Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1908, p. 3

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mntth v urn hiiiliiiniura for 1847 rocers knives iorks and spoons waddlna prttatmw in solid sllvar ullvnr pinto cut oimi mntl ifinoy chlnv whddino i1inos marrlaua lloens isauacj geo hynds mill street acton wat acton jfrrc wbs t1iuiwday hiitcmiiuii iii ims brief local items atlnn iftll 1itlr mi fom weeks i tlio t ltjmltn l wing nits into iilinpe for re npnniiitr an adv hfjlii iicii im m will llnd ymir intl nrtlites labor day wriiihil hi b more populfti tlinn mw tm mnudny t iff school mom of knox church lenrgritowi 1m ikik repainted tlund morning i iinvp yon ronow- il your inii im hh subscription tim huudny nliiooim mini netting rtnily fur n hltf rally day nn the j7th hint tlio he pt em bar numii ja ovcrptlnn- nllylitlght mid ikiutlill these men- hk knox tlinirh piisints mi inimov- ed nihiuitnt in its luniid now coat of paint iliiiulititt if nm rllluna liny visited tho toitnito 1ulf during hie past ten days tlit first luiitl nf ihw turnlpa win inaiight to mnrlct here on tueiulny by air lumen lllihmis second line vim en n gn to lfimlmi nst tuoi- day or thursday by u t 11 for 1m tickets gonil to i nt m n up to jut init tint big iltiiinitmttd sign op ntoieys hole iik tury lu strung nttrnctlun to exhibition lultnrs pas ink to mill from toronto on the even ing t ruins mr ii v- hill of honolulu ii i has favored tho lm i iiiuhh with nn interesting tmrlfn nf hawaiian souven- ir post cm tin showing troplcnl fruits riown there messrs im hen mill anderson liuvn put in n plirii of pavement nn mill h treat from hut johnstone hlock to the mnln building for tho john arthurs relate aimlhir suit inn of mnln nlroet lias hoc n gravelled fmiu the o t 11 crossing to the lluilte of tho corpora tion thin will inurli iinprnvti the condition ot thu road tho iitik im hrifu willing to stake 1 4 lupiitntlon hint tho cnndldiit eleatud nt tho coming uoiinii of com- 1u0hb election will hnvo un 11 for tho initial nf bin ifnriinino tho luilph muieury unya i mr t i m record has purchased tho lot on powell street adjoining ha prnpeity on tho worn lloml corner lln will move tho presunt lioiun on tho corner hack to tho lot ho linn just purchased und erect a now building in its pluco qtiolph mercury tho lad who mot with thonccldant on the g t h mid who line been in town for time weeks having come hero with the hoys who since were kent to jullfoi vnriouiofoncownaent home to hu mother in mnhnnohiibatta yeattrday hhu sent him 9 on hu fare and thu bnlanco wan kindly made up hy h ii mcchhhon and mr knowtoi leorgotown herald the alterations in meiare q ii uyau si coa hioro nru goltlnp on apaco workmen worked throughout hut night and rotnovod tho atone par tition running through tlio atore re placing tlila hy tho plllara which will in fnt u r support thu upper floor when the atore la flnlahod it will make one of tho hamlbomobt diy good oatahllahinenth in wuatorn ontario among tho improvements will bo tho inatallatlnu of an olovator fluelph mereurj marrla at blfrlda a very qulot hut ptotty wedding took plaoti on wedncaday ropt 2nd at tho homo of mr and mr ltred h to wart illrhln when their oldoat daugtiter martini wan united in milrlogo to mr oeo a proounler of dayhnm llgln cn the ceremony waa por form oil hy ho v i 1 living atone of hamilton naalated by rev w inidlinni tlio hrlilo wan dresiod in white point doiprlt over allk and carried a iktikpiut of white chryaan- thainiima nnd llllon wna attended by her alitor kliahulh who waa alio dreaaod in whlto mid onirlod pink romi andplirynntlioniuma mr n mcoonboy auppnrtod tho grnniii the grofrnib gift to tho hrldo was n lieautl fnl gold hrncolot und to the brldea- timid a c reaco m hrnorh aet with paaila after tlm wedillng dlnnur mr and mr proounlor h ft fni toronto nnd a trip through tho thousand island upon tholr lotuin ihiy will roshlo at ijayham out ilmboi day sirmdii ilev 1 w dnrkor proaohod a very able nnd appropriate inhor day ser mon in tlm alothodlst church last sunday livening- the illsfloiirae was based on malt ill t 13i how much hotter is n man than n uheap ami the loading thought contsrod hi the query i what in tlio valno nf a limn f tlio win til vnlnoa n man as a slave or a vnssnl hut man is liorn for freedom and lmpplnoas there are strange mailing in tlm industrial world tn day in tho eommnralal world tho quoatinn la i what can a man dp or produce v it is his to toll and moll and produor thore is sure ly something wrong with our system which permit snimi men to get great wealth a 01 o thorn who can get no work to do at nil lcvory mnn has a right to have n chaneo to work to sup port his home mid live tnhor organ i atlons liavu dnim and nve doing good work in ninny wnyn hut they have made tlm ttltsnikeof tn retog nlxa that tlmreohlste nn infqunllty in men in spenlflng alinnt tho charac ters of working mon several questions wefe earn oily iiskoil how do you spend your mamti tlinof hnw do you spend your money 7 ho ynn seek for the nobility of uinuhiinilp a man is liettur than n sheiip if he exorcises his lodglven pnworh aright and manl feats nohlllty or ehmueler and lofty nlms christ implied thai n man is vastly bettor than n ahoep news of local import duposltiar of ilia livbiv mr w ii hiillfdkc who hud it large imllltt hiiblnru in 1cul county hilda it luipoaalhlit to pciforui t lu ll ill lea of hlm ortlrw thie niki nttcinl to liu livery lur iln haa llititr decldeil to dlawian of hu hvery iioipuh nnd rlk hy auction on haturdiiy 10th inat at two oclock ilia family haa relurnptl to ciwikavlllt th quolunsr competition in t lie ronaolatlon flniilu hi the jtiolt- lug toiiriininont played on iehiuana rink lust week it llennett won with ii polnta agmlnat luldln hchuatt who hud w polnta thn prlxn wu a huttor cool or donated by a j iehuian of tho dominion hotel in tho trophy competition w i andoreon won first nntl john ielchinn aecouil to vult th old llorrte mrs thomas morrlanildmiasih killiy and murlal left ytatertlny en rtnitu for their former homo nt hull kiu mr j it htulth tun for ijinilon an4mri jamna ilowlo and hatx for llnagow cotland tlieysnll from molpuca1 to morrow after spending jeverul moblba with tlulr frlenda in tuold land tby lill luteiid tn rnlurn hare- mlaaloum ry convention llar in oot tlm fourteenth annual convention of luilph 01 h tr let womnna mualonnry hoolety will lie hold in the mxthtuliat cliurchhoraonthursday lith ouohar a very nturatngprogrniuiohna imcii arranged it will include aildreaaca hy mlaa 1 hudaon chllltwack it 0 itov h w donn huporlntendenl of the ived victor m union roronto tbi district hu parln torn cut and no mldi eta of welcome hy mra hpelght acton and reply by mia it ii w crewa ouelph dole gates will attend from the various auxiliaries and circles of the district a pretty wedding t the natitt at knon mnnae on tueaday afit-r- noon a very happy ovent totik place when mlaa ldith mby dulf bibut or mra wltaou and dr john itodvilck mackinnon of iloaum mai woie mnnledby hnv j c wllsun n a the bride was tho recipient of innny beautiful gifts and amongst the rost a cabinet of silver from the groom the happy couple left hy tin evanlng train for a ti lp down the ht lnwrorlce to the maritime provinces dr and mra mackinnon will reside in i job ton olandeeej amenir loiee two farmura ol tlila tlclnlty luivo had the mlafnrtunn to hnvo their hnrsfi affeeled with glanders dr ltwion waa called to oxamlna sevoral animals which were stricken und bo reported to the provincial hiitliorltlu the provincial iiibuctor ciiiuu up on friday and he duolnml thv tnnihle was glauder i pur of the horse of mr j ii lanv dnqupulng wero shot and two bolnnglng to tlio family of the late john mcklniinn nasbaga- woyn this is n serious ions to the farmers inteioated it la hojied there will bo no spread of the durnse bawlara on parkdaua rina oreen in rsaponso to an invitation from park tin i e lawn howling oluli through the indefatigable secretary mr j a hethrlngton two rinks went down on labor day and enjoyed a very inter esting game on their a pie nd id now green on king street the two rinks were skipped by w j gould and d af henderson and their players wore t w h ohliholm a j lehman ii p moore george ilynds a j maokln- non and ic macklln during tho first half of the game acton led on luitli rinks but in the last ends wero donat ed by a fow shots the day was much enjoyed anil the courtesies of the parkdale club thoroughly appreciated a return match with parkdalo will probably be playod heru nbout tho end of next week hlltoaa dooa stosiuna tho outlook for milton so fur au manufactories aro concerned was nover so bright as at present in the near future we axpset to have located here one of the largest farm imple ment manufactories tn tho province and iho liest of it la the promoters aro not asking either for a loan or bonus from tho town mr 0 it will- matt of toronto vlcepiesldant of the inttiragonta limited has pur chased nine acres of hind from mr jasper martin anil an adjoining two aoros from messrs fred and ulias iv martin snld land being sltuiitud dir ectly north of tho 0 p ii station about tho flmb of november thoy will commence the eruotlon of building rar an 100000 plant and will employ in the neighborhood of ono hundred hands to begin with alt tho com pany ask of tho town is exemption from taxation oxoept for school pur poses and the opening up of streets loading to tho proporty uofnrinnr death or nav r w thompaon itov lred w thompson ii a of wnoditook tiled at btewarttown on tuesday evening of inst week his allinentwnetuluroulosls from which he had suffered the past year lie gave up his work as pastor of onlloge avenue methodut ohuroh wood- stookt last spring and wont to mus- koka in the hope nf overcoming the disease instead of improving how ever he gradually grew worse nnd he returned to thn loenas of hlu hoj hoods hnme about the middle of augnut through all his lllnose mrs thompson was his do voted nurse und companion and very deep sympathy la felt for her anil her llttto family in this sore ihiriavo- ment tho funeral was held from the home of bin father mr william thompson ksquoslng on friday afternoon the servled nt the house wa conducted hy itov tt noxon pastor of the famllyi aaslsted by ilov w j mag wood oakvllle tho re mains were conveyed to the methodist ohuroh georgetown where a memor ial service was conducted by itov thomas colling n a or drayton president of the conference ileva 0 ii oohbtedlcv a d and a j johnston d a woodstock i 0 w iurker acton i h w fallls toronto i w ii caswell a a drantford and w j magwood oakvllle each spoke brlolly at the vervloo which was a most impressive one tho choir of tli church rendered muslo appropriate tn to the solemn ssrvlce the remnlns were carried to the tomb by six or tho brother ministers of the debased the cortege was a very lengthy one dolegatlona were present from wood stock itrljrht drantford and cluelph at all of which places ilev mr thomp son had hold charges t hon hydney vlhc comlnir the heformur aayu i at the iilwi- al roiiviuitloii on ivliiy 1 lou- lro1ltr huiruiin the llhiul diiidi- dala iiiinounred that the hon hjdiley ilahur mlnlater nf agrrnllim for tho dominion would visit milton on tho jhthof htipuiiulhir and thllvn un nd trtmn on the pollllnil mwu of ihn day mlaa anderson a llouaa ltbulldlnar mr h oordluer of toronto who haa had tho contract or tho rebuild ing and repairing of tho hoiuf of mfsu audaraon mill hired whli b wu partially dmlroynd by fltu hi july iiaa about coniploted tho exterior work he la now engaged with plastering painting mid ilnroratlng of the interior rin kahlblllon of stall the inalcli hetwean the cliniupldn t ouvlph olty iugna and th4 olu ihis ofthll 1 1 niton pect inguu lu the park hai e lust hatunlay ufternonl waa wltiiebaatl iy u large nmombltlgti qf cltbcna tlio exhliltlon of li ball was very fljif tlm vultora w auclrasfnt hi dnfenlliir iho boiii tenui with u acoin hf i to 2 vunaral of the lata mr a waldla a large coiicoiii an of f i dtiin ujid iinlghboia attended thf fiuniu of the late mr ahx wuldlo luat lliumlay afternoon tliulmrvlco ttnu comlurl- ed hy her ptuior lha itov j v wii- aou i a i liii riinialiih wero luld nt rest in thir luuilly pint nt kiilrvlnw toinotcry tho i war era worn ilium elliott peter olhlmiiu cmmcilldr mulliii john cameron dmviii arty and aicb mcpliuraon lentavtalned fallowkduentlonlatw mia knto kenned hmjiur nf the primal y dopartment nf thn pulilii hchool entertained nil i hit tnicbeia if thepubllcnnd high hrlmula taut hutui tiny uftermton nnd ovliihig nioui hopl tnhly hho guv u theiii u cuiij nil tlrivo nut to lini inothoiii furni on hie fifth lino nnd there pro lulon wnu in jul o for u delightful time they all enjoyed the outing vorj iniirh and the dainty toa acrved tin the inun waa the rlliuax to thu fuiiat of good thing uiuhraced in lliojungunnnio nf piocccd higii praaantatlon to mra anh campbell last wednoaday nfternoun the memlwire of the womans foreign missionary hocloty of knox church assembled at the home or d hondoi- bon m p dower avenue to spend a oclnl hour with mrs a campbell prior to her removal to manitoba a complimentary address was road by mrs henderson and kindly word a of farewell wereapnkon by various mem bers mr campbell expressed her heartfiilt appreciation or tlio kllidueas of tho ladlea nod said alio would never forget the tlsa binding her to tho old homo mr cuinpuull left on tiumiliiy evening reatored by advevtlelna that advertising pnya lu deinnn- struud every weok to iiioba who utilise thn colunina of the fliutc pukhm no department howoier is tbia more satisfactorily demonstrated than in our classified udertlslng columns in tho mattfir of lost and round arti cles especially tho results aro highly gratifying nnd rarely a weak psbaes without good results bolngmanlfoated last week through the medium of pilntere ink a lost watch was restor ed to its owner within fortyeight hours or its loss i a gold lockub and chain were also gladly restored by the finder to the nnxlous indy who lost them and a sum of money found its way promptly tn tho pocket of tho loser the death or mlaa evah oole tho death or miss harah colo daughter of thn into peter colo igquos- ing took place nt tho toronto general hospital on wednesday aug aith after an illness of several months mlaa cote was born at the homestoad on thu flth line forty years ago there sbo spent her earlier years and somo tlino after her fathers dsath alio and her niqthor wont to reside in georgetown after her mother doceaae somo five years ago miss oole wont to llvo in toronto tlio deceased was vory highly esteemed and many friends of the family attended the funeral tho friday following her death when tho remains wore convoyed from tho homo of her brother mr honry colo ksqtios- ing to greenwood ceinotery george town tho service was couductod by itov g milne paator of the presby terian church ballluafad baa ball on bualneaa ayatem well it wasnt urn pa that tost tho gamn for llranipton on haturday last the scoro was acton 21 u ramp ton 4 when the last 1ml i was heaved gould may have been off in spots but ho did not present tho game to acton tho leader pulled together llko a well giaaaed plooo of machinery hits of tho real old rungetting kind oamo along just when they wore thu limit valuable and the way the bnumiin unselfishly facriflacd the base warmers was terrible it was base ball how- aver with a business system wdjunot ib very body knew just what every body else was going to do and lio just dropped in and did bis llttlo part with out any fuss or feathers oh yas wu were walloped just as bad aa tha scoro indicates but the brampton men al ways seemed to be on the vergo nf startling aometblng but the vorgo was as far as they ever got tlmo nnd again things eeenirddua but thu hit that was needed wo u foot too aloso to the floldor or the base runner was a fi action slow dmmptnn conserva tor do you vat mdht hlow eating and regular monls is of great bonent to wrong acting stom ach those who suitor with tndlgob- tlnn and woak stoinuoh can with aaie ma the use of mlotia alomaoh tablet restore the digestion to a hoalthy con dition so tlint they can eat what thoy want at any time without fear nf dis tress or suffering after nfw days uso of ml0iiu eomaoh tablets tho houd aches dlxiy feeling drowsiness hud taste in thu mouth coated tongue flatulence alut-p- lossneus dlstrow after eatlngu 11 thusu eymptomu of a weak atomaoh will disappear and perfect digestion and good health will bu restored a t drown has so miwh flonlldanon in the imwes of mlorim to oiiro in- digestion thiu he guaratitues antlsfau lion or in on u j buck price ko oeuts social and personal mus hihiihiii plunk la still hi a vory riltluit roiidllioii mr john monie vullid filtiuls lu guulph this week muu toiiu 1 in hit whs hoinii from toronto this uimik muh mnlml hrown of toronto vultid arltni filiiida hurweeb airs jaiois mcuun iriia balm vlalted nt her homo lu ihiunpton laat week miusis hophhi and lthel coleman vlulttil riliindu in toronto thla weak mr chi uti r wallncu of montrnnl i npiiiitlug n couple of weeks at hla home bent muaoa mnrgnret harvey and ina lcnnnuy vultcil friends in toronto laat wi ck musnultlo hi lira of napatiet la bprmllng a wtek or no with acton frit mix mrs i hiduity nod d slighter of imojii htrt hogiiuala of acton friend n lust wtok ilw mubrw uilaon m a hua been mpdniuog tho wttk lu oukvllli and illton aim alex sprowl upctit u 1w dnyu inut wiok ivith ftluuds lu ilrmnplon mill lokjiito mr c itamliiiw spout sovtrot ilnj this wiik vllh frliindiilli west jorno- to und thit hy iiihii u klunrhu and jeualelllompiion vultid filmidn nt pcnitulihlilflhoiio dm ing the weuk mr apd mrs hi arrow of tluulph ivcrygnoulm df mr and mia ooorga rftmell thla week itov llohurt atkhiunn notur of luorgetoun hui returned homo from a trip to fnglnnil mlaa mnbello i alexander nt new vork lu tlm gucat of mlva jertriulo wnltitrs puik avt- mr t jiiinua moore city clerk otielpb was tlm gucat or his mother a day or two this week mr ami mrs joueph holtno mint anvvriil days during tho weak very ptoiisnntly ut mitchell mr john o hall qf doitver col mnde actnn friend n brief but eiy mijo iihle visit this week muuurn w htaik und win hayci j it ft luit li ulny fur n weeks flitting at ciow luke nenr petfiiborn air inliii it iceuiiedy nnd master align lift mi tuesday tn visit hla brother angus nt ogdon utah liliiur- jmiuph king of ynln mich and h king of naaaogawoyn wero giiuats or mis joseph holmes laat wiiuk- poutiuiibleimrttthewa attended tho iiniiul roihkinion or ontario post- uiabturs ahniiciuiiou nt torch to this weok mr c 11 hilllniakunnd ihji misbos holllurnki who hnvo heon on n trip tn fiiuhind mid the codiliiunt returned homo lust friday ileforimu mr it d wurron nrthogiinrgatowu herald ami his tmii mi krnrit of the hank of hnmllton visited phlliulelphla und new voik ilurlng tbu wevk air anil mrs h p aiooio und air c a gmutihuwofhu finer piiuhh re guests of toronto kxhlhltlon director on press day last friday mi j ii lake or tho iowasbon nowa spent toverul days with friends hero and wns a welcome visitor at thn fincii im mh oftlco where lis spent ivtiral yunro ns foreman llahlt lu fi cubic wo weave a thread of it ovory day and at last wo caqnot brook it- mann whendvorwo wilt whut u good wo aro better lieciillso uo willed hiiw son absolute security qenulno carters little liver puls huh bear signature or 5m t04lalu wnpfm mum rot huftuw ru mniuttt ma iiuoinmi fortoinduvn f0 cowtiutim naiauawnu n minimum fcfnwiyytfrtuvwfc oure biok hbxdvdhi r newest fall footwear just hrriubd geo stovel the shoo man is now prepared to nupply all customcra with the latest nnd bent mnkch in kail bootb nnd sliocs for sohool boys and girls the tedd boots giv the very highest bntiufaction in point or wear comfort anj appearance repairing ne uly and promptly done geo- stovel mitl st i s all nuountii mimt he iiultttd by the ijlh sapleiubcr acton feeling bad take an nr tomet lonlgm vmjlb1llalibillif tlmu xui iltot k jjkfml imb klf ul ma slontlih hfmllui tiafllplhf mtllvlamf imlkahuf wauuam th mill u ltd tol belter than pllh for liver lll m t pmiwv- m tauatt i lha w btl muiiu la sm simudi sbk hitattlii uu l arflx sdlnw cemtuho f uw caialiw wh iwtui qju uiuhk tbuouauu vtr plmalh mi mliunulllt all j lluta awlm m lautl i w llofrtl utt tuthj4m iittt nj lirimiiullm u tnmt dlllas iiliniim cla1 boa itu ivaryww for sale by e a robbutson drulst acton neia hats the very latent new york and english styles be btiru and buy your hat here style and value unsurpassed r e nslsons os uivndhrhi 9trbbt cublph the finest wo are hpeauina of llin appturanco al every null that como horn our hands liacli ono l invnrlslily a una cut a lino til and lie finoit ilreuiers in town wnar lliem wo mato overy endeavor to piano you our fall stock ol jootu chillanae your sdmlraiion thetaihor agent for the blnndnrd itotary bowing mucin nu mill st acton of interest to every woman who loves good clothes demonstration and sale of the celebrated iiydegrade iieatherbloom petticoats and linings during all this week at macdonalds guelph tho word hydenrade ia known thu length nnd brendth of america nu implying perfection in fnhricti hydogrnde in tho equivalent of tlio sterling mark on tho best silverware you will find it on the selvage of every yard of theso famous dress materials look for the label in tho waist bands which is proof of tho makers confidence in his product that we have equal confidence in ilydcgrudu fabrics is what wo want to impress upon the women of acton and vicinity so we are giving n special demonstration this week dry goods and cothino guelph shooting season is open get ready for it by securing n new gun or kifle you cant get your hhare of the game with 111 old outofdate gun our stock has arrived and we are wailing to show them to you we are suie that our prices are right and the goods speak for them- sclvet wc make a specialty of stevens rifles elevs smells double barrfcl guns our line of double barrel guns were hpccially selected from tho best makers and thty are spec ially good vnluc dcy shells at jsoc per box r p jolstooe go acton hkrdtaihre ont the right house hamiltons lavoiiti slioiiinl ilacu our fall opening wc u- hold our fall opening thursday friday and saturday ol this week dont miss it i women of fashion lovers of the beautiful everyone the welcome to come and enjoy the magnificent display is as big as the store now millinery new tailored apparel new blouses new coats now furs new whitcweir new dress goods new silks new gloves new veilings new trimmings new neckwear new ribbons now belts now bags new carpets new curtains otc etc again wo say welcoml thomas c watkins con mit kino st east huqhion hamilton ont h h unsworth new fall millinery we aro now prepared to fill your ordcry in millinery openings will bo announced later new fall jackets new dress goods new underskirts etc etc hioest prices paid for farm produce h h unsworth hct0n jacksons jacksons oar new system of oub bayintf and ouh belling bnablon un to offer you thi weok boms dltf snaps- io ilo monu blnclt denim overalls with lilti alun umotlu tn nmuli uegu- lur 8jo toljioo tlilaweou b ilos mens work blilrts striped osfords hotllum to dark hlnulcs lugu larjoto6s tills woek h q ilns mens work sklru lllack drill with white stripes nnd bnutu hugnar 75tooso this weok j bodoi mobs feiirlnhand ties tslnbiilohl nook tlei u do how ticu all groad tiunllty ullk new designs end rich coloring regulnr asc this week a or 3s do you net wow wish to soled yeursphus underwear nnd llenlory while our lines are ooraplele yon knew if yon come now yeu can cliootw from n arpor nu mian it yeu come later we wish tn heylii selllns our tiprlng uiulorwimr and hosiery early we aro marking the brlco o these goods low so that wo himii not liavo any to carry over whon thu selllns ssauin la past these aro tho valuca w cnrfrlve yoin ladles kmhroldered niaok cash mere hose b qqlattd iorem lar 3j0 this wek ate ladles ihnowcahhmsro hose ribbed er plain sites hi ql and to regular 3s and 4 una week sjc ladles tafteta olovea new brown nnd tan shades regular soa this week 330 press gooo rpitcialh llluuk melrouo cloth regular sln ida week- at 03ft cream lustre fanoy patterns regu lar 8jc this week jb ttatln fin lull prunolln cloth regular itoo this week 730 striped c rupee u tegular flje tkls week sic satin cloth regular 7jc thin week 4u0 pearl buttons doieii v corset covor embroideries thin wuok sgn patterns 17u 3so patterns aii- 4jopftttern 110 600 pntterns laoh silk rllibon bebt quullty nil colors regular asc llilu wool 1 4 inch bilk ritihen regular anc tlilt a big hlniivliig of lnieu cniluiiloiii and lireas trlmmtriga nil nt kpottiil img j h jrckson gborcbtcsmn

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