Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1910, p. 2

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j w i lbuiuetolrar julia hvnl lwmarly ivhlil u k i y iwbiiwd llar jou aton may uumw at mr iiu walu ol 04im acjlaa be moit 3fm iptisd tjiuilhday nuvkfullkk hi 1010 ummm cunistmab nuh thai kpalal chriatmau nianurm id ilia vltkk iliknn havn alwaya bn hbjlhly htlrwctlve and anroiriatii to lbs foatlva ni and ihey ilkvn lll- vallahly hen glvan llltxil oordtal tv carptlon by our cltlaona and kulmtcrbnm tha kiircls wlltlun ut evory chrutma mititlwr in llta jmul li lawn nhatial- nd hafona tha damanda wr unit wo ekv thla yar uuln lartinr adltlon at 111 when tht nlendlil tjiarai lr of thai nsrmvln and tha lallnr n n tarn earan thrw ta no doubt trvnry copy will tc dlapoaed of haifnrn chrlatma ar- 1- our chrtalinaa nundmr tliu jroar will l laauad with uur nknlar wvokly edition on thursday h ijmitmr a eopy will aw cntrralulkkuoly lo all braaamt amwrthara ami to all uw uh acrlttota ancadvrd whlln i ha million uau kxtra rnnl will ihi mild at lu mnu aaush wrtd kady foe mailing atrwady a iiumhar who han friend in thai old land km nrderlnif coilaw to ita aant forward to inarti tha home f rtemlai be font oh r lit it ah tha contnnt of llila tnlandld holl- day number artnat lw auhin to w fully appreciated thai llrat paw uila voted to a three color photo ngrnvinjj untit led obrutmaa mornhi mild la charming brvtttmtal inn til the joy of that happy day oat 111 mduki pk than uaawrlnaof rtiifravliiki whlnll urn kafdlcauiof fatnoua jtaliitliik of wi li tural acanaa with ghrutmaa udllorlal nailer the third and fourth have a numur of i ho very flmwt vnountaln vuwa in that canadian hock laewllh delightful dailpllvn knattxr by itaiw o it ii klmy who ur tmi by intrnphlfftort lit uhnih faniona itohaon uottnlaln to th mitji- unit an uvtlon of h1 1i10ij0 jl dtowhik pagna nlv nolorudxioitrav- lrm of a youthfol hoy kcuut and chrlatmam aearttm thmi followm a highly vnloyalda ohrutmnif ulof y uit- utud -rowha- hoodwill a foil imra ladavottnl to nlitixl oalhtnltalw of ting la ltd kxrllnot inravliibi of oanlrhoty hly wh mr john ouik muiiaif anloo tttnoln oo wa a nholr l in hu worttr urhthld llxii l i r- lmtrouh york halluhmy ilucolo and oaklulo art khowil uooiai or all of thaai hlatoho m1i1cmi hav no doubt bama vlalual hy nuhilr of our eltl a a tug la glvan to portrait of httu hrlsht facod oanadlami all or wttoo apparar to l ltjoylllt t1ll ohriatniaa aplrlt aa a wliola the fakrthooiultib atuniwr will aurutui any prliuaohrlunatmlltlhi whloh h brn mint out by the piikk iiiuhh older for vxlrn noplra uitould bt in at one atorronial notbcci ring oorg baa uauad a pnwlama- tlon hxidb tbaj dato of tli oorottatlon aajun kind 1011 tvrtoink u almihliioaa which rtiulmti aoonaja to practical htulnraa infttriiia- lloo thu la ktipplled hi th roluionu of tint atatrmnrm wrfikly him tim acrt of tha rrowlg hpuailty of thla muar ilea fri ita unllrltik dnwotlon to the inturasta o tha farntvr to imi posted a farmrr tnual rvad ihu hun if yon rnrn not a radnr of tfm hon try it for 1011 v thl la that way the leading wiv r of uulaloo n ix hi ita utorul col uiua put ilia loaltur of ittmikoiiblhlllly id thai frmnchlwi to the vou it you lova your ratolly if you lova uiihuio if you hav nvar ultorad that pml of tlwjlunlaririiyer taanilttatloo cant your voln n lloanaa a alranouu itanuli tin imi eaoipalgn a in prorwii a hlnlllflaiit inovmikhit and ooii which prttwea ba noiulhiit ad t alien tuenlof clulllaatrttil li thai aiiuooiico inant that thn clilm oovoniiuniit haa d4tdl u create an imperial ohloeae parliament til at liu ohln- mm peopu want mtpulr rovtrttmuit mama fiwldaot i thry uiti mdutbly in- uenoed by the jammnn tutamplo ha uuluiatx effect of oliloati piitrou in alvulaatlon utoo thn weaicrn world la matter foi uovouikiioii and prha pafur aontu atixlnly 1 that widely circulated weekly lh touloj ohio mad haa jdat limh thla aitnounctininnt i the preint w itmoa of thla pajwr gotta to irmh without whukey mdvrlueinntm conaplcttoua attaotlon la riwm tojlhla clrcunndknoat imkihoae it algnlllaa tho and of ihla claaa of advert ulntf in the page of the ituii ylu cohiutila are how cloaed agalnkt ihn ukptollalloo of all lutllled llquot ihu detentiua- tlon la uot of ipioillo origin it liau immhi coo letu plated for eotimi lime but there war obalnohr hi the form of unexpired aonirauta in the way oommerelal lulrgrlty bad ul imi main tained ttioae nontracta havw implred ltd their expiration marka the end of liquor advartljmanla in ulade ooliliniif the all ml nation l com pl- thl schools roll of honor kutntllnaf ol tha atudlolila punlla or the ii i h and pubtut cmboola at tub ootudib kxamin atiohm no column of the 1ukk llikt1 u wmiunil liorn eagerly ion tha flryl vhormilay of earh month than the oon ronlatnlmt thn monthly roll of honor istreula generally am interentett and pupllu liav much pride iii bering llx lr nra enrolled tlio rktilld for october ko an fol limn kinimir luiuiilr iiik mldltf k f iiovu m ofitli ole a k turn boll a mflionald otaaallo loulr claaa iii i mullln n wllllamu ii uulli 11 ollruu olaaalvh llrl lllgheal in hyloa a keoouy in kng oooimwuioii i colerinlooi elrya knnney aud a mt llooald i in 1rnofh k cil jiwioih ik uall-l- willi- gumiu u workmaoj ii llrown clauiv m matlhewa it cook lligheat in ilyiwm matthewu in lng comimltlonm workman in oooumlry ii llrown in irrnfh ii llrown iiik ulvtml k lwlf iiksiou iiul cham i m mardonald it 0ol- 1 neum n kenoey m llrown ii klaon claw ii i- alllitmin iwalaon i maiiphuraii lilghealiu heading m hrown in kng oraiomar m mcoooami in kog 0onioitltloii i watmiu in itlnxl mardonald in vliyxlra orography 1 wauoll jiwioii i mui cuw ii amleifoo v livy k white i llowii ik harvry j ollrleu ii lark j uiiihu ouw uk tllblmoih j ohmpuimo m mpl 1 hoilth iiik1l in heading xroey t in kng oraiinnar i amlraon- in kng oonimmltlonl anderaon in latin lc whllo iyiirl oeogvephy k white w ii hruw ut imncliat mom it hkkm v lluu inuuii auutant luiti h hi now okrvutuhvr hu iv nllle andtiranu tmmlt iil4i0ialmni 1aullne hahm ou haul agmw ilu little wolt 170 t mxrvyn kllnhlog litj tiu km1 jk 1vjmlmtiiniiikmaiin4uk vln- lot ttiomau ill man huillb 4 alicia olhlm i1h john huilth m0 ooidoo mcrxul t77 total m mliui m x itknmttt tea oil or nil niklucnipuii 7ivlma hurl ill oharlu moimi uttt harold mowat2bui uamugu auiahaui 2h11 anul ahiahmiu u tola hmx jit ill vora llarvoy m jean wluon ilin t margaret wilaoii 207 lircy ault utti iirua kminwiy 2l jftu1 mcaregor mm toul 400 mnui d niciii in teacher hu uitomhtmrckiiianutot ilrinry ilunlnr iwl j jlara workman u10 myrtulhoiiaii uml martin olavrl tlu i mary lehman iuu total ioh jit iiiliyd uaaalau itlo olive mowat jem ij moffat 1110 jnbniy mi iregor u07 joaumnleod jmi amwoiaoalfit f total 4iw mihh ka a itcaluww teacher hit iltluult dorothy iawuc 07 i 0oieitwhilml rtmielh iiuuder min hi max ii ihll hi ooldle lhuikl ttlt able halix hi total 111 ju iliurr mary ilyme 1h0 kv lynlawler lllf irii haqtlln lk willie hmllh 12h iciiwell hamlin is agnea dolhle 12i total hu kutitt lcather cutting 107 1 kailu caawull ll oharlla hymon 161 george homr uo i lolwlnland ixirough 1kli wlirrvd hall 122 mlhti llunv olauk teacher hll pltimklt nellie calto charlie maun carrie ltoaaa klum cot ling margaret mnnabh lulu- in huffman jit 1itiukii oladyw luaop llattle ilrewer doriaoittdhaiii ior thotnaa oitorgn hudinan orenvllte makalea mi wt m u hoiwkh ivacher tlltq christmas qlobh a canadian pohllcatlon almuit can- adlanu hy ohioollaou lrloliwl in can ada on canadian mado taper oin talolng uiorhtii written hy canadian authora uiul illuutratakl by canadan arluu illumlratlonu tngraved hy oanadlaioi on cmiadlan copper conr aud hlulorkal pulo tho work of can adian artuu and ropnhluied hy cjii- udlaai lllhiigmphurn ita keyuolo u camula canada in 1e uuinmer by lako nnd nttam and woixllaiii gaiijdw iii the hutuinti in ihu duyu or itu frilling canada in winter the mitutjoyoua imiakoii of all a production of whloh canadian work nuni liav rutuiou to lui proud kemir oopy to ketid to your frhuidv lln prim u lirty inutn eacli iroui youi duulururbl x lyrjinlhhliiutlll ildl l enl from ini ololm ohlms loronto aak your newmlraliir mhlidt it pit u it th11 h you inli ml puouitu iroca next lilnt you imd luiltviluiiuythii in dur 4 ally on untmuutof thai big iluomoc for mo miry monk wo urn llui hilgeat growuim of iehdh a p ib iliiui and olivrry lm h1 heny uualiu and onim ul htock in caiuolu we imikii h tikmlwiiy of iniuuh iiiil apple titmhi oiuin mid new u in willn for calaloitu 11hown 1iu0h co hrowumniiiili wtdland co out i hope you mo nut eltlng 4 jlivdor my uuiklog and gonu 111- to wlctp luratiue 1 muul ifil l rij lolling im of what f for you vory whu mu long hl win hu ol huhllleaa luut y forgll tllle week ixrcaum or thn inoiologa witting dark we a very huay lii pal ring alarm nlorkw v bavo thn imialavatnm in the world for hharpenhig thn iwlanco plvota which la the flrat thing lhat win ho that we ran toaiilvely luakn alarui clocka prao llcall an giaid a itow win fact we warrant tliatn lo rurt aa well aa ever or allow flirt fifty ceuta lieck one imngle iaauer of mrrlag ijccnihih luclpb tint 4 i shlofrs gme onsarfocne litihaiiy bocictv qi thnrwlay eweoiog 1 t oieenook i jt xiary kocity met fn looigatdaa- lloi 1h wllloo id ortl rr texolte1 a ndlnwai- lmdntj i is areii il vlllli lmldeotj ii ille 2ld vi iihlblllr wm seorolety- mum mi ijonald aoktalit k neluiy ml m a tjr ilrawlllor j ij allan orgaolt- xliaah 11lopo aklait organuu mm j i isalvm and mlij m allan utrary committee mmri j k ivareo a h mann am ll j oh in ton and muwao mnlcbun and m mr donald lxlk out cooimlltve mluea m v mann ami j m allan and miho h il lmberl aud 0 ibutiipwiii f monltotmr chan allan uaii mt i allan vuwmuvna 13 m lrhlao nod m a near and mr- j u allan c mrkoown and w 1 nur llhrkeepera mir a- ihonipnoii and llnrlwrt lamlmri ciiuncium it wan with gt rordlallty lljt tha rongregatiod of thla rbllrch il corned uav jowph hokwortk of lo minlo to bin old pulpit bt lt hun day arurmtou the old genlhuoaii who la in hlu eighty tblrtl year la all 1 iulle hearty and preached a forty nijnutn mriuml with much of hi old lime forco and alouamr in bla inthlnctloi mr lniolh tmarbd i bat hiaamilfb bm be wan that day culehrallng the aimlveraary of ida hrat vult to churchill ul yeata ago hjn would prearb frtmi tint haute text ltlm i 15 thhi uafallbfnl aaylng and worthy of all arr plablon that chrut jiwua came into hi nold lobava liluoerai id whom i am jhlt f tim aormoi hy lb venerable man or find waalutriiid to wlh much inur- eat ibe nulla congregation whh aug- montrd by thn attendance id old friend or mr unuworth or other com- hurlug bla ittay here he wan the guihtt of hla life long mend mr chria lopbnr hwaokhatnor koitoiiial notata k vi o inrmaiiy la taking upd to rid lu relf of the llipior rume tint inl option iiiovemuut la wing introduced in lhat giiat country a 11 rut petition u the jirman lilrt la now ugurd hy more than 00000 peranttu and among ol hem two lioiwirtaiit woiimny ment- inga have rebolvml in favor of the iocal option movnmert thk voutmb companion in ioii jy ihttwo il lliooib- one arier anoll of only llle liaat leading aelerle1 mm ll will id u uboobium nv tin- bo hoi if tl u eilerlaloiog uloihm on vt i it ion- not lite kind lbil mo rirgotti o hh koou aa oad but wloilth i but liuu iomu lo ic emit an i1lihui then that arelht falliomi i o and vomeo who wilix for fonipuninn ur- ll la lb o xl ik1 thlif lo onellog ihoul fmin lo ra for tfiry rhimimi lopla which am auru to lui of rt t ouipaol ubi- he aiiooomoukil of lb eoaig aud improved cooipoliu foi next year will b vaiil lo any canadian ad il free ami with it fmpluiopl u id tliecompanl n tbowo tu caioidh who l ul 11 e beodiog 2l will ur i v frit all he umlea im lb log ka of 1010 kun i companion arl calendar fo 1111 lllhogmplod u twelve rolpia nod gold illc voihirhcomianiohtl ill heruhyhl i1mloo m- new miurripllnm r al iblu 01 i l- iiuntkira mxouiiuiohu vl trunk lullwayhyllem singl are for 1 omul ttlp wu 10tli to nov ljlb to imilutu in inmagaioi milnta lti wava to 1ort arlbur aud u attiumlinr of iwiliita marheil via iho northern navigation comiany a i no lo rerlalu polila in quelx new ltrmuwlok nova hrolla and maine iatea for the her hunting lire lory will lie anuomirr1 later itolum llnlt oeremhor itilh t xr pl to olutu narb by ulitainer nov i alb illll wrllro- laru from orand trunk agenlu or ad druij i molhmald i 1 a loron autttion haltr tlaxoitkii tiirimnv nov i7ihixtimilv aafeorfarmilok tin u bolmleil prohrty id jeremlali mroermoll lot 10 town line li lu and kiamotta it j kkiiii aucllomier tiiiiuinv nov ullli- llirm block aud bnphiminlu liouu bold furniture italoofillg o thn rhtatn or the late jamea quiiutlr on the rami at anton sale at one o rhx k j mllm m dov vi ti aimlloniioi the proaent iiidirallona are that lh aceragti of iho went under crop next aeauon will lie half aw large again aa tb lathaat lu tin hlalory of iha co try baa immii a favorable fall for plowing and a far larger arwa hi ever i hi fore haa imteii jtlowetl under then in aulditlon in thedutrlou where there wero pjmtr cmw thn fatrmi have had plenty of time to prepare the land and large arean of it a denpalch from winnipeg aaya judging by the on miter of united htataa faroiorawho bave imnui coming into tha weat ihla fall on prospecllng loom next apilng will ini the aine loan ruh to tha taut west gratali than nvwr ijind man prllct that l hero will imi a big 1 10001 in manltoh farm lu former yekra the ruh haa been to haakalchewan and allmtrt and the thouuanda of rich acree li manltolia a great deal within naay dutance of winnipeg have immui imbn- d over 4 a acbtutlflc agriculturally who cently made an extensive trip or ex plorallon ihrougb new ontario cati- adaa latent marra of honinaeekerii reported tliat lie had founil the mill lueffl or the growth of frulln and vegn table he wan alao pteauntly tur- prlaeil to dlacoviur lhat thn famous allverinlnlog dlatrlol wax contlguoiia to mlllloiia id ar rea or land of excellent crop- bearing pooalbllillea lln had been no territory mora inviting to tha aeltler in the prelrlif country of the canadian north weal uor lu the fertile atktea uii lb i a aide of le bordftr chicago canadian amnrlcau t 1 acomor lb wrll known mnmlwr of hrllub parliament for iio land who haa lumu touring in canada foruoviral inonllo aalled bomnuaid on matuwlay in bla farewell imwuign to the tunaduii lumple be aald i wllllwayvtook i tack on my loui in canadii uu tint of the mnul inemomhle exmirluiiceauf my life i had an op portimlly of teeing lln grimt wmt and all i have lead uf that wimderfill rvgloo fad lurollidy itrlow what i found llittrtt i ud farewell in canada with oiarllnwiug grallluila for her uupport to inyjonuw for kindueaa to m ir utn bpundliaa fid lb in her dnt tfiileat ibe inililuuera of ilie canadian kleotihi ulid an hydro- icluctrln uunilku which la partloulatly 1 11 li- rea ting at ihla lima ll oonlalua a forty wge lllutratihl dnncrlptlmi of the uoimw vou tr mm union hyutnm uouuliunlid hy ilia onlutlo oovero- luent for the purpuvtt of dulrlhntlng niagara vower in thn nniiilulpalubtj ihroilglmul holithweulern out hi in ilia bluliiry of the project the agnte uienlm imtweoo tha cominlualuu hie ontuiln lowiir company and the in n n lu i po i it tew and the many lulnreet- lug rimtureh imttalnlng lo the con- all nation of thn high teiulon tralih mlaalouijuuhiid the vnrhiun dutrlbut lug atatlonu urn for the lhat time reviewed t length in nnn publication there alfto a biographical aketch of the chief knglnaer mr it w hotlv nan thla lielng the fifth in the tarlea ttm makera or klectrlcal caiia llugb 0 mclean umllad toronlov are the pnlluliera ynu luay aa well tmirrti perwma money aa hla limn horare mann many a man haa a kick routing li rauaa hta muln mohlle nt ihi hoota and klioee ini thla anowy aluwhy weather aral olaa aj toal prtcee 0 krltn auecaaaor lo j store coot auto mo 111 list zb0o lild not sound hlai hoan in tlana o manatiall oamncevllle waal killed oiivmikv ii i k nov dili i he aw nix jury ihla morning gavai a verdict for two thouaand dollaura in favor of mm marshall and hnrchildmnagalnal dr cowau mamhall hnuund of oi plalutirf waa loading gravel and wan killed when bla homn took fright on lhu approach uf the iiocluta auluuiu i ii thld won thn llntl rahti ilccldthl iiudur the new act of thn ontario luglulature which i tlar 1 4 ibo hiinluu of proof on the rutomobillht lo uhow hint there waa no nrglnct on his part men makn up their inliuu women make up thnlr farim a girl thiuku it loinmiho to mar rhl- until aim hi hn nny fared wo phi unldoiu mtttutu idiady nbarerli ru woollen blankets lrom our lare and vacud rinje ol wmjllrn ulankcts wc btronfjly rt conuih nd tin following hnrs wlurli are jll 1 ciders at the prices and combine comfort and wearing juahtit s woocuonh pur sco kir si pair- hannuu i7r pair kin howawjv fi pair alexandra oilier joid iiik- at intrrmrdiate prircs are quo stocked v comforters wc are showing a very comprehensive line of comforters in battinj- fillcd vvoolfilltd and tidct down from l3 tu l5f each the patterns and eolonnj- arc ralrefully electd the fillnif in each case is the best in iti class and the prices are the do tett possible our aim bcin lo make a bij turnover in these very necessary and desirabln lincti henderson co mill st acton overcoat time r1c1it now kuvitwil 111111- don i wail until yu kre tlin oilier mlow weaiin ihnceal yoti wnlilutl never lu wot miuiuh havn wo lten uhlu lo show u ninny nwart moaleu exipiimlc palluinu or iiili timtoimi in oveicoati for unni utnl yoiuik luon 1 fty to tliooim your coat hem no matur what jour lib a may imi u4 lo the pioper mln for yourju wlilu the loiiff collr uller with thn miu ibln two way collar ij a iwrnculaily coe1 x tl in tin untjtli vo havo not loroltrn the man who prefnn hie plain heal chesterfield ttyle ellhor lu blatk mrltoll or uant palloiu ciuyn we citu t nw mi ibo muuy 1 lyln iu thn unmiipinnr hid iwdou you will rind thn different prion llnuil ibiji hut or ptici cur folly tlien ixinin in mid btok nt ibo coalii on will have uo trouliln finding thn cont ion wmi i thtiii if you itou l f i liko buying it now u m1u hold it tor you you know fint cioil i 1 uhl prlcos aro 8 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 and 1800 to 2500 at s 00 a good black cheviot cloth 50 uicln iwtial vutiio nt this rmalj price 1 ixri 3 to 44 lltj00 hcmrtw foruirvko uollitti fbrllitlhiupric at sltj00 hcmrtwhfirn wn mr partirulnrl itronf wn rmlliolbal rifln111 ddhtrt nt thn popular pn for uirvt a lioliidi and muvo u 1 peiul effort hi buy tug a vory largo tra 1 ilo with velvet collar and watl lined vory iflem dollnrt m thn popular pneo trance of tho rtlttarenl ctyled and r wo prepay all exprou fraltflit itfid poatago qhaon on all good v4ard6as of ala or valuo bnd ua your ordar by mail samplaa ohoorfully aubmluad tub d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoncu slrtcts fiucipii 0nt tub lion fltia 61itrlicmtnlb lost rlivijnrmunyui ajkntojyantki wimii llorlait i in- iilaral utoia oolai ii v oil 1 h lallnl t1iom w iou vnahonoo ito tiiom w uo v uuuallu oat u0ardkrs wantkd i on mfalh yk mulll uuiillxl i or ll re istl uhl ai1v hombuviija ulllhweat lomt 0lhlk uiliin loth pom ualia in laillu sain will litiilajftaba to fcrofl daall lin i ua4 wa will all clioloa bwlbliiui iota fir twacsmohm to clioiri small jnrin in aoton i oil dalb ill at k 1 11 1 it ri ni tot m aw a kanijlii all lllu lite klllas o ahaa kvwr tin ul u 1 it my ubaa- ualuvauoa lixl l tlia chhi lliluu tlie liri la atdmlr uj uull im iiial inu ehidaa baucuaa i in atlih jrowiutl ldll uimdlrwrtioo ttifl u nliiiloiulila etulitcuhuwl book in wl air i uoolr iuhi iwra aw driv 1uakwloimlxiluiotvuaulir im parttaniula 11 ull j vuutlljuamtio the old folks lind udvaocliigyeara brlnj an increaliig inmlency to conilipailon tha corrpclive ihcy hood is nadruco laxatives cnllroly dllforenl from common bxallves pleasant lo take mild and painless a tabic or loss at bcdtlmo iogubtos lie bowels pfttfeclly incratng doses nover needed compounded like all the 12v nadruco pre parations by expert clioinlsts money back if nol saluactory 23c if your drugem b l yot klockod them send 23o and wo will mall them national drug chemical company of canada limited montreal 22 the best rang for your kitchen thuratt only one best m anytluiif rantje or nythinjprlyr now wo want to denvmstrulu to you why wo wiy this imperial oxford rauio u tho best iiingo tor your kitchen7 the oxford economizer saves 20 pkr cent of your fuel bill ihl iu 11 1 penal patent found only on giirooyoxfom itaticaa mlurni limi jmld r 11 1 1 u p 1 iru ntnniin nt four liftliu llw touu illjum tbui out iu doll irn n id n ntu j giv3es perfect ftesults 0f baking bay anotlr rurnay ohinl imhut rpnmla llw 1 it over tho entire mn mhu it lmlo in fnul unwlln imll- limb r irmt nuvull mi j ujiw- 1 iii o- llui luno uiul worry uivnl on th it llm 11 litirdnuinthir iimlal f hum vurlh m rv lhiumo ori hioiiniiiiiimiij 1 iir 1 unit un li d momlr tbentrm 111 i jlf bul n 1 hi i 1 piitn hn llll to vou ins i ruled in ploaso glvo us tn minutcfi of your time next time youre down town the nmuei nni niuilo by o more no 111 1 muidu i bfnr miiiniii want m iihov v oi lh ir kidiuunti w ul o curry 1 ibir curtuv oxford nluuidiinf fml ulmtrvrvouwantii hum to ihi mall fin loi j i moo in mid m f llw ubleiliilld mn t 1 liable 1 luiihly 11 hi ilnf our io v 1 for all piiriuin and e inlui in lit rln r j oluwelf r f johnstone acton -agent- the merchants bank op cknkdh catai rim jseo gknizual banking bumnuj1 titaniiactun a pass book from the merchants bant worth more than the balance which it show in actual cash the money in the hank is safer than in your pocket and it is money saved put away where it is earning interest and in not at all likely to he drawn out and spent if you havent a savings account already now is the best time to start one lfi1 bhanches in canada acton branch f a maclean manager gorrect clothes a man is distinguished 116 less by the clothes he wears than by his manners ant he should 1 he re fore wear the right sort of clothes if you urn interacted in cood clqxllbyoilwlll v mmilyrciaitl hy comlnir lu now utnl lnolmiff ncw tall and winter suits overcoats wo ptirchiiitj direct from one of the imnjct and html inunufuctiitcr kvory nurmont huulicd and lined vlh ut pouilhla timlcr lulu for llij pricu akkuil which you will imd tiy modnratn n0tick to cltkdltohs lit tha mlui- or ui katatta of jaunaai quanuo lata ttf uta vlllaira of anton in tha county of mad too falnar ijaaaaaiad notui lu lly itvti lu ta riw iuui lliui i lliiau hpuar la awl kinaiuuiiif l llial all urnlluu ud oliwaa lavlu ulalllln uillll tlla aalkls of uta aa14 ily 1 ii tmlmir iuiu rvauifmlmoabvo tl n0l ml day i ml luin to atad il llw viiihh l vuii iuilolirf tor uuuim ljuaill i a himuiiilauauauoruia a11 ll llalr lnltlan and baimkbtaak ull4 klut uhoiim1uu tit lull bmrumlua ll j lliviiiuiil iiih kw uililw 11 any iwld by yi i lualti- uka 1ilu ilial ajur aaab ual lu lilklluu ila au ij tba uld tucaaaad kid utly n llu nlaluia il mllo aba abaji tbau lav tauu utj lufct u aau adiulalauatvla uhi l any itai or twaon nf wboaa na itiux alall nl laa lw laealmd by i lla in if aunl hiiiiuiiab v i uii klnmiw ilitllniu rlir lla laid viimlnutialila mulunli imi lay ut oeolar u10 nol c io horsemen gill kski1m of coouulla uill havn a u 111 li lib ion sal col ttrxiistckro hackneys lluhnjt bllliiahuuitulobltoky roltonio nn tuesdav november 22nd wio he ml tor alabu v g m mil ail iiuh r g junk g i 1 iimlturo uud stov the balance of my stock of stoyes txt cost one lorr jewel base burner three rinjts also two sccondliand base iumcrs at bar- pain prices are jbti testing your pntience and waiting cream with a common separator when you might hivc a melottb on i as 1uums gc- a a black in tiuist at- ion tlnr the iltwsior hogberlin ttomo may iirofor una of our house of iiobbcrun maitetomkasuilk suits or overcoats to tlitbe wo would nay that w mo i howluk nearly 400 different 1ultci n t lu kail and wlutor kiiuiirh 1 nil 11ml winter ovcrcoatlnku uowent ikhimui in trousaring and knucy vuitltibu ah of our houho of hohbcrlln cttirmmithanomailo alrtttly to m m uru and are jiwrantwhl lo lw imfrot iu kit or money rclundod ihu nnn huyw lu huve unlillc iliret do intlla of llio eld land itnmll uud k inliiaion vo ah ctutlly w lillar on every holt or ovoicouti let na allow you lliu hnniilvi prices 1500 up w e moore sole agency tor the house of nobberlln mm swet actttp out- excelsior bakery tirst quality uread cakes wcddlnj cakes etc met of wheat piclinniny lineake llour miple syrup vnd honey ilolbnooks favorite punch saw r heines riekhst 157 var ieties oj slrs uid iisu hi st hius of oni 1 tion- ry t siatham son main st acum ohiltlvon ory fon hftchfrs o asxo r i a j iwai an iaiiaiiiawffgww ttt wllllitiriiiaa inamnn wsasmamf

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