Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1911, p. 2

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aovi kiiai luur xilun j uninl a- lauuli y knrt i y ii i w muliuf iv v u bum nffl h h krin towaml la usbut ilkrdnx ttiu dauttilai of lir and utl ii km- jo dspraaloaii on huuiur isl ruy wtaioht- l lualun on wwtriuuy fbruary imut william u wrluiil l ulrfltmhhl uiimluf ujy illya yost u lila wl raamtte lumi hlixt 0v villa 01 monly v1rury ullli jidih kunl wanuii loumy if hal ml d 11 uuuolll vu tinsin lutrrf minnr of 11 ii in- m ikaliiwiy iih fflir im ii udb 111 ifl iury mill luta ikon lk ulw iiuallr jl tharaaiwliavaiiatil i la lit llilnk w- timit- iim- lu 1 or a tfafilllogla- 111 iu ron- ki i ill u ilfm in ry biti su t oar lint with iiutil i- vllllna i l will say tliy will b km i lllkntij hltlthllh lmliltmtlliellr hjlix retail jm jjrcsfi tiiuiihuay maltoii jml iu11 editorial motes all liirraa of 10 hltl 4jl ii is shown in tint customs cuittliii tif lho dumlulou or dm ihviui months of li fiscal yiai- nntuny on tuesday tin lou iwlilk uww llu onllao tlnnsfur fobwry totl 5wokitt mti lnrita hon lie iyims lilll tn for in- jut trial cltuuut lo a ynta of u0waa luolixll in lit supplement airy estimate waa introduced in the legislature hy the minister momuy afternoon lho hill trvi it to muni cipalities to open industrial classes it authorise any incorporated vllutfa or town bchool hoard tn eatslillah gener al industrial schools technical high schools of flnn awl applied art 1hn schools aw to h operated under hgu- latlona of the department of kdt ca tion llm apportioning money grantwd by the ibllrtujjjfj to liu in flharge of tlie mlnlttfltf kilucatlnn tlila apportionment will lm mdd upon the minn liaalvj ui tha high aflhool grant accord i nf to thfi liuiitlxir of puplu miiilnmont and nuallllcatlon of taachflra olranllnom r ohlne liniil i- u altutml at in a bill of hlr jmiiioh whit ney which provide that evrny ah op building or wtom in whloli 0110 or inom poraona uo etoployed in laundry work by way of trade or for the pnrponn of gain ahaji ba duaiuad a factory within thn meaning of the ant and aball lm vial tod by tbn factory luaktotora in uie aauim way mm any other fuutory and the unit pmaltle uhall apply lldratoforti tho aot appllotl only to large faotorlfm whloh bad nix or more employe and thlu all ohlmiae laun dvltw nacaied the bill goon into par tlaulara that will make for oleanllntuta it daolarua that no pnbllo laundry work ahall lw done in a rmun that la tiand for a ylnaplng or living room and that wvery laundry ahall lw kept in a olean condition and tetiu from nil in- purlllea of an infaolloua or cotitagloua ttature home people and iioiu ntiwaiiapora btarudlhu story for their own pur pose that fraer trado wltlitbo united state would mean llm annnviafon of canada to that country ilmre who no truth lu tho atory of roiirf in tlaed it watt prapobhirouu hut it uo excllml oolonnl muffhetf itrd harry and aevaral otbnra that tbry liw amoke out of thlr uoalrlla and ahout- ed fire wheriumu thoao popln who t do not know u palntod lath from a real a word got wildly uxollod too montreal wltuuua aw u mattur of fact uieaiipportera of the rtnlprotdty agreement aro in pviry rumpeot aa loy al and patriotic aa the moat vnliotnnnt of i up opponnnta who prate the annexa tion cry someone aau llm othr day thatthedlffnrence imlwuttu thngovorn ment and thoan oppoalug rolpronlly latitat the formor ahowa ita loyally by ita deeda and the otliora by llnilr word m assao a w va mr atid aire thomn illaok and daughter left ihla woek for their homo at high wvar alia william darrah baa rented bla furm to william hnrvloe of moltat h will hold an auction tl 1 jib march ail inuroatlitg union aeivloa wtoi held in lamneaer olmrch uat hnotui kbtmeaev 1m held next hunday llm paati uev a n coofier will pruuoh at 11 a mtaud 7110 p m on tuesday evening n ooumrt and tea will ho given lh prtgrumnio will be provided by acton muthndlat sunday boliool urahuwtra loinpruing twelve trained mualalaua a uiiium unattetto and an wlittintloulat vit will ba aorved after thii conourt an vtijoyable uvunlng u uullplpaud t alma oollkokt oomvhrsaxionu brilliant boena avt annlal ibvunt i many oueaiw rom out o town trant tar th oooaion tlia annual oonvnraut at alma hau uoouia a red letter day in lho hlutory or the college and an ovunt of gral interest to the aoclal life or thu ulty it baa imiaonin a aort of thermomutur that meaaurua he prgrna and up to daumaea of the inatlhitlou and judged by lmdaya gathering alma oollfge ht thomaa haa touched hlghwalur mark nevahaa tliuru been a liner grado or ataanui now uumlrcrlug about nno hundrd in oldnnn and nevtr did corrhlnra and bulla pmaunt a rnore anlmauhl aeeim of youth and beauty u v1or a lid frlunda lho effect waa kaleldoaaoplimor thu dreantis preaonlwl evnry faablmtablu shade of color and style from low nrck high neck short skirt mid hobble but lnst ol all and aluive all wen the sweet pr facaa ajjfl xpleudld tyma itf young womanhood that shall o forth wiulpped for the duties or life with lho praothml education that alma collrge glvea the guests nnhiluirwl ovor ww and ware from all ie f tho provlnoa and aomo frnm the far wnat and the states disastrous rire vesttrday mcrrli jurjk usaur lo hi warehouse and conunla nasjidknob l radlv oakaoid atulght odlook y lrtilny morning lbs flea alarm aotunhnl m it was as nertnlnod that the wafi hoilsit of mr tla hk junk ilcalor main htntst we on fir lllf ttong wsatrly wind arreleratr1 lh work of th hams and in tlfun nilniile- the frame building ww k jnaaa or i ulna th- rsar of lbs iloubwdw wiling was soon fault nii1 onlyh prompt and vninlriil wfirk cif lbs lira hi igada aovsd tin- building from total dsatrooilou aalt wa lha lr walla war liadly ctiarrod and a hoi hurned through lleioof of the maliliilldns lb lnigik ipiitntliy of watsr r ilrrd lo muhdiln th flliia also cauril omield arable drfmhgf tlia lom to houae and rootots la nothnalvd ml tout vltl ihsre la an inauialuii of 7uu on lbs building and ih on the con toots ml ha and mr dan lw oioupy thu hoiua j ha lou of tin warehouse- and mm- isuls is asrlons inasoiueh as no ittsur- mice waa carrlsd in thv hulidlnf there ware twelve ions of scrap emp tier worth utwsu mo and 4utui six tons of wool wurih i7tt erap rubtsr worth tu i raw furs taluetl at jkj0 t horse and clgs wwrtk m30 tha dntnaga to the oopps is small lait i be other com modi t lea arp a total ins and with the building will fool up lu about 91000 or 9ummx tin only suggstum iba eaus of th fir is that it wa spontaneous oombusuon pnmibtf aiartlng la to wmi which tuny a hasp damp mr bake bad no inusuatlon of th fir until ha saw th flams aa ha waa gat ung ready fnr breakfast he had not lwen in ihw building sine th night before tie death of exwarden ford county ooilnell adjourned on tues day out of hanpaot to hi memory when the members of the county counnll met 011 tuesday morning for the february session they received tho sad news that one of thrilr mi in iter mr j v 1on hue v of okvllle bad died the pntvloua afternoon out or reelect to the inmilory or mr kurd the council adjourned after arranging lo attend thn funeral in a iwwly at oak- vllle the following day two or three went a ago mr kord waa attacked with la grippe tlila waa followml by all aoutn attack of dlahatna and drth ruutiltrd at two oclock on monday afternoon mr jamas o vord waa a uatlvi or trafalgar and haa iweit artwdilent of oakvllla since his tioyhotml he waa a wuooossful bualunsa man and in bis management of the oakvllle hasket company built up a lino husintes he waa much interested in munici pal ii 1 altera waa ueovo of oakvlllej for mmn ten years and tho past seven years has i m en a inemlur of thr coiuily council to this body be was llrst olttotsd seven years ago and bla llrst collsaguos tliertt worn messrs a motllbbon v u near 11 i warren ii w cook ii i moor j i wil son uiul j c smith in 1hu7 he was elected warden of tbw county h took a urge interest in the county cood itoatla hystom am hail much to do with us gonnral adoption iflo was a onnuurvallvo and at the time or his doalh waa vice president of the conservative association of the county he waa considered a possible candid a to for parliamentary honors mr lord waa a uiomlwr of the methodit church a leading moutlier of i be- masonlo fraternity and a direct or or the iubllo ubrary iiu waa a man of ability kindly disposi tion and waa vary highly esteemed gouoially mra toil and several children suivlvo him tho funeral yesterday afternoon waa very largely attended 11 alton rnicsa aouooiation a a portr of th onkvlll star hsbleouu president at th annunl meetlnir lho annual mrotltig of the hal ton lresa association was bold lit tho iubllo library hurlingloti last fri day all lho newspapers of the county wore reproaented with one i- caption at the inorulng session lho uaual routltta huslhuaa was transacted and tho oft i curs ducted as follows 1 ivoildent a h 1orstor htar oak- vlllo 1st vico lrea hvbll itofoimor mlltom 2nd vloo iros u a harris fluetle iliirllngtou hootrchm m moor h onorgntown aust heo w j plenty heoord oak v lllf ickhouuvoiiui ofllnars and 0 c mltoboll niw- oakvlllu i it i war rcn iluruld leorgetown 1 w pantoij champion milton 1 ii i moore and c a i matlhowh 1teu inoua acton mr i a huiils or ihnlliigion euturtmliiutl thu tiidmhuru to dinner at queen u lloul lteitwe muiilh waa auoagiliiul ho xliuulid the fiuu- dom of tho growing and untmpiiklug town to thu vulllug pitisumuii and oipiodsihl it g re l that ihv volume of busluusa thuy inul on bund would pre vent lho uarrylng out or plans that bad bson formulated for showing lho growth and liiipiovemonta elfuated sluoe the last meeting imudent tiirslor lu lilting terms uxpn smhi tlin appiellallou or thu muni intra at tho afuinooii arwxlon mr lolm m in hit ttdlloi titi inter and pub- llshtir loionto gave a ory build ami interesting llluatratid addrnas on a nost iluillng systiun for country nuws paper and job 1 nice mr inirle gave tiy points of lntreat and showtnl thivt very guuwrally coata have been arrived at on m out lnatleiiiate and hup hwksurd plans font adjourn 111 out president km- er invllttd the me miter and their indies to spend two das at the coming umiiier msitllug nt oakvllle a his gnosis in tea may mean to you flavor or strendh or fragrant richness rod rose tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit will you try a package iredrose mavsn aoip ih euo your grocer 71ii nooommond it the20th riot annual mcbtinti tn majjtment to b wprssnteu w tbr mwnbtra at th coronation mo liquor in oamp oantbkm th annua meeting of thu ntlh era of tb20lb luglinant of halloo waa held at milton on tuesday th following officers weio prunt luut col mixirr msjois hnaml and noble i capulns jumua italb nt- adjutant clsmehta aamblf arnold and paymaster atulerwtu ijeutuu ants cooper llastrdo ahd ask hi 11 nil handmaatercaulilu three representatives aii to im up tmlnted lo represent the rtglment al ihv coronation hirgt mujor hohert son of hornby wuy the only member chosen but the other two vacancies will be chosen later pour or the onirera of tho yui havit applied for positions uu ofllrers on i ha coronation contingent other m al tors or inlet est to lint regiment and concerning matter in connection wllli the annual camp or instruction at niagara were da llm rat ed upon major holt paymaster anderson and ueut coojhir weie appolntsd to hocuru suitable lite rain re for the loan while in camp and to look after their sodal welfare generally a atrong rlllo committee composed of all thtlcduliutiiyutiluujva apt wrkv nw antttrra aucoson llv chaa u dntpar nf n villa has aooapud invltati to aatun win n ittii 1 anllkt u hi dolliu to uitruiiml ll h lha onlcul hiamlof uhi mlllodut cburlh after duodsllurti 11 hud to invite itev chaa i t of llwkhvllle tt ulcept lb pdtorate here iiu whs officially t oniniinil-al- dwlth and has r 1 tho it hit lion aiibji t of rnurse lo oulli ill ithi by the klatfonlog cootuiltli t the inn or hamilton onrn hev t dupwr laoiiuuf lit ijlng en of tills rouirenne lb n 1 llmxoloutry i lm did vry rr1- 11 ik a ptolmtlouer mil u ok 1 iin in hooliuy ul vlnxu oiillkliiuilii sluiohuoidliihiinn hehuu i u in lie f now llsm bmg i tuwlik ami it i h villain uu and hash it i uph mild ivcord whin v hha htmitlailmd uev mi itii la highly spoken f sa pitn w i xr u as u pulnr lie la on uijiuuuluc sunday srbnol woikoaud bus hud muhi murbu ui j hit oigunlautlon and rnndui ling of adult illhle u ii lu in d maud ht huuday hrhool conveullouu and huu wi i ibii programme of tin provln rlatumvenllonu ihnoniulal lb rd li niueh i-t- ilia itov mr hiihibau ulguilhi hi hi c pliiiiru of tho puhloiatr hrrt polnuwl to take steps to secure proper rllle rabgca for each company tho canteen of the liolh ucglmeul at camp niagara will be conducted as uaual without intoxicating ihjuor a resolution was passed expressing satis faction with th conduct of th can teen at last years camp the present determination of lb otllor is hi asrp out intoxicating liquor sntlrsly fnmi tba rrgluistiuu cautesu in future canada reasserted her well known loyalty to th mother country in a vol in th housr of cotutuona last week proposed by ons of lb some what joltbl nationalist knsmurs froqi qusbsc premier lejirur gihid- natu redly approved of this freeh affirmation on tb part of tba mem bers stating in substance that if it rude the nationalists fsvl hsttsr there could be uo objttetloii to siu- pbaslulng a very well known fact we pay your druggist for 1 your first 50c bottle of psychine nearly died of stone in the bladder gin pills saved him 313 ja1jil1 st llauiitom omt l yratm a0 i a taken iiukm with what thdoctora callnl inflamma tion of the 111 mlder intern pallia in tark and lolua and difficulty lu urin atlug and lho attack which became mora frement amounted to uubearahle ugony i itccaiiie so weak that i could not walk serosa the floor mywlferead lu tltoimpcriulumtcw liils and nt for a us lrout the vsry firat i felt that uln 1iiuj war doing itie good the pain was relieved at onto sod the attacks ware less frrojucut lu ala wka the stone in the madder cam away when x recall how i suffer and how now i am healthy and able to work i cannot apicsa myself strongly enough when t apeak of what gin fiujlb hav done forms joom lluam 48 ginriltharaaouatocaboaolor 3 ux sent on rscclpt el prlcsi if your ilcajer does not hand thstn sample bo free if yml writ us mentioolns this paper money hack if gin piixs do vol giv full aatlafactloej nstlooal irug aud chemical co dspt a toronto horse collars and sweat pads big stock of iiorso collars and sweat pads just arrived in cluding the new pat- nt gall cure collar thonged hewn with curled hair face leather covered at the low price of etch w j gordon hkrncm itdd trunk mb acton ont the old folks find advancing yours bring an increasing tendency to coiullpatlou tim corrective lliey need is nadruco laxatives entirely different from common laxallvca pleasant to tako mild and painless a tablet or less at bedllmo rogulales tlie bowed perfectly increailno dones never needed coinundod like all the 2b nadru co pro- parauona by expert cliomlals money back if not nallsfoclory aabbbbabasa 25o a box 1 your druggist has not yn stocked them jjt send 2o slid we will mall thorn fl national drug v chemical company of canada limited montreal 22 fltiu ablirrticmrntfi riloick iujiijdino lots ioh tlaik io i iii ri xl slll 1 t utk i ilwll i liu will imi ujldlus lots w lja 1 iibur lil 1 f ihi ni iniauduony co pronounced bikfrn you get it free it has only bsn within rict1 yara that wi have romn id irully know about th hltn corpusrles uf the blood or the uliaiocytea ami wlist their function la that they are the pollcntileil or navgnftara of tb body hevourlis every dlaesse ffdjn that rutcira the uotiy whv ttiey sru alronk uoiiith tr in aurncluiit uulultera or 1ml tiff rievoumd in turn by tltom dluisan kriiih when inferior lu stroiistti v ii has nnly hoeii wllltln the last row ynrs that wlrntlsts have round out tltul rirtalu imrlis atrinkthrn and in irutfl tin st vhlti coriuaks or bodily siavi tiiceru and tho3 licrhit lamily comone luyclilnr lor thirty yeara iayrhlnn linn lteen streiikthrnltik and inrreasluk the v it i to roriuiulra of tlm blood for thirty ytars isyrhlne has hesti bi mdlnk up runilowii vitality rurlnji tasny of apitanfnlly hoiwlc ku dim aaou wo hav sold mllllniiu or hnlllns ot rsyrhlne id that tlmi we ha curfl liundraj of thou aaoila s j and he liuvn rprclveil hlinilreda of thiuusudii of uiiitollillsjjtlmim4uu all ihi in llilu lunrvntlnua iiw r at air nstitmliiif uud liilruaulllg f lillu lurouatliu of tho blond hern ur dm dlanaaos in ttin treat in lit uf laic h pnyclilne ta indlrsted hi rn urn tlm illnnuoa of whlili iuy rlilutt itua cur d many tliuunud taues ih urttwa ufniolm luuuli itfwwltuu wiuk i una iuutorirk4r4 i h viw llrs ttftl tlpdiitf wuluuhw aituiiu fcjjuiili ilm fuulew klurrl kl air tliid ithtlusotlt o uuirili of llluinikuli lvr aiipotllo mulithwuu ck11u and idij lllnulo nirvoi- 1 uuua vti 1 l arisrtrril4 of ilaiirli i tiauu oiilu aixl now ui dnn t auk you 10 laltn our nrd for tho troinoiuloiiuly lisiinnilul ttfpcl or inycliliie vlll inn uin ouiii itehim his ii u to 11a slid wu ii v your ilnnal ut an ordi r tor illicit wu nay hhn th rvsular mtull jirlr for a go rent hotllu or ijyilihtif to he kivsii you freo of cost w will undoubtedly huyam dlatrl ttuln in thlu nuiirier huiulrida nf thou sands of ihrsn gocrnt hot tins of tsy- rltl ill i and ss do that to snow our enllm ronfldaixs in this wotiderful prepara tlott a ronndi tn that haa unnn based on our 30 yearn xirlnr with this itlnndld 11 re uu ration wltb a full know 1ml kit of tlm iitmdrd or thouaaiidu of curih it haa made coupon no as to lu dr t a slocuk lfi ll spuitn av toroolo i t your it4o irr a mo buua if uialhar l klihlly my nam i y nil in uwlif lliu buti vlu y ilruaiil4t u dallvar lu ihumr my druuulhlskanb tl ufiwn laiutleoad oa4on lntlu tif i-yohl- ir uud lo ik- iuh ittnutln mtnt uw will uti 1 iiy ha oihi 1-1u- uf i y oh lit rroni yuir iruasmsitdilliwothlm taileilvacll l you thu oftwr may b wluxinwd at any urns without taotloa- hl iwiiw u day an opportunity por careful buyers to make dig savings on staple and standard lines 0 dry qoods tjuring stocktaking winch will occupy the bibnco of tho month of january we will cleir out at very special prices all lines in which we 1 aro overstocked also all lines in which the ranjje is brokon uvery day new lots o tho above will be put on tho countcra at clearing prices no shellworn or oldstyle goods but the best lcllinr lines of the season here are a few lines which indicate the character of tho goods and the values offered haitv sajtlhaom i oil 1ja1 u jy lln alhl uti i 11 iiunii jilf klklll miimi a o toil i kiuitllnckd faitsi hani wi antklt want ii ii jliliiifnn mart lo b- 11 nil 1- i ill urli iuili ut i yr uut- bu unl will iifiy u i id 41 lkoiulkllltvw faltm i0k halik oii to hunt pllkhlf f tuul ai i it mtoallilb j 1 i i 11 nf tl wiillt a ktqoas i tl all 1 b ill- ilia im i u11 ills 1 imiiuh mm mhuj a iraut bun so 1llrm wlih i imi lor s- iiiuua lollliu in u ai i itr illoa vii 1 1 ltloila i j uo- 1aitjl j0jt 8alk hmdll oil ilia liainu a nod butk ulllna wll kt i hi lmi at i iiuuh apcloaj s ul li i ixtrii i h mllwa limi xitiual om itaiimoruil m ahlllllnv aviilt lli llililua 11 kal liul uuho out womens mark catiline hora all alio tngulir ic per alr for 1 women c miihlerahiutoalysauus 50c for so places ivlnls rooii putlnrm slid colors regular u per yd for 1 10 piece 1 juicy 1 launelellsu troys and pinks tegular uc por yd for 1 millinery trimmed hals all half ivlce millinery lell shapes all hall lrlcs iille jscketa reg i1173i0h4c for each 973 iillea jackals teg lio 00 or escli 7 00 ladles jacketa re fj 00 and fi00 for each 3 00 remnants remnants remnants of alt hues of picco dry goods special tables all through stocktaking henderson co mill street acton ontario 80oooxxxooooooooc4xxxxxxooooooxia 3 blue zhambray shirts 3 smhhfo cure ww ii ona thorough application of tj zantbuh at night will bring tam i hy morning zambuh mtmpa thm v mmartingp hmala thm crack and mahma tha hand mmooth ftvv xl f l lboofmis llitl llertraml lalaaburs hvwj oul wiilali waa tniuhle1 with ehspimu kswwl 3 liamla snil arma and iiotlilntf evnr wmtmml in heal w tl llniu until wu fomil am u k it i tv ji 1j d thlnka m llinni my fattier haa for several akin trutitilna atul bijurlna there ia not li i ti ilka zm link h mntliera alxiuld soe thab their otilllrmi ni jxm- lluk daily aa there la nolkluff ilk prevention a lltue am lluk lluhtly smnaiwl ivr the hand a ami wdu attor wailnjf will prevent oluipa and eld stirea u lun lluk u auo a aura ours for shin duawaa j lnaoiia ufwd pskanlair nlla an1 i at laita um uh ihuims too bo i at allatons smi irugllala hull co tsronle o wliw itafui ambuk every home needs it fast coloru good value at 125 this week 98c r e nelsoist conscientiqys plumbing a heating i sn ottt3tyt hin ithu q- to thi contrary wo make it thu moit important factor so i you favor us with your patronage jou will enthustahticallv undortie us s fred smith plumber quebec st guelpii phone 337 the merchants bank oi cknkdh choosing your bank jixiie conbcrvativo management and strong financial condition of this bank are very essential features which sfmuld iniluepcu you 111 selection depository for your savings rin bank wishes to serve a large number of depositors with whom it can have close personal relations call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts total assets 7ikm0wt1 acton branch f a maclean manager 2000 in gold lolt a buitaull nam1- niacara st catharines toronto navco dasiraa name fur the mew steamer now briny built for torontoport dalhousle route which will go into commission juno 1su 1911 and will clvo to the perton augfesl hif tho moil aullahla iiimc 20 in gold lho ona mukgaalinn ilia name m sec ond choke will receive bqhqifomlly3oqn tiohot conditjon3 i 1 names luuat lm auhmlltetl im fore march ami inn 3 mtui not im umo as any on canadian marina hegutor the iloclilan rssla entirely with llm ofliclala n tha coinpany coupona muit ba sent in- john pauc 1 iihkeat ill u h lulled ail j reus cash prid por rtfwl haw furs junk ii all klnde of ihlltnltuitlt rcton 7c srtxe children ory for fletchers oiato r a -r- n0tick notill u liily ul v 1 llml k llotua will lie inula l iha luullun f tli i tdvidm iniil1nat lu nail imiiki ty ui tuaxtnui lluliurl an lujiy cumiiity furui ao a mint ulntf uilkuuiiiiiy 11 u 1 1u iiu ir out point ra lis naat buiik ul oul ti u i law ii uq una at ut ua lihikalll in ilia t nnmlli of tonuile lo a iwtliit in t iihr ui 1 n uf ullioo t the ouuutv f llilu 1 mi u tlrumli or bor uie towiilim ol liuiuui 1rialub or slsqass- ug uiiioliilhly lu a fulul at or owl lot vlilasbiir utim li llialaikuat ol hajtoal i tn litl lis liu huu huaipolal m m dwrdiialili liiinuiiutiir or wajllnauw so a hlulatir ur llarllti i imud ilaapelr autd lali lutliml imy ur wftufloo and w 11 km ii- l111 in hi uuuty if wniorui paaalds ituuiuili or imr tli tilkualilua ol tlnlph wuvlk dutrl 1 uallliali luvsilay riam ui juiny railway lo i iaurwaybiiililhiiiaya aml aimid uie tlmi and eomuluoii of ut lio v viivjbiti n niuh 1 tralb lliih hulldlns tosooio iliilliluiia ur tur mui hulurban uallaray oo cluamino auction safce -ov- jkarm stock and tlis 1 frtan j vuotluiikili t im wm 0 leauiimlna on wuonbudav march 0th tsp- aloiihooluoli lh lullolug horsaahpau sooj woialua liorssa baay i nilywlt i y m oa t uri hsoa luiti hvh i l b urf bnu ttl cattiat1 li ro lirl lurltuutbaoa now ya tilvljan stall i till uall lufttl ti sum fl y ryi u gtli rd oost a ink trtll tiauwl lillr llahiu h lun la uln alkiut aiirll hqifr rlln a roiiwft ou lilfr stall a s yaal lu nlr hlur alalog e ysars mllalna liirroill tllil y ralru idnntha i eall 4 ltimllih oair i modui 1 uiiirouahtiral unibaaa lilll s ya imdluraa mmlunwullna of a ilsfssauielu hklaolnpli lmnwmntalalauliliuuvltttealwali liiu inlar liliiu nutwr in ooj woslod ordr iwltik ln rk due lof uprlas tuutli nultlvauir iiiih lion iiurow aoolbw lru lio liarruw imilallsli dawlos sad drill atouetuat a itiiul- manna ultiotoos ll wanou hlutuk wliliaealaau01li soulta rn m ti mill i bin ruad wutoiilsndirouarenma utwwa oimlialiutt twolurrow idef a alnale iu haud euiiliia liov not i ulr and allov s4f liubb a lunar htllsa liluvamluis fit- duaaulunoim uimu nl iiiukihi iwmwood lumbar 0t i its oala sally whlis jnl uuauiuy of alatmburlan wd batla a mm l li u ais linlit banaaaa ebalns whimairw fuilia tlioub and uiuirmii nuiar mao a tiumuty ot louaaliolij urn i a uuiiiihiiwi lias tsaalaad tdbtruouons i jamhu hainbii to ball by fubllo binlnl 1 tmtuul ud unur i i fowl araiu and aouia of aid ovr iliai kiiinudt h moo ilia j jul hi uaiu hlisj 1 ictoii auouooawr china paintinjr landscapes and hyures in oil mtbu b u qraham tkzaoheh 1 esstiii kail froiu j lo i tn i have insulud a china firing kiln and aui jirfljutml lo lira chln4 or punila u well as oiheia who du their own ulutiiig mis u ir qraham settlers trains to manitoba alberta saskatchewan thm oi17thrikilr7 low colonist rates special trains will im toronto el tuesday untu j mil 1010 pm ftll w laaaubm fterfular tralas uala4 temeta 1010 tm run tsroaajh colaabf colonist can on 1i tnins no cliaiast for bawtlsai urou ah trains toronto to winnipeg and west iu y cf a ajtal itr twr mt lahlw 8ru grand trunk s winter tours lo- mexico fcolorcxlo california and pacific coast points mllitmk ruuway 8ytun r nmto floiti till point c lliof lilll lhihltlll w hi uiiiiiikii laitiiilii vlu uiku y features 1 dmililo 111k ltayb fine uouillwil minion kniilpiiient unvxcal loil diiiiuk ur survive all klml tuoliml liimloil to the sunny south u iimiii ilrhliulilii ronto than via am i milk noil initialling line i very low rates inll indii nmtl tlokol etc front agent hsholmes ac i on 0ntauio i

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