llltv icrf ur t jnlui i tuaadai imut o iii hlj may willi ua adnaadar im it lay may in kta u ikiiiocltu at naw ult on u mliuiy wa lu j moliuaa auuodlai h id la tar ultou at lite adltott of um fu fajiaa aouji iiluui v uavhor naoa h ndaf mmb wav a ulow lualptl call jioa i ulmmml i i wlftwm kmjltnumiilllajoi of wallltigtoa tdwyiu till new bcardmore sidinb will orwh ouslptl tjtreat and hun oni- inrtlonai of queen aunkl kljrln umu cttoaiwa lairrofib3bn urncrt j mutely tii l jiifuetnlklitly session on i uyday ovonlntf mnmlxri reseut i leo ifynd it v a t llrown murray meouit aid win ctniwr and al llnll tlltt jouttirttwo on i inanrn present ixl their nlnvonlh rrjmrt and rwmn umndud payment of re on it an fi i lows tl iluohin wolv 1111 li thtiusday junk j ail 1010 bpitohiat hotks notwltiiulundluif llm htmln-d- of htltinnu from ull imrl of tlia rounlry llm gov ruim nt has no intonliou of rescinding tlm tl u miissllnff r linn eald ir j j ltutlmrfun wimuhi ili jmrtiin nl was rnumullmi fur til ti ordt i say tin re is altogillmr tooninch hydrophobia in thn country and dotf must rt main tnnsxled till tlm condition oliati htfirhinf to thn uunpmaslmi of the flro tirackor thn jlohn y 1 lauifltl wlilm by a lontf serin of scrldnnl several or tit l oltlee of tlm united hikum lihvn alieohitely fnrhddan dm use of flrvoraokerw s a mrmn or olt- wrvlittf public holld it i only e lustier or s abort lituv when nil cltin will follow tin ir nxauiutn ami ihtia put ti ottil to a dangirous praolloo that ha been tohratiid too ioiik ii may survive for en indefinite hum in rural localities or country vlllaifoa hut it in iiullr lotowahln in larffo nltln whore conflagration rti unrriub klulcoully wlmm ihounattdii of ulccp ihm nnl mln rackiml kuffi rn ira tor- tor tlirougli tlm efftwt of naunwlon on tholr imrvon nl whare llttln child mil in numbtir iilto km largo are llablo to tm imrnirimntly liijurtwl in a hlinllar hulitmr llin country ltactm roallw tho uimmi of rolilhillng tlio ilangoroun flrocnuikur juat aa fully ai tho clllos tlm muiilrliial tiouiicu aolou oj a hy law yoajm ago urolt i biting tho aula of flreoracltor nutl llio ruitloaloii of them on any riublla atrvot lor ted year thnro havti umti tiuno aolil in anion anil iroxirty ownm and roiiuliavb fnlta aniiafl of aafoly in conwxjuonco dbatll or okokoi oampokll w l amhtritn uauilng hauay 1om1uvjo tuu itiyn tclniiboolllg l o kimtlufit hanlwarf o ii taylor repair j no llarvny nliarlty lc it i jjibnaioni- hardwart j o hill r anion r tti arum anil kirit- dour obflbkvationli a mlil tlm nmral dluorfli rtllruc- liiiainiooaoulunlntlm ol i rmimtrry thorn in uiurh to inlnrval ll l utuiliml of liwial unttrjr imiiially u im worn in any way xiraonally rotmiuml with rlatnr of thn plaro it likiultfinvldnl uat a largo lur hun ut llm oarly ttlora fn ihia local ity mora of hcott h famllln not only hy lho family iiamtm can lhl bv traced hut there arc frunt rrfernnroa t ahlrpa and toha altow tho rant it wluin mltltrw wt i twmun and lift i wi thadaya weary ih turn to tlm old lm lsquls1n0 sunday schools 9102 tu tm dcatli ur jeorge jnnpu victoria villa canm very suddenly but hal unlay morning ifo got tip au uaual wan about llm garditn and cainn in tobmakfaat whllo fcluhjg at tho tabht huauddnnly full forward and vn plrotllitiiiifnllatnly without a ktruggta on tholhth of ioccnilmir laat ho was takan with a aorloni attack of hoart fat i urn and for a lima than mil hfo wav iiodiwimh tit ho imcoverl aomowliab and ban ihion working almnt in thn garden wlmii 1m ml llku it but tho family wero in oouatant anxlcly con corning further altaoka air oainphell waa a natlvn or tho townahlp ol kmiioaliig 1j wan tho aon of the lata john campbell and waa ikirn on lot hi mventh lino nar balllnarad on thn liih march 1ki0 ho lived on tho iiomoatad for nearly alxty ynarv rmnvjng to acton iii nn nar ago last 1 obrtiary in ilia father a family them were fourtoan children and hn wan a twin of tho lato tlinmatt oamplmill forvoma mtnn pro iprlalorof tho uoyal kxclmngu 1 intnl 1 horv later known aw lhn acton ilouan only lx of tbem now imrwlvr in ootoltor 1h0o deceaaeil tyu jolnnl in holy wodlock to anno iyf ilangb ter or henry vyte tlm flrat poktmaalttr in kmiuoolng and grantuijaughter of hqulra tyfu for many yovjtvrnhldant of acton louf ahlldrtm went bom to them harry now of west toronto 1 onorga on thn homnatnad 1 mr w oollmr and mr lul j damhlo aolon mr oamplwll waa mm of tlm fliat member of thn lrthyturuu ohureh whrn it waa organuitd at llitlllnafrtd and traiar rn d hlw uioinlhirahlp to aclon ukin hlu removal hare ho wan for many yraru a aohuul iruutoa in leaquoalng and waa collector of taxoa for aoveral year hu waa a momher or the a ouu w joining flrat at lcrlu and then tranaftirrliig ida inemheralilp to aoton and war 01m of tho moat fallhrid timmhtru or tlm ortlor rarely tnlaalng a4uwjjng tim inentlxtrs of thla aocloty had chargtt ol tho funeral on monday thn uav mr icarolimau and itev mr hiirntll cmi dueling the rellgloua nor vice tho pall bearora wore ex itenva wllllamy ohaa ovwtand win uon boy ale o ourrlf llioa oook and v mooui all member or the a o u w lulttruient took place in rvlrvl w otinietary imflnda attended tlm futiural from h dlatunco ua follow 1 t 1 andoruou new york 1 j a lrlouand ttvndatigh toraund mr llowanl ivioe hamilton mra louglmtid mra whiiabrough r mclooll mdw johuaton and hoi by oampbell toronto j a camp bell atid lilaikni victor or owon hound 1 mr and mr i mdarlam orange- vlllu lumajllkttoiiooll llie conuort or jraetiook itdraiy society poatponyd on tlm 20t1 may owing to tlm btotni which prevailed during thn day wna lmld iiiht i rlday ovenlng nud wna n gratifying aucceaa tlio uum vnu largo and t6n pmgrnmiuu maintained atuwu intereat lhroughoiit owing to tlm chig of dato it waa linpnaalblo for meaar qnthrlf m i and col crnlg m 1 i to ha pramant i mi mualcal and literary programmu wirtt however ooinpktp and oaoli indlvldunl per former won woll t n d iniirela foi tlm parta they rtsapeollvtily reannlai the literary huchly baa juat com plolmt a very inloreadng aeaaon aa a raault of their varloita delatoa llm tambn bavn iwcoiim jralgcialurjiu ed on iniymrmib litiportant topic lauint taleqt liaa bet 11 dnvelnpml and all nonoerned jiavo boon trdlfled rnmirt waa adoplml iitif mowing reaolullon wa laam d at a ijntrlal meeting held on urn 17th may moved hy ale hell maeond ml by murray mrhonaht thalwbereaa the ocaml trunk hallway prohme imlliling a awltch ihm running fnim llmmalullneladingiololbefj 1 it mia urn grouuilu dm awilrh hue about to tlm council or the municipality rroh4rlh lohrwntlo or oul and qunen hlreeu paualug over ibe prop nrty oil llm uorlli aide or queen htreel and running ovr queen htrtit to 1lglo htreel and wliinn meaara lleardmore a co having aaked per- mlaalou tit llm ooimcll to croaa luelih quihhi and maria hlreota and foe running rlghla over part of queen to hlgln hlroeu aa lnroo mtl out be lutlmmfore raaulvud hy thla cuuncll that mirmlaaion 1m and u bemhyglvi to mimic ihiartlmorti jl oo and tin lraud trunk 1 ull way to conutrnet uald awllcit him aw abown on tb auhmllted to thn omirll on ronditlou that the kalil pripod awltrlt una la to ite tiaod for freight pitroae only atul dun preraullon v taken by llm oraml trunk hallway ami lleardmoro oo to protrot tlm public italng tlm aaid roada on which tha aatd awltch lino la im oonatruoted and ab tlm inlora hon of ouelph and queen htreeu a road of atifflclent width for th una of vehicle and travelling public bo left between llm north rail of tho pro pomd awllch line and llm o t h property lho whllh of aaid road muat meet with tlm approval of the council auo that mardniore a oo are to give thla corporation a bond indemnlfylitg the oorporatlon agalnat any aotlun that may bo brought fty any owner of property bounding on queen btroot carried k lleev llynih auled that tho com niutoa on i inanca had during tho week boon making a careful aurvtfy of the work tilcnaaary for the year the lm provnmenta iwlrctl and the finance available thnro bad imoii f tit utiforeacen expenditure for now hum for thn power iiuuao holler and require lo tho uleam flrtt eitglna a new bridge waa tieceaaary on main street at llm blaokamltb bbnpi tbero would 1k tbo coat of widening mill hlteot and some thlngttvnr 0 in llbenao fvea had bonn cut off by tho vote of tha jvooplt on tlm local option hy 1aw hy ciom hiianclng ho thought a rate of hi mllla could u maiiagod but tlio commltteoa will all retpilra to oxarcluu economy in oxpondlturh wmak k1dnbys hake weak booikcs ktduay dlmaatm caulm llatir tha common aohaa and ipalnai of jloton paotda am one weak link weakena chain wt weak kldnnym weaken tho whole boily and baaten tlm final breaking down overwork alralna oolda and oilier caukea i o jure tbo kidney a and when their liincllvlty in inaaennd tlm whole liody auffera from tlm exenaa of urla polaon clrculatnln tha blooil atilina and pallia and languor and urinary ilia come and tlmro la an over- inoroaabtg tendency toward dlabetea and fatal hrlghta dlaeaae ttiera la no reul help for the aufferer except kidney help hoothu klduoy imlla told in acton at llrowna drug hlore act dlruell tlm kid in y and ottroovtry kidney 111 milton curna are tbu prikif mr o morley of milton out aiiyw 1 ati i having tiled man ad vt rllneil kidney pllln for lutummalion of tbu bladder that cutuod me to auftitr with aevero pulim in thla region i coninieiired tho uue of ilooljia tcfdnuy lsun ii1i4 remmly waa highly recom mended for trouhlea of the kidney a and bladdei and i havu round by unlng in uily two packagnu hiat it la all that it ia repruuented to lie for i havu lieeu greatly imuellllnd by ita use it hat done mo the moat good of anything tried uo that i can with grate fill nana and ploaaiire recommond it to other holihiy diiatent ivico oocenu tlm it t hoolh co i 11 fort ki- oo hiilolgan ad lana gen la whlnh plainly thoae eaily day a few and far be- k waa heavy and utlml would often n land and when a loved one waa removed it waa tor natural that the daoa of birth ah out j lm recordid notall buwovirvieiiihfillrli f itealdo ollmra from the hrluah lalea il la iteliovod lo lm tho earlfeat lly in ihli place ihp atlanta who gave tlm plue ita orglnk name ailamevlllo wero or c u l tyatlat lock from llm united hutitf tha earljai reoerdml inti rtnelil iieoma to be in ikk and the lajeat of courae in ihjii when the new remotery waa o thlia for fluy five year ihlft place wluluaaed litany aorrtwful hroixm aa one after another old anil young from growing village or farina lo north aouth eaal and wet were laid away tlirongirnie aeveral dec adra tint reoortla gt aleadlly onward thnro are many unnamed and undated hyomii cures catarrh asthma broncbllu croup gtmtnv aqd coua r biaiuy back sold and pnnpiwml fcy a t llnown urugglat aotoii bpbotaolba anp bvsalassktt iii moh when tbero waa vtry littu known himmil aclontlllcally tuatlng tlm alglil 1 l iilnglo of ulielph went to new york lo take a eotirau at llm optical college ho waa the flrat from ottirloto ukit auli a couran and wllhough there have leiu several col legea alartetl in canada nomi have over given a more thorough onurao than at lr uucklliia any iiumber of now malhodm nrn tried eome of them tiaeful but whiti uaod by luobfl who have notumln thorough training are jfvorae tian none and are liable to do more injury to tlm y than good to tlm alght llm teatlng ur tlm alghl uf p rttoua who are juat ooutiunnolng to nuttd gtrthiiua ttt igo and fur thnao who itnvn gkiwit wway fiom thelra noeda the xfm heitrn of nun who baa bold kimw ami jwraonal tiae prlngle haa ihith aadinjiaa llaed glaaaea fur ten yof ra oood ordinary glaaae can ih bail at rrlugltid for mm dollar an we form an idea of what aclon waa uko in thoar early day r for a time prtiliahly not a houae on all the alte of urn prmmiittwff ajae lb adama farm bouuea and the old liuniw- atead latolyjlemouabeil on lheam hall farm over llm track wooda everywhere with a irall leading from muddy york by way of hmwartlown and tho crewaon big atone bouao to ounlph where john oalt bad com menced to roll troea the latter being a utile imfom llm time of tlm flrat record d burial here irohahly the creek xlxclod ita way about aa at preoenti only ibero would not iw tbo aaino ex panao of lake and pond aa at preaent there imlng do dam owing lo the oonaervatlon of molatlire in awamp and wood the volume of water would lm many time larger even in tho hot auinhmr and abounded with large apcokled trout a great change ban taken place alnco halley m comet lookwl down hero before tito funeral appointment were kiln pile ity llaeir compared with proaenl day cuatninb no ahlnlng funeral car with nodding plum or glittering or nament entered thla cod acre ilaln i u miter waggon or porhapa ttften woodehod ox alelgha even in auninmr oonveyetl tlm laat remain of loved friend or neighbor free of charge heavily trimmed and elegantly mount od caakeu representing tnoro money than value were lor year unknown hut kind heart and akltiul hand pre pared the receptacle covered or painted a decently a poatlble over which for the journey to tbo church yard gate a white ulioet would be spread inatoad of tha modern cualom of dropping a fow ounce of earth from a gloved hand on padded cover at the word earth to earth a good shovel ful would lie thrown in at the repoll hon or each phraao in the old ritual which while bringing a ahock of lone- line and tear r aoparatlnn af reah to bleeding heart waa very improaalve there are only few tomhfctona of any other material lhaii tha old white marble the plain while alah predoni nallng borne of those are evidenhy pf not very pura material and nearly all have more or lea of the moaay dlaflguratlon to the extent eometlm0 of making rewmitg difficult hut they were tha beat kind tor the time and perhaps for any hum for why put coatly erection in atioh place p many are leaning badly home have broken some are laid on the grave and on some or the utter llm inscription la on lhn lower side hnveral of the records found may re- olvnnonulileratioti hi a future paper these note with those previously glvtii and any to follow may it is hoped awaken groater htterost ih a placn at one time of tender asbocl lluii hut now almost deeertetl ami poooiale indeed riia aunual oonvantlon at homby ilauat friday wall attended in till ton twentieth annua rnitvenitnu kwpiealng monday hojinol auuot laid at hornby laat friday waa well at tended am full of inlereat lo llm work rsof llm towtubip tlm prvaldniil mr george wllaon look i bo chair at two oclock after routine hualneaa a hnlpfu address on pan wu itekolltlllty was glffen by llv wj iwxrthof hornby and ft r dlncuaaloo llev w l tomer of ntorval gae a alii ring addreaa ou general humay h hottl work tlm annual rep rl of mr w j i llanthhlre alatl ll ue reufy hhow ed the hlandlog if llm iklhoola of tlm aowpiahlp ucvuuillijic hchouui fall ml to report of thitae reporting all hut one la om n doting the whole year thn tnanher and nle rs number uo nnrolluienl n arliolar- 10 l with ho ddllloial lu llm cradle unll uol home iwtnatoiilu ujbe enrollumot of irholui show a an inrrtasn tf iii j over laat year thirty tiw ajiemlnrs irlvml into the rhurcbi a fiom llm holiday h htttla during llm yar tho amount coiittjibutixl fur mlbbiuus laalctf ml ami i i jn dm tcboola ugi ml tlm total abulli t ore pledge llev j c llobirtkon ii d uj into secretary ol the lreabylerlaii ceneral asmimbly hunday hchool ctmmlltee eomlimtetl oof renco on monday h bool irobhoni which brought out many tlitl itoth profit able and interesting to those i ngaged hi monday heboid work tlm hospitality of the hornby friend a was enjoyed itetweell o i and ii ml wlmn lea waa kerved lo ml llm d h galea in the varlooa liomna ntar hie church at the evening ueaalon two very linn addresses were delivered iu v mr itoberlson spoke on minion lit llm hunday hchool and to many pinmul gave a new vision or tlm mlaslon fit lu and the opportunities open ta havu a part in this important work ilov j j haiditt of toronto ex president thn provincial association was fresh from the world s convention at wash lugton ills address 011 the sunday hchool or to morrow was most ahl and instructive one it was interest ing and eloquent and had many thought calculated to inspire workers to itetter truer service for llm master in their individual effort in tlm future at the eloctlou of oftlror hr 1 rank watson georgetown was elected president mis ida hoot ashgrovo vicepresident and w a wilson georgetown secretary treasurer the rahrsumnt of mr w j l hampshire from tho fifllco ot score tary treasurer was much ngrolted he has been a most faithful and nil er go ii 0 offlcor for many years and to hi efficient service much of thn success of the association haa irou dim crtffiiiqcicgci jjzjesy uffkn lakh btthamathtj hailing of passenger steamer from harnla for hon and port arthur ovory wednesday and haliirday at uwp m alsti addlllonal salting on monday may kith hailing rrom colling wood t 1 ik p in and owen hound at 11 1 l m on wednestlay and haturday fur 800 and georgian luy porta tickets and reservation from any grand trunk aguut as th twia b ainr a lltlln chap in philadelphia whose father i a prominent merchant and a such never lose an opportunity to descant upon the virtue of advertis ing one jay bald to ids mother 1 may liiy and i play at keeping stort in the front room r yes assented llm mother but you must lie very wry tfulet all right said thn youngster well pretend wo dont advertise llpplnoott ouklpill wants tllkb tnoflly tho ouelph merrury sayu lhn local bowlers havn lieen gulling 111 some good practice lately nu tlmlr green despite the inclement weather anil hope to give a good account of themselves this kuumii tlm guolph rink last yeatn runners up com posed of messrs hhephcrtl kslelinr urydon and chapman are going to endeavor to lift tho meagram irophy at the central howling association tourney to lie held at anton june ut and td purified his blood dr morses indian root iritlsa hoauod m wtl gores when tlicwwctbnf the itotly itov is kidney and skin ducts jti cl igjd tip the blond quietly itcaoiies impure and frequently wwes itreulc out over the imtly tlm way to heal tlietu an mr klchsrd wukmi vim lives laur i on don orit found b to purify the hlnotl he write 1ot some time i hud lieen in ajow ileiircsmml condition my uppelite left me and i soon iwgaii to vuffrr from ludl patloa quite u tuiitiltrf of soiull snrr and lilotcltr formetl ull over my skin i tried medicine fnr tlm blood anil used many kind of olntnienls hut wltlmul kstlsiactory lesottn what was wanted was a tttomuijti clrnnslnj of tlm hlooil and i looked si tout in vuln for some tuedl cine thut would ucconuilluh till atlat of monfes indian uoot 1hi1 were lirouglit to my notice ami they are en of tha most wonderful medicine i have eve known my mood was purl- flsd ln- vsry abeit t haalad up my tddlrsstloa vanlahad lliey always have a juaco in my home and ore looked upoa a the fmnlfy remedy ur monw indian ltoot ill i clciiiw the system ihoroushly told hy ull dealers at jfc n box 0 rags rubbers iron bones llesl msikai prices in qasli for any uusnllty fowl albo wanihb m saxe main htreet aclon oot silver to keep can 1cl it y tio innfc mailc b47 r06ekbk0s wo commend it u sjtrtr uu tail resra r f johnstone lu st acton cf go i we right house hamilton a r a vob itu shoppino placr fresh new sumivier hoinefurhishings i- wisri to bring to our attention u this time the plcndid -asiort- ment ofncw and practical comfort m ihdoor and outdoor llomc ifurnlhtnkriiow liothtrij floor opriritriain lee 1 he molt celebrated mdtcriof summer home l havc con tributcd tlicir lcadinj lines to 1 ur kkhi iioum itoct you will note como very exceptional valueb in the summer home furniihnik suction fitta adbrrtistmrnlii imlhoyuu mammock i 75 l wi couch uammocivs tai iiamuock and cosy coltnlll cu illon ijc ni umltlimok 1iukl vlrandaii kugj all likl i 75 lo i7 ia chiniwr and japani si maiiin laitirv kuf room i lcl kunlnoion wool uufs ro 1iac ol vakiou nation sllndl 11 1 1 iam1nl iwuuilt cukiaini window musi ins anil lasiui nt cio his uoll iokliltks 35t to tn per yartl f m to in w 97 5u to via oo 3s- to 3sl tlll to 35c 75 to i 7 itovri wantki am lrtl dttlr ua nf twailos boaesar will ll a at 1 ly si air elber ituahituouh 00- t tl tsnavry abumu 1ositton vacant u tun a tirnui rtoluuol a local lauv aciunt hbbe lliwflmitii oofclvaiy f o nes st cuoice uuiloikg lois i oft bale 10 iwilua wl will uulwuk to an dwu i i 4 i nuara will fell bboua lmtldlaaj isw st if uauftuolu a oo wooij wantki awv out lliy tj ntibauaa d eoaau wk rk vmfriestaw alin maav i10u8k foii hale 1kauj loua t loalf sluus tad la aoa j havae kowa pwlry bdb4muu aummr felmbn with alnk and nnarhni imxl wall hui la ihiss abad ilbao araatuaaaj id ad aliaf afply in if oonn uotlubxtor clianib htnat asm wt aim to itve the promptest attention and moit careful worlcmaribhip to ortjeru ior vcrand ili cosy corners window shades awnings vudor icretni etc and we respectfully iolicit an early vuit 1 he wise householder iu pro- paring now for the sweltering days to come the store that guarantees its merchandise 3 tuk annual june white sales abe now on g0 8 mow loiiin tlm amiunl june white ides dm tib in lk hintory t x uk riuiit uouhk imnmciilulo inoiintnliiii af freili licw while coolhlrliicni sllpi coriot govern night fowatt lirawou tic tu i mhi older leu lllooieii cminii fmreii wuuli siutii uild drujwrt wli mnilliu r rttiutt i tiwnii be mi tlfnl nulnmtoku ilipieti etc now nituwtur i r i ill t iu ell llnndkerc1iicru tmw lucn und i iiiuiih culled all of tliotu front til 1110 t colubratod pioduclng coiiutcm ol the world hy our oati irtiyom und ntaeksd roi the annual j una whit ualsaj at extsm sumolal prloaa this satli durtad on monday the whole big home of hiipetiar morcliandiue guaranteed 1 docked through two floor in the porta of white will 1m briskly hiintlln with n cheorful ernetlng for you on your arrivnl in huniutoii urn mere fumohiiccmoiit t iv ki in hoi ik juno while lulni i i wiuulmil for dm uoinen of acton nnd vicinity lo know that tlm moft brilliant yet ilralght forward and ulncoro wilo of the inuui liii onoucd caki of tiunk8 mux laaoia jnpll ma funlu oalra ta in- ihaj alboa lliajaka louwir huf illaiuuawi balahban lo tbalr hlndly braaaauhr itl t a aati ilialr tald baad of ha munm uodatily laat hatniday tnaralaa tba asasar- lilnd wo j- aod saada thatr bahall ataaa a baaa vaiy lully a grand trunk romnd trip summer tovrut tickets k low rates junu let to btrrihbkr sotti lo lvrtbuul anil astoru or seattle tacom4 pverett and lutuinahbdji wash vlcloris vancouver and mew waatnalasta ii c kan i ranclico f as aetus sod baa uleuo oaj tiatuen limit ootoostr si tstao homeseekerm excurstonb to wtatbrn canada vis clileaso ms ist sod j one 14th vis sam la ami n on horn navlfailon oocs runy hlesmer lsaves barnla at jytpu may 30th and june jtb beeure ticket a ab1 toll lalcwmsiloa 8 1 we shall expect you this week railroad fares refunded thomas c watkins limited kingf and hughson stg hamilton ont f thieves in your garden ho nalr in lftala hot all dav imrll ruy thauj in i ha sol wils a do you want ito kill sow thistles if so ask any of tho following yentlomen james caunaiian robert nennett kobekr niillis l e atkinson james ra1 ii or the undersujiied q a black acton n b- second hand top buggy wanted rgni- h s holmes depot agent acion ont roofing hava the bprintf ftaloa bamlndtd you that your boof heoda hepairirjtf lor pitch roofs wo hsndu xxx urllfsh columbia itrd codar shies ics vat flat roof awl lavs kurlaons we havfl caitfy koohngs roofing uilih s record at 10 yars in tlio ota lbs i it has been baed on most of the flat roofed buluiwa in this town i or barn we hav cortiajsd iron or ifatvanlred shlnjus a full line of lwmlxn- doors sad satvll on hand at yard j b mackenzie aqfton atnd qkoroktowm bucgies buggies buggies call and afl our boggla bofore buvlntf they will please you 1 or cool eveuliiqs also for ancle and f si i mako yoursall a jpraaast of a nice plush ruo welibveaomsbbatittss beolbem if you have horses sallh sore shoal dors or harness ralls cracked immib cm scrslchos rep burn fane eula sic use mointobhs magioat nkaikrt aiko rootl for human fleah si a healer try s ho anil you will never um any othor harnsaa wo csn make llaineas to suit you tv w j gordon ioio wall papers now ready u 1 lies ides our o books fr c nki i is own stock wj bsre j j mkii books iroln lell t also a aiteclst una ol knotikh h ft uecorallons 1 h v n flx trovn fi irkklst and stationer i mill si actdn unuuuiinnuunpn5 1 lt wwitoj