Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1911, p. 3

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spectacles and kvk 0 ijashicb wa can roptlr your spectacua of lire rtun wa a in octt a full lie al frma ianae ml templea ami can flu your work neatly and wlttijpfomptneaa civeuhacali oeo hynds maritlaom uoin8u issued cr8h prid for fowl raw furs junk ii all kind of puunitoiu hcton juv snxe iteal instate mmty b at loweat rt or teres large kmmber nftmrmui tmr mile cheap dwellltac and taer rreaerty in all part ftho tanu we have every 1 aelluy fr tramsactlaur r femslneaji yaar caavlele iatufacua- j a- willoiicbby ccnrawii sbe retort jtrcc res thuilhday mauui1 1 lull brief local items hprlnga cunilntf fat iinw fjprlng work la petting m4la buay j the aliei are out in tho jmuituree again a faw of ihn alrv 1 cfng will be the bettar of a careful aerating the brick la being lam down lor ur jtremuh tuiia tiaw iioum on lake avtnut tha equinoctial arrived promptly a uaual tuaatlaya wlnda m bouteroua tha 8na of kngund liaxr arrang ed for a eoclal evening in the lown hall oa haturday iu april a cable from ondhi eaye quean alary bay adopted ilia pink carnation m tbit coronation flower w dr n mcorlmtnnn u hamilton who araa for yeare eeociale with dr buck at palermo died on monday meeere ilendereun jfc co an nounce their aprlng niltlltiery opening for fruay and haturday of ihla wnak quite a buncti of winn a goe em- ployeea left for llm haw factory at prih on tuesday evening ulltun reformer o o groom of kergu itaa baaa appointed llcenee inspector fur kaat wellington in place of the lata joalah liana pton itorrie base la preparing to erect a new matal clad atom on bu property on lfaln fltret next to ltoaa llroa bowling allay next hunday morning at ule llap- tut church the ml j ret will le a christian and in the evening the braaen serpent the mcoorau lima engellate wtu open a aerlee of apaclal eervlcee in dublin htreet church guelph on sunday 2nd april mr walter o anthony haa pur- ofaaaed from col w p moore of waat torontoj what u known in georgetown aa llm mnortt hlock ilrr- ald the date of the jtmlpli hprlng breedera and fancy llnrae ulmw liaa bean changed to tueeday evening april ibth and wednesday afternoon aod evening april hhh the a matthew iuu11 club or toronto are arranging the if oohedula for the coming eeaaon any dratalaae tamuie wlahlnggamee are rrtpieated to write it udounelli aeoretary 2ifl ado- laid 8l west toronto mim may u aw t home who hae openeja millinery eatabuahment in thapramlare formerly occupied by mlaa florence murray main htreet will hold her bpring opening today tomorrow and haturday the king order ilea enjoyed a very plaaaant evening at the haute of mr and mr j c weleoti mala htreet but friday imnrlpal htewarta talk oa utronoiny and the hospitality of lba home were loth rlemcnl of ap- praclauoa the i o o f at home laat tbureday evening wan enjoyed by a fajrehted company the programme was provided by muaea thompson and iielobmad misses agnew and uraham and lb misses maann in in tru mental duetts and by the cddfellowe quar tette and lelchmane orcbratra wash thom riaflplats o use d d d that in ltd toothing wash tliat reottgnlaed remedy for kesemaand ill skin trouhtee klrvt drops take away that awful burning itcbt cleanse the akinwash away vary pimple every impurity thern la nothlne like d d d for the com- ties ion oat a trial bottle at least write fo it today to the d d d labora tories dept a t 40 colbome hi toronto for sale by all drugguu ltmemoumb there are a number of changes tak ing placo in lliu occupaiioy o farina bare this spring james mcdowell hi moving to his farm lately purchased from william ilane john henderson of toronto is moving to the fsrm mr modowbii is leaving and jo arthurs hi moving to tho farm purchased from win alpdowall lllta margaret slarler has gnna to wlarton as aaalatant milliner miss mary sharp baa returned to wlngbam to again lake charge of the wdllpery bosloeee there miss agi baroer acoorapanled her tha last news from the hospital in goelpb euted thtt mr harry ii poldavln ladoing as well ae could bo expected after bis serious operation hows thm t v ea oa rlmind dallam lueard for mv ess of caswrb u oaaset be seiad lr aaaaelauy abls to earry eui say obllta csaosby ta knnwa maavw hajlv osurtfa owr u laasa tauraall mum news of local imwrt ofualej vlalt by the modareiloc iuv ji wlunt ii a modihlor of jiielph fiuhyttry prvaolit 1 d luilen on hundy i llh litl iudu i- the only ixmie mualon of lht li tery ant this offlful vuil llu moileiator was iiiikih apprnnlalihl ilv j k iyniiym a oriwiiu occupied the pulpit of knox olmrrli an atfreeuva vounst frmohr uev u ouflnn olrford or viclou tiilvrlty toronto orcuplml tho pul pltorihesvatlxxlll jlmrtil t hun day in the lunro or luiv dr antllff hi sermons were able fori oful and logical and wle llntened to with iniinli intreat mr olttttnl u lho son of iuv dr ulfford of h ratfoid wl wa the pastor here in 1khhu in addiuoti to hi collgo work l- u fill ing lltn varanny at lluapulrr iliaiul by ue death ut fll of usv jnapor wil son a oood aukarauer v friend of the vllttk ijiloih mill ailvanlsgn thmtvn and nvrrylxkly c4mcerued if tlity study it advnrluink c4umit tliwy hre woi th roadlu regularly and it will plaaiiw tlm advr- tlanre and viiry grolly iwnnlu llm vfihti irtkiw ii on ranpotidhig to an advartiiteiiiant our reader hutr that limy uw th advert tinir itt n itu column- and all who prli value the fkkk fitloiit will imturally ihirrcuto tltowi who advortua ill its column and give tlmm the prnfnrem plnat daerly for hanuraetorlam millon baa lost the wimi hl j tiany but i in a fair way to secure a lrrr concern the wiiiuio- hhoe go or llramplon a by uw will int sub mltted to the rteiuiyrr on the hit 1 1 hi miithoruing the council to guar antee immda of thl new romjwny to the amount of bloikf ami lutrt tc it reitald in npial aimusl limtalinrnts in twenty ytara in addition to tlilu tbry are to have total exemption of municipal tasea and free wsler ilir company in turn guarantees to nil- ploy hi haiuland have a weekly my mil of gloo it ik expected tlui bylaw will carry verily when wo sre stirh instance of what a town roimlditra the vajuc of a manufactory to imi to h com munity the rellectlon naturally room that acton should be thankful for- its fine mannfactorle without exemp hon loan or similar cunsuleratloiih and with a weekly pay roll of imtwiuo 1000 and kfiimn pom in alton t veare att william trtllar imttierman dhl lit oh hpring on monday 1lib lol at the age of 72 yearv he was the nin of the late iohiilmmnrmau hr and was imirn on the farm on main htreet acton now occupied by mr john o nflaon mr ya in men nan wont to oh hprlngs many years ago and was on glneer of an oil pumping plant at tlio time of hi death his wlfi and two sons nnd two daughter urvlvti they are frank of oolllugwood i orl- ur calgary carrie a mualonary at oocoanada india i and olive at home the youngest daughter may dlnl seven year ago and the youngont son melvln was drowned in hhlnlng tree iake cowgands may 2ilh lww mr win t zimmerman was the iat of seven brothers he leaven four sur vlvlng sutera mr ja oreri vinluu man mr john ultor mutua maiii mr wm hscklng niles ohio and mr chriatnphnr hwaokhanior anton the deceased was a inumbir of tho methodist olinrrh and was highly u- tocmot the kntranoa atkamlnatlonm till year the ejitrftdcetikaiulnaiioos will be held on monday ttitntday and wednesday june il1i sllu and jhtli commencing at iik p m this is a change from prevlouu yen- luid allow the high hchool to complotn ibn wouk which formerly was broken by llm ex amination tho examination of kn- trauee to mode hchoou will ta held on the same dates as instruction have been burned to that effect in order to prevent the overcrowding of high schools by ihu admlabm of lll-propsr- d pupil vbo chairmen of kutiunci lloards are inslructwl ui follow exactly the ruling of tbn dnpnrlmoiit u on each snbjtict and lwi tolul for promo hon the lcducatlonn itutrtninnt hss issued a clrctiui to tint chalrmnn of the h h kntrance 1hsarl calling for a more rigid marking of the nuswnr taper end complaining tlmt in the past both public and high school hv lined demoralised by tlm passing of students luitnuiillt for advanced work the nporof the next examination 1 not to be published till the department revises the finding of the examiner and no students below the remilrtd standard are to lie passed on trial ex cept with the approval of the depart ment metropolitan bank new quarter the new premise of the metropoli tan hank specially provided in tho ivtterson block corner mill and mslu htreet have wen complcttd and the bank has taken poasosilon tho ofll- cere of the bank are very comfortable in the floe new quarter the un- tratioe la at the corner and tho ninlu offices are reached through it vettl- bnle at uie right of which is a door leading to the managers loom the front office arn 17x1b aud in tint lent are the private apartments or the staff the vault is in the rear convenient to the tellers slid ledger kthperu quar ter the premise ale writ lighted with large plate aud prlsmatlo wli dow both in front and side tliu woodwork is quarter cut oak and the walls are finished in tinted stucco with dado of painted bur up tho iwnk fixtures are modern in sty if only the tetter cage being siirrouiulid with the uaual metal grill work the desks end fittings are all quarter oak sub s tan hal and attractive numorouu electroliers side and deuk lights have laen installed steam healing and good ventilation are features which add munh to tho comfort and sanitary conditions of the bright new truarters manager drown li pardonably proud of the new quarters in the new building and equipment the metropolitan hnnk has allowed for large expansion of it business tho tittw tnilldlng shows i hat the batik bulluvea in actons future growth i uanwnter work of this fine bank building was done by j ii mackenalr the plastering by w d anderson the painting andtlnllng liy h curdlner- and the fittings were put in by the office hpeolslty co of toronto social and personal mm anli coiplhlt of cilph vklltd aotou frlnndx ihu wm mr hoht mcdw ir call iul adlou h lends a uliorl vult ukt week mr fjoorgn ilyuds jr oi of lleeve ii y mix loft on tuesday fi iteglua mr illrr williams w i from llerliu wllh mi attack of the glp this wk mr huiidutlniid taylor ml oil uou day for vnrmiynr ll pn- ikmlllg tout mr arthur hmith or hnrhester n v i a guest of mr c h hmllh sl falrvlew ilar mr h i mrlcrrlhen of toronto vuued her mother mr t t mooxr during the wk mr w j rattrson arrhed 1a1 wik on a brief vuil from cowgsnda ll will rsturu next wmk vxir jmi m moore of the herald ceorgrtown and hla little d were in town on haturday mu klle k of htewart- towu bns immiii the giit of arton riuudsdllllllguie week mrw 1 c mddmk of toronto i pndlog a few days at the home of hr falhnr roatiuaater matthews mis annie iirtor mturnnl home luhtlvlday from the lmlph ceneral hotmltel lunch luiprovrd in health uev j cllftou olrfonbor victoria uulverulty was intertalul at the mitthimllut parsonage during hla stay in tow mr john hill went to toronto to hfimr the world renowned vlollulul kathleen fallow in mxsey hall on thursday night mr alrx ilrodle who has ltern a rswent or new york and llorfalo tor the iswt fclx month aud who 1 re turning to cutgow hrollam ulletl his lrolbe- law mr n k hurdle over huiuuy mi mail hamilton uml two son- nrrlvnd rroni llelfnsl it couple of weeks ago and has taken up in r residence in at ton mho is tho mother of mr jas hamilton who has been hi arton for sevtiral yiars mus maud i cilllmaii elocution hi of toronto will give a recital of the popular slory mowing heed in dan ny in the lupllst church leoru- lowii next monday evening mr a c chapman or toronto will sing mr and mr jaa wilds are spend ing a week or so at the home of mr djvhl winiumsoii for twenty live year they have resided in alover vllle n y but are now en route to thrlr now home in calgary alfa where mr wilds owns properly aud has built himself a homo mr and mr widshre renewing arminluthnree with friends nmdn long ago when they resldid in acton will farmers gain or lose when canadas door is opent osorwatowns osnsrous orrac tjeorgetowu council bus gturroiihly offered to supply toronto nlty school with drinking water free of charge cnoigetown water is vtpial in milut of purity to any of the water with fancy lluuiii itelng sold in toronto at fanny pi ices for drinking purpose a lluay waau for modratw wllamn iuv j c wilson 11 a lias a busy week with official call ho spent three days in toronto at hynod meet ings and will go to iciora to morrow to lm present at the fresbytrry meet lug there when uev w h wright formerly of ht ann will lui inducted a tho new minister or one of the yb- hyturlmi chuiche there the oleavn mouth leaue a great ileal or interest bus wlntady ikteu attracted throughout ctiliada lo tint clean mouth league although it was only started in february the inngiifi has for llu nhjiot the purifying of tho langungt and all who sign the league ritldii pledge themselves to re frmliijfiom piofanlty blasphemy and uncbiaii isnguage a rine poeiuou mr john a mcoul late manager of the trader hank trescott son in mr john mcciii xjmehousr has itwm apkolutd to the position of frovlnclal manager of the traveller ufa assur ance co of canada at wlunllkg i ton onn i uraham u preeidont of tho comuiny mr mcciii i one ur iho young men of this locality who has iuadit good and he is well tpisll- tied for the resjtonslbllltlesof ihe new poblllon which he ha ut assumed a dallhn ilotal uhleh isiym the newmarket kra says the regular meeting of the kewmarket hotel company was held at the king ouorge hotel on friday evening 10th march when the vurloua accounts for the previous month were ordered to be paid notwithstanding the heavy tixpeiibt for healing and lighting the business showed qilllo m handsome profit for the short month of february the directors of the company found it tirory to make provision for an independent uipply of ice and have built an loa house and put in over i00 blocks of the lieatilirnl spring water ice from bogarttown it will afford the public munh pleasure to know that mr and mr brown who have con ducted the msiiagemunt of the- hotel so successfully and havn made so many frlund for local option have tieen engaged tor another year hallway aetlvlty at hed dear altat the ontario wtople who are invest- login llm deer alt will be pleased to kliow of the great activity in that sprightly ally this spring the bed deer advocate says i bed deer id lull will be ihu biggest centre or rail road construction ever seen in alberta the allwrta central has score of men already nt work on extension on new stnrehotiues blacksmith simp bridges olllveits concrete work ami grading the c h will commence this week ill their itigdoii branch from acme to ited deer and are putting up six stall mltlltloit to their round home they have now thirty engines running out of ltuil deer the f canadian northsrn la engaging 0 tram for freighting and construction on their linos from bel deer weal and the contreotjiaa leen let for the twenty mile of the r line connecting with laoouilie and bed doer there is sure going tit bo something doing in fall- way construction in the hod deer district this year pay ros it a queetlad for werner brom i k tamadhth crnlury when we llow vtt guaulltlei of food ftimi australasia anil th favoured foreign nation to come freely into canada liow are we going to prove to american customs pfllolals that lln farm prodtiqla me are trying in send arroas the unit ml htatee itouiidary were really protluced in canada t ask your neighbor this uesllou w may tie sure that hie farmer or ihe united hutea will insist uhm ritmloms rego la lions that will prevent canada becoming the hack door till- lraire to tho united htates ftr all the great food nxinirlipg countriem of the world the rnrosfismant of these reg ulation will lie very annoying the necessity of proving that every con- if food imported into the culled htate from nsd is actually canadian will arare american buyers they will naturally m lower prion for canadian farm prmiiirt than for american farm product when ihey have to lakr the risk of disputes with diatoms official as to whether i hay are genuine canadian or come from countries oversea lmce are always tliicluallng in th inltrd hate and while a consign ment of canadian bolter or eftge is twin g held up at the cuiimi htate mihlonia awaiting proof of genillne- ieu the price insy go down ataetvmlauslam vood tor- iwde during the ocal yr ending march iii iu01 there cama to canuu rmm autralu and nw zealand tlhtlmj ixiunds of butter lmulk of freeh mutton and 1muii iwlthh toiiud f canned nieata and small iilwutitle t other meat ill view of the feet that such ijuan title are imported inder the present tariff wlmt tnar lt xpecled when like dutlee on butter nd cheese are abolished aud lba duties on meat greatly reduced a a result of the baclproclty compact with the united htate prmluct from auuttalla and new zealand come in by way of ihiiii the ferine and the atlantic new inland frosen lanilw coming in by way of vancouver have liren sttld a far aasl as wlunlag a large t- n- ignment of lamb carcases from new aland hes lust reached hujobnnb tlie nw zealand steamship aor- ngr l now on its way lo han fmti- laoti with mum rarcase or new zealaml mutton n large uaiitlllrs mtler tliey cannot is into the led htate without payment of high custom dutlee 1 it not prob able thai suili csrgoea will lie diverted to canadian mrt when the iteelprtto- ity cnmiiact goes into effect tliere i nothing in i lie lteolproclty compact bl of ling the unltnl htate to ail ml t farm product hes or at reduced rate from australia new xealand and tba twelve foreign countries that have favored nathm treaties wllh canaila urn lo hla bet a nnw hrmiawick rarmer write 7 camtjtu cmfmry as follows i tliere may be something in what you say thuit the danger of comtetlliou frimi grvet rukd xpitllng louutriv like australia and argetilina luit im willing to bet that not one pound of rood wlllroiueloc laud which is ouo or tho twelve com irle you mention as entitled to tho prlvlltgee of thn beclroelty agreo inenl what do you aay to that y you lose your itet during tha fiscal year ending march hi 1010 x ihxind of cheese weie hnpoitsd into lanada from hwllaraiid th- cana dian cystoma tariff on cheese wa line cant per tound i it not reaaoiiahle lo suppoae that when hwls che n come into canada free the ipwinliy imimuted will lucraa rather than dlmlouh rrloea in ihe united qiate kveu if ihe lteclprocily agreement did not let in australia new 7unl ami twelve forslgo nations wside the col ted htate even if the tavourad nation treaties could im got i ii jbat vnade could m its tniknu lo lite united htates alone the majority of canadian farmer would gain nothing hy beclprocily while they would lake very great uks anyoaa who makes a careful atpdy or the meikts in ihe united htats will note that the price vary in diff-r- ent section- of the country boston new yoll fhlldslphla buffalo ietrolt chicago ht fan ht i011i new crlaan ami hart francisco all nave difteient price and thenr is a still qrealer variation in price in small cities town and vlllagn throughout tho country the canadian farmer should com- srt the price heoblaln for bis pro ud in a small vdlage near hi farm nor with the prices in boston new york chicago or some other large city in the united htatn ixit wjlh the price obtained by farmer in small vllu in the united htate equally dulaitt troiii the great centres of imipn- i a lion he must take into connftu ra tion nut only tlrecoatof lranorlatloii t thn big cities of tin united htates but also the mlddlemuns profit a table of comparative prices in montreal and boston the week the itnclproclty compact was made wa compiled by the montreal herald a liberal nswipaperv with the assistance of a number of prominent produce dealer and food expert chsese cug live poultry carrots celery lettuce oiiioob xplash tomato lana aud era n lorries all commanded higher prlcoa in montreal i hall in uoelou llie liest cresmnry butter was l cents per miund higher in ibtoo than lit montreal while storage memery butler was tint one rent higher in bosum dmaed ihuiltry avirhgetl almiut he ame iii tlie two tuliw hay and oats were consider ably higher in boston kllice then hotter pi in- have de cllned in most of lbs msrhela of the united htate a leudlug produce dealer of montreal recelvrdhe other diiv a telegram from chicago offering him x tulm or hpteuil cresmrry bulhrnoldstorfklatlh rants chicago at the time thl telegram was received the hmiue kind of butter we worth 21 cenu to 25 cents in montreal mr lw frnsldnnt of the toionlo ibiard of trade recently prepared a table of piles in toronto ami new york rnmiiarhi the toronto market report wllh the nsw york market reimirt es glvro in the new york onmmeirlal bulletin the labia fol lows toronto new yoik pi ion price froduct ibwt nroameiy hut ter in pillj wbolesat- irlme chiokeiih irloie turkeys dunks coese bacon ham advertbemnnt ailn in 1h ib 10 ii bank of hamilton head office hamilton cpiul pid up 27s0ooo rerr ml undividoj woliu 350000 tolnl amou 6000000 ova- 40000000 saving bank department at all branched ouioitowk banci1 w m utkay hr s we dont qive a rap iorllst without a stisp llut imleurllialile somothlok that mltht li xpellwl s m a hi when loounjj for that tinilnh lui you can i poslhly get a hollar one than oui knickerbocker 1 lie vary unuui new york shapes just hi r e nelson h merehaxit yadlor m menw rurnbktr shihffocjm alma college trains girls for home responsibilities and itth them for lire work almu i a christian cmleiicihonio tileul in euvlronibnht and endeavor hure there in dnvnloinnnltiitl- loclfliiu nulrlluul uml phvalcal individual instruction hy experiumed eduuulors luttu rellulou gulflunou neceaanr itixlhi ekurclue itllunllun llnu umpln urouiul tllmule most hmilthfol ilooit hinoe cooklnu mid uhnlesiiiue uoiirlshliig food ciusbiim hmuuutt mualt art housiihohl science oiumonlul junior preyrulorv ininrtm4 trfiv tuition the miry place for lour duuuhtur athlrcsu the rrmil- tlont floberl i warner ma dd fit ttuimua out for prospei tue end tbrmu cor4scientious plumbing heating is notr jtitvth tnltth xjs to the contrary wq make it tho most important actor sol i you tivor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically cmwso uh fred smith plumber quebec st gtlelph phono 337 i w6e right house j hamiltons rxvowje stiorrino rracc i i i sale of whitewear f 3 fqr women and misses eg i thursday friday and saturday of this week w 8i eekw io vvc started to jet ready or this bitf sale vvc knew tliaroiurtdrcdi of women at the first solt days in march would hcfin to think of new whitewear what wc wauled was iomethinj to induce early huyini from factory to factory went our huycrs spot cash in one hand and order blanks in the othrr wherever he found a lot of jood ritiut iiouu quality underskirtu or drawers or niht ciowns etc that were itift twcr after bupplyini the demand or tint were cancelled orders etc lie promptly paidttovcr hii caili and the ijoodi were sent to ua thk is a sale which rivals tho annual january sale in us volume the result of this widespread travelling and buying is a 10000 lot of beautiful new immaculate whitewear this we intend to sell on thursday friday and saturday of this week just when you planned to be in hamilton at far below the price ordinarily asked for such high quality fjood laundering finely finished garments he following prices ur mere samples o what you can expect on the second hoor on thursday 75c nightgowns 49c 275 underskirts at 195 500 underskirts at 35c aprons at sc 75c drawers at 55c 35 underskirts infants 125 150 slips 95c friday and saturday of thn week 30c drawers at l9c j 00 combinations at 195 125 nightgowns at 95c 40c drawers at ii7c 50c drawers it 35c infants 300 slips 195 childrens 125 dresses 65c childrens 175 and 200 dresses 119 many special bargains in womens blouses rtturn uaii u0ai fares refunded on a liberal basis new slock of standard scwlnjr machines third lloor i thomas c watkins limited j king and hughson sts hamilton ont 1 magnificent spring opening the spring days will shortly be here gentle breezes and warm sunshine bring new clothes to the trees and the grass nature evcryivhcre will brighten her outer gannenls natures example should bo followed for in this as in everything else thotje who follow her guiding cannot go wrong all winter wa have planned and arranged for this grand spring opening and now that the time has arrived wc arc ready our three floors are crowded with a beautiful display of everything my lady needs for her spring wardrobe dress goods and silks from foreign lands wash goods and linens in a bcwi idling display of new patterns and appropriate prices everything for the men will be here too in a wonderful array of new spring styles everything that is modern smart and uptodate will be shown including all the most stunning apd correct new styles thb lion d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoncu streets guelph ont thb lion canadian pacific homeseekers excursions to hiatiih snkitthmtt juitrti fwutmlml t i-iqq- amlt 4 ii uv 1 1ft m june it ii juivillm jllmbll wt a 11 1ii 0- wlrti q ii w mwawl low roundtrip rates imwialalmlhau touristsleeping cars wmh early application must b wmi aak roai h6mepkiij raia otitv outer mt m chwcw cjuw we are here to do your printing we have a larrjo assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want the way you want it- arid when you want it the acton free press seues o k j frmmsklc atfcltoncer mlmos p o thurady jrilcmnt lnu ujti uuii tumdiy ahtb simon mclwhun ililn 1rltuy jim 1 j kerr ulmou ainj eittunly im irtlo 1 humiurg turmby 4u1 j k bmlih cooln8ly baroans in canned goods hinnibs llakillhv axuoljnfhcttohkav mtliibluluit acronont ilea tlocuetl lo go out of canned iood tid will eell the bal of hli etocu at a discount of q0 per cent vtr1btcletecorifkuowxymuau the merchants bank op cknkph choosing your bank tirv coiibcrvativo maimfrcrncnt and strong rinanciil condition of this hank are very essmitialfeiturck which should inllucnco yoii ih selecting a depository foe your sayings this hank wishes tp serve a latfte number of depositors with whorn it can have close personal relations call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts total assets tl60s874 j acton branch j f a maolcan manager j- v a 1

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