wut jutcw stn tft volumifi xxxiv no 1 i ltay huumhiiioh fi1 h allvi acton ontaiik thujtsday mollnino octojhsil 1 jooh bute holloa frtr imnrait sinoijh copiich tim vk ckntu lifljc ttoii jut fjress j msususo kvuiiy rlluilflpay uoiin1no tt turn ylou lm trrlallasf obm 4ilij htiikkt acton ont tfma mmbiltla ow dollar pur yar strictly in advanos all aul- tarlpllons iiuctiiillnuet when tlm time or whlrli tuny have been paid he ax- plred tim data la which every auti- krlptlan i iiftld denoted tin lb ad- label aatuihm males rrnnstent adver tisements iff cant per nonpareil or drat insertion i cants pur 11m or sen mubauant insertion advertisements without snealfla di rections will lm inserted till forbid knd obaraed accordingly rranalent ad- mtnh month l deal rail vor ehanfea often a r thai above mentioned tha ount- poaltlon rpua be paid or at regular rata o ha ii huh or contract advertisements muil be in ibc uitlc by noon on tiira aoaounla payable monthly lurdyavo wuimoalvvfpi vubaorlptlon and advertisements and t wubltwflh bittdorp iiios cray m d c m mcgill h ii 01 rmnboaan i l i a- 11 oluaow ilaunsa hainan uankui amocitioh etc solae rradarlafa dtraal aaton out ci d ault m d c m sffleeiarrjiusiia lllock acrilar mill and ii htimta omoe ifoutrsd to 11 m i to a and t to 9 fr a l hoite qrailuau ol university ot toronto ontae at rsamsnee an willow htrmt b- iwmh uerebsntaliaiili and town lull p ont toiin u uaodohamj uu ou liorlator aud buuarlnlsddsnl uauubv iiohlltal diuuoaof mohkii wat pulleulars aa to amotnodallon w address lios uamy 1 o onl a lxoal 3 uioeimmoh lilaklataa bolicttob oohvayamomh ovviosulll hlrml in tttovala dloak fleoraetown ilrsniili uaiu street opal wednesday and ualuidayi ejrsaoeasnl lual batata af ant honey toloanela oirvioa i arrynian a woes aotobt t dxvtajl dm j m dell ddblus dawtiar aotow ottm al lutldaiioa oornar ullt aud rradarlek airtala ifoaoa aaxpotta or toaouto umivbksity tbi utatt auimlliatla oaad ii dmlrad al boaliwood fuaidayi ttwr j p cogiilan dentist jlr ouanu poimrly of autoo lanow lneaiad in lila na otapa aomaroi wjod- liau and ooih htraata lualpn i or olfleaa ol visatllahxovj ifl amd j handyaco anvbhttbimd cota0tol and nrwicobimirowpihti 30 iloot sirmi london e c hnfunj a flla o dili rapar n la aan frt of ebari byvlutaniojleuaoii tovhom di gra f iramoib ndnan hookh1hdhb apoottbl doaki of all itlnda aula to atrdar itmlodlaau at ataf y ilamrlpllonoairafully bound rdhnin4mni nrourtlydona m antllaoe moetjbeb ii v uooitb hni of uibbuda eilohiw plvuouoa nowlltiaaamyaqiilrad latnad al raatdvnefin tbo avaulni fraa pran 0a aotom w h abmbtrbbt lloiwiid atotlokiii alas won ay to loan on tba uoal f avovabla uttiaand al tha lowaat ratal of intaraai lit taut el 5m and upwudti w jamus mgdonald llcihiud auctionbiim vpvtba oonntlmol walilnatou uauon watto waniotb and tba fifty ol bala aoddtutad on rauonabu uruu and muafmuoit rhavauuad in ayavy to urmt dataa at apply talioa hf kaainiimpmoor metafaa w aad blor road ouafcpltrolll tatipbooa 1 oualpb tlala taay ba ajnrang ad wuum pamaa oom aston it kbbr llcltm ii auctiohunk n or walllnatou and lulton tad willi mllatutton and upon yiatur io uiinoia 1 o talspiiooa ta t oaprliiba or lilt at vu fwu on will raealva immadula atuauow udbobirhd ittooh oaptiat i0b6oow thb wbllinoton mutual inburanob company vlubllahad 1b40 h4 ohm oublvb omt smbuhancb on cuh and uutnal plan an ibioranaa raq otiwawllib promptly atund w ii dbnnv aaal youn aaton nastagawe lu mills lumlmir iaili nnd blilnflloi alwayi on hand cheap ullt ihiaemfnorday v p sayert sons wa8saoawxya f 0 your chopping will bo done quickly and well on cither plated or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmcat bran shorts the ijest at i6wcst pricce harris oo li ml tad excelsior bakery we arc headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc or firat- claf0 quality we also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son hill hitvmt aototl is it footwear you ara look ing for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our largo summer stock now ready for your inspection wm williams th bhm utn ulubtnat aoun bilt oudlph ness oucfic ifuoafa btmik vpper wymlhmm ttt gtelph out a first ciasb inillldllon uundoj in 18h4 by hi praunt irlncltil famous ilia training uhool of many uccoufal bmloeii men iwih canadian and amorlean distjhguibhurj the fountain liaai and aourc of ilia canadian club in canada fiupurioit in ha deal spirit and leach- ins lis trained graduate are in con atanl demand for particular call at 1 ha college ofilca jj7 upper wyndbam street or addraai maloolm maocormlok b a principal try j n oneills carrage works gkoboattown ont for mccormlcli dlndtra mowen hay rauei deere maniura hay lodes daln side delivery hay racka louden and wortmin ft wald hay iorw and sling oulfila hay fork hop mccnrmlck dlnde twine hay fork track and all kinds of track hangere rlona lloata and hay racka gockahuil wllklnion and fleurt imowa also repair for all iha above machines in ilia carriages line i have a vary full block ofuuggfee surrlai and market wagons all iha latest atylei my own and mclaughlin coe manufacture al right prices a few good second band buggies and wagons will bo sold cheap come lo these shop for your carriage kenalrinjf j n oneills crrrlkcb works oborobtown ont the bond handware co limited bond gx bond g bonj smjj bond i llao livoryllin in hardware our iruae are always klht the bond hardware co llralud uuuvbqd07 ainclrn jjjjnmujjj your eyes our glasses i to those who have fried our hibubi iia 1 comment la neceaaary lo others wo ould j iy that the nierila olourssrvlca are worthy ol conilderallon wephnd our lenses on i lite premlsei by the lieil slacirlc lens i grinding machinery ihla insures aluoliile accuracy in our lentee your eyes will le examined by an expsrt optician one whose whole lima i devoiwl to optical work if you have any iroubta with your eyas while al your india consult a d savage optomutiusl and oitilian 31 wynillim hlrmt phone 571 guelph 1000 la a vary goad salarr for a young parson undar so to r sal havaral of par short land bradiialaa of laat jaar are now njoylui tlila latarv paibapsweeanlialp you to ral ihl arnoniit our 11 aw natsloeue asplalni uut out ibis eard ilauu and land 10w ii hbawjuanlral llnal naasoollatf toronto georgetown fltoralr ro i georgetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially all ortlar placed wllh mr e a itobrlon oruffall acion will reclv prompt llnlion aoton grain elevator and feed store we buy all kinds of grain and sell all kinds ol feed as well as norval flour meals etc r noble pfoprtator n r moo mo manatp gasl ran ppodjice the undersigned la now pre pared lo purchauand pjy cash for all bottar vattf uirllive poultfy delivered al his house mill street acton opposition rob ertsons blacksmith shop ii h w0rden wholesale produce dealer i he way to this summer is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklots describing muskoka the maganctawan and the best country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by tie six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canudinh northern rail way system toronto jjottrn rkoompbmbie hravo llttlo woman tritlpintf along day after day karmoiit of nil 1 11 1 tip unlit 1rttloutly day after day ritvlnu it karmoiit of miiiii out fi tlio clouda of hraj 1 iliiirln tlu h unions aiid veiling enrtu like olio nf the salute of old mukiuu tbii twst of n dull bnrtl life with us inlsnileimll untold toihf hiivu i watcliml tier with won- inrlnu otoe ktiltliliil uml awaot anil ulrontf iiollifr tliq work lit tboaiiislorsoitd mn ul na of morrow sofig 1 quest loutnp never tlio wlailoin th it kl holf alincumtion coniiilolk wllllnjly triiliriij tint puttiwmy of tiioriih 1 hut idudii ti the maatrry fuel i sim noc tlui dull pjrity cottiniuown llint la fiulitd anil worn nntl old unt llto ahiniii hiuuiii of a raiment wlillo tlmt nllut nu in nvury cold imu 1 ot tlio brow that is worn and llllml 1 1 in tliniinnlniis tollinu yara ii11 t hi imlo illvlnu tlmt uforllles tllviiiif buaiity fur mslioaid tentu 1 h iiiuwlmro is wnltlna a fair dear iy moot for btich lnflnltsi ttrttn moitiowlinro oh soniew imiv frtlltlnn hhall im whan tio niirol bhall fliul lior plurp llnsk to tlio rtitlior and bonr illui uiiy as kit tonrterty bltle bar coinf out of tlio valley of darkmlau and toll my child tlioti art welcome lionie sriurt ynmilu itrabing bn3cfl the story of a brave mans ordeal il3tr umt t datigerp xjsm duos tlio operation lm- jffsal poill the lira or the putloutr usliud castle sjlanoink krau- iy at lila friend though liu could imvb answered tlio l ties t lun off lmit dr orinond liesltnt- il hlimihl lie any yea or no oiiotlmfmo cawltolmil loutuwoiiihiiii luvo tilfourfll hit hct llf hulxullc ml- limtiy und hu wundlivd wliuthtii it would not iw hullrr to toll 11 lie now and un pitivunt hint coin milting it bitouiid foululily noblti duud ihoio u tho durtti uf til unuuk miotic uf c iiiihi hut tioni u burgloul point tif vluw it ciiunnt lu ivgurduil uvun us 11 uiiioiim opuiutloil tutld tliu doctor truthlnlly anil tliu blmllai thti cases of qlulyu mid tliu woninn yon trtmunl at th lioupltul llioy aru idonllcnl ilio operation on tin wamune tyca wd iilto u biiccnasy yis fjustlo init low in iiim clinh hhainp across at the distant hill- with un tin buoihk stuif iiib chin iiil uiuni hit inuiisl why mu von uakliiff mil tlioso itiuutliiiiu pi lnriiliod tliu tlootoi look- inp almlght into lila aoiupnnlona tor- rlhly ucitrrcd face ilicfo ciin bo but one reason oaiuo tliu rooty in u deep tend or voloo yon suo what all tlila may moan for tilndys a siiccuuufiil opuratlon would nnmn tlmt ulin would ivgaln bomothlng to tlio ioh of which alio had become rao nnullttd tliu 11 ruaohlng out to lilni ho swiftly tltnnandetl and what might it mean for youp hoiivon known i ejaaulatad oastlo mid tlio hand on tho tublo twitchird in rasponso to its owners agitation might it not ahattar into dull grey dust tlio golden future on which you havu dwelt dally for months pastp askud tho brilliant young surgeon in hnrd pitiless tonow why not leave things us tltoy nre via p why not let wull enough alnna p tlucniiso th ore la a probability an your own confession of making it still i hitter mny not tliu knnwludga whloh would cotne to qladya uftar a auccoaa fill opei at ion iniiko for mlsuiy rnthor tlmn linpplness p hut tun i bu very ugly phil ao very uglyp uukid onatli springing to lila foot mid htiuidhig btiforo bis ft lend n picture or splendidly proportioned manhood a lovo rata twlwoen these two and r nod was tho only answer dr oriuond could truut hiuiuolf to glvr castlu snuk ngitln into lila chair it boema haid tlmt fellow should have euffortd b inuoh and that a woman should lmva aarod an little lie complfiluod it wfta well to know how little ahe enreit vcb hut tliu prion tho price i iook at uiol au hu upoku ho thrikt hu race fur- wntd into tliu sunlight ao that lila sours showed up with brutal frank noes tin doctor could say nothing they dropped into alienee again the dlsflg tirud umn resuming hie contemplation or the fur blun hi i in at union ive imagined when look ing in the glus that i hid not ao ugly mu 1 had feared nut tho glance of the first stranger i met soon dispelled the idea mid convinced me that my opinion was the outcome or familiarity he presently aald mors in tho iimnnev nf ono thinking aloud umn speaking to his friend al hut oiiniind artiaa mid wenj to the bnok of oitsttos chair loaning overi hu pluoml sv hand on aaph of lila shautders uu tltoiujh to give eiuphasls to hla wmtln vic old umn you remember lie lonely llttlo git i aim whi when first you umdo bar acquaintance he aald yea now i put it to you fairly isnt aha a hunditil t linen happier today through yum bludueaap ha asked i t think ahtt la happier agreed i cutlo you know she is wni tieemphatla rfjnluilor aud ee your wlfn shn would iw happlnr still perhnps therea no urhaps about it your kindness and tandernnse would th 1 outer her life more fully mid iir tlumuly mid its a forogonn ronrlu bioii why risk tlila curtain inipfil nesa p there la it rhance of winning a g renter and a groatvr bailee of losing it all fuiappod tlirt doctor jladye ao 11 tl mental ukid iniaglnatlve hhntnay hn trflaaiirlng a mental plcttlivi td you rivalling a ireok goif for lieatity a girl of hfcr tempo ra me lit i1ii111i uu alio u would iliturally glvo a free rhu to lier faury if j oti deetroy this llliwlon itaa thoiibaiid to one you involve her lovo in the rti your sunn lies afo wldnof thofucts hhe la nvlctlm tocttasfllpbadaylroauts i know aald oastlr but ahe la a dour little witch 1 liar miaatlons seldom touch on personal appearncrai her curiosity seems centred insteiul of probing the dispositions of the people with whom aim cornea in contact ir orinond found hla attacks c if ac tively encountered at every point 1 ho cnuhl make no headway against tli other he stepped to the edge of the verandah anil castle joined him just hoynnd them were great tulip luids a perfect rlnt of gorgeous color backed by building ahruba farther on woe an orchard billow on billow of pink and white blossoms rolling away into the distance over green grounds arrow which moved cloud shadows of a darker hue a sky of pearl decked blue inched down to the fur hills along ttliomoreat ran tho sombre green of tba pine woods you sea tlmt f naked castle wav ing hu arm outward all that is an unrellcuid blank to her ihll how can i who love hur let it remain sp wbatviu1d ahe think of mu if alto knowp oh leantdoltl if i win the prlxo i mtixt he worthy hhe must imvn hor elm nee he concluded in a voice tense with amotion if aha turns from you p it was a cruel i 1 stion tim blood left castloe fucr an 1 hla grip on tho iron upilght t the vtyanda tightened then i htpu sho will meet someone who will be na mm good to hut ua i would have havn lm aald softly vic old liny tiald tho doctor giauplng cautleti hand hut looking away over tin valloy theuw unt many men like you not mry umny the next morning dr orinond re- tinned to town anil victor cum hi cul led on mrt he veil gladya and llll aro just guu out she aald greeting him with u umllu aa he enterwl the gutw my bualnoaa u chiefly with you h repllml ive had or orinond the great sight specialist staying wllh ua you know i epokti to him about fllude ikplnliiliig hi 1 cuso as niinutuly aa i could and hu is of tho opinion that her sight can ho 10 stored oh victor ciiod mrv ilmull if itcnuldlf itcnnldp ho had a almllar case ut st putda hospital quite lately the ulght hud been lost through injury to tlm hind they operated operated 1 repeated tho woman recoiling at tho thought pf knife it la nut at all a dungoroua opera tion castle assured her the know ledge has coins to me after long mid continued enquiry and i have inst no tlmulnpaaslngltnti tnyou it remains nf course for you to decide whether you will act upon it i trust you fully in everything re garding her welfare declared mrs hovtdl you will advlso rue t certainly i should put tho matter calmly and plainly before gladys and let hei choose she would sacrifice much to regain her eight hofoio she was blind her love of beautiful things ranged fioni ho wo re to human beings and alio of ton painted lioth i know tho com so she will choose i know and appreciate her loto of beauty an perhaps you can understand my dotlro fnr hor to sot tornm we aro married p my boy my boy i alio oxolelmcd for hla words convoyed a world of meaning youre not afraid of that are you t i am afraid hn contoised walking to thej window hut she must have hor chance whutovci the price and whoever pa je if ahe la ever going to tee things ae they are it bud better bo now than when itla too late yet if i loan hor if i lose her i dont talk like that victor you aro not fair to her her lovo for you la deeper than yon suppose i am confi dent you need not fear well dont let her know anything about my fears ho togged pulling himself together ill come up this afternoon and take her and 111 for a pin in the car loot morning mr hevella heart ached for him as alia watched him down the path if people in heaven know anything of those on earth your mother miiat he a proud woman laddie she aald to herself the opera lion had been performed and dr ominnd said them was every indication hat the desired result had been uttuluetl though a definite verdict could not to pronounced till the luintl- agee were removed and tho girls sight actually tested that wa to takv pluue at half past tan caalle hat tun up to ace hattys for a few nilnutv ami whan hn apoko of going again she displayed onnilder- ahlv disappointment you might wait vie ahe pleaded you must know 1 want to to bob you you feel that yutt will to ahlti to p he hiked bending down llll hla up touched her hair yea and i want to for your sake i kormy sake i shant to a burdcu then elm ii you know you won til never to that to me blind or seeing he interrupted sternly dont to cross ahe togged one rant help feeling a burden i want you in ho one of the first i see do w lt please p i can t hn said half turning front her but still holding her hand how could t stand it if the leratlnn bod failed p tailed i youre very strang this morning vlr horucthlngls troubling you what is it t though ha must answer hn could never toll her the truth nothing that nerd worry ypii ha parried when wo know thn remit of your operation t ajiall aonh to 10 y- seir again i dont think you reulu all it iiieaua to inn there was a swift movement and the girl found castles arms around her in a tight einbruoe you da lovo me dont you oladp be burst out paaslonatcly kor heavens sake tell me tell ino i i cant help loving you she an bwered simply there swept hack tfpoh blm the memory of an incident of which he dnre not risk a repetition hn could still aee the look of aversion with which another girl he had loved greeted him on their first meeting after his spill llioglnnco had stung him like a whiplash hn hud offered her her freedom and ahe had accepted it much a look in the eyes of gladys hovell would have cut still deeper into his soul and in his anilety to evade the poalblllty or this crowning pnln he had reinlved to return home and await tho course of events hellish aa 1 nppour dear ha aald im sum you will forgive mo when you know all ior a uecondortwohaheld her close hla lips on here than ho rfealutely turnvd and left bar outside he found mrs hovell mid gavo hor a photo if all goes wull i want you to show this to gladys totoro you let her send for me he explained hurried ly hhn glanced down ut it aud saw that it was a faithful likeness of cast to as he stood hhe bowed her head for words seamed somehow inadequate mid the next moment he waa gone tho door closing softly behind him he walked rapidly home and got nut hla cur pointing ita nose lownrde the heveus residence then paced restless ly to and fro tosldo it the golden glory of the spring day was lost upon him fixed indelibly on bin mental vision whs u darkonud chmutor 1 pate complex lnuud glrl haiidugid uorosb the eyos and two gravo surgeons in attendance he wont to the house but tho sound of thn clock slowly ticking away tho seconds irritated him and lm cumo out again ho pulled out bis wmuii twentyeight minutes jutst ten at halfpast tliu lutndugoa would to 1 amoved and then nh i whnt then ho started tho nngina then walked round tho car critically kvorythlng was in apple pie order again ho consulted hla wntch twenty ulno minutes to eleven lit fumbled awkwardly in putting it took gladya might to at that very moment examining the photo ho lind left for hor he brush ed hla bund impatiently across hla eyes and looked up the road how much longer would this suspense last p ha had turned once more to hla car when tho violent tinging of a bicycle toll struck rudely into hla re flections starting up he mw 111 pedalling towards him aa though a life depended on her spend sho can see ahe can sea 1 thn girl idiohtcd long tofora aha roach oil castle gludwnntaynuatonoe viol aim cried castles throat swelled chokingly add the words drummed triumphantly in hla ears hut he whs still doubtful hue she seen my photo v ho asked yea and antaho silly p i think shes crying for you waa the breath less anil slightly contemptuous an swer took at mo kiddy i ho exclaimed am i vory very uglyp i dont know ingonunnaly replied aim i waa afraid when i eaw you first but i like you better than any body now cusllo kissed her and seated her in tho car tossed tho hlejtim in behind than sprang in hlmsolf three minutes later caatl entered the hauntlngly familiar darkened room he halted an instant unable to penetrate the gloom viol viol said an unsteady voice qlatl i he cried you can aa well aa ever she answered and you know nf my tllallgure- inont p ive known all tho time mother told me at tho beginning hut you novor spoko of it ao why should ip draw tlio blind and let me boo you hn drew tho blind usldo a trllle then came took to hor keeping hie face averted he found lb almost impos sible to conquer the shame of hla ugli ness hho reached up and turned hla bend looking straight into hla eyes bjuihojilaodwuh her took to the win dow theyre just what i ex pec tod vic she aald after regarding him intently for a while whatp masked your eyas bright blue fighting yea theyre grand i and the soars p he inquired bit terly when i look nt thorn i aae in im agination a hrldga over a railway on it standing across the road la u gnvernoaa car full of ohlldroii drawn by a donkey which hue developed a lit of stubbornness a groat racing 1 car hashes into view at the top of the 1 long steep road leading down to the bi idgu the brakea miiat to defective ror it tears down thn hill at a torriflo speed the horn tooting hoarsely all the way tho hrldga la ao narrow mint i when dear oonaldembla bklll la rit quired to negotiate it in tho pieuont circumstance it is a sliest luimsihll ity ihoglrl in charge of the little party makes frantic efforts to whip thn donkey into life but it ia immovable aa atone the children supremely ignor ant of thn appalling danger olup their hnnda delightedly at tho destruction rushing towards them 1 lm car is within thirty yuids of the hrldga the few onlookers aro await ing tlm lnovthltt tragedy when tho gieat car gives a vlotcnt jok skid half lb rough tho loosely linllt slomj wull down oh tlm railway below it was a heroic deed or a for minute ai uident comment ed castle it wasnt mi accident she jontra dieted i was there yqu were drlv lug the cur i saw yuii glvn tho sleet lug wheel a determined twist in tho dirnt tlon of tlm wall well what could i do 1 here were tlm kiddles j011 see sweolhajirt he urged npologntlcally pushing the wu of hulr from in r forehead and lifting llo shade lo that ho could look into hrr ayeu yes there were thn kiddles she agrtodalowly and thoughtfully and you ii love mu in spite in spite and becnuso of it no girl could earn for you less nu account of that cnstle shook his head dubiously it a right vic whatever you may think aim murmured i love you dear 1 so i do know half tho joy of lire bays tlm ihlla delphla hultelln conies from getting good out of things us wo go along home of us nra always putting off our enjoyments after a wlillu wo expect to take it mat sue a friend or read a took 1 but after a white nover conies tho good time wo aro looking for ward to has as fur nboad as evor all life is spent in manning to ovurtako it and onjoy it meanwhile wo toll drudge mid grow old passing by with uiiboelng eye the hnpplnusa wo might got nut of every day yes every sordid commonplace day haa its wealth of enjoyment for us if wo only take tho tronhlo to get t out there are tho frlonda wo love and who love us if we stopped to think nf it this onscloiisnvbs would gladden lifo there is the beauty nf the earth did we only open our eyes to see it we ehoiild to made glud in spite of our selves there are some people who have lived nu earth thirty nr forty years who could scarcely toll you the tho color of tlm sky from their own observation thoy toko it for gran tod it la bluo because they hoar bo there ai e dnxene of simple pleasures wo might enjoy ten minutes evory day with a fascinating took 1 an inex pensive llttlo jaunt with our family 01 11 congenial friend t fifteen minutes of bright intellectual conversation with the homo folks or on aomo other sub ject than tho sordid dotuliu of making ends moot 1 a fow minutes in un art gallery just to look at 0110 good picture these ara some of the little everyday happlnssbiu we might lake nnd dont not because wu are poor but because we havent thought them worth while wu are too busy aiming at some big expensive pleasure hi tho future make up your mind then that tho hg pleasure will always aludo you wa shall novar enjoy ufa until we loarn to enjoy the llttlo happinesses of avery commonplace day as it en mm uti nbvir drink on the btsgc snys youths compan ion were seven or eight sold lore from the klghth maine regiment whlto at tlm btagehnuio in lincoln there came to tlm office a poor blind innn stone blind slowly foaling ida way with his cane ha apprnaahod the soldiers nod aald in tho gentlest tone 1 iloye 1 henr you belong to tho ulghth regiment i have a son in that regi ment whatlshlsnumop john oh yea wo know him well ha was u sergeant in our company wo always liked him where la he now p ho a a prisoner for a moment the old man ventured not to reply but at last sndly and slowly ho aald i feared us much i have not heurd from him fnr a long tlma they did not wait for another word hut those sotdiers took from their wallets a sum of monoy nearly twenty dollars and nlforod it to tho old man saying 1 hour whole company were hero wo would glva you a hundred dollars the old man repllod 1 lloye yoji must put it in my wallet tor i am blind nut murk what now followed an other individual in the room who had looked on the scone aa i jiad with a foellng of pride in oni sold lets saldi hoys this la a iiitndaoma thing mid i wunt you to drink with nm i stand treat for tho company no air 1 thank you 1 we 11 over drink the scone wna per foot 1 tho first waa tinhla and generous 1 the last waa grand how tunny snlilleia iiiulor the aamn taiuptullnn would huvo spoiled a singularly good deed in taking thanks for it out of 11 whiskey glass i the ohungo of dlotnry that comes with aprlng and summer hab theetfeot in weak atniunoha of netting up inflam mation resulting in dysentery and oholora utoihiib the abnormal con dition will continue if not attended to and will unuse an exhaustive drain nu the uyateiu tilie tout available modi- duo la dr i d kellogge dysentery cordial it clears the stomach and bowels of iriltniita uounteraote the lufumtnhlhin and rout ores the organs to lieulii uullfiii knoiiamtmbnt dew on tlm lung dark gi m u wet ming my frogs fnr the huh is mi was ever a world au wide uwnko hhrill with run rm die moon u swot bulii p hlmioumsl finmu hill 00 liu danrr oil my henrl u th uli n i a small thing hud through thn lui and grass whatdoyoiiseillttli t 1 ring liwa was it mouse or godlhi hi kit or fyp hut no- tin fnlrlbm all went awny or died tlm told jno so kvur so long ago tim fairies 1mm all got julu your heuili is thtit wluno thiiy wind whin i thought them di ml t frogs are not frog but little gredu men p ferliapa you are rluhl if why jjum dunce nh uiyliiiaitu dnsll u in theligbt or tlnrlow nmrii d hie i hy glorgia wood inngboi u twkntv vkai1s apo in tlm municipal coumil at a p 1 lul meeting hold on hupt 1 on motion of councillors w i ilrowu mid win isinonil lho 1 mooru wasnrpointtd clerk pro toin of the council on motion by tho same lima i nutou was nppolntod collector of tuxes fin 1817 in the fuhliohchool hon rit on motion of a i nicklln and goo hynde miss daluy cor r i gun a resignation wits accepted nnd touchtis for third mid fotnth departments at vjml ami 8ii respectively to he mlvertleiul for 11m hecrtctury was inutructud as per motion of dr iiwry uml a i nicklln to iidvortisn for hi cords of beech and innple wook i ft long llitv mr kuv student of knox college was ludueled into the pastor ato of lln ii inn fail church holding yum money 01 epunding it at a distant contra is not oiiululout with good utuonuhlp mr d w onniphill hnu imimved with his family to gimlph ho bus llvod hero for uomo tin year and acton novar had a 111010 honest mid btrnlghtforwnrd cltliei 11 thorn huvn toon sum ml fitful snow storms during tlm wink milton line very much sick noun thin year it la claimed to bo cuuui il by u tannery whose refuse is allowed to rim through thn town uov d ii dm don bus been eullud to the pistoratu of tliu iluptlul churches ot iountovvn mid acton inspector urol hers urn chief lm sou 1 aided the hon in ilmiuo on hulm tiny night and found 11 keg of bu r uml other incidentals tlm proprietor will have to explain their pruuum u in court two brakainen were injun il at acton yards on thursday nnd hundny ri spoctlvoly in ouch enso thoy were coupling aru mr t james monro bus bteu nil gaged as tinclmr nf dublin huliuol foi i80 tho family of mr xv xiiiton have removed from toronto and taken up tholr residence on west how 01 avi councillor anil mrs john konuey have returned from their trjp to thu old country hniin in acton on oct j to mi unci mrs wm mccutcheon u sou niiiin at the manse ht george to ilev und mrs w h mc ravish a bon ilmiv in fiquaahig on hept 271 it to mr and mrs win hyde it daugh ter mviiiiii11 on bopt ill by itov lb torrnnco ilohl cox to h phu iowry both of nneiagawoyn maiiuncn on sept 1 at tlm real- denco or mr h p punt on hutto montana mr j d wliolplny of livingston and miss winnie pago of georgetown canada duct in acton on oct 1 nmvul simons ngod 1 yoata tlioso who nra on tho lookout for now wools might do worsn tlmn tnku a losaon from tho dlshoa innthor used to make and sot forth uu a novelty something that sounm mjw juab to- oanao it is old i cnu vouch for thu aoouraoy of tho dlroctlnnu bays ohrlstlnn terhuno horrlok in thu dalinaator pound cako onu pound uf eggs ono pound ouch of hour of butter i sugar half tenapiionsful of umttd nutmeg wash tho salt out nf thu but ter and cream it with augur hunt tho yolks and whites of tlm eggs separ ately and vory light wotk tlm spice into tho creamed sugar mid butter stir in tho yolks of tlm egge and when woll qiuml add tlm sifted flour alternately with the whipped whites ilont them in light ly bub do not stir them after thoy havo toon nddud mukn tho butter fm pound cako no stiff au it can bo utlrieil llako in a steady ovun in ullhoi hilok or melon tine tlilu is thn genu inn oldfunhlonrd pound tiakn nnd ix voiy 1 loh a slmplor cake may lm inudo by using only throuquartoia of a pound of butter but tho other ngiudlontw urn aamo ua in thn recipe glv n hwuot potato plo pnihnll a pound nf good sweet potatoes nnd when quite uold grate them cieum half u npftil of butter with tluee qiimleru of umupful of whlto sngur atlr in tlio toaton yolks of four eggs 11 teuspoon- fnl each of cinnamon and giatod nut meg and tho jnlco nnd grated 1 hid of n lemon whip in tho grated potato 11 cupful or milk apd inst tho beaten whites off nut eggs hnko in upon pastry simile 01 aa a pudding in n loop huklugdlshwltliout a crust unt cold gooboherty tart pick ovoi your gooaotorrlns top und toll tlmin uml put into it saucepan with enough water tn pravuut htltiiliig hlmniot until they bionk null aweeten to taste ii tlio gotisetoirlos mu gteen thoy will stand n grant deal of augur bet them aside to cool nnd wit mi ild pour into pastry abulia cover- wltti it thloknaas uf puflfpautu mul huku voll