j i j r ilmliflmkn dikmtmln ximhhoa hiunu april mod joaepb ulekaoo tad t yeajra iiotuk l hi clair utah tin tnaaday uib april jrot uatlld in his lord yse hiimii astoman fh blal a pill rmn htatbaui wlfa of wellington htallb in b 1m yaa ibiti sr in nasaacwjs no hatnnlay tnj atoll hunih dantitar of jobn rsausy in h ldli yw ihnub halt widow of uh ut ttanamln dangtium of in lm uvwih lua oallodn kj- itleanlnstoo county wlohlrtw inlud in bar h3rd yea slje retort xtt jftess tiiukhday aillli 27lh loll dttorial moth during tin kalf rncru ill domln men- ewewavwd ssssntj van conntiiiuicatloiia from public tmdlee presenting view on reciprocity these worn tabled by hlr wilfrid laurier al the rtiiuea uf mr kualrr wben clie house met cvery on ir lhe seventyseven endorsed lli liiv ernrnenta proposals of lite total c wmt from tho prairie provinces man itoba haakstrhewan and alberta sight from qiisihwi and nix from on- tstio they indicate that the artisan u joining the former ileeolutlnni am now flooding ota jovernment from th labor interests in the olilrr pro- vino equally emphatic in their aup port of reciprocity in those of the witurn fanner in the wurv tf address ly lllght lion jaine ilryce ilrltlati anihassa dor at new york on tuesday in coi nootioa wflili the lexcflntnniry relebr- unji of the authorised version of tin bible atler reading a menigi from the king mr brye sldllel hope that ota year wo commemorate aa tho anniversary of a gteat event our religion hlatory may also 1m metritis red aa the year in whlri a solo renunciation of war a a mean etltng their dispute waa made by two mighty and kindred nallntih grateful to clod for tlie light miin precious than the wealth and ihn ower which he he given ami grate- ful aln for the peace of nearly a cen tury which has subsisted between tbn time for the- enrluil inspection of the municipal sanitary officer la at band the owner or occupants of every property in town should for tbeeake of tbecmelves and their fa 111 aa well aa for the general public health endeavor to put their premlar in perfect unitary condition to thja end all back yarda ahould be lraned and all oloeet vaiilta and ceaa pool be mptld and duliifcld home clli- aena are reported to have emptied oloaeta and burlexl the content their garden tbla la a violation of both local bylawa and tho provuii of the health act all auoh organic tnatter muat be ramoved from the prvmla the aanllary company will acooniplub thla at rnaaonalilo prloea and the aanltary lnimtor will inalat that thla plan b adopted let u have a clean and sanitary ton in every quarter thirteen licenses in haltn ttalataen ipl1owtloop and all no nkw appijoationb put 1h th application for tavern ucrnen in thla county were oofalderd by the gomoiualonera at milton laat thurs day maeara itlcbardaun of neuon ormhain of uurlington and william of aoton the member of tho hoard wera all preaent i napoo tor perrali repoytml that all the applicants were obrvlng the pro- vtalona of the law their hotel wra up to the requirement and he recoui- mandad that llceneea bo granted to all the applloaata a follow balllnafad john mpartjiun bartlngton lloyal hotel w tru- ruan i queen holland ilruih georgntownolark llou b mc olbboo bennett uoiuf a sacha hxohange j 0 klalaer o len wltllama- itioe hill ml llon- hotel mcolbbon j i mo- gibbon t new iloyalttrod oarbiitt i oomroerclal jno kelly norval m fuater oakvllla murray llouae murray willi 1u olbaon ilmiar j 0 gib nin mabsaoawava a very pretty wedding wa aolum nlaed at the robulonco of tho bhdoa grandmother mr agnew of knatoh imiii on wedneaday april ml by the luv a n ooohr wlion ml gertrude viola arooiid daugbtrr mr david agnew uf winnipeg for merly of knalchbull became the wife of mr stanley j aecond eon of mr auatln hwack hauler of isrln at oclock hid brlda entered ilia parlor which waa beautifully deoorated with evorgreeoit and roaes loaning on the arm of her unol mr wmragnew of guelph to the atraln of the wedding march played by mr itttv cooper and took her position befortt a bank of evergreen and flower the hrldea- mald wa ml uu ujodgo and utile mbw margaret alltaon wa flower girl both werecoutlna of the bride ttte groom was aupported by bla coital n mr baalljohnatone after cuiigratu lafiona the party all near retail vea of th contracting parti retired to the dlnlug room where a aumptuou wrd- ding tea awaited tbtn ttie bride looked cbartnlng in a gown of allk mull made hiprlnceaa atyle trimmed with embroidery and lacu inanrtlnn and carried white cnrnatlon while thp bridaamaidwaa dfewaed in pa ta blue ilk upd carried pi ok carnation the happy oouple weiv the recipient of many beautiful and ooatly prenta wolou teetlfy to ihe high eatmin in whuh they arehsldby their many friend tbeylaft on the 1017 train tburaday morning from aoton for ajttjmului mlcb and polnta weat 8vral of the farmer have corn- 1 aprtog plowing laat week walker lodge at home a xtvllatbtful bvenlnat for tfca boo the at home given by walker ljudgn in the town hall laat thursday evening waa an unqualified aiioce tbla waa the ural event tiudar the auiplooa of the maaonla fraternity in anton to wblnh the liullss wrre in- vlled tlio mault waa eminently aat- lafactory the preaenca of the lad lea lent tone nnd eclat to the ocoaalon and il brethren from the reliant wor- hpfnl i rn highly r ed with the experiment the gusata included flfly member from ihe gualpli lodge end their wlvee and lady frtenda and rpreaen ta ll vea from toronto hamilton georjre- town and other polnta and the ladle of tho member uf the lodgr theball waa ajrtullcally dnooratrd with bunting flag nd electrio ian lti hf the table nnjaanted a very attractive appearance with their white nnpery allvrr and cut glaaa and prf union of cnt lluwera alxiut half paal tilht i he rommny aat down i amrnerjuatleewajt dmmk lb lulltmvtae excrllrnt menu rbukt cirma piitiaa ftoais coaan iiiu m mh and oan aa and 4 h uu w 141 llul u ail wnaak hu ui irfwd l than htum ilear cjbr rofdto lirnjni our uuim u m alj t4 la tilna m oil vnim lln t4 ilin 1 1 lukbiiotmtlr utlnt fo dolila plahla oka hob jnu tluraiuf jul v vaho uaaiho anontiti olri nbrsirf 1m ion cnjum ohiui ouwh luhlmka ulaaatlo bbaana bs4 trail utn nn nrllt b luttvd jtljiointa kuuomtli jivi oorril tim imiihi had been arranged by a coin in it tee of the wive of the tne iti nera and the aervlng wa done by a bevy of aoton pretty midden the arrangement throughout wa perfect and the function waa in all point a aiicce car ou aw if the moat experienced cat prer liau been in c trol the toaat hat waa in charge of w ilro george wallace and a toaat- ma tor be rxcrlled if very curdlally welcomed tho valllnj brethren and other goente and nxpreeaed eaprcial pleaaure that ao many of iii member ofthbguelph lodge- and ibelr udleat had acctpled the invitation to lie pre annl it wa a pleasure to reciprocate for the many aoclal occaalou member or walktr iodge had enjoyed at the hand a of the guelph brethren the toaat to the king and the graft was tlnn proposed and heartily drank and wa followed by the alng- ing of the national anthem wor urn a j mackinnon next propound the toaat canada in a very loyal and patriotlcaddresa un re ferred to the fact that the 10th cen tury waa admitted to have been out standing in the development and popu lation or the united states and it ha been already amply demonatatsd that the 30th century will be epooh making for canada thle 1 an enticing ub- ject he said and worthy of the most flowery eloquence- he confined hi remark largely to the necessity for the laying uf foundation principles of the most enduring character accord ing aa we lay tbeso foundations will tlie boccess at canada depend we ahould lay them safe and strong so that the future may be a crsdft to ua and of benefit to those who follow ua no nation can bo greater than the individuals who compose it it if therefore our duty to build up the character of our people and influence for good those who come to settle on our broad domain uf precept and practice we can do this one danger oua tendency or the present day la to ahlft individual responaihllty o the blair with canada aplendld re sources wo shsll have if wa lay foun- dslloim on the principle if integrity and upright personal effort a nation prosperous and influential lro j w charles of toronto r- iponds in an impresjauc address which byte lofty sentiment gave high tone and worthy inspiration to all that fob lowed lie aald he waa canadian by idoptlqn having come to canada from the hsmtlmr hill of scotland but no native born canadian felt keener loy alty for his adopted land than he tho present century preeminently be longs to canada it 1 well for us to oonaider haw wear equipped for the grest responsibilities now forced upon ua you all know of canadas natural resources and the faot that we are to day making grvater progress than any other nation the prosperity and great ness la not due to our great resources hut to the legacy of the blood coursing through our vlen which came from our anglo saxon fotofathars they isld down tbt ir lives rmiher than sacri fice their principle that is what la making canada great canada the land of hoe and plenty is attracting thousand from tha older land true cfiiiadlaiia it la oirr duly to set our font down slid ay we leservo thi right to aeule all question ato prin ciples for oursfllve kmplrss have fallen but we shall never fall because our canadian nation i a christian nation and worships reverently the chrut who died on calvary wc are kateppln orer the threshold of a colony and taking the statu lof natlouluod not politically but aa a great commer cial land we inuat inculcate into the the people who come to our shores ie principle of greatness and en- courage them to become greagea d la us ttio aecret of our eternal great- nasals above all that wears a chris tian nation our guwmu was the next toaat aud wa introduced in a very happy speech by wur dro- it m maudunald whose word were calculateilj to make all vlaitors fuel erfeatly at borne it was ihe qrst occasion ho aald that walker lodge had attempted toeoter- ajn a mixed audlenee and h felt that the function waa moat enjoyable it was btjoonmmshlng two objects i it en abled the members of the lodge to fittingly make thejr peace with theltj the man kindnesses enjoyed at the hands of thebretbren of the luelpli lodges f itespnnwm weie happily nimla by wor iln hvenlalr htlng dry den kuudeu and stcphenaon guelph ir gray hi james rgeht maryj charles f toronto and urn j iteed cretlll tdge georgetown it pressfonsnrongralu1allnnran through all lbs speech of tbnae brethren ami the commltls in chargm of the ban quet must liave lelt well repaid for their efforts as a result of the sincere words of appreciation spoken the principles for which maonryand were atrongly emphasised by messrs -ivverdauruwedsll- ilro rumlell said ihe grand principles inculcated were nnxt to those of ihn churrh but of course the church al ways ctitnea flrat dr gray said ho enjoyed very much being present and was glad to hear references to tho principles which go tu to make up the bt things of the country he apove also of the long and honorable hlatory litflus of lai of social and moral advancsmsnt chsrles of toronto said that not with- standing sdventagea in the olty hla lodge had never bad a funclleollke khissawsllaihlted aed eo will rlnl ouu he nxtsnded a cordial hi vltatlon to members or walker iodgn to visit hi lodge ab any time xv urn i m henderson propoa the uast tbe press in vpry fellclto tern is he felt bis was a ery pti sent duty tlie theme he ssld cer tainly lends inspiration to the a tarn merlng tongue the press waa oue ol tbe mit olent forces and i la valur to our own country in cementing to- gxther the different natlonslllli making the people a harmonious whole la most important the hn f lli press generally and of ihe rder masonry are practically synonyniom ilolh earnestly stand for honesty aud integrity and in many yeaprcls thslr efforts are identical mr ii p moore felt highly honored in being invited to reply to thla toaat which wa so ably proposed by mr henderson walker trudge and the kitkk 1rkhb have had a hlatory alii cotemporaneous the venerahle esteemed hugh walker of oilslph instituted walker lodge and the late experienced and affable jos ii hack ing or guelph established the kukic plteufl within a few months nf the same date from the outset the moat kindly reelings have existed botweei he two institutions walker lodge hss been most loyal to tho local and the fa km iukhw baa had lhegmst- est pleasure in noting the accomplish mentsand advancement of the lodge from time to time mr moore asse ed that the business of journalism no longer a mere incident to the print er trade it has become a great and honored end powerful pmfnal is a urge elsment in the agency nf progress in all reforms ily the voice of the newspaper public opinion de clares its imperious decree ily virtu of a free pros the people reign act ing harmoniously in their respective spheres free government anda free press are joint conservators of law order and peace each the most power ful frisnd and upholder of the jilli napolean always on the alert to deter mine the location of hi most powerful allies or hi strongest foes once said foar hostile aewapspsrs are more to be feared than a thousand liayoneta mightiest or the mighty on which the arm of progress i ran a f man noblest mission to advance ills woe assuage ilia wrong redress mightiest of the mighty ie the press in hi own own happy voln wor uro a t drown proposed tlie ladles which wa drank with great enthusiasm it i said god llrst thoughts were nf man i his second thoughts of woman t second thoughts are always best we admire the ladles for their goodness we love thsin be cause we cant help it mr llrowi wledged gratefully the part taken by the ladles in making the funotloo so gratifying a sitoces wor lira it c adams g-orge- town in responding said he esteemed it the greatest pleasure thst ii fell to hie lot to reply in title most impor tant toaat he noticed however that all previous speakers in speaking to their- respective toasts h w frotn their own subject to compli ment the ladies well they deserved it all the ladles are of course the greatest factor in the building high character lie had en joyed the evening immensely aud congratulated walker lodge upon the successful culmination of this happy event al thla juncture wor uro liver- dale uf duelph asked the visiting member to drink a hearty toast to tbe member of walker lodge and their ladle in replying wor llro geo j wl laca aald he was more than pleased to have the guelph brethren anil otli visitor and their ladles present had been an unqualified delight for the member of walker lodge to have the privilege of entertaining them he hoped the future would hold many more such evenings for all present wur uro john k kennedy corro borated very sincerely the word of bra wall se he was glad to see the soolsl side of masonry so well develop ed the principles of tho order were based upon lbs old book and one of the first of these wa helping those who are la need the order had aplen dld enterprises 6n hand to accomplish this and he hoped all the monibera would live steadfastly up to tho prlti- elplee of truth a very meritorious programme of musical and llttrary numbers inter s parsed tho toast 111 it included solos by uro o pord a i hilton w simpson and j w obarieaa tlutc solo by uro a it itundl and a bone solo by uro li lansing a unique ketch heverle uf a bach elor was very skilfully put on by wor uro j wlldfong of toronto assisted by misses dora hsrvey hsxul and lottie mason amy and iflurenee speight annie macdonald htdlth smith myrtle soper ana ten mo- arthur thediemberc of walker lodge are to be congratulated upon the success of tbla very enjoyable social evotit tea is tho result of care and experience in blending must bo the combination of fine flavor smooth strength txnd richness because all these element ore so generously included in red roso too it well merits th term good tea itea3s cxooooo6ooooooooo this weeks store news your grocor will rpco it onbwbons cohheita ilnoghliitf slid seeding operations are in full blaut in tbl locality a mi in i wr from here took in ih luetph horse show last ueek a u looting of tlie representative of the townalili of id in kramosa ktqunslng and nmsaisgaweya councils the g t h civil engineer and mr hyns engineer for the railroad com missioners was int id hern a week ago though nothing diflnilril wss given out it la quite evident i tint tho road way will not lie dlviiud iiolthir will a snhwsy he built hut the present roadway will he raised four feet higher which wilt grtstly reduce t grade and will make the rrnafclug l dangerous at the wihidy inenllilg of t kpworlb losguo last tuejday evrnl the annual election of tifflcrrs of the league and hunilsy school took puce a fulluwa i 1rtsliliiilmus ivs cloavo 1st vlcu lhcha lamluirt j hi m u irtl anna wwiihi trough 4lh iuj1 jm hncrvtary kdllh diiuuu treasurer or rln itinb oiganlst margarvl ddiidik kir lm huiiday hoiim1 th follow ing oflloers and toacher were elscted i humirluteiiditnl cha lambert asst supt walter lamb hoorelmry john dennis treasurer win murray org nul nettie wenehrough t uf ulhle classh ii wai brough i teacher hoys classsw j moore teacher girls class mr wans- t trough tnuobnr whitary cussmr win murray uoth the league and sumuy school are in a very flourishing oolldlllon one of the to oat welcomed vlaitors to our hamlet last week wss mr jos orewson school inapeclnf of corn wall mr cnwhoii i one of our itoyi who have made good and those who knew him in former years feel justly proud of 111 tu it la almost a score of year since mr crnwaon inst visited his imylmnd homo and thongh ihe familiar uremia nre a little changed yet few of those he know were left to greet him he will always receive a hearty welcome whenever he again visit his old homo farmer are busy w 1th ihnlr seeding and by tbe end of tho week a consider able acreage will have been sown on saturday evening the weigh scale company wmh organised with the fol lowing fllrer president atev orlpps suctetary lid win orlpp i treasiiirr and wnlgh master ohas lambert tie acalea will likely lie in operation liy the end of the week mrs john ilrown ha lieen in very poor health of into but it is hoped site mr usui i johnstone met with a severe accident on monday evening while attending hie horses one of thoni kicked him in the faco inflicting a deep gash near hla tight eye which required several stitches it isfortun ate indeed that it was not more irlou mr and mr w lamb upmit son- day with hi lof i km mr and mr j ii oilpp spent thursday at mr mclmiedrans nusea- gawoya the older for tile q hi nil fur the ohaleau liturler ihe new grand tiniik hotel at ouhwh haa ih awarled to tho theodore havllaud company of llmngtiw lntnco thli chlnn 1 of a very handsome and unique pattern and will lm the tieat that can lie turned out by thla well- known company and include rrgul- arauivlor banquet service palm room or lea room service and a do luxe set for use in tbe lloyal hullf new arrivals of special interest to the ladles net waists and white muslin walsls the very newest ideas dutch collars kimonirslccvcs etc excellent values and exclusive styles long gloves silk and lisle in black and white and ratine of colors parasols t particularly attractive range in black and colors including the long mushroom handles sec the values wc arc showing in these lines black jaffa tin underskirts with the rustjc of silk and almost as light very nicely made ideal summer skirts 150 and 175 lace hose ant plain lisle hose in black white uky pink hclio and grey silk finished it lr 35 and gnr pnir summer mllllriemy thcfa voi ue with uiftyouhg ladies wtttnow be the large whlie hax sitting deep on the head for the most part rolled oflf the face made of fine- silk mohairs and gauzes and laces variously trimmed with white and colored silk roses and small flowers and liberty satin ribbons leave your order with our millinery department for one of these beauties correct styles and excellent values henderson co mill st acton oat its going to lie an easy mat ter for you to satisfy yur- self in clething this btirln if you coma here to do it 1 you have any pet ideas she tit what you want youll fluil ua able to meet them lvalues nmro lima yotnr money worth thats the ilea were work lug on here youll learn if you kavont ulreod that we make ood along that line our clothes what ever their price are a full fifth better than the clothe that come nearest to them la intrinsic value at other store g j wallace thb kins fjtorb mill si acton it is truli that i ajpahle lo mi y any in t made in can or th united mates 011 the th orient powuhle notice asd at the lowest possible price lotwulmlandlmi wnytliln t the contra t way le laiii by any young ananias r sgod scwndwl monger i charyb that the statement that i have taken orders for ini solil by any other person in tbla district and have failed to have them fill is alxiohttely a i 1ml i e deliberately false i i hi liwndllbg tho irodt wood line tut well a many olhef good llilo it uve never i wen obliged to take any of these implements bock or to rectify nuy overcharge in price i have many splendid tesilruoii- iuu from my ciibtemsrh for theao mncliineh and several unolicitkd ohlillrb llookkd the following u asample case joseiih allan gave lite his order two yearn ago for frost st wood 6ft hinder whlh hls mjii joneili ii allan has drives and although canvassed by nearly nil nf my coaipetltom lie came in and placed his order this week for an exact duplicate of the machine sold to bla lather two years ago when 1 advertised that i could supply any canadian made imple ment i took it for granted that all well- in formed farmers would want to buy frem established strong concerns and iu my judgment th following list srobraccs all of uiu clans namely mahslcylf arris iltokt wood iain mpc co c hutt plow co intkknatiohal 1iarvestkr corrutrj pleury si sons more nnon if necessary now u the lima to um royal purple before your utock foe out to puhtutv now- 1b the time to think about the raker windmill with 36 faint liave you noon the htoneboat harrow gait metal roofing amatlta stonecovered roofing pumps raymond sewlag machines melotte cream fie para i org one almost new premier and one second hand umpire cheap three kind of two furrow imowa also auto kprsy machines igir improved csrrugcurolil fmiu cutaloue at factory price any good ruako you wuli while rtoum monuments are more durable and more itcalitltul than granite and not any more expensive q a black acton hair switches and puffs madts to okphr if indte will have their combing i will make up their own hair will buy combings or supply new hair attention prices moderuti mrs w c waller church street acton wivaajror eenlng required in thai tba oeit- meetjmg t kstiuealng i work of th hpdgfe and it gave an op- towdabtpxtouncil will be held in tlie port unity in 11 measure to reclprorat 26th may purified his blood dr mor indlaur root pills hoauatt m wlla soroa when the sewers of ihe body bowels kidneys and skin ducts get clogged upj the blood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break out over the body the way to hml litem m mr rtthsxd wilson who lives rear london out found is to pcrify the blood he writes l spm been fat a low depressed condition uyappctlte wi me and 1 soon begun tu buffer from bull gestioo quite u mi tuber of small sore and blotches funned all over my skin i tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments but without satisfactory results what was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the mood and i looked nhoiit in valnmf some medi cine that would accomplish this atlast dr morses indian root pills were brought to my notice and they are ens of the most wonderful msdldnm 1 have ttst known ky blood was purl- fled in i vary short lima aorea hsalsd up my wdlfmuon vanlihsd they always have a place in my home and are looked lijkm aa the family remedy tt morses indian root pills cleanse the system thoroughly sold by sll deafer at 3fic a bus g thb niwfclst dhkicnh the itencoloringsi i ids bo v foil up also samples from guelph toronto und u itoaultfth una of utig- luh laient 1 atbrown i omggm asst 5fifr b acton oat s op guquauuumjm thm sherwt nw i ham pa in it covmr h19 earth e4ss4aas4s4jljl hsb f6b nbeasi befl hbsb sssssssl bsssi flsssi ennnh won vpl wf ww ppn iw hwt bwi wm do you use paim most of the world docs and most of the world uses its made to paint buildings with inside and outside its made ready- for the brush its made for home use and for practical painters too its pure lead pure zinc and pure linseed oil mixed by specially made machin ery operated by experts its made for you kkkkkkkkh bb gwi p if as hp w r shmrmln william paat ctrt tilt emrtt r f johnstqne soleaoent acton the merchants bank op chnhdh choosing y out- bank tihe conservative management and strong 4 financial condition of this bank are very essential features which should iniluerice you in selecting a depository for your ravings this ixink wishes to servo a large number of depositors with whom it can have close personal relations i call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts total assets t14muu4 sale of shoes the mglil house ha mil loo announces dig event loo lain lor inter lion in our rani ur atlveitunmool in inis isane baa cmott s connlhm ol lia ilnbst oxfoimiun niw lumps for women lhal any ili in onisilo tu aval solt for leu than t tt at 5 00 iliare ara uisn tuiixlrod pslrs id tha lot which will li phum on sale altlut hiriii house 11 frldr and hatunlay and tbq sale pice ia only 2 20 include in the llg sperbl pttr- chase ain all alios and wutlha in tan oxfords horj vamp and four ayaui ctjn urtal illups srullatkntmtarillilt ill mis with a now sell ihiwus the maul up omrmlr plnsan thai none ol these shun is imiow llm if jo insl- ity and dial nor ptke will 1 only 9235 le ilr hajsi fitiu bbrrtistmrnl takkjurrick puay nu ho rt puuiri u1ds msi falkao m uh aatoai rssap aa to wti mala hi by h ruouih lebbaa dr u s iiahdih dhht1st rinl duu imotuut in sji lis unmhs onto opw ay tnwdsx ctsnsma usdnu offloa in liumrs llloak di uofdesra hax- nasahbop araitiie iron balk 1 a banoain vi1auu aubu so s 30 ninat uligov 0ji sale abaxnianlalninbnsa7 i anoa ee- dillwt wu ravpaontad la7atantaaa not twaui mail alnob a bargala applr is gi10ick jiuilimng uts foh hale ndattasa la snam atsrell ll bolee bnladlsa vat rn nf miswl umakimohm m co ie amino bu8in1uss rmir uudwlcd hna pn lb issmlast m biwluaw sau ouiai of w u aodsasoo sad u lirpid to do 11 kind of t asm ing ear ibn bsfwul tiutilla lnlwn lurliiotlngptthsptlf sunnjfl waaas awfully baodlwt ofosr olitmd u u auhkut b uuy hal ton citiara and batter c6 milton ontario mr arolt thompson aoton elliwi atwnu or obr luury foe santa unas t faji will bonltniie this ascvloa aa aooa wn uwnk nai hut ptnuikas and trual ft jenrs aodsavor to inlly eatlsfr bwbs1wui john iltvlso i moittgaoe sake undukauauy vlrtanofins ttowass easla dlut ewtmii uamta wbib will twoaijrf at lbs hum of loan will be o d for uy puuls aneahm am momdav uth day of mav ip at the hour nf on oolotfc in lbs art tba doajloma holaj la uh vllle ot wllluun iuntalr nobtaonaw tba lirofavty buadf the wwsrt hsilror lot no sb la the aonovsalca ottnie xoarsusnlni of lurlbw iulaulara sad eenrtltlnn of sale aj uiokinnon 13 molultor fesr tbe vsswtar liatnd al aouia this 1tu day ol april iwi tub iubuo health oitlkbna abm rbcruk oomflv with th pubuo hbalth act notiom is batwby 1vm ibat sll kasdeau of aoton are rsqulrad forthwub toelssa 104 oallars srelns tsrcu pis aiyea wmtss bioass dutbulldlsts and mbas pabinlsss sad lasses ibarwroni all dirt uaaara and otw ss wkileb may sndanawv lbs psblla basltb saj ie lists tb sssas oouiputf by tba bras day ef uay paitoawblliitu tba saaitary lawpsstae whieootmanaaanqarsi luapeetloa sad tercbe tka astlos tbm lbs head on o lb psali iimjui aet pmblbluna tbe kavpta aa bea hmwmb u 1mb of hay sod tee btal haiaas bar uupl la pans jaast w fast fkoaa say dnnlllaa boesa and so tm front nay sbrae or laon wttb soor kept ira from asy staasubs wntnc and asulatily euanad will be strisuy ntomad all olllsana sr aucnuy raassslsd 10 i uialr prsnt dlsloisotad aouw uarob b3lb lai led 10 keep d ilifaessjtirjr mbe maaiotinjity take notice tiiat lbs uuaislpsl fjoanell of tbatewssblp ot cuansals will mlmt tba aiplraisaa sir oos tuntilb fiowi tba dsin of oostiaa this m ily for fosr as 1 ens its rutsa psss a byuar urn followlai toad os of kminaaln will altar tbs asi jionib froin tnsdaia and its limbttlon w ai wsss in tbn aaton vaaa tooloaa ui and dlapoaa ol pi at a nnd wltbln tbs eorporatioa an4 snats ooouol of tba oosneil 1 tlutt poailoa of the poaaa tn4bme lotsi twoniyaeveo tusd iwhm stti in u utld eenssrten ef tknat- eash twsrnahlp of kakiuesdaaraimt kawn sua q atree in the vlllai of aseoni beloar at the intarasouoo of onatsskt and queen nltreaf aad artjolainer ilea mtatshy boundiy of tha wu vulajra or aeton and whloh lo imiassamr lea the whtsteuouou of the apcir fkaw bssurdmoe at oo and lbs ooatiall of tbts toanlstpsut wlu st tb biplrstloa ofote woo lb bsav la psssoa 0 by souoasl or sollottor any eae wne laa1 inbihl baprajndlslally aftsetsa tborsby aadwb stluodtqba bfsn jl i oria of tb ooenau j a thaoy ww tnouraoh clark nsill- ostad tbla uoth day efaprii u1l ui railway system 1 the popular tourist route toai muskokjl 1akh3 laku of hays tnuaoaml 1 alconquim jahk macnltrawan kiyek j pkbnc1i r1vbr chorgian hay xjlks couciiiciunc kawaktiia laktts etc acton branch jp a masleap manager uounu tllll homeseekes excursions to the west at low rates vi siniu or chicago ulvntnra ia full informtlloo from oy grand ttaaafa aimii or ftddreu a e xjas dlilrm patmognagil toroalo onl i nj