ficbc ttaa sxct ijfress tuuithijay aluil oib lull youiikack r whor- iuty -u- in ufa roulhcl i thsrs la your placa 1 whan you may uilnk yon aw wnrlnu hid not your ur jod placstl you tior for tntpo whaiaorll bt know b lias cbnwn you tor ll work loyally ulnl 041 your uumu 1 1u faithful at lull ur iel whlcha fir it bw navar douhtlna clod a way la lisat whethsr waiting- or working btand firm hndtro io the work wall thai oor iltr ill- 1 to do hufttt hlchardaon inlhrthurth man the bta hoard ml ulomkr the worlds umlanla tttr ll worker arai onrulniially advancing a gsnara lion ago prvfwitisnt ru y in umw of llnaa mhti tnly vry inrh of edanca uiu- b fought for hiusrson apniiao uw uuli waajing that llirt world waa mlmrw clay bot iron and that sach luan must uramw mil a plac for himsstf and what was trust in knsecsoos lint- l irua in ours thsre ara mor- t tiltir- v than trrr imforv tho nitwltm inali has a thoound uvslr and nrrda lo imi aalisfwd which hu trt grand fa llmr naver l hough i 0 k rrryons can work hut it la aoolhar thing to rain dutlnrllon by that wok tho only bop fur lbs lodlvldual workar u to lift hla standard for his own achlva- tnanl ma the world ha raurd its atandard of demand if you ara going to maka lb mim succwb your father did yon ncml u im hstlar educated than ha wa brtlrr hlpl perhaps en nora industrious yiiinhkihmkd patoilst if those who suffer from psraonal sensitiveness knw lla dralructlve power lhay would leave no stons un turned to ba free from it aaya annlf ivyaon call in the continent them u no almoruial atate of mlod hsbilusi or otherwise that will not liave all the wind taken out of lla sail u we meet it with a true and positive remedy from our own wills when your feelings are hurt do not act apeak nr thlnk rrorn the painful seusatlou it go 00 doing what your wind ha rec- ognuwd to be wlee at time when you were free from wounded feeling toll yourself it u only lose of admiration which la hurt ilook the sebh u why your feeling are hurt auuarely in the fact and refuse to have any thing to do with it turn the experience into practice toward getting free from persona sensitiveness hothusi bvery mot her should see that ber childrens hair u dressed with parisian sage the wonderful hair restorer and germicide- a little neglect on your part now may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up rtutviwtioi ucrnottuin cvbr larislan sage u rigidly guaran teed hair restorer and curse ell scalp diseases prevents hair from falling out and crest as a rich luxuriant growth of najr a glory to woman and the pride of man a pleasant hair dreaslngladl like it and your druggist a t llrown guarantee every bottle that he sells at 60c and stands ready to refund your money if it fails to do its work by null postpaid from glroux manu facturing oo port kris ont see that the girl with the auburn hair la on every package sold and guars n leed by a t drown j arrovai ewurr rovo for the top of a stove burnt red try grsealtur the red surface with lard whan the stave is cold let stand for a few hours then apply a thin coat of bokloglet gat nearly dry then polub with a brush children ory for fletchers c astor i a if thou consider what thou art in thyself thoti wilt not care what nwth say of thee thomas a keaipl a conundrum why a a washerwoman the groal- est traveller in the world t ikons she cros the line and goes from pole topolr mm wabnt cured rohut old aenllumaii 10 rick uij when i came here flisl i had not strength to ullnr a word i nouldiit walk across the room and had to imi llftsdj from my bed sick iady you gle ins hpr kind air iiow ware you cltrrd uoburst old gentleuiani was born bare hosv to rajtvand trust not what we desire from god but what god desires for us is for our good what this is we do not know but god well knows let us thurefme toll god what we want and ask him to do as he sees to be best and then tot ua rest trustfully in hla dwtulon this is the way to pray 1 this u tlw way to trust god is god and we are human we can make known lo him our desires 1 and we can rejoice that he will give or withhold according to his love and wladomv warhiifo tub bacooarb vskt until almost modern tltntbe cere mony of washing the beggars feet as parfornisd by the jloman catholic archbishop of waatmlnstsr was ob served in the oburch of knglsnd every kastrr queen- kllsabeth washed dried and kissed the feet or as many poor people as she was years old janes i and bis succ appointed a deputy for i ha ceremony but jams ii performed it personally in full altar 1181 it aeoius tn have been drop- ped but in thatyaatijjeorge ii dale- gated to the archmhop of york the oaty ofwjpjhlng the fast of v fortyf eight beggars ao4 pressmung the royal of a btssi- mlll observes ths rtif al cuttom irf uw feat of twelve old wen ort i maundy tbjraday ort abovi trmptation lltnre am snnte ynuntl mpls i whom ilia iitjll or d lu mlnr lilll lying in plnlu view with tiimntr near to wsloli il woultl prisoiit h ulnnif toni1atiiu anil tin re nrn myrlnila who would 110l rrokux ilia jiroilm uy of the uiikrill iiioniy mm toniv- tsllon tlirili ts valus weir inn limes e great mm ll la to 0110 who uvea lite low isvau of life lemptaltona almmnd kvrry alop up insane ihal uinptstlon to wmiii u hasp prating tua tnminlwtn eltmlw nftnn dls- covere tlinl ho caii got nhove ihn cloud which si fli at otiscurml hla vlnw snd stand under a hlus heaven aliil the aantfia trun in thtt lrllual i if- i0 mtl slay in tlm low invnl where the battle will l inital ixi coll slant hliib lip lt almvetbeiu thal blood of i apr llsrovils havn nnlly ihho iusd by which il u osalla lo determine whslher blood tttlna lisye wen rk duced by a ixilkxh wing or annm kind ol anluial t dirfoccucubalucua vsrioue kind- of anmal mood cn e ixt shown there uhg a rlr dltli lion im lwiiii uhi jtrihi hoi mi sod thu rabliil fir ksi- oii ilia ullitr ban it la aald lo b i 1- to du cov r any dlrrrtmirt ixtvn tln uuuxl of a man and tu blooil of h blgb cliuard nr youtiirul htkateoy ui hllnwio- willi dilnl you go to i be tinok uiakri w uitlty mid tell hlil to mod riiuid lb iltink i wiiiu- v- ur nilnin4u w ii lint u the trunks il no atrsp witi- v iv but i iota him i tboughl you hadn t iwller liavn any was troubled with liver complaint for three years i unhums tjixs uver fills will reeii is to the flow ol ihuj to snl propedy ujhmi thn lxl ami uill tone ronovste and purity um liver niiunvinx every result of livor trouuls from llui lomionry hut iliaagreesltle lnlaolm lo ttie sevsrest onus of liver couijilalnt ur a kelson north kylney hji writes i have used your foiaura itlls i was trottund with liver conv plaint for three ynsra snd could get no reliof 1 was inttiadftil by a friend to tnf your remedy and after uklng one vial i got relief after 1 had taken ttiise more i was cuied omplelely sml i have net imen troubled since thanks to your valuable medicine milburos lava uver pills ate 2z esnts wr vial or 6 vials for 100 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the 1 uubura co limited toronto out idleness mskes the hours wearily long and the days woefully short ho man who is liberal in his fallh u not always the same in his finances the most nhstltisle corn and warts rail to reslit llolloways corn cure try it a good dwy s woik is the beat prayer tttr rest he who fears to tnaku foes fall to make friends shijofrcure ku assets eaeisn naras eajja ku am 1 asl 1 sii ucu oblvlmo 1nbtruotiohb the doctor prescribed strict adhrr- ence ulacsrerulty arranged diet and wound up by saying now remem ber stick to that and mind one cigar a day no more a fortnight later the patient was no better tits doctor cstechleed him about the diet but he had obeyed be orders to the letter well said the doctor what about tlemoktngr that must imi the matter said the patient dont think ive got used to it yet yoh seo i never amoked before in my llfn bvsry nwuisr should raallg skat the akin of hex baby is m ondst tbat the aecreuoas of the body often lead to rube rap slonm at all of wbicm may m rsmotjd by ean bnk ui th rh of earn buk soap boarea of ta erring babuw upon tamliauod are f to be mvetiag iron soma form of akin irritation or heat use snm bokboapforuuibauiaad applr bambok balm to the mreaand iho trouble wllraoon vatuah mrs l jfooa at ft alasmndsr ave wapa sue botos itaaly sorae krois out armsnh lay bsttys nmhilh snd es its all the prsparstiobs mad utsy oim4 to hssl i uok him to bt boniface ilotdtsl ami hs rrawln4 there tor two wssks at lbs end of last uids be wm mubatts4srtd ws rain took him hrna i wm t an ad uwl to try gstli unit and obulnad n sspply tlio sllsot of uis ami tow wjeiuma vnw vary atjilfrhmr audi eueuaued wttb tnsuasot tssbaiqi a iliue psrssvsraaos reaullsd la a com srsnak bssn fi tm by alt dnumlsts atstersvlsustsad esss nuk balm st sa hav the keavduk ursatmssa smlokly miss scssess ulpsrs tys 7ambuk jiiuummiift awbetbttertepaianoan slotliiuiitaitoodindbcduui- imgtlcsiaaadaanlboweuor ptotnoteathtllonchrtirul- iksswdhesconliiins neither opunnmorphlni nor mioeral kotnmcotic apofccl benwty rorcomupa- tlonsourslomachdiarrndca farndjconvulsions rriiih- pm ad loss or s1 racsumu 5riwbir ot htwto8k igastoria for infanta and chudren ilhe kind you have always bough bears tho signature of txact coryofwbavu in use for over thirty years igastoria our specia 200 hat 2 the best iiit value wc liavc cv r thpwn s c them in the window r e nelson e mtrflhsnt tailor m urnlahai wvndham street m oukl1p1i ont k rbabonb thru a country clergyman missed one of hla parishioners un several surreedliifc kundays from hie plane in church and when he met i hrf absentee one day im said well william i bavent seen you at church for some lime i no sir i hao reasons tor stnylu awa oh you have and what may your reason hep i ahnuld like to explain iheun away if pttsslble weol sir i dt ye ii no nisnagn that theyre a very doclued ohjoo- lions thn first sou is that i dluua believe in hsln whsr aim does a tlm talkini the second u i ulim like smo niuflkle slngln as wo gt your kirk the third snd most i in ports nt reason o a is that it wax l your kltk that i got ina wife i brainy and so you wll not helno any thing you cannot seiir lniulrui i bo other man gleefully well you think you have brain in your houil dont you v yes but you cant see then aati joup what makes you think you hsvo them then r why i think i have brains imi cause we think with brains and if i did nt have bra ina how could i think r if the brains arent there to think with i can t think i have i hum can i p castor i a 3for infante and obildran ttib kind yon han alnn botgbl signature of c4myfjcu tho only way ui get all tlio bsppl ness ill life is toglvn for tho hxpplimss of all a orsiid medicine la i he ennonlmii often passed on illckletf xutl cnu sumptlve byrup and when the riisiilts from its use are consliluml as imirim out by many persons who have am ployed it in stopping coughs and cold it it u nuito than grand kept in the bouse it is always st band and it hs iio4mum1 a a ready remedy if you have lint tried it do so at once miljlinkitv stvlks unit the call whats the mallei glil v ok the cat went to bleep on my dew hat and i wnro hor down town and baas ibooths hidnei pills there are few people a headache headac effect all ages and both seies alike but the female sex is natur ally the more effected through the higher nervous developinoju end more delicate organisation of the ayatonu i durdoek xllood ulttsni has foyeam been curing nil kinds of headaches and if you whl only give it a trial we feel sure it will do for you whet it baadone for thousands of others during ua past thirtyfive years mrs 0 uumiows clarksburg ont writes fs years i wm troubleil with iek heaiuohe and dlsslnesa and was suj constipated i was advised to try nurdook blood hitters i only took lores bottle of the medicine now i teelllkek new woman 1 mid i em completely cured and i enrt truthfully tastily thai it is tho beet medicine x have over used tondocktoood blttem t- nssnufao- tund only by the t u uburo cp unuv d toronto oot t i 1 outer of hi john til rrd eflctiii n ii says i have found more aotnal rollef rrtun llooths kid ney inlls thsti in all ulso i bavn ever tried for rheuniallsm thn paliistn my llmlkshsveloss- oned grcstly and i am to- tsr ami strong urlban in years prexloita my sppullte built up and i est and sleep bettor llial lise in over llirse yearn my unmiral bnslth la greatly unproved and i credit thin only lo llooths kidney iiiin llilslstlmllootli kidney illl w tliese wondorfiil plllu are aold under a guitrsntka to lefuud yitur money if they fall to isllexn ituy aufftrir from hhutimallxiil or any trnuhln having lis origin in llm kidneys they euro ilaokschn dull shooting pulm thick and cloudy urine gravel and stone rheumatism and all dloauoa of tlm kidneys and bladder lloollih kidney inlls are old by all drugglnta slid dt slurs ula im or misimlil from the it t llooth on ltd 1 ort till out sold ami isr- antued by a 1 llrown liortioulturati willi whose fsther u building a vatoryisps if i plant tbu prp would sn inuiin iren grow up from it r iupa of course my son snd otangea would grow on it willie thais very womhrful unt it mpa omiuo tbis is n iuiiioii pip vou now tlon frtnolptsa first when we undortake to fill your prescription wo glvo thommjr undivldod attention and best can tlio pattenl welfare is our first con m id ti ration heoom i wo guarantimi our drugs to imi of full utrongth as well as pure and f i ush t tlilrd i our customers are supplied with just what thoyask fur t aiihstltut lug hi kinvvr allowed iainms ikikuy oosiounii if you am n yultortr from kllney disease 11 vur complaint blood troi hies rheuinallsin neuralgia or nervous proslratlou wn of nftdunuy rooom- mund the use of ivtnoa calory com pound nils reliable and never ills appointing medicine is a true disease banlshor and systuin builder vfo aupply tho bfnulnp t calory compound a t llrown nlim out thu devil is worrlrnl by tho people who work fur the goiml mil by those who worry over hi in ooatlveiieassiid its cure when the excretory organs refute la perform their functions properly the intestines become eh fiirwl 1 lili known as cuhllvimuxsuiid if nigue oil gives rise- in dniikroua noim huhtlonu lsrtne- vklhbli ljlls will elfeot a smidy etirv at the ilrl intimation of i his ailment the sufferer should pro vum a pscltot of thu pllla snd put him jelf undt r a oouraii of imstinent the gihk effects or the pills will be almnit immthllnlely evldiut 1 rowing ih in fuverae pmportlon to blowing out of deep morrow anuin high mwers to utrengtlirjn m you get uuhii instead uf men when you ulfer ihstu unly niftt plsue ohiidren ory ror pletchcrs oastor1a to headoff a headache nothing la bsuss- thu dr mile antipain ftus tbey give rsluf wuhoat bad aftereffects i or four year i wn subject to almost constant jim lache at tllllch bo revere i wsk unfitted fur work rhroueh the advice of a friend i wan prrfciisded to try tv mites ami alfl mils and llir result hs been liat i have mlircly eradicaleil my systrtu of tlionr rontiiniotis hesdarlirs thalt ulloured a hard and conluniou mental strain o i uuiell aitctnw ltyllyiw or bale by all druoalsts so dosss 3d csnls milks medical co toronto c si- lis ho use alghlog for a chsnne to li ad if you dsm not go aloor he ran iteinr know any derp joy who can laugh at the borrow a f an other it will cure a cold colds are the commonest ailments of mankind and if neglected may lead lo serious con lit loos or thomas kolectria ojl will rvllsve the bronchial passages inflammation apeedily and thoroughly and will strengthen uiem against s aeoueiil attack and as it ceasrs the infuinniallnn it will slop the cough he rauue it allays all irrluunn in the ihroat try it and prove it mjsks just a lauoii or two hllllrliai io yon itellnvn i hum is trior among ihievea p cynkn- n ihy am jut es ld a other people ooea yooi rent much r hurvavll i neiw ikahy brrsk your hwptdverlaes ll when went into hmlth ihla rinrnimin luelli waa hivonr1ng a vnl tliati 11 when i railed ui- ing ahe waa csllnjf a ceres irvsnt a pound of lea t r 41rorer ireen or black f rtorvanl hbure ayther will do hhes an blind as a lat lasy hoys don t have awltcboe on their hssds do they 1 tor he p ilerttefjope not on their heads ih you think you can mankge with ay salary of u a week darling r 1 11 try jack hut what will you do p mary after thn week u out i shant need your services your cook ing doean t suit me hut the oarders seem to like it hbuasa lv aas htimiiliuiiui m i nesd lite tides of grief to carry us over the bars of our dull contents tho limn who hangs hla head sgslnst hnrtl facts feels hla humps and calls ltiuui fullh became so weak at times could not work ur neorve lilies grimsby oot writohjust a fow lines to let you know what kill hum s heart and nerve lila have done for mo i suffered greatly wilh my nerves ami became so nervous anil weak at times i could not work a fnend of mine advised me lo try a itox of your pills which i did and soon found great reuef they are the lieat medicine i have ever taken for the heart and nerves i reoornrnend them to any one suffering from heart or nerve trouble muhurnri heart and nerve fills make the weak heart strong and the shaky linrvea firm by imparting a strengthening and restorative influence to vwry organ mid tissue of tlm ikkiv ami curing pal pitation of the heart diulness aleeple kitms snmemla twjtetung of the muscles genorsluluilty lick of vitshty ete inoe 50 cents per lox or 3 for si 3o st nit dealerm or mailed direct on receipt or price by the t uilhum co umlted loronlo onl hie mark of heavenly messing is that it ignores our earthly boundaries all mothers can put away anxiety regarding their suffering children when they have mother graves worm kxtermlnslortoglve relief lis effects are sura ami lasting if you would make sure of ypur sins inlng fruitful bury ihrm under a pre- lem of plsty ohildren ory for fletchers o asto r the ileal uver illl a torpid liver means a disordered system mental de pression lassitude snd in the end if care be not taken a chronic atate of dnhlllty til very best medicine to arouse tho liver to healthy action is lar melees vegetable inlls they are compounded of purely vegetable sub st mors of careful selection rind no other pllla have their hue quail ties they do not gripe or pain and they are sgreesble to the moat sens i live sto mach contracted a heavy cold it became a lang splitting cough mr j ii lttchiuu1 1uj hecond ave huit vancouver 1 0 writes allow ma to write a few lines in praise of your or woods norway fine hyrup last sll i contracted a heavy cold which left me with a hooking cough and every time i would get a little mora cold this hacking eogh would ttecomo a lung split ling one it kept on getting worse and 1 kept on spending money buying different cough remedies until a friend asked me if i luu over tried lr woods norway line hymn i told him i was willing to try unytiilng i thought woukl cureland on the hsmo day bought two bottles lie- fore half the first one waa used my oough liegati lo got much easier ami by the time i had used a ho i lie and a halt my cough was gone 1 am keening the other half bottle in case it should come again hut 1 am sure i hale a positive ure iet mo recommend dr woods norway ihne byrup to all who suffer from a cough or throat irritation of any kinfl ho great has been the sorcess of this woncjerful remedy it is only natural that numerous persons huo tried to imitate it linn t be impose 1 upon bv taking anything not lit woods f put up in a yellow wrapper three pins trees the trade mark prloe 25 cents manufactured only try the t uubura co limited toronto onl ml 1 hat s why ckr aatiikrlnq upth1 rhaombntb wlun a tahleidnlh of good material bent nine too worn forlurlher use as a tablecloth hold it lipbetween you and the light find all the thin worn planes snd mark around ibeui wit blue psuoil then cut the rlotb first into as targe iipiaros as thn good parts will allow tliese larger pieces may be used as napkins or i ray cloths the smaller pieces may lie used for doylies tliese pieces may lie flnlahed as desired ha tn etltclied fringed overcast hutlonhule stitched my daughter was cured by lydla e plnkhamm vegetable complrd ttaluroom mit i send you hera u ilh the picture of my fifteen rear olq t377sirtticbusta alien who nas rnaioreil to imalth by i ydla il llukluims vegebv bio compouiul hbo was pale with dark rclrs under her lyes weak and irri table two different lortors treated lier ml eallotl it creen lick i inss but she worm all thn lydla khnk hams vegetable compound was rec ommended ami after taking three bot tles alio has regained hor lutaltli tlianki to your medicine i can recommend it for all female troubles ilra i a coiuckan u09 ituuand btreeu llaluk more 114 if undreds of surh letters from tnolh nrs eipressinjr tlielr gratitude for wliat kyilla k lmristhajnls vegiuhlo om km i id has aocoropllsliotl for uiem liave ten receivtml by uir ijydla r link ham motllclne company iynn uass young olrla hoed tbla advloe fllrbtwhoarn troubled with painful or irregular periods backache head- arhe d raggingdown seuaatloiis faltit- ing apells or indigestion should take imnwwliatn artjon awl ln restored to liealth by lydla r- llnklusm s vege table compound thousand have been restored to health by its use write to mrs i1 nk bunt lynn mauut for avdvlorv frv tlir grand trunk railway jasasinasei traihal m is lb iiim at wbub ssseas tall s4 au mo in 1010 a hi ho n nu i s b4 m stllrsliuwtntia aisbb is i a as astps sllpas grand trunk low rates to paolflo coast dally anlll april loth vam oijv1 k h hiokani wami as sfattir wami vrlud ioktlani yf j san 1iianciw i al i oh anoi 1 f cai vfti 111 uuxilo ity vtuailtt 0m wjv s cuu it tri acii n wl pliable yet tough you mkt licgin your acjuaintancx with storeys ijood1 by imcsting in a kiirof these horslndc mitts theyre excellent cxamplei ot how totlii and pliable mitts may be made by our chronic procxti uilh the adilel hntisfnctioii of kuovrin oiey will bot become stiff wheu scorched or hcnhlcl pit forget to iwiy slorcy owl they 11 remember jou by wearing longest at all btorcs w h storey sc son limited acton ont this nans store is crowded because we do his printing we can crowd your stoile in the sane way cataloflues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call ai ghij office for jobbitork- the acton free press bcton ijivery bus lin the urylrralsoed respectfully solicit the paironsgo of lbs pub- llc snd informs i hem ihsl wall kojulmmol susd biyllah ulan can slwaya be wecured at ills k cumlortable bus meals all trains boimfoen lo oo a m and 6 ij pm careful aiienilon slvea to every art lor the wants of com nvercb travellers fully irtet john slushy j weather coming prktty soon the season for wot walking vei set and poeemoala thai is if you ara not pro viusd with slushy wsalhor footwear he wise sad secura a pair qhaar water and weather proof shpes tliey rs not ihe buj anj clumsy biod you have bean used in seeing they ara nut warm and wslsrllahl and yei ara p eoouth in epmmlke in weir in any ol weather tmsrt undo w 1 mill street acton papflr makers 1ook nkwh ani1 uolouk1 palkith jno itllaiuikit everton eden mills tho best quality of manitoba family and pastry flour lor sale at lowest prices our own make chopping dorio and oats rplled daily feed kor sale cash for wheat and osu henry hortop ijuw isle eery ijy lo uaniioha skslcltswan ltwl a11kij imaetilrifcly l w rales sacli foasday unlit april ith lo xtnilual pujaia is bsslistcrm and albarta includlag poinia uncrawl i lunk iacliic hsllwsy 1 ull pirllcuufs smj tkkst hoes hs holmes agent actom ontjklo w qimson paintkr papu mamokh picture mahir sttc- licfs to inform the ladies ol acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from price right auo that he prepared to repair all granite aluminum and bnjmclt d ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired siioj mm sthlft actom georgetown floral- go i gfokoltown cuii lowebgrowtbs funeral and weddla orders a specially seed specialists as usual you will find in our stock for the coming season samples of all seeds and prices to your sat- satisfaction we solicit your con tinued patronage and suggest early selection for our needs acton feed east seed store n v uookh mnr it noblb irop wogdeagravirk dhotenfjravir icmalf tones isisttrftav mkssa patents patents iprdwptly fi ar laistcsilav ta sshsssaad isswyeaa 4 aa sfcatca avassm d ycauoa cm- isapiwmsicnt ssssisl answrweilosstoabr r spsbsvli bars ssmvssfailt iw3 hv ogmef ally rlpwaws h asd washrsirtoa lku4suss fphwafsi ssttnadsribstai rurnufcwd ntssta r ihroaih atai itrsssscstfasooawitus stsipsis dlstrmfcd ut alaaafst mawon vb4arion ftrtao fcnsatta iisitliiioh4sm riob sugac tatmssdkahhs i f t