mumikb tin llicaiaeaoj in a tsihbbry 1 w 0 tuas at hum hi1u m uikmln i m4ii kllubstli urandoa wl cnm uhlaboei thnat in kn rab mii jslim lueiiula xbe dfjn 3frce ijrtss tiiukhday maiui11 dili 1u1i hutloblthai ttollce lit ulxl m your mm- i late on ilia laltal slitwu the utoiillt ai jeer to wlilrti your- imhwrllli leul if it la holm ahead it htm that your aulifriilim lb mi lit a vat ltd i a trlt fur the man ifti udaud lurk it show that yiuf ubcrlluti i in arrears ami is intimation lll hj lull y u we sslll greatly tv4ille your tiawal t iim without arty flirt kutlo tl a price of tils klikju im in any atlilae in oana1 is 1 w yea- in advance h any imiw in ultel kit it u 1 kfl yr in advance fcdatomlal notes atiouawadetrh slate that hi lnaitinastbroeiersl auliouicnl 111 ilia cminma fvw day mo thai liefm the cwiiafjoi a w arrle of os dlan stain would tm issued iwatjuif the portrait ir kin linirxr til design i no er i mi ft ii his lmjuiy fn approval official a iinuuciccnieiit lias invert titadi of the kattfkathtn uf american jakan as treaty by lha imperial onvanv man i aki aecotii parting note bay th government u convinced that tba treaty will consolidate lha bond of true inleroauonal friendship la tareea lha two oounlrirs the ontario oornnint will take greater authority and raapofmtblllty l regard to lb jprsuntliur or liquor lice th mw la ay extends throughout the ivovinc lite powar lonmrid om action of tjcanee corn- knlaelonara in bran tl off licensee the law will impum on th knvlnial gonrnmtnt reaponalblllty for every uosns issued o lobe tha latest map of ontario issued by th dominion alliance ahowa that lh local option municipalities or lha lvovlno have a tnajority of b n the license municipalities t temper- nt people would drop politic and ota according to ihelr principles at uu haxt local alaotlon ontario wc hava total prohibition within loo t threa yeara nawmarkat krav ijlr allan ay lea worth ha announced to north york ijbarau that he will notaaak trlallon aa h intrmla to ra il ra from polltlca it la regarded aa inor than prohahla that th naxt ontario uan to holakan in thacabli will u mr hugh uuthrl of south walling ton a eonaldarable ahlftlng oxportfolloa la foracaatad aa llkaly i taka plaoa bafora an appaal to lha oouatry th manufacturer of hiapla uyrup andimapl augar ara datannlnad poaalblv to pravenl any furthar adults ration of thatr output th annual production in tltea una in thi dominion appntalmataa 17ttutt25 pound and it u valued at tllhuilo canada auppl uvor tlirooaawmithu of th worlda output of niapla augar and the crop it lit hr i laved could easily he niada five or lx tltitaa the irelria lrovlncea hav lnwn joying aurprlblngly mild wlnlar wm er of late and their annual aprlng opening la announced to bike place aevaral week a earlier than unual all of the railroad llntm or the kttrtliwebt are preparing to handle the hoavlebt immigration in thrlf hlalory h tralna dooiprinlngcarlitadtf of anttlvnt effecte are already ntovlng northward the luwoautn hailing from distant kuropnan poinu the llrltlah inlet a united btatae uaclaana alagaxlnr for march placed uuay man magaalne which haa twoome deaervedly pojnilar during the paat hair doaan years maclean u an improvement on lu iwedeceaaor uuay mane waa the lllerary phlld of l j d maclean and there u rveeoa why canada should not have a mauaae e well eebeuadtaevuuta a munaeya ore mcolureav maolranw haa a bright future if if grtiwri in intcreet and iroportanoe ae aapldly mm did uuay manv a certain few realdenla of acton and vicinity are evidently not aware that it u a violation or the liquor llceoae law and punuhahle with heavy flnee and imprisonment if pealed for any person to go into llcenaed liquor territory and aecuilng a supply of intoxicating liquor dt tribute to others who pay for their shares sillier it fore or alter it li received the fine for atich trafllclng la 100 and coat for hrat otfnnre and two month liiiprlaoutnvnl at hard labor for second nffniice acttona nbw kekbctfloiah oeoawe atooctdy ox su marys kn aged to duoeeed kleotvtetan maeklla li rsahna to the advartlsemtitlt for a eleatrlclan lo aucofted krneet maek lla who bai parformml the duties for the peat four years twenty nine appli cations were reolvd the salaries ranging trom tuikl to liaoo per aiilium a special nirftlng to oonaldcr the applications was held on saturday afternooa all the mediocre were preeent u the appllcatlhnh wr carefully con sidered and the applltiallou of oeorge snoddjofhl main waa finally de cided upon mr hooddy made a per opal appllcatloii and wav eogajad on a lhliy days trial with the under standing of a pern urn en t engagement if services are uf salary to he at llio irate ofj025 annum a grant to engineer hurst nbw tanatb or monb h08at cu rll i monday nvrolng rrtolar anwlon haeve llynda in the chair the mlttae on ilnalki l thalr fifth ropori and wo ttyioviit of aii mini aa foil iakfikruitohooal 11j munlwani ltnip co unm 11 tt anton r rvn iiomm orlnl tog it ml toronto minn co in lilt an 1 clay canadian 1 uigataii lamp on lamp n io luorge wur fralght all d rartara u j itiwro llynda rruat 1 to lullwav iuuhi j 2t xlll and kipli kdv a ii jlolv printing co j 10 w andrrxxi hauling i glnafronl the hake llni j ml inn itx in tea must be dis tinctive pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use the flavor of red rose tea is oil its owni and it never faiu to win andhold ap proval because it never foila tn quality try il tllit rort waa adoptad itaave llynda atatml that he had in mtlgalml tlie ivrmaof a rrrtaln con- act with tltx hunlwaiti 1jimp f and flfelt would te daalrmhle to enter lulo a coutrait for the yrar fur lamp and rrfooltormlnl tliat a conllact iw vit if ml into movl ly murray mrond sec oiuui by w m ctmpsf that the ltv h miilhorlutl lo ilgn a contraot with hie kunwaiu lucandvacaiit imp co fui- aiipply of lampa for he urrent yavcdtrui hev j o wilson ii a and w a hlomy waltetl iiimtu the council to ppoal for aid for lu family of newton hurat whollva at the point of death in toronto ma the result u u allnged of lojnrlva recalvad in the performance of hi doll aa alant knglneer of the luit lltlgadewheu going to a fire a ythrago ilia tovtolwrof tlie depu talloo roocnlml that it was unlikely that mr llurat had any legal claim against the cou wt that uisro waa a strong inoraj claim a rid they ware no in that rltlsana generally would support the council in making a giant to aid the fsoilly in their d litres iteeve llynd- said the council h listened rarnfully to the words spoki by the deputation we have la accused in certain quarters of indiffer ence and hard hear tod nes in the matter hut as public servants we hound to act wlsaly respecting it wn have frequently discussed the matter bul for certain reasons fait it to be inexpedient to take action thus far we reallaad however that sooner or later the council must face the matter llefore we adjourn we will take the question into our serious con- sldrratlon however we desire tc emphasise this f act klrongly that aa a corporation we disclaim any legal re sponsibility in the matter we an prepared though to consider the quae uon on other grounds and will glvi the result ol our deliberation upon adjournment of the present session in behair of the deputation ilev mr wilson thanked the council and said they appreciated very much the atti tude of the council in the matter a deputation from anton fire url gado waited upon the council to ask the memherm in consider the matter of taking out accident insurance policies on the member nl the brigade fortfioo with indemnity of sm par week li rase of accident the council found the matter an an tlrely new one hut felt it worthy of consideration and stated that they would look into the merits of the c and die cost or mtrh action hecrcjtary coke stated that they understood the coat will ha about vim pr annum each policy the question as to whether council will permit trains to drive ovwr thw power house dam to the pro posed saw mill on the anderson prop erty was raised the general opinion was that in any event the dam must be protected from any damage ttie annual requteluou of tlia klre llrlgade was handed in lb called for boj rest of hose or ll new tanks is haw mblter coals impairs of robber boou and rubber mitts and various neces sary snnlrltv theklreaod light committee will look into tlie matter ami report authorisation was given for the re newal of lha bonds of the treasurer of the municipality ilwrtv hymls staled that he a look- lug into the uinrltt of a new tungsten lamp for strnnt llglitlng me found the lamp would cost more than or dinary uc p lamps now itelng used for installation hut in their adoption two advantages would he gained firstly the atreet lighting would be much mine effective and in the second place there would be a saving in the aggregateel electric vonvnt used in street lighting of forty per cent or more he ex peeled lo 1m able to lay further iwrllctilar before the council at a future meeting the matter or aid to the family of uuglnrer hurst was than discussed and anally the following resolution was passed moved by murray mcdonald sec onded by a t drown that the munl clial council of th village or acton htttehy grant to mrs k k hurst the sum nf giooln recognition of the ser vices of her hustwttd to tlw corpora tion carried the council ilnm adjourned valulina air mr jae herri or weppulla hsul eyt i have round larlhan bg to he tint imiat scalp and hair undo and dress ing 1 have ever used my hair has ikmiii coming out lu combs full and was iwaya uutilng and um uf dandrutf i ave used two i m it lea or parisian hage tid it ha stopped my hair from rail ing the llolilng and dandruff have disappeared and toy hair fa flue and soft and glossy i would not he with out this line llmlrtonlc for runny limes the price for women man tor children larls- len hwge is without any doubt the finest preparation for the hair daint ily perfumed it is free front greasenr stickiness and ought to be where every member of ihe lamlly could o it dally ijk imittln 50 cents at all druggists ol from the proprietors tlie olriux mfg co kort krln oou pttst- i with tltn anburp hair is on every pmikege hold and guar anteed by a t urown iredrose m teaibspw the schools roll of honor the pupils who took honor 1-oi- uona in ltlh and publlo vohoola im vkbruarv kxahimations the rwhruury rxaiulualloon w re oomplatnl on monday with rraulte as follow i hioii hcuwi dtcivitrmksr liiu uirnilm h iitmti hicni4tu l ami class i a oltrun class ii v mulllii a mardonuld m ollrien m turnhiill class hi- a keumy k tih 1- koutsr n wlltlainsr class iv h him ii mnllln highest in lhvloa nili n hi ancient history v mulllu luchniii- utry a ollrien jiinioit i allh class ivrlt nelson 11 drown h cook m matthew molfat hlghnat in ancient history and in chemistry il nelson tiite iowkh iu thhu hknioht rawi class iil cole m macdonald class ii d nelson class iii n kenney m llrw i maahierson 1 alkliisoii 1 watson ii mann class ivf william highest in heading m macdonal in kng oram m macdonald i in rvenchm macdonald in dook keep log ineuonaad uoole in kog comixutlonlt dole jijhioik tmul class i i andrrsou ii kvan olas ii h white k llrowti j olblmtt k glhlmin class iii vi clark j ourieu ii warren j chapman class iv o lamli i harvey m maiherson r hmllli highest in lleadlngl harvey in hug oram if anderson t in kmnch i anderson i lu hook keeping i anderson j in kng oommmltlou i anderson w ii htkhaut lrlnilal mluri ii itowkkt hlml llllikil asalulant inllirio hvillwv dttlajttukwt hiulv nellie andermin 417 1 l trice uraham 4u i laitllmi hallv tul jessie thomon ki hamel agnnw los mervynjcitchltig qfl jit iv alicia ollrien itul john hoi llh 1102 i wllma johinitone 1b meuort collier jew gordon moiami 111 c albert iiwi ti total mx mikii m llkmninr toafihur mil ill ghariln moimi mill v1- ma hurl ul ifilla cniplell iii vera harvey ii margaret wmiou ctl harxdd mowat cil ida kuick man ittl ju ill ihylllaclalbr th7 liorgc agnew 177 loorge amhrson iva harohl dead ill ltoy drown u47 i marguerite hymon cii total 110 mlhjt d nllkl i ivaclinr himlcura workman rri llertha lurr icui morris colmn h5j annie cohen tlu henry uiiiilcr hwt nollle maatera ar2 ju ii olive mowat h7i iioyd masales wt t alttena catfo sol i hassle wkxiisii ulit tjoyd kenney itoi i worenre hrewer 3k ttal 4 mishicnva ikiiuhjn teacher hit i horace nrlaoii 2h tcuwell hamlin liif 1 johnny ultchle itkli ktheluurokuian 21 kallo cmuell 12 hvlwin land a ihi rough toulfo ju i hay agnew 21 1 hult w1i son 907 1 kennfith hundcraoii 202 j may kvatm ltii alln hlu 170 uajutnfllllflx total iffitt mihh u cuauk tiiachrr hit 1kiuau nellie oaffo oharllo maun annlu ocddslelu llnsel mo- donald jeate mowat clmrllii cms- well jli piltukk orenvllle masale hosle alger willie htewart ly kltoti anna leveur jesitla anderson mikh m h holukh trisnhur ohm wav bcoonuglaht bktt- ilkehs kxoukhionh hvihy tuebdav march 14th to april 25th iticluulvu via irand trunk llullway hyatimi from all point lu ontario kingston i west to principal point in hrtnunt- chuwait and allmrtit inohidlng points or ud trunk iaollto urtllwhy ttiu grand trunk is th only double truck routu throhlosgo full partlouluia rates lltralurti ett from gntlid trunk mgetil ul hlilrsh j i mc- ihnimld i i a 1 t uy ton into out l auction felalko ihvoibticii kiiiiiw maui it lorhahi of fuiiq stock implemnuth and furniture the property of a j 1 liomasv lot fonrlli line lriit hal at one oclimk terms ten moiitliu jaukii mudon- ltt auolloueer hvtimi 11th muiiii mule or household furniture stove etc lit properly of morris hhxu malu btreet aoton hale at 1 oclock j a- djack auctuturttr tlkhuvv miuh ulllhale or farm stockvaiul liiiplemnnis the piop- erty or w j darrali lot li mm 4 nawtegaweya at uuu oclock sharp tsriot ulna montha mvltuck jon augtlonaer vvbarr passed bogus ciicqurs was ih acton bhvmral month1 tlie following dispatch nrenlrd run rnullon in si vnral quart ra in a uwj id vlnlnlty uslkilday i london out mttrch unl w1ir uarr who aaya hs father la liuad of a big toronto jewehwy linn iif ottrt hlayp guilty uulnlug inomynndm fli pitteiisestiotn ll itauu of toronto and llrltult noitli aiiiuu he and of doilng lli name of h tmlnii woman on mitro polllko lluk hoiks lur ptradud guilty itliogntlimi lo four rhargr ud i i einnitdrd or a weol for sentence a woiomi giving tlie uuimi of ma dollv of acuu an awl with lur lit lodlok uuidy wm nrialgiisl two of ohlmlnlng inoowy und i ttif prl urx him plrwdkil ht guilt lln ilslins lo mathid lrtemill ilsn isinasuiti of roliipe ami lu nder iiodlcal j wwllur um r pul vrl nioollisi lo aclon ad vlclully uft rail making his lieudqiiarttir al mr dolius llx wvnl touurlpli inlrr am from lliero avlitnolly pio dd iii lllodoo it is stilled fiily lu i lliul aeveiul pal i li iii alton and vmnuy ur hwer to a louslihuutiln kiim for moiiys loam d or udvuiiand to llrr hahhaoawhya oreit oi row i filt throughiil the lownwlilp a tlii ihilli of jain malum jr of our most highly rmhctrd young furiiinrf uon of mr j a uu mmiioii township tiaaaurar ul nolph j ni i himpil l on 1 lurdy itlrd imiruary ih dicimuoil wmu lo thu pilmitor lift bug m1iii lit yeala of ugr he hud ittin mic k only a shot t tlino iwfore 111 wut to tint hotpltul to he opefalrd ujmiu a skilful overatloii wa liar- rnrmod and lh ml i rriil nursing of hi mislir mlxu mill ii miliun a tralontl nurse who raiiiu fimo lluffwlo lo nnrso him avalliil nol ihe deooaut wa imro and had llvwl all his life lu nussagawiija al llle lima of hi death he was living will hi wlf and four v old ulillil on llio old homnutoad which 1m had rc- celvisl from hi fat in r lming tlie oldest lhadd hi wife and child hi rather and motfirr tlireo ulster ml mtv of nuw york marlon or dtittuiu and nancy atdiouo and three brothnra uurvivti of thu threo biothera two are enterprising young mnrclinnt of campltell villa and ouu live l home with hi fathtir who now liven retired on a rami imarhy hi n rumiral on mnmtuy afternoon lwaavery largely- attended it toowr plarn from ilia iain home or the de coasril to llui enmutcry in camplxill- villo kiv a dlair nirtlng the wniilvnrsary service of ktwiirser church wnre very success fill kav mr coojmjr the pastor preached able ermon morning and eviinlng the tiiitnrtalumcnt provided by acton mclhodut hiiuilay hcluud orchestra thu tadluu qiiurlnltn and mliuuwhmlth hurt mason and wllliumv was high ly enjoyed hugh trasur foruiorly of cumplwih- vlllf has conui hack to halloo after spending twulye year in winnipeg ii ii has imtught out andrew lmcreott huckamlth or rviwvllle ami will take possession at oncii you cart get free a 50c kottle of psychine skeen because wc want you to know this wonderful remedy as wc know it on ihuimlay evening uil icvtrlon utnrary hucloty to tint nmnlmr of at tout forty vlwlltid greenock and fur- nulitd thu ovaiilug entertainment in ohidlng a iiiohi itttnn wllng dcliatc llio hiilijimit of the duluttn waa hn- solved that the frauchlse should tut extended to womou ihn rtlrmallvit wa iiphirted lij mlxon tullmt hoyco and hindlcy and llui uogallvo by mnuur ourrle tallkitaiid juoksou dixiisioii wa glvun in favor of tint afllriuuttvi tlio lllvroiy miiljnuhliai iurt of thu progratniuurnnsutikl otuoioh y mluur dykn uuck and junkson and mr u mcoolcheoii dmt by misses m mc kimalti and m dlack qimrliilto by the messrs alton and huwart j ln- atrumnuta uimlii by mhwe holairtson and x dlack esiay by mr ii hmlthi recitation by mr hoy hlndluy i anil a speeoh on thu unhject of reciprocity by mr mowllliam mr mckeiile president of tho uoclety occupied the chair llui annual visitor kvorton wool el y to greenock i si way rrgardml a ouu of the treat of ihn season am thin year the kvertoii friend mora lliaii sustained tho uxcslhiiit repiilatlon lhay have iiiailillu past yeur geoahouk hoalstypurpoiium holding a tio you know annlhsr suh sweet propoallliiii aa nurst dlil you ir lirar or snyoio inw lug lo prove any mrallw n larulhm ahuiif uiiullmr hum all llui rlak in oiiii all ihn cott la our you your si if arc in he the sole ju ct all wo tlslm qr faythlinr ita bamfiilal sffect alone will tall ii wl i limit pri judlre without nny iiir luturnt riom any source itsbow mir ronnilnnrc this plan uom it liott yrt our rouflilunru no urn u not plotioiiunal not nut of uir y kor uoihl cub courtilciici urnn ex traordltiury to you wrre you in our plare and vt ru you to kuuw the thing kuuw wove known wyrhln ror a third of a riitury almoit u xinnratlon wit know or the huniundn r thou autiilu it liua turod wo hnvr humlril of tlunmnnils of miujollrltnl tnstliiionulit it tlixibiit renulru any ttrnat stretch or conddence to know trom tacts llkn those ipsyrhlna curaa by incrraalnt anfl atrctift henlng dm white corpuiiclca of he blood or phnocy tea j hnse white roriuisclen rat every dtaeaac orm that rtnda cntranre to the body when they re alrong euoush and in sufflcleiil uumhera hrrtx wllrh srn utt hat we go to fil lsyhlu- our malsrlal ome from the rndti of irtl a irxtt trim rxnxily t knows will to apriise to umkn him th rlinlar ralnll pr fit rnisnt uottlo of payhlii h l m you 1rr r tost 111 uniluuhualy lu r and du rlhou this huuilrolm the rib thousands of hna mirtnt ulll 1ayoblu and we do that to show our- rpnndencfl in this wo il oar tory era rom pounded tn one or the rtniat laboratories in apparatua that u oally in the satrcme llui really and all aa it in we kaou what it alll do hence the reaaon of our buying a rorent bottle from your drucxltand giving it you ire nw ir you have any of thcaeall tnsnla jll oul li loupon and mall tl to u today igret your drclalon a rnnfldenre that haa wen haud on our thirty yeara aperlfnre wlili thu jijendld dreparstlon with a full know- lads of the hundreds of thousands of rure it haa made l lltmstbfobl siusls mktwks iuwamiiu chills iki luinijtui coosa wk vol mtmltiawsakaa jl luie utnui attwnum- uktllwasts tlullnala caw issjbao ilyspcpsla ir im14 troawra artsraocta ul xltatur fwtoi laorlppv vow we donl aak you to inko our word for ihe tremendously hemnra cftrrt or isyrhlhc viii nut ihu kuiihiii below mall it to u and an i give your druxklal an order for which we ty coupon no 88 o the 0 t a 5locum lj 193lfs spadm a twueiu bnui uf mjriilmi unur ul tua mimlif siivibs taj drusfut jar dallvsr uynua towa lurmtssd mumtxr uyikrscsltamsm lunwt stod- msnttisr f thlarouixmunolsooararaaon k0 u iw hlit if pnsaala ulh1rirul itkkulumbtmvil will thai lur tu can twatla uf fsiohlna ftimh your lnnsslll jlrwlulm lirflltr it u thlaoltar may ba wlialn ivflhoetii snu ituoucs uai the lion guelphs big departmental store new wall papers in wonderful variety l ordinary wall iuper make oidinnry looking rooms no matter how luaterull you may furnlah our home the entire effect aiay eatlly be spoiled by tialng paper which are not thoroughly suitable oiild on your wall 1aper la theie to xlay for aeme timo to torlie dont run tho link of dlaappolntment tjilett your wall iapeni from our magnificent now line wa um now showing the very uewl and bet ldoai in every grude mid in uiuli variety that you cnu rrmllk- irfilnct those whkb will make the most of the iwaiity of your room and enhance the attractive ruruinliik your drnpctlea laiiwta and ruga tan tw made to look their lieht by the yrocr wall loverlng mr a t brown ofacion our reprcinttitlvn is thut iliwlrut luu our full bet of samples which ho will take great plans tire in i bowing you make your selection while tho stock in complete the besl opportunity to do this la right jiqlyj 0r pricea ftfi rctii low wo jpropay all expross freight and postage falnuges on all fioodfl retfrdlou or bjxo or value bend ua your ordar by jnmil baxnplea ohoorfolly aubmittod dress goods and clothing d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoneu streets guclp1i ont carpets and kufs ikih gonial on thursday evening march itllh a tho closing nvetit ol the alone among the art tnuslo oa press- ou the uitutlhrahli the door or truth caiinob ihi opened by th key or prejudice the plotv yon put on turo re ihe mirror will not make you a mirror or plety moo will he houeut with mm another whim- uiey pro hfliifiut with thein- stdviih rallnm lu due tmt so nmoh to mil- sing opportunities aw to rullure to make them when tho ehoroh gruftu on till world lllwnot ulrauge ik ceasea to ikar thu fruit of unother worhl shilohscire uu4dlv idmfmttalcora rima kola liathor- il-j- s u9 vuii will imiv- tlmt we ate noiitluuklly talking nhoul vor ability to repair watnhea and cliwk well that la it use wo have the rionflil- e that wti nan do it ami do it imttor umii nifial watch mia k era 1lrst immisusc wo servtul our full tnrti or apprcntleeahlp and nftrrwmd wnikod under ihu ileal makoru in tnionln hui 10 yfaim itx- peihinolt give u audi a great advan tagn ovrr imiat other that wn no mo to you in full contliumuii that ll will ihi carefully and quickly done 1rlngln the jownler loelphy t ni the choral concdrl nuict ruidy ovsulllg hunbalianaloricldnkvtnoudllb if your hack i constantly aching and if you experience dull shooting pain your kidney are out of order 1 f your iirltio lu thick and cloudy or your itaaaagea frequent wanly and painful your kidney and bladder are nut of order neglect quickly bring uii ihotimatlam dlahetlu himlwgo scuueu etc mr john wagner of 110 holluht luliraa- n s says dull shooting mlns would catch mo across rtio small pari of my back and extend into my shoulders and neck often causing me to suffer with aovrre headaches ami spell of dlxxlnes kpqts would tuale imtforo my eye and everything would liu ii black 1 would fall lo the hoar and lie unable to get up again without kmi tance i was told by airland of dooths kid- nay wits and i began their the first box gave me relief and i ara now well and strong all druggist sell hooths kidney lllls goo a ihi it with a guarantee to rellovo or your money buck they are tho world greatest uiecltb for kid ney and hludder trouble 1 postpaid irom the proprietors the it t hooth co ltd kort llrle hold and guar anteed by a t drown t this nans store is crowded because we do his printing tbooths lildnei pills i we can crowd your store in the same wav catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call at caj office for jobbvorti the acton free press a realtjaugatlon for its alujoks with tninul seuili md pwhiui dswloyrasl u a llusl alructbtianj aarsssbiasoulnulhaa la in imnwh of aims tnllaaa vear asuabtsr wul sojoy ufa a eesaaaa alma college la auracthra to allustlqa wuk aatcss arnund oftod food smm coobaa bsiiuabi aastclsa ollos arteusle esatla siuacamnnui kxuihhb jtial cullura tuilloa t had faculty addfvsa lbs pnauaal ddbt ttasaaat jaaadiarass ll horse collars and sweat pads i big stock of iiorsu colluih und kvvcut padh just arrived jp- cludinp thu new pat ent gall cure collar thonged sewn with curled hair face leather covered at tlie low price of etch w j gordon harness ond trank man acton ont cqnscientious plumbing heating is-nfot-k-avtvth-xniltlh-xjfs- to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse ub fred smith plumber quebec st gtlelpii phono 337 6e metropolitan bank paid up cmiiai rusuiivu fund undivided phoi irs head office 1nnm 12mmmm i toronto ont every department op bankinq tiiiluclml with 1 acllliy accuruy bm surlly vahmers business ttlvn itllculr ailenllou sale notrs discounted or racelvl lor cfllocloi savings depahtmbnt f i no will open u ccdiinl inlnil biiowm front tulo ol tlertotlr no tly itt wltlttlniwl joint accounts ma ay imj ormnwl f doalrwl ao tlutl rllhr ol luo lrmhi my withdraw fund hcton a m brown brrnch manager ilrlu abbrrlictimttle yotnt jikn and women w jfojtkaiik itk k t hiy iiiu ufaurl ug u i l i tj ny ciioiok jltjjiidino j0x8 fult balu io fiu hi will u1ul iniht da ii 1 i- a i t w ulll ell io1m bulullns luu hahv eauiagk i oh balil a -it- f aiil fcluiihl sri uuud sa iitluf i 1 aivlylu uii i huitm y d it wlo hliat also fakm iojt halk n0t1ck notk k uhtlwsui tlit spplutattoo will o hitliuf lu llallwy uuiuhy lsllt tiw cuuipuy a to sitawii lla ilea from tfradl butlmhh lulitiu uf ur uitlisvlilk u ilia tvulil at tuntals alwlnloa a iumubiii ul i lu ilolslor o luqw in uiuoautmtltil viii i iuiui la b tmuii its 0uli0 in hi- klitl si tr lisar llr in 1 tasuio llpw t jl ik lit uuuuiy u wslatloo sad a tlu tou in ilia couuly or wuiaaib tsmslstf oiiouiiii uf uur ilia toaaatilpa o usalpti wtrlihi uuwiiim ruallaota lisvsrlsy vlajai iface wa hauaaumr i s to laorua ilia eoiul dtook losulikar- llttl si turtiiiln ihtl 4llt day el jauj 1911 kovtju ji luwuwtthon 31 toulara lluh llulldla toronto kollsllma tut tomato alubuifoau hallway co unv johnstones window asleep come and seel china palntlnjr landscapes and riurcs in oh mibb e h qnaham tbacher lesaona olion from 3 lo 5 i tn i kva lul tl in rilnlllrrr am trvivibl lo fireclilnj or puilla as well aa otlmra who do their nwii rtainllng miss b b qrham cksh pkid 1pof2 i owl raw furs junk alto tell all ilrwls 01 rultnltuiti kcton jut sit kb harold wiles ojijwil i o ihown a uru blore a ac ton ont 101t let drink mot meat ptaw lu no hsa altar dhvlnsr oa bkautur wlnset contsouonary atanultaetured nelleons ohoooutea a rspeelalty cam thib kvhn1ng 6ll anytime sidles 0 i f k l fvlldc jk auctioneer mimosa p o march yili lynn iasliy he in 14ii1w iwdlik hrln 1 7 ih slil ney hamlliun weal car- atana jjtil coorge iiirib naiugaweya 3silisaleat lllllaliuiu allili w prjer kujuobidc flat it j kerr mlmoaj gesettlers hftrains to manitoba alberta saskatchewan 1 ha only thoruf lltte low colonist rates twluttlraa stlk ikmtoai mmi ttlhs special trnim wlfluattolo each tuesday kkcti a- ifalt 1010 pm katnara sal itatuisi 41 lkt rtrfaler tnm laata tarsals 1010 rat bait nnacsualal aa j tosrut slaasen colonist car on all train no ckaa fotr hwrth tturoagli traini toronto 1 winnipeg and west ul c m ut uasim ilun oaak grand trunk wilix i reduced rates for oneway tickets march loth to april loth inclusive 4105 4300 vancouver b c spokane wash seattle wash portland ore san krancispo cal los anrclcs cnl mtxico city aluive ralea are otwway eecoml liaaa iplilyliik from acioii weal lroporllonat atou lu l iblti other jmilnla 1 till imiiimiu anil tultsjh h s holmes agent action on takio i