Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1911, p. 2

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mmmikt h so bwh of jaaayb hall h to kumi ooli dirndhuw ma all of la tntelau m jo iul4al buml ban atcoouam alsatsraay unni loadar hr law 8iji tton jrcte rss- t1iuiwday hay lb 1011 acditomial norn on tha occasion of tn id pari pre- fereaoe demonstration last haturday the lit hon joseph chamberlain l e n an f t tbu la the critical tlrh for tereaoe policy in vuw of tb proposed reciprocity between canada and the united titate advantage uugbt u ba taku of the import conference to make spot satisfactory offar to canada end lite other dominion i still believe it la the only way lite kmplrecaj be strengthened and leapt uagathnr ureat britain now he lhe opportunity prrhap it will be the last acton sticets to be oiled v taiapmrattj with humt important municipal matter rtulrlng i aimed late attention having artaen since lhe regular meeting lt week it waa found necessary to hold a special meeting of the council lt lfnnday evening when councillor drown ilell and slo donald were pre vent willi the iteeve in the chair at the meeting a week aa a dpu 1 at ion front the cltlaen oomtnlttm waited on the council asking that special constable 1m appoint to pre serve law and order in tt town in the evening tula did not tuan that there waa more need of an extra con table at present than there had been in tba past the fact being that lb town la uulur than it ha been for flma lt than a all auiia 8 i r i 4 the report from ottawa ilbajlbotb aldee r preparing for a gorj lo- tion which la likely to occur if tba uppoaltlon pcralat in tbalr ob true live lactic after the iarllarnentary race politic uka the weather will he warm in canada the next two month the word ha gone out from the d re of both partlee for an active cam palgn in all the const tuenc lea aa the reciprocity issue pending the reae- aernbllng of parliament on july lfith for lb final effort of the government to secure the rat location of tb agree ment before prorogation the op position okinbwm have left ottawa with lhe declared intention of forcing t tie government logo to the country on the laeua in the autumn commenting etlll further upon the tnalter of this respective ement of acton and oakvllle the lleoord aayei ontario haa many town and village that keep down the aaanaaraeot in order to keep down the county rate acton may not be one of tbem we would like to have the oakvllle aeeeeeor try hi hand at th game acton one year the court of revlali would be flooded with appeal meat too high aa a result or we are vary badly mistaken you certainly would be mistaken mr iteoord if the wdi baal were adopted for acton aa to obtain in oakvllle acton a aeeeeeor rise oar eeement at o044 par acre where oakvllle ratepayer are let off at 7q6s3 per acre there would oertaluly be no kick from acton ratepayer on lhta basis if the iteoord really wlabee to be fair and honeat it will lake back the following statement made in a recent laaue ileal eelat mutt be a cheep commodity in acton or else the eor la not doing his duly or he i doing as he is lold in order to keep down lhe county rate r h a prophet is without honor in his own country as with prophet o it la with lhe natural advantage which a country enjoys end thoee acquired advantage which are obtained undrr lie laws and custom it often need the eye of tb outsider to discover lhe striking benflt of some institution with which the people are blessed the earnest tribute paid to the cana dian government annultl system by if r william jennings bryan dur ing his address to the eltlsen of gait laat weak should do much to deter mine the question for those who have not yet taken advantage of the system the opinion coming as it does from one who has made the social problem a life study he la reported to have said i have been trying for years to fig qu1 a similar scheme for the benefit of the dtlaen or lhe united mates and i cannot see why every clllld country does not follow trie lead of canada and encourage lhe people to put something by for the t t wllrbetoookl to work this i a true cooperative govern tnent he added while other coun trie have established pension schemes which are but extensions of poor law belief lhe result or which i to pauper ise and not to stimulate thrift lhe canadian government ha by lts annuities act inaugurated a scheme whereby thrift is promoted and lhe people are provided with faollltle which will enable thm to help them eelvee and at lhe asm tint preeerve their seir reapeot and dignity the milton champion wblc alwaya appear to delight in taking a ling al local option or any other usxsue calculated lo leaaait the evils of lhe femur iremo nlpienlly ya in last laaue i news c mea from tlm icl option village at the north end uf the i county that a deputation from the duaena leagud waited on the council hi monday evening that they asked for the appointment of two special constable for the arrest of all drunks found ooj the atreeta and that the mat ter is to be considered at a special kneeling of lhe oouocll that lhe league should consider tb appllea lion to be nceajry almost immediate ly after tb closing of the bar of the dominion house by the convictions and heavy fines reported last week indicates that the aforesaid bar has nlot been the only medium in the vll lage for the dispensing of intoxicants and that drunk are numerous enough on the street lo be noticeable m it in dloate nothing of the kind there la no suspicion thai intoxicating drinks are od outside of the former licensed bar it indicate that acton beat cltiaene are determined lo have a clean town j a town free from drunks who at their intoxlcatlne drink in lhe town and oltles where licensed bar are open it is a warning thai drunks will not be tolerated in acton where- oaf er they may get their intoslcatiov drink itvmay be interesting to the ohejnplon to be informed that actons oltimnv roorarnlttee it bornpoeed of aboot slftty of the trading business loan profeeafonal than and cltluna and that lby renreeent large major- i htj ot the citlaan of the town who would go lo guelph and george town for liquor and it wa the desire of the oltlwna committee that effort should be made to oveipome the affects of thl and make acton a town where as nearly possible perfect order end public peace re ob served after studying the matter tor week thr was oonalderable discus sion on monday evening and finally the rollowiug resolution waa passed moved by councillor bro by councillor ball and mr n hardle bo appointed a apaclal night onnatable and also that the clerk notify lhe present constable lo lak such action aa may be necessary to preeerve orders carried in mr ilardle the council will have a man of experience who understands the dull of a peace officer lie errvd rot a number of years on the pottos force of glasgow hcotland and will make an arrest when he deems 1l nece irrespective of who the party l the town is fortunate in securing man of mr ilardle eatanip rnglnrer fouter nr tba wre iiri brigade informed the council tliat s be waa making his dally inspection of the fire apparatus on sunday alter- noon be discovered that a valve on the i are engine had been tampered with and all tb water lot out of the holler tubes this wa a vary serious matter a it would mean that the engine woull have been ruined for ecrvlce cae of fire had the leakage not been discovered before fire wa built in th engine he had found everything in perfect order al 1030 o clock saturday night and at s oclock sunday after noon there wa not n inch of water in the bolutr it would be impossible for the valve to be turned by accident o it must be concluded uit someone had been tampering with it who bad no right to do so the same thing bad been done last fall the matter will begone into by the fire brigade and council and some action taken at lhe regular tmqi of the latter next monday evening aolon is likely to have it atreeta oiled thl year that is if the mer chants wish 1l mr itobl lathy in formed lb council that he would not water the street any longer on the present bl there was no money in it for hltn if be had to water twice a day as lhe merchants wub the question of oiling the street was than vary fully discussed the iteeve sub- milling estimate of coat he had ob tained from other plsoe and it was decided to submit a petition lo the merchant if they are in favor of j oiling arrangement will be made at one to have thl done mill street uf to have a coating or broken stone applied from john main streets the county crusher will be in operation at mr wm mul una first line beqoesing early next week so this work will be proceeded with very shortly the road from the old gristmill to the corporation bound ry will also be atoned and rolled this stretch being one of the designated road on th good road plan of the county council adjourned at 10 oclock complaints continue to im made of crrtnln rfllnt jumi inm canada from other lands who continue to violate canada m tin day laws by garden work and other employment gam ate th sunday lawa prohibit all lahor exceptlng aa in cases tr necessity and mercy t all worksnch a seeding har vesting fencing ditching work of building and conatrucllon repair work teaming the work of bakers and barberv it la unlawful to buy sell or deliver anything on sundays including liquors cigars uew papers tc only delivering of passsngara baggage milk for domssllo uss and supplying meals and medlclnea r permitted by our laws all game race or other ports ale prohibited all gambl tip i 1 uingprorne language anctsll other act which dlaturb the publla quiet all publlo meet logs siospt in churches hunll booting fehtni uhldi tajjo any publlo place or in light of a placerf- of publlo worship or private reeldenrr these are h prohibited under penxl ilea ranging mm si 00 lo asoaoo the iord a day alliance la pot anxious to enter actions against any person or persons and have requested the phkk pimm- to publish thl list of positive prohibition of the sunday ilawa in lite hope that there will be no further com plaints of violations however violations continue the guilty partlee must be taken into court house of commons adjourned ottawa may wlh after at lending in the senate where sir charles fit patrick the deputy governor genera gave the royal assent to a supply mil for thirtyfour and a half million dollar and h the other hllla which had paasrd their third readings the members of the iioue of common a ceased work shortly before tan o clock last nlgll just it tore the apnaker lefstbechalr it l ilordrn aaked what buainees would he taken up when tlie house mat on july ik h irohaldy reclpro clly waa lh uc nlc reply of urn minister uf flu urn tlie supply bill which includes iwe- twslihsur alt the items not voted is ruin osthliatee fin ttnt current year totalling over twenty six million supplementary estimates of ighlly tea limn eight tiillllnna and itarlns for the pro vlous hvcal year whitta alltar te kltattat moi hanllton snaoun- ea- sr on mother pse or uils isatf- will be round an announcemant from ilia rlgbt house hamiltons leading re tail establish ront hinting at the ex eeptlonal alse and value giving powar of the semiannual while sales now in progress th hlght house la always consorva live in its advertising preferring to give more than a customer expects than booming the beauty or value of an article to it full extent no doubt many of our reader will fill all the n embroidery lace and under- tnualln wants for the summer at the right house this week lullroad fare are refunded on a liberal plan ttdtomx mote the new laws concerning the driving of motor vehicle include some clause whleh nk for the protection of the public and will be generally appreoiat ed one la that speed on highways or street must be regulated by cir cumstance such a the condition nr traffic slate of lhe road etc and no ie may drive recklessly or negligent ly when by doing so the publla is endangered again no person under the age of 17 years shall drive a motor abide in a public street or highway the tesult of a provincial audit of heslayy ft o arte 11 affatrrclled lor in a pelltitio signed hy 01 ratepayer wae communicated to the council last week and shows that such audit it alwaya eminently satisfactory to the town it covered the transactions or six yetrs luick and wit by law since chaslaym ina rp ration as village the audit hiated two months and cost i il was found that the treasurer had over- deposited 1700 which was promptly refunded to him the ool lector arrears totalled 913701 mad up ofthqrjlm not collected chl0 from income tax bakunavad mrs donald mellurchy died at the residence of hsr son in law mr lm uel oalrendsr melancthon near shel burn on tuesday may 10th aged ho years she went there from hsr home at huttonvllle to vlalt her daughter three weeks ago and shortly arter arrival taken 111 b jro in argyll shir scotland the lata mrs momur- chy came to canada 01 year affo shortly after her marriage and settled in markham township afterward moving tonorral and later lo guelph where mr mcmurchy died ib year ago three eons and three da tighter survive john hramnton t duncan of krin township archu hut ton vlllemrm mcgee torouto mr marshall dobblngtom mrs i- os trander lledlckvllle ilou duncan marshall mlnuter of agriculture for albert is a grandaon the funeral pf the late luvl cole uf lot 20 seventh liar ittqueslng was held on friday afternoon and wa largely attendrd mr cole wa the third eon of the late henry cole and wa born on the honiaatsad wliare he died in september 18m on june 2sth 1hsj be married harah oolllef two children mrs ii kantner toron to and william at home survive four brother and two lister of mr cole are living i john jacob and frank of georgetown and albert of north bay mr j lindsay ualllna- fad and mr j mcdonald george town mr cole was member of the methodist church the funeral wa conducted by lie dr uoarthur and interment took place at greenwood oemetc g deceased hod been 11 for some three year marks hair qhow uobert w ilrttnre makes a strong plea for the pre en lion uf infant inor lallty 11 u that 27u0u0 babies die each year in thl country and that half uf them perish unnecessarily mr hruera is director of th american association for the study and pre yen lion of infant mortality and he re ports many wonderful fols ml augj gestlons in the junri women s home companion on i lie cheapness of human life in general he tjilu the fol lowing dr creasy i- wilbur chi f alalia- llclan t r the ilureau of the c ensue in washington tells a a lory taken from courrecorda whch fairly typtflesour national attitude toward vital statis tic- y pumiirlujlo 1 l dlaiia on dying left hla valuable farm in trust to bis unthrifty son to beco the property of his granddaughter her twenty oral birthday the girl hail been told the date of ber birth and when her twenty first anniversary as she supposed rame around ahi claimed her inheritance hut her father refused to aurrendrr the farm irllng that ah wa only nineteen the dispute was taken into court the fsmlly blhla was a pj waled to hut lhe page for hliths and deaths i blank the father had rendered reixirt to the town authorities the family doctor waa dnad finally a nlgbhor rrmonileril that a certain nw much prund by the grandfather had glveu birth to a calf on the very day when the girl wo horn nd he could swear to it i perhaps the court opined the grandfather bail re corded the birth ir the calfp the old farm book carefully preserved in the family strong box sustained the judges theory all the clrcumslaneee of the calfs birth were fully recorded and thus the birthday or the human being wa at length established i jesep- go0b attn blifrlistmnilj han0 mir 8aib wo arc apccnlmnu tln week in iioi wfcathlr linbb fully assorted and many very special valuer summer underwear summer hosiery summer head- wear all i ok men i oh womln iok cllilurln summer gbroceries new lemons per doz 2c jelly powders al flavor t for ic jelly powder all fl tvor 6 for iic btjt canned corn per t tn 10c best canned peas for 2ijc ucst canned lomatoes ifi for c lruit sugar per lb h cvcryfhlnf in groceries at right prices henderson co mill st acton oat apply al matrtodlst persona aqtan a raratln uattinu folt 8aub 1uut m rare of wantkd 0iioick building l0t8 for 8alb ivjbuiuibo will iimui u areel i m- lae uhm w 1 il bejialleili ttmaayjnuseies t j itataltdmojas i 001 irouse w rknt in nabsaoaweva wfxratllwbvabaadlutlf ofamaaf e i lot it free a ktawnit to s4j0 per i tadbtl if nrwood aa i pay taxes h i talo at now uu liutiii ktriuuiii im ims tit aeiou pom wollliitoa he a tkamingjbusinkss 1mik uadicbd las tmrchmaj uta i ud lo do alt kldtla al 1tnlfr lo 1st 1 urdera for inlbflmiauiide arslauy babld uoan solulla i u uouatut ii ijaobr ilaltou cream and baiter co milton ontario mr a rah thompson aolon wee the june womans home oomnau ion which for several year ha been i catnpelgnlng against the old fshlonedl methods of oelsbrstlng independence day by the use of cannon and oth flrearros giant cracker and toy pistols with horrible result of malm ing accident and often death contains practical and varied suggestions fur a celebration kdithe fourth of july hloh if put into rfrect will arms leg and live in all oomaiunllles of the united stale and what is more lb children would have a better time than they have ever had there i etlll tltue to arrange to put the wholesome suggestions antn effect tmra woinslorrtortetane1 j ohfmymstr frsn i owt ma perumrathttrnel boateass la uwoltysttstseo nislnxj ohbkbt hror torietars asbesrlbsa i say tskj- twiti k r 1 imeraav pusur nails osisrrta oore is lskeai loternally d sals dtreetiy en the btoodaed naoeas sartss ttaa rfsll s wmailif ihilater aeutlpaliea llaesanl the druggist ha an in vlgorator that will grow hair or money hack the time to take care of your hair is when you have hair to tale care of if your hair is getting thin gradual ly falling out it cannot bo long befon th spot appear the greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is balv1a the oreet avnsrloan hair grower first discover ed in kngland ibalvia furnish nourishment to tlie hair roots and act so quickly that people are n mated and remember it destroys thedand ruff germ the little pest lliat saps tlie life that should go lo tin hair from the root haiviaia sold hy iitrd limler positive guarantee to mire dmidruit atop falling hair and itching scalp in tea days or money haok a large bottle costs wd the weird h al- via latin fur i on every botue tttock killbd by lloutnina a the kay frnioociipledby john shortrldge near rsrgus two bullock wsre strook and it i lied by lightning on wednesday aftfrnoon of last week an eleotrfcal storm no companled hy a hravy downilour ir tin rged at fergu rmui thrre oclock in the afternoon till six in the evening mercury natwmoaweya a well attended meeting wo held at the township ball on thursday evening last to d i so us lhe proposal to establish m municipal telephone sys tern for the township tfa legislation recently enacted wm rxplalned by f w dagger secretary of the indepen dent telephone company and by samuel charters m l a those present were enthualaslla over the soberae to establish a rural system and it is believed will take up the matter at onoe xvople who inak trouble always ulk of their trial itellglon for th praise ot men has nopower with men no one is too young to stand against that which be know to bswrongr- paooawt hklfrillhaal along when pooplq am needing mima dough and are pleading for aid and support for soma good worthy plan don t knock and don t hollar hut dig up a dollar and help things along like a good little tnait tlie knocker is hated and feared and iterated in every live burg from ueersheha to ian be r and willing and cough up a shilling and help things along like a smooth little man lie known a a booster and crow like a rooster dont yelp like a bow wow tbats tied to a can i laugh sing and kyoodle nd blow in soma boodle and help things along like a nice little man quit plunder and pillage and whoop for your village ami win a icnewn as an optimist fan i don t eer be a whl but shell out a shlnvr and help things along like a doar little mnn tlie towns that are going to keep up their growing h filled with good injnnu who follow this plan so don t be a miser tn imuan up a wiser and people will ssy youre a sweet utile man walr mason see these specials wo have tiropaied a vary al mir xtanis lih economy el this store ive hal ol special oltara and ihoae visit log the clly will have an opporlatiliy w have aelecieri jual the articles thai are needed lor lhe nl lupplplnjf thai vrsitn days and hate marked them at special prices uveryltilns therefore nui can depend upon lhe quality alylna and dursbllliy in every caae we bar- bul lliey are used only sa eiainples u values ami not as reutotenlsllve ul mens tics i very ualralil color far uta keaaon la inclu u1 neckwear ol cltokesl lib cut wlilt wl la lowliij tmla ytc smii vvanh lie in ilia latnsl jtlornn like tjc no i neweat llyloa ml lhe newest odecla in i uck and now isncyuha end bclilnr li all prices womens belts koo lie to mmli all rtlofs snf at mens straw hats it tnsaea no liflerrnce vrhst ktyle you like il here you ii like tba prices loo man a bailors wllh hal or soil brim 30c up 1 ajip men a 1 anaraaj from lj lo 0 hand bafs k fiite collection of dealfna and each bag made nlgood ualjiy mntedal vol vol anode an i black and while aliiped aslln luc llin laleal 5 c up lo fts lull asaorttnetil ol loatlior lui priced from 50c up to lio german silver bas also 1 1 to new beaded ilrmljn iloth styles are very hj ulsf i hit union i rices f 3 00 up lo 1 00 taney parasols tl n finishing touch to the prelly coslone man naver invented as bewlichlnn snscosssory to woman s charm a 11m charm ol lhe parasol is recognised lbs wort 1 over the newest hades and patients ore here to chnoae from colors lo harmonise with soy rown 1 rices admit of excellent value nuudog iroro tl 00 lo f 3 00 wa prepay all ejepreu freight and poata charge od all goods rogardjej or value baud tu your order by mail samplea ohoarfully smbmlttad 1 of alaa mens clothing furnishings d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdonell streets gutlph 0nt dress goods millinery municipality of acton court of rbvisiom notiom la beraby btm teat the ftrs lo ot ttoa ooeta of kevlatoai par ibe vlusas of auoa ui be bai in lb tewat mali est l onday 1av sou ttml aalsbtbo to hear all eoteplau asiass the awmdiui mali rr 1911 all eanoes bavin buajaia a be sats oeert ra rnaeaud to iluad u u aaase usee asa plaaw j sfaokihhoh n0ti0k i0chedit0b8 in the mamar of ue taa octaioswaai oook istt of ue townjahlp t queeonar in es coun ijr tor hali qukpr aioht in okmirtalrv tlte resident in tb vicinity of a cemetery in weet hon bury alas have been greatly puaxled of late on seelug each night six bright lights in a uluater in the centre of the burial ground finally an investigation was made and it was isarned that nlobol a oarufto an italian hud hired the cemetery superintendent to place sis lighted lanterns on the grave of his wife who died about yrr ago every night until further notice in ox plan atlon oarolto said that a while ago he dreatned his wire oatnu to him in vision and asked for lights fiha need the lights to nld her un her way to heaven said ghimqv aud as i cant mlftrd caltdlew ami they night blow out i have hlrtj the aiip- eriutendant to pisco the six lanterns there true fruits are not willing to be bid deil hy the leave there may be more religion in cum- irnrbathotjgh y6u liked it than pray ing a though it hurt you rtffr wmwfrtr fmmfa9fx 33 fie metropolitan bank absolutb bboimtty ciiui im l 000 000 lliuro fu ml i 2j0 001 unllvmoil prom orcr 100 000 lul aimu uvir s10000000 exceeding luhllltlm to mio imblui by hiur tlin uj60 0iw total amsu foaibaenal bsalos ulnlbu gvoooidhs al 10w1 filu5h17w i do oui6ur oa looo 7 ooa474 on loou 7 7oa72oi 1uu7 7 008740 10 ltm outtohotu 1ww lodo1811 7 uuo tho polloy qt tha mstropollun bank combines strict adherence lo tha ufo lines ol legitimate banklm lllieral an 1 courteous ireatmenl of its cnuomorprojjtetwirmethod provldlns up lo date tacit il las in all depart moots at hanking the figures given above an ol this policy drovora ohoquea and oreiun cheques oaahed frxk ov oharqk notiub u bsrebr sai peraeaat to luldbtatumof ontario isst obaj sad amenrtlnqaata utakajleredlssrsaaaiel blaa- alalats acalaal tba astaa of us tbomu ooob who eia os or abosl day of may 111 wa molrea oa um aldatemih or ol jaaa bimmrnptlln dallmr to a 1 of the muas e aetoa in iba osaatx ot bajtsaat holkdlor far lbs umoim ol um last win sad their ohhasta bouo tba after seehr last aaldaxeeators hu fca to disarlbete tbe aaaau of u sola wansassl sjneea tb partlaa rautlad teereto bavha rs sard onlr u lb olaipta of vhlota tbey aballutsa ban nouoa asd uiat lb aald sssaelaa til so b uabw for tbe aald bases or say prtlfarwof to any pama or pttwh of wbaes ttvlaa aouo abail net bave baaa raaelt by tnatt at ibe urn of aeon dlauibatiea a j haoblnnon t nollettor for sul uatud um twantrmftikd day of may uul c onfectionery harold wilrls j uss lust received at his ice cream parlors a full line of eacellant coronalloa coajftcr tlooery nesily put up sod very foot just the kind you will enjoy try a sample to day purired his blood dr morses irtrjlaui root pllla haalad m wtla 8ore when the sewers of tlie ijody irawrls kidney and skin ducts get clogged up the blood qukkly become impure and frequently eom break out over the body the way to bra i tlieni ns mr iticbard wilson who lives nwr iondon ont found is to purify the blood he write lor some time i iiad been in a low depressed condition uy appetite left me and i soon began t suffer from inui geatloa quite a number of small sore and blotches formed all over my tkut i tried medicine far the blood and used many kind of ointments but without satisfactory results ytiarwej wonted wa a thoroukh cleaoiing of thahlopd and i looked about in vain for some medi cine that would accomplish this i at lost dr morse a indian root pills were brought toiuy notice and tbsy ox one of um most wonderful meoictne i bav avr known my blood waa purt- fled ha vary abort tlm ora bsalsd up my hinjnauoa vajusbsd they alwoys have li tuaca in fay home and are looked upon aitne family ixtnedy dr morws wkn uoot pills clean the system thoroushhr sold by all dealers 24c a bot 0 llw luok ol ilsmllion invites ivln accounts and hss ellralasled sllundua lormalillea boih in the opening of such accounts sad in iho making of withdrawals a chartered bank la lhe ipglcal uce for tbe sajekaeptoji of the fund you wish to accumulate or old ate or lo make provision for unforeseen needs interest mid on do posits of oo and upwards 1e0jwet0wn bkanoil iv h hoksv manaater purcuvooliclt roofing with a thorourrh anplialt sattir atlon weather fire acul and alktli proof no more itirnllc rooiitjib made to our knowledge 11 ut whatever style of brantfarcl roofing you select you arc certain of superior quality brant ford rubber ih without doubt the bebt rubber roofinp on the marlcet and ilrantford crytnl is real no paint roofing not a makeshift lirant ford mohnwl is a pood roofitik too call nr write for sniplrspriccs and in- tcrestliiff free roofing jxjj r fjohnstone solo aknt acton ontario harold wues acton mill slraat mlav alv uw buffalo nutirafaui toroato saaaon now open lrave toronlo uixpl suqy 7 30 atrlv toronto xcapt bumuy p m 8 30 p m a youa nuia uik buudlnjrxovoato cksh paid fori fowl kaw furs junk l muo mil 11 mod ol furniture wc sxkb hcton buggies the barber bu are slyllsh bvoici when we del your wireless call for hefcp we will come to the rescue with flood old s 11 printers ink j good abvertmiiw mas saved many busines men htom nmwciai shipwreck the actbn free prfss call and see what we can do for ypu before buying else- wherc prices are right single harness wo are very busy in this lino justnow call in and ica-ve- your order i and have them made to suit you w j gordon hiuw o troaa maa acton orot will probably atand at thlr own u atabla thl aaaaon term to lnurai ooattlmol- arvlu and io orr feb tat loia tkaokdiantho great olr ol bd dl llorasa mmne selltnaf a llgti l f job oo and whan bred lo large mare im result is tie production of tm irfcry best possittta class at farm horses i 2 loeer of hearse horses almost all of his cotis bslag a good blscv color jfoaital 1 florsss are la great demand aad blah as i 00000 drsed su modaolowraas scem pottle to iborobradat bat mlvw reed iah wsre to htaj bd g a black 9 v aelea oalario castolla

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