Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1911, p. 4

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a fifle jsutyrn jfm rca tllult8da al itll 27ib 1u11 ttflnoh wm cannot afvoho wc l tatt utl to win thngsln tuat mniiia hiuilllnr l w cm t wtt ml to ml llm on wu hy tumbling oi otecroaii w c i rr it i th iimkii j t that rob- u uf a friend we can l effoem i its uu that hxim in bitter lr an end mothino lbpt undohm ilttr mo tiling undone till lircmmrmutl m f no loan luull bit thinking alioul ouraeve and itr wn d ing w nred nul fret hikiil the mill ttutt nnr nnlghbor dime and ibn miirlt lltat he u vng un d no ha msy imi vary urgliganl par- hap he is but thai la not our ntatlar our own lifa la our luattvr bumw lor wn ahal hav to glvn cc unt for it what i unit an wo leavings you ami i tbo sliig daysf what hiiiitfq that wn inneht to have done for castoria tawj kind ytullave always bought ad which has been im use for tyr 3 yuan has borne tlio nlnatare of cjtez nimt lin h mmlo nmlnr im po i suffered intense pains in my left side do you realize it it better to be safe than sorry that it a the best policy tit jock the stable door before the hone n wolcn dr miles heart remedy cured mr c c cjokey of stub born case of heart disease such as thousands are now suffering with jokes a uiiikkn hhiju il tbompsnn ulm ncii m vision iarkar lllondn tir wunnl t aitkittllomllt klin uad in im a lnnalv in upon my ur iii i in lad i ar him- an x hty wlf in full ir i i jrl hmall hoy wn 1 lurr be irnful hwnml nmll ii t- why f facts about motherhood eapi m u a the grand trunk railway pashknoifll trains vumiovim u las uni at wbleti puacfn no 1 wu1 ma ii i xir mtam no 1 ft ko idlt no xbbn v ilihk tt 93dpwb tbmt btioa lmuurru a taut wa can t a it ml tlm fare i hat con to tragedy al last wecan t afttrd to lay wilh fit or tempt a mirjmtht i ll waoantaft rl lo think thai miii ilrloga any imp trhhl w nan t afford with aariia lirm to treat tba aynlo m mr wr can t aff rd to wla4 mwu wo to turn a umlw ar ihii tll nfitrl 11 f h t wa can t aff tnl l uka faatrvd in iy eai m nn and make it flarcrr iwirn wp can t nrl lo loat tlir m til for thu world i flwllnr trath wacantaffoiil loharlrr iu in mad nichangn f r dnalh hot blind to b w l krottlhaa llarlnf iinl ojrrmnt u- iht that wa may know tba thiol w tma l afford i helfmitad r r lhan laavlng hat wa ought tit llauo r maalftr itoly llvlna ily irmnaam in urkm- i that ha my ba honor- iwnbmn oiillllip ttia only way to mall aura of inav hor nothing tindooa t lb lajt la lo do racli day a wmk in ll day ll ui nawar mklk im or ilafar any fluty lhat onlna to our haiul for wa aliall not p hfiat mira itafora wa hlarp any night thal nothing haa bean oitilltrd that day no illtln taik no vrl of lova ufa la toil aacradlo bo inarrad bytlanka atvd liraaka one of tha urkaat ahadowa that ran fall upon any doui in i la laat daya la tha uliadow caat by tha thin laft undone j 1l ulllrr i i wilt bonal buporrlsloa since its lufhacy allow no oiio lnlrcoitoyoa in thin all ooancerfeltm imltntlonil nud lut kxperimentri that trifle with iiwl cutlaiiti r thj immuui of inflknts aatd oilldren kxprioiioo noiithc icsporlnkettt what is castoria outork ft n tutnulowi tuibatrnio tor caator oil pttro- yvorlo iropt auu suothlnc 8riimt it h iltuionu it vontaina ikelthnr opium uoq lilno nor oilier tlftrrotla nimrinhw ijm ncn fa un cbiwtoft hldcatnuaworni and ollayit kvruh nrh it cured iinrrlmaia tn1 avind colic it rolleves toothing trxjiiblcnc rurrot coiiktlpatlon umi plottuloncy it fuudmllatoh tlio i ood rrrnuuom tho bloamioli nntl uo the chtldrcno imiioc o mol uwh lriond i uut ksamdr kwl iwea aubciiag iraas bcait linua tnr ovc 6v o waidi taal u yaaiv 1 had noaa u hnpoatittu urn h i do laiity whta da 1 m paioa la lett lda idi aaoaldrr uadi i oenu9ne aii wa high bnouohv itla a poor way to think nothing whalvvar about tha provision for journaty till mm haa fairly atartad ani unit laker out hta puraa to pay tb raca la not alwaya too but that la no raaaon why ahould 4mulata tha tortolaa lit iurgatlvn larmla a tpoundad aa atomaoh tfnd tha bowala tu that lhy act along tha castoria t bears tho slgnfttnro of always urgatlvv 1 vgntahla illu are ao omnpi to act on hoth tlw atu at thay i hold aut llcrp o was o tkort ol brrala ibal 1 ibnwm 1 laoabl acf oe attic la take uuv urcaikaaia tka icattt ckiwnl troll txiajj on tbn wnt dlmraltdk nliklka 1 bad kinrlf lakva a kail bklknt tba i eart kaama ba uv i could aaarkod ckiut in ta mmlitloa 1 btfan ta alrpp k1roojtan m tat xnwvl an lapidlf tkt whaa 1 kud imkra bottle j wu complatcty itlliic ookkv nortacldvu if you have any of the symptoms wn ookry mentions it n your duly to protect yourself dr miles heart remedy p- what you need if the firu bot lie fails to benefit your money is returned atk yourdrubgui miukft medical co twwito can nalthar will it do inaraly to p that lbs supplies are nual to tha qui ja om uuat be aure in mduer orthia world acorcn any one la an headlaaa hut in the spiritual life the solid toda and forethought called for are not always ahown nevertjbelaaa a tiina is sure to coma wbon one will know just how much tiffif rt h aifan i ha ar f ii ia and trtal thu will call for such outlay of strength thauouly ha who in provided for it can boar tha coat whole alimentary and nucralory paae- age tliey are not draallo in their work hui mildly purgative and the plaaaiire of taking tbnm u only nual led by tha gratifying effret they pro duoe ottinpoondad oqly of vrga table au balances tha eurativa qua i ilea of which wore fully uated they afford rellof without chance of injury the kind toil hae always bought in use for over 30 years tnuuwrroob him heart trouble bntl dizitonx lafaoi r- through ona causa or another a large majority of the people are troubled more or use arith soma lorra of heart troubla wheraver thsra are sickly people with weak heart hoburn a heart and nerve fat will be found to be tha moat effective nsarlprina oa the market mia p leslie craig 114 khe ave braauord ont writes it is with the ajeateat of pleasure i write you stating the benefit i have received by uatng atdburns heart and nerve to- i i creally fronj heart trouble which dissineas reakneas snd smother iag spells i used a great deal of dr a tthkiif but received no benefit a friend advised me to buy a box of your pills which i du and before i bad finished one box 1 felt so much better 1 eon inuad their use by taking two boxes i highly moaunend these pills to any one buffering from heart and nerve trouble mubura a ilsart and nerve imia are so cents par box or 3 for si lo at all dealers or mailed direct by the t mil bom gov limited toronto out ijnola itaalui alwaye contributed to thu coal fund of the church yrar aftnr yar ho dug down into his jm for his little donation until finally the edlqco was rsuiodalled and a new h ing punt luaulird at the us llnie the paraon mproacbed itaatua and agalo abkinl him u be a ehaerful giver not on your lif ratorted itastus with largn emphasis yo alot gwlne lor ult no m unn y ut oh ma fo coal dla wlnlsh what atn da uiattabr tha sur prised doml i aaknd ijatnt yo al ways ilk u fo da coal fund befn wldout 1 n c ity obusin alrrasr auw4li wualhe reply of the ob- atinati on but yo kaint fool me a llttlnbit mlslah parson i hmmu i know dat you had steam heat put in dat dab church las wmkr bank of hamilton hay and oats a good story la uld of a prominent krancb canadian in the r on ploy of the bead divudon ouawa it was at the breakfast table of a southern hotel that his iroparfrct knowledge of kng lish and inaouualntance with southern utnui placed bin in an amusing pi pleslly- will you have oatr aakcrd the nrgro walter at the breakfast table oau repeated the astonished ja u to- tha eer- till mother to taka planty of earclu thk ultlwt wlllio what a tha most fenxl tils in 11 llnrlrcil a 1 tha calliope my son a uk llltkhmkit h uichion x woman crowning glory la bar pilitrf braids swllcuni mmdoura nblgnonr irfyoho knots cliisltirs nata rolls rau ami llllllr llurka rurls v iikvtt k mktiiiiii lulwjciwrd bad br v his jn a ranch wham thry wrrn very cli lxthvrad by rata whan he camn iwck hnatart to srbool where hlrisclvrtuilli inforpj whloh be u his grandmolhir one day ha aahl orandma do you know how to get id of rata r no kdward how h why a soft answttr turunth away its woman s hume c iinpanloii inquioitivb hhethls piece of lr i wear around nty ntck is ovrr tlfty years old thd hruta- it s hrautlfu did you ruakelt yourself r trying one to mom wiidmid and msrkn duuucuy an epoch in litclr llvfa k t ine at u 1 1 j bun irrd is i n panxl or uiularataiwls hon to ipropi rlvcum fori or miir ofronnimar lynvrry uuiiutinuiw adays lias ro d i r a i itraatmaut at tlm time of chnrttrtrth- but many spprosrli tlia y rnrurvi willi ai urgatium iinflttml for urn trial at strength and wlinn uia strain is ovtr which it is bard to racovar poll ing right qpon tills rumri llm nriniu strain of cariiur for tlm rblld and a distinct cliangn u tlm motlwr rtraulla tharatauathlug saoroehei ui cr ui chll education l oli prow itim ructcmiui riiviuno ul liur iila ol bright y un man awl w mn wli i aia imiw seuilr hoi hn cnvlslila posill m in i ha rrrsl warltl i i utinoas an i fmi it began ihoroujih course ol i raining mi lh ctjisuih ruslicss iftfollege many ruisuke fault nndluk fur idol the insu who cannot find a god in the universe dlscovnra una in a mirror happy and healthy tnuuicr dren and lndrl child idruiuiwlerrieht oojmlitlona naml lie no hazard tobrslth or beauty tim iiucxplalnabln thins- i that with all the nvldvnca of sliattrrrd netvtja and brokrn health resulting from an unprepared rondlunn womrn will persist in gtdut blindly to the trial it- tan t as though the axptuirnor canwupontlmm uiiawarrs tlry liam ample lime in which to preparo but uiny for the moat iiert trust to eliance and pay the pciutlty in many homes once childless there are now children because of urn fart that ljju k liukhame vegelble otouound makes women normal liealthy and strong any woman who would like special advioo in record to this matter in conllally invited to write o mm ilnkham at iynn msm her letter will be held in atrlct oonqdcnoe steld oil it would dellam antv salo illi j of the iia and iwograw of s lance number of ilia graduaia ul lids laouxis insliluilon hers anil now liters hands wide open lor you whuhaua r fill dlscemrrwol and amollloo tlta umadnor of booorabla bucons lon i prociasllnits soireononrlunllf do ll l iw coma direct lo ibecollcaeufllca 1j7 upper wyndhari blieet im aiklreaa malcolm haccormack ba principal milliner op miss mae hawthorne has opened a millinery more hi ilie prnmlm intaly occupied by mfsrt rlor one murray uaiu htruot whore all the utnat and most uiylinii donigns in bprlng kf itlinory will im hhowa campltat paod up i as undivided i7tha0do b3ojooo ankkvkw usny a lortuae can be traced back lo the day lis owner deposited lbs hist do lar in s bavlags account the one dollar srurds an incaullvo lo deposii mora and as laierasi is added lo principal the small annq grows more and mora rapidly until ll finally beumnaa a with georgetown bkancu eel in its crude form what elan have you got in r heyl iueried the kthopian hsy i no i ll taka the 1i- a itraily weapon against l there is nothing muaj to ir tliouaa kcleetrlc oil whan well rubbed in penrtratra the tlsaura and pain disap pear before it tliare la mi known preparation that will reach the spot quicker than this magic oil in con sequence ll raulm first among llnl fnfnli now offerrd to tha public and is accorded flrot placv among its comprll tfira warm and strong neither a song nor a sermon la anpelhuiut as a loaf of bread warts are unsightly idnnilshea and corns are painful growths hull ways corn oure will remove them if you want a pair of sloven or mitts in horaehide calf or buckakin sheep or mujeskm be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you set equal value 1 o prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrjat and lined fcind shown below warranted genuine horbeluuw waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores cvcry mitt is tagged storeys insist oiy storeys w h storey son limited oood ilooio acton castoria for infknts and guiana tlw ktad ym ran alrm hears the blgnatnreof i odd miomalv to imcxomat toward bbbhoy jim bad been far from a good tmy darlna the day and toward nightfall b realised i be fact fully using well eqaalntad with tb workings of fsrn uy dusjipuna be seaaved a little dlplo shau you tell fathsr about mr b hmiolrsd of hu motbsr jjawulnly i shall tall him respond attrtns wotbar wltb sorrowful arm- uwll you tall blm before dinner or afur dinner f asked the culprit after dinner was the announce- and jim gave a wiggle i aaualpauoaoooidnt you hsve a bloabarry pudding fur hla dessert t uoaldot you do that much for i mother youths oompanion children dry for fletchers castoria rer waa aud never wilt be a urdvereal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh u heir what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravatethe others we have bow ver la quinine wine when obtained in a aoand unadulterated slate a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual and judicious use the frailest systems are led into con vales- eenoe and strength by the innueooe which quinine exerts on natures own reetort atl ves it relieves those to wboea a chronln state of morbid despondency and lack of interest hi ufa is a disease and by tranuul using the nerves disposes to sound and r sleep imparls vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses through the veins etreogthening the healthy animal fonetloos of the system thereby mahg activity a neoesaary result strengthening the frame and glviog ufa to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased substance teeulr improved appetite north ropa lyman of toronto have given to the public their superior quinine by the opinion of scientists the wine approacbea nearest perfection of any on the market all druggists sell it tha skill of animals were the earl eat forms of money tiheep and oxen among the old komans took the place of money oxsnf orm the circulating medium among the zulus and kaffirs tin today forma the standard of value at the great fairs of nljnl nov gorod in the retired districts of new oulnea female slaves form the stand ard uf value iron spikes knives spearheads and brass rods are employed in certain parts of central africa chocolate is still used in the interior j of houtb america for currency as are coeoanuts and rggv the archalo greek money was in the form of thick round lumps of metal stamped with the given value wbalee testb are used by the fiji ana red feathers by some of be bouth bee islanders end salt n abyssinia the loelamhe and irish laws yet have traces of the use of cattle for money many teutonic fli paid in cattle in the early colonial limes of 1703 lubsocn and tobacco reos i pis were legal tender corn and beans and codfish also were employed the small hard shell known as the cowrie is still ussd in india the indian islandi and africa in the place of subsidiary coin kxchange skikabcure thnouarttv fhat ovatruxmcb ieopln who are fond of pointing out nnwa in a good man s character are mw grayed boo of us make lhe mistake or thinking that the revels tlon of anott nr weakness mouses our own the hutu conscious we are of our defecu the more anxious to discover weak spots in the broad charity which overlooks all which is unlovable belongs to tlio- ho have least that needs to he fur given thi diaimirnvi at the age of three janet was an aothuslastla student of entomology one day she discovered a caterplllar for herself a very liny one ob come barer slie called here a a caterpillar the cutest little thing i i believe its a kluenpllbur womans lome ooeopealom a bihpui rkmidy poe- ws and atldnay trouble the simplest and most effective remedy for sick kidneys is 1 tooths kldneye ttlla if thero is weakness coogeetion inlhurnmathin or soreneas booths kidney mils quickly relieve it they gently stimulate lone and strength en sick kid neys drive a- way backache rbeu malic pal n and dlixlnees clear up and regulate the urine and restore a perfect tillering of the blood ileal of all this relief is permaoeot all druggists sell and guarantee itootha kidney mils fioo box money back if they fall to relieve write to the it t booth co ltd vort krle out for a free trial bold and guar anteed in anton by a t llrown booths liidncia pills only the morally ullgrotla m ly lag tbo only rafujra in tlm of trouble all skin diseases can be directly traced to bad blood therefor to get rid of these skm die- eases it kf absolutely neoenary that the mood should ins thoroughly cleeuaed uf the accumulated poisons and for this purpose there u nolbiiur to equal uur- dock itlood lutu- this remedy lias been art the market for over thirty five years and when you use it you are not experimenting with soma new and untned remedy mies metta kicbol uailuud forks njt writes- i have been bothered with salt rheum on my hands for three years and it itched so i didnt know what to do i ined everything but nothing seemed to be any good i heard of burdock blood 1 titters and bought two hotues of it and now 1 am perfectly cured and have no halt rheum on toy hands any mora i cannot speak toe highly of burdock blood bitters manu only by the t m ooj limited toronto oat you want more money t why my boy i worked three years for elev en dollars a month right in this estab lishment and now im owner of it well you see what happened to your boss no man who treats his help that way can hang onto his bus onu call any time and inspect the display a cofdlal invitation in extenddlo all the latllea of acton und vicinity to call and lulpect nur nssoilniont of the latest things in bprlng hfladweur fxrftxi km kl ull i jnkkt no ol li maiskiaix sm paper makers okokumto vx out hook nkwh ani oololtkd lalkiw jno njiallmuu children dry for fletchers c knvy is a confession of inner desl- tut ion a square deal has some thing beside sharp edges and angles to it mother grave worm kxleroihva tor will drive worms from the system without inlury lo the child because iu aoi lull uhllu tully nvtilue u mild always doino his best a workman who had broken hla hammer came to madean the ham mareaaker and asked hi in to make for blm the beat hammer in the world perhaps you will not pay the price yea i will answered the work man the hammer waa made and proved ao sauafaetory that another workman who wa greatly pleased with it also ordaradl one ilka iu the foremanyif the shop lo which the men workru noting the superior quality gf the new tools of hla men went to madean and asked can 700 make me a better hammer khan tha two you made formy man ko i can not answeted madvan for wbsmin i nuik a luinnwr 1 do njy very besuslrlet r tne ladles or aeton hay mow have baabtirul hale he haawaed ha use aeuela and tliierenlese is to oow haln or refund your mesaas klasard the druggist hacked up by the manufacturers of salvia the great hair grower guarauuse it lo grow hair salvia destioye dandruff in ten days y the roots of the hair are so nourish ed and fed that a new crflcof balr springs up to the auisaemsnt and da- lght uf the user tha hair is madv oft dnd fluffy like all american preparations salvia is ualntltyper- fiioietl itfs hard to and an actress who dues nut use salvia oontlnual- ly laqles of society and influence use no nlhur salvia is a non stloky preparsv hon and is the ladles favorite a large generous bottje boo the 600- iwll drug co su oatharlbes cane dlhirdlstrtbutors 1 sound doctrine does not ouim a du- eased heart hvrual vlgluutee used to be lbs prloeof lllwrly hut nowadays every thing is going up had severe pains in back felf am if it must break rites for sorne years i suffered from phw n my uck and could hardly work at all and when i stooped dewa to pwk up anything felt oa uttay if s ifk lvised to try iwa kidney pills and after taking two boxes waa entirely cured and i feel teat a aanaot speak too highly to their thla was dearly four yean ago and 1 almeinem cored for b lame back weak 1 ij na pbady equal back there deans ktdn stitches twib bpans kidney puu for twitohes and up tbo stiff back and eomfort ooana kidney pills are fio box or 8 boxes for gl sa at all 1 tled direct on receipt of price b taking out the faces limbering giving perfeet ire so cents per ataudamavator nulled direct on receipt of price by the tmilbum co umlted toronto oat in ordering direct spagify ooana too many giving the poor crust on the street are stealing their bread in the alley soaoe persons are more susceptible to colds than dthrra contracting de rangements of the pulmonary organs from the slightest cause these should always have at hand a bottle of dickie anil consumptive syrup ths present day sovereign remedy for catarrh and inflammation of the lungs it will sffeet a cure no matter how severe the cold may be you cannot afford to be without a remedy like uickles for it la the best hastub inl fuzxlkd an aged colored man was passing a fish stum when he stopped to examine a huge turtle chained in the doorway as an advertisement lie had never seen a turtle lief ore snd be prodded the strange ureal u re curiously suddenly he popped hu llugei into hla mouth with a howl of pain after the finger had stopped ceding he gated at it ruefully then eyed the turtle apprehenslvrly what- the matter itastus f aaksd the flalt dealer with a grin nufflu sh ah was jl wondtiriti what bar ah bad imvo hit shibfrgum laws always depend on our essent ial valuation of life a mans title lo glory doe nut de pend on the glory of his title a thorough 1111 to clear the atom ach and bowels ot impurities and ir ritants is ne when their action la irregular the pills that will do this work thoroughly are iarmeleee vegetable 11 1 la which are mild in action but mighty in results they purge painlessly and effectively and work a permanent cure they can lie used without fear by the most della alely constituted as there are do pain ful effects preceding their gentle oper ation w gimson paihtbh paper hanoath picture prameh ftttc you never lose your own joy by lending an ear to anothers woe few things are so good as we expect them to be we are here to do your printing we have a large assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want the way you want it and when you want it begs to inform the ladies of ad ton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices kight also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shop millstriiut acton children ory for fletchers castor a the acton free press tba bftrfii stain granite virus works cabpkh bra un it doesnt take much fortitude to bear anothers misfortune the cross hi irksome only when we try to climb it as a pedestal the devil is fond of hypocrites but doesnt like to have them around lk ik leaa ba cents foundation prinetpleei pint t when wo undertake to all your prraerlptlon vrogive litem our undivided attention and beet care the patient welfare is our drat cot mlderatlon second 1 wp guarantee our drugs to beuf full strength as well as puref and fresh third t our euatomers are supplied with just what they aak for feu hell tut ing is never allowed rinnrtf cvibity oomiouhi if you are a sufferer from kidney dlaeaee lr 001 u plaint blood tro hies rbeumatbun neuralgia or nervous prostration we ecnfldenuy reeora mend the use of palnoa celery com pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine is a true disease hanuher and system builder we i supply the genuine pain celery impound a t brown aoton out caught a cold which ended in a severe attack of pneumonia woodfonoraving photoengraving ivm t jljoncsenoc too much slressannot be laid on the fact that when a person catches cold it must be attended to immediately or serious result are liable to follow bronchi tw ynoumnnla and contump- tion aie nil caused by neglecting to cure the sample cold mrs 0 w bowman pattuuo onl wrles three years ago i caught a cold which ended in a severe attack of pneumonia since that time at the beginning of each winter i seem to catch cold very easily i have been ao boars 1 was unsble i speak loud enough to be heard across the room last winter however a friend advwed me to try br woods norway io hyrup saving u had helped her i bought a bottle and before it waa half used 1 was completely cured i oko lad it a good medicine for tha children when they havf cokis beware of tlio ninny imitations of br wooda norway iino hyrup aak for dr woods and insist on gtung- what you ask for if is put tap in a yellow wraper three pine trees the trado mark the price 33 cents manufactured ojdy by the t mitbum co limiloj toronlo ont let us be your solicitor our prjntntf will help your tra1e every kjnj of commercial taw nd socll printing in up co date slylef toiil h jvd f jobtfkirk call al thu qfln slt uto jitt rtss norttal fijotjr prices reduced on all grades lay in your stock for the summer large stocks oc llour feed and seeds in store here r noble proprietor n p moore manager beslguer and builders ol bis to mans- kvunu uonumenls markers and head stones and all kinds of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreat agp nt acton sr idtaiifieaikrkaa hcton livery bus line tbo uqdrnlfood rcapectlully solicits the pairoeage of the pub lic and informs lbra that wall axqulnped aatd styllata rlaw can always be secdred at his stables a comlortatbls bes meets all trains between 10001a aed 610 p m careful alienilon given to every order the wants of com mercul traveuerfc fully nut john iniluijt7wts rmcfrntstafsl patents writs for our lalarcstlnx books ers iktav a4 hew vea mrm swlaesat- baedus twaih akatct or ssal of yoathv irvatlott mimprevaniml and wvwtllt rseesr dpiniiinsbtowhflber tl if pi patcalaw tuctr4 ap beta swwrsslilf fiiiamcvittd by aa w ceedact fatly hulinwil ofluva is uoatnal aad waihlaaioe tuatjtwilavsmtoprosit ty dbpatcn mk and ilckly srnrr mcsw braadartblnniim rtfilasisl nlaril rale n la rracui 1 ihrtiiti larlovr a ma at rscal apscial swtka wtluout casrailn rrt un aewspsprrs tliallbiitod lliiiistlmjsl apaehatyiraivat thiilurw of hani arm sad ualncis marjoim at p4arion l4ateat cmpaks jid selleltor

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