Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1911, p. 2

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ii bukm t maori ion aaa tiartart unb am tar foq t i h 1 1- mahjujio wit in tinhranail u luuiia nf ilia utldaa mihk oolld am thwu em tuaaaay hdmij by ita ixill ilaaan1 julian ii wllda fclrooeton son of jama wild oaj ar to ina danslila of aaorfa t dicd jrciortye5press tiiuuhuay junk 1st wii huitohial notks rrom th scndoiit of all round interest the j him canadian maaaltl is una of tit ileal iiiinmrn issued in ntany month- th ii rat article u entitled a canadian lll l ismer by clayton m jiium it deacribe the wonderful wwr dlstrt button ayslam which u operated by the ontario tower commission and is wall illustrated 1roseeutlons undar tba i luuor uo rnw act supplied a large imirmntaga of tlia charge laid in court by lha pro vincial authorities laat year in 117 ttroeeeuuon 1j2 tine wer luikad wlilu in three case ibnhittnlmon went to jail klne for tba six months netted su11u th officer of tha dnrwlmmt seised fi013 bollles 15j ration of beer loballonaor high wine eight barrels of wine ml bottlaa and night gallons of kin and two case of elder tha strict enforcement of tha imml gretlon regulations with regard to keeping undesirable out of canada la shown by the fact thai during tlie put flaoal year 7b immigrant war deport ad becauae of physical un illness criminality ur other cause while 17 014 ware rejected at porta of entry of tha deportatlone uo ware icngllsh 100 war americans 00 war kcnteh 23 irish and 11 wen italian of thoa debarred entry 18401 ware it sens nl tha tjnltodbtatee and 2210 were re- jeoted at ooaan porta more advanced and draatla leglala tlon than aver for the curtailment of tha liquor t raffia in tha tro wince of quebec la at present occupying the attention of the dominion alliance the object of the proposed legtsla tlon la threefold the flrat la the en acting of a law forbidding the opening or operation of a barroom within 400 yarda of any church school factory or mill the closing of all tiara at oclock on haturday and the absolute separation of tba grocery and liquor bualnaaa in grocery establishments justice middle ton at osgoode hall on monday held that a cigar la not a drug and thai therefore lb la unlawful for druggist to sell them on hunday his lordship also held that it la unlaw ful for restaurant keepers to dispose of candles or soft drinks on the ford a day unlaaa the goods am consumed the premise in connection with a meal the caaea dlapoaed of were aarved ones the matter we brought before his lordship by the attomey- tieneral who wanted the point settled once and for all and it a now settled very effectively so far aa the legal aa pact la concerned rinart bowjuno match friday wea a delightful day and the afternoon waa enjnyably apent by tha bowlers on the local green ii game with two rloka from george town aeton won by a small majority with tha following score i flkooktown aoton 1 j lawrence jaa moore jno modanntd ii w kennedy k flnlay aklp w l hamilton la lrkr w n mckay wak campbell w j oould aklp 20 aklp k it griggs geo hynua joe holme 18 skip a j lehman jno williams allan hiilth iw 45 majority for acton 7 a return match was played at georgetown on tuesday when acton waa defeated by one point oriweona oormkrs k orlppa has finished installing the new weigh scale mr gavin mckeraey a former dent of this neighborhood who has been living with his daughter in lutli r for tba peat few year died there last week the remains were brought to the home of mr wmi alexander knatchbull another daughter and interment took place from there on monday of laat week mr jaa gamble and mr charles gamble were in fort krio laat week attending tba funeral of mrs uamble a brother mr j a campbell mr and mr geo llainr of acton visited mrs m orewaoo laat week victori day passed of wr iietly breeome auendlng amusement at other places mr a anthony and mr joe crew- eon of toronto apent the 21th with friend here mr 0 plummer and miss u stew art of llodkwood visited friend here no hunday mr pluioruer bang two eotoa in lha methodist church ilur many friends ware pleased to welcome bar mr and mr j murray spent the holiday with friends in toronto mr and mr j orewson spent hun day with tiuslrh friend mr geo gpy of guetph visited at mr j bennett a last week mrj fred and miss maggie crvwson were in mmtan on hunday aire m cfwaaoo who ha been there for the peat two arwke returned home good evenlnjt t uave you renewed your vntth phkwi subscription r council as court of revision i a very inspiring convention the j uncll mnt aa a iltmrt ot he ulon at sight o clock no moouy evening with all tlm liirtuilmtrs pntannl in itmvnln thr clialr- aa no apvnala ware nittared the council declared the aaaeaaiucut roll for ju1i riiullrmr1 and on motion djuutiiiid and umt as ji council for enrral hlkllirau ttm minutes of last regular nutating ml a spnelal maetingmrwre rj anil onriml the committee on finance than iroaautsd their elavauth rojmjrt and rrrouiuiamlod luyulnl of the follow ing arconnta jlto krln coal o coal j122 112 hunli a inramlracant ii urtage and ntjir sisi ua thh rnimrt whs adoptml intllliiiy wrm reofllvixl from ratr payiru asking that four foot emeiil walka h jald on the south side of lake av- and on 1 rvderlck hi tuiat shir in iin oliiiroh ht to agues ht il4ith lliee millions wnni mjmirtcd by the claik to im sutllnuiitly signal were gi anted by the council and in struct ions given for the work to lxt pritcsednd willi at it is nnw ilnniltly sstllrd that aclous prliacipal btrnnts are to be oiled to lay the lust a petition asking that this i mi d and signed by all llm merchants several private cltlasns on the streets dnalgnatod was laid i to fore the ooun ell which body passed the following resolution moved by murray mao- donaia seconded by w m cooper that the million of hendrraon sc co mlrowlllan uank n putteraon and forty nine others for oiling mill htreet and part of main htreet be received and that thirty barrels of crjido oil be nrdord at unco and applied it arrives and that the contributions amounting to 9v2 10 pan week he col lectedtnonthly by the municipal omoer carried as requested by the council the week previous a large number of fire men ware present at the council meet ing in discuss the i wist ttirans of pre venting any recurrence of tampering with the fire apparatus it waa not deemed advisable to lock the engll room doors but tha chief will instruct his fireman that in event of a fire should aity one of them arrive ab the hall lefore the engineer or hie assist ant it will be bis duty to see that there is plenty of water in the holler and that everything la in perfect work ing onlsr hince the death a few wanks ago of mr newton hunt the brigade haa had hut one engineer mr david pol ster who waa mr llumts assistant on monday evening the council ap pointed mr bolster as chief engineer at a aalary of mo0o dating engage ment from january 1st of this year and mr kmest macklln aaalstant engineer at 920 00 from date council adjourned at 0 u0 oclock wantoml dk tba following from the laat issue the pioneer has a spealal local inter est a department or the wino and liquor journal the official orgai the canadian liquor traffic la edited by mr jams haveraon k o a lawyer who is well known as a pre an and platform advocate iff the truffle aa well aa the professional defender ii tha courts of many lloensed and ur licensed persona charged with viola tion of the liquor law in his qoiui in the mm issue of the journal gives some details of the aweoplng justice dealt out to law breakers in acton and referring to an incident in the proceedings he says the llq seised hi the cellar was wantonly de stroyed wantonly of course means in a wanton manlier or with a wanton pur pose and thtjiicanlngof tli wyrd wanton is set out aa follows in the htandard dictionary i 1 llelng or acting without check restraint i unrestrained l llotfli or snorting at will i frollcksotnoi prankish 2 unnnlng to excess j extravagant i not bound or tied t loos 41 itelng without restraint of appetite idlssolutbeapeelally llbldiu ous letcherouh 2 marked by lack of reason or oon aidnratloni heedless of rrults reck less inconsiderate or hsartless evlno ing a wlaked or mischievous intent l inexatisalilni outrageous u of vigorous anu abandouel grow th i rank the action by the officer of the law which mr haveraon stigma t lite ai wanton was ordered after carefut inquiry by respected and trusted maglatralee holding ills majestys commission acting under and aocord log to provincial htalule which had been dlllnatily enacted by a largt immly of elected representative titan chosen by the people to frame law for their govsrnmnnt luesa law were made for tha puvose or embodying and giving effect to the righteous and philanthropic public purpose of this province to restrain the liquor evil to protect home to promote order prosperity and progress we leave our readers to judge of the appropriateness of the term wan tonly in the connection in which mr haveraon uses it we believe that it would more correctly describe the ermdacb of the menwhoreokhjly nxlravaguntty inconsiderately beart- loasly outrageously evincing a wicked mischievous intent fur the sake of personal rain disregard law cause to jury and loss to other cltlxans and families and bring and de- a true tlon to canadian liumeei or to ho for wslndlev reason devolt their god gldiii talelitsttitlut service antwdefenck of the aforesaid law- defyera beware of ointments lor catarrh that contain maretjjpy a msroary will sursly daslroy lha hdh of small sod ootn platal dsrang ifi who ilium ebaasatorlof ulhraugli utm raucous aurlsaas uuab srtlolas should barer be ussd ii drassrlpuotu troai rspdtabla ubslol dmaats tliar vlll do u tan fald to tb eaa paaalblv dwlts from tbsm hall onrr or bsquaslna- suniuy sehool aaa elation at ashgrcva ljtat friday icaqnralng hunluy hrlnhil convnn lion is an evant of rapim interest ui le wotknra of hie township earh sue cdtug year and no convention tails to excite an interest and attract a argil allcotlnnco 1 tin twnnty orst annual gathering or lhe associatluo was held in thn metho- illst qiiurch asbgrove last friday itnd it had fealurns ot unique and special interest lit v il- watson rgetown tbe irealdnnt otcupletl thechalr and under his skilful guidance the prorenillngs were carred oul in a itur which romiuiudeil the nt lb oils alijitsd the slwtlailckl report by mr w a wulaon had muoh of interest llm schools retorllug gave rtquiubt show ing progress and a live interest in nurw vtrtijr i oriitrarin nay twhoot i work unfortunately the officer i ii nl of lhe schuota failed to send in riorlb and thn work luring ace m pllthod in thorn schuuli was not rpre muted in the prints tables at th aftfrnoon session kev 1 k day foot toronto h il iierln tends nt ol the llaptlsthundayhohoolsofonurli gave a vary interesting address on adult itlble classes he gave a very lucid resume of the introduction am growth of the organised i ll aea tile internet thuy are creating ha buslnf aroruing and tliolr value ut the schimila which have rffeotvd their organisation profitable discussion followed this topic itcv w k hlnilaouofoeoigiiowu ten told the couvenllon wb u con siderel were the bast method to interest the teacher and scholar in the study or the llihle he said it waa everywhere admitted that the 111 me ought to have tbe centra1 place in all hunday hchools and that all sohooli insist that its teacher shall teach thli book he emphasised particularly tha duty of tha houia in inculcating religious instruction and ahowed that the home hold the key to the whole situation there should le close co operation of the home with the school if tfie teacher i to have bis scholar interested in the study of the illhlc he must himself he keenly interested interest is always contagious at this stage miss klhul arnott ol norval aang very sweetly is 1 hli ha v lour yours r iter a maophereon of ohalinera church toronto who has shown a deep internet in the township conven tlons during the past fifteen years who attended regularly when he wai a minister in acton ami who haa been present frequently during the eight year be haa been in toronto wjji a very welcome apd helpful speaker at both thn afternoon and evening suasions in the afternoon hie address on heart to work by the teacher with the scholar waa parti cu larly inspiring to workor to do per sonal work he spoke very encourag ing works to teach or and assured them that only eternity would reveal the magnitude of th influence axrte and the effective results accomplished he exhorted falthf nines in season and out of season punctuality and regularity in attendance a delightful social hour or two wa spent by those in attendance between aeaalons thn beautiful lawn and hospltahlo home of mr thumpson near the church was placed at the disposal of lhe convention and tho ladle served a sumptuous repast ii the shade of tbe evergreens on the lawn thn social fnalure wa well developed and vmy grfatly enjoyed the evening aoaslon was even more largely attended than the aftern and the addresses were very fruitful and highly interesting hev mr day foot spoke on the hunday hchool of the twentieth century and point ed out the rapid evolution and i provement already under way itev ii a maopharson gave powerful address on the groat value or sunday hchool to the church the home and the individual out of a rich store of experience and oltaerva tlon he illustrated and forcefully impressed tha numerous points hi presented ihroiighnilt bis address he spoke strongly of the fact that the hunday hchool la adapted to and has a cord is 1 welcome for every member of the family the officers elected for the coming year were a follows t president mia ida hood ash grove voelve tho andersoiij glen williams heoreteryr w hhrtlll llalllna fad minute sso 1 d k nixon asli grove hec lclementary grades miss kthrl cunningham norval sec home lopt mnmeer ito lok ualllnafad hec teacher training hepl mis mlnnlez bennett acton sec adult class oept a it mills georgetown sux blood a ttd sis mllr and mia le tolsdo bv jjubuaroojruroonlairsv kipcina0 modftcbtv when mr kipling was passing through the severe llnon wblott threatened his fife some little time ago he was carefully and lovingly watched over b one of hla moat n tltnale friends a new york publisher alt che world hung upontbe dallybul latin which waa issued from hla bed rooni7nd everyone from thegloucea ter fishermen to thu king on his throne waa 11 hod with concern and apprehension letter and telegrams poured in up on the family hull never naturally were allowed to disturb thn quiet of thok mom the great author wnh liidjjttd for many days almost uucou salons of all around him one day he suddenly opened intelll gent eyes and asktd tlm friend by thn twdslde how long hau i lieen iii r about ten days was the reply mr kipling closed his eyes weary wth thr effortof oven that ehortl question ifor aome time be lay a if unconscious i then again lie looked at the publisher and asked naively t haa anyone inquired r it sounds too good to be true but wa have it oil good authority oun novo at camp toronto kih may ium kltltflll atltn kltkjc pkkhu dicau mu kiita th mllltla ri of training will soon trn stnrt ing would you ihi good enough to peimlt me through the columns of yir paper to draw attention to u inlnnnt feature of those ramps of which unfoltuuatuty the gnuetnl pulillp lias wry ijtllr knowlelgn at intervals during tho mt f w years statemnnl have been main by iocslhly well liitentloued but liedly lnfrni individuals dnaling with the tempi atlous to which thu young soldi r utlimdlug r is exposed ami while there ts no reenrd of any well directed fftitrl on the purl ut thnan same individuals to attempt to conn terarl thr av ininptatluns utile io publhity hna iwen given to th splendid efforts of thn onng mnna christian absolution to provide for suldlurs h ouuter attraction to the hotel liar looms which unfortun atal are l within asy dlatalnm of most oniltilups through the well dlrirf ted rff rl of the mlllilu nrpartiuent u mdl 1 and hupply uurvlceu at this ruuiw leave hill to i a dialled and one all say wlulmit farof rontradlcllnii tht the uihjorlty of thu moil fro u il dining ramp than thy do the ulau of tho year i ul that under pirsai conditions no moro healthful holiday can be obtained than that afforded by twelve days tinder canvas at militia cut s hohlltirs ate just as hum at ntlmr rwopln and when the diltli of tbe day uiu ovur it la quit natural for theiq to souk some form of recreation and it is here that the y mvo a fills tbe breach 1 hat there are no tempt lions in camp as in v ry plare no oiu will deny hut l not the sai leniplatlons vxut at the cllln towns and vlllagtid from whence these young men come and does not the dlsclpll of camp whit hrrqulres lights out 10 1ft p m contrast mom than fav ably with the 1 oy u h rt when away from military llfo v heallxlng when a numlmir ofliealthy ydnng muii am gathnred together that some form of rw reatloil u easan tlal the y m o a has nnjtmvnred to supply aonintlilng to try aud keep tho young soldier in camp and away from thu hotels in thn nearby town and to the splendid efforts ol thnan in charge many a young chap haa re til mod homo hattnrrd both spiritually and physically foi bis asaoriutlou with the organisation ifnrrd to a large reading lent provided with vritlr materials paper and msgsalnca is u feature of earh camp and each day athletic sports and matches are ar ranged liaaohall football and lucmsau predominating while each evening moving picture displays aud aoug ser vices bring to a cloti a pleaaantalid prttll table day having hoen actively idmi tilled with camp life for tho past sixteen year and knowing somsthlng of the condl tlons wliloh ii 1st i would like this opiuirtunlty of testifying to thn grand work undertaken on behalf of troops by tho officials representing the y m c a anil i have often thought if tho parents could ihi induced to visit tho cainjvs and see for ihnmiiclvnh thn arrangemantii that lire made fnr thr comfort and wrifxre of thu troops that much of thu iii advised and ihi fair criticising which ppar nun tlniti to tlim vld not imi uiiowm to go unchallenged thanking yon fnr thn npuri whlrli you have been good iinoiigtf to give mo i remain your vry truly j g langton ilnut col canadian army hurvlro corp lhe annual meeting of thn hharo holders of tho nat in mil drug a oliem leal co was held recently tho flnan clal stalt muiit for the laat biulnca year waa thn 1m nt uo fur prrsontetl to thn share huldurx 1 he most interest ing reports were from the na dru co and proprietary ihpnrtmontu ot the hiulmwa tlie fotuivrwus establlnbrd only eighteen months ago and the manner in which the drug trade am the general public have supported tin products ot this departnu nt haa de cided the 01 mo tor to spend large si of money in sllll further advertising this important hno of medicinal and toilet preparations in order to cohtlnuo the develop ment of this department and to keep pace with thn progress of thn country by the opening of new branches es pecially in tha west tbe director have decided to dispose of 11700 nh are of the per cent cumulative preference stock of the company at par a large proportion of these harws have been takeu up by the director tutor trn teyan tabtkd bootmaker how did you llko thoe boot i made you sir arctld icxplorer hest i uvur tasted help for old backs jhat ache gin pills curs tham age wtlwrrletto the wonderful soothing healing properties of in 1iils the great causdlsn kidney lure we have on record many letters from men and women of 6o a 70 7 bo aiul over testifying to tha great relief they received from taking gin vlhlh mr ssuiuel iyiarunuf rnthroy ont suffered for twenty year with ntucry lu liu kitk home months ago he im gin lllhaml after taking ouly three boxes vna entirely curedj mr martin is 11 w 8 years of age aud enjoys the robust health of a vlgorousi man of sixty tliauka to gin ill i j all elderly ieopla are troubled more y rm wflh kidney and lliaddor trouble and pain and weakness in the hack tin pimm are a guaranteed cure for all tlirte liiuforlliliee moilry promi tly rrfmidrd if tbty fail to give voiii kltkitlsrittlon ro h imi 6 ufta snniplaltoa free if y u ha u mentioning this per nalloual drug and luemkal wept a toronto 40 the original qln pills nrndo by national dru and chemical co 0 canada limited toronto are sold only la thl box kt keepcool goods x0ocxoooochoooo0b wo ato hicci ilirinc tins wccli iti iioi wliajiikk lines all fully assorted and irtany v ry jpeci il values summer underwear summer hosiery summer headwear waotei iok vvomln for children summer groceries nav lemons per do toc jelly powders ill flavor u for iitfc jelly powclcrt all flavors g for fic i3ct canned corn per can 10c ljcst canned peas j8 for 5c licht qti lined tomatoes t for l kruit sufar per lb he lvcryllilii in groceries at rlfht prices henderson co mill st acton ont raaoooexooooixooo sale of wall paper our 2nd sale of remnants a per in 1 deulltl a half of our great ktok mviidiii ffolns t clear out regard ici of cost and at your giving dir liihtoiiiem the beat values peaalhle leln able to it priiotttailctlonw no fuotory eiubl of walt taper la loo 300 oww to tl e nnormoui output of wall 1 bt now roduiod to rumnantn tl owil prilctl we urn intnrruted ji n buy for taxli we have reciued great prii o mailctlonw oo fuotory anil fuo roll lots including kome kpoclnl hum for parlon dining rooma halls and bed reornt at prlistt that will cubimand atlantina it wilt lay you to vlnil niir wall vaa mxuoh flelnw we kiva you a ulght idea of tke value we are offorlnv but on acteunt of limited kjuce vm can not tell you ll tlio rool onea you must come and see for yourself dainty tied keom lapora in blue pink yellow and many loloni worth fro loc to kac a roll en lule at tc a roll six linen of dining ttoom lapom in tolent hint ore durablo and urtlntlc regular ijc to iflc a roll 011 wlo at 8c a roll hall ioimut in tapoutry culoiu with ut out horden upland i tl otdont in green fawn itrown and irlnaen regulni ajo tq ntc a roll on kulp ut 140 a loll parlor fapant now designs la uilk utrie or ullh graceful out of tho orliauy ia torn worth up to 30c per roll on nale at mt u roll noti we make ao charge for cult iiif out bnrdeni and you cau depend ujwn our colors being a one the king 11 lluthday falla eu tho third of juno nest saturday it lion been generally eoctti4l that the day would 1m olwarvml as a public holiday such h not the lom u it i uuly a statute hoi ida j our btore will be open next saturday an usiial wa prpy u xpreu fyolght uid poatao ohorebv on all goods regurlieaa of or value snd n your order by mall samples cheerfully submlttex mens clothing furnishings d e macdonali bros cor wyrulham and micdonell streets outlph ont dress goods mlloflcry 4 mm k unuav mmi uwhodmbitsltaf by italaa vmy day with lbieu chvimeltta duslor vfuh it eiikt l mm uhu way sad rmtota tlm bhi1 twanty narytuaa you k unjfo4 tba cmllua plaa to tha cbaasestckaadauaf iw vamk stalba spata ma serstcasa vaaua af t it lka pmk 4 m nuln 29a tl tz wtbs sa r f johnstone millet acton lade metropolitan bank jinboltjtk sboority lulll lalil ci0o0ihmi ur- vunil laool itncllvliind 1rcilll ivr kmiooo lout atuolh uvr luu04kht rxommllnfl luuutloa to tk ktulillo liy mom thn mj wo 001 total as eu oooim taalnm in m 1 100 ul 125 at end of luotl k1uoki7ji mu milkier ia 1uw 700 t471 hi lixn 776h76j 1uu7 700h 740 10 10uk 0 eto htkl ml 1000 1011mb11 7u 1010 buggies the barber buggies are stylish buggies call and sco what wo can do for you before buying else where prices are right single harness we are very buty in this line just now- call in and luavc our order and have thctn made to suit you w j gordon harneei and trunk man acton ont tha policy of the metropolitan bank combtiios strict adherence o lhe sale line of icglilmsle banuns nigral snd courteous ireslment of lis cutlomors proersulve tneihoili ptolhllna qp to date huihlfo in all departments of usaklng 7 a riven above are evidence ol the ulufaciory results of ihls policy drovers cheques and oream cheques gashed 1tbbk of ohaaok acton branch r e griggs manager vwiwwsafimw wwi q finest western wheat farms dirt cheap i huvu u ooo i wm pearson i of the it nest wheat land in koine- to sell a part or it quick at low trl m to iiilvortlhu the dlstrjot and lp the tlrsl liiminsiitkitrs ur luvtistur wlio write me i am solna to tnujto tlio titoat rviuarhabln land proposition rtrr liuoun tlie prlo is so lov that the fnit years whont unp will in all prnliatilltly pay bank th en tire oot of ihe lapd- and llitymnnts so easy that you will soarflnly mlas the molifcy these farms ar vlsht in the hnart of thn wnatern canada wheat uousitry iolhtmi in tho famoup last mountain valley saskatchewan tho goldoik jjnil hutikry mmsnkprs urn ruuhlns into this fertile valley by ihutuulvdn kovrn rollrtimu rennli till dlatrlnt kntlre town shins sro htttken ui and lut under cultivation every day during plowlnif ieusun nnw towns tid u1c aprlnir up over nlsht thn puiuilatlnii tit this v will 1m reuse four- fold in rive year llv- liut in jist mountain alley is like hvink in your own home country these new snttlers hne bit the nomforts and luxuries or thu liniius they loft mid are u1cttinu tllott iucslil08t qrusn imtv tlji krent opportiinliy tn sumiro cho ii nik ivhnat land ohospl our prices lowest our terms aost liberal we hao a list of liihd bnrhulna it aa were nevrir before known our prlint urn uhhilulily the lowest and we sell nn sin till runy payment no cilhnr tdluiilsjillim company ran bnne to inntit tin s t rms mill trti h ixirnuno mine can buy land stow in such cimriiioiia trmth send fir free library of information nhoiil hid tjikt mountnin vnll liooks pit tuns or rnrmb crops i ulnh or pioplo who will im your m luhlmra their nwn aiorles if suiiimt urn- huikjui low prlirs nud 11 burn i terms und nil ntiout tikuursititi trains rates dnta of startlnv etc address yuur letter to wm pearson co ltd tatav l toronto ont ilrui aurrliflmtnlls jmam 1ojt kabk pi uv at mlhmlll i arannao i anton a hirulr 1 1 ati il ol uuu x u vililbn tomato plant for halo ihth ll u j u vrmir tloi hicil lliltn nuown aatob htytp ivuu ifuknishki jtoojis to bfnt sirft alhm ii y itiliu cu0ick jtljlldino lotsi for salt hu a l- iiuaiium r im tut utirtlugpm j10u8k and lot poh bale uttaobaftmtaiulwaaouyroukhemlboesa i 1 eotiilb4lll4a hlltuapartowmaw 1 araa4 actui hitu iu u aiaciruultbem i ciuitmb slav java pamttatii id froait- par 1 unu asit ptioul mpptf uo tba winlim a mltk w d ouamau hal ton cream and hatter co ajilton ontario mr aroh thompson aoton ebe i nuimtawhul lot vol fmaumf la soma us i las tail mill awilluua ibis aila u aaoa as i patron ssdutm itt s cooumbsuob sa4 elii i jwsya whw u lully aaury out ralfon j vatuaulk puoteuxy for sals bv tbimdbr piut aluli fxut swn and pes mill ut ualx hiravm vlltoa of a a toe oet- b4a wu b uoudbajl si msjy a a stare 1 and dwaliiug tba lai baa a tu ef aeaal j tbe froal ll wlasoat to w 11tb isc oj bwtwajnd w ut uta dav of jl tlm lovart of aoy tsodav notice t0cjiedit011 lei ute mautrortbaaauueft cooku late of uta xoerewlup f i fartnw dissaesri a noticu is bataby too parasaaf le le ltavllauialmdoaurie im ebae it ijjd bsaabdlna aota tba slisrsdlletaaadmaaff bavloa slaloas aaaleat tba aatasa of ibe said faaaiu jaok who euad ea o aboot laa sseoad day of utr 1bii an thoind t o befsra tba qlutaaotb dy of jeee ibm to aaaa irf mm pnpaid ov dvllmv to i attest n lb viluc of aste la tb county of hajloa ualtdurt imitwumutan of lbs ita will sad tmiwmoi tj aaid difnil tbair cbrlstlaa naonan sili1r aasaaddiscrlpuoa tbstall hiiioalan ol taiv tuma tba auueasa el tba nt of lhe sabrto dulrtbuia tb ir ol uh ii pu aautud loarato had i tuitnoiblblbahjiuias bavv bath b tl tuaul at tba uam of aoab dlatilbutiimi j uacklmsom 4i wauattov for ksaeetoei1 ijtajtbtreobddayaf alaf 1911 c pronation onfectioneryl v harold wilc lis lutt received at his iqa cream parlors a full line o etcelleni corooatloa coaltoj llonery neatly wl un sml very loothao just the kind you will enjoy try a sample to day hrold wiles acti mill slroat prince of melrose the prize- winning- black tiiorobred imll hohl la a urge buck thorobredf snd overoox of hlscolts ire black bred i to tnare ol good sire he prod ocas hearaafl horses worth up to v jooier pair tberal us ureal icsrclty of liearse horses in tb country si prounl melrose will si snd at his own stable n otlbe seaion at tn oo to insure foal i100i at time of urulce and fio 00 on february i isl iju tlie uiual conditions prevailing inl all oilier ishikcts g a black owacrj aclonioatwrlo system grand trunk the popular tourist route to uuskoka lakllb iakh ol llavb iumaami al fionouln iauk macnktawah h1vhk iuunch uivur korg1an 11ay 1 akk c0ucii1c11ino kawaltllla lakhs 1 1c nountkir homesdekers exoorslons io the wltst at iow rates 1 via sarnuor chicago ulanlam intij full inrormatlan from any grand fm arcnl or wmraka a k p11r dlhrl liadnger arkoi lonmlo onl children ory for fletchers castor1a

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