spectacijibs and jgyk uijahkh in socio qoldi golij plccifd and nickul fpamhtt wa can repair yoirf tipatlacln or i yn iimn wa ke in atoru a nil linn ol iram lanaaa and 1 ample abd can ila rou wort naally and with purnuuiai g1vhh8acau- geo hynds mankiaaia l10atnb9 iuubd real restate mey to loan ait loweit rate of lntreat larxe number of farms ir bale cheap dwelling and iker property in nil parti of the town we have every facility for traaiartln- our bualnraa to yonr complete mitlsf action j a- willovchbv taeorgctown fjbe tloit jtte reas ti1u11hday mahou 0th 1011 brilf local itlms vary atnppy walking now choral loiifnrt uxt tttuaday night thar liu n bfliim april wnathnr during thr wrnk lltiard f ldm ullon intuitu iirxt monday avnnlng bw log and wood am tdlll ruin ing in in larga ilanlllu home fine fat atoclt win uhlpptd from acton during tint venule mr a j 1 1mmav aatn take plat n id morrow it lot 2 fourth unu lrln hrandnn ir1 hrklt and llln co of milton liaa ohuinnd a charter mr hnnddy tlui unw uliktrlnan rorooianced hladullnanii monday ovan- y hunday night fall of hiiiiw gava a rtaw loaaa of ufa to lcghlng for a ftiw day tli i o h nahlhlt in jnlinatona rural turn window in atlrat ting a good deal of attention tha ltarrorv hank awn havo bean postponed until thn aeaalon of tha high court in may thara ara 41 inmaln in tlia hotiaa of itefugw nlnataaii halting to ilahpn county and 25 to lot lentnn aarvlcaa havn i won bald during tlm paat tvnalc in ht allwn and bt joaapha churohtt tha lea harvnat in about yr oropa ware taken off both andnraonm and tha halt hatchery pond llaava ulohardaon of klora haa boao cboaen aa llefortn candidate for bttvantngtonfot th tirgialaiura the aalarlaa of rural poatiuaatar whoaa income dtx nntaxrnad flft will probably be increaaad to kdo iter an- num tha glru with tlmlr hklpplng rope and tha boya with their mrbtn am aura indication that prng la p proaoblng dald iv1q aon of mr john prios of tba 7th linn wa rtmlnved to gualph iloapltal laat walc utfnrlng front append icl tl a box aoolal in thn interest of school botlon no vcquaalng will bo bald at tha ho it in of mr doorga robartaon fourth line to morrow waning mr jeremiah i ml purchd laat week a lot on lake ave nun from mr john itlcblo and la laying down th malarial tor a new hrlck hunan nn tha property joraea juatice waa elected ivar dr short by a vote of ub to 41 vol eg to nil tba vaoaitoy in lrln village connou cauaed hy the retlreiiiout of 1 bougharty mr lunoan hnhartaott rjmrta log tha ftrat mhlii on hnuday 311th fabruary ilu doaa not tenutinwr averaeelng tliu wolconio hachlngor of aprlng in iobruary baforo chief macdonahl atrnatad 4 trampa one evening laat wuek and looked tlrm up one waa taken to ilrauiptou tha following day to anawnr to n aarlntia ohargvoeorgiown herald clinton uagllhtlng for a now o t it autlon thn new ura pilhllahml an engraving of acton htmlon laat weak and nggttid that una on ihu plan would be quite aooqptuhln mr dan itwaon hau piirchauml froni mr uorrif saxe ihadouhla tnnti- k montand ulugla dwnlllng uud iota uu main street whra thn tiro ooaurriid 1mb week uj monahh ortectwl ihn aala a toronto brewery on monday decided lo anfooe total almtlnanca on ita enoployeaa icvary pareon aonnwit- d wttb the eatabllahinent waa rafuaed rotlaaktn to drink hoar no tha prtiu nlws op local import approw y i stittlumiiu hna loglo foi m dk0 it 1 rathur a novalthlng for acton wltb the eavv mill in town and vicin ity to have ww duat thlpped in from toronto such baa been the caau tint past weak bowuver a local famine w log aaoountared by tba icupaakere tboee who attendml report that um aaaembly glvau by the hona of bootland in the town hall va lrldey laat waa one of the beat aver held hy thotaoolety the umalo waa furnlah- dbr mclaren urahralra of tiuelph 07 a dtacka anotlon aala on hat urday afternoon waa quite auooaaaful tbahoreee ware not all aohv hub avnry impumant put up with two excap- tlooa waa mild and on thna thorw ware no blda another aala will h bald on thn lkih inat markdalo baa hut promlau of jrttxk for a carnegie library l ijlj applied lu mr cari dooatlun i and durham iium the pri oiim of yimk for a building oram valtoyi i preparing puiia for a library to ooat 470ou wlloh oantegla will trlbuta tthe davlu leather company ijnt- itadlof newjugrkel hna htm n an iii of- laad to lncri ita ciipltul from ukm- 000 to 70o000 tbu computiy haa o- oently enlargail la plant a no win at- kat and douhlui ita nmcty i jnanufaaturaa high gi ad hiatirera in eluding calf chrome and uppere fr hoea- i a grand concert tllidar thn aua- ploaa of i ha itomau cflholla church will be held lu thn town hall leurgu town on friday evening march 17th tha following high ulaaa talent haa htanlpmiirvdj arthur blight irl- tone pearl oneill ontartalnar liu ant wilton tmranu i llljmt muilth luaxalfpmliat ilika latter- prom mom a in rwikiwhtg lur viuh iniuui niili- aorlpliou th ilhur day uu h a jnlinkloo of largo n oak y wj art ao laad to hl thu i u k 1lilotrievtiy wk it i- ilk i r from homn nd haa h ioil tone than thn ppr pulilulud writ the chora1 society icntrtmlnwl on munilay nvntilng at tha nnrlu- ahiu of the wekly rehramal of lh choral hooloty in knot jlinrch h lijtol ltooni the member mem tutrlaliid to a dainty tmcho hy thn marrlnd ladlra of the aoouty a vary enjoy able aoclal hour waa hint ihn lum- orary lunmliera wrr alao rtlolmotu in the event qiwmioak uurary saauly dok boaii abo aixilal iitjiler lltn uunplcnm of creanock lllurury kotluly will htdd inlallem unluml iiouim i lluauy nvtntlng mm rob kith a proglaiiimn will l glvni nonaltlug of radh vocal and lilairiiniautal mimli and a t play hy oairhign dramatlo clult iho foaa am loo mliiiunloo and lv mr box j new gloealnoauun of klfnu lavtem a new ftlandlllralimi for thn nxpntua cumpaiiua whlrh hu l liy tlfn hallway ciimmlail ttlf ol thu mttok among ollu r thlngu it provldou for thn approximating of wulght by mnuuurcinonb and ihn p-y- lug for nuiptlnu rilinuil ihn now claimlllcalloti glvoa aom lwnnllu to ioijnl aa well aa to public who bfln bprlnat home show airuiigtimauta aru htilng madx for the htmiig of krlu hprlng hliovv at uyiuhurg on thura4lay april jmh lh following am thn ofllcora lnial dntlt mnunary lut vce prnaldnnt w amolaiighlln iml vlcu irok1 ilnot n xfrlcltinon hocrtitarytmam urer 1 utoiii dheouira vrd mr mllun cnorgadavu jaa carmklimnl a 0 mcmillan alex mokuiuou w hall j c mckluuny chaa haldwiii a harry mow v bitlt fmtt t1ww lhny glide into tha dnru and whirl olf thn mlgo of a dt itit ufn laa ion and nothing nlau hi thu trim imulu of thn popularity of mndnrn dancing it la a worldly amuaament and laada to thn forgetting of cod and to thn aoduollou of ijuhm unt noula many a aoiil hna dancid to hall llinau wortla wurn nd hy itnv hunjamlii lomlllnld paatoror wool w loll hlrtml haptut churnh ciinlph in a mrmou on luotlorn dancing which bit proachnd laat hunday evanlng the wowuia ineutute laat pmy tho innntlng of the wonmna luall tutn iii thn oouikii chaiiklier luut lrl- day waa an orranlon of much intnrnajt and waa wtill attandiml mru ii i moor lhir chair hltirn laut mini ting an organ haa i mnii pnralmand and hu gavn a nnw in tinen t to thn mualraf mrt of tho proctitidlnga an item on thn pro gramma waa tha giving of tualluiuny hy mninliara au to thn uinrtha thny had paraoimlly dariviul from tholr con- noatlon wth thn luhtitiitv in rnm- patltlon for inmidhig tlm flrut prlxn waa awarded lomra c a hluck and thu aacond priaa to mr jomjph agunw 1or darning mm ie k cmtk won tlrat and mra dr cray eeonnd krontb munlalpel uuuuh tha annual atatoment of tha light and hnat cimnnlaalon far ihn paat year which wu prwaantitl at the guelph city council meeting monday evening ahoweil a profit of tt 11 h total income of uh1i7 1 thla reeott la much utir than waa hoped for in vlaw of thn fact that the aarvlcfl waa handicapped by thn chang ing of the power when tba hydro came in and lowurlng of rate on gaa whl nh it now iton r thouaaiid it haa bean decided to nut off thu wlantrla meter runt in future aa wall au reiui- ing tha oharga from hta to hi or a total rmluclloii of iui mr unut nnw lampri giving greuttir light at a lower coat will he inatallad ail anon m exparl- mnnta are complatud davtaat to the rluunlrmuona thn titua tahln rtguutlng ihn uilil biimniar uxnmlnatlouuhau iwuni uhiumi hy thu ontario duparttnimt or kdlica tloii 1 iiih yoar thu v xxmliiutlouu will roinmnnoe at thn v lamtma throughout the province nn juiiu lioth and will concliido on july lltili cau- dldatou priwtiutliig thiuiihidvih fur ax- uuiluatloii for mitriiticu in thn fhcultliw of uduoatlnu and paaa inatrlinilatlon will loiuiniiiirtt writing on tlm 3lh or juiif and will complntn lliult pamirv on dm lth of july ihn camlldaua ftir antraiicn to the normal acltool and for nomuiarclal apivflullhtu ntrtljuti i will wrltu fiom july llrd to thn 7lh inchiblvn honor and auholaiahlp inrilrlnulatlon naudldatcy iwgln on llio anh o juna and tliilah tin thu tbth day of july an kp worth laaujrue bum uall kafatoh ail unlquir uud inturoutiiig mtrvlcti in thi iiaturn of a itaan hull tnutoh wan huld hy tha kpwnrth liugun nn tnuu- day nviinlug two tcama went hi to thn tluld thn maplu imfa and the unavttre thu liltchnr of eaoh team llnd queatloiih traaptiatlng canada ita rvodllroah extant geography mi11licmi rilutlonahlp nltlnw govurntuunt oln at uhdii man aa ho tminu lo hat if be anewarud ha took blu iwihi if not and thn catohnr or liaaatimn anuwored thn inuplni dnolamd him out tho gfttim waa intwrnatlug and luforuiatluu- al itud ahowitd that thn pluynrn had dimn ooualdnrahln alndy of our ooiiul ry in t til y c a u matlhuwaraptuhiud thrrmnpiri inhfa and nnlnrni dinar the hravifra thn mupltt iafa won out vdtb a aotii trof latoll social and personal ttvt llyinu atlnld ihu luelug of ihif louuty oonnolihl milton on monduy dr u u lowly letinveilng from hldriiitifvuii llliiaaa ifuuntowo iitmld 1h muat4 li ortiroiiui wnru gunauof mia jnplu htiillh on a werk end vllt ml marlon lawaon hilt laat weak tm an tixliiuhd vllt to ml uiy ia and olhr oliitv mu llasv clnavt of waa n guuat at thu home of mr ltd- wardclnavn till wnnk mruh otr nd dugliti or calgary ahnt a fnw day at mra j cmplair v i r lor la villa mr and mra a k mokllbliu of toronto wrro thn guttata at uniiw llir ovrlhn watk ttlld mi and mrw j no hahn of hi clly havn reluriith homo aftfr ulling tlmlr auut mra alox luw mra w d ivirk of toronto aptmt ftw daya tliu work at tha liiiuia of ir paronlu mr il m it olhlmma minnum 1 mr jmnt lutdarao of lorooto tiilvuralty who waa linmti for hooday unt tixpiulm lo go wnut on mhtalou ork for thn aummrr xlua mildred rtunloy who iniu limm in thr nln r thn canada clovw work lur thn iual four ynara hau taknuaioalllon in lunlph inaru william h cnlumaii and hla ihnr hnhnrt i ft on hatunlay foi chhago toruaiimu thnlrthhiitlouv muii k leading navigation iiiiiuiny r and mia jimph ortim mini tod laiit wk ultor aptiodlng a intmith n ilh inly at cold wtr uud oi lllla i tiny inuvntm hutuitlay for ihuli hnmn at arihii muii luv j c w llaou 11 a vliu i mr n v hnrwl l 11- fahra houm in toronto laaf wtmv ii ti la lu a vnry low mindllloo and no iiommi for ida t ivnry arn now tinltiilulnnl mra p c maddtwik ami mr hdwiu ho mhiiinil to toronto a ronplu of ttika ago uf having ukiut ihn intar lu tho kouih wtr a rimph- or tlaya laat wtmk at thtk homu of ioul maattr mutthnwu uk oiiav llomh adaih dr lh oh cray arrlvnd houui from hla trip to california ou monday lining aluttuil frtim ida htiiun and prarllcn for four wutk ihn dr tn joyml thu outing vnry niurh indited and hlu look it ludlfiau that hla trlputul utny lu callfornlit a unlulirloua t llnmtn warn vtry imiiii hi ht pliylrrtlly ttrdr trvvallatthywayfchloago oniaha ogdnn and im angel uu ovnr thn i t it chlragu north woat urn and itilou paollln hullwayu ihn mout of hiu tlmn waa amint at ontario california whrro h aud hi hrtithur have havu lurgn inlerrstu in orange luinon and nthnr fruit rannliub hut hn waa alao at- lou angtdtu the cliloo vallny and ntlmr interautlng mlut ho found thn fruit nrota in vury linn condition with aphindld promlatt for thn year yltld at io angela ha vlullad mr jamea drown fnrmnrly or acton and found him in hplnndld huallh und well cnu- tnnletl with hla attractive iiurround- ing he unit mr iloldt v rlapp nlaco nf mr c h hmlth at hau luimadlno und vttrloua olhnr frlnud ami arqualiitunctia ut other wilnlu vultthl a fealurn which inuirnatvd the dr vary much waa thu fact that through out hi travnl lu california he waa tinvrrnutuldnof dry territory loral cptlon lu in fort n in ninny inuiilcdpiil ithta and th urn lu appnrcully vary little dikmiitiii to vltdatn tin law thn aphindld r uultu am gratify lug and thu yuiingttr gnnurallnii i growing up with almiutt nlwoluloly tlo knowlndgn of what drunkanneau mitatiu aiiothvr mattur which attiacltml ihn dra at- tuullmi wan thn aliartinn nf lhya from tin vicinity of lh billiard and mini rtiomu if uuy imy of dlghtitan n ulidiif i uoon about thn p rent 1m prompt ant ion lu takoo hy thu author- it lire to puulaji thtvin concvriintl for any violation nf thn law ihu laxity lu obunrvuuou of thn hatilmth lu thn mm hy nthp iiltihiteiit in the dra high outfninu of callfirnla tha blar chonu canaer i hn ooucnrt hy aaton miorai hivcluty next tunaday evening la hiitlolated with keen interval that thu nvnnl will imi u auconaafil oun i now ihiyond tmradvtmturn 1 ho tumiuud fm re- aerywl uoalu haa alitnit uxhnuutud thu autlrrt timurvallon aud thn aalu hf guuural weal la wuch tial it full houuu la aaaurad the clmruana will bo re markably fltif while the boiom by irvir hhlldrlck and tho violin uumlwru hy mr jaa o con l t c m will add much of internal mlau l m urny la the acnomianlul und thla font glvoa ampin aaauranoe that the iuiihi- ial aactloit will imi iinrfeot the man agement baa doclded that no piuaon will ita admitted to the hall while a niimlwr la lining randnred v it wlfl therefore be daalrabla that all who inlvnd lining pitiannt aiilvtt at tholr wat bvfdro 810 ublbck mtnar orueclla wakly meeunar al tha iiuiiahig of thu king or- thullnu taut ivhlay night john i- aloorti gavn an utliliu on huccnaa huappllod hi auhjoot alio out utitlrtdy lo adult llllilo claua work allowing how llio clan might la improved und thn hi litres t lneraod to morrow ulghl tho addrtiiu will w given hy ihu free entrance to canada corn and totwumo iraim j ks ciiuitjnih dmtury it will ihi roooiuitd that at one aroa of tiouth- iwoted to griw- timutpilla wli extmnill wualutu ooturlo waat lug oom ihu duly cmiiada from ihn cnlled hlalea rumoveil aud tht canadian markut waa luimtd lately m htmklnti with 1m- imirtallonu of wiorii from tlm cnitetl statea that corn gtowlng had to l al- mdat ciioilalrly aliandonthl hy cana dian ranuer a unit the aama time ddlllooal protection waa given to jtidlan tobacco growara end the rnaillt waa that tobacco crtipe took the id am of rum crupa lu that pari uf iolarlu ftirunirly moat notod tor ita whv liia matter wlui afaune 1 he farmer of tb hlala of maine havu all the advanlagn that rec 1 pros ily tould bring to thn maritime iro- vlncna ol canada and none of thn i laad vantage tliey havn free accea ui the l talked uf market tf iiliialy million and aaiinot lie abut nut of itaudilenly by a vote of cougrnaa canadian fwitter might be at any tlmn umltr the itclproclty agrw- mniit iltey am narrr to the rial ket if iloaluu and new york than any part uf tho marltluio lyovincc aud yt tlm farmrra or mali prospermia than thnti i k nova scotia aud hind ihny have no drnama altout tl tl valuanf ihn market nf the ninety of rllrig hoga if the lleclproclty agn viio ul la adopted the average iuich of hoga lu chicago and montreal or the tlvn year andiug daoeinliev ui 1u10 waaiw folloital year ohlnago montreal 1um1 jo a 7 77 1017 i 10 7 4t lwh n 71 7 ht ltxxi 7 v it ill ktlo hill u do in crtohor 1007 v in ga aold hi chicago a low a 1 r nwt agaluac 41 m imr nwt at the aam time lu montreal during thu ptulnd prhiaa of hoga have averagi d lower in unit i 1hn lu tortiutn oraalnually ihu lu ii n uw higher in lliirtalo bin commonly 1l la luwar ihn rarmer d the houthwnatnru stale haa a inngar anaann lhali the canadian farmer flln not only haa nhaap corn hut ha la a bin iti grow anvera r id alfalfa l till uaahln hlni to pitklurn hog vt ry cheaply die canadian panklagliouaeaeapecl to mi crowdetl tint nf bualuph hy thn lmkirtaliona of hog produnla fiom thn big chlrnno parking hoiianv vo ihat thn caatmati hog ralair will havn no homn market there la i tbataaer 3 wlntai- thar nadlai inn are no lull re j wlnlnrln atialralla new aland or naw llaine- lh arkflmi lupnlillc cllln lilit woora throughout tin year at thn farm n ra of thoan nouutrlna do lint have thn exiuman of winter ahalter and winter fending limy nllllmipeofrtv tlny know cat th 1wm11i1 at if railway bald ablltb them nff of the market- nf the united 1 l j a i hutea auhoiikh th them tint t tan iii population h t lu maine thrt th merillm irovlnrea thre are aald to ha many thooaanda f anr of aliandoneil fit una in mulue new mammhlre and vermoul many of lhim fmrma were nrrnplnd for gun nralluiih hut thn ynuiia ihudn movnd to thanlllranrto tha wtatnru ntalea nd cm old folkatlintl tha krtoar uoa cjiiaillaii larmnr may aa well make ip thnlr mlml to glvi up the huulneaa t j ahh and meal no uritf u lh oanadlati farmara mirrentuge of ah nhnaply no part of new zealand i far from thn twtmli and while allatralla haa a vaat in- tnrlor tha farm nf auatralla am all near thn ana coant o that thn railway haultoonean port i tint graal in bplt nf the fan that ihny are vary liunh rarller from tlm llritlh market than canada im luiumnan tuantltlea nf fmal from thtmmi tiounlrttw are aold in thn cnitetl killrilom now thn cana dian market i tnhn freely openntl to than a a reaiilt tr thu luclproclly cmitact and we gel nothing lu tn- turn ad vert lamaut we dont give a rap 1 or a hat without a map that indaacrlhahl mlfdil it ntwllod 1 m a ii i wtwn lotikln fr il you tan t poaalhly gal a i wit of one than out knickerbocker lallilntf llial n when looking nf lll piltu llit jj 1 ha very unwell haw york aham uxl in r e nelson jj marohant tmlloi m mmi puralahej bank of hamilton head ofhce hamilton capital paid up 92760000 roeervc had undivued profit 32s0000 total aaaeu 6000000 over 40000000 saving bank department at all branche geokoetown bkanctl w n ukay tfbk7 idoi durranin boiiool thn following tn thn yeault if the ivilimary axamluallon 4th claw 11 martlu uh5 1 il drwlgn w i v dredge i71 1 1 a pro win 1cw m llvlugalone aiwi m dunn 171 1 w mllla imi total um hl claaac hate 2tl w coxu 11 1 m mcmnunmy ltit total 40a ild claaaf knwtunn c win- ihdd n winfluld j mcmnunmy 1 1rlmiir jpbn mcmtittemy a hul- h i hullor a claaa ida mumuuainy jamu mill wellington oahlnni lhnn praitnt nvuy day ami nnver latnll dredgn c hat ii merlin avuragu altwudauil if mirthlmiita mudon tl tahohay t luard to ithfler whloh ulunnllblianrew orstrvhuial tiliaohi oiiiaa yi rm in i 1 i ii i mau oalarrh cor election nf onicuru will takn place all nitiiihtuu win tiimcially urgud to iwt preaant a kleavy ddm ior vkolauntf law a n u mint r of uaauu of illegal ll bailing woru hnard itufora lnillon magla- trate nnhlu at htrathmy thn othnr day all the defanilantu pladetl guilty mr molnlyrv prnprlntnr uf thu 0ueiuia hottil wau lloud woo and onata and hi hartnndur 11 cala um and coat tllrea druggut v ii htoplar w t uaplay and m orchard worn iiiiimi 11k and coal each two doctor dr mcdougal mid jvnmi wnru iiiiimi hio and uoalu ttanh nearly 000 wuu co ion tod in ii nn and coal a suiiatdlllcu ifoh 40 vtcaits uehl d d o montheali itch- ins a one lid u ihn atdual nxpuilnnuof anno cromau huuta hoa c with hut womb i fid d d d iremiilptlnn d d d i thu provmi 1cuxiuih cure thn mild wkhii that glvta lualatil rt luif lnallfiiumnriun tiimhht chaliaeuiheuunor all hlipuillo waahe away hlnche and phnph inavllig the akin aa anioolh and healthy a thai of ii child wtllu today fm- a freu trlnl lxdllu of till wonderful iciixuma dura to tile d d d lulxnatoilna dept a t idcollmrnu hlreet toronto it will gv you lualaut relief kor aaln hy all drugguta j11xkt tks ui1lnuy m oo tolaao o we ui uatnmaad hae ho p j oh tor til a lul la laa and lu- lilm umfaetlv hemtwatite luall buia iratoaaellim ali naanalallv tu a earry out any quigation uiajaby hlanitn wiiiuu ki llmibhouabs mr and mr wllllum hcntt havu reluniwl bninn from a wank vall with frlttmla in hamilton tho bimw fall oil hunday night gave an hupeliib to toinnhig and wood haa wan coming in tn thu kluu again qulta freely ntrvotl wtiolaa ti uuia l upon tit tiloail ami luuaooa aurfaeaa fj lhll jaunti dm- la uaa luuioeuri uua i tiloail ami uiuaooa aurfaea f luinnnlala anl frw titia iuilavalniiy v sfsixats onbwsonaj ootthkrh marcirluh made a very lion llkti anlralicn at preacnl lit are i nnlthar goud ahilghlng or whaallng thu domlnluu hallroatl cnmmhudoit- niv will aliorlly have an englhear take thu lavalu tit thu crtuku here to aee if a piomir draltihge can ihi aecured fmm thu p rennti t railroad aiihway with a vhjw o ilonlng thn invcl cioealng- and diverting thn road through tba nb way mi thu town una mr win kryur who a luavlng thu drown farm will hold an auction aale nn lhnhlh lual mi a atjktumof capiluge waa at hiimit lu amiutlxty nf hi frlnnda ou thtiraday night ithoae who were ftirluiiale enough to imi pruaent aeak highly uf thlr genial boau all ant uuanlmoub in declaring it the aoclal nenl of the baaaon mra win murray apvnl laal week vary plnaaanlly with toronto friend mr it ainhroae of milton apent a few day laat week at mr m crew- eon- j captain chaa h cam hie attended the annual meeting of the nfllorra of ihnuhhuegl in milton on tuaadey lal mr j ii cilppa apent laat week willi muuua lu ifoekwboll itookwood ihn dpkth of john cuiumln una nf thn lieat known faimm of thin vicinity ncmirrud on huuduy morning at hi rtihlduiic thu lluetluu mi cummin wau lu huiunul rohuat hna lib whim hu hriirni tiiltu uarly lhat momilug hut nhorlly after 0 1w oclock hit w aeutnl with a fainting upell anil expired htdiiru any out could roach him tha deceaaml waa a wall toilo farmer of the tnwuahlp of kramoa and waa reapactod hy all who knew him he waa well up in youm hut hiu notnnn- plalned of billing iii for miiiia time luut lie inavca imaulow hi iwlfn nun anu john at htiiun and thlna daughter mr macdnitnull of toronto and mar garet and kathleen at homo llnklde hi own family h haa two brother michael who lived with him and danlal at mount horuat alao onii later help for old backs that ache gin pills cueeithem ago 1 no luirrler to the woudorfid aoothlng healing properties of cin ldis the grt canadian kidney cur wahavo on record many letter from men and vvouteii pf 6o 6 70 m testifying to th great relief i from taking cin ill ho and over leatlfylug to they receivetl from laklut mr bannicl merlin of hlntltiroy out miitrrrd for twenty year with mlaery lu hi latrk heme uionth ago be tried cin iluts ami after taking only three boxea wax entirely cured mr martin i now 85 yfara of lie and enjoy the rohuat health of a vignroua utah of alxty thank to gin lllls ah elderly people qre iroulded mora or let wllll kidney and bladder trouble aud pain and we knew hi the lauk gin 1illh are a guaranteed cure for all ihcaa ntlafortunr money promptly refund et if they fail to givn complete sat la fact ion 50c p laix 6 for io rampta lo free if you write uh mettonlug thfai paper nalloiisl drug aud chemical co dept- a tocouto jo6e right house 1 lfa miltons ravoblte shopping place opriig o peeing thursday i riday and saturday march 9th lolll and lllli and v aaf klilan ufilil an amarald aha flow alt thaiood wllacpad the wlndnw ulda i h od man spanned hla plough ii hm loun iutlmmill 1urslking la willi ua now i ulatid tt0 r he grcttcat stock of frchh superior spring merchandise ftver brought to the cily is now on display and iile in thim beautiful ncwlyfurniihed store our own buyers wise in their knowledge of wlint the women of hamtlton and vicinity will want during the comnif tnontlis have come back over the altantic with all the beautiful effect that the london glasgow helfasu paris berlin st gall licpnic brussels and other producmi centres of kutopu have brought forth for home and personal decoration tlni spring t ol course the bebt new york creations aild the iturdy canadian outputs arc at usual displayed side by side with the production of the old world wc have pleasure in hereby a skin- the pleasure of your presence durlii- this first spring opening f newly enlarged store thursday friday and saturday the hamilton papers will contain much neu of interest nuwb of especially priced ofrtnji to hold good during this spring exposition of tin new remember please to look ebpucully for iutw of tlie- new hats suits coals dresses new dress floods silks wash goods new trimmings laces veilings gloves new shoes hosiery unilcrwuar new j urnlture carpets curtains rugs ua1lu0ad lakls ril undid on a ublral plan thomas c watkias king and tiughson sts limited hamilton ont xxoocxxoorrkxxxkx0 spring robins in this mens section new spiring capa new spring hats new spring shirts new tics new llalmlosc in fancy shades new sprlnr underwear new suspenders during the pau montlitl we hnvo liccn kirnering from the market the newest ideas and best values in all lines of hoys and mens furnishing for the spring of igit mcnti fine spring underwear from 25c pr garment up lllcni fine half hose in grey tan snc green hlack etc rom 15c per pair up 1 mens and boys spring suits our nuur nl men and liny a nnw sprint clothing in ihn now iweed nlfocia aerjfifi wonlndii air la altiioat comploie no itollahtn clotln hi attractive attnrna and aliaillnu mail hi thn numl approvetl my las lor sprtii iji 1 and ilia value will instantly appci lo you on coiupjtu m mens and boys shoes w are laruely uvlanilliig our rno of abikiu to nitwit ihn hill rniilrintiiili til mr triln w have incniauxl our lliio j man a working hlioaa und the hiiarlln ijoniola ntc an 1 have aililcd kouiu ocallent uiimlmr lu 1aiuni luatjhck linus whan you are aiipplylug your other reiulriiibnin hi 1 urulsuliifls and clolhh aili lo uu our rangnf shoe and we kaaure you tha vahiaa and utylru blinwn will apnak lor il mm salvo a henderson co mill street acton ontario let the other fellow t experiments hnd new fhk6s while you buy the old reliable welltested kinds ov among tlicbe inttur nrr the improved rolierllcarin success manure spreader thu daln hay loader for one mmijinutaad of two tliu mcloltc cream separator the champion disc drill which piynlor ium in threu yeara hi ikikliamiii ynub ov gukin and the baker windmill with 36 instead ol 18 fans sliu ouu locajl tlshmonials 10u trniih iachinks ilg a black acton ont