Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1910, p. 2

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lic aro vcc prcss i huusda v jimv jhtii kuitohial hotbti in mo mr llrytw und lilljt hrilmi ouiiuu y art ijhjtltkl ii it vi told ll tlruuli ooviirmtmnl tht llm iruh pit hniikt u m ttlotl l fontau arbitration triaiy rn im ki l llw- hhuln und hit inil hluti llio aumrlmu cliikr kyu lhl tin ponplpf th ollrd hlatu lluvt- 1j onetl llnm druil lill duttiiff ttm j t two yurk hy ov r j i milhhuxkt it mitinlwilu tin men iim in population todlly knj mi ilurru at crlulniy linj mid krv in lvhulhill ruully ilntipoliiltt ihoiio s ijiyt tluit tuiyu lillllry at klnitukimlx lnvunum kldr wu knll hi mti lioo it 1 houhjcii iwl7imi it imnipl i atr mnr int itjumh lo hulld ti ittudatid dun lxtn fnumum for pnrn hikiiuik mult lvuu lu brnlland it would jjr thul lh iruhio lu in lutd wy wlmu u mii k d u falllm lv in vkhuwmull but plan in ui ulmit h unit pmktrlty u inditulvd hy tlm irudu llicurtwi of canada rut- llm month id jwiw 1 hn lnul tradti in ui month uhnwu i inr of 11v million dollar in cnuiparlktm with tin rirrm ponding mouth laulyitar it amount to vh10uh2i uu mkultut jad17 jl in juitu of kmh ior tliii llnl ipiuhtir of tlm liwal ytaj tlui uikivili truihi waiih17lltlmw roirthl will jl l oottui in lliu uamu m rlod lukl your luctiitt rvjmirlu rnnhik thu cro of ontario am morti opllmjidlo titan nvnn thoun of a mouth tto and it iu nvlduill tint yttar will provu lino of llm imkt for thn fatniliijf rommuiilty in thn hlatory of tlia provlnru ilm fall whnat rrop lu rtttnrtod oil it ot tlm ih ut that nynr fared tlm hlmhr and otlitir coralm am ttjt to din avnratfn willi linrnaml lltorti an excfitltnally flno ifild frtilt iirtwimmu lhronh uionlbrahcjlituiulmircmliui tvjwirl nd oiccunnt 25 ylars iaitiiiui slrvicl colin ckmaroh ilat nmuffnwiya townahlp t lard irantl t xaltti uotd w uah ob oath krjho to l0 i un 1 nil a jnardf tntury a llln lmiuhip of nuu lmvlt imvl lolw kw- vahoi ilnrin ii iu wl iul lnfrna lotr i ftli iliulrkilili i ll ttcmrlly of tin lowojif iltltaltoum l tilljou klmiill im kivii of iliu tiaritr itury f fiitlfiil rvir litllnl a imtill vum f hihi arrutiutimiitu luaju fut tin- on hiulttlioii nf a loiiljlitotmtry alr mul kll wutl at a pi iitulu ulhii in lln liwiillp lall ut lldyv a v 1 m inti ntatin uliwin4f mj t itunur to lin k of lln tmuuii not ittily wautljiimulaihoniiiillmi uf nhi w y- a 11 t hi- o n l iml h tl n nni int1li ut trt0ty miiltih of round ofll lul- m ii loou citu ty hi i waaututu ri tiuuoii ft om in lili and itov a lllalt ii a and j h i 1 1u to of fa inui lot llmromnly ltli of uhoni lotvi ulu oluliii iwuitj llfryw lllill ilhi fit i it and 1e ill aii tllllt fun i h in lnit illtlmth jjlmtl llnmh m tea may nican lo you flavor of truriutru or fruiirant richnoii ftocl roao toa b borci6i with uch moty that it j tho combination of ult ihroo roint of rnurit will you try a puckuijo redrose tea on tub dowtlno ureen oama umrm with oonctown homo- wouii ami erin iturtnft- thp waak j ihwkll1 ii twill itjoylitk kidtindl ilnnuduy two iiltu jrktuiutt tot afiludly k arum nii in it inrat itz on ivltly lr h11- l sanitarium dm ink am low at llu inbuilt ihwi khlt ijtf1 your grocer will ii tim moiuuty uintm at toihnilo titiiliimtrimw llitt ummi fartortt in tin flnattclal ami comhiorclal uituatlon ol oanatla in tart an follow lunk tlmalu larnnr itatik rioariw larhif it lit j uaculuka u4dor inilimtrui nmtditlonu uoiwl tradn ltirrcaulik omi area urnitrr itivautinnnl rtiater imttilkrallmt kntattir irrttr inflow tif rjlal much ronittirtictlon in protro mlimral ntwiimlloii urnui miikom till in inalliik fooluh cmnkitl hon jltlof jmdlci moivdllli has ivoti jndkiiinnb tluuilauink with riuttu tliti motion of hyati vs the council or tlm town nf alllblnn mi hlu tootlon in tiiiatth tlm lmcm option hy law tint main conlttnlloti wnu that tluiru wan no lawful or hufllrlttnllyravltuml vottim hut umn whit it to carry on tlm voting on utich a by law in hlu juilitintint tlm chltd junitlcm kttyu that hltt invmttl- rallon in thu caut iolntti to thu con- ciukioii lhat tlm lnt tltt farto rirtilll vouira hut lllul lu tlm omc of tlm clark of tlm tencti lu all that tlm clorfe u ui cnucifn hinimir with and innw nncuuitarily to thu roorlnwiou that wlmw an til inn buflii iilm l whloh imrli u lut huu vwm mmi it wttu not littimdid lhat thu nlnctinii klionld iki omii tit atbtrk ttocaufttt of tttnim iiifonoallty or ttniuafon till weeks obltuaitv jki 11 k k u vttmkhll m aftr m wlof llhmam mlwt nclllt v uatutnwu ditul lit hiwkajo wauh on nunday july loth utftttl 12 yuam i1m mat tin wh wau tlm yon got t tlaliuhtar of mm barah a maltltnwu fortimrly of acton and wan living willi hvr ml tor mm uv tlhau a conk rtilmf with tlm family from lllnomllild fj j in april or latttyoar hhu lutd koiiu wont for tlm itfimflt tf htir health and torn tluiu wa greatly holpwl during lh hnil nmntli or two imtfore hur lattt nloknnu liowovor aha hul lout notibldtirahly lu atrtnirlh and miccumlmml to an attack of plnr- uy mum matthowa wkh a ulnctii ohrutlan unohtnntivh hot iwng tiulelly many acta of gnoulim ctirutun mrlc mrtt matthuwu lior motlmr in at praannt in orattktivilla john xtikui from tlm jry lot k kvunlnif pout orutulsth july wartnan tlm followltik rrtloulant ripiung tlm nail tlnalb r jolm cttlwtttati mi r mm wm andttrmtit l htrnit t john cdn- man an nnulimtir in hut t mploy of tho indiana htoul company mfl inatant dmth laat nl hy an elite trio tttiook while at work in tl ttorl plant mr coluntan wan ruialrlnr home lirokon ntachlnrry ahnrtly afttir nhivim ooloflk whtoi tho unclihinl ocenrrtu in aonm maimer hlu arm camn in rontact willi live wlro and tho uliook ptnln through hla itotly raintod inutant tlttath hit tralftfy u madtt mnrfl tatlititln hy thu fact that tlitcm livn a younjt wlft who wau imarly ilutrattnl ovtr tlm ltrrllilj thu whrn hu rahlomury ttlm pnptttvd to ittmt tmr hiitihanil mi uu ivtiirn fnini work 11nrmi1t rr rvnaptlonally davotnl ilnlr tvtry thought httlnir r each olhirj mr and mr- tdi hay imit horatmly rw month- having rotim hrf from iiutlniia lhtrlmr mm colninun ww foioioily l hitrtldn llllrl f lhvtlatt1 oliln ai1 tin tlm young inpl tint lo dm hmnl dulrictvihnrtly afir llmlr tnarruftn at ymtr and u intlf ago mr oolthnnnm former litiinn la anion oittajlti whim ida mothnr mr win amir moo mw naldna it irnlmlih tlm rtinalnu will 1m lakaii lo cuml for lnt-r- ruant all t u fiw inttotliirlory tmiilu tihitiw to lliji uiiltr ut hand hi mi1 uh ti- 1 1 alahon wlm imi ttm following addr u and t m tttnirillot- 1 rwii uln pt a iwhilllful gold wuttli tlilluhly igtavl in air am ton til is oxuiiittis ijjj ijkuthllt afur twimly iu jmn or failhfnl turvir uu lurk ol lln lowioili of nawumguwyn wt limn ll tmr duly to khnw yon in kimn langilil- form llig kindly ftkihng tin pmij1 of tliiu muulrtutlity and li turroulmillig i ouiili y liavn for yni luring all tlm vtmu hat yon hav immu h niunirlihif ufllrr wo am mm it will li a pltm ftir you in tlm futuin lo hntk liark in lht vt ry many iiloalatl orcakim oi whitih you hav nit tm tmmlim of rouncll in your ottlt ia raaclly and whilit w it grit tlm ittwt or many of tlm old ouatd wlm havtt k to tlulrmwanl wt ttlll havt nuutn to mjolrtt that many am atlll utartl lliat hav gtnti in anil out with you tlunc many yuam wo am aalufltml that tlm kludlil fnlinm havn alway v hotwtitti ynu and mrittlmm of council and utlior oltlmmof tlm tour md dp wn do lutt wuh to lutur you when wo aay that you ltn llllatl thn ofllr with dluur- lion and katlniacllon to all conrirul lu viiw of tho alwvn fartu wn auk you to aorupt on ixihair of your mauy frtfuida thlawalrh au a hliuht loknn of rihht for you au you look ut l may it alwayu mtiilnd you of lln ph ttu anl pttnd4kty fl f nvntit you havtt madn during your long torn of iifllct wo rurllmr wish that tlm all wuf hand lhat ruhitt altovn will long knaro you lo imjoy wll tin rood rnwl from hit- catoil of ntllrn hlgncd on ittthalf of lint donor jam mahnu jaui krwm m j carton m holnnu wj aklnu mr cameron wan vltjlily affectnd hy th kind womlu or tlm uddnwt and thn valuahln pnittnut ii arkuowl iwlgthl ittt viry dlflloull lank to rrply to thn viry ilatturing addrrwi wlilrlt had juwt iuhii mud or ti thaul all hufllclantly for tho valuahln gift prt- mintotl limy go lo uhow lhat tin ptophi of kuhmtgawnyit look after llin intomats of tlnlr onlrlalit not only whllo tlmy hold ofllcf hut after tiny ciaftti lo iji au oflicur ud tuinnilhniu nvnn uflur limy havti ion thn touublilp 1 iimai tttirvitd lliu townuhip for a long ruirlod porhnpi too long ho unlil hut tlm work wan uxlrinmly ugii h1i1d lo mu owing to tlm kind irviumi ut i mnfilvtd fioui iln roniuil mid riitu twyim dining my ttirtu tif ofllno many hung uhitvti litkcn plarn bliiru i waw ii mt aihtlittttl it tnny ur- prltii ou lo know that of all tln rl rkuin llm udjoining oinnloipalltl w who hold ofllun whiii i wun appointed vry inn of tlmiu hud uuurd olf llm ucono iwforo my itttiignulloii wan an- ctptnd whili lu naauagawoym t vtiry applicant whit applhtl for llm toultiou at that hum tiro ulivu and tm iimuuit onti of ihtim iwtlng thy tmrroimor mid you will all admit unit lm looku uu halo ant hi utyuuhn did twnnly llvi ytiaiuwgo 1 imirvml uudut nltm dlltortnit mtunu ono itolng ihutil thu mut- of llu in lailug pmuitul i m rvttl many roimrllmt n thttut of i imi n im lug tluad uml ninny of tlm olhitm ttrti prouonu llm tamn kludiiutm wau nhown lit nm hy nvury uif mlwirof tint council mitfiy chniigf a took placo in nawtagawnya touring that iwrltal whtit apimiltitml rlork llio impulatlnu or nahiiagnwya watt 2ui now it in mth or km iuu than at that mum hut when it id ronnldcmtl that i mguumd lt hlrth uml only mm ilcatlm it gotiu to uhow that thrit flftlm of tlm hmiphk hkil loft ti ttiwiihlilp i think llm pmuoiil gatherlnk u llm largnut ttliil most rrprttminllhvo onn or hi id in hi lowmdilp all cluuu lartt mpmuonttml i thank you for tuoli u gathering alau for thu uxctfllillt programnm i vhud uluo ihomo from h dittanno who havn oonm and honomd uu with llmlr imuiiu ag tltil you mr your many oln of kludim ahown urn hir ig ui iwtw in your uorvlci olbmllrwmf flongialulaloiy olmnour worn givtu hy ltv illulr ami ctmtur and mitnr j lhti i w conk john marnhall hvi hutloii of llrln jainu ijilduw cunlph c i dnnhjir nud j j lhw juli ii 1 momv anion 1hmk pkkmi k lltovn wllliamw acloii jpt htiad kialiiowt c i- nut- j m lull t j momiwlwr limlph uowit aklmt ahk huwiul lulphilinmammiv john jiim w w mnalulur tlimlph li m taggarlw j aklnu aul oilmm ildr1 tow woi int ifciwrwnl willi mdoothuiahy llm ihookvllhi orohitmhi kliiiliiuir quarttltf mr join hiranhan nlimiutloiihi dnjiph nllh itagpilhii hy ulkuuiidir imlloiliil iuniwa hy mian amiin uoi whonapluhlttl ihiilaibvumhimlut liog- ww out lndil himiui luifalkhl ilaln pi nih ilk- lowlh ilhow ul il klmtiawlll l utuoolli fimugh for pvaollcnl puritnm i if put thrmigh hit olollit wtlugit imilnatl iriilii iron tit mil i st hi aov ok willi ning knoinkkil iu utiukino 1 icvtciu jonliy t ul it- 1 iiult lln rlnkiadh nultlr lalrr k w pld lutlll g in til for aoltn nod rut hmmwtnnd on moijday afuruoon or r and j 1 huhii 1 own with eh ir k tinkti atularii lu tttm u till wi- lilayil ii uiomu ktjlolk in a ton favor ih mtllllll giililiut hml lint ful liiwliuum i j lows at its lula 1 matkltnioh 4l d hlm x 11 iii lloui vvxi 1 al ion or lltdh il hi llymla kk u or mlvulnujil lol h ii mtnulth il t lr hnmi k hi hyiuh il mnalth kk hi mimr ik iu llolii kk u 70 imi lii al hn ihuii 1 ti murkiriiiil ik si or l 1 i ihllo w il 11 ji alt nahh kk t ih mhu tlitihtii lit i untahnglhy lut th inoul iiuiuirlaiil wink of tlm ttviulng k4upitl hut it f w minuiit i owlitr or llm iail ptiuitty uuu nt lutiwni john sttttl mill tlm hiiiuil i titr wttu piiu ut uml uu ugitniiiuut uulxiisl into fm pinthuko of frtinthg amir iniaul of hulldin4 to tlm tmw ktthl lino 1 im wot k will im pr a o d with at oo- llm rtmuiuinihulld litgd movtl liatik and a m w puvimi nt laid from llm arthurupkottrty through to ktrordtt it u grottly to imi rtgmt ltd that tt rmucouhlitotliavnlmiinarrlv- tlt rorim hiding t hlu lattir prop rty it wuu mitortt d at llm council lhat m agm tnt titt mild ihuiiiu rod into for w hi tinlng ot llm moroni projmrty hut tint i tlm tttfotouiry ktiui would lx lak expropriating kuuiclottt of thu fttmthgn of thin prowrty to mrmll of tli wltlmiiilohmuowwtihtlirio wlnit uiu eu 111 ally arromptulmd tlm pavo muulhtid tho lohphimi h1iu iimivv1 ltatk and tho road lutl wliluntxl llm improvud upkaraurtt of tho town will ixi vnry marknl ilincoinmillei on 1 imtnrii prnutntnd lhoir irithiiitlt report and ntcommoml m1 iiaynmnt of tlm following nrrtiimtu iotitlitoiulh hcromiti fojr vpr on mwond llif au tur i mroougull lom u john llarvty mipptitu ulr i fci j s col man woik j ih j ii- andiron roil 21 m w o amlimtiu work ntmolu 1 hrt llm mport w udoptotl 11m following hittnr wuu mud hy llm clrk tiitiii uuilk vii cm jkml i likn a i havn mrinlly pnrrhauotl pmitorly oil kim htrool in ktmnmly u kurvi y in llm vilugo of artou i would roujhftfully uuk ym hmiorhlo luxly to otou wild urtol 1 one t vtfffw u uptctfully jn it amu 11 hi acliui july 2alh 1u1u movotl hy murray mrooould ut imilil hy win cnopor that llm plan or kirn if hlnwt hudliig fioui mitin stnttt to th purl having lioiiu duly l gutnd 111 id kivoii ii tlm cormiiu- tionor artnuhy thoowmt ml john koiundy throui whiut prokirty tho utmit iu htiil ihiu coiuirll hi ruhy ill ilaitmllm kaid klnot op11 fur puhlir iralllr ciirrhil youlng loaho 4huugti of uradn or llm proutud kwluli litm of llaidimm v co thn count 11 wuu itiikt tl to niiuiud llm mkolutliin pakktd itt taut mooting moved hy murray mrooiinlil t00- ontliulhyahx ihll that thu men tion iwubcd ut tlm lakt mttting of ihlu council giving hirimkklon to mi uuru iloanlmorn co to hnlld u tiwltrh lino loadlno f 1 0111 thn main hun ut llm truud trunk itullwtty lu tlmir tuuimr- tt a7lhuiih uih tl uu fullowu ihitt llm following wniihi lai utrock out and lo maintain llm prott ut luvttlw mi cmlph strtft uml hkort that tlm grnriou mi juolph hlttol xihtnti llm uwllih unit rrokuou muut i mi niiido uulufurtory to thu council cattlod llm liliftrltuth mid mmilclpul oniror trt i uttr tiglid to cull uml inrort rach umr of owtrlo curmnuilt tin hat ruto tbut mntrou iiiuh lm in- utallthl in ull rukou hy thn ilut aiiguut whimiioaalonlh ukon llm irvlrn will ho rut olf without any t vnoptlim at tlm luvitullou of llm council m k v cruro ya pmkiiiit to confor rfiwcing hlu proport y on mill sin ot wlmiii llm utrfl iu to im wldimod mostil hy murray mi domtlil uiroud ml hy a t lttown mint thu ortir of mr i w j men foi hlu rioutago 011 mlllntmit fot thu purpoio of within log kuld utitnl i m immhy urrojitud ourrli d tlm council thtn adjoin mwl all olil pooplfl iiuiror fi r 11 1 till xlmiuti uh uml mil in kiidi ui i jatrrovim ilm invig ortling tnoir muwii im puiuuisl rroiu f 1 11 l it to of lion 11ml ptim ihl hpinuh slr wim ll ilhiulululhitilii lion uml ilttigth nok llm whotilthly 1 imi tt hoi ll udun milui llm ounli cut rtli tliatutt uiwl by hall a v j u1nicv a to 1 ilnln o wui uinltlunl lmvliitwti y j 111 ii y nt lit ual 15 j i lillv liiii wim tlv iihi1u it all iuliiti itkltikull ii itliil nam lull v kl u totaliy tilt any ililliilimi timid iy iiu noii ul iiui klkwlm uauviw win i i- uriimjut- rilo 0 italia fulartli lut- la ubiittimittlw iidltiuv lwil uiullrmtlaiaiuuiualuiu i lla ayauu t lltiill ti wis is ntil iwr l 111 ul i ittr all dtilbulw tain hall vaiullv i 111 ir thiimuvalloii llm i1n11ll111 mfigtiaitm fm auguut iiu niiukiiittly uttmg numlhr lr- hitpj llm fnluf1 of iiiomi inimrlmuri ilim urtltlu hy ivoh atim w u iitfiilitlod coldwiukiuiuiut on- forth lrofaor cittnt huu ltni fot m llm ifctumr on c ihmhtl hulmv atonfuml and llm iftionxlmu tor thlu 1 tliih wtuo iiiinh- on tho upm 1 hum 4idnu kplimdhl iipprtiulini hy jr a ii w cihpihiuii ixputy mlnutfr xit ictliimtlmiroi ontmlu or tlm woik and 1 ilu o of coldwln hmilli in tltnuilu for hhoiimatum h l utylogol hot mpihigt luul uuu 0 lmnlhol imuktm uml i lllllmhalittrurtorj ami ut thugglulu luvitt nud wrriih co iiminuhm lunm mr olivr smith for 1 fuiiu tf or a i ilm vii urn or on un id ul nt u iph om of lloojwra if very horkfu kllpjmhl 011 llm roudvuy 011 mur1hm11til htmt kiiuuiuhig liijnriiit iu llm fall mr huiilh who wuu puling ut tlm tltm wuu hidplng to g t tlm hntki 111 ilu tool wlmil it kllp 1 again vollcd ovi r 011 ilu hurl oim foot ktrlling mr smith in tlm furo a th 1 p wound wuu llmtokult o tlm liniutrl of tlm hotd am n iiuuiim r of atllclmu wiru o tjulrfd w ilavitlakrn dm hint glvuu llinm a frw wimku ago and aro uomllng thnlr w alrlui down to uu for mpalm au tlm ctiul lu only aliout twolvn rontu or no and wt iay tlm mliiru poutugi wi alwayu rt glittttr our wircilm and noun iiu vii vi r lino 11 loalor hrokiua in trail kit tot wn nuk viry camfully if you hu not it wulchniaki 1- niar you and you huvti to koiid your work hy jtiii plight uu woll uond it all tlm way horn un it only mmim n fiw dwyu longnr and wn promlro to itn oxlra cttrofol with wittclmu roiuing ko far o iriiigln jnwtilor cuolph used in canada for over half o century used m every comer of tke world whero people suffer from constipation and its resulting troubles- dr morses indian root pills stand higher in public estimation than any others and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit physicians prescribe them m 25c a box is coining to acton the e specialist who pr the n system ilttu blitrli5tmrnl5 hoick itlltldim ioim i oil a1 i he ooks into the bye oll ltl ilh u1 1 professor p a- qraham eeprosefating the grahatn inslituto of montreal will be in acton to fill a ten days engagement of sight testing at our drug store from thursday aug 4th tp sat aug i3th if ilu ilu illulllllloii uninllr luulti thi inn i t ully n loo nt llm luytinil 11 nil w new 11 i in wliiloiiolvtrlnlim vu i iwur hi muni ttm fm t tliut tin iu proplr lillillomejill ulan lied help for o iimilggtu kpym i in tluu ili4-i- to nil uliowiji lolninv imrni ulllivted with i rti t j rf m sp t inln tu m tin ir citj omio and i will im hilly riuui m iilli furtion uml iu 3 in to h to i llm fvoning hciiik luiupkii lu lour oof untrutuou in ihu ll rll iii tm ut i i l w utuiii tiur lour nly until sitiudu anyu 1 ijtli k itottlitii ujiliointiiiluu qui ugu to lh b j hassard druggist palace drug store mill street acton july sale news our ftitln continue in draw hit crowd n kiri inn to thn itlr we huvo mttiic vi ry sllrnttiva pen il u bargains in home needs i axiiimiter rug fim i d n 4 yl uu liil 1 1 uu regular cm on sain prim ss mo ydu lujwi try curpct gryen hrown i onvoiitioiiul ilr ijii until r i on sido pricofihr s pitcti mudrui 50111 wide rrttil ir 401 n site tier yd ii ilu nt a uy lot ydk ait mti lln nirwliriol t-jt- mill 1 id inlopruck 1 down omit roftilarslotio saiopincs loownoiult rgularsiout s il irimsin loowiioiult re ul ir io 00 s ili lru5t i 10 pur huxoui hliitiuli oilhioo s prut 1 ot uml ur- ho no iluily toliliiii iiw uml attractive nil it will pij iiti lo letp uu oyo on uu window shades 10 tlocn window miad r tolom crm rr u ua v 7 s itu prlco 35c audi in tlowij sludci green tin j cranio comlilnn- ti 111 10 x 7 miuiufulluren mcohiik salo 1rnr i ouli n uojlh slitulc dark ircni only with inuir- ti 111 tcjnl ir sot sulo 1nco 35c liilii groat bargains in womoris roadytowoar garments i il tli it hi- dcpurlnmiit und u will ik well inuul wn ii suit suinilirr i ho ww uuillu tiulru cir wu 1 and slut nil wlhug auay lulow tcguur prill souk slouls aov kriioltwoadvfiili undue produce uu pnotl lury tc 0110 mica i 1 onmn 111 or around tuolpli lioulit tnko full aiu inluit of tin u it july suk thu bttio will cloio ut 130 tltufadav arinrnoona lltliclinr july tantl autfuat cfoukd ti1uiisdav artkiinoonb d e macdonald bros cor wyntlliam and macifoncll streets gullp1i ont closicd thuhbday aknrsrmoons ub metropolitan bank head officetoronto caiiiai 1000000 ribrsiiuhso gcncril hanking tttimnevi transacted savings batik department dcponla of it1o and upwards rcci ived ani interest allowed at highest current rate special attention given to farmer iluiine now isthgtimtobuy yo w 1 or tho iinu tit lay u xtt uitl tull voitomd and oatott al iowm ptka iluu tin u ohuiilhl cuuhrro wo ilwt iijiu uimi qatnh ihll tn uljhlly millcl lilch will lw holtl al cost tormu yonoirilj i l hi now cj h oitatijc i m uli cmioinr imi lift wo luio u lull linn ol farm implements oroam sopuratoru fie conn anil sec for yourself proctor merritt mav sianu- wcton ont ohiniuius hiack1mhh bhop 1 1 ul u t lllulli 11 11 lilt llwllr1111111 yn i l htalltlmoill x t ojulokmilnki rall uw4ihi i i iu lw i liiu lilu iwcl ztixy auhui ll l tf in nl ailhi lu iiutlicr- hut i lli- klul tttm wotj u lil r wll-lht- i- uilhlf u 111 j imivl imj llll nluatv itlvr 0 lino lluffalo niagara lalk toronto 1 itpr viffl wrpt tmtby luva toroi to 7 io u 10 ii a in a a hn a nil do p tt rititci ixutif rt inl 1 ltor iibit llanu 1 illllnt uototiio v m saxe s 5 h ulli s jumk s s iosail 5 m h h iilii 1 rmliim uml jj m m mi 111111 ai e 3 two labor savers a hot bissll carplt swccpcrs soli 1y r f johnstone binder tjflilne 1 your choice ot the best uinulu twinr plymouth or brant- ford cordage best cash lnceir k noble 1 lotr and rrcn store acton 1 best of everything lor the farm whim r uuil lid itu mt over irom mr hoilnott m kjot i tool aiunntiito of th f a thul llirm w 1 1 no 0110 rlw hi lln t mm hue licit in lolctt from tlm iilniicfiuiiliuniiud ainurlcjiii mnuiilni tureri llm lim l lmimlnr uuciuhc for tin 1 ttm llm r- nil lu 1 htvo lliu ily f ecry muihhio which 1 amlllm uup i huiitllo und ulllioni my mir lutu laill llird 1 lliu ti not i t mrt with 1 ihi c10 f f uu to piolllllh tho mo t kutikfactory romilii ainoii tho mint imtiiiilur idilihiil 1 m i iikiiti u llm oluviu i hn u lttf sniiuutor tho cllnutv sow lln tl lcllkr tho hull he nun- hi hull tho clown ii iu v tin vt nil ii trrow ultlimtt 1nl uidtlu lluh roller itriinikr pttiulv tlmuimiixcultiwittu- llu hi jlnh with 11 ill 11 irlii und tho m lit liltir milourt sopuattir c ill and 1 n uuiin k of iimn y thliilili 1 11 1 1 tlir oinuhiiic acton branch a m brown manager there arc no dead lies lying about when wilsons fly puds arc used as directed all dlug- ojislbgrocersand general dealers sell them s olearingtoday g 8 3 5 mi mi cum colored ntchicii hlitils iiiarite j m nud iiuiliu1 tnllt in uml no lo dutu pull-pu- m ttjnl ir up t 1 9150 inch ctuiuiiijr totluy ill 0 m m all cluclt iv iltoih jv coil mukt itlin linn s 2 of ilenk pi tin hi icl woruhu m111i11 rcijuurihl n s 0751 to ituy uc nth nil inf q a 9 1 r e nelson vlirmih thu imtiopnllu of clilnako thini1 v in huhlfh hud i 01 1 1 tuiirfu or tltimih ltl i mllinuhilil mid si iiul juli ihllli vlu hitt hlu imil xtiilhmii niuhulln h tun s n ulu iltd p 4t luly 21 in wlnulp irt i iiiiii- inn uml rlinn tplj jl lhl11 t lo thltliy lopollnmtli ihl 1 in tlllllll itllulu iu pnlulii hit it uml full i111p111011ilt1 ft iijniiid liuuk a a keal lducation ivvrr rrii alritllktixt1 kjnulu kkiaj rvuilfait iur will otof til uara fgaj aiatt aima colleg ehritlma klluallun wll mkl thkhl w- j km iil miom clod ar snikrwvlllatk b i waw m a l r tbl gc a black in thust grand trunk wmk only line ul achinti ail till summir itlsorts tlnif minholtw ilmtmrul i nut or iiwvm obtntflun liuy yaiw alkoutniiliiffumwitmtwiwtnliltmii yrontitihmimoniyl ikttknwut tint lwkow t hltlv fotiiihlohlttw round tpii tourist ticfdts on sau at low hatis saiflnls tl patid t u ml wt i itu 1 roui saumi 1 1 sim i ikl v1ui1uk mil hi l 111 it it ntu vrtliwmliiiiil north 1 mt i ii wcdliuiuy ainl 1 mil i i 11 1 1 1 ull it lliiouhh lu muliilli hallliih foni l ol i inswoljl iji mil ottl n lum 11 s p 111 w1nrh ml mhlliy litr sot uml i ihtun h i mm sallinttliii mllluul 1 10 l 11 1 111 uk i i p 111 n i my 1 1 uml w iy poiift ilplly ra j 1 diimlit rullinl mill 1 mil hilrh in h s holmiis depot agont ai ion on 1

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