Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1910, p. 2

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mr nl m uuhiu vino amn u wdiu jrl ufa umlb h lafmlf- tha w itu hanli ann al i balavd rof jofca mabban and aiatr al ula j u uihm alllloai d be xton ra ffress tiujhhdav maitfjh 1 iuu bdrtorial nona the courts have conqntw l tip wohas carry inn luteal optlou in beafortb tiickeraanhh and lhattry during uw iwtiwttd alaltmpi totjaaab hy laws carried n january tlirtmichut iba protnr bat ao far jjbjlmi thn ihko voat f irving- was chief argument advaocvd or acbangaj in the rauiunerallon allowed tvjontjr and township ooonrihora by bo uuniclpal muiuium of the lwi turn fast weak in the present act ihe maximum rata allowed ta fci per day in future it will br itev monugua jkowlar bteturlin on um eubjact of lacing and j am wing laat wank in iondon fiouted fnuti a latter wilt so by king kdward as lit low a have bornir of gambling and altall alwaya do my utmoat to dla- courage ajlwho liavn an inclination for it as i ho spirit of gambling la liko in lcmmruiccmi of lhn greatmt wlls that can afflict a country acting llemlr itinera of uani jdim liaa notified lhn lawiparanon laaavra that lua ouwantomat bad d- clded to adopt llw policy of tun low ernroent in ontario in regard to tha administration of hqnor uwtr tbat whvra ratepayers havn signified by ibo voloa that tlm maj irity favor local option but where lhn lawa am up- set by the courta mn hrnaes will after ward ba granted by the cuuimtualon the customs ravomui of cxtoada has broken all records- the first tavrii months of tlm year closed to day with a total raveoue of tl w1 uj7 which i more titan lialf a million dollars hnyond tha previous high water mark mule in 1007 it u ronhdeully expected that whmi i bo year close uarch list tint customs collerlions will have ani6iinttd to 900000 000 tbn ralcuor lhn flint tdevrti rutin tha this year amounts to 911411 2shl lo now itritub lurliainont u know ing on with business and ivsnieir aeaullh kpaiks with m flaps aad courage of nt notion aa to tha future which ia refreshing ihnanelal kusl neea firat and tha quaetloa of house of lords second la tho program laid down by tan lremlcr in m atvler meat tnada in tha houae of ouromooa in movlntf thal tlm govrrnnient hual neaa bawe prcedonci at every kitting up to march xllli tbo resolution mm adopted without a divlalnn when paxuatuetit rejumemblea after the laatar redea tha preiulr aaid tbo go vera me nt will prveenl raaolutlona affirming tha necesaity of ekcludlng the home of lord a altogether from tbodomaln of finance and ra trie ting u power to veto to othrr pglalatlon to ajcure thu tlto govemmeht ba added will ue all niothod that acem proper and adequate within the limits of tha oonatltbtlon and upon it oo oeaaful aocompluument the cabinet and liberal party aball atake not only tha fortuncfi or tha mloutry but their very axmteaca aa a party ror uw aoang mo kickptiontoommaluw ottawa unrrh lrf itr bo i it u r miimlllrn on llittil 111 to pr ih it be bujntwa if raco trank ganil kng mr w r itaney k l nflnoiilii nr anted liia rfutnnt yvatrrtlay i aupport of the hill the coiuudttco rhmjlrta of mm ii ii uilltr ohalr i v l m k j it htratton t j ii m j h hlnrhlr and w u utl tim oblaf argu menta preaented by ui itanny wttrft aa foil wa iafllatirol la iwing aakad n lhn y t promotrra nuw shalxklol ai i ib rohk bh aboi4sh- edt an agitation la going the rounda of tbeproaa to abolub homowoik given topaplla in the pnblla whoola it u declared to be an old time ouatoro that haa outjivad ita uaafuloaaa idtim for llttla child ran u often paaaed and the home work unfinished keep he tchool opon till t w p ill if neoeaaary but cut out the home work thnagwhndo their hpmp work hion r faithfully are hlghatrupg both phy ale- ally and mentally and am wearing their little uvea out rather than atand poorly in haeuaa but thy will pay for it later in life lloya and glrla are trying entranou azamlnalloni to tho high holwol be- fore ihey arc physically ualfled lo hear the load there are olhar good thlnga in thla big world beauiea achool inaeona let the you o gat era learn them thorn copjoa a tlnm when i ho con titulton peruiiu of night atudy with out injury hut that at ago cannot be said to have been reached when the pupil la studying in the aeeonil hook ir the boy a anil girls will spend their outof school horns in recreation and in doing bolpfnl things in tha hojiwr they will make broader and better men and women than if they- ooooplad the urns in poring over hooka continu ally it should ba art of their educ- ua lesm to think for tbeiuselfee and nothing stunts and selfcenters child hfejike too much htudy ftdlowlng is lhn hibruary school report forh h no i kqueing hr iv ida ijvlnftatona ktx sarah cttlkjaattilbaitwfi- jr i vf arvey tidge jsfx howara uartln ilx dnjge w nrllur crawshfiw j3 iura hprowl m6 jr iimaiu mouenemy otrdon hate clarenco wlnflem flr 1nora wlnflsld joa ucuen ccay a class- john ucurnvmy no on roll 17 avrragtt asntl anoe u prevent vvary day curencs windcjd nor wlnfletd aoraonw j b oahi ouj teacher ttadlxia oob bpcxl name and dnr calving tha public ia what the imllat on or tho wall know tho d i if sal hoi plaster ara doing iont i fooled insist on tho gonulnc tho pjl r this hi to tuake clear and uiilfornt thn law against i he business or gambling so 0jml it will ba n orftioco i y any body locairy on such bumlnraa any where and at anytime onlhsother hand parlutusnl la brjog aakml 1 y the opponent of til bill jtrt makn a elaar sorption lo the general ian gainst xha bualneaa of gambling lo ifjpui of esstain penoua for car tali local ilea and for certain lays j ur luoay 4juote tha following opinions of tdiincn hngnsijudgo on lh matter of imomuaklngt mr jostica hawk lot i know o itotbing more llkaly in ruin a- young inan than 1m system of iwitlliig whloli goron around u ur justice orantl am ijambllift with bookmakers ia the causa of mora crime ami misery thatfany thing tilae in tha land ur justice li una no ne c attend the civil and criminal courla without knowing that many peraom apant a tnuoh larger amount of lime in batting than they davolvd to their own lord thief justice lord alv r suhe hmrt nnvnr ought to ite of necessity associated with gambliog or boulog those who hsd to do with the admlnlslrallou or the law knew that tlwr was nothing in their great ownwandimwaa afraid in tho sntalw ones too that brought tut re pexipla lw the humbler walks of ufa miaery and ruin than the letting in thon eitumrralru thn ujyhttrs of the hill first the faruwra o canada the u in later t agriculture and every agilrultura newspaper li tha country so far as i know and tin print ml4fr thf sgrlrulturnl ciillrftea or canada tu far as hnard from sup port the bill unreservedly j tho master of the dominion u range ur drury anq uthar prtmilnont members of hip rcnecullv of i bo orange supoit ibo hill second tho wage earners of canada aa represented ly the trail and labor oongreea art a unit in support ing ihls bill third the ghurchee til janada aa represented by ho resolutions f synods assemblies coufuroucoh and council ara as one in support of this hilt fourth tha hualnaaa umih of tha pacjpa ivttvlnc wiiimo vlnws were reftectcd itefora tha- comwlttao by hon wm tnmpleman ur cowan u i for vancouver and ur lar- nard u i ror victoria ii k speak as with una vole and if it went neceaasry thousands of letters of a similar character could be bad from very province in the lnmlnlnn klflh kven the jockey clubs of urttlsli columbia are praying for pro lection from the hordes of undrslr- ablea which follow in itifl train of tho american gamblers and anally the great body of imbllo opinion throughoat tho country as voiced by the petitions which have been presented tu parliament is in favor of this hill of this great body of supportsra of the bill i need say no more at thl stage than thla that whether they are right or wrong in their views at all vents it cannot he said that they ara hare pro in nt lag any selfish or sectional interests bomb obsbrvatiob luifinnlluliill i m k ijirt r lias 1m im hung hi lb t mtll oiihioikt umrmkgtf j una hie tllvi lr an til ila i nrpot tlirac may ihi tt toldnrotl an ppmrt unity for the instltuim ladles to til j il pi hrly l fir mlllliifry uxtloih ttl r dui ukwltina are urrr t thttt ihv ulhrntcloik or lhn croncl may imi a i in in rutrcclly part hu hlratita ad rumnta the middle i or that hi c uirll haa a ib pled iltirns ob wad some potter the im u to af ih rnol m as llhers plalnl i glftle k a qa into a really danokrous danonuirr ai pasteur tho great french ihy alclan or paris once said 1 believe wa fcltall one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs isndsuff is caused by germs a fsol ace by all physicians itofall hair evil hwaklnj 61 liilrroia too of the funny bits in an ol 1 almanac had it llialtildney hmllli i he great lmnoi 1st on on l uftr d a room around tha walla of whit h ware a eonsl ivrahu nuuibar or largo itm klngftumwa helng mm atf rellaetatl in ewrry dlrvrllou lie re kd i prroetva lliai x have coins moellng of the elnrgy anil i tuiist say they uunt very rasmclable appnavance a rtreent koguh jwjieraays iter 11 kelly tells n his ueutirea that atone time ho waaufan mw taken frov usrk oil iaarsr and that own mr lniaraos mother once tfu k him for her son hut the oueerat thing is that mr kslly hlmseir fell into llf same error tin one occasion itwasinlhe old ulssion house and in the comnjlllvs rtkini ihrra wtv a long nrlrror tlmt reached from celling to 11 kir at that time ministers wore white cravat with biuull bows uur iheohlll as wo aat iharr wrltna mr kflly i noticed lliat the imiw waa not iii the centre hut near lhn huotovr i ii ft etl my hand to j ul it right and found i could not touch ll it was mr pearses bow that waa wrong not mine hn was closahtt b i met now that tho hanging up business has ln introduced into our munlcl pal hojldhig i would llkn lo suggest thatriliernria tiornnough amitqntry imiiiiuii ul n ci rptrratlon to justify the placing of portraits elthor in group or individually of the founders of our municipal organisation in thn main niilranro hall 4ttkuuld give dignity lo the place and lie a fllthi remem hranra of men who in tir day and largely lo their opportunity served their own and cooling generations a clou in inti was very small potatoes compared with what it haa become but from that day onward has been in in a in fairly well governed i therefore would like to now that soon some memento of tbo kind should be plaoad to the memory of acton a flrat gt uncll w ii htorey keevec asa hall o t hill john hpelght ir n ucoarvlu all of whom with the exception of the latter have pa mod lnn tho greni lie yond in my occasional tours aliroad i fry to see things find once in a while drift into our great provincial building in toronto and gsaa with admiration nt theflno portraits of some or the mighty men of ontarios leguuliuqi wol r thehi have gone some are still left hot to young people students for in stance from the nearby seats of inarn ing these faces may suggest strength tar life a work and ba an incentive to uonalaiilrlt hluillnriy thn view of statues in the grounds uuta some of tha chief actors in canada t development in bygun days is very impressive as they stand there in sub- stlltncss all unheeding and alas themselves often unheeded the turmoil of busy life not far from their base and yet it is a sad commentary on the instability and sometimes in consequence of historic great ones that laat fall i noticed m large dust covered oobweb reaching from hon ororgo llrowns now to his shoulder miltoh b uiqlttlhcrf bvstkm pvoilw about she sunt u darlvad fnhw aevsi funl i tho following slatamuat ibo fnuilh annual rant rt nf hip mllloo i irntilo i jghb plant ftir uh va itet by ilecbrk al the regnur moi ilngt f llm r uncll and iuhjt i us c irreol uk llrti i ircinrnut ki t motor mot lis ml labor and mi pllra jik 7ll rloekonhmnu 117 tl ugh ting atreeuai d liall and lieallitg hall 1 ixk ml ifufsl 111 xxi knmrinik arctinnls tor tttprs ri pairs etc as mtabml by touucll hj o capital investtwl vii kfl lp teresl gui c amounvloehrcaa i fokin ndl lure wcj hi yrar 110 el i1y ughu installtt during lb prevl msly insthllih 1572 tnitillod are llrlilsaj the no i prom f ihe rtirltlo light plsnt for each year wss ss follows 1st yenr 2nd hrd 4 th 9i c rjti in 77tl 11 lmli7 veil jhoj i uhoiirlu ually lie illliy oix l iii illy lcquirc oni- uiiul f iifmkl lomc lcr- rotun tlmt xctlunt combi uiitiou of lcf itoit itutt ihcrry win- if tulxn when thu v tcm is run down from worlc or a iijjlit cold n ill pre cut a more soi totii illness i trcnuilocon vulcccnls aucl all thinblooded people 1 k a bottle law q4culasls dandrult la iha if it were not for the i it lie destructive germs working with a persistency worthy ufa bettor cause there would be no baldness parisian 8a ge will kill tho ilsiidniff germs tidotoiov dandruff in two weeks or money hack a t llrown guarantees ll it will atop itching scalp falling hair and makn tha hair grow thick and ahun daul it puts life and lustra into the hair and prevail i a it from turning gray the hair dressing par excellence daintily perfumed and free from grease and stlcklurss it is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair a large but lis costs ony 50 cents it leading druggists everywhere and in acton lya t llrown tha girl the auhum hair la on every package wto to mmoj forty years in business in juelph is pringlo a record and during that time nvnr one hundred and fifty thousand watches anil about fifty thousand clock a have ban repaired by him and his assis al watches ant i clocks exa ac moynloftaltgr v clacks one at joewury and spectacles and two at watchev while he person lly qupervisea aidasuu wlisravar beats liqhtniho rod pakirb lhiwsre of the liarb wire fenoe fiend who puts the lightning rod shark in the huadc llo nropavbatd the farmer to nut up an eight wire fence at eight cents por foot tills seems so reason- abln the fanner is induced lo sign tho tolraol and when the hill comes lni which it is sure to do the deluded farmer unds he has agreed tu pay eight cants per foot for- each wue- whon the soltema works he may sur render his farm in part payment and give his note for the balance hence wfitay beware i patronise your home- dealers whoati reliability you know unquttmrdneil curi8 ti ao aocb as scbntcs tttllclclcksi twk of iba mucin lua aad llaadscba dont throw i faltlwb kacfa pulcrxu- laaaslrtlalitlla tl ytdtollil a 1111 i ih ioclt of ptltc uc sawitu lor he wc oiuaamth iiit n t win n psfs ttulolcr lltan uv h ri uu r iuuh i auimwtklo tilt till georgetown fixoralo u gpohoptown i gueuh nt j 1 new coats and suits i jg fuk spring lock of norlliway suiti uiul ink ib now rcjdy for s jg jour inflection wc arc kolt incuts in guclph for tins line g o iid cirry a lifj ivorliiirnt our system of sm ill profits makes onr t o n dj to mr utpd parliouf iry good vafuc visit tin department b whits house 250 sh6es l or i idii i only v iicnt coltj donoli kid or box calf in jngli or low tines lln ainc quality is told everywhere for 1 50 perkefts gloves a i idies jlove midaof rcil kid skin and ewory pair kuarantfccd all color 1 nd ohek wonderful value for per pair biiadk sikk 63p premier bright sjtiu hiusli pure mlk i oo value per y ird 2qc victoria awn 10c o iilch fine mcrcrricd victori i liwn joe v due for per ble ifor esc yard lc corsets our ptcmi idc 75c itid i oo corscti arc from j lo 50 belter value tliaa ortliuary eiccrcrlrrcteiugjtgiticg iegicgi 3 new spring hats 3 s i he knickerliocker amsterdam and s nelkcufcs specials lo different hapes u id- 5 n tjl np t dite 111 rvcry wiy see s our special ii4 al 2m licw shirts arc opened arrow collars all bty lea b m bf at m mvmhant tnllor m ha purnlaher r e nelson this mans store is crowded because we do his printing cut tlowcr growers funeral and weddln orders specialty all onjpmeil villi e j hab8akd drnggurt aotod h iclvo prompt klienilon reliable footwear w t4fis sortlig wiuig dr horsis liiub boot rite wui bil 1l whcq it ectni it you limply cotild not hear up any lonper it l high time to look tor fhc cauic ofthew6utw snd twreroejy i i su suonlililngl large tnmiliejcqf ck tafiles tmii of wouyni mlicry u fnutid to lie com iiatlin7 and the remedy that slwsyi curer mtrfft uj a piih neglect of the daily movemenrof inc boweu io nctcjury to hestihioan fwihnns iiwtint ihcm tjfrm jttpl amwu ipg um workman s hands and wound and rrgulakcd by hlyi until called for wllhjialjuiiellexiierlenoe pringlas work should give the best re the fact that it is to his inlrrest that every customer should be salhdlrd inakes him see i hat a very thing is right before it leaves the store ur wii llams his present watchmilterend ngraver haa been in the business for thirty nveyeara he along with mr prlngle ought to make one of tha strongest cmnjflnmttons at watch re pairing in canada phngtea steady4 urltl owe their present good hesith o incoming of work keeps one persoa at mirulujum r4t pifu fiilpnvuici rctaincl in the body hcjilstlici in ligctuon lnlluutncu snd lsitudc f llov and lien more terlout female duonlcr are hreuhi on or sggrsvolrd r moraei indian root pills not only regulate the bow cli hut they stimulate kldneyi and kjn u well to throw off waite mi iter snd purlljr the j leaaj it remit i quickly snpsrent in thpjusppcsrsnce of the hesdachet snd hillouincm snd the return 0 health and vigor tboouhd of women ill over the madehyw h donutock cfic ltd jtrodtvlllv ont f snd sold by all dealer t 35c box 3 whb tha wbolu irhl tmlore us it is hood shoas only that me consl lor such sa a can i borough r tacnuimcnil for style kii i luallly and service the success of our trade in jpirstolkss shoes l encouragement enough to rivs them still largsr prominence thla year bated on tha absolute certainty of nootl vjihie you lo come and let th new styles do llielr w witjijiams mill street- j acton homes manitoba hewan- alberta how made and limy readied tpw sbttlbils- bates special trains uavs torantq iaiotaasasys attll bcular troths lttlo sjs aally wrkmreotirct 3 hours to wlnnlpst- thrwirh tnyrnt can colonist cas on all twains t which bariha ara praa pfrj rjsrsjlwil far tor o tmtlsra oslaa vsusm canada tourkt cs or aitla 1 r u thdmrun d pjl cpu tnttnto 1 grand trunk wimz oncwat colonist rates vancouver bc sootllo wreh i 4u os portland orstfon san francisco loa andeloa vlwxlco city uarch nut lo april j 4300 above rates are one way second chus and api ly from acton he u aud full infufmstioii h s holmes dopot agorit acton ont we cam crowd yqux store in the same way catalogues hiindbills toldcrs and commercial lorms oui- specialty call ai gais ofjtcf for jo and advertising the acton free press crums prints lias heard of crums prmts tlioy arc known all over the country as tile be t prints made our showing thib year is the bct we have over had call and sec them vital sale do not miw our vital question sale it will help solve that very vital pvob- lem the cosfrsf uyin- for you wemoore formerly cameron moore mill st acton mtitmadquriddnna n femmkmjmji i urs vbmaat warnings cuakanlkld stock tonic blood purifier h ii 00 yoim lxiierjdt 1 thulr pioputll n t mf h trial packagb 1 i7s doses ror 50c i j a t7 brown 1 5 lrjj mid hutlouur mill si acton nddnnimuuuan ur no junk xztgheat ooah prloo r a swxe 3pccton will n iiuylnfi clover seed bo sura suid ei u10 gra4 you wy for whan etoulng i you mo can prove it lo your satisfaction ibal hsvn iho basl stauw imra i ha bast seed houses ia ontario bo bar a soma dealers have aohi third ad faarth rradea f r tha lutat in tha pall acton flour and feed store r noble prop acton pump tile works o ti ebbagb proprietor our prerolsrs ara now fatly txiulppoj with all iha lalaat nschlnay aa4 rrphanrss fur matiuiaclurtas leo aad pump supplies tiljarwu eiatanas ouirvrta mta onws prumplly filled main htksut acton coblph tslislicss afaaoajs afeea- taawr srvaaaaa bt a cjaalpk oaf t ninhtiun vi1aks of slreniloos sod 2 fltlu bbrrjibrmrdte 4 iloimlfso mik1 j j in alton rtrit awvoui wanj rl a aklomoitlliu itakuain am 01 iihuotm m ii in mlbs a lua tu0urs0n ot mfkwauttowt teachefl up voick culturk hh obi1 iuh in tt tnaaiaaad m mmi all tnpos mr jobs lluv mlahohl maluilaf isui wmxirwj a w tnsr 0s tbn at af ibs ul i aa tia ink r tto rwr tub nuatii- suj a at aodv miawosd w la drtilns ll nuui kro liwd kfla ob- ura nd mntgo poehac ixms paolalatala iiaafmw onut iihiclitllmtinamum4olbaamii j enlykivo arte farm rom balk ur rent el rfalib im a bdii bvliia bona w wlo ina aoo twftlculki tf tuaiall sluoi 1 m altti foaaitatloa s cakb of thanks ujful klibolia all mpu awl u p trtntiniai ssk im hll i b jattkh tukahcjc ilalion cream and flutter co mlltoontahlo ivur otiau win ii a hion op wa lliutb r n kliithllv liiotra of tlwlr i oailataatloa aad will lualv our mirvm 4 i u vi ho mir fink orrouturity for vounq man j ualliacfii cpqilsollos baalaaaa ttiwoaawtl at ll ita w la luaul in dimuabilu shbiotr ujiidk hlliimih au tad bush woislan ullll car than lata in t praouaal haow ladsa u u a biulo fall panicaurs oa avvllvailim ltuslntss 0i1ane rfim siol itmii i diaolrtai tl ii tt abssl i oaslia laafv itifwraly lliaaa uw boslnaas luaal sod cuii oblli nt aelad for lbl hwioih uuoilaxa in u i aal i bub lnioar ut at land n vary oonliaj laajaka a all lo ihalr tanawal nf noandaaoa ibla waak la uo rtwalv rlls ibalr iimlan to iba edaa aulbmulds ll lud iraut wallvay and tu iwaaotlny to tiaoj ibala- goud lo a u- dalliairy i tppaaafata ll la all iba aaora la vtaw j uh vaiy uatalalant tal t bofoll tutt dray by ttaatala lulaiaatad toarda st lb blunw uyr- sly bi miuh will his ba at um bou ui yiwii upokgm ii wilklfuts big house sale tsotofss harass will da off ran for bala on wdnaday mar oth at 3 jo wintgit fain 6uteoino mil j 11 callooay utihiat j tba ouiijl ilona uiabaaca halaa wlabaa tba teat 1u ta tiolls tl at tba laraaal a brat aala of b m hlrl in tua wlnim ralr llalmlaaa jtj ikraar naiubar nt bona lliaii aar bafora osand will im utara lun k ll a uutnbar will ba aura vary haa taiiuara tuoab luaraa la loa bum bar of aisalun cairla lumwaaad auuaa anota aaraaa tlda uoa baiaaa slua aauia vary lln road itoraa sdda buiabar j waalarn bum owlos a tba faot tt at tbla llat is m uraa it l tikwalbla la daarulbla aaati dim aialataly a nuuibar of tl rsaa wblab waaalaraillmalaaa fabosry s3rd b t wt lol tiwlnd la tha blmul eoulil tuit w fraaaul wlllba itluiaa at ll u sal tlia but uk havj umt iuc4w iha boraa sold uuaibarl a atmiut u aay arty wuuiun luforuialloa riaanllns any liimba batata iha saa tlia manacrar will ba ll ara ta try and ol ll ll uoa wakliiug ll so far aa ba terms of thaso salaacaoli iwilaa trlsblnj uwa cau i aa 11 a uuia by ruiaulilris aiprovad julat nnu 1 ar na i pav anno sdprovfd btf tba liank la wt loll iha daal hi ll a l w saturroani with tha ulaik halara i an uavi atabbt aod btralahtau lhoraaasillllasiilli tlayol sala aad it auy 1 aaaordlntf l radoni tat viltbla riiours hl on sdoohui tr ll ih cjaiij j uw cv mai sur iht wauiluu iltitln lithieimml j manakeniedl hava firmly estah mahad i ho guslph llualnaaa coluca in the confidence snil favor of tha canadian people ii1u uuiuiiuoiuty ul oarairatamof actual huslness ualalnk has bean tlantoq sfralful hy a lone nd saver teal in the lea i ins educational cities of america nhciai oouksub of ureal praollca inlonmt snd value lo lasllsh french and corrrtin are iharad hcra bo qtot fsvorahla wrma snd under moat helpful and chectlva conditions mahkmi sorrtkats has slwajs diallnft ulshed tba work of oar menooaphlc and typewrliinaidepartrasat which fact finds apt and trouenl itlnsirsllon in ths high rrade of position snd remaoorstloa secured by our trained kradualea kntbk nov snd put yourself in tlia way honorahlo anccoss coma direct tu the i ollose or addles malcolm mocormlok b a principal w now 0 tor acton an i uuioutulltm ilulilcl jr jail and wlnicr mnihi an cimikcilc r liahlo agent to inko orders ftir nutwry siolii good 1ay wr hhly outlltl itl 1 hx0l11sivk 11imitouy ooosciounilrckillvsllon weiiuaraii toetodallver stock in kwii conlitlaii sii i up to contract erada wo can ahow y i laat thora la ood ii i ono y in rpresanllnj a well known loliabld film al jhla limn hslahllshed otor 30 yatra wijlo lot par llcuura pcliiam nursery co rohonto on hew telephone directory theetttotemionfc topanv of cihada is abuui to publish a now i 1shuo of the officucjcupiionc dirixtorv- for the diiitict of central ontario including acton orders for nqw connections cliaiigc1 of firm tama clilingeo of strcetjddrcsses or for duplicate entries should be handed in at onco to at t brown local ajenr

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