Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1911, p. 2

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laviaarjty r- l utlnht ulmtrl ilayti liuh lw k hiulil it fl li i u irvl t unit- laalll mmit umliii j uaaut r tli v lvol ail ul iyton warrahua lurhay ilaoamba- aid at i matdatwar l thai lmuaa rouiliar tha 1 inaa itaunhmm i- u vv ii wlir vtiitamar ol uallu hi mho uihbtiuomt tl w trldaaahx mn job v tllarki t-ill- m juumu mr kf l uj lrahal la it liaralimant iiwmaily of itaiisiiiof tj u in1 u w illugla lo li niofnivkin hi aula uwli lbrt malul ii of uluxlial tlsaauai a tcvaitnn mi iluuur jaaaa joarilh v0la hoijil k tirm tu1luraur mi ur al mllanl laon juhuatuu ajjadmyaua htttalhaotulw ull taahlaaaa 111 litllh aloiulay jnuuy wli rtr nia jalluay wit l uul nauumal llliulubulhaiu itfauuliar lu hu lianobhieldaaly at lulili mi frlday jw tiatytui joho alaaidwllocw ufvatrina auaka lounnal ilia lala jayialu aorta ikoomu ula tlat yaar dtmohum la rumuwd at raaulatma lai wula hi on tunltj jaduay iro v ulnstaah lixniailiiapaflumolloillau aniialai uitda ui ihimluloa flotaibiuaal awl rath al ax uiior i it nam at of u jiaaalil awl jaua a djwjumi awl ho day 11iuhhday january 1 im1 kd1toh1al notks canadian failure in 1010 nuuiberod hls a decree tif 7 er from 1u00 while llahllitli- aggregated lo bfloluo all lurai of 23 mir rent over llm pmcmling yar whnwal dealer- nay hi nomm udn r ell ft half u y owing to high pile- maintained by the big piiklng hon which ronlrol ula uihrkttlm 1uj1b nr rallik vtigntmlltnm mini i rlk in llo willloltt tlllt tlin oiltlhiiim mil uiutcllll tlf oiihatuu roiiitnnrclwl travnllr livc tuctxl nvnr wkk jhblrw iii tlm imi km hi i of hotiilu llirmighmit uwiimim and tu uhi hltetfta on now yra tuy 10 uk w uowl i ohlmo imhi- kiodi ttttt lroulitial lklalatum will nitwit fur tit d mtcli of tiualitihtii on turk hmy jn illli h in iml in-olmhli- lht tlin mimuidii will im inotmiki for tnar itkii alu nrllit wlk uuhouyti th kmafhm tint oitn imifuni tlm inivltt olal ttliiii la aliahya kitown urn thr workfiik inaalnu utirintr lliff hint lk incntlarll to heptu ill f tlin proaiiit iuih yar ah klfi liiiinlrmtilu utrrlvitd canada coiiiiaimi with 120tij for tlta mnm mrlml of tlm imvloua laoal yar to initnlkral ion from tlm unlladfjtatitafoitliu parlotl wh 73 445 mm oommrl with fiflilts an in- qrsaafioflll par coot 11i imtiitbra uon liy ikwali hiru waa an hhtiiu til im mr cant ailvloea from the old ooontry atato that ilia klotf oontviiilattm invltli tho pmiilora of tht vaklniln imtovimohm and the mayors of tlm rlnoll ollh of canada to lw hla ituonta at the co ouatlonln jun nvxt it u un n morml that atioli may or an arc hoitor- ad will rclvtt knlghthoodi and in ohaln oaaaa tha tttjna of ijh1 mayor now if that will inohidai aatona ohlr nagutlalo it will 1m floe hlr cloorun would aoiind aplundld wouldnt itp it u aatlniatod that thu world natwl a lltua ovar 1000 ooooot huahclu of wheat aacll yar on an verar ulnca luoo that tha avtiragu 1 now niurai 36ooqpo00o ttvd may uoon 1m 4k1- 000000 b6hnhi that thurw u very m- doni now any wary urgn atiwk in re aarva ap that a had harvoat in any onti year itraaforal of tlii- larn irmluoln ountea la aiiro to uainl thu prlca n ly ing arid that tlm avaraifncionmumiitlrin par head of oomiutum u tnadlly inoraaaltik in hrvad uatlnk diuntrlu whlla rloa eating notintrhl ari lmgln nlng to iuit what a hullatln or tha oanaua onioo jiiat imtiod glvaa tha total of tin 11 nrom kron iri canada in ii0 a 112711002 acraa mtid tha value of oroia mm 07- lish domiwrnd with uoilus wucr and a valita of uwdl00 tha mvlntia year wheat nata and liarlry in 1ixxj had a toul area or m 017000 ueum with a value of flllli000 uml in 1010 with nil area or 0u3 000 aninm the value u only l21h7thtk ihe ill areaaa in value la 40 105700 whluh u 14000100 more uihii the ioivhm for all held orom and a towi r imtiloollnii of i8b0i000 hu-ht1- winmi 6iwrt0ki wahalaimtaanduuhiooo hualnu tiaf- lay ttmugh drouth and heat hi mani toba kaakatnhitwau uixl altwirta friini an aivmmwii greater hy lu7ll0llndrm account fin the whole loau kerly tuxmuy moinlng after mini oaye alaolloiih pro llilii journal t were trjololltg over wlifct thny tutttwl aaewraaetihankto looul option tha aavare eat hiuk le h grtat eatufuu lion to the rileiule ut the tamperalioa oauae hh ttio lhiior wrty won minli a aatlmnk tluilr juliuntioii would know no hound to iwgln with aald liquor arty ohoae three ional option niunlnlpalitlaw out ofa mealhle lulvouwhlnh to httunk lxuiing unocal option jty law homo people uatd that thli extreme ukxihaly or timidity aaamed in lie in ititelf an admhuilnn of having a honelea oaae thu threu oonteat however were fought to a flnlahaiid tha aggraaiilvu luti- vuom party wai inerollnhaly repuued liy majorities thitt uiiowim hint iorat option need- no thien provlnlnn in make il tttroiig und keimanenl thu la not muoli for the liar- mo ml ula toorow over lt iih lixtk hx mu vot ing lt tha mtuilnlpalhleh in whjah itoal option hy imwh want etihmltted there were eighty three of thaee up u the time of tint writing or ihu article returnn hnvo heen fenalved from eighty in only twuutyrfuur of wblcb did the liquor ptirty obtain majoritlea ily all fair ruleer juiitlee lualhema uce and uoihuioii aitnae they wer aoundly lhrhod in the other i bftyaix the pioneer councils inaugural mllting ileeve llynda annual aildrawa anttyta vlnitnolal poalllon municipal i ouuutl im t nit lumliiy morning t iv n mlmk ri n i pilreil liy ututule itif ukoum wn ii punnl ami ihfldl t ltie dmlmlrtllona of it an r 0111111 mllon follow kv lovhllyou oinrlllo altell a 1 hrown mlinay mi diiihm und v m ooh hi i nil iii- fm lhe ynai wn atriirk foil- 1ivma i llinwn oihlrmau m midnuihl and th uiv htukui1 ni wmkii a hull juihiiuii m mrltonwld and the iteuve mrmrxsii rmnit tho ueev man a imiaod a 1 lltotvu jkx4kfkli- 1ui it v chairman m mi lvoill and w m no r luikm modonaltl olmlimau a t llnwnaml w m pr mdii a i hrown and 1 1 uikv illt umial bylaw for ii nnl nienl of audltorw wau lnthmliirnl and iwaaeil mnaara a i nlckllu end w ii llemiy lieliigroapkolnlml m eame aahtt a an laat year iti eve hymu in iirh f uon gralulatnl lint inelnliera upon tin ir v clitction by aoalamallou ii waa vnry ginwl fivlihnrn he aad that the ratepayer u re willaatullml with their work of the utat ynar thtre am koin inatleru n ganllug our work for the year we have j nut entered upon worthy of a few re mark oor lire umlla hy uw hau un found lolte too limited in area a nlau of out hulhlioge lieu imhiii er ld the pant y ir or mi wllnli are a meuace to lheleur imlldlngm oil u ijacent lilt we flmuld rn11- ilouly the en ttudlug of thlm hy uw to rover the entire town we immt havi additional llrt taiiku and i would uuiignut a new one pretty well oulh on main ntret and another in the vkioily or the ueardmuru ware- hum at the i iv il atatlnu with thee luldltlooal tanka the lire brigade could rnacb coindderahly whirr area with iiwj hoae ami he tanka nan he built at a iiimu runt than the punihaae of eddlloual hiue would entail home ipwuul pereon ahould au u givu the hteellla duly or regularly and frt ipieotly iubt4llng ihn tauku and thua avoid aunh duahlroiiu tlreii mm have ouurtakwn tiihui plaewu where tlilu haa been nrghntihl kiifertlug to uirtbaary expanditurea of the pivtn nl j nar the km v minted out that the tiicllon or mill hlruet whlnh haa lieen wldeod would nipilre to lei glaihd end metullet tlin nahlybn tr inrthe t lriiulrrd hy tin hoard of icilu nation but bit thought by continuing the careful and econnmlcul huhirvaon of all expenditure the rale could im kept at ita pruirfttiv figure or t inoel tint more than a mill higher the expert report of the rnndlllou of the elealria lighting plant would im prwieiited at a later meeting on the whole it wa very encouraging the finance of the corporation were in a aetu factory condition ihe sink ing fund and luteret of all debenture had been paid and theie i a mall lialanoe in the treaaury he wa proud of acton llnancfcal powltii when roinpaieil with tha other clvin hiunlclahtle it the county iront the government blue lwrnk ho found the following inter eating flgiirea lotuiallm tax luta dab dalit aouji l71 l liltlla tt4 tluunbton llktl art l khj lanialawn hum u u sis ulltim kit m ntua oakylue wxm uj 1utk1 anton certainly compare favorably with tha other mu nl cl pall t leu with 21 mill rata and little over half a much debenture debt a high tribute wa thou paid tu officer harvey for hi falthfulne honeaty and ability in the performance of hi dull a during the year hit careful hentloi had facilitated the iteeveu dutle and had bet n a aatlifui tini he felt aure to each ineuilkir tha council km way in wlitali he kept hlulmioka wa a marvel lcvery rent jif olciitrio tight hivemiea hail immiii collectid wn oxperlence the ooui never itefore enjoyrtl hu excellent work bad cert h inly given the town full talue for the aalary wld ha felt that a fall increaae in aalary 1 due for o valuable u man 1 very dlflloult to meciire onuiiijuor ibill piuliuicitl in nil tlint lueve ilynd had wald and added hi ipiola of pralui to omoer hrvey oouuclllnr hrown emigre i uluted tli ktnve upon hi election in tha name ituuhnd a the ununolllore and auo complimented the munloipl ofllner tin council then udjoiiiuvd until 710 in ihe evening ii alton coo mtv oounohli0ii tea is the result of care and experience in blending must bo ihe combination of fine flavor smooth strontfth and richness bacauso nil those plementa tiro ap tfenorou3ly includod in rod roio too ii woll merits the torm food tea l redrose the local option vote your grocer will hftcomnmnd it tiil councils slc0nd mccting a budvat of aooounta aeoumulatad blnoa lath oeeantbae faaeed a gonfhrenoai with th riljal bhiaadld con toll mat a per adjourom nt at 7 ui monday evanlni the ulemlhir were all preaeiil i hynd in the chair ihe commllteeiin klnnnce pi eaettt etl the r tret roit hod recniuu ended paynu ut of account follow jan 1 en l lee trio co auppllea ii it j w haker expert fee 1 ml w i anderaou iamlng eta 2d j aj mackluuou tranafinlny mill ntreet promrlle ni to canadian oil co oil 10 a itke 1ru coal co coal no wheeler rartage eta anton tree iroan printing municipal world form 127 03 121 111 ihe following will jiiompmm the nuuiy council for 101 t aiton oeorge ilyndi iteeve lliini lnirimm o hmlih heov okoiuiktow v major urant it ev mlltlim 1 p kail itlmve olgviiik j c 1oitl hit vii luujimhlnd w lliimimioi iteeei john illughant depijty iteev nvtmtii vwc david lliuolnnu llttuve nkmhwj p ailflln iltinvp tnkviiimi john i kumi heeve i i ruulhermtouu deputy iteuve llure will ho niilytjwu uw fiuiv in the omimy oonhtll hilihr lhohe of john itlughhui deputy reeve of k- uulng and ihqiiiiiii irmut reave of jroigetnwu omi of the hi memlw r mr tuck deputy reevi of keuim ba lout hi mfht through the annex iillou by ihn lloglou of h tat t of nrlnnu ihu ttmluiied the uumwf of rati pi y- erarnr tile townehlp imiiow that mcu uwry for tha ah ctlnn of n deputy rjeve mrvtuck has been elected a a conn- clllor in nl on jvr the whrdeilahlp there u very little doubt hut trial it will go in mr kurd the heave of trafalgar llrt lie exprrtmed hhnaelf to tile elt4l that if t honor loonferred upon him ha will rettto from muulolml politic t tlie and of the oar ihe oounay con noil meet for or- x on tuoiday 20th inak yata 71 ilia report wa adopted mlu ilnretire murray wa rehnuhl vitmii ovoicharge on bitalnia tax ihohiim of s0 7j wa ordeieil in lui reluuded to the anton limiting co leilug a auiu twice oollhtud uu the name provi ty ahnit thirty meinlmir of the 1lru llilgade here fylwl into the council ohemlhr heevthynily explained that be bad invited the uu iuim of the hilgtde to wtaetwlth ibe4oiincll toconfe upon limtter uf mutual internal he wa phiaued to aeit mich w fair rtpdaenta tlon praennt he iblrihl it tu i hi du llnotly undnrfcloiul at the outaul that the council had uo complaint t make it wa well aatlelud with tin work of the hrlgaibi during the ymr our lda in inviting you hen he bald 1 to untiulro ir there i nnythlng the council rould do to render lhmjtrigade utortt efficient would it im i letter to have the chief appointed hy llii coun cil t glvo hint more reywmlblllty and orhap u uniull eulary maue him rbvnulbht for the nvirfclghtif the fire fighting projwrty and u monthly inapectlon or the lire tank i be cmtnall will 1m gluil to hwvi you irn ynumelve and will nonnldiir whatever you may have to my chief alidermina far au the ap polntineutof the chief by the council i concerned t am ipilto eatlmlhid but for myuelf i may explain that i do not intend to tint any longer in that poal lion ibere i nothing in it for me it require too much time thorn are ollur memtier in tha hrlgwde who can do an well a 1 have dontt and pei hap iwtter hkohurhmlth we would like to know if it i the intention or the conn- om to appoint the chief without tint aanctlnu of the llrlgado heretofore ihe llrlgade ha nnniluatud tlm chlr and the council huu rtnnriruied the appoint inont i do not think the method wuggutvd hy tho heeve umihl im uatufaotory ii boott the mtiuthor or the 11 1 gade know that it ha atway imou my opinion that the council uhnuhl apiolnt tha chief 5 very other vol on tee r hrlgadit i know or ba the chlnf appointed by the council i think hit mliipiloti ofthlh plan would put the mlof into iktttir touch with the council and the chief would have greater authoilty over tho men withonift i think it would im n good hhu for the council to mppolnl the chief hut he uhnuhl im uelented from tho hilgade and i mi one with wlliini tia lunmhi i would wink in harmony i cannot however how ihe plan would give the chit f more miithnilty over tint mi u himteiy ciixolht chirr altould 1 think im tho choice of the ililgadu und hiihjent to the council who of irtie uouhl object tu rontlrm hlu up polntmiuit if tin y nnnulderid him mi iltablr ii mliualemnninnldd with lb coxe rtt tlm cnuunll nhjent if the htlgaihiu holne i mumiluhointy ihe hreve well genoiulieii tlm tu pmr to in h different t of opinion ninng you we thill efnre do not inii tu ititeifeie on no and lout om chief in your umumi way und it ul w good luitn iwlui will have thu nnlhhmon of the council the cuumtil then idjiuiruet hf o ohio oitf er tol no m frank j oliaoay li ealh tlal u kaolnr artear ft liia it tin e v j ol oay ti iki tiltiu jualeaa iii tha tlltv of tol a i o oounly and hlat aal i alwl lhal aalil llru will iy tla aunt cf iiunuhhii ixjitiamh lor aaott aurt airy of oaierrli uial oauuut niirwl by 11 u at mallauaiarilitlura kkvnkj uiuhw hatmo to bafi ia ma ami autwulhwl in eiy rauoa llila bib day dtlhujbar v illtua hail a w hiuvhin noramv l k lull uatarratt uute la lahau liutnajly aut aou itnallv ud ilia iiimhi u i til umua kurtaom dluaaiilii han1 rorletlli ill ici opll lgo l 1 txuhlh1illomu td eiiolbi lltii t tnd iimoorhglog okanio it p u leant now lit rom mii mnuh ipallll 1 j j o bim ih n ntirul in t plh- mttlng it ui i- mjui polld tut tlu ily itw 1 b ut 1 liy bi t bn oftba riiiireunul in pl d in with ir wu llllllreihea iho inoal junifhenl hin peilimpm ntol impilant fiulm- uf hi i m pigulm ihul tin i havooluo u mingle utllk warul tlllllipl lo h jmim ijki1 lll m 1 ll of lb i4 llninni illwillleu in wluh ipul coul at might be imll tby look pluielu only v lo arli of ihe i a mihalutillio majority w ul n tot 111 huatelulng or the law jlie pahl imu h i n in malty re mta the gniili i hi ihv malory of thfoontlohin alliaor alnady the new iminplgu hu ro i n d ami ihn wink of lite p nl ym- iwlug nuilituktji mm woik of 11 allium buu grown mo t uormnuwly thut it now im ruph m a pokltlou ofgrut hnpoilanio of ihe lil0muuloliulhu in the province lih will im without ii emm aflr may ut ml- nona ullaa u-utfhtr- of up jam nlven london lh jnattv tlrlcla ihe muirluge took plane lo indon laatkiitunlay afternoon in hi haul calhdial of nurahllu ilatigbli r o dr and mia jammh nlvm ro al fitiil otvioi lorranre uon of mr alfrl o it ardmore lotontn tin uervli n wa fully choral and the lunch wa dienrated vltl finuk pibnw apd orlmmiiu ilowet 1 lo arch deacon mankeiixh ll i ie tin of fjiace cliurnh llrmitfnrl u formed lry ihe hi hlu wi given uvvay hy in r rather ami worn a white ulmrty uath gown with tllvi rand rout iolnt lucr tulle veil with orange blomaonn hiu cariled u ahower or white nnhldenn lily of the valley she woe lor gin fioin thu hililigrooiu a diumoud end platinum plaque nil wa attemh d by her uuter nituny au maid or honor mu dorothy hvardmore ami muvmary iltall hrldomuahl and mlu 1ranci hi eveu flow r gh i 1 he little girl wim in llngmln fro u und the young ladh wore yellow mittln velltnl with mauve nhllfoo hlai k aatlu aakheu and blank but with gold 1 hey carried mauve and jul low orchid and re it ol htachjt thu g tlf tlm bridigiom mr cordon ihuilmore wa ii hrothei bout mnn uud the uuher wie mr archie mmdonahl mr hugh calmtt mr lordnu lempli and dr 1ardeo hioko to whom the hilile gave gold bar fity plnu mr nlvnn wore a gown of grey crjwulo chine with velvet trimming and grey blue velvet toque and fenlh- ei xir and mr itouiduinie mi foi u trip to now york and on limit relurn will real iln nt anton ihe travelling tlit im wh of cojhinlimgui bln chilli with hut to mutch and hlaok wolf fur a dinner dance wa given at the london hunt club in the evening for the bridal party limfeiiouute mr w lovyily wu mm of the imainru ut hn fumirut of tlm lutt mj- ilrulo ut cuulpli on monday tho people of thlu vicinity lira much phiamid that mi ihnu i iveti hu come tu uettle ku jiihiteully in ijnie- hniuc mr ivemi huw loulgued hi potdtlnn n u locomolwe ting in tier on tho jrand uruuk uailwaj and will now uujny a well tarued timt from the arduoini uml iixucllng r upomdhlllthni or a railroad nianhlf which lie huu purumd with niarkeil fallhfulucm uud eat i fuc tin 1 1 lo tint coiiwuy foi nearly hair h century ioi thirty rlx your mr ivenu wuh an migluuei on tho qiaiiduiimk und he wa alway t- garthid ui omi of the hufeut uud in out ir uwtworthy men ou the road in churge or an inikine hanl for itmilte mlala it j cibnx4l0til- i roll ly all dreuui tm raaa hall a vaiutly 1 ilia tor fmiutlrtli auotion balkllkalatkn janaiahy ibtlt aalu or rarui atoek inipteinetita etc the prohrty of john klltnard lot 1u otin i kaqniialng fmir inllua mouth of acton male at una ooloek term a i0 caab and la mouth urudll it j kkiik aikiuon- ear i tlltt ktefttjkaino klkotiohh the votaal polled toe tb cautlldaua i lhr mum ihn ilgimti given imjiow for thu caiiduiul fm- deputy heevo and cuiiiiqiiioi will bn ibteieiiling tu ibuny i tji dariiyv umvx lilutliiaui wrimluwerlli u w tu ibl u 1 tima mi hi hit ui w vi s caliitwll 1u 11 mr cum pi kill win retilly not in the nonttit owing to ill health he ahked hi frhuidu nol tu vote foe blin wahnino wv notlno in ihe tamily hnahl uud wimkly hint of monti h1 iho pub llmhnrti ur wiirulng tlu h itdu whuitu uiiblici iplluuu xplie thin month to lenew kt oiicff itllt hllluwul qlfdulu and new mtnii rlpllim p n iig intn tllkl oftlne eveiy ila tire u hlght tu im lnld lit ilnli proupeiltu foi kill the iubllkhi i m proinlami innut woudei fill lmprovi nuiuluthut will muku tho pnuu even greater velrti llmu nvei tmfore atlhoiib ii hwmulwnyu himlmocognlxed it ihe greatnut dullui wotlh 10 lie hid kt u cmem will lie thelmilti of ihe phi ily he mid and weelfy htm hii tigular woekl vial lor dm lug 101 an opportunity far careful fitiycrs to make jllg saving in staple j and standard lines ol dry goods touring si ockl a ring wuuaii1 occupy thu tilanc of tltr month of jjtiuary wc wjll char out it v ty spcciil prtci nil lint in winch yv vrstockcl iho ill lines in which thr rinr i broken o thl ttiovt will hr- put on tin counters at ir over livliky day new lots clearing pricks no tu ifworu or qld tylc coods hut the bet milluit hues of the tr on hum arc a few litw which indicate lite character at tho food and the value offered ii woniili a llurk c0ur huu vib rrtftiur j par pah f t plr pilllli mly irguur r i iihm lal nl puilrii an iijular tjj- jmr yd or jury i lalmolnlles v tr ular ujr par yil lor i iiiilny ilmmcd hal ail llalmrlcn milllimry i alt mi4fa all half i lite illva jatlnla rc illstollj la it 1jlun jarlel lag linn rr litm js ich 7 remnants remnants remnants of all lints of piece dry tooch special tables all through stockviakmi henderson co mill sired acton ontario amxooooxx3aooxxooo wall paper sale i or the balmx ti of tlie mouth uml drinii our jacarv aii wnwlllunor for aala wall iapar nt priim tiuvnr quailed in nalplt ixiforn many llue will im priced at half irlco otuljjk fottiil male it h ulniol u year unto wo opened thin tlnpnitnient to tlii public we must nay that it ho proved li fcrt utnr miltrui tliuti wo oc dreamed of it liuu nntlrnly otitgrawn it prciwnt mimlo o the inl hear and we ale tmw oliout to move into lite tttiw uctloii lately imcnplel by tha i mile and ivbor council itatlicr tlm u move our preu nt i totk of wull inprv at wn will tutll it during thl rule reran i out of t o t or fornilr helling pi ku come to tbli mile uml ore wall paper at your na price iho follow nut line v ill ivo you uu id of lite inintniu ntock thut wo have for oi lo chooso from mlcimoou paim us with bordeiu mill i atllngu lo mutch regular up to 7c roll forc regulur up to lac roll for 7c uckulur up lo 3iw roll for lor itcgiilur up to ajc roll or 14c dinlmf room paplusln ull the unwru uiade uml detlgu jucludlng umrtry und fruit lapcktry upper- floral rut nut imrdnril etc ucgnlar up to 10c roll for 7c ucgular up lo ijc roll tor nc h ny 11 in 1 up tu am roll for isjc itrfiilur up to v roll for is j1ali papblua in lauet oohtnati ael twiumvwltli ineu border or prtly t rnwu vffeou 1 iminllil luitina- olnt hrgulur up to lot roll for 7c lingular up to 15c roll for ic ltculur up to aoc roll for lajt ltt upte iu toll lor 1 l 1alkm ou pallcll in prencb tey cliuintuigiie cream frnrn or unly rtgulur up lo aoc mil for hl itngulur up to 30c roll for 151 regular up to 00c roll for 41h wo piapay nil oxpnuui freight and paiitatfo ohargos on all goods reganllau of bjo or vaiuo band ua your order by mall bamploa ohaarfully aubhiittod thb lion d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdonell streets guclpii ont thb lion education 1 for profit ilia aucceaaful expedeiica ol hundreda n britiltt yoontf ntoti hnd women who are now aecurely boldln oouhui pulllnna in lite 1 rt world ot hiulnoiu km finance ixjan hi u thorough con rut of training at he ijoslitcss eocjc afaaomtojifoejki ujer ivadliha ut iimlph oml it would delhhl und aatnnlalt yoi lo learn the alory of the riu and pronrea of a larue tiumlier of tint jraduataa of ilila lainoua htuiitiulon hera and how llire aianda wldeoimn lor you whojivo youili hoalth dlacerinnbnl anilamtililot ilia unto door of hnnorahle iucces dont procraaiinile aolto opjmirtunlly do it now coin direct lo ilia collrae air or mill wde metropolitan bank paid up cauiai rlibt p 1 vv9vv9a99 ltt7s9afi hcnd office toronto ont onlc 137 upjmi- wynilh malcolm maocormaok b a principal victims of consumption kveity dkparttmknt of dankihq conducieil with 1acllliy accuracy and bacutlly paumkhb 11usinebb given panlcuuv attenlloit salfc jsioteb ditcountei or received for collet havings department ti 00 will open an account intamt allowod horn date 0idopoait no delay in withdrawal joint accounts may lie opened if uealred au llmt altlier of two t peraooir rriy withdraw unda ikcton brhnch a m brown manager motick and two ciildiu9i at muskoka i kll hospital i ar now under treatment lfubauf too llwl lien a ltlcnta tr- ojy in del llfollow debt on institution will llti hint l mtoenullnmoiy alklug hikiiil our nhllliy lp repeli wittohti ami nluuk well that i iteihuho we buv the eonfll- ninelliml ui tutu do it and tin it hell m hnui mnal watnli maker 1ltat beuaiihe wu nerved our full term or uppruuthuilp mid itfurtvurdii worked uudut thu lamt makei in loronto and 10 ytar wx- iteriime give ii aunh 11 gtuit advan tage nvil mumt nthera that we tumm to you in full chnllilenn bat it will ut ij re fully uud quickly iliue prlugle ihe jiwehr llielph a ntttry from tlm mumkoka tree hwwutl for coimiiuipllim tellm of u mntlinr uho wilh itir tun nlilldren iu nnu uudor treat nmnllulhubhiuilutioit f lluloul loul ihmui u imlluit but dm uimi mhn ati ad vatued 1 ne wlinn the pitleut tinwinvl ami im immklnoo uiikuril uwaj rhere i huu i011u hnl that tlm ii wu intented tot a r lult olituring lor hn luiflumd uml now il lull tlm mmknlah her little gli i ulumt live ytmte or kftt hoy of ten 1110 y lib hor imlh imlng aminteil with tila ihrnd diwumu the won in of tlin loollioi aiu iatlwtjo blmurlbei i munl lo 11 tlm tm uml wot linn to ekuiolue my bnqiaj o ioi ulmllmr tlu to tnx uu tiling uitmir tlth llm am he mild unit tlm l hmg wuh hmmiuhi a hltlertu1 liliopa wmld bull me up i h imi 11 ultu girl iiihiiii ll n j 111 h old am the lonlm my thnl ii 1 kulil tuka he up w 1th me li weutil tlo imr tu r ao much simn i a alt la not wj mtrnug i lutva iihi mora oh i ll ro und mm of thnao a imy td ton aeem auo to i iiflll tetl ami it im jih ikahle hut i ho klmuld enter the he tltul the- three are of the 104 w linnl who are rtihldniit iu thl tltuwrviug iiiktllullm and ihiiug tare i for ulllnmb inmmy ami without rie tlm miny rl or it h tlutt the tiiikloea areoarrjliig n ihiht ef home thing like 810 immi im urred ur ihrenuh tumldllluiuitliut have liean imuln witlilii ihn iiaxb jnur nhil thut hun mere than doubled the nixhimlikmlntlnii uf the hiklilu tlmi togetlier with the htv ora1 td main tainitiiy an larae n ninnlxir ol free intleitta header who drmtra lo help ihu gloat elmrity nmy mud thelrenutrlt uiioiin to mr- w 1 daga 1i lmemitlve m tttitttn hi hpnllim hlenue 01 to urn hxi itittttj tmnmirer 117 mug ulieet vroat loronto smfohs cure nalckly mnp haiku nana ima k ala ika lb aawl laavia im emiia humjhhmblhhhhhmhhmmmhhmiimmmmmummmh s m 3 if suit lengths of tho finest imported scotch ff 3 tweed suiting and west of kngland worsteds 5 3 tho regular prices for thee goodu are from 28 g to 35 a suit h s g your tffdor taken today for any one suit made g to your measure in the latest uptodate tltyle g fmtllass in every way for a suit r e nelsoit vhant tailor i ruranbajr we are here to do i your printing we have a lartfc aasortment of type ready to serve you w5 print what you want the way you want t and whan you want it flflu abbrrliefmrdtb wivxtkil w i 11 i 11 ahiltk t 1 i rv at 1 iiimi i 11 llhh 1 it lit lut wlklkal i i li l- kiln wood wantkd w nioiorc itujiiiin urns com oalh ml to will u iu b ml tlwoll 1 ihl wma tatll mil bju i ulldla lt all w lt rt wllf l uiiiml j tl ilkaltlomjitm a 143 remlrm fof fmryiiik mail o r m station to acton p o 1 utu i em ir iii j t ei 111- i all luahlllnll ii alia i tiubl a1 a h t til vul llio 1 al 11 tl uy l 4 jtrl ti t u 110 xd un roil baclf t r mi ul 1- j aavau pin ri a tuuulli ku p lata a tt uit tli iiu1 l n0tick iklilailoai ua iiu ty u tenulu unbuilt an hallway i hiiii lo ut eauuur llilla- ili a r uu i lie ii toi toau k4 do ua lwaai1 aoiln 11 lulpli lliu i a tiot in br h lla t i 1 r ulllo u hi cwioly af hal t t i 1 una 1 ama ixjol at m lalj i illact may iwtl iz aid utlamu tu hi tha cmmiy aj w tarorti tliiuul or lisar ii a t tonallpa ul lualuh wu- dumma lli ltt fllz llowunalhul a to tnoinaui ilia ralilul aloolt la aullu nlaliw nplalion ei tka llalajbltunlal l11i ufof atnw 1910 iliivnl li 111 lliaioion j t u itutkllbk tole hilluuu 1 1 tui utu hluhuita hallway o chsh phid ipor fowl rawjtijhs junk i alio tell ull hilda of i uimituki nt skkb kcton important notice cllirr fi w till l the celebrated mohawk medicine man wlll lie iu aclort on tllmuda fill fill januahv lhout urdring lo cjiinult wlib him or tibial n lii indian itomedlea by ibatuanlhy can im lilm at lie dominion hotel ilia rnninl uu comjwnud nf bsrlx roolf liarla limls r4iij itowerti nnd bum a of nftelablaa mccttliilly cure all ulaeiae ttcib acuta ami rlnoulc lmt of tlm ui clll incurable dlwuuc readily ylol 1 in lliaui umplrt remotllea homesteads and lands in the west pamirr or inhere ihlnkiiuf of taking u lulninleaiu or buying 1inila or invealiuenl ore invllail lo call am u ma i am pnparoj io lurnlih rlilik lulormmlfm aa toil irablelncbllnii- lariii prlcaa ale specially conducted excursions willi reprtiniitsllv- in chvje will lie run tluring tlm iprlmj ami eirly iimmer wtion all new ii nl in lormailm- mil ttld hi uxmim prnmiriy will iwjueu if nol cjlu union t lo call iliera turn and otltor hdormailon will be promptly fnrwar lad hy addraaiintf a e nicklin acton ont why buy coenp dcljusc it v tho cheapest feeding jrain on the market good stock whole or ground i ifuini or grain want12d acton flour anft feed store now i propir the aotom freel press grand trunkavtr winter tours mexico colorado caliromin and pacific const points the tr mil it unl kuiluny syuteni i the ponuhir route from hi point ciu1 thronjh lmiiiilu vlu chkago features imit imil lukt sorvkt i lnet uouiiimii modern i ptlpnieut 1ktjitul ted olnliiu t in rvj all luumnt ot imfotj nun conifiut to the sunny south no iiioio drlkihli iiiiito tlmii via rtuil i iuul uud t oinictjlhig liuu i very low rates i ull inloriuutlnii th lulu rlt rreui h s holmbs agent acion oniahio

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