gj ht jvitfon stn tft voiivmb xxxiii no 50 ufy hulcrltlloii ralil in advasta acton ontario tuubsday moitnino iirnb 11 1008 ubmlpua hw l m annua single oopiesthbeb ckntb be ttoir jtrtc fm i0v1shv niuhbday uohmino tr rum lfm llm rlalla omm i ill btltket actow ont mulutmwtmium ofcj dollar ear yaar strictly in advance all sub w rations uucoiillnued wttn the tin for which they liftv lan paid h plred the it to wblejt eyerr ub criutlon ih paid 1 donnied on th od- ra label aiulef nam trahalent adver tlsemarh 14 cants per vlontiarell lift tar oral jieuon 1 earn par un or iqh bubaequeilt insertion ad varus me nie without pwcloo dl reellonm will be inserted till forbid and ohararea accordingly transient ad- varflaanmiitm must b paid in advance advertisements will ehnhifed one each wort i h if desired itor phansre eftencr than abnva mentioned the cojat- poaltlon muit be paid for at regular changes for contract ndvartuiemenl muat b tn tlta onto by noon on tare- accounts payable monthly knajllah office so vlat fltiaet inoti- on ab c wlura ueaerat h and j itardr co will recalv tar uh new subscription and advardaantanta and whara our reader can free of chars our lie per when la ens land 1l 1 uooitn icdllor and rroprlalor ttnglnm ibittctatv- t 1109 gray h d c m mcglll l ucf knwaoaon lti ph flliaoow kfauasa iiaitisii llamoai aasoouttam w 3ftee frederick rtieel acton ool e v ault m d c m icroar miu and i i to and t to 0 tw nieiil sella answered from reatdaqoc radar- lob ktveet aoton ont i ra a l iiouu oradueteol uu re rally of toronto ont to un u uaouonalp ud ou 1roiileloraud uuperuitaudent uautusy ii0hp1tad dleeaaes of women for particulars aa lo eoeoinrdallon at address hostfl llamaey i 0 oat pr dhydcn tv bam tuaoat amd moaa oornar wootwleb end iiaket huaau avkitva owrtom llotjm 10 jn lo yn andtlolpmd bumdava u aw to i p m lkqal a j maflkinhon uluubtva bouoitob o0wthaa1ob orficpulll htrml lo illoelr otorgaiown uranelirueiu ulreet open wadnaadayi aiid uftturdaya t 3 monadd qlmkvouiruidlvlilon court qouutyof hal qbrayadearainlvraaiidl4iaamuraii uaal hauta aani uooay toloanala or ricevvenryuiau liloek aoton ont dxntjll d j m dhll iubldb dan tier aotou offlm al itmldcnm ooimr 111 i and pvaduiek tlratli 4 uohom abadultm 09 toftouto umiviurr the uteel uaaelhitla uted ll daelrad alltoekwood foaidaj l rj btraali uuali o intailii bnlrane coik 1 oar oinaaa ol and bbvfata llionala ux8cxbiaxmq vs b aku hardy co advkfttlbiml contiiactol ahp nawe cohunrowdrnti 30 flmt slroet london u c england a vila of hiurti by vtaltora lo liouaon wlllba glvan 11 required firanois nonan uookd1hdhb wyodbam f wyo aeeonul ihw mrloduaupfa ilooka of all mndi mad a to ord ery deaerlptldnaa idprountfydbna tlbhoajrafallybonnd ft m arriaflh uobmeb ii p 1io0hh aecmk 0 uinauoa lioewaai no wllpawa required laeued private offlee nowllpeu mvaeldttboein tba eteutni preapreu omi vxt ubhbtrelt tiiowaiii anotlombhk r iba oonntlm of weltlntton and ration 1 v omm aeton of f be ptoraptly ferute lleaaonable to loan on the moil fovotuu vllti ol inletaaklr itttni trov iba connilea of weltlnl ordaralefleliiiepajih panel atmyveiideiioetn joton will lansedto twu lleaaonable aleo wpuey to loan 01 uatand at iba loweal timi of moaud upward w hull ilnuadlaualleuuou ramiis mcdonald ltonmnd auotiomibi uuelpn 1 aonduiited 011 ramoiiabte leruie and uued atufmtlou raairauued in avery ei nssltruod tetaiifaoua hejaa may be arreubad at vrbb aeton vtoltoaeta hi end bora jouo u1 cluelpb aaa pubaa oinee r j kkrr llchniuil auctibhkhh po the deuntlee of wellliihton and nation fiatea eondoeteil wlti laturaelion and upon srdara by atur to mlmota p o teleuuone to hlnoea or oeifliie orun at vv panaa faea aeton will veoalve immedlaia attention ys nawaraweya lumber mills flwdi elip dllllnfleul loonuri vplavebt 8 on 8 your chopping will be dono quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mihb flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co llmltbd city conveniences bnouobt vo y home you would enjoy btlh room in your borne wltli hot ind cold weler under creaiura herover rriu rail why not hate it bnd b up to dale vy ilia oompre03rd air by8tkm tbu auccmtfully iccampllilied ven lliough you have no water world fyeiem within reach iflhulnlareatayon wrlisloday order may ha tell wlih mr spencer lluiband aclon for further particular write geo e b grinyer co irimublmr emd hailttar oonlrevotdr quilph ont w h walker painter paper hanger decorator ualn slraet aclon oppoelie siepheneon duckimlih shop all work kuaranieed the work o year in aclon la proof ol tu an cellenc order left al a t drowne drug store will receive prompt attention w h walker aotoh we want a reliable local salesman for aototl and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lartfeat hit of commercial and domes tlo fruit lare andimnll omament- nl and ibade treed flowerlnp eliruba virh roace fine aeed petatoe one of nur apeclaulea stock that la hardy cornea from ua a permanent iltuatloa for right man far whom territory will be reurvvd pay weekly free equipment write f er particular stone a wellington pontlilll nurmrlel iso are toronto ontario excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con- iectionery t statham son mui atvtet lalon seed spe6ials bumper kin oats gonuiho d and h canadian gem turnip speltz red and alslke clover and timothy fancy grades we know good seeds and sell them r noble aqtonpeedand seed store wc guarantee prompt delivery screen doors screen windows lawn mowers hose gardentools hammocks netting refrigerators freezers our wlw n alwyw niglil the bond hardware co umlud iuullhoiaa7 ovblpii indirect results of eyestrain when the eyee are not properly touted the effort to get betiar vlalon waetea energy which alone iliould be uted in renewing llaeue and retaining the alrength nf the conillluilon thue tha indirect evlle are greater than the direct onei we are thoroughly equip ped to meiture eye imperfect done and lopreicrlbe toprojer correction we grind our 0n lonaea a d savage guclphs exclusive optician phone s7i guclph summer school any braaa hniar aaw hue new eauioaoe fra write for it today obhtral ousihksa oollbok wh paper our igo8 stock better values than ever shown before papers from 5c per roll to 7sc borders same price per rollas wall atbrowp mill st acton rutlbdgbs xjx st er jl koton hotbl strblds mill street aoton btviibh riob iloiiblg or alngla iippllail on sliortct titl commercial tkavbllbrb or ders f ivon pedal attention w ii rutledoe proprietor the way to miiskoka this summer i by the uke shore expreie of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and tho boat country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto fjortrp an idkatu hi in wii not fulr i but in bet faoo ttioro waa a purity of aoul that gave nc falur itarfeet krace lit up and braiillfled the whole- lit r band win not the illy flowier ob driftitl minw that poot alng lnt in it touch no firm and kind i in rv wob ft atr0iirtli rntat eodlfort- liif ad httlo chlbhou olunst tu f abd all i if vnr alio dollied and 4 fd knnw wtai it cimi hiui bootbuiu toucli it liild umi tlivucbin bead 1ir laiitfli ana jfiw and buldoni heard f her i in lie aortu xjoke moat paaalnb awihttt llnr byiipatlrua wont jntekly furtli alifitbnttf jiy or ww t rrteet her rrnod 1 ab n i aba waa not one who thouubt lint- own the only way and thnitkadbei- uhi like blni of ofi who ivnnt in iila prblo to pray ifiit pn kkidu nn bvr upward road him hiiovs to win all heart for r liiitvan and cmiulhd no man wholly loet who lived an yet inltiht b for iflven shu know bfavena fjrnt hue ojianel wide sho kiotr bowiiruat the jtje wllb in t vnil in intr portoct charity hio would havo bad all enlvi in hiinday mnnnalue 9cik1 jyamilu jtrublng qhetgigigtgal u pl tiilto ft y a htnifllmct iiih aald t stephen augustus lllfgltia in a gray suit fi uv nurtv iioumbs martvn eigkckgllgefqetgstcwattobi yoiina olinp into thw could find nun to etilt hliiiunu pratt 1 bo oil io i- man thniight a moment why doui ynn tnka yoiinp field i tig for tbo johp beiibkcd dick vieldhiffp yoe bua nut of huiiiki and tnoklnsr for win k lint in t kuhuu mr fiuldlnift iwlnu aluk line pinched hla fninlly pmtly oltiso to rut ulonu lice n bungling looking hay ub- jocied mr prutt plcka n philn red bcudrid lad but i fancy bu wouldnt cuine niiiua for your jnli ruturnnd the ntlin i llltu a ullok looking obnp atouiid tbu atoir hutu youvo got one bllok looking fellow now him pratt i nuxt tlma youd bet tor ff in fur imffnliiree i htovo lllgglna la n likely sort of cleik hua tt in i iii mi too stove 1 aihtitod mr prutt dnt tbo ntlier tiinit shook hie hpad flnnutbow i olnt ao fond of htowe for nil that ha aiibl and ao it ciinio uhnnt tlm i lbs piutl thin nu bitimd oloik in himuui intttw giocuiy miuro wna olfoipd tt dlok fluldlng ho rciidlly mid glmlly no ouptod the proposal pur aoino wtfokahlsauulu uluik hiiiu- aged pick to perfection bnd the lad did tbo hulk of the work that dninnnd- ed tlm bulling of olotlips and flngrra finally fielding began to wako up tu tho fact that bo wne being managed somewhat beyond the limit call for or expected of iiltn tnko mi oiutiinlnga can and fill it with oil fielding commamwd fltevo hlgglnbofbla junior clerk then ho returned to the porusnl of tbu morning pnpur tlie hid plokod up tbu kiirnwonu oin and obayad ovnii though ho knuw thoro waa not tlm ellgbteat re hboii why ha should lis callod upon to wait tip m mre oiimmlnga when ho wne vtiy liuay putting- up noma nnlera to inkw out while lllgglna sat reading the morning paper hut fitovo wuh tern- porarlly in command mr pratt being away in tho olty for n few hniira or trndlng and dlok folt lion rid tn ohoy ordure under tbo misting olromnitmn i wnnt just a bit of your beat cnlttm fui broil kbibt ton dlok told mra oumniluga whan ho omuu hack with tho full nil nun mra gumming wua u lliitc hidy who llvodallhy bnrsoir in a tiny iiuiho nt tho ond of ib vllhigu muny a tlmo pick h1 goiio to nun i itu and tho good tiling hint bud onmo to him through mra oiiuiinlngs linud wcro of lilcnacd moiiinry aahogot hor small purclingra lluy talked pi on an nit y ingolhnr iluiry up llmio picldingl eald hlggliib o oi tbo top id liu pupot is biuinohu toiilhly nulling thta morning young umu f bluntly aukrnl mi a oiiiuiiilnge she jookod keenly ut rtuto ab nlio ipukt nut hu wlgglod miioo in tori ably her bright oyee reattut on him but another oualomfr hapioiiud in thrti and ho bun lot fnrivnrd to mako him- elf agrveitblti in tho nowoouifr oan ynu glvo tua an mo good cheuae dlok i dont want ntiioh of it hut brother nwvn onmlng nut lieforw tan ttmo and be like olierae oontlnued mre oiiiumlngd mr piatt told ue lliln morning that ho would try nnd linvd unnthur aheaaa hero on thn otirly afteruonn train aa tho one wo hnvti la inn strong to unit the thte of moat explained dick i dont want it then eatd mra on in in inge ami ae sho pnuavd lllgglna vnloo oame plainly to ibviii we have n very fine inlbt oheeaa herai a pound lie aald and hla ouetnmer aaaented be want over to tltq chew ease and liegan otittlng off n pound of ohtea i cant manage it ao aa tn coma down hitt again ihliikrternfmindlflkt oonluutml bltv oiiiiiiiilnga taking nn apparent nolle of lllgglna apeaab or totlon if ite here by then ill bring it alorig whttit i coma to gpper volun teered dick inigo about ruebotook lonlgbt tiaffplerty tit tlmel aw lira dimming im glad tbla mlnuta tor every cooky i nvrrpiavu youl dltk abuff1tl hla feet uncomfortably at th complbnont and changed the ubject ill bring down three tblnge lhl morning mre oiimmlnga be aald i aint in any terrible hurry for lliein and dont you go running off tonlghl without brotbar neda rotting a look at you i alio aald and hurried briskly afwny ttukna yon half it day to wait on otiia old woniiti iclidillngl aneerad ijlgglnesta uh utinintlnge pnteod out of the atoro ills outmnr waa young and mora gnylydrtaayd the red leaped into dick face at the worde and the r xnr hurt hbn an wltk mortification unit ha had to awallow iard to keep the angry words liack mr hteve tllgulna leanexl gracefully on the counter a id taked to hla cwto- mer yb ha anld im thinking of go log away tvom herei tide little town ik no place for m young fallow to gat head in there lint the ghoai of a chance for hint to ahnw what he le made of to make lilmeelf known to popl or amount to anything where do you think of going f aakrtl mra qlblmtia i hope to go to the olty for n per manent position booii be replied we shall mlaa ynu hero she aald hut ut dinner time when her family commented unfavorably on the choeee mra olbhona had purchased that morning bor regret that mr lllgglna waa anon tn depitt wna not ao acute a feeling hurry up nnd tnko mra qlblmne till nan right urnundt plrldingl older nd lllgglna whdo hie auetomer waa atill within bearing distance dick did not make any reply just tftko a word or two of advice from me fielding if you want lo get and i imi in thn grocery hnslnesi dont tuko lime and liolhur to fiua with old wuinon who have only them- bolvoe to fcwl i bo went on mrs oiimmlnga is all right i do- fondtddlok b my hlgglnn laugbid loudly and smooth ed hla liulr with u sllni right hand im going to take plnoa up in the city ptfllty biiiii fielilmg i hoard of a vacancy in ii ku k company nnd aontln my application for the place he explained cnndoeendlngly aid ynu going tn got the phicot united dick oh pridutblyl i can have plouty of rvferencen and they wrote ma that thoh man would bo out fur an tutor- vbiw lo morrow forenoon hkke jt oompiiny urn the larguat wboleeulera in springfield dick mhnutdeied n luiukot nf goods wlihiuit umklng uny comment of re gret that the senior cleik waa to take bis depnrluro ab a plulo matter of fact dlok fielding inwardly rejoiced nt tho thought of iwlng freo from tbo conutiint hull lug he wai uubjvct tu when mi pi ii ttt luick wim tuinod initio that afturnonu brotlmr kihi austen ent at hi bisioim toatahle jm uat hero over night on bualnobb lucy bo explained and you nro not going to stay with mo two or thrue daysp alio nuked i wleh i could but i cant lulmoit gave up coming out at all were ao buey at hloka tt company hut thon i changed my mind for the soke of a bit of a visit with you i did so hope you ueio going to stgyahesald sincere regrets that i ount lucy dnt do you know of a follow hero by tho n time of lllgglna ho naked chang ing the ytibjtfflt abruptly steve hlgglner he eigne himself stephnn august no lllgglna tbu llttlo lady noddod lulskly thats just what you would think he might do iloe clork in simeon pratts atore thnte the man dut do you know anything about him lucyp only what i happen tn tnko notice or when hes around ive been him n goml many tlmea at the store tiulh to tell be waa there this morning hen i went down togfitaomethlngti he anld what sort of an nppmrnnco does bo nmkop ho ant roadlng hlu pupor with hla chair llppod bnck and told dick to gut my things ua hud u light gray suit on that wtinld liuve soiled if bo bad handled uny kerosene oi mobiaeob lu ho goodlooking p pain but unii bo handanmo as he tbluka for do you think thle young lllgglna lu vain luoyp askihl mr kdwnrd aua- ton hut mra ciimmlnga did not reply directly to hlu question wbpu alio apnke hetotd mra qlhhons he bud aoinu very rne mild ebeeae and out hor nlt a pound juat aftoi dlok had told mo the ehuesh was atrong when hn thought i wua out of heating ha told dick it look him half a day bothering tn wait on un old woman she aald mr nod austen brought a vigorous 1st down hard on tho ten ublo tinas the kind of young men wo find tho world nvor i diuit want to prejudice ynu against the young matt if yon have any tiiisltion with bbn imtcnuse tbo way ha noted this morning waa an discourteous that it just mused me into being angry and it did dlok too i could just ape thn manager id hick as comiany springfield lean iil over l ho table you dont nevtl to blame yourself at all lucy i it would have neon bound tn oi oji nlit some time and we should have found it out mr stephen lllg glna applied for the vacancy in our tore wm 1 thought to give blni n ehuhee hecaufcfl hu oame from your town but i guess huiks company do not want rtyolarka of that type w want honesty truthfulness nnd eourtoey more than eltrka in light gray hulls i tbett utere oame m knucktng at mre qumuitn da6k dtfdr why dick t aald mie oummlnge when she ut the knacker into the kitchen its me with the cheese mr pratt couldnt gat it out on the early train and it didnt come until juet now ivo j il bean hurrying to get it around be fore supper be explained just come right la and sea my brother invltad mr cummlnge it wan a plain red haired hoy in blue checked overalls that mr aiuten saw hut the man did not notice the ptalnilee when be aawlhe tmneef good natutvd featuroe iwnanth tba ri hair and tho spot usance of the overalls when dick wae gone tlr auiten eutt illent for soma tlma laioy if leka v company neadaboy badly do you anppoae dick fielding would come and taksj the place it would im a splendid chance for a young lad truth to tell brother ned i think in alt probability dick fielding would 1m only too glad of tho placeeald mrs oummlnge the next day steve hlgglns wse thinking of his fate with a frown on bis faea juet my luck to loan a goml chance i a fellow has un chance in a smalltown ilka tidal a fnilcnd in nksbd now and than one reads of an in cident which is almost startling bo- canse of ita aptness the following anecdote told by the founder and former president of tho massachusetts society for the ireventlbn nf cruelty to animals la nn illustration of this nnd also of the principle that reason and tbelawor right and justice heat the bottom of human character and will in tia end prevail mr an gel i waa engngod in preparing his exposition of the cruelties of the slaughterhouses when hu work was brought to a stand- allll y his inability to obtain in writ ing tbo testimony of witnesses two man upon whom he had confidently re lied had from fear of personal danger hacked out and nlhern bad followed their example dmieurtoned at what seemed tho in evitable failure of his humane project mr augell waa bitting in his office one day when a man came in and aald without preliminary explanation i are ynu forming n society for the proven l ion of cruelty to animals i yob answered mr angel well i want tn join it hero la bomn money for you and be laid down a ten dollar bill where do you live 1 inquired mr angoll entering tho name on thn book the stranger mentioned a sub urb of boston mr angell lookod up quickly do you knuw anything about the slaughter houses there p he asked well 1 giiaes i do ive run ono of them for twenty yinra and iui going to quit ivo dono enough crualty to n n i inn if and now im going to set if i cant do some good what sent you bora p i dont know i i just thought id coma in tide was exactly the opportunity needed by mr angoll her was a mnn who from his own personal ex perience bad seen nnd sickened of tha horror or evil the society wished to banish the questions oame thick and fast and in the next hour enough testi mony was given to all out a report whloh was the means of doing away with the btaugh torhouse brutalities and establuhlng what was then tba finest abattoir in tho country lllsl mbtilod doctor prank who was tba joker of the family waa visiting hi alyter i dare say ynu dont approve of that dish doptor said a guest pointing lir some icml cuoiimber not at nil wna he siilomn reply it la absolute ly unfit to he eaten by any one who lias hot the digestion or nu ostrich dear me prank aald bis sis tor intensity then ynu wouldnt advise mo lo glvo ike children nnyf they should not lie allowed even to smell them i woll iryouruso soiluus about it i dont liellove i shall venture to take any myself mr d will you have annief no thank yon i think not said the guest in some nlurm i always hnvo eaten them hut you know ive a long journey to taku tomorrow and 1 cant afford to be iii thou since ere ry hotly rofuies sub doctor frank ill tako tho dial if you please im extravagantly fond uf cucumbers nnd i nnd this method ensures mtr a inrge supply and after that day everybody took anon miters and abused tho perfidious doctor hbelpiho olara arithmetic u not claras forte hut this doe not trouble bar greatly if she cannot solve the problem in her dally lesson her mother can and clara bellwve that parents who mako chil dren study arlthmotlcagalnit their will should h responsible for their ex amples mr iliuullton usually give ujf hvre vehlngs to claras arithmetic tint not long ago thn chicago mew saye she oaiilu short on problem bo- vuihajfr jlond iba praeldanir of the baking powder company with which mr hamilton wns oonneeted wae vlelllng them and had tu ho entertain d after dinner that evening clare eyes were ao ml that hes father asked her if she bnd got something in them no eald clara liegtunlng to cry again mama could ftt get one of those old examples ami now ill hav to stay in at races tomorrow i dont cry 1 exclaimed her father ill get t for you isxcuee ma a min ute llorid then he followed clara from tho roam apd want into a close session with the problem mrs hamilton and mr bond i1ib cussed every subjuot under tha sun while they waited for mr hamilton to re turn at inst they heard him in the adjoining room throw down the book and declare that tbo answer in tbo book was wrong the man who wrote the book did not know what ho was about that wits all no papa piped clara toucher said tha answer was right now mr bond had more than onca in bis district school days boelf pro- p nun ted a born mathematician he promptly offered to work tho problem for clara and the dog eared arith metic wae turned over to him af er a quarter ir an hour during whloh only hie bard broathlng dleturlwul tba quiet of tho room he announced that the problem was bolvod so clara want to bed linppy tho next ovanlng as soon aa dinner was over mr dond complacently off ered tn help clara with her arithmetic giving mr hamilton at tho same time a sly dig uboui his eniolanoy dut clara hung hack nnd said she wanted her mania to help her oh do let mr dond help you i he can do them so quickly i exclaimed claras mother srtll clara shook her head and when they continued to urge hor she blurt ed out that mr bond bad not worked the problem right tho night lief ore why ho had the right answer said claras mother in confusion yes buthe didnt do it right ex claimed clara teacher says we shouldnt just work for tlm answer hut should know tho logical steps by which it a worked ho worked it backward all ejos sought mr bom who molkly conuajiotl thn jnsllco of the blunt accusation va pfuclhtful accidunt a laluner was on his way to bis work tho othor morning at a through train wun uhoiib to pass n little stwlhui where crowd had asumhled tar the way train due in fow moments a oliltd who had strayed to tho edge or the platform seemed about tn lose bar luilnnoo in bor effort to gel a good view of tho oncoming engine qnlok as tt hash tho workman jump ed forward tossed tha ohlld bank to a plnoa of safety and waa himself grsud by the cylinder which rolled blni over on the platform pretty roughly several people hastened to hla assist ance but he roe uulnjured although with n face expressive of grave con- corn confound it i just my luok i ha ox da lined drawing a oolored handker chief evidently containing luncheon from bis pocket and examining it rue fully wlutlhiltr inquired tbt onlook- v why the salt and neppara all over the rhubarb pie nnd tu eggswall i kept telling bar something would hap nan ii nh didnt boll era hatdsr t japan bflb dabiu judging by western idoas japanese babies havo a hart tlmo i yet says the san francisco bulletin thoro are no healthier children in tbu world the japanese baby is droasod and undrosa- edlnafrlgldtempsrateln winter and in summer no care i taken to protect its little eyee from the full glare of the sun in winter tbo small hood i cov ered with a worsted cap nf tha bright est and gayest design ami color the bluok hfllr is cut in atl uorta of fan tustlo way juat ilka tbo hair of the japanese dolls imported into this country the imhles of tho lower classes are generally carried on the back of tba mothor or llttlo slitori sometime the small brother is obliged to lie tbo nuree maid tho kimono is made extra largo nt the back with a pocket of auiyiolont ahto to hold the baby whoso round head reaches the back of tho nock of tho person carrying it it is not nn uncommon sight to see child- ron who nro barely old enough to taddlo burdimod with a small brother orslstor slosplngponoefully on thulr back at first ono expects tn see the child stagger and fall beneath the wolglit but apparently none of its movements arc impeded and it plays with tho other children ls unconcerned us if it were not loaded down with nnnthor mombor of tho family shhbrit or prohibition the pilnolpal ennuo of the maivol- loua ndvanoo the prohibition move ment is milking in the united state is found in the desire to avoid the de moralisation of labor by tha drink traffic thoru is abundance of evi dence to indicate that tho cancellation of licenses is having the effect desired in atlanta tho police records show that loss than on third the arrests for drunkenness have token plaoe slnco prohibition wont into effoot lu that olty tbuu there were made during the corresponding months of the previous yoar not only this hut the judge of lbs local police court says there has been a decrease aa well to tha extent of bo per cent in tbo number of arrests for criminal offences siioh as may be charged to the use of liquor vhlta prohibition limy not wholly prohibit it certainly does isem to have tho effect of i or y materially reducing the evils inseparable from tho licensed sals of liquor johnnv on twins when nwked to write a short com position on some interesting experi ence johnny after inuoi labor hand ed ids teacher tho following t twins y a baby only its duuble it usually arrives about 407 in the morning when a fellow is gettln in his best licks slespln when twine- do enny thing wrong their mother cant tell which one to lick so she gives it to both nf em so as to make sure wava got twins tu our hotiu andd swap em enny day fern billy goat or rnov sun uilig bttoosw a ironbarr ohavavaho tha birds brood silent lu the uodar- brueh a stricken ghost line stand each stark tre thn hesitating river glide ua fraxv fearful of the invlolabu hush beyond the stream a solitary thrush sing and the euna deep crimson drapery la drooping oer tho land hut brealhe totne no hope the wintering shadow can not cjruah i turn to go and in ui littered leave stuniblaupon a shell a shapele stone a withered rose huddled together therm o secret giavrv sure no asd moth tlta little wartl or drfath lliou guard et alonei be i thy mourner ohlld and thou may care i aeorgti herbert clark in tbo can adian msgsilno ulowino obvarrsjam- mr jenkins was spending a day at home battling with a toothache and making things generally animated for his family good gracious how hot it is in this room and what a noise that radi ator is making i ho said as he entered his wifes sawing room to which she had retreated for a few moment res- pi to from the strenuous life in the library i suppoio this aort of thing goes on every day whon im not at home to attend to matter no wonder you all foel cold when you go outdoor muttered the luffcror a ho drew out the little plug cock and the steam scaped wlthnruah now you see how simple began mr jenkins i but just then tha rush of sua m changed to a trickle of water rapidly lucrsnilng in flow he en deavored to replace tho plug hang it i hu roared as he dropped the plug and assumed a variety of attitudes nursing hla finger here ive scalded myself to death and the water running all over the floor and nobody stirring i itun to the tele phone so mi body and call up tbs plumlier and tall blni tu send a man directly nnd in thn namn of com mon sonsp mary why dont you get some cloths initend nf what are you laughing at p why dont you try turning off the steam p she nuked in a tremulous vole a dmknoilantina vi wo it u uniufu to judge by appearances oven th in nut agreeable on tha bachelor who la interested in tho ex periences of hla married friends waa in a cat wlthacouplo with whom be waa acquainted it waa n rainy morn ing tho young wlfo had lutr umbrella well ut of the way of those who pass od up and down the cat but a lumber ing overgrown boy on his passage to tho door uianngod to hit it with one foot fall over it and break it before ha regained his balance oh im sorry i broke it i stam- mored the unfortunate with a scarlet fuco i id liko to pay- nover mind im sure it wasnt your fault and tho lady smiled up at him wltbonta trace of angor or even irritation an her faoo well i murt say your wife is an angol i exolalmod the baohelor warm ly most womon would have wither ed that clumsy boy with a look if thsy hadnt scorched him with words she is an angol said the marrbml man us ha picked up the pieces of the uralfroliaandbmllodquiezioally at his wlfo but iboa wanted a now um brella for a month and now she knows ill got it for her its a sad world isnt it 7 full of disappoint ments just w1iath1 wantbd tho following story about a man from klondike who fouod so mo thing too warm for htm mb borrowed from harpers mngnilno ills nnmo was pinnegan ami ho had begun life poor now he was rich for tbo tlmo being nd thought nothing loo good for him 01 say yeos kin bring mo two dnxon eye tore bo said airily as ha took a sent in ono oft ha linos t restaur ants in frlioo thooystorswere soon sot before him and pinnegan looking about him for something to put on them nnd hardly knowing wha the s should b iptod a bottle of tolwsoot and pro ceeded to season the bivalves not wise ly but too well impaling an oyster upon bis fork he thrust it into his mouth thon leap oil tn his foot with a roar of pain and liegan dancing about shouting ilka madman see hero 1 cried the proprietor rushing to tho table ksep still or i ii put you out l ppput inoout is it olwlshyees would put mo out i yelled pinnegan mo insldes is blast n lolka a matoh- faotary i we sell ytttol on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it we mean this and ask all thosewho- are lck and need strength to try it with this understanding b a robertson drug gist aeton ontario fcva wimmmm j jl ti