tmuuhnay aimiu ir 1um a litilu hbiimu 1 u in ifltlhint ol v ll i j uuioolllwj nnxirilnv ldaikdr xv here llm suilahinu of home imlyaey it deed home voices fall anil whnn the atvt i my anawur whm mi call kmnrh day u sad ik ar ir it in inn nl mit ir ktin a kiaa fionl mother s i pa ilinf and though of work wull done our yodtnj i oik aiahkles down uwri 11 tu doctor that hurt id ntl whaln u- t matter k 1 oh the eal weiit msle ml uiy now hat mnl t wow ti ril hack a lady look a hill uv yea rail upon imr phyakun th timk lllollullf ull lipoo 111 kllfm mlltl said i think you liul hiuir loiifll and iwo willi lllf t twliiilu our hecaiuu im hiy papas little lrl llul you have lived with your t nix years nriw you can come and live with me six years trged the doctor the utile k looked 1 him pitying way they lo it she- w it i ii they gutit tin iy- 1 hat aint th said decidedly limy keeps w uaimvs father ohjeokeil lo t elm wanted jo marry and she ohjecl- m to the man tie hunted her lit marry hut finally they a k reed on third and elm u b to marry compromise 1 no llio men ohjeot utile ltutli l- iho ii ey earold daughter- r a mathndut mlnlslexjrj one of the large olty churches evaqldkbaliaimloron h father knee ft ml in liar tnwt coaxing way eaked him lo buy her a doll hut tilth ohjectud her father i havent ilia money walt reeled the clilld quickly why cant yon tnkn u another special col loot ion boaflk advbptuiho koiwtkhs adverlulng iloca twit ct tho iuvi ur hnythltir ha gu hu money luck in iiih lncrftmd tndv it la tvally tho minadvortlalnff country merchant who i ay fur tho ftdvertllng of thn mall ttrdur iuan0 for ho luvna tho buslnouu that wnlld tho tnuln of tho departmental atore kkftiiilnti llm advert uing of any mall older bnuha and you will find tho tbrw following klnu htrongly faturd in it i the ftdvarluing la ragular in thotiewnamiraandgoneral maflaxlnea in whlob apaca la lined tho appeal la ft conlnuoimlasue aftcrlaaueooe hhnl larly with the oalftloguna and circular 4 regular niftlling llat la used and ft contlnumm atreani of llteratnra out sj largo apaoo la used full pago apaca u the gannral rule of tho mall order huuaa wttldom dooa it rtiu ualuw a half page ilia unto liberal policy u evident in their catalog ho and circular lulvortlalng alao 3 ptloea am alwya glvan a de- vart mental atora never wan tea apaoe with the reproduction of it buali card printer and ftubiaher regulate the bowels i liic been troubled with i ohm ii it nut for several years mo litvt tried a rcat many lmd- of pill as ell as medicine ftom the doctor nothing seemed to lie me until i le- ua talini dr miles nerve and liver till i found tlic little hill vrrjb rffecluc and i am thankful that at last i have a reliable remed mrs 1 m dunkin dr muck nerve ancl liver pills bimjdy cauir the 1mvvc1 i to move in j normal manner and with out the njinjj cfrect- of cathar- licl and iiiriitl ri thats why they arc o unncriilly used by women and children 1 he luiiffur thcy arc taken th-lca- arc needed natural conditions ralnall hnnif re orcd r rrlc ho a yooc druogltt h should mjpply you if ha ilo not kand ttrloa to ua wwa rrward rpald dtu hhlua mkoical co tarwita ii hi iii tiom jojne lf ie ti oil i ih 11 i till ally gl iiih gll whi iy pitdty mini ngl ftxhly chili i liovwhtai ho lltllo fthgel whvqhamoha itailibo kfttharlnea grandmother geno rally imnuujljt hir ft piece of randy or a nul when ah ralurnrd from a party once however ahe forgot and kath arine never thinking that aha could he forgoltiin ftaked vvauut there any thing imm ramlniar tlie lielln eator blood was bad tfhtdiren tiimont ahzcnin rmler a u i mum nommimfei rwtier- wpn uh4w conxtikatlun krad- ftehea etc i btool and knnp it pure by every trace of impure mortml jet fiuie btool and knnp it pure h moving every trace of impure mailer irolcn th ayatera by umng aottdocg blood nrftkrs lira twl ihgfn kmjpiton ontt write i waa eunpletoly nin ilimn my ijood waa out of order and i uod o get ao weak i would he compelled lo nlny u lod for weeka at a tuna i could lutl eat waa pejeand linn every tmo uwmjjll i waa jjonig into eonjumllioo i tnnl verytluox and different doclota until a friend advumd me to uaa uuriock lllood ihttera i did bat have one mho oaod when my appetite began to improve t used aix hottlm- i rained ten poiinihi in two weekx wimm i began to take it i jjrjy weighed ftlnflly three mminda it aned to pull me from llm grave an i a v 1 hi a ptnii and proved h verllahhi of taot anil bihki will altar her playuntra wti goui if ion talked it all over 1 cry mirlujuly willi hlr lllolhl hie duimutxl it up in uil prof philomphlcul wldoiivl will ltd found out nun thing miliiuia 1 oik dont arwaya match thi if iloulili h wtunniirf lfonu an enllsti chemist has dis covered how lo irow hair in ktiglmid ih ludloa hko untlmly aluilidonid uating tdtu which i duo vol inly to lllw nuy duovi i it haa imiii provtm that huuna immvch onlaln llm liigreillniila that will poidtuely grtw httlr ihal they contain thin long looked lor ultlcl i prove ii every day tim aiimrlriiiia arc now pinning on the luurkit a pr para lion containing ll extract revm iixuuu icayo which la having a phenomenal bah thl preparation i railed halvja and iu wing aold with a guatantco to turn da lid r nit and lo grow hair in abundance ih ng daintily per fn mod halvia niakea a timat plrauant hale riraisg mr k j ilauuanl your drugglal in the llrtt to iniimirt ihla preiiaratlon into acton ami a rgn rtincrouu itottln ran imi puichumil f r uk- chariareilby dominion oovernmeni the mn with a bank account is prepared for emergencies tlioti who ptiul all tin j earn st idotn rjjet on in tins world j here tome j timt in u lifr of almost every nitp whoh throuuli loi o employment or homjuqtjijrr rtvtrst he m redue- ed to the nectsity of drawing upon ids reserve fund or f liluij iuch a fund of uk appeal p friendh a n iltir ij d sir fm indepi dtiile should jirotnpt ifie atqui mon of i bavings a count is a rjiodus of providing against tin uncertainties of life one dollar starts an account in the bank or iiamii ion im inl rx t it liighet current rate will he credited every six months qeoltgetown ii ranch v w mckay acut the rand trunk railway rcton livery rim mi irrjitncd tripncllully nolklia th uliunn of lha pub llr an i jili line ihrm llul well flvnry otlor iho want id am lcui lf-11- lully w millfgan coxori dfcalers in fresh and salt mca is poultry butter t ltc lahluhntl 1u04 the merc bank of canada iiiiad offick monihlal 41 lltanrling i hlhil mohtaou al h cenoral manager- capital i aid up ksoooooouo iljent jonatiijlh lloiktbt li kiikuiikh ilepoailh ovr jj ooj 000 on i otal atot io3 131 00 itonul ictod 1 founolftuon prioolpleai virat i wimui we undertake to fill your prewerlpuana wo give lhom our undivided aluintton arid beat care the paunnl a wnlfarn is our flrat coo aldjftuon booottd wo guitrunton our druga til lie of full atrengtlt an well ma pure and froan third 1 our cuatooiem am mip4io with juat what theyeakfort au hat tut log im hover allowed fainktl uklttjlv oohround if you are ft aufferrr frtwn kidney dlaeaae liver com plain i idood troublat rheutnftlbun tioundgla or- hervoua proatrmuonji we confidently reooni mend the tura of iajnoa oolory oom- pound thta reluhlo and never dis appointing medicine id a true diaoaae liaulaher and ay teni bunder we tupply tlie soniiine pafnaa oelett compound at ilrawn aoton out lolbskotkd 1 he tiegro nlovelor hoy in an uptown apartment had lieen aenb by an eighth- hour tenant to find a watch fob alio had dropped out of a window la thu what you wanted maam r he aakod aa ha handed over the deca and tie added aa he gleefully accepted the expected tip i waa it in dal dla- octim condillon when you drapb it maam v jt never exjiectod to he atmng agali will tnll every aufferer of your wonderful medicine for aal by all ilealera manufactured only hy tha t miltiura co limited 1 orotilo ool how11 kit nc becsk the new mluuter waa making ida qrat imuitoral call there had been mi addition that day lo little helens fam ily nf dolls and an introduction fol lowed 1leamtd with lui reception she announced with pride that the doll was a birthday present and how old are you my drarr inquired uiejdergyman kindly w yearaold the reply ah then you havent lived long in this world was the rejoinder ive lived here all my life fche pro les ted bravely womans homer com pan ion tho following comparative flgureu show the growth of ihla bank in lmportanco and public favor i ufiooooo h7qitoq oaoxooo vol a i dkloiitu ah ioq rn 40v7ln04 lofai allhutr sijtll h i6li jil savings bank deposits ona nollar or upwardnwlll ofmii an account money withdrawable any linn un dolny farmers bale notes we hive special facilities for collecting lww vve will caah tlmtl at once ll 1 rata of inter joint accountpwhen rwpioie either ona may draw the mnnoy hi acton branch 1 in two tin hid ilred 10 thai troubled with backache for ksv now corn ea rs ylotoly cured uy tho uno of doan s kidnev pilts mm w o doorr i i ilrljditua hi iiiilon out vrilea it b with plnuuilto til it i ihitiik vou or llio good your ijoiiuu k11 ny illln luivo diniu m ihwn himn lriullihl illi hiirlui ho for ynim nnthiuic li ij d 1110 unlll n fru ml iiroilkht ttm n box of your kidney i illu i im 111 in i il 1 the 11 mid too our iiomi an i 11 11 fliul to iuy li it i nm ruirl 11 liiily mil rin du nil my own wmu imd fnij un 1 n i 111 i 11 11 1 to l 0111 tuuen 1 irk i am iio iliwi duiih kiduity lilh im all you ciliiim thnu to in mil 1 iimm all kidney duffcrnm tu riet heia nlr trml ia1 dtuna kuhioy 1ilu mo for ou wlmt thov imvn toini for ttiouuiiutu of othoni liiuy euro nil fnrnin of licliiny troilhtn nm tlmy euro to utny euted irloe m roiiln ii r box or l loxitu for ii ji nt nil ih ih m or iimihd ilmrt on receipt of prlco by i hn 1 millmrn co ijmlloil inroiitoont when ordoriiijc iipncify doiuis w s chisholm managor bpanh t1mk htudents iq psychology at uarvard aaitapoauug mewwlttlelemf rvof wjlllam james lrofaaaor james it appears made title comment on a rich and idle sophomore from new york t what time h call spare from the ad o his person hn demotes to tho neglect of his dutlus rt tnvqst 2 cents in n box of davis menthol salve the i oc i and be prepared for a hundred ailments which may not be dangcroui but arc very annoying and painful likcicu ralgia earache pproins burns bruiscsinbectstiugs piles etc it isa household remedy always useful for some trouble aud should be kept in hc family medicine closet wfu mahk haw grow bearine prepared from tlie grease of the canadian bear dallcately pofftttoed tssbaiar tm t hr m yean all inalere ofomr jar davis ft iwfrtv co- uealnal hwlfc ffw tonight juu before retiring it j our liver u sluggub nut qf tune and you feel toll bilious conciliated take a doae rig htls and youll fee tine in the morning to a imix or live hexes for bloft 1w sale at all drug alorns ttiere nut a matt or woman how ever placed in life but has power to leave lite world the grand t thing earth a noble character chalmi it ituhe iii away there is hnluieul an effloaclous in uveroomlug palnastr ti 10 mas kclectrlcoll ttiu hand that rubs tl in rutm the pain ftveay and on this account there is no prepar ation that stands ao high in public esteem tlie re la tin surer pain killer peocurahl as thouaatids can attest who have used it successfully in treat lug many ailments the trfoctlve uiland the remcliv lire are ooehrooks illakea other scales than those on a fish to vehfy the fishs wejght llidlowaya corn cure takes the corn out by the roots try it and prove it thh ejttlsl whih tlie following story of a itunwren la oneee4ieei tb batthsortfi iloyne which was fought in ireland many year ngu will brng to mind the words nf jeausj that not a sparrow shall fall ud the ground without ihtf tuwlelhe o hnavculyfauien jttlethlngs nftelt brlllfef about grvhl conaeijucnces it was in the mouth or july a imt aummers way just before the hat ii the sentinels nr king williams army- felt uncommonly tired and sleep and very much inclined to take a nio nut- wlthalandlngilhe near neigh vrhooilof the enemy of course if grown up ftoldirra fell eatoep 11 1 in di ler imy could not lie expect oil to keep awake while he slept ills com pan nodding around htm little wren spied sown enimlw upon ills drum head and atralghtway hopped upon it to pick iheni up the mil or ir little feet and bet iwak lapping un the imschrhant woke the lad who med the enemyl advancing nd distantly gave the alarm hut for this little wrd the sleepers tnlghtjiava heei cur- prlaed and the events uthe day alter ed asjt was the skill or william won dm the victory and james ftfd bealeirrrotn the field l wake each animal worth 25 over its cost on h of a cent a day kijkmly vrlbili iiihi fmul cmlnil 11 i ih t nr u lie malli j nluy inwinur twr s ii a ylij of lib llva rmiixju per lowu iluy liifins rundown owjitiuta i pi mi titvaa hi j viiir wl yhiit luhl udwinow ti win w i dry vutirantmala u- rvjlhl u i alrwoulidvolillttui 1w k tall iua aj ul of l lj you ulva thorn ua ihy miu i it nnu ttavfal j vu tunjl alai lii ihwwi jihih cur oihuaii nml bci hot a stock food but a conditioner hovalpunplh stock spbifi vlu iwr cow iiak1 u hiiw hu llk brftstbbfciiitfttemkir nmclivran thai tlliafwj trwwinlara llalmnouvaln r lr latorr c1 giu up u lw udlniuu ui i ihem mrjmtomyiirj r ny imcr tran i circuit 1 1 winorif iklcuillnirniliululfu mmmitiaimua ualnd 14 yul i lo ml brltpall wr lniit thi bjmi 1 vflll away hays it in royal purple stock and poultry specifics iham blfhvat idsixtuuit anlmala anilhny otlaf ervfisratlvi nil nnilt ei mr raul ym will yboval ufiilt im iu nalmlnflimhymirnuinay illltlt aak lirihir valuatiu- umhi tmmkblat mcalll an inhillryauntaaa uunlhlnlnri aim kvivattiatekwtekaitslie tkv jpbcipics if vtm canmit ial itnyul imrpla tlpvilllca mm mrtliaiit or ailtnll w will uiinly iiu dlracl ahiitaka reul i on rcul ii mm pall twaltnar poultry iirlll lillpaiille mat monaw untt u nur tuint in youralatrjct wrllaltr limn j iikiilal y nil up lojala wwuliuoii w ijenkins kig co london can ivlmlunuii hiiovii lout it nmy mink iinklnduduu hut notliliik nm nlfucu tho vvoik of biniity on thn iiluil of llm wei c lluxtqpi jluy hiiothn llxiiltert nruunr vouu nlfnutioiiu hid uuuiilly ttttiibilt- ulilo o ilfotho digcullon au llm uloinuoh doiiilmiti ii llm in rvu cuntmi a ooiiimi of lmmitiu vigotubh 1ilu will aill nil dlutuihiiuiim of thi diuniqliu and by iohioiiiik thn iitutn noli to iiornuil iifilloinuilom tho m ivuj floinlililiainii tlmioli 110 mihulvn llko thoiu mid in thn coiuitlon at it iiiiihirltinii of tlm illgi nt k ii piorcuuor no piipitiullou him donn un iiffniun wotk nu otinlio luulllunl to hy lliou- lillln lo not foi nun ii mil o fiiiiio tho piiiioiii unit yini iluiilvir to ill it hliiiktiupouio effoativo ooononiloal ploaimnt what iiioio unn you iisk invi mmlhol fluua fullh thu tipoolluii lioiihiindlu tlm hint toimily for lilto- 11 ml utlijgu ukiii i lli en hi h plittb tie iwo pu tin illll willi lliim tlm huilloh jllnkkm ahl hjh hwiio rei mniuomhitinn until who ttrofmilllil with it it iimu for it liolf vciuol ii mo in tlm uoatiimnt of aolilu ui nl tkmghu and nil ulfmitlonu id tlm lliumt bus uiiqiiimmomihly uinh luhod it pluno iiuiodu llm ny ih mmlinlium fill kimlt diuominu if you glvo it ii tilil yim will mil i l i it ynu will hud hwoiuh ivoll hivuutii warmest kind for cold weather toucher liornclude will never be found because the best is uaed or storeys gloveu and gauntlets and yet the nkm buuur airefullv tunned by the chrome cxtruordmury plac3 13 nmdc pliable lmmnnp wrir rrimtance wnlerproof itnd ibe br it w h1vco tm the bold at ildoret inuiut on slgrey fireproof market tho old and rollablo granlto and marblo doalois woouecjravinc dhotoencravinc r tones only whulluhnuniuhly domhilntfu hunoi win ii iloimiilinii y honoiuhlo in on tm inn imiimithlu uulu olitalniid htolon laumh soon fiilo jioli whioht hook agent lathe lady or ihehuuse tttr jlnnlymaw says which book are you sellln reai ys or tkika f val ipdrple stock andpoultry kjdselno anil peee oooklata ksxut in etook by q a tlliaok acton kvery day is a lltll life and one wholollfelu hiilardayieiwijttdjtl hcannell oniii mllburns laxal1ver pills stlrnojat th sing b lavmrj 3ean tlie coated tonguo sweeten tlis broith elbar away all waste and poison ous material from tlie ay item in natures easy manner and prevent aa well sa cure constipation hck lleadachs ullidusnea heartburn catarrh of tlie stomach hour blomacli water llrash and all trouhlm ariairutfrorri a disordered slate of the stomach liver or bowels mimf m c westberg t ytlll llitvo grcnt tuloutu induutiy will 1 1 ii pro vo ilium i if you lmvo htil limdorntu hhillths il will supply tin ir duflclnnchia haimii i niiiiicb beaxlns foods thn lij ml nu hohllhy koslp spftmih and glvin vim to llm imlr mki it jitt medidos hut eould gat no rellof until i uilbums iaxsi iver fills i cannot praise thorn too highly for what they have done for me vice an centa a vlnl or q for 11 00 at all dealsra or mailed direot on receipt of srioo by i he l ullliimoo umlled ofoato out to 11 wmlliy or tliu lul unit our flml tneit u iilv il 1 1 ii lolil nullliv to lionlll imvn ll 1 1 llm 1 ililhhi il unit i mil or ii ml nut minimi tluy with worn illulllut ll worm lftroili lldillli 111 ll ilt0l y ll mlui trmililtil l ll trill- in wuli to iimuli nt tlm lounul i j jfmill ii mi iilulltl nt tint 11ii foi all huiiumih wlnlci i uuunnit in jmy latitude wlinlhoi ton id kiiiim oi ami in turn pura turn 1 mchxis vegoliihle iill- tw ho depend ed upon to do i lieh work llm dys peptic will find thuin a frltuul always and should curiy ihtun with hliimvory- whon tlmy nro uiiidn to vlthhhiiii uuy cllnirtloiinil ru wariiuitnd to kevp their ti iniiu aud strength 1 imy do not grow aulcsi imnhly nut pnnnuvniil in uiatiy pills now on iho uinrkut our pnunufa are now fully rfpilpjiod itli all ilif latest niaclilnory and upjilbiicel r iiiauufactliriiig jsiutiaikjniiiji vujipja4 fila mr will datum mi j mtu am ijji- rddlujc tooj etnf iis h tiijipiys jby working q prujuiy misd caught cold in wetter mwiiiiun hamilton sons our kurfolk sul voolwlnli kt till m 11 11 acton pumlp and tte wuli fn tlmnb our nuny cuiloi for their phl p4lrotiajj nl bg lo utala tlut ihnre ii no iriilh in llm rumor thai we intend clounk thi alore we bio here lo alsy io aupply imott ijualiiy goodi al low ri1 w i ag wtluuluoi r n wtti lillllol icn for hiijc oil lluiirr k ir a fkiai jomciti i hilligan coxon iiutchhit akiiuw block acton the berlin steam graolta and marble works cabpbii lihaun iroiirlatot ielliierii and uoildurs til tltatuo maua liumii mnmimcnl xlatbersaml head itmts and all bliida of artistic csmatery work willluii hcuistrcct aroiiicioii artists materials watukcoiorf oil co ors and svllf 11 5 pyroaraphy supplies and outi lib mat0re study supplies i oh coi i 1 ci s ciioqj ok ttijdl nts iind ior in ian mi ion frefl catalouo ko rartiblh mateiuli and nature btudy suppllca catalogue no 3 ijrocrjphy supplies waters bros tho hoturo store wjndiiam st cuiji imi tile works o b miibaqe proprietor iaujlt4iiiwvjlcxoii a tolatrobblna tloulink souaa- tloa la tha throat mr allrrt maoln fliij lo mluim nh wrltiu lii oot hih i imiglit cold hy wormiikflu unler and had u miry hud coiikii and that mintnmlujf uuliihh ilium itjnn in my thniat no i coiitil iml nlooj nt uljdu and my lungs vom no nry more i had to glxoim wink our uimitur t io mg moilli inn hut it did mo uo iiiiotl ao i got n houin of dr woods norway ftyniii and hy tlm hum i had utuxl two holllom i wiui entirely ciiiod 1 jmi jilways kh iiiiunciiilii it to my frluudii dr woods norwny vltm hynlp com- ifimui the potent hcihiik viwuon of the nonmy pi no ttoo wllli r tilnorlnul ejiolpriint ami luintlilui lhcilliiiuu of recugtilifld worth nod u iilivolutoly imnu- leas prompt mill nfii for tho euro of ooughii coldo uionchltln tioup mote tlidoat ruliiurlijililiinii iu iho chiwt and nil ihroatnnd lunjr i mumon llownro of imitntloiit of dr wouili norwny ilnn hyrop al for it lyml lnuut on getting whjit j ou ink fur ll is put up iu a j mow mnm ihruo plnn treos iho imdl iimrli nud tliu pticu id pctits mtuiilfnotiiid only hy ihnl mllhum io limited loroulo ool 4 the excelsior bakery llaviiig recently installed onii nl tlm iucht im- iiroved iruchincry for bread nuklii isnovvin l bcttcr iiofition thaji caver to iupply our crjsto- iilcru with llrcul cnkch etc of firstclass quality wo also carry a splendid stpek ol groccuck and cjnlcctoncrj u i ito croim and all lnndii of fruf in season 7 siatham sr son main st acton your chopping will bo done- quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at ibweat prices harris co limited paper makers oaoaojt to i as oxt hook nuwfl and coloitlvd ialiciih raoitirajrmijlrt viarr rkxaribhob everton m eden mills mm jtttm heat quality ol manitoba knmlly ana kutey flour for bbio ot loyvobt prloas our own make mmm eiioiiiij done and oats ifultad every dayi lofltl or sate carih for wheat ml oat- henry hortop patents coaimiahtsaa alv and daaortpltoai uf lt tr vl aswer ar tmu uim aajani a patents promptly 5ecured1 j j rr -r- a hale a yfij mfm m intl u a mia match ittawdal f yeurle alinaorlimintmmiviileiiiimwllllallyea ear opiiiion lo wltlkar ll a pinbably pataatan rcud appualusahavatus anil w iinioi ihlaollflaual promt iy lliuh weik a iil ouuly ikturnvft aalinad afthalnvaiiltil lllshcartfraai lalrnll tmnlt lmbh marlon b rlnnraoalteapaclalnblks wltlml of ln nrvii- i ibe ifcuiiiiilnn i imifit 1 oalnaaa nl uanufaa tanra antllhatncn aiautae marion marion patient eanerta und solloltnesj vorklllabms ita wjwama s