Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1908, p. 3

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wajx papers news of local import window biudjflb ouktajn iotjicb 1 linei we uiiil in call n avntt km oar naw detluns in wall taper irom ja par roll 1 ionian traa price ai will geo hynds mill street acton slic ctnii jfrce ress thuiihday w brief local items rrtjiubtor hotlilijl nro ivelnfr iilunntxl for april la imtislfilntf its ntourd fur mile and tears hovera flixika up wild gaese have luan seen hying norttiwaul during the vmk oo hd otijuy hip tlaater concert iri llm mfltliodltit ohuroh next monday evening an evening with tminyenn will be pjlvon at tho kpwartli loagflo next tuesday the ico bliirm yesterday imt pave ments and platforms itito abating rlnb curidltlon mih k jaloker formerly nf hi in leniie tif tbo ahloruion of llm uniting town of iwd duoi altn tim tun nodus tiru miming full lime again tho men appreciate the larger choqime vury much thorallwnya will give tingle fare tickets for hunter goml going on 10th and returning orrtliu 21ut hint tliero la now n post office ut norval station tho people there appreciate very much tint iiccomniodatlon thore will tw a mooting in the council ohanibur to night for the pur- pom of organlilng u hiuiuhnll olnh acton lodge no 201 i o o v rearranging for their annual evcur- elon tonlngnraruluoii nmluiut june 2flth ifow would it elo to foed dates to hens to that tho fresh egg might he i stamped by nature alwaye sure you know a number from acton will go to georgetown next wudnottday evening to hear ilov dr clrevora joan val- jean mr ii 6 liar wood bae purchased from mr john harvoy tho mireo iota at the corner of ohuroli und victoria streete come my soul ho glad and ilng bluebirds nro upon the wing lift a joyous gleeful shout overcoat la wear ing out the annual i nut unto of ilalton teachers association will be held in georgetown next wodnoaday thurs day and imday the catchy air of tills apt ing la nut tho erstwhile popular in tho good old summer tlmo but in the dear old sweetheart days tho ground has huon luld nut for mr o c hendersons lino new real denoe at tho ciirnei of dower avonuo and willow street mlis mattle e smith has resigned liar poil i ion a tiachr at oravcnhursb and is attending her mother who is 111 at her homo at lnrnovllln fresh eggs are going down in prion an rapidly that soon oven those who are only modurately wealthy will bo able to afford one occasionally geo 8 to vols now spring stock of dainty and durable footwear la now being opened call and inspect it see new announcement next week tho lesstor concert to bo given by tho mothodlat sunday school under the direction of mlu doty of london next monday evening will lie atdellght the time now is whan no one knows just when to aliaka lite winter clothes for if you wenr thom you feel bad and if you dont you wish you had rev dt cloavor will toll the story of joan valjean vlotor llugne master pleoe in thu mothodlat church george town un wodneadwy uvenlug a pill mth mr gpoige nullne has moved to the alex mcdonald farm he recently purchased lot so n u 7 nusaageweya this is a line property and mr nelles will no doubt do mill there messrs boavdmore oo have eurohasod tho flno residence nf the itfl robert little ht the corner of otmroli and wilbur streets they hive nooliplod the property for several year would it unt bo udvlsable for the oomiot to contract now for a good supply of crushed itono for um on the streets this season lahor is more plentiful now than it will be two months hence mr hugh mooutolwon who line been un lot hi oon 4 kuquealng the psitf fonr years has removed to lot 10 oon 8 erin tho rotiert rood farm mr and mre mooutobeon will lie ttmob missed at ohmchill vfbe bailiff baa helved tho stock of wood placed on the lob opposite the station hotel during the winter by d a olokson under a olmttel mortgage held by henry arnold the wood will be sold by miction on saturday 18th imt secretary j m moore informs the fbhb fbsjbs that the canadian amateur atbleilo union has given the georgetown foresters atbletlo club their sanation for holding meet in georgetown the event will take place on august tlrd akit in bx acclamation no opposition to metum of member f wow bitinewtok cabinet stjohn rrapill 7tbls waa ndmlnatlon day for the bye elections made necessary by the appointment of the new provincial ministry no op- poeltlon waa offered in any conitltu- efiey premier uaxen and all his col leagusa being returned by aecaitia tm if thegtases you now wear are nqtoeorafdrtable or if the lenses require changing consult ohas x westertt in r browpa drug store wednesday april j r tyilk t wy tho deaw a urgerpront but8ataltapcked la sealed isadpmokiigo- loavee a last- idk nd favorable linpreaalon upon tho pu of ml blvlugjt a trial usnoo tsinrplpussajd vt s rx dtntionsbyittv jm ivrlsnararuh rev j m wrlgtit nf iceigtiii ulll occupy the pulpit of tho mutbodlut oliurnh noxb hnnday in tho nioiiiliitf he will preach tnthoohlldron and yoimu pnople of the sunday hohool u mr darker will pronoh kdiicatloutil sermnna in vergus mr walpronns cndldtur oandldula win run is tvitfltng hlu organlxutlon in this pwit nf thn comity this wrek he hed mnllngs at hnn- nockhtirn on monday ovonlng itud nt dublin on tuesday proipecte ha ways are looking vory htlghl for him nnd his friend are nil highly pleased with his aaiidldatur charter of ownership mr henry arnold has dlapoicd of lilsllverybitsinimtqmr w ii llm ledge nrstroeuvlh mr hut1iutg was in the butcher hinlncnu htirefor sovnrul yeais buck tn thu ilghtt and la tlmrptiro well known mr arnold will devote hlu attention in ilia coal and wood business and is arning juftto ereobatisdihm the hiilliiud lots north of the g t ic tank demonetreiuene siriu sbvente acton u tn havo a very full noaion of popular demonstration and nvciitj this sunimer tho vi re ilrlgau hold a big flremnne damnnitratlor dominion day with very attractive features tie orangeman m iirrmig- ingfnrahlg twelfth of july uuhhiimhhi atbtfltiognmes in the puik k quiu ing agricultural sozlfty will hold its auniiil kail pair here nn tho fltli and 7thorootobor i4ji00 oorsi of oranarea a letter fmm air jnmos brown from los angeles onl recelvud on monday says i wo have had a in iiiilful winter have had only nnn light shower in six weeks tsmpera- htre has lioen from 00 to 80 all winter very few days hut thn aim uhnnn all day better than shovelling hiihiv and coal all winter over 141100 enr ol oranges hnve been shipped hero thlsyvars crop nowtourlna italy tho pnttis piikm has received lutliii atlon from mr a m smith as to tho movemonta of himself nnd his mother a note dated march 21st from grou vener notul loudon s w says t we are at present sojourning next door to tho king ducklnghnin palace is just euross the square hut havent been over to pay our respents yet we are on our way to rome will le in paris tniiinirow huuutl- ful weather iwith well a m smith 7so ueensw pee carried in a vulajre a bylaw was pasuud in hitvi lock on february 21 raising tho lintel llcenxe fee to 9700 at first thu liquor party tried to quash tho bylaw they then said they would not pay tho high fee but would shut up their homos hui the hotolkeepere in town three in number havo mado application for licensee nt the high rate the former rate waa 9250 they may not all he given license thoy will 1 1 holy raue the price of sealed whiskey to 15 conl per glasi returned to acton lust july mr sunderland taylor and his family removed to st cutb arlnes tho change nf residence was not so satisfactory as expected and mr taylor bae returned to acton mrs taylor and the little son will arrlvo in a few weeks about tho tlmo they decided lo velum to aolon the lad was run over by a drlvoi in tho street and had his log fractured below the knoo he is in the hospital immediately upon ha recovery the family will be retinltvd hero mr and mrs taylor will reside in their own house nn ago er st rout beet frtnun wo bver hod vniiu pnuss printing always pleases and kind words respecting it are heard ahrinst every day a customer at hewitt writes t wo are highly pleased with your work nnd ahull do yon justice in ordering nil nur future printing the work you have done for us is thn most appropriate nnd up to date we havo ever had the fitub pnsijs job department- baa just buun supplied with a large quantity of the newest styles of type and matorlals fresh from the typo fnitiidilcs and wo are in a better position than aier to 111 orders for uttnicllve nnd urtlstlo printing i boater oonoert nest monday tim raster concert to be given next monday evening by tho motbodut sunday sahpol under tho direction of miss amy l doty nflondnnprumlhoa to be the best entertainment of the kind ever given by the school the spirit of easter will pervade thu pro gramme throughout overloogchoiani will take part every numlwr has its distinctive excellence but of coursu some have features that will specially appeal because of their unique char acter tho doll drill by twenty four little girls will undoubtedly oeptlvati the audience while tho illustrated hymn the shadow of the croat by eleven young ladles the kuster drill by sixteen young ladles the march song and drill by sixteen you tig men havk abundance of met it and will d la- play skilful and artistic foutures tho climax will be reached in the closing number garlanding the crn by seventy five scholars the concert will commence at eight oclock sharp doors open at 1 110 pm varewell ut mr allan blehop apurty ofhla mends gatlnjrfidnt tho residence of mr isaiah conn john st on monday evening tpglvo mr allan bishop a good old fashioned cana dian aendoff on the oveof his leaving foi winnipeg man mr rlshop ouino from leicester eng about a year ago and boa alnee bla arrival in acton been employed by messrs heard more ft co at tbelr station warehouse and also as yard manager at the solo leather tannery he has made many friends and the party who gathered on this occasion were only representative of a imioh wider class of acquaintances whoso sentiment they voiced after games and social chat all adjourned to the dining room where cupper was served after supper mr bishop was asked to eay a few words and replied feelingly expressing regret at his leaving and appreciation of tho kind ness abown him during bis sojourn in acton mr and mrs coon aud other rrlettde also spoke expressing tbelr re gret at bis departure mr bishop left tuesday morning for winnipeg hie tn wanda wish hint all suttee in hie edltftl 111 twi fcttat wtmttcafttfi f s a uommful btmmon hit olilaeiim luugiio init on illiluy kvmltiu tutoilv ilu- ii i i ttpil mid lot geiiettil liiiuliiuw lh tilfitli of tboukutlug rink veitr bowil to lie in n prosperous condition iheio iwlng a balance of u0 tin hand after nil ex penses had wan met oioigotowtt herald the woman m ineutut meeting tim monthly im utlng of tho wniiiuuit inulltulii waa held lunt kil- dty ariormtoii at tho homo mrs r l drub urn willow street llm nt on- tlanoe waa unusually good and tho meeting proved very interesting mrs ii p moore gave an nridnua on flowvrs to grow for tahln decoration and mm dr gray h paper on lloiiin- hold economics a quoatton drawer was presented hy mra murray mac- donald and4 helpful gtjiienll dlscuu- sltjo ofk p inert tho rtniimil hat iiur will lwim inmuy ht tho boniu of mrs rwevi uwaulmuiliier the kljthuiertth convention jsqiiewlng suiulay hnbuol asoou ion will holdltsulghiuoofhuiidjiarohn vfotldn at uauinufud n llltltty 2fitli may tlforit wlll imv itfumiw and evening soaulons ckowtlud willi piiicil- cal atldiessei and illsqusfllynti ulm progiuuiine will include uddruuwua by llrfv o w darker ac urn on thv adult nthte olaie movement by mr tliou yellowlenii provlliolul kvteuslon secretary ilonsa to iloilsn visl- thin for uiquiklng nnd nnwtilou thfqiitulloii dihmtrhy ii p mottle this with ampin tltun fm gcmml dl oiwulon mill routine iniwliuuv will fill tho afternoon si sulnii ten will be sorved hy tho dullltinrii 1 h lends nnd tho evening session ulll i no hi do sonjr servloi introduction ir thu uuw pie i dent and addrusat u hy mi villowleiu and ruv it t uaiiiiiuii gtuigtitow n thono township hiliiduy huliool gat her- lugs havu ihiuii enjoynhln anil pi oil table in thu past mid oupiiiilty so nt ilalllnufud fourteenth oanaujlan llorse dhow in spite of the riiiiinii ul il nnd iln uualul doprouuion tho pi lei u of the bout liuub of horsed havo omul luuii mi high in ciuiada as ut prt eut tim show ring luirsos nr held at hlgtior pi ins than animals of thu unnio clnsu in thu united states this fact lius a uptulul luterout in relation to tho fointoeuth canadian florae show which is to lw held in tho st lawrence arena on april 20th 00th may 1st mid 2tut thoentrlus promise to bo largei than at any provloiis ahuw all tho lead ing exhibitors will ho lurgdy lupro- sonted hon adam deck of loudon has added no luuu than ton hunters to tho flno atuhlu posutusod hy mrs hook and himself onu ol tho new ones is waldtulmiu hottur hoivu than kaka luka which won the ph utur liunoititil tho international hui u show in lon don lust ytwr mr john j dlxun a lending amateur of toronto is buying pi hut w i nuen in new ymk so us to compute for tho king imwmd ttl ohulluiigif cup aiiioiig olliur exlilhi- titrs who will lie piomltient uio a ycaghor of si in coo j lungdun wllku uuu i dr r r wohstur ottawa i oniilon j hundoriton iluinllton t di akuoy st catluirlueu aeiuilliis jnrvls dr w a young ii o cox goin go pepper crow u murray to routo noducod catua can bo ohtalnud on all rulway it la uxpicud lliitt his excollency thu gournoi gwiuinl wlllw prusuut ballinavad marrlugea mid farowulls ueem to bv bu thu ordor of the day ul pvuuunt in this locality ou wednesday evliiing of last week a uuiiilmir of ilia nelghboi w and frlunda or mi and mis j ii denny mot at their home tj spend u suclul hour ur two pi lor to thulr re moval to acton tho following address waa presented accompanied hy u tangible expression of tiulouma t ballluarad april 1st mllfl and mite j 11 dbnnyi duah fhibhdvi atthuiigli your re- uiovut la not u bo far distant wu havo gathered hero to express inn reolliigw in youfdepartiiro from out imiiivdihiu uerglilkirllood pur ton yuaiu you huvu gonu in and out uiuunuut us and in cases of blckneau or imiiovo now rjjady beautiful new crrpefs lhce curtains mnp brap6ri6s 1905spring1905 lkdibs kpcllulliltig in hon lie pu ratal i jmh our large liuslueiis in theie tinea cempela us to buy lavishly to meet the demaad made upon us for the vei effects in cnrpeta ruga llnoieumaand all kinds of floor coverings lace curtains draperies of all kl ry lajest and lieit ulnd- upliolstored for yearn baa brought about a condition wliklt etiablea ua to meet any com pot i tin rrr gooau ictc an infinite variety ef new furnishing is now ready for your critical inspection including o splendid lino of iwautlful jlu wilton and axmlntter carpela fresh from hie guelph carpet mills interesting itk14s the fellewlng should induce you to visit this interesting department our tenentry curpetu atjc see aoc 6ja 7jc and sc firuuela carpets nt jjc gi lli i 33 i js and wilton cftroein at gl ij ijo i6j t oo and 9 aj axmlnstera from l in to 3 oo llnoisui is at bjc gi and i 93 itient your sympathy was tint want ing in oaae of need your high yunsu of duty brought you cheerfully to tuir rrr- dry goods and cotiiino ij eu gtjelph social and personal mit itolfp t nellre arrlvetl home from otilir lam tve k mr o gane of o-prlng- vulud ft it nils lieio 011 sunday mluti ltnlu denny la spending a fow da a with filoudsln n ial mr hugh mclntighlln has been critically iii the pust few days mih ii mnua and mr- n forbes 111 o visit ing f 1 lends in rock wood mr chester wallace is home from montreal fin 11 week or ao to roc u per il- v ii a mtpheif f clmltnra chinch t nnito wau in town lust friduy mlsseu rtclul and ellxu llndxiin or gin iph who guesiu ovtu sunday of mr- ihimknatoii mi r j mrniibli division court cleik uponl uuvoral days last week un a i ilp to pnim horn and lindsay mm ii pickurdund master viotof nf hamilton vlullod nt tho borne of mr geo agnow muln st last week mm 1c dodds of slmldon who wee with lit r fikiid mra t rauton river sireut foi unvural wuiks has gone to brandon mini kov g w fttiker and mr ii p m00111 uttendid thu vxeoutlve of ea- qiiinliig hiiinlny sliiooi asanchitlon at gioigltowo mi monda mtu kllgnhelh thuitill who has he n spending the wlntei with her eon at ingurstdl returned homo last week shu ihcnnwldoinhly improved in health mi john russell wu ruuaell nnd messrs j o hill j l warren and p monuhh uttuuded thu funeral of tho lull john it liiuuay ut llinehousu on mmidnj aid in our dally ihioruuurso with you you havo been figures which wo can not boon forget 1 over chuurful evor ready with suggestion or infor mation that might iwltalpfiil to otliure nutu 10 may to sumo extent make good hor ravugee with tho viiasiinb but not ao with the lives of inon in your dvpurturo you created 11 vacanoy nevot again to iw filled it la true otbure may come bub their duties shall lw different for thoy uro tholi own in your now hnino when these hnura and years to which wo have iteen calling attention shull he long to the past and which vhall in lug now duties and activities wo wish you the same patience and ennr- ngo you displayed while hero wo trust you may b spared lung or help matoa together in tho uotlvltlos of lira and in tho enjoyments nf the fruits of kour hiliore and at laat when you uve laid osde all earthly duties may you meet in that desired haven whore there shall not ho any mora change now calling to mind those happy memories wo present you with thle purse which we request you to ox- ohunpo for some piece of furniture which may iw of aervloe to you und which shall imst beep fragrant tbv memories of bygone days in ifirln signed t r bi hbkduiuion o 4 rtrflabix mr danny made a feeling tvply on luibalf of himself and mrs denny ha extended a cordial welcome to all to vulr them in tbelr new humo in acton this locality la to he favored with the annual convention of enqueuing sunday school aaaoolatlon this yoar it will lie held on friday 2fltb may itev r p sllllmsn offerule b o will preach on missions in the metho dist church here on sunday 10th april ntaaoptri dbad in tahnbhv vat body of jaak hammy a welldterarer of oramravlpo round orangevllle april 7 a sensation woe created this morning hy the dis covery about 11 oclock of the imdy of jack hambly a well known welldig ger in an unused vat in the rear of a tklna tannery humbly had been mhudng since about deo 1 but as he frequently went off without mention ing tile destination it waa not thought anything of the body ii in a fair state of preservation deooaaod leavrs a widow and family of small olilldion kakh it you nan lp telle our rteadare hoar to mia beat nheumatlam cure a willknown itulliority on rheu- iiiiiiimih glvou thu renders of a lurge new york dully paper tho following valuable yut simple and hiiriulous prescilpiiou which any 0110 oun uuslly piepaio nt lioiiie t fluid extinct diukliillon onoltulf imnoo t ci 1111 pi m 1 id kai gun one ounce t compound syiup hnuipuiillii tbisie 011 11 cts mix by shaking well in a buttle and tako a toiutpnimfiil after each lilirul and ut ladlliiio ho status mint the ingredients can tie obtained from any good proscrip tion pharmacy nt email cost and be ing of vegetable extraction are harm- leas to take this pluasant mix lure if taknn rrg- tilinly for u few days la said to over come utmost miy case of rheumatism the pain nnd swelling if nuy dimin ishes with inch dose until uriuiiiinut loutiltuaio obtained and without in juring thu utouiaah while llicto are many ho called rheuiiialisui rtiuiidlos patent modiolues elo some of which do glvo lollt f few really give perma nent rouulu aud tho above will no dim hi bo grtatly approbated by many suffoiera hero at this lime inquiiy ut tlia drug atoree of this uelghltnrhnud itllulta the infortiiatlnn that theso dings nro haiiiitflse and can lie bought at p irately or the druggists hoio will mix tho presottptlon fur our readers if asked to news op tub day j d tuareo llm jnnng englishman who shot old mr ourilit in his home on oliilstmae night has been convlot- ed of minder and sentenced to be hung in nianiptnn jail on june hth dr drydon guolph has arranged wltbdi lowry of toronto to take clihigo of ilia nffloo oach wedneiday whon ho may be consulted hy eye ear nnao and throat putlante dr drydsn is steadily improving but thinks a little longer reutndvuable atussmu i lb bngllll absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mum mr slgnatur of rmtmmunmammr icapjeks nttimiittt ratiiumunk mtnhtuvts nacwwnntim fnhutwms mmeoshixim 1tnmvsk constipation vu hiim uu4 tl ul j mih wtuft uj iiilinilti inr ft iii dim nf ll if cmwum nmcmumbjulcm ttkinkttuimmimiwvwudi immm afr it rtkbwit ihhiuim tfcasiiimimjitilyualiwiilih urn ubtnr ml vuiiijih il wuuw yu a 4m twy bm uf tai uhuia ykbuki vuiittimtm4ajkiimfuuwamr umi u hcuaisis atiuinum ommwui mavum yu cts3wbba better than puis for liver ills fiahuwbtudldikco siloollmo for sale by e a robertson druggist acton qdqaaaddaadanannnodaddddddnpndad0daqdnnqdtiat3addn horse sundries i as bprin hnu arrived hvu firincrtinnd stock- men everywhere bcin to think ahuut clipping their horses nnd fitting them for the spring work in this line of goods our stock is new and complete consisting of clippers of all kinds singers brushes combs etc in hand clippers we can furnish you with the best in the land henry bolters ball bearing at henry bolters soveroifjn at hftnrv hnlters pftrfrrmrtn tllti pair illes pair henry bolters perfection at iss pair henry bokers keen cut at 125 pair ordn ittifln for siwrl lnp0vd towar clipper wllh nctoml gflir pflw ia70 till i ih nulul impll ironint irul i- i lo dy i b t and bmi cllpparon ih nm r f johnstone 6a co agents for martin senour 100 pure paint mill st acton nnonannnndanadaannaaaaannnaaanabbonnnnnnrjonaob spring jackets j n extensive ranqc of natty titylisli mckin- xtl non matlo jackets in mack fawn and fancy tweeds prices will be found much cnuier than in the cities for the same class of goods spring jackets will he in much demand this scauon skirts in navj myrtle brown black and fancy iwihov i those pretty plejiid t4i left will bejiot favoritoh 3vhllin1crv fhu millinery department is in full swiii we are making a hii eitort to give you thio season the 1not upfodite creations and the best vnlticrf o be fouird in the millinery trade vvo solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and vnluoi henderson co mill street acton llsuwaiuj h h itnssarorth carpets bugs jap mattings oilcloths 4yd width linoleum wall papers curtains art sateens cretonnes and muslins positively tho best vuluos in abovo obtainablo anywhere inspect our stock ploasod to show you tho goods dress goods full ranges of cloths in latest woaves and shades including black navy brown copenhagen biic otc easter millinery our millinery department has been greatly appreciated by the ladies of acton and vicinity this season wo have excellod past efforts and you can thoroughly rely on obtain ing from us only the latest and best to bo had tho latost creation tho leap yoar hat have you seen it h h unsworth the right house hamilton s lavoittte shopping tiacb preeaster sale come to hamiltons best stare the right house for vour esstcr outfit and save money womens 1750 suits at 1000 smart new easter styles that fit in distinctive fashion brown navy greens and itln k panama cloth womens 10 and 12 voile skirts 750 handsome klack voiles tailored in graceful hang ing pleated and silk fold tiimmcd stylos very smart and dressy easter hats 350 550 750 becoming new easter stales in mem widow sailor turban and rolled brim eflvcth beautifully trimmed in many charming wajs you can save two dollars at least on these wc prepay freight and express to any point in ontario on orders of 500 or more write for samples of dress goods thomas c watkin8 oonnin kino st east huahaom hamilton ont the standard rotary la the only sawing mschlne which with lis own mechanism produces both a lock end chsln sillcli pracily the cluln stitch is e mourn necessli eniurlnu iliu iusllclly in warns required hy ihe many new cretilans lo ensure comfort infanta anil childrens wear cannot be suitably made without the olmln silich to chinaa the illicit wllh the standakd rotary irom lock to chain you simply chanse ihe bobbin case end bobbin for ihe spider easily done lprevi dup- oruur ed it fee twenty year iotarv mqvity oiurnlu wa have the exclualve ajsacy in acion for this world renown ed standard rotakv maciiinh and undurour economical way of atorelieeplng are sble to deliver one of iliese machines lo your home at the lowest poulbte price we ire elso able to make speplamoi ran to trult your oonvenlanos we wsnt to invlia evry woman inter- emeu in aawms to cell snillei us itemntiatraie ibe many special advanianes lhl 4ra lo be fount only in llie btandahd rotary sswlng machine wm gooper thetaifcor comer mill anil main 6u acton out jacksons jacksons our new bystara of cosh buying and cuh beulntf knablea ui to offer you thu week some bltf snapit to ties meiiu niaolt dsiilm overalls with bib also amoeba to match regit- lar 8 jo tovioo th la week fyc b ilos mens work shirts striped oafortlt medium to park shades regu lar 50 to 65 this week 43 n tins mens work skirts hlack drill with white stripes and spots regular 75toq50 thla wouk 600 ao dot mena pourlniiand ties 19 dos shield neck ties is tfoi bow ties ii grand nunllty ullk new designs and rich colerlog regular ac tbla week a or 930 do you net now wish to select your spring underwear and hetjery while our hnee are complete y011 know if you come now yeu can choose from a larger line than it yeu come later we wlah to begin selling our spring underwear nnd ilealery early wo are marking the price ea these goods low ao that we shall not avonny to carryover when the belling season la past these are the values we can give you ladles embroidered mock cash mere hose lit 0 oi and 10 regu lar 350 thla week 0 ladles block cashmere hose ribbed er plain sites 8j 0 ol and 10 regular 33 anil 40c this week so ladles taffofa gloves aew brown andtan shades regular goo this week 330 drubs ooodb sprcialh black melrose cloth regular 9 so tfeleweek 030 cream lustre fancy patterns regu lar 8gc thla week j8t satin finish prunella cloth regular 1 1 aw this week 730 striped crepteii regular tfje title week 1 330 bat in cloth regular 739 thla week 4b0 peart buttons dosen go corset cover embrolderlee thin week go patterns 17a sso patterns ajo 4go patterns 310 600 patterns 43a 8 uoh silk ribbon best quality all i t muuvii ivknihi boo thla week 160 colors regular age thliweolj 190 4 inch silk rlbben regular boo thla 3i itioh bilk ribbon regular 17c this week 1 130 k rig showing of laoea kmbrolderiea and dress trimmings all nt special fig- urea j h jhckson

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