlnilmdiiy llllh lut in conjunction with llhinniuihl convention of trnfal- hiir townalilu aiaocullon tlia itorm and imd romlu itilmfttr to boiiib av- it ut with tlm atleiidmlicf hut tham wan a ttprimutmtlvo gntli tiring of tmvrgitlc worltrra and u uplandld pro- uramiiu wui ntrrlcd out tha work or tint local roiiiiulltfsi waaalao highly oniuiuiululli iho comfort of all tha iluhguimj twlngwall looked mltfy lrjuttif i 1uuruio praaldvnt of tlio cuntiry aiolatlnn ocilpid tho oliidr ab tha opanlna aaaalorf ltv m t nlviinj raotor of ilia church conducted durational toiiihrolaaa ilia uiiiattgo to tlia oonvantfon waa that it i not by might nor hjr powar but ly my uplilt bau tha lord of hoata und if yu ulng owll knowhow tuglve guntl ttfjt unto yotirolilhlrvn how m nc 1 1 tnoro will yitr llaavvnly kithar glvu tlio mnly hphlt to llieio that uk win mi m iitrldnaon of toronto waa the first eprnkar and gavo an eduotlvo mill llibphliig uddraa on tha adult idhlh rlauti ami flu work hi gavo do- tillun to organfutlnn and working in nil ouaiw ho in id tlia blblo olaaa uiiiat im ilchnltbly connactad with tbo huiiday hclinol tliu inovamont baa b mi niy hjigrratlvo alnoa 1003 and nmultuuuow that tlio organised adult lilldo cluua incroaica olaaa mamliarahip uiciiroa piruinnoiioy glva tha alrongth of a united foroo glvoe work to every iiininhor aolvea tlio big hoy and tbo lilg ulrl irolilcoi and avoa aouu mub luuy utovena of druinquln g ivo a hpttiuilltl pupii r on tho agn of hpliltual awakening bho ahowotl tliut uiulii tlio hitluanoo of iho aim- day hclmol nlnna the honio intluonca not luilng balpftil twelve por cant of tbo convoralnna of eaiidren tako place on ur iwforu 13 yaara of iga and that whorohnma hifluaitca la favorable 21 percent of theconveralonaoccurat or luifore thlaago uitv w 11 uouglajofomagbeloi oil the morning aauulon with tho bone dhtlnn at the afternoon eeealon mr if w ilioivn ii a tho provincial teaoher training hecrotary gavo a very help ful addroua on hla wotk throughout the province iio evplalued tha work mng undertaken by many aohoola mid auted tliat tbo tea char training olubira in tlio individual aohoola were in oio biiccruiful than in a unlnn of ncluinls mr llrown will apond a waok in trafalgar next month in organising liuhbob muaolnra uavldion of noiaod tlio countyu representative at the provin cial convention at brampton guvea very lucid and lularottlng report of the prncuedlngfl than mub m i tliompbon of stowart- town bang a very appropriate anlo at tills point tho nominating committee thon ro- pnrtod iho nfllcera for theenaulngyoar iiu fllllllwb i couvrv qviricima loldunt aiox mokunalc jump- lull villi vice prenlilent tho proaldonta of ihotownnblp amioclatlnna secretary trehburarmlaeannlo a nnhle mottal ttlavxuajlu ivoalilnut- david turner trafalgar vino irdrlilont wot oudrnore urontn fleeiuinrytrenaurer ik b wrlnob mellon ilep tn co kieoiitlvoltov w ii dougliib oiniiglr tho plniuico coninillleo reported n deficit in inut yenin liinncoa and up peah d in tlio hchoolu of tho ooilhty to do their tdniro in contributing to tho fiuulu a luuv raauhitlon waa carried that in view of the employment of lmmury baoretitry in tha field by the provincial association that the con ti ibntlou of tho cniiuty to tha provin cial tlnaueufi imi inoroauod from 100 to 1u1 for the year at thn evening bobbiiih itov 8 o noitiin prealdod nnd itov w ii douglas conducted the devotions it wn al thla bobbioii that apoolal nniphimlb wau given to the jubilee uharactai of the oonenllou mi w v ilopklna or uiiillugton oiio of tho mout regular and active iniiulieu of tho aaiuoliitlon for the paut piui tor century gavo a delightful ienumo of tlin various oonventlnna and thn uptundld influence of the aaaocla tlon he prftaanted n iwund copy of tbo inlnutei of the qrtt eonvonllon hold ut georgetown on february 8th mul oth m from thla fiftyyear old record lia glomioil many polnta of in tereubniul niado ooinpailaonb of value tho ofoooru of tliu arut oanvanllnn wore i pioildnnt auilln wlllniol vleo prey ii wright secrotallea itov jnnepli umworlh mid j parolay iql iokuciilivo w h voung oak- vllle p w dayfoot georgetown o ihown milton d uolood nouon niul v plnyar nuushgawoya a fuw oninpiiiatlve eutulloa were given im folluwb i 1w0 00fl ill ralmola ileiuirted 40 1007 unholam enrolled 41bi mn t-tmli-r- and qriaera 008 t7 2h cnirlhutvd for mlaalona 1078111 1 1 hiiliitnlu npvn all year 41 t lb uulitr teacher uat m miau a may hornby bang very ox- pionblvely uouin unto nin rov ic a molntyro ii a balmy riiiiah gavoan inipraablva addnwa on tlio bplilhinl llfn of tlio teaohor ho improaied the rteoaaalty of peraoual heart knowledge of the blblo iih welt na a nitntnl kilnwlatlgv he uiuat haar llm oloo of god apeaklng o kim paiaoiihlly if lit la to aeoure tlio fioiwertlon of hla achnlars after en anthem owl la with ilia poopje mr ii w llrown gave n very helpful addraaa on teaeblno the boy uim landing hilnt waa that the jihitiaot truth of a sunday school tobaini nuirt btf nnide plain to the boy by ii i imt m ting it with aoiiiu common voryday olmiiubtanooqrtinjtciwbloh be peifuotly linilaratimmla mr browp gave a ouuipiehmirlvo atudy of tha growth hnd devulomiiiaiit of ihn boya roit t rhbj boahd41 wihvt hrbtimo tha ninmlhira of tha hoard of tidiitin tlon mat on whfndv avnlng of laai week for organisation ttiare ware praaant t tnenibera ii orlndoll i kranclaand dr anil ami mambara elect j h ctileinan cm it agnaw and j a mowal tha horttary ii 1 muore in taking ihn olialr lo requwit hit meni- htira to fit t their chairman for 100h remarked that tbu waa lb ihlrtuth yaar lu iuccttalon that he had bud the honor of prildlug dining the ehcllon of chairman ttpon motion of ii urludell anil j auinvat mr- qaorge u aguaw wab ataeuhl chairman of the hoard fur tlik year mr agnaw upoiiaeuuoihiglllecltnlr thaokpd the inanibmra for the linitor the bad conferrwl upou him end a preaihsl the hout that thr mine hlleravt in the wlucatlonul mattura of ilia town would ltenniulftedet in the pasluihl the nairte apli it of uarinnrpy prevail the standing com initiate fur tljo year werw uppolntal aa ftdlowa i kimanck drt aillt chalriiult atul j tt coleman ikorkllty ii gilndull chahinau and i franola hvpyuivm j a mowatohairuian i and quo it agnaw the committee on finance present ed their flrkt report and recommended payment of account ee followei juo inglla co grate intra and chimney connections avlfl 60 flail tl co lueaaagea 1 4k jae ii iteed carpenter work 100 00 2 w etc k a hoimiuoii aupplloe n f llurat work ai aohool canadian kxpreae co h vv c anthony tlnsniltblng 7 80 alex fell lumber 25 27 88 07 tho report waa adopud itov j o wilson b a waa re elect ed the boarda repreaentatlve on the free library board the property commltteewab author- ixed to secure tools for use of janitor not to exceed tlooo in value moved by j 8 coleman seconded by dr ault that thu chairman be re- quaatod to advise the teaching staff tn guard in every way the health of the pupils and that particular case of de fective eyesight and defective hearing receive proper consideration car ried movod by j a mowat seconded by ii qrlndall that tin board meat on the second monday of each month in the council chamber carried the board then adjourned khoxohunomahnuaeimlebrrino a ymb or jvoarpartty and all ohumh debt uojuldated last thursday night the congrega tion of knox church held its annual meeting after devotional eervlcos concluded by the puatorj itov j c wilson da on motion of meaare goo ilynila and j b kennedy mr david henderson mp waa called to the chair and performed tbe functions of that offlco aa only an old parliamen tarian could mr ilynde acted as secretary ie very report presented from tha different organlxatlonb of the church haul tho ring of hopefulness about it nnd reflected credit not only upon tbo individual member but a1io those re- aponalble for reports the aaealbn report made brief reference to tbe good work done by the sunday school young peoples society mission societies and the choir and ulao to tbe marked increuse hi tbe attendance at tho morning dint of woruhlp tha managers presented a report which waa aattafaotory in every particular for the current expenses of tho congregation fillu 00 were raised which wna nn inoreaue of 17100 over last yoar after all ex penses are paid 812100 still rtmalna in the treasury but probably the brightest part of managers report wna that which allowed that nil tbo remaining debt against tho church properly had been wiped nut and tbe mortgage dis charged upon hearing this goad news every heart was riled with a deep benae of gratitude tn god and tle congregation manlfeated thla by rising and singing praise god from all bless- inga flow the reporte of the wfms ladles aid gororth miaslon band victoria mlaalon band sunday school young peoples society the church mission society all ahowed earnest work upon the part of the different membere and probably it would in no extgger allon to oay that in 1007 all these organlxatlone have shown tholr great- eat activity lb wax exceedingly gratifying tn all concerned to hear of the large rsiponao made pn the part of the congregation fur tbe carrying nn of tha woik of the mwatura kingdom for all purpoaes 46fl8 00 waa donated and of this sum 988100 were given tn mlaalona afuir a vary free expression of opinion it waa resolved tp ask tbe paatnr tn diapause with all addresses at funerals thla etep waa taken in view of thu fact that frequently so many who desire to ahnw ihelr sympathy with tlio beieaved are put in audi unaomfoituble alroumataiiave having to remain otiuldo whfla the aervlce la being conducted tle change may aeotn n radical one but it la believed that white tho aorvlee will ahow no lireverihico for the departed it will show a tenderer regard for the living other matter of minor importance having been discussed the pastor pin noil need tbo benediction and there waa brought to a close one of tha beat nnd moat hopeful annual meeting in knox churchs history georgetown for third year tnecompmt anuiflnk tor arequ- inet rwji lw yar in uae aon in aaton and oaorwa- town broken will tmkri bbj thoublbv at tliu annual mrollng of lcpiaalug agricultural hoolety ut georgetown last wednnaday kir juph flynn of acton was utmtad prenldeul and us it final act to tlm bariunnloue daya pro deeding a resolution waa carried fix ing georgetown aa the place for the exhibition of 1008- a third lime in tuc- coibi in ami a dutloct lolallon of the tacit uudemlaiidlng that riich town hould have the rxblbltlon for two yrnre in succrwiutii nnd then it uhoiild go to the other for a like teilod georgetown jiad l dining 1000 ami mn and it wua jiully acioom prlt- gn to utakm lb the unecab it always loia un hare doling lofmuml 1000 it l but fair lojijite liiatlheiiotlon flvlnglho place fin 1008 wax not indr by ga4igatowu iiionitmira of i in society hutliy mrobeta intlioeaitlrru paitof uiq titwnahlp who are alleged o havo had llttlo tiucrtioj in winning prlxaa when the come lulu tonipeiitloii with tlio i argot- hutu of ex liljltora invailaldy luet lit aclifn it u true however that ihe georgetown mlier djd not upport pitfsldeut flfun and ileeve hauckhaiuer in tbeh aliopuiiiia etfurls to cousero actons rights they eltlivr vnled against acton or failed to vote atalt the secret of the action la nol far to reach heretofore after the fair waa held for two years in succession at georgetown tho treasury waa always found to bo depicted wbou it onmo to acton four yeara ago there wa ex actly loooonhand when acton bad held two exhibitions tho treasurer went back to georgetown with 8457 of solid cash lu hla pockel thanka to the more liberal policy of the preumt provincial government respecting agricultural societies tho grants have been largely increased at d 1 1 c pi eient finds the treasury in good condltlou there la therefore no absolute need now for coming to acton bo certain partlea have put their heads together and dishonorably voted to violate the compact which has been in operation for half a score of yeara to the sails faction of member and exhibitors generally it will indeed be a strange thing if the fairminded people among tbo georgetown member will not yettake steps to carry into affect the under standing mutually entered into and preserve the good feeling which baa existed between tbe two towna for many yeara past the ofllcera for 1008 wore elected aa follow i president joseph flynn acton 1st viceprec allan devorcauv eaquealng 2nd vioeprob juo cunningham norval director james ooltrelle nell gillies w ii wiuon thomas moffut acton hoove swackhmuor georgetown s moglbbon and w cleave hon director ii p mooro wni johnstone f j barber thoa conk john moglbbon mr j a tracy was re eleated hcc- retnry treasurer go you two better w6h n ciuwlll not henl anlurate a nqpul iltd hbyalahl gruyil mid rolf um ormpbjmt co i tiin wltli ooal i ed out bow tiu twicfief uiay bare tl tiddlprt on u mlaa m 111 thompaon ugaln favored thu uiullenoe with a wall rendered eobi the cloning addroaa waa given by rev 8 t martin of btreetavllla who spoke on some essential in teaching these lie chulflsd hi 1 know what we are giving lo teach know the ola ipduldually it have method get attention uoh and review 4 be in earnest and teach that christ came to aeek and to tbe convention dosed with th benedlctlonend itwaawb by all tba aa m 4not helpful and ipsptring we launched a go you one hater clothing hnle hut judging from the quantity nf clothing sold uinco then we mint linvo gnno the oilier clmnlwo bolwr smhht tsao 7vcen skid 1 hay were iwtli niorrldil men nnd were talking alwnit ttyana r my mind auld one tha litreagtli of ryann hloro ilea lu ho fact hint no ana ever mirtun tbe nimlity of anything imiught lliero i hi lr prltea um lr no lower than otbiru but tlia people are alwayu mire of cvltlng the kuhiih thu iy tr i dont nire with yen nliout price nahl the other man my fo jij hiio can always do a little lietlut ut kaau tlmn uny where the in giulph now if the quality u tetter and thu nrkes n llttlo km to turt with wlint inuot the comparison lie no lu eur clothing departuiwiit when we are taking oft u llitl more thnnwho third fronl our prtvlnim kclliug jirlcib in our clothhtbtpspariment allgaoda are ihnrkcd in tluu figure fiiav the batne trie ma bod an each urtlclaaa iwforathe wo rtnlted white th mileannlh ubuay waiting on olhr tuhtoniera ydu can nfiireniit the new iellfnk price for your pick mil wipwog that will huit ytmtqok lit iho prloc whcliii auas inarued lijiloinllgureil then jlduct a lillloiiior lmut one- third on and you have hat rie tt ur tiuyon one ftottsr aelllug price yr innuftt if tile sulfur ovcrtonl i marled bifoo it in yourir for gj aj ir murbrd lai ymrtake il uomo for sjfiso if kli op w will deliver jt for 417 7 almnhl ftetmt to lidjno good t bo ti lvlth havt hi u cantltil with you ii doca wtuud that wny tail we ulihl say what ixsfrtre l yuil had liuit wn lmvo juuuled with the prlcu ji tmv way or our rudnc tin on nremiot evattry ad rprueuled hy uu junt iluiuniid from ihd wjewii artkle ynu are loolilug nt for nothing it will bo lilu placo to hind tt over offer is a fair one imit it jvn intund making thla the lirgrnt clellilng hal held in iielpli if the bem gooda ut cut prlceii will lo ii one customer said tliu otlmr hii whoa uhovwit wlint hie rcdurttenn proota plei tutii t talk hint wjiy wbuluujqfit yeu hiuht have had jiet uetiik considered liy na juiit now we hove tuimcliilnguue in vilw ponlbly mime of you may have llacevercd it in tho mcnnlime the io id vigor until no htei which were my of iamim nfe voti onenottei 111 bo pobruary tnt st a limos gherclj iiicioil 11 h mla wl ma iii miinilny mnnlii wrlrn io ri hunilny cvunluif riuci 711 mlikc 1 ii imliluu ul id unloi ilrlu 6ltr iriiia wanted nrmkdiatkly oooulliiii uoniaii onoj vcr a pi- y if rtatiom iiotfeti wavjici yovhii n 1 l iprial in farnll el llirao allommif i w ktrr alaa endu aa ijikitin i 4 it avaiiur t onto if tolln 1 ualllohatl ii ii u iroiirlikiraiitikjiirlniaiflant matulfv hlklltal dliiil aoniit yorarlouuit rviiliah iflr- i 4llrali71 1 r qnl io tlfillils wamkd irt ctrl wrlnl iii irani u0 ilia blnr till 14 1 ujum 1 ll aily tun nlotif g b rta3st d co quelpli we do what we say hnk asrilay q7hai i hi iirtixlira of v unjartlaii o loift noli 4 i on ivjal wula ia t4j dy rolna eroixriy nabataoawbva ttio annual meeting of kusangaweya agtlcultural society wpe hold in tho town ball brook vllle last wednesday 15th lust- there waa a good attend ance tho annual report waa satisfactory lu all particular and the officer and board of director wore highly oompll- manted upon the manner in which they had fulfilled ihelr duties a ftr the business of the past year had been disposed of the election of officers for 1008 waa taken up all iho officer and director or last year ware roelectcd and tho hoard waa strength ened by the addition of messrs relil kltoblng and wallace the bourd never was at longer than at present and the rail fair nf 1008 should prove a marked bucciiib theoblalala naturally foe that tlioy should receive tho earnest support of the people of tho township generally one thing la certain secretary carton will keep tbo intareata of thojolr prominently and contlnuallylwfore the public thorc nover waa and never will be a universal panuoe in one roinedy for all ilia to which flesh la heir what would relievo one 111 in turn would aggravate ihe others wo have howovor in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulter ated atate a remedy for many and grlovoui 111 by ita gradual and judicious uso tho frailest eyetotu ro lot into oonvaleaccnoo and strength by tho mfliionoo which quinine exorta on nature own restorative it ra move those to whom a chronic atatt of morbid doepondenoy and look of interest in life la a dlaaoao and by tranqulllilng the norvoc dispose to aound and rcfroablng alocp impartu vigor to tho action of the blood which being tlmulated courso through tho vein atrengthentng the healthy ani mal functions of tho system thereby making activity a neoeaaary result atrcngtbenlng the frame and giving lire to the digestive organ which naturally demand increased aiilwtanoe result improved appctlto north rop lyman or toronto tuvvo given to the public their anperlor quinine by the opinion or scientists the wine approaches nearest perfection or any on the market all druggtsta sell it there are nil klude or woman evoepb the unu who ilouaiit beconiu enthusias tic over a baby tliu fruit dot i ved from honest labor 1 the aweeteat of all pleasures van- vfenargue it waa a jui galbaring i 1 1 qkllakatvh bhllobs cure 0llll0n 9for the worst cold j- the sharpest cough ltlfo try it on a guar antee of your st money back if it uures dociinu actually curb quicker linildnn than anything you a t- j take nothing in and lolas jt to hwt vn n baby 84 yeara bf quickly shrfflss underwear bargains at nelsons the greatest values in the trndc you cant afford to miss them r fe nelson 03 wyndhnm st oublph have you defective eyesight eighty per cent of tho people in this country suffer with their eyes through cheap glasses which can only be relieved by the scicn tifii aid of a man who thoroughly understands this profession many people have trouble get ting glasses that do not hurt their eyes but tiicy will receive complete satisfaction by consulting gljarles j western eyesight specialist who combines taller day skill whh od urne honesty and afm by ilia uleai mecbanlcal appliances la in a poihlon to rlvo yu an examtnu tlnn unexcelled anywhere in the country he may le consulted at growns yvh store acton oij monday january 27tlt r wsr fi seeds free vc nnt cwrybody interested lit cnnlcn- llia to write for our new 1008 cataloguo which la one of the nuwt complete seed catalogues published to each inquirer wo yill liicliide nhiiolutcly frco n pnclnuo nf seed of ottrsplciidlil new tmnato caiimlna pride or if preferred n package of our wonderful canadian gem turnip or hanta rosa ronplcs write todny niul iiniiic yonr choice darch huntor seed co ltd london ont special clothing sale for the next 30 davs- wo offer any suit or overcoat in tho storo at a discount of 15 also 30 small boys suits sizes 25 to 33 to be sold at cost call and inspect these bargains g j wallace mens outfitter mill st acton drs hess and clark stock food in paouutw 7 lb rot obo in pokam 18 ltw for ai00 in puluau 88 lb for vboo dr iiojs poultry panacea 35c and 85c makes hens lay r7hcsa heave romcdy nj worn powders are a valuable and effectivo preparation dr scotts preparations in stock also zenoleum sheep dip cattle wash and disin fectnnt pratts animal regulator tedd boots ypy boys and qlrla host value in iho country all als guaranteed sold leather ailftenenr pmnla should ice them before nettci ing any oiher make ceo 8tovel nmmm mn reuntutloa iphnelplsat first 1 whon wo undortako to fill your buhsortptlnna wo give thcin nnr undivldotl attention and iwat care the patient welfare la our first con sldoratloh second t wo guarantee our drug to be of hill strength as well nj pure ami tnlnt 1 our oiuitomers are auppllod with just wlint they ask for t aultatltut ng i uover allowed painm0 osxslbv ooupatfld if you am a sufferer frm kidney dlaeaje liver complaint hlnml troubloa rbetimatlam neuralgia or norvnua prostration wo eonfldontly reoom- mend tho use of palnea oolety ootn pound tills reliable and hover die- appointing motllolne is a true dlaoase bauuher and ayatom builder we supply the genuine palnea outcry 0ompdund at llrown abton ont bunnonidud bto c iuooooo tiib we lung ton mutual inburanob company aaububhad 1840 heart offlo odblpn 0ht ihru1un0b on cash snrl uulasl plan any luinreoa required will be eromiuly ttuncf w u dbmmvt vaudr 81 aelon old iron bage and rubbers wknted flood price paid second hand stoveu and relialni for farm machinery supplied morrih saxti box 430 aclou ont let ua fill your recipes for con ditioh rowduhs tc llyou wish ii done right and to contain only ihe purest drugs e- a robertson phmb drugrist stationer optician the palace dru store acton learn dressmaking in a week irt yry 1 mo lldw mnl ipim on y n initviinr vauliuilvivp w ilm tir tin vast snil iwvw r 7 000 ami biiarsnlm to aiv baflo lmtwran lha apoi of u anil 40 wlw iuwsn of imlullons si mnre llisa nijr silvs entl svan i known to lie the litis oouraa no silv ii as man jlthout nnr wi 00 misranla tlssj ollui saajir leulilavar 7 ikk ami miaranl on is iwcn urnjwn tn copy il vrhare ihav wsrs no urs wn bsn ssistmaaj nlsrt invsnior ana rrai pur uselier mlia fostsr will b si the hero if aelon on balurdsv veil rem 10 a in until or j is isurlil and earo itblna to uarn be sure i 01 s eonimsuelui in aelon follow inlon haul aelon on bslurdav day tilth from 10 s 111 hmulu tins eonwe le lauatil d earollmi pupils mir oil wltblns to isarn be sure to ne hsr el i vtnilaui u ihowln new telephone directory tho bell telephone company of canada is about to publish a now official telephone directory for tho district of central ontario including the town of acton changes of firm names change of street addresses nr orders for duplicate entries aholild be handed in at once fo a t brown lbcal manager j h til 011 aon lliln jan aiu rji fahmu and dwelling ii0umw for sale it i v 11 rami in cmintr ct llaltnn aitil s uimilmf nl dasllliiu liomaa in aolou fair sala vat lanuti loularisiily in w it dknnv n0tick to ijiikuitobs in the mattee of tha estate of thomas boston lata of th vlllaaeof aeton in tha county or halton o an tie- man deenaail jotirn ii ilt pliuii iiuriusnt lo ii fl o w jbutvhsii tuu mi jj t iivu 1 1 n u aotlirt sll crsdllorssiuloll urilisvlnaclsliiiisaeltiiiibahlb ulaollliaisliltliaiiiai i ailuu wllu illatl on or ufiut ilia kfaronlli luy or decoirar iujt si re- qulrtvl nn nr imlnra ilia tlilrn flrit its nl jan uary uw lo solid liv ioii iiroiial i or deliver to a j mscklliiinii of lraiiuiiaof anion in the loiinlvol llalinti uollrlmr fur ilia kimutare nt llialal will sn i i mttioitt nt lis said da ossied llinlrt liiuilsiiaiiilsurnsiiiaeaimrmsti am tltcrlllnii iho nil tartlciilsis of i ball claims ilniiatciiint of iliclr aioniinu and in naluraof ttis surllld if sny lis id by llisra andfurlliaruks imilcu dial slier sueh lasi uiimilninnl iuuiiis 1 1 ioc mors will proeesd inilutilliutalliasuiiii i tli ilasaisd siiiang lbs isriliautllui the tain hat ma raosrd only o 111 i im of ulilali llisy iliall llian no i ion slid tlisl ilioiald liociiiors will uoi be llalila or tlioaat 1 aatpii or any tifcrt iliareof te any esisoii nr mom of nlmaa claims noils liall not ravn hsii rarelta i nr tliaoi al tb lliueof suoli llilrtluilmi a j matitlnnon holifilior for ilia wimbtors dated tl ii hlstli day ol january ludi w 4 synujsis of canadian nuutjwk8t hjmcbtgad nrcul ation8 ahv avan tiumliirrt soib n of dominion lamia in llanitol a ti4ika1olawsn and alliorts csotilluu i an i 111 lint rfurivad lnsy i o liomoiuailu i iy any 1 1 rinn ahn la ilia sol load ol s famll nr any uisla over tn jseranl an to tlm ettiut oi ono nuarlir saollon of 1u aores mors oruii the homsslislir u rtiiulrsd lo pfrform ihe con llttona cqiniaoird llinuwlib uitilur ona ol itta follmiiuil j lti id al luaat ill men ii ik luililaiirn niion end oultlfstlou cf ilia ism in cacti year for three u a innioit tlnniinr ii ha so dolros par- f rmhi rrinh 1 nulinimtuuu by ihlua eu urnilnu uliil uwnol uly liy lilm not la ihsti elolily w aorta in cnuni in thu vioinly nf iii hoinaaloail jmiil iiunvriblp lu land will not iiiodlilili itiulmiiutil 3 if iho tallier or inotlitr if the fslltsris ducosssil of a limnoil ailur ilia parinensnl realilaiicann fsriiilnu i nil own ml tololy by lilro lint litis ilisn plulity iho scrpa in sslsul in the vlnlnlty of iho iiuiuiihoij or upon a liomisuad enislrsd fur by lilui in tl a vlolnltr saob homa- atsulsr insy iiorljrin lilu own rfildane duilos by llviiiu villi tli failisi or moilier ltlioiorni vultiin in tlin two ireadliii pa rafitii in lu ildfliinl as iiiasiilnii tint mora tlisu nlri inllns is a direct lluo uioluiw of ihe wldih of rout allnnmiijes sroiasd in lbs tnaunraiiirnt 5 a lioiuoilrmrtcr liilctuunu in peifoira tils maldaliadnllaa lu aamnlanew wltlillibv wtills llvltia wllh larsms nr on farminp land nwniml liv litiiiiiilf mn i noilfj ibe ausiit for the dlslrloi of nioli iitoiulon fill ninnths iiollon in writlnij ihoul 1 b etn in ibe onniiiiluloiirr of uoiululoti lscds at otiaw of intoniiou to 1ly for stent w vv couv deputy ol thu mlnihor of the intnlor k ii uiialilnnrlnuil puhllosliail of tills id vertusmoni will not liu palil for xpus ohcr satio tor 3 nunlw cmuoo wflio before uocomher n i lllcon jenre eitperl once ijii british canadian businbss coluoob yonnonnd hloor slroeu toiiqnto elegrapy tin patiiwa to svcceiii the canadian tclejraph and business college of st ttioniah out nnd alymor out have tho rejiilm lirniul trunk dispatch- em wire running tlmiugh tliolr clans roonm nnd iiiiii unite to plnce every young innii rruilunlo of tlm telegrapfi uepartineiit with n nil i rum i cniupnny or refund tuition fuow now term npena thurmlfiy jnnimry and njos call or wrtto for pnrlicuhira 1 ii 111 st mnnager sheep dip and disiftfugtants modougalps mi sapr littles english shaep and cattle wash zonoloum bt a t brown aoiom ont a

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