teht jvctjcrit jfttt ft voijumm xxxin ko an kry uwlilio ru in awm acton ontaiiio thuilsttay aioitning fishtttjaily 1 1008 rulimrli tlii irie fro ltr am singhjb copibs thrmjfl counts ht vctou jrec rcfl irt 1 1 li atiieut trial la ohm acton ont raa tot halm olw dollar par yr airlctly in tjvnc all sub- icrlpliniia dlncantlnuvd whn lh llm tor whloh tliy hsva bn paid hs plrd th data to whloh svarv ub- urlptfon la paid i denotad 6a tn d- ttmainvni u cent parnonperan fdf jir insertion- i oui par line tor allla dl- raotipri will b nari4 till forbid and ohfd nwrdjltialanl m- verllaumanm mbal be advahlaamsni wl t aoh natsnths if dtwlrwd r okibim j -zr- th eujbr imotat fuur advitimtmrn mttmm tranalaitl advar- l cent paivnonprall n ctm it rout spa i ta hmhcd tmb dtwlrwd r phr bdvatanantjonad tho position must bo paia iotl y cnaui to cpaukot sdvartlmtitenta mul ba h lb dmc by naan on tuoo- xccount payable monthly fcnallsh oflrtco 10 wt mntt lon don c whara uaear la and j e lardy 1 co will velv for urn nvxm ubaortptlon ml advert uamonie and whn our raadsr can ft oi char saa our ppr whiu iw unlsnd t it i uooim editor atad proprietor charles j western eyesight specialist or toronlo vlllaacto every ntqiitlr per tint m next visit enquire at lkown drilir slsr siuinus siratort t mos gray m d c m meoill lra1 kdihiumm i x v n ouumw umymiftrruhuuiui ammutiok eo- 3mo duv bumi aaloaont e d ult m d qm sm rriiiirii hloci ecraw uill and n hual otto hourt to it i i i to and t to 0 hlabtouaaiiarad irom t4ljne rradar uk iumi aotoh ont v a rti1ub houk m d oradtikto 6t unlvanlly ol torouto rooaaioa to tin jonu u uiodohiuo ommitmuidmon willow blraat a raur ol uinbinti llabk ommraturistolo ol 1 to 9 p m and tohp m toilh u aacdohald ud ow 1roptulov ud rupailnundanl uailibv iiobfitali dlaauaa of woman vat poftlaolara u to aeoouimalioo u addmaauoils uawarvo onl vr drydhn mini hu tanoa auo moai gonwr woolwlob nd luku buaau oumirn omoi h6ati0 to pmajidl tolpo ondaso 10m to 1 p u 4 j uuklmhon hautainih boluttraa ooimtamaw oyftom will rtrmt tn btovala dloab oaorgatown uranabualt wodnaaoara aud battirdari j monadd lovkvautlbdljulod ooun c cuhvoutlbdlulod ooun ooaaiy ol haj- dgonayaoaar4iantpuaandujaamitniw i ml kautw agani llonoy loloanato aotosr dh j m dull odfl lob dawvivr aotom offloa ol llmldaneoootnar mllloud rradatlek alraala uomoo audtuth or taumto umivsurrv numruamuiatl tuad it daalrad at book wood tuatdaj l i flbnnettldh dentist uiaoktau tntaffb tpl ant j hardy co aovhtiitno conthactom and nbwacokklmudrmti 30 flrtt slroal lunjon c c engund a riu ot thla papar eo la wan frao of ohanto by vialton to loiuou to wbom ajvlao rraoa wilt u jivanaqmad your cliopptubwijl bo done qvickly ali3 well on cither platen or stones if taken to tlie rookwood ohopplngr- mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harri8 co limited excelsior- bakery we arc headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock of groceries and cnn- lcctioncry t statham a son acton pump and tile works o b bbbaqbj proprtetor our pramhl irs now fully equipped with ill iho lilett ritchlury and oppluncoa for tninuficturldx pttetpm jcf pump sappjitm tvi far wut clmtum eulrmrtm mta aim fipm ritum toolm and pip sappu ordr promptly flllatl main streut acton tub iiio uardwaitu htouf stocktaking salcs hookey sticks livory kttclc loft hftii 1oliwmry oth will be rartucod in prldo wo out pur yoar fobrukry ootw htl oor iiokoy a lick ulack mutt to ittrgtly rldultd hi ii10 momilllhlo av you lulerat4 jhe bond hardware co hullhoiio ot qoutvlf iranoib nunan booxhihdmb iiwtodtodo pfovarr daaoiftui inllbfna prombrntl ka of oil modi onaomfallybotwd dono m ab1aob lioenbbb a p uooav nw ov uakbiui cacvmaib prwotoottaa hewliaaummdnlrod laanod al nalawimala tlto atanlnf rraoiaacmdm wu uemfltrket llokmmp avoiukhm f hooklld upwadi aim ma obi lama of ofdora lalt wllb ibo pkru atum will aaaialvo itauaduto ouantlou hull llcuktld auctiohiir kiln onlulo jaubs mcdonald llcbhird auctioh ouolpb olw oondmtad ou rmaonabla tarufta ud d kbrk llcbhsbu auotiomkkk kwtbooottniuf of womoatouabd ration fioloa opadnatmi with aatufulion and npo 3l bvstis to lwo p vibbw lltno or opflnt il at rru otto aaion wni taotlm imiaaduto atunuoo namtawe lu mills lumbr ijiih nl shlolm lwjioo bind cthap bnlrlgbfcqtlonlr ani v i i iimtiivjstjvj public notice i kindly txcapi our ilunva for the bualoat letaoti u have tet enjoyed alnco our inlil hero in lepb weire now firmly bitebuihad eetl ounlns our own premlua whb ihe belt huhted factory in canada math proof ctinmbeti end he beat unitary errengemenla all thai advantage wo ere enjoying wblch alio enablei ui to give ihe ben values wehav 10 give the beat in order to draw inula from toronto and montreal and all poinla wo atlll have a few anapa left in racoon coaia alio in ihe finer pun moom mocca- alns at 50c 73c fi 00 and li 35 they are also at reduoilon watch u grow tafontalne furt are deal lafontaines pur establishment os quebec street guelph ont satgtime and money by coming lieru for our optical needy ucadaclicu and nil re flex troubles a specialty your monej hack it our jlnshca arc not satis factory in every way wo recommend sliur- on mountings and toric lonscb woohntl out own lonooa a d savage ouof ph only kxeluadv opuolan bntrancb with savage co guklrils illlmaillu jewkuliiiis now open enter any day wlourthm in oil dapait mauio of ilia lanual uulnau tlolutmonlooaataaplad did abaosaa for apo4lo a alba plar uloaua f- irli w llvhhaw irlnsipal ft liliow uohiary vonu ud uarrord hi turouto normal plour n1cb turrstouts to havo n hlce turnout in the spring when the roads are good you should lend your buggies to onmsiltvs oarriaoal wohk goergstown and have ihem paloi- ed naw wbeo yod do hot need then you can uavo them here unill the roads are good blbiohs rnd curtrvftas a uw sel dllleasnr blolgba on hand yst also a few good second hand cutlers aud heavy dob sleighs will sell cheap lo clear j n oniauus is ihe product of a life lime ekpeilance in ilia proper blending of wheal for flour it contains u larger percentage of mini toba wheat than any other blend offered for sale tn this district itglvessai iilacilon every lime orders tslen lor land salt aetoo floor fead and seed store r noble proprietor n p moord runsgar portrp oihtlbblval valbntinh hoildftflt win wllti roani rur itu birds mill ciipuu wliilii the air 1 neer had onyllilnpf avonied so fair aoiirlaay vuluntlnn iotr wtnka utiil wloli idia bud mtd nod fnivid nutoriunt h crut for hwpou alto crv pt jlist llko a maor lliv nild tuiliovruj to buy bu vnlnittlmi tf litu 1 luvo bitar wns wbau it rtjd 1 tuhiii uiiayto kmiw tin ilrllb ld wblw to rhkojiuali ln mjo lwiitlior head over tills vuotilln hn puckilrnl up was up little brow tliionvobtpit niiiue tia wi ii tsn nnw turould btvu t iwt prlntodv unybow tito ttiui on thlu vttlentlni wtml ild you llilnk woo tbo no mo kite iiiiuior irliiind in strokos with hit ir lluht und bhailr on nwciit wilrd motillsll vah bfllirbild on chiuiiyii vmlatitlnp ilolon a mawloy georgetown floral go fmiud georoutown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specialty all onlir pltud with mr h a robertson drufwll acton will receive prompt attention short line to and parry soiipd wintertime tadle moatimouni no 1 no 3 tft 00 am m jopm 1343am ooopm 310pm soutiiuoumi no 3 no 4 toooam f 11951 m 0 4jam 300pm fmorri t dally except sunday obmvet on dlntbg parlor oars between toroutoamtdvemrltitttmliervlug ipmtau oarte ofllcei 1 all stallone also corner king and toronto 8ts and union halloa phone main 5170 toronlo wahigo parry sound iarry sound waahigo toronto stiff yamtln limbing it aappna u aaaanaa i aanona w i two 1 2 valentines j nv joan itldwgtt b tt dddodd s dddqddd if ddnadcj h tcf muijory don no bud known what fa alio war lrlnifltiu down on lirr own iiphii when alio favo bur trusty liuiid muldin loittn to a down town that bliibtnry tiftornonnl if so mo kind futo bud only wlilupnrod to iter of tbo train of uviints tblsuluiplolnoldunt was tn lend tn it la nmro tbitn litubt- fnl if nhi would lutvii bono oil aulmly with thoptitns for thn tinmml aliarlty concur t as tut junilmn alio lost no tlino in cttltiff furtli it wni ov dy of day to itnf hh wns mi it tiiunltui k nilssliin full of pfiplonliuw but not ultholit its fusoliiatlons thorn wiu nn nlr of ploasurnblo ikoltbinnt utxmt her as alio took bnr pluoo in llie uloctila cur it still llngorad with imr as sba walkod down miln trc us fuut as tier foot would curry hci und planted herself bororo tbo pinto glims window of 11 cartaln alnnn myl but round ojos nmwlufi initndor tlioro nm an nmny i dont soo how in u10 woild im doliifr to know what on to pick on tbo win dow u full nf tboin jumlnm was ftlnk to niuko bui oliolco of iter vory drat valentino to hand tn tor vory first roduliir mid tdio folt tlto vorlniisnous of tlio position slto iilinnst wubod alto biul confided in mine denn und aeeured bur old but it wits too into for thnt so sho took imr conniro in imtb liftc- plump red nilttuuod bunds nn1 bturtcd for tin don the pluoo would bo full of ponpln 1 tin obiiijtlou clork sboknow him of 11i i ivmibl uilu at bur oh dour if sho hud soinoono with iter in the intensity of her emotion sho spoke bor wish iilntid nnd a ninn who had iwon idly looking in tlio aunio will downs sin luuwd to bar mnylh i can halp you bo said oimrioiiusly you vfll lo purnlmso a v if joinlinu admit tod no much ttho did not know this eldeily man but alio bud no scruple b nbiiub oonfldlnr in lilin juidiiiia was of h ttustfnl disposition and you duulro tbo asautunoe of eonteono who nomeono nldur end mnro ducilmlnnthib thun youruclff ho wont on bile nod dud hor bend so fuub tllat tlio btown coll nt tbo buck tnnilo tilt sorts of threats of tnppllnp down yes sir ubu mild stun 00 no who bns hud pxpnlanao sir he amllwl mid itocmirmd to hor that be was not so unoumt as she lmd thnnght i1i111 co inn ho anld bnlilluff nut bis band sho in id thn rod inltt in it und was lod llko a child into tbu stoi show us buiiiii of your vulouttneo bosnldto tbo clink who liuutlad for ward n not lliift trash yuur prot- tlost air ynur pretllent juhilniau pyos hluod thoinsolvea to tbo nrrny sproiul nut by tbo shlosmunt amontk bo initpy ilovos and lovos and gold i not und nil tlio rout of it bow waaone olln or it gill to know what she wuiiudp buuldub tbo pilot was llkoly morn tint 11 hor purso could httnidr ileoso nil alio tuihl turnlnff tobnr frlond will yon usk him buw miioli these arc i i have only a little to apend oh a lit 1 in kooe a inntf wny in pr- qhashib this sort of atuff bo unawered oiiuio iiibub your cbnlae what do you think of oupld hero with bis bow andnirowp it in rutbur prfllty it was rather pretty hut alio shook lieylieud doubtfully he protty annugli hut bunlljr thu proper thlnu ftir a th i to annd n young man it htikc and horo fcbo blushod tuff bis 1111- iihii neglected tn jlroas lilin hofnm imvlna his picture took lla looks cold tho nooninpunlnif vmao la wurni enougb to tnko iiwtiy the chill he said 1 lyovobntb uty bosom in n groat un rest tug pathway to succjow the caiurjian telcfraph and builneu collefe of st tboiuah ont and alymof ont have the regular grand trunk dispatch er wife running through utah elatw room and guarantee to place every yeudg matt gradmto of tbo telegrupli department with a rsdlroad company or refaad tuition ffe ww term opeiw tburidfy jaaoary n4is cu or wrl foirtlcnhwa u a flra of lonaliip bnrtiotli in my breast tlio will it i tlllitkof thud- what silly rnyiho sho arletl 1 never mind ho lulling tt if i cant send something sensible t wont send anything just an ho auld indulgunlly 1 it ufiuillsh titlll wa shnuhlnt look for aensohuduvntlinont in tbo ono thing should wof lla ttuik up one ttftef niiotlier finally korpllig lst niilil 1j11 ltafthhapil onr ihinvnul with um fontethinnote it bad a fniulliir ar ifow long ago wislfclihhd lent its ortllttavrpttm to it sir i h oiip kit i in tlio wirld tbu mil 1 iv i i 1 t u jwvw g if thn young indy would llko some- thing mtl toinlor that 01111 in ynur lihiid will 111 thn bill bo roiuurked i 1 t ilium things never out of fushlnup hskml jondmne friend tlio snloainans gunao wandered lo tbo girl v among u curtain ruan no ivopitt f riilliuo buvo outgiowu tblu mirt of thing to 11 groat oxumt hut in n whlmpol mint world bus its tjlntrtt of fouu always tloltlriistigieedoia otbr i it baa 1i 1 1 itd iltiwu nt tlmyalmitlno in bit bind iduiuloully tlio saute thlfigi idfittleitily tlto sumo words i lava yon j lovo y6u wlfli nil my heart and fain would i cull yon mine t oltj sweoreat nf maldsijs bark now to my pku lot mo te ynur valoiilln f to bo supi tbu world has its iliaro nf fonts many n weighty thing tiad ibis bund initio groy bnlrod innn fmgotton but not a jluglo of n chlldlab rliymo if you plnost joinlnnt whs jiaylng to him bent is something to my fancy its mndestcr than most nf am and the reading iindornoat li is nil right nothing that a real nice girl shouldnt say to her young man then suppose we tnko that ono p bo naked good tmturedly you havent glvon your opinion yet jomlmit was canny rh bultl up ibo vnlenllne in quoitlun no that her helper could gut n good light on it la it tbo kind of one youd like to golf hut i uiu not going to got it be laughed the question is will it suit tho fortunate young innn f tbtuus just ono thing sho mm lid od leading him nut of ourshnt of ilia dotesled salesman thomas honry bis nainas thomas henry is awful touchy altout bis hair its rod nnd rod handud folks nr all morn or loss touchy you know ho might think i meant something link tbeioli ahuhb finger pointed tn tbo youth locks whloh woro lung und ruddy well well poor henry 11 cant halp time lor of bis bnlr jin tiegau hut sliulnliirtiptoil him ha doesnt n d any pity sli 1 his bnlr is splendid i llko red imlr butter thauiin nlher then tin thing tn do is to send hi in this mtltfutlue und toll htm when you sou him tout it was tbo beauty of tho yotiths ruddy lit id hindu ou cliooat il ho told but jemlnin imnutd yimie tbu undent man she hurst out i dont know what id buvodono if j on hadnt belwd inn out and if tltifi es mi lblng i enn dn fm nn why ut 1110 know tho tall ninn i ootid down nt thu lltilu maid with n merry twinkle in bis vyo huppnuing be suhl joubelp moeboiibuii inloiitno to sund to my bust girl hut oy4 grow louudvi still they snld plain surely jtm mo ton old fur utioh fuullsbnuns ytie be went nn i huvn n wblm lo he a boy again la sho young p quurlod jeinlm 1 ns ulio begun hor task yep 11 morn girl wllb 11 laugh snoot as n pouch but a bit high strung santo ns thmnno henry wllb 11 eymputhstlo nnd bay isnt it queer thtwo huffy peppeiy folks can ito so llkitbln jemima wuuld iao blmliud lo uo a stronger word and itgavnboraatnrt to hoar him say as though lepoullng hor yos so lo vn hie hero isjuat what illl dense hor sbti crlod a moment latur nnd buhl up tho ory hluo forget mo nnts bo had lain down those two doves are thu outest thing nnd then tbo forget mo mils nnd thu utile mousago oh my i dont jim think its bit too toil tnndni p ho uskid flltoybook borhoiid vlgorouly tbo right man wont hurt hor feelings by iwbig toft ttmdei i know glilf slk they dont like tn send too wnrm a gi outing hut when it comes tn gotllug linking at it with growing ad mlintlon alio slowly read the toruo nbtud tn tho opun aiiiliuouiuut of thn in in behind tbo ununter 1 i lovo yoil i lave you ultb nil my lienrl theres a true ring ulmut it uhu broke olf to add aklntl of lending up to wbnt fnltowst and fain would 1 onl i you mine i this n 111 still her in n tv ill tko ynui woid for it be sold aud gftvoticrplunipieri mlllanedliaiid u fileiidly goml bye slink my ro- gaitli to tboiims ilumy jouilmn told miss donne nil about lb when oho got homo nnd was gently scolded for mnklngfreo wltliatiutigera the next tiny was iholuhof imnnnry jemima met the postman nt tho dour o eager was she yos there it was a gorgeous thing nil ploroed heaite and gold uoo ono for mus dean ton thn ghid young thing bad lo stand outaldo iter mistress dootr nnd get the laughter nut of herivm nnd volcn lw- foio venturing further ah i tlio bkutwl valenllnet aald mus deane as alio hfiod the cover then after what eeimd tn bar mind a long inngslloneot a pretty thing your tbnimis homy ban twite tunl mine buret out jonilina its yniue ymk hero on 4ho cover miss mmjory alice deane nobody puts allot in your name do tlieyp it thijiut joke on me you oan go jemlmn said miss beano without lifting iter ejes n6 slree its no j ike nigued tho olheiv i h lml hlni pick it and ita wueoilkuit tbu vurnosiiat man i ever saw 1 what i cant iiiid mtand waa liu thiing mo that you wore young nnd ivtlll sort of tampery bo i nas said mlts donne so i wm ajd nnw n huve grey lu ynur bnlr and thu disposition of a born riuguk ye fill going mies deans shu cknie iwofc to wbl-pet- excitedly 1 liu uhh lu earnest juab he miue if yoil tipnt lwllev b look out tbk wla dnwl fn- if tliit tflnthlnf its ml ilcrlram wbilt no memo is this y auked musdotiif wlnmsho bud ubukmi bunds why did yoi send this om vwlhutlnti tn iimok nt my grey hairs f ho wont clnsn tn her dont you think wovo imioii fool i vl 1 long onough 1 lijoryp boauked muu dinne looked tpillo youthful with thnt flu li un her clti oka it is a silly vahntlne iletraili was all hiio ftuiud to say i know u bo nnnfeiiuod bt its trua ovjy wovd for foul i might fuller tn my uptincli ipruy yuu to rem it or i dont nflfld to toad tt ive known it by lieasl lncv was swet ulkrven ho suhti hrid innllod up at blju tbaatve uta my atiswer or may r ttttto ilia ou ynijtfiavo me ihun p if diow u yldwn1d up nf pumr f 1 out bis porker adjusted bis glnusrij and read uliiud if thou nrt snrp lliv bojirblu mlne i takn ttieo for my vutentlns ho hold out bis band my nouwin marjnry ibirtrnni sho said i bae snnm nlnlhty work to d my ii tlio waifs are walling for their breakfast hut you can cnnio this evening nnd yen softly i takajoii for my valentluo young sweet ns a pouch high strung thats what sbn was oldmaid lull prstty gontlo ns any coning dovp hints what alio n i woudur which nf ibo two bo will llko tbo bestf romark- ed jutiiliun whon she had lot him out what 11 pity thoy cant go back ami begin all ov r gain 1 and tbo man going down the path win saying ibo lo thing to himself aix nulbm ron oovu this lettoi from ilvnvy wuid ikuoher tn bis sou is diclarud nn good uutbnrity nt ver to buvu bten puldluhed liefnre snjun special tn ibo new ynik tribune i you are now for thu flint lime really launched into llfti fur yourself von go ft on yum fatbeiv hoinio nnd finui all family conneetlons tn mule your own way in tbo uorld it u u good llmu lo maku u now start in cuut nut faults of whose nvll ynu havo bad all ehpoilunco and to tulio on hahlta the want of whloli ynu hn e found to bo uo damaging ynu lit u at not go into debt avnld nil debt as yc 11 would the devil make it n fundamental 1 ilia 1 no dubt gash or nothing p make r piomluea ittdlglomly nltituive m on ihe smallest promise a ninn who means to keep hlu prninbts chiinotiitfnrd tn muko limn do tciupiitouwly careful lu nil yom uhueuuiiiu accuiucy and urfuct fi luiknoijn no guuuswni k either imlhlug nr hcauriito truth whon winking ftu nlbeta sink ymit solf out of sight l seek their intorust mnke yoursolf mcuuuaiy to those who employ ynu by industry fidelity and scrupulous integrity fctelflshnosu lu tut nt hold yourself renpouslblo for n high er atunduiil than anybody eitpects of ynu demand mnro ot yourself tlmn unyhndy else ok pouts of you keep your personal standard high never evcuao yourself to yourself newer pity yonrseir do n hard mastei ui yourself but lonlont to overylhnly else ouiicontriito yuur force nn ynur own proper buulneis t do not turn olf do aiiiululont stondfust parsovorlng twbntv wanai aoo ilow tlmo itiimoi a brlof dljreol rrom our columnw of eobrury loth iaa hoott act hiitoal is tbo burden of ninny a pnrngruph wiltten and public addrosa given a in 1 go gttheiliig nf temperance fnrcos at mlltnu ihi imday was ad- ilnimted by uriiiu prnmlnaiit worker nlo d erowdod mooting kt fleorgo tovn au ulo i lib nt tbo forrosr a idttur from itou w a mckay of wooduttfnk was rwad saying see j 3 ir a 1 u will glva ynq tvry tight frnm now till election day if toitliud tbo public hubool hoard organised with mr l francis being elected clmtrimln mi ind hoanrd is talking of build ing a block nf tiree siilnuntlsl lok stores on the corner of mill ifnd main uta which was isndnrwl vaoant by i ho ii 1 f tjnllo a iminlhir of iiovfboiiie nr lo ho minted this summer opsratlons will bo onmiiisrtced with newbrlok buildings onr the surveys of messrs hfiiltb and cuok mus annlu houo formerly of oeiirgiitowu was recently bllmunl- bound uvet night with her pupils in tliascbnol in whloh sho was teaching in dakota tho officers nro bringing bcott act vlnlatois tn time pretty freely in luidph just now soven connections eoillly 4 in front nf a mlsuourl poit nfflo there lu tho announcement stamps uentu 1 stamps llokod fl cents 1 stamps licked nod stuck 4 conts w hull sc on ouelpb have just dnlubud tholr fliat piano the firm will now push tin trade a nuinliut- of tho unconverted have 11110 out bnldly on tho lords side in thn opeolal aorvlces conducted in the melbndlut church by ilev it phillips nnd mi onakbnrn the blind evangel ist imm woodstock uentlnel itevtew 1 imltcetnii mulbodlut church om- clnl dimrd cordially invited ilev t albert moir to return for a third yeni alluding tn tho very satisfactory pnnlllnn attained in the churchs lilutory in n resolution moved by tho klines and joseph strong princeton church debt baa heon wiped out re pairs ut ktonu all paid paetore claim fully mot nnd onnnoxlonal collections well sustained born in krln township veil 0 to mi nnd mis ilnbt johnston a ton horn in acton fob 10 to mr and mrs junius mclonnon a son burn in tueswuur fob ju to mr and mrs h n thurtell aeon dledat orluii feb 4 jumes eon of thou c00u anton aged 80 years dh d lu ornugovlllc feb 12 plieobo ynumnne of acton aged 77 puis pled in ktqueelng feb ii the wlfoofmi d h monalr notihkto loalb sir said tlio young nitln entering thu ofllco i sont ynu a coiuiniinlea tltin yesterday i well p nsked tbo grim faced man well mr prater i thought per hups ynu might give mo a reply to my 1 1 quest nnd wait a minute aald mr irater aro ynu tho man that sent tbla ncconnt for 10 for beta for mydaugh- torp no sir 1 i then ynu aro tbo one that left this lilll for 01 for hor drooseep no sir my aommu tlmn it must be this for 7 for shnos no sir mr note waa ono asking if i might have your daughters hand you want to marry hsrl gasped mi prater thou turning liver the pile of bills b 11 1 god 1 take her ymiiig man i i dont know ynur name hut toko iter qulokly i shes talking about doing souio more shopping london scraps a valbntimbhdav uppbr a dainty supper plays no small part in tbo success nf st valentlnevday party it it is 11 oold night auggeite tb delineator serve oomethlng hot like fi led nystei 9 nr scrambled vgge mixed wllb chopped tomatoes und shredded gretni puppors have aandwlohee nf breakfast irnaon arlpp and thin mixed with walvroresb 1 odd icexiream if you wuh but it is not necessary and if ynu live in a small tnwnttlsexpenslve have u big bowl of mite at one end nf thn tnhle ami stickcandy at the other serve but coffee or chocolate with the uystoraor egga and orangeade if you wish 11 coo drink oh err valfcntihk0 day 1 ton little vulentlnos hanging on n una 1 rome one bought the big uca one nud then there were but nine nine little valentine to school made uobby late 1 he gave one tit the teacher and then there were but olght right little valentines dob wished were eleven l he mailed one to bis enualti nud lb on there wiro but savsil seven itttjo valentines how slow the great clock fleks i after dark it donrtvll rang mid than miere were hutidit flit little valentino 1 the sweetest girl alive sfbai jusfbadto have tho nicest one and then there were init hve five little vulentlnoe fbut nndttrneatfi adikir bolihy pushed the next test tine ahd then there were ijiitfolir four little valoirtliim but habya hands were free bit tore ono valentine in bite mid then there were but throe three little valentines 1 but what did ntirsledop she did not like the verde on hers and then there were hut two two little valentines o my i hut it oj fun toaea the face that cook made up and than there was but one one little valontlne and that a comic one was shown in school tb teacher saw i and than there wa none vt lwtt mil tub patch a8 a quids a now knglandor looontly bad occa- sluii to ougugu 11 gurdonor ono morn log two applicants appeared one a decidedly docent looking mani and tbu other nf much less piopousssslng npponrnnco und innnner aftoi vory lltto uenlutlnn llto in nf tho bnmtn chouo thu hittet uppll- cant a ft lend who was pre sent evidenced smpilxuht the uoloctlon nulling 1 1 1 as hint man over winked fur jott lie f nra p nn re pi i id tbo nthru t in foot i never saw either of thorn unlit tn di then why did you oboono tboshort- op piaii 9 tho nthet had n much bettei face fuoel exclalnioil ihe prnprlolni of tbo place in disgiut lt me toll ynu that whon yuu pick up n gartlner you want to go by bis owuinlu if tboyie patchad nn tbo knees you want him if tlui patnli is nu thn sunt of his inmaors you dont out of tub hoitooltloom a ichoolhoy wns nuked tn glvo somo information in regard tn the onry au tors tbo onao famous now kugland pouts und hu said of thmu 1 tho onry n inters worn two pools who lived in matisaaliuhotte mout of tho time thoy wont tn now york wlieru thoy mado innny fast fi lends tltelr fastest fi lend was john q wblt- llep attde tlmo of the lnugftllpw oen tcnnlal when thu suhmil ohlldieu were writing eh much ubntit bhn ono imy wrote i lougfollowu pooma woie moully of bis own ouhipnamt but ho wrote tails of a wayside luu whom others did thn talking he wau tbu toet inn yott or out country und wa 11 crnckeijaok when it oainu to veiil poetry li ppln- ooltu tviho lovkkhots horo a plolnrevqiie tinntegt for a st vuleiitlnou day putty auggestod by tho fuhruury dolliteiitor provide ench girl with a length nf colnred satin tlblhtn till is tbo only apparatus nedetl for tho guma nf tying love- kitote kaob mall is to ba tlio tlil6 keeper forench girl and lib imit talk tu her nil the limb alio la tying an ui list lo love knot out of tbo ilbbiui uo keeps hi whloh in hand and his to divert bar attention and nuike hoi nmwiulil questions lbtwt min utes id ibo ui limit und if alio ana eods id inaklng the knot be must wear iv through tho avenlngplund tn mil jaravat if alio falls who mint ittalw twelvhiida faalfe ur thlr- kcvriaclrtlllscvcwkt icvrtil oouoiin rkbaimvkarthibmt0 ooiuln itulte was in this afternoon mr wilson renmrked at dinner what is sho doing nnwp the family asked instantly interested dut alt bough tho words were tho samr tho tune were very different mr wilson laughed i believe her latest is lesaoue in italian ah an- weml itulluu cousin itslwl when aba doesnt know anything of ungllsli literature olko exclaimed olive wa at the age when any lapse from fashionable attainment upon the part of her relative was a personal griev ance whats behind up an italian sun dayschool p mr wilson asked there jnuut boa motive in ber mad- ness for cousin luba is the best busi ness woman i aver knew a choras of protest met the atate- nient cousin ileha why father ah never could keep accounts in her life i shes fa 1 11 in half a doaen invest- want anybody with a story of misfor tune oan take her in nevertheless i repeat my state- tnent mr wilson aald quietly cousin helm is the best buslneeg woman i over knew she never let any block he idle every smallest tblng is put to work it was so when w worn at school together when a oon ns eh learned a thing sho wa helping someone els who was back ward htii father gave her a piano whan she wa twenty 1 sho never played much herself but borore a month wa past she bad that piano busy two or three hour every day poor girl practising on it you know she would learn new reclpoe cousin reba was v born cook nnd before you knew what had happened the wa teaching some poor woman o that it could nd eakt to ther woman kiobang she wa always narvoua with horses but all isarned to drive so that alio could take out nil the in valids in town she used tn declar that she never could sit still lung enough to learn to knit hut e notloed from what you said a while ago that she taught that crippled mamie akerea new sweater stitch a for ber liooks and ber flower and fruit preserves you know bow they go all over town shu cant even go out west to ae her slater without coming back and stirring ui all up on behalf of tba missionaries out tbarr if you know any life utter invest ed than cousin itehau 1 dont i never looked at it that way olive aald thoughtfully oahb out or hbaou mirny atorlce have been told in new york to illustrate the supposed slowness of phlladelphlan hut proba bly tbo prim winner of thvnl all la one whloli is now going the round a phlladelphlun visiting in new ytuk nrduted some analla in a restaur ant they pleased lilni thotvo are very flue snails he said lo the proprietor they aredrllolouc i wluli i could get them often dont you have them in philadel phia r asked the new yorker in sm prise oh yos wu havo plpty aald ihe other but wo cant catch than nbant much to him yee said the nheao passenger wltb the swastika pujaja tie i always look forward to tb opening nf th fiuabull season with delight yon ur an admirer of tbo sport ehj rejoined the hardware drum mer well not exactly replkd the o d but im a surgeon a agodbratb dbmmi to imvu foot which require number fourtoennnd ithalf shoe to enclose thorn la to he fftiidrkwungn even in missouri bo august splslnmn who owns a last of that site goes through life sadly but not unknown meeator hughes he said to a neighbor one day thought fully twist ing ap ukticiislvo member before re- fleoltve eyoh do yon kllowwtaa3lriios my feet i roubles m bousoiuim i viaw1 vm ony moderate slit sboe ib consumption 1nhbmtbd ottlnlon of sv prominent batv-laio- arla olvea tat a rent lmium hwevam collajre prof u c krnsb in a recent leclur beror harvard medical school die- ouseed this thtoiy at longtb 11 claims that oonsnmptloii is not an in herited disease and that tbo children of parents who hnv tuberculosis are a likely to grow up strong and healthy as children who have not dr krnib further claims that the oardlnal means tat ourlng this dread disease urv plenty of fresh air sufficient nutrlolousfood rest and xerilbe for centuries pjiyslolan every wher liaverecogiiliedth value of cod liver oil in the treatment of consumption and all wuatlng disease but unfortun ately few could take it with beueflt o nocnunl of tb indlgeetlbl oil vlnnl ha solved this problem it la the modern cod liver preparation without nil made by a scientific ex tractive and dmioen trail ng proeee front fresh cods livers combining with petonnte of irqn all the medicinal heating and bodybulldlng element of and tlvsr nil but no ol or grease a h epeclflo for all throat nnd lung troub le attd a 11 sirehgth creator and body builder vinol u unexotlled try it on our offer to vaturn your monfcy if it ft lfoctlon wyfm b a ljk8