Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1911, p. 3

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wall papers window wiiaims and cuittain roxikh news of local import tcwnorpsrtbnr pern ml 5c t wwhiowthb lor veryiblne in above una at trimminx pin hi geo hnds nuai unihin iuuid real estate mmt t immm mx ivwevt nue lateraal larce mmbr twurmu tr nie cheap dwcuimch mad uttr property all pmru rhe tetfau w hate every imcllltjr rv traasacubc r feajalaeui t yovr mpmtemtlsrcub jt a willthjchi 4rccttwu ooa of koiand a th member of acton iotlm of ilia hons of kngland will parade 11 ilia aluttiodist church next sunday vvau 7k i l whan it j v aniiiit ju will preaoh lba annual sermon to th brethren umx and oearte tom bnadair riarilna a number- of italian who bad been working on tha o p 11 track nt ulusburg appeared before afagletrmb hull on monday aranlng laat charged with ashing on huoday and traapaaa- ing on tha preaaavea of tha trout club thay were fined 9 aaqh and coal jirin advocate our p actons street and humaa and home urroundlnga ner look ad prat liar than thay do just now tba ganaraily tidy condition or tha e treats with tha lordly maplaa forming laafy avrnnaa in tha raaldanllal eecllons tha care fully trimmed lawna and neatly bttd out garden all contribute thetr quo 1jbe jutorc jtr rtss urhday may 25lh 1011 bftlef local items tflod have lba king i joum to acton on dominion iay kindly tuidw your auharrlptlan today join tha cruaadu against tha j- 00 in tha shade wrath or tha pmatweek marriage license issued hy 11 1 moor at office or residence mr j xlall la excavating for ills mw houae on lke avenue good morning have yiu renewed yojar ratuc pitkflh subscription r oajtleeaperlmanung with oil for kaaplng down dust on tha street aetonx usees hand la galling in good shape for lummer engagements the lawn bowler are enjoying lbelr nnnrr sport on tha bowling green again owing to the holiday his finch passs la leaned a day earlier than oaoal thla week llr w ianaborough has added three more new steal row boats to hla fleet on fairy lake the court of gpnrrn sessions for ibeooonty will be held at milton on toaadar june 13th mr i k atkinson dairyman baa aftoe new delivery rig of the latest petiera on hla route the contractors bava been laying lew new pavementa on john and agoe street thla week the fire brigade will provide a vary enjoyable programme t the dominion day deinonatrailon monday nlghla showers were highly acceptable after the high lent peveiureaof the week previous the foundations for mr allan sanllhe new double bouse on park avenue are id course of construction the annual meeting of guelph as- tutlon of the jupuat church will be held in ouelph on june 0th 7lh and h brampton own council la debat ing the expenditure or about 115000 oil ay- aaaeadam roadway on main and qoeeo atreeta 1 barrlee as t lltfe year how mi incjreese of floi80x over that of laat yeer aud a drcreajt in population or 15u the flower lift their glorious y hvadt lba blrda ting sweat and clear ftll living things on earth rejoice for time la here the welund town council have to add another policemen to the force in order to enforce he liquor license act closely the strange sweet days are here gain the happy mournful daya the sjong that tremble on ones lips are half complaint half praise there will be about forty pupils to iteon theantraboevxamlnatlona at acton neit month and thirteen at the departmental examinations johu mitchell la working tha alone on the county roads in tha end off naaaagawaya he baa a ontttnuot for 1600 yards of stone st bate the trotter owned by mr harry glddlngs or oakvhie won the king plaa at the woodbine toron cf to laat weak making a new time re- with a good deal of enterprise the ft omkvnja beeord laat week pnbllahed lba town a aseeeanieiit roll for general tariiwesauoo xtoooupleavwine column i beeorde space georgetown and acton t known tor yar as baseball towm bat there is no elgn of the otgfnlsauoa of any of their clubs fur tbja imumn obamplon maeeri r pulton at sons have re- abovad their portable aaw mill whlcli out out mr j bells atock here to mr b oarnabao farm in naaugaweya to out a aoaall atock there mr peter mogiii had to kill hla oaojalrlvar taat week aged 83 years w doubt if there waa an older horse id ontario and until quite recently it til often driven erin advocate tha krln lawn bowling olub has this district favors union in making our town attractive he oet has oekar a markdala jay undertook to get ahead a a waitress in an hotel not ten miles away from here after glancing over the menu he ordered some llek- or as the order wa given in a ica option district ba thought be had tha ijueen of the tray guessing hut she waa wise and brought him hla order which waa cold tongue pleaherton advance a htgh attainment on friday evening john walker who baa in the past achieved aome blgh ambit lona reached poaatbly the highest eminence in acton when he climbed the flag pole at tha school and adjusted a newpulley and rope l lie old onee having become incapaci tated he did it wall hut reelhted aa many another who has reached high attainments that there is alwaya room at the top a rvospavuvs betdeei ileaar jsaresy the uev and mrs w ii garnham of cayuga formerly of rock wood lnnounoe the engagement of their widest daughter mlaa prances psne- lope to or it if barker of buenos ay res houth america formerly of uurford the marriage will lake place in huenne ayree about the middle of june miss uarnham left laat week on her long journey to that south ameri can city it rune tat t the british news of canada in com mentlng on i be closing meeting tor the season of the highland and lowland society of toronto declares it to be the beat yet mentioning especially the excellent plpjng of master willie roe who is the youngest piper in the city and the latest pupil pipe major murray mention waa also made of his suler miss annie roes who la the favorite hcol i ish dancer thare a very plearing feature of the evenings pro ceedings waa the presentation to mis annie uf a gold braclet from the so ciety in appreciation of her services a plateoa in okureh a pigeon inadvertantly flew through an open window into the methodist church on sunday afternoon when be members of ifee cbolr were pre paring fur the evening musical service several of the members fearing poe- slble diversion of attention during th evening service vainly tried to per suade an exit but the bird eventually haw up through the ventilator into the attic one or the trustees in the gloaming after the evening service crawled up in the attic seised the bird and handed it down to an atlan dant who soon gave it lie liberty much to lis own satisfaction and pro bably to that of it owner for it was a handsome bird home oolllngwood residents and it rather trying to live in a dry town one of these- visited barrle on satur day and purchaaed few bottles of wet goods intending to supply a long fell deed unfortunately aa the gentleman waa abour to board tha train for home on saturday th bas ket in which the bottle were being carried proved too weak for the burr den ao the bottom fell out and tha bottles of joy emptied themeelvee on tlie platform the owner did not stop to look at tba remains of hla purchaee hut quickly disappeared lu the car carrying only a basket handle boubt- le that gentleman will the strength of tha next beaks befor filling it barrio examiner the annuel meeting of ouelph l trict waa held in the methodist church acton last thursday and had tnweh of interest in it proceedlnga lie v i w snider of klora president hamilton conference presided over the sessions the ministerial session opened et 0 90 a m and occupied a couple of hour the resign tloo from the ministry or rev c t currelly waa accepted rev j cooper antlitt i d who has apent forty nine year in the active worfcjwaa upon bis own application recoronj ended to conference for super annuation the rev lr is much be loved by hla brethren and it waa with feelings of sadness the request wee geeeted aesjtseuee te o wea made for an italian mission in guelph at 11 uo a m the jjnt session of ministers and laymen waa opened and from then until about 1u ti ceptlng the noon hour business waa poshed with despatch aa a urge number of delegate bad to leave by then 1 1 train rev h 4 applegatb uuclpb waa secretary and itev w t maaaop belwood assistant on statistics re ports from the various circuit were preeented indicating the work of the year ft the laymen mat in njmrale session and elected delegates to the annuo conference which meeta in jalt j lite let aa follows 1 ii ralph steele ii oceomore john crow il k n- tson j w oakea prot reynolds knuel carter a mcuowan ouelph j mc- uowan klora i 1 ix groves kergua ii p moore acton w j peal itockwood j y norruh naaaaga- weya r bye ponsonby u j lae- iu shllob j p townaend belwood jfobn plett ifereward k beawlck bablnafad thomas wood- balwood alternate b terrell guelph s v peart itockwood ii b calunder guelph u w kelly ouelph later the various conference com mittees had assigned to them the ministers and lay delegate who axe to attend conference rev il ii bell b i dublin hi guelph wa elected to the stationing committee of conference revs l w snider klora dr j if mo- arthur krin and j i pltapatrlck uuelph and messrs ii ralph steele uueiph and ii p moore acton were elected a committee to arrange for a simultaneous campaign nn behalf of ilselous nn the various charges of the district during the year itev ir antllff introduced a resolu aa to the desirability feasibility and urgency nf adnptlng tha basis of union between the churchee at present con tem plating union in warm eloquent ulterancee he pleaded the case al though it was against his own per sonal preferences being a methodist of the fifth generation hla father and grandfather being ntlolatevv and the two earlier predecessors being claas- leadera the aucceaslon coming down from rev john wesleys time but the great need of the country and the marvellous npportunltlee hade him waive all seullmaut for what lie be lieved to be the will of god ilia ad drees wa followed with intense inter eat reva c deacon and dr mo arthurfol lowed with strong address ee the vote showed 20 for and 1 opposed one layman refraining be- cauae of insufficient information itev j d fllxpatrick and jame harris preeented a reeolution which was heartily adopted deprecating any tampering with existing marriage la we thereby invadlng tha aanclliy of the home by what u known a the ne tempere decree and arguing for a uniform marriage law for the domin ion a reeolution of thank to the people of acton for hospitalities courteously bestowed waajiearttly adopted the next meeting will be held in fergus organised for the eeaaon with the fol- lowing offloarapra dr geart bee tree w conboy t committee otmiiagineut meeara j p buab and j w vtotr v- the blora bxpraaa underatand on good authority that a 6ne h0o clock wlu ba placed in the tower of klorae ktaw post office building acton would ba gud to have the new pott ofoee bulldlug without the dock william bus team made a spurt la uw 0 t r yards last wedneeday when the sj10 train waa in a new tongue waa needed gr itemwbua and a new pump for the ff 9 b wall when thay got over it it plftnaa ramaay infrcbant of qtmjpbf labulwing a lx storey depart- 1 ganmal atore at bdmonton alia and l p taking nnny of young people t fjrocagulph to take charge the atora will bo oemnleled by august ton monday tlta pitkk pnwth waa i on an order for topic card ftor hatl bpworth league afboaa fecretary waa oltm btring- fauuwaon of rev oliaa strlngfallow when nawa cauje that the young inan nvwarowned the day before i jjjlay fork rope at lowest ponlblu jsoabtaok- the intereat of the island smelting and rebnlng company of toronto which sprang into existence a few yeara ago through the reeeerche of dr j s island in tba back room of hla dental office for development of a process for extracting valuable tuetala from lowgrade ore bava been pur chaaed by sir donald mann for 910 000000 under the condition of transfer of the secret prooeee for which dr island searched for year together with all apparatus and the services of the inventor the holder of atock in the island smelting and refining company will receive ap proximately aeven million for their boldlngrwblobwlll represent an anor- woua profit on their original invest ment mr a k nlauln at aahmtooxi a letter from mr nloklln who went west early in the month say ha ha taken a week or two to alxe up the situation at saskatoon he aeeegraaf business activity there and estimate that about 600 new building are in course of erection price of real estate have advanced to three time that paid for properly in aonie caeca wltbjn a year price now asked for inside property almost staggers one material and labor are also climbing up in price rant are exceedingly lilgb a very ordinary house rente for 2s tq s per month and such properties a dr gray on frederick street or mr alex seoorde on bower ave woum there rent for 960 or over it i a great problem to accommodate all the people who are going in the weather i good and crop prospect are counted a very encouraging mr iloklln la arrang ing to build on a couple of lot be ba in the ally h mat pfalllptuolmee formerly of tha faxa pautas and prof lea since ha went to baakalooii both am doing wall tba y m v av baa a oampalgn on to rales 9100000 for a new building social and personal if the nam of your visitor dove not fprer in this column it la beeane you bava nut supplied the pastxt paann with tba information your aaeut anee will jbet appreciated by the editor mlaa k anderson apent sunday with friend in guelph mr a c chapman ot toronto waa a gneat at iteralma during lba week mr percy brown and master gor don are visiting friends in w ingham mlaa annie l iludaon nf george- town vulted friends here oei thurs day rev dr knd mrs antllff apent a few daya this week with friends in toronto mr william carroll la slowly re covering from her recent attack of pneumonia mr roy brown and babe left on tueeday for toronto to join mr brown there- mre nell mcnabb and babe are sictiq log frte or eg with relatlttt waller d beardmore ra a four month trip in wing ham mr and mr left leelweek to south mr g campbell and mre j k gamble attended the funeral of levi cole of belli na fad itev w ii douglas or itockwood walhuet of mies margaret roe- aril laat thursday mrlyoanrbullin of 1tarl huron mich made acton friend a brier visit last week mr itobevt johnson who baa been in poor health for rtm lime le not loi proving very rapdly mr a m brown inspector metro- poll tan bank pent a day or two during the week la town mr collier and children attended the funeral of her brotherinlaw levi col of balllnarad on friday mr d ilandereon m p arrived home from ottawa on saturday to apend the two months vacation mia lottie k speight returned home on saturday after apendlug a few daya with frienda in toronto mr kdwla meddock wee her from toronto a couple of day iae vreek he urt for new york on saturday itev w d maexon and mrs mae- eon hla mother were gueete at the home of mr john harvey lake ave uatweek mrs carney manltoulln island wife of h 11 carney m p p la here on a vllt to mr and un ii matthew krin advocate mr d mcmurchy was at glen- william but thursday attending the funeral of hi mother who died at bhelburoe on monday mre robert scott who- bad been in guelph hospital for treatment for some time returned home on satur day considerably improved in health mr w g a kenney left weak ago with a berlin mirveylng parly for winnlpeg the work of the aeon will be about iso utile north or he prairie metropolis sir dimald mann of titronln left foi new york on monday night en route to kugland in london be will join sir william mackeoale when they will spend min time in connec tion with railway affair sir donald will be in london coronation week and will not return to toronto for six or eight week kvery woman itilut of thu psuuc pltau who deaire radiant hair that weryiuinadiuliee luuld go to a t brown lndy and gain large 60 cent bottle or parisian sage it l not only a delightful and re freshing hair dressing and heautlner but it la sold under a rigid guarantee to banish dandruff atop falling hair end itching scalp or money back pariuan sage la the beet hair tonla known it i the only on that wll cure dandruff cleaner the scalp and make the hair grow long and beaut- ful the following officer of lite 20th regiment helton rifles left on mon day with the coronation contingent for london keg sergt major j l roblneod hornby oolsergt k ii ward nerval oojqaoralvmclraiu oampbeluiile mutoa voted ewumo unaualaaeualy so well did the qualified voter of muboo think ot tha industry that the bdwards electrical company limit- ad of toronto propoeed to bring here that on monday when the by law guarantaaldg their bond to the ext tent of 910000 waa lubmltted to them it carried unamhtenalyy not a single vote being recorded against it two hundred anil twentynine vote were cast raf oroaer aaeawetewnw xtpahnaent with ou deorgetown 1 making the expert tuent of keeping down the dust on the road with oil pour hundred yard of the mala street wa sprinkled in lo daya by two nn with water ing can sixteen fortytwo gallon barrel of oil werauaed tha oil cost five cent a gallon it i stated that three application in the year will keep down the dust on an ordinary street drvsheard of toronto con teoda thajoll 1 cheaper than water and much more affective the home thief oofc two year isaac lottridga waa tried before judge gorbam laat friday nn the charge of ateallng a horse and buggy from howard beeooby kqueng lt september after the theft lntlrldge drove to hamilton where ha went into a stable yard and 4ook another buggy leaving mr beecobye asked by crown attorney dick whether or not bn had bean in penitentiary he ad milted that ba bad for baying a stolen horee in hi poeeeeslon wu he had not ptolen it but had bought it from another man the judge convicted the prisoner and aenlmped him to two yeara at kingston on jopmple- tlou of that uma lottridge will liive to puttln uiajinaxptreu portion of hla former sentence lie waa out no parole whan ba committed hi second and tbfrd offanoaa mr beeooby got bla horee and buggy front brant tord abortly after lottrldgoa arras auh ipevataent toth- pl4 reports of crop conditions in both ontario and western canada have ahown improvement during the peat week or so much needed rain have fallen and while there ha been hy no uieana too mnoh moisture a v marked betterment lu the condition of the growing grain ha resulted pall wheat did not come through i her win ter any too well and in aome district of ontario it wa necessary to plow it ttnder in other district however the crop showed fairly good prospect end ha since further improved in the west seeding wa very generally carried on under the moat favorable eondltloaa fine dry weal per mitted the work to be done thorough ly and alnca then there he been a fairly good supply of tnoulure it 1 eel ma ted that the area put to m show an increase over hut year of fifteen to twenty per cent nearly ued of stone wthe budoh gin vmuls bavttd him 313 jamxa st haanuraar oarr five year ago 1 was taken down wu what the doctors called innaxame- tloo of the bladde intense pains tn back and loin and difacoiry in urin ating and the attack which became more frequent amounted to unbearable agony i became ao weak that i could not walk acroaa the floor my wife read in the papers about cin tills and acut for a box proas the very first i felt that gin pills were doing me good therein waa relieved at onee and the attacks war lea frequent lu six week the stone it the nhulder came away when t recall how i buffered and how now i am healthy and- able tn work i cannot express myself strongly enough wheal i apeak of what gin pill3 have done for me joum haatarr49 gin riusrcaomatjocebo ftfor cuo sent on receipt of prloa if your dealer doea not handle them sample box f rce if you write u ittentfacdng tbia paper money back if oin pills do iot gjve full atlsfactlon nauoael drag aud c co pepta toronto tho origlonl ola puta anaave by natlonmidrawaatl cbemlcal co l canada u ml teal toroatcs arw mm aly tn uuaba rtwmva arraarratd haas 87 deasuwsesk laaaalgeet leausinm marxtlaxr w asaaelajr ineprclor a j murphy of the do minion immigration department with the assistance of co green way of uuelph effected tba capture of an italian wanted by the immigration depart meat el niagara falls on mon day uugl sal valora and gylsaepn tin to residents of th celled slate were admitted at niagara falls in bnod to visit re lative in canada when the urn of the bond bad expired the men failed show up and inspector miipliy s sent to investigate he traced salvatore to acton where after con siderable work lie arrested him he took hi man to guelph gulsepp tlnto waa known to have a brother living in gimlph ind ha wa found work leg at the mpe mills v the two italians w m aoooenpanlad by inspect 6e right house uj halltonb ravokitc bhoppino p1ace the greatest semiannual sale of white 1 in our history is now in progress rphis big cool stork is a mountain of white it is decorated in honor of the second largest merchandise movement that is held here every year the semlannual sale of summer wmtewear meewb ta m ktch point they the united state f deported to kodak your vabbf huppoee yob are busy c thla weak that you will have uo tlene to think about any thing but aaedlng but later whan everything 1 coauinanc ing to grow and the old homestead look beautiful would it not be nice to lake aome picture of it and your favorite animals soeee day you may go weal how nice it would be to have ptctirre of the old place with you and bow pleasant for those ho have to remain behind tn reolv mm photograph which you have taken on the way out i the above la hint enough for anyone pringle eella kndaka at ft 3 t up to fthi and will show you all how to lake picture and develop your film free 1 mauahaamnrjdiiuuuunrj 1911 i a wallpaper ti1k nkwhst duikns tllk iatkst colorings also samples g n n guelph toronto and a jj beautiful line of kng tl hui tapciu n a tbrown j iwaexeat mm ttwaiaw q s acton oat b aaaaanadnqiinqddmbimaaaai h4ilway i system the popular tourist route mushoha lakes lakrforbay3 thmagami french r1vhr georgian bay lake coucillching kawartha lakhs etc round thii uomeseekers exourslons to the west at low rates vi sarola or chicago literature and full biloratatloa from aay grand trunk agent or address a e dat district passenger agent toronto oat this 1s tnttttrabhuk 7tis alpeis 16 travel ami wants vuaa lltles of neapanslve ahlnwalais sad umlaraarnwata y or the mothers who with to clothe their lilil oiks aa sjilc inaipenaively and preihiy aa possible 1or the women who era having lbelr sawing ilooa at iqf boms and who will ba glad to buy hlte rnoda ambroid erlea etc to advantag ct 1 of iludness manager o homes who wish to stock borfy tba umlly unm cosat with mw i ancy iteces and after una iii staple ilnens al una llin usual prices you catinol ijcgin to appreciate thr compelling nature ol the undcr- muslins the kmbroidcncs the linens and laces that our buyer have brought from many strange and remote places of the globe lor this sterling event you simply must see them to appreciate them 1 as wc have explained elsewhere this scheduled event was put forwird into may this yeir to enable those hurrying away to cool green pi ace j to ill every want at tho very helpful prices weve marked on fresh new lines in a few days the great imperfect linen sheeting and other stocks will have arrived and then for a whole month june of the free hemmln of sheeiioxs and muow cottons and many other attractions that will please and profit you j home furnuhln club i4 00 down ami v4 00 per month for every ks00 woilb or traction thereof purchased standard sewing machines soi i 11 mm j 00 down and 14 00 par month return railroad fares refunded on a liberal plan gi i thomas c watkins limited a king and hughson sts hamilton ont i eg c u hukiliktwul want plai wraal vase te uasltaleasvanl wast i kaattk ho lfka u rat miuj hy vut nlhtmi tiakh ta haakatrkawsa i waiti to i nut start i- lln wtu dulo an with y del asajai i aah pmmr iwl a ckanc aa wam i ooaea to baakalrkawaat farms orow 40 buahals nf wheat per acral to uw inni ma 4ata woum wa latpaaalua bat it la sam hy iwra in ta lafft mountain atabv in oouan baakalcaawaa ad ik don i work burly as said aa tbalr laaa tat uaala iruads who ataya al koto tea aruaca tni is thla tllu valuy la ut 00 tmahala far arra tka aril day ar a nn claara oul 400 000 homaeeeksr comlnol iat yaar 800100 hnruhtiar eadm la waatarn oanada tha vrwl1 vr awoielng to immlsratlom autharllltt will aa 41x1000 iwiu utllxl nn in land and millnr hoaua lit lhn aliaa and ihotr tarallua wlm can ada will anon ba aa danaalr lkpul1j aa lb twal aahbullural aarllana of on la4 arlre uolda llaikatrh wan d in j h now unm wa print front urn in itua ou full rcpuita of rropa rliuiat 11 arkoola rhurrhaa towaa brifu aiij rrlpllon uf lnd air oof u 111 lttd lliiealaa will ukaot ymi lw nu raat rl away auwjl will fy d a la thla w4r lal waluy aa kk aa aay aoll la ika woiu uat kava uar bum pil undr ralliiatlaa tkay walt kal tha taurk af tka bunt kilaurth laiawoaa aarvmn nrwaarrra our frlcvi will et lawaat our tarma if th kaalik aaauada a till vllallly ralaaaaar ausalcs al aay kind at aat tmlma 1a unknown bar re i treads oalerel yaa daal wee to forty balua wa hara r t7a mill suaai unurakvn wkat wurm nrr town and an railroad a in tka la1 uiuinlald jtay w hat of land karkatna lucll a t tr kafara knnwn our irl4 ara baolulaly tha lotfat and it uil kail aay liaxmanla mo othaf rulnn lion mmiiany ran hopa lu rnaot ikaaa larma and wlroa urauaa ktiy land now la tucb non always dallvera tha ooodat tl- ii uonntlov y la not a akrbjlrf wa mlata n tha lt uuunlln vlly w know lu wa kuaw it wkan it waa a raay wimfraas- whn lhr wa hard ly a liuihal of whaal ro iraaa aowkara allkar alvlllaatua you aro loo ida of cw ulutlan han araal railroad alraad arrelklautrlik mora tsllniad julllj la svlas on kara than in an itllnf tiy yoar fur alkhl vrt of tlanada la 110 oaalklrd of baa lnn wllaly knawntn eaat ika oanadlan 1aalla a roolr union wa arn canada r nlan 1 and tho kar tka flanadlao sartham u kov 1nlud hlilta laat utlkllar anolkar road into ika kaart at wk rown district in tka lait uouutaln valuy amarlra free books en canada wat fgarson co uo alolu ttaaaa aand ma nil tha boolikta trutn r library ra far rail to abuva and vur a at land bargains men marry for belter halves women for better quarters men will make their better halp more happy by in stalling a melqtte sepakatxr andwill also have enough money from the extra cream secured by the mclotte to pay for amatite jtoofing for the house and barn in threo yeavs even if you have only five cows rnm t mr snub hmm ud ihra dlfferant swrafen thwi lli tew mklotte umj ml k 14 dav irbl with ilxioowi h had kbs mora mixmv llwn la ih wn mmkih oltlmaby bwlnlhod thumorv tbu pd ioc bb 600 lb ublotts la on yr v give you a iree trial without an order the melollc will pay for uself twentyfive times befooc it is worn out then why not buy now do not be fooled by tho just-as- good kind dam dane oneman datn hay loadijus unequalled in america 191 1 improved success manure spreader for two on- three horses vashingmachines wringing machines sew ing machines hay fork rope barn door hangers and track leslie brothers and leslie perrin say the wilkinson adjustable roller is unequalled any make of implement you want at ibwest possible pricis o a black acton ont what about your panama hat i am allowing his seasons style jtr all new atock not an old at allaht in the stock every hat is new thla neeton i hnv ihree h specials thit can t be equalled for style and quality at q 7 00 5 and 10 cb b g n6w straw hats 9 3 no old stock or styles mew american and english sttaws 5 h ulrlctly ujlo dale from fsl 5 to im 50 each i l r e nelson b arohn- 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