Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1911, p. 2

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kliwailhia atuwualwul iinoini urn tiil b u 1 it a wllltaa jotoa afaalr of kiln la uu4 mrta of hnfcrtll llrutd wift july euti tow nil uw bam t ur and mn j l out by ih ma p v llaytool h a uu sualm ouhui of mr vuu imv soy w ma hinbut inlwl te umti j dmxx of aapatowai ol eirnw hoti w s um h of ba alaler hm a ll stain llwp itiwl oaalpb a wadaa4ay fa m t jum walk hliia hodfao ihm4 utiiav 1 iullidh at kiln to jab t af lbs ula ttmwi i1mai bnaboa vyrw t i koath xaaaatoa w ttmrwuf t jjt m u4aui ktauiaslm i of mmwh mt lamamaalawawtabf k- w h ix oa tsamaaty kabawti 9be jlcton jfm rrsfi thursday auouht lotti 1ui1 mditorijbl utrrmm tim oakx htah aye respect ins um oooeetvelwe candidate to fee noni- luud or lulun j w kill bairbur of si ii too can have uie nation if mr henderson retlr- while some rnl dr nuon to resign from um legislature and he uie candidate h uuiuthominhvn ur iten- dtnon ii i for helton la rorld to have admitted the other jay that a few nilasjuldad iromti will in lit county vote for reciprocity mr italt allnuler- of agriculture for on tario is reported as having mad a a slr admission thay ere both t except tbt many f armor will i that way end that uiey era not um mlejrulded ones irrrtmatkttuukiuuvriusmbalwavn outm ftud ofuttade were advocated ty clan carlos garcia um famous cuban soldier and diplomat who achieved great prominence in the cuban war for lodapandanov before the toronto hoard of trad but week while on a vult to that city gen garcia de clared that reciprocity between can ada and cuba would be of considerable benefit to um tablm and pockets of boui countries it would ha said 1m um pleasanteet kind of agreement be cause um product of both coon trie ara of aucb a nature that in no way would tbey mum into competition with each other also be fought a post- al treaty between the two countries would be of much bennhl waltxh haiuni hmitk the liberal candidate for this county pent considerable pert of laat week ik aston and tb northern part of the county personal contact with thla candidate glvee very favorable im press lone and mr smith ha certainly won prestige by hi canvass he i makloa friend wherever be goo and ddomtinm conservative elector have treated him in a very friendly eplrlt mr smith 1 a clean man hab won hie splendid position by pereonal energy and those inherenr trait of sterling character which always count for eooeejm meuae bus neee roan and la a fine representative of um claw off that active alert and etralghtfor- wmrdtypewhom public acttvltie result for tba pubuo sood the beet reooro- meadatlon off hr smith is hi great popularity in oakvllie end trafalgar where ha has resided for several years til oanaiianamkrioan of obloa- go taat saturday said t premier laurur might have delayed hi peal to panada on reciprocity until the forthcoming redistribution ofconatlt nancies would have made hie success all tha more certain host of the new members made necessary by the big addition to tbe latest iomlnlon census will be draw from the farming dis tricts of the northwest where the pact enjoys wide popularity a post- pooement of tbe peoples verdict for a few month would have undoubtedly added enormously to tbe governments majority oothle and other vital issue off um day but laorur above every thing else is a man of his word promised to secure the ratification nf um treaty at the earliest possible moment after it had been endorsed by um american senate to futbll thla pledg nd to put a stop to endless and superfluous feats of oratorios gymnastics in the oomiuonsr thsjgeii oral election will take place in osnsds nest month the result of tbe im pending vote will be triumph for laurlerand larger markets beyond a question tllkhkih ui1 ooitsldreblesteaulm- uou aa to who will lw the candidate in the oobssrvsuve interests to content the election for hie hon of oonnnoni in this xhloty oh tll st septemltsr against wslur haflstid smith the uberal nominee a tbe last general election mr llendapwio nnnoutioed that if was ilslat vsntpalgn it i wall known that mr uendsrsoits family are strongly opposed to his run ning again ttiel oonmot was reluot- aauy given befom it is stated nd then only on oondltlon that it aliontd be tbe last campaign iut the iochi leader of the conservauve party and in rsot um party generally are very loath indeed to see utls sjiooftt pollooaj war horse retire strong pressure lias been brought to bear to have him reconsider his decision wl again aocept the aomlnsubn it i argued that inasmuch as the parlla- p3tit just dissolved was not a full terni be should feel quite at liberty to gain ntr the fray at a maeung f um escauuva off the uounty assools- uoo on saturday it was unanimously flkuuit mr henderson should aocept jaw oomlng nomination definite aotlon will be takan t ft county con mnuoa to be bald nt milton on satur day there is every probability tlist ha will there receive the uoanlmou oonilnauoo of the conrenuon if however for any reason be should paretst in bis refusal to aocept the nominee will be either s milton or n jrorgftutwn gentleinhn t hkkiinilson m r til a iii k itlveailv atti k vnllllivtlt honors to acton school the only continuation bahoel wllb menorpuplla in melton htombr pkhgentaortuan thb man schools tti- tmiilti tr the xsmlnalimt for mtraitce lutit tha normal school throughmit the 1rttvluce wrre given in friday dallies those who aaarl in llaltoii are a follow- i h arnold m- lyd 1- a otarke ilunxr ii i unit w ivna 0 j jhotn a uacdonald honor k i mhrr a 1 ollrun honor m ollrlcu k a inml i t 1aaniorr it k lrlr j u pmalur u isurt u m hluiiim u sullivan honors m- 1 titrnbull k k wilson of the above student the following ware randldates from acton continu ation school andrew i o ilrlanhmirs annie mrdftnaidiionor i mlahaeu ollrien margaret i turnhiill it will its olwerved liat anton i the only school in the county where two pupils secured bonors a jeorgelown high school student miss don a curke who l also an acon young lad suil m sullivan of oakvllle won ilia only other honor in helton acton wal4o the only continuation school in the ronnty whose pupil won honor in addition to tint above list it is e peeled that two at inaatof the acton pupil who wrote on thl examination have secured sufficient mark to give i beui atandlng lor enlrancn to model school not only are the successful sludnnt but lmnupal stewart and ula huti ptirias to be congratulated upon the fine results of these ex s ml nation railway to be wide dtatetbuted the maritime provinces as s prom ising field for those who daslro to tabluh new industrlna or to profitably invest capita 111 the eapioltauon and development of natural resource i the theme of an interesting booklet just isaued by the intercolonial iuii- way the obvious advsntsges of many parts of new llrunwlck and nova scot la are ably presented in d tall together with many cheerful fact that ought to i in proa those who have capital ready to invest in a new field that is certainly rich in opportunity it i commendable that while the eyes of the world are upon canada and thousands of new settlers are pouring into uie west from many countries an honest effort is being made to point out uie advantage that exist in the east the booklet will bemalled free to those who write i lie induitrlsl department intercolonial lullway mooeton n u wailkit haiuani sultir tlltt flhkim aitilllatie halllnarau mlas aggie hltoruii teachr si ynl- low tlraaa haak i spending hnr holi day at the parent home wedding 111 will ring thl week ur- uattlceof ulohlgan who li pent aevaral week at thn timlalde ol hr mother mrs arthur hill ro lurnd home uu tliprsday of lst week mrs uenry imtchrfm k mtnt a rw lays of well narned varatlou will friends and relatlvee in tonjiilo re turning on tuiisilay laat ur john mccarthy irtheo r oll hotel was in illluhurg m fiw days last week looking sftur iii pi arty there the garden party iioalponrd from thuradsy uu saturday evening cam off writ there was a first class fool ball game played by the lulllnafad team against a picked team from acton after an hour playing the score stood uu in favor of uie hoi team tbe ac ion hoje are a fine lot of gentlemen there is a movement foot to try to arrange a game between the same teams at en early date the acton hunch certainly troldd dncru to any cliy at the close of uie gai the tables were served again ami again to a hungry and epproclalivu crowd but finally the want or all were satu- fled and the programme wsu lngun at 0x ur wilson the comedian 1 a master in his linn the cuorgctt sand although not present in full force arrived early ami enllvkiiod the whole evening with nplnudid mu wheo the lroceelliigh finally closctd at 1 uu p ui a sstuflod though tired audience wended their way home by the light of the frequent ttaulie ol lightning which portended a lorni inkftuiiately it was far off and ihti 1m wt garden party ever held in thpao iart was concluded without any aerlou muha pno fl n anrlalreul t good and the varlou comiiilltee are to be congratulated on tlm sudoeriil issue of their effort the horse of morris saxe podti uf actno was not satisfied with tho shed accommodation of our hotel look a notion tii atart down the 7ili line at a iwo minute gait aflr going piece lb was nauglit and brought beck with no mubsp tim bama avenlog scotjelongliig to mr william sbortlll or the hth line while being broken in ran sway carrying the shafts partly behind it ami partly uirougli its body tim vnterlnsry was called and ordered it to be killed which was done it 1 a heavy loss to ur short ii i end in the present scar city of horse i more eerlou tha local branch of tlio womi institute had a very successful meet ing at the home of miss annie shortlll on the kth line the next meeting will be held at ulllers corner about the end nf this month r6giprocity to tub kmcctokb of iiai7ton under tlie reciprocity treaty matle in ibji und ubmgaled by tlm unltel btsies in b66 the hrltlsti 1rovlnces that now comprise kwtcru canada thrived so well that during the first thirty years of confederation repeated attempt were made to negotiate another trade treaty by seiulltig delegations to washington and sir john a uacdonald put into and kept in tbe canadian tariff a chant containing a standing offer of reciprocity to ibe united slates sir wilfrid wurier sent the last deputation to wash ington to ask for a trade agreement in 1806 and when canadas overture wai again rejected the lltieral leader said canada would sue no mora that the neat offer would cents from the united blatca after fifteen year it ban come the united state have vmirkwl out to a logical conclusion the polloy of trade restriction wltli tbe rtilt thut the public producers and consumers alike are at tbe mercy of eeormously rkb and powerful swtlnl interests the reactlon has net 111 it demo cratic larrif reform conrrem baa leii elected nads strong aectloil of tbe republican party has turned its liack nn high prouetlon president tuft r in response to the national drmaml lor frter trade ojfejsjl canada it general rrclproclty agreement canada promptly declined it in rcgunl to manufactured goods lit general the arrangement that has been arrived at a ait a4jreemni lor- mltiable al any time by either party providing for tbe iree exchange of natural product aud tbe rwlulllon ef tbe duly en afew manufactured urtlueu principally farm iniplenirntk livery article ulfevtod ii coiituliiod in four tthwhilutt attached to tbe agreement the question before tbe elactom nf llallou u will tha lncieawd nmikct for farm and other natural producta of cmiailu thun provided couplwl with uiimall reduction in the duty ou faim iiiiplemcpu prove beitoficul or otliorwlse bclore however conudciing whether or not increased opportunity or doing bublnesd will put anything into our pockets w should ask oursslven whether or not uilu imtessd buulnewi will detract inmi our loyalty i he opponent of reciprocity say it will blr john a uutdonald thought not fie was na advocate of reciprocity liinatuiul products during nil the time be uuu rriuie mlnlsur nf canada the mull ipmteil from bis 1ml electoral nddresm iui fellewn umplr momluy i therefore need scarcely slate my lirru belief that the nnsihiritv of canada depends upon lu permanent connection with the mother country and that i shall resist in the utmost any attempt from wlit quarter it may come which may tend to weaken thai connection yet for the thlity years succeeding this addreaa sir john a mao donah made every effort to secure reciprocity with the united state if wbea confederation was struggling lolu birth when there wan no audi thing as canadian and imperial sentiment as we know it the fro exchange ornavuralprodiictsweuldnotepdangerbrllkb connection how foolish is it to talk of it now wheo cased baa become a nation and is as deeply bued with tbe sentiment of imperial unity aa is the mother country faithfully yours walter upland smith not nt wmwwa will iltacum lh quntlon of larkvr mnrkomk i bll bplond i lumd v upo rtqoil k oopv ot lh iwlinlnln htlaoh- 1 lo hi rtdproclly ireciiwnt gll rarnpy ht ii orllrfrt iteclod dkatii of s f mackinnon he wu ndtlvi of ksnumlns and onoe candidate for house of common wab wealthy dublnesh man mr h mhokiiuion mrd avy l iiidou log on imdy uai iu reliislua will ih rouglil lo toroulo for nleriirnt mn mnrldumirr hint mi william liilbih r lh llrei of s v munklotoii fc company vmr i th- ixhuidf wlirn th- d it- mr msekluiimi lt uoi in poor liimllh soiiui yar and hud tauu llm ti lp lo koglntid lo rr iih rt ilomlil ll t of qllaahlg aixiy ilglityimissii mr mecklunon lu his condiirtml a rtjl eut ooig town iii dtryd his pr ink m i wiil lo i onmto orgsnulog ll lh in of mutuluuou prmiurav m lt more n riuitly lm tsrtmu mikinnii av oompaiiy hewajrnnb rrriorontob uilllloiialn u lu widow foiunily mu msrkay of corg oiio dutigblor mrs icdward m ilns and two k sydney uanklmiinn milm of wiunl kg and fawforil it miium ofottuwn survive mr miukliiii bud u viry high r honor in o willi hi- buslnosu uftsiru j ho llrni of mar- kliinon rictnr as mrcull wniit into flnanrlal dlfllnuky owing large counts in kuglaod tor somn tlm mr msckliition workiul to pay off these habllltuih iiud silcruntlwl jollig to kuglem he called all lho redllor liigothrr at u hauqtiiil hull 1hiomiii thu plain of mill gunl was m cluwli for the amount uf hi lmlithu thecnslltof mr marklntini lbru if name even uioro firmly tialstilulwd in thu business world am ho w inadf the rorlplonl of liaiidsonih plule twlvoyaru ago hi imuiiogimtifnlly cuowhdllultoiiliillm ulmtral inter est against mr 1 iiiuhiithoii mr manklmioi h1 fnn aillva busiuus son m nliio year ugo nookwoou whon tbo iiowaiumo on vrldsy uf thn doath of itev itonald straohuii juelpb many in ltockwood and vh hi lly felt thuy had lost a porsonal fclind for twenty ino year hit whs the lm loved past dc of the presbyterian cuurull litlf and lliom wuu no rrgrel wlinii owing to lit udvsuriml agr ho found ll muinasiiry to lotfro i ihu7 he ha lur lived in juelpli and has imiuii ronmolid with ht andrews chiiruli whtirn he enuro inlo all thu jlfi and intenist uf ll cougrvgallou slid wu in lho true sense a valui d member lln was a natlvo of aigyhshlre scotland having i men lioru at ciuup- ihiiiuiu on may 3th 1h27 and was therefore in hi 81th year at a very early sge hu irgan to tuiich school in 111 own ahlro he aututequoiitly at tended iup normal school in ictlln- burgli and hud tlm high privilege in those year of hearing such men as norman mcleod disinter and tjittb trie when he cauio to ounada ho setlliml at glenaon teaching bcikmii durlngthe weekrand preaching to the few families settled thuru on siimlay ihrougk his lalior the 1 en roe con gregallon wtn orguiiuid desiring lo glvu hi wihiik time to tlm ministry he went to queonu college klngstoiii taking tbo full theological course unci on graduating whs settled in hills hurg lu wellington county hu ministry extended through most of krln and jrufraxutiiwnuri tha union of lh7u liu was called to koukwuod and reihulnnd thote twenty- one years hu xva twice married and leaves liehlnd liliu hu wife and four sons and four daughters ituv daniel htranhaii 11 a ivronto 1 til son lihbiioubu ml hive marhall linn mturiud to toronto tfter upending n two weeks vacation with her pareula mis mildred mouillau of wlnnl- peg with lie i cousin charles and itulierl malellan of toronto were hi guest or mis wlnnlfred ivonu on monday toronto clula holiday master handolpli croft of hainll ton i vlultlng ills frli ml douglas uowdy mis ii uiulshy of toronto i the guoalofhei uoiulii mis m ijiulsuy mr t p t venn 1 honio after a two weeks visit in llrntitford ejlsa coast iikbonte the oram trunk hallway sysl offers excellent service lo thu scauldu resorts of the st laurouru and at- untlii ooenn also tlm maul of malm and massaohllnutta through pull man sleepers leave toronto for port- land and huston 1 00 u m dally night train hmvliig toronto 10 ih p lip dally nmntt l montreiil with train for portland und old orchard uatnrf tine oavuim mmivink foi au gust contain an article by professor ira a maokay entitled canada not independent which in u reply to an artlnlo in tluisunim iniignulno by john h kwart entitled cuiihdlnu ludepcu dance piofcssor munkuy iniiuuu u strong aasu ugnlnst ludi pendntim other article of excellent merit uro also cnhulned in this issue mien ausomu excellent uboit atoileu by a clark mconrdy frank puokard nhm rs11antu am st clair mn all ua udlan writer used in canada for over half a century ued in every corner of the world where people suffer from constipation and its resulting troubles dr morses indian root pills stand higher in public estimation than nirjr others and their ever- incraasing sales prove their merit physicians prescribe them- 25c a box we right house hamiltons favose shopping pjace go g t new fallvmillinery an advance showing imlt hts lrtlc a go go go our new plnn ot cndui ioiiilon and new york has not ever hiiowinp ol new kail styles shape importations will be xr mclean has just returned from liesideii the hlack and white coronation shades blue catoj in demand i he first lot of ai those that arc arriving daily ni lunoh in our toa room mir own milliner mrs mclean to paris jily resulted in our securing an cirlicr-than- jat it hai made certain thut our shade and jlly what dame fashion demands mrs jic three leading milliiicrycttics ol the globe trn everywlicrc in europe she says that purple brown etc will be among the next jancc fall styles arc all priced lclow 1000 v are quite as reasonable railroad fares refunded thomas t watkins limited king and hughson st hamilton ont mmttmzmbmmmil ioodoo we have been that our htoro is turu dead ones it- he left unturned to gain tli be to always give a little reliable best grade good will make it so interesting that it will bo hard to sta the saving of pennies re fold on several occasions since coming here hoodoo well we dont much care we like to o live uptodate going concerns and no stone will confidence of customers our first great aim will ore than a for loo cents we wio only handle from the best manufacturers in any country we iierc lor men women and boys and the girls also away unless yoy put no value or importance on ember the old saying a penny saved u a penny made dont forgjt t36c big combination sale dont judge our i to dispose of these stock l business our list oi barj jow on at our store ibincss methods during this sale in our eagerness ve may have to depart from what looks like good ains this week is all over the store no corner reserved a fexd-of- the many specials mens dept mens suits mgf boys suits 19b furs all kinds i price mens and boys everj day shoes worth j look mens hata 150 a 3 so wc make clearance at ohf a special lot at t9c mens blk oallu c rclindo shoe a gene for ladies regal shoe agency for men dress goods dept you will miss an opportunity worth your while toinvestigate right here we have cords of drc goods at all prices and the values we offer can not will not be repeated muslins all shades at almost half price dont miss these ask the clerks to show you sundry dept 3 dont miss our tabic of ladies shoes at 119 you never saw such shoes at the price special lot of mens dress shirts at 19c we would advise you to inspect our ladles ready to wear depart ment upstairs suits coats skirts the right kind arc here every one at a bargain price casjter co mill st scotts old stand acton assssssabssssssa mmsmmmmmm- i he magic moment has lauc- the merchandise event for which half the vjouienoftterdnhrvttbxcrrgerlyntrinrrt rnadvanccnnrowinfor the new fall hats i now on display and sale at hamiltons leadlnr re 1 ail establishment f i youll like them theyre imartcr prettier more becoming and trimmer than anything shown for several seasons theyre all here all the advance ideas of what will be tlm vogue this fall and new arrivals arc pouring in every day probably the two leading styles in point of immediate bits arc the large graceful felt hats in white uid colors next in the favor of the many women who have already viewed land bought them are the very new close titling high crowncd pointed siluuil black and white arj the leading color notes j from paris and new york jf onhwaons oonnina t after the rukiilwr iuhhiipk r leaun on tuesday nveolntf taut jlli insiiilkirs of the methodist hahhstt hohool presented mr howard aluu with a bible lie turf on ihursbsy noodm pa tiled by ills mother to jolutli olhnr members or thn famllyj it saskatchewan s mrs wm amluraou of anton and mrs john oirieman of olevlsm lulled relatives and friend here for few days last week mr end mrs kveisha 4 lid ijr ami mi- alo orr of kiln tw 1vliuy at mr v lambs i an k oivlo holiday visitors v notlned mr mnl mr 0 iant ouelph at mr jh oambws 1 mr i 11 llrown ufopnlpli at hi htmh here i mr jos intwson of vornnld thliiomi mr win lewinmii r acton with frituidm 30 pr cent less than kegul4k iftices furnltaro dry goods boots and shoes alt guaran teed mew goods did you ever try tv ssxe for 1 ny t1iin in above imps try mc once and i will guaran- trc satisfaction i uuo sell sccondiiand burniture saxe opposite dominion hotol ni street acton ilrto jobrrlinmnt a itakoalfl 11111 hm iy tim aouiul tit akiiuv ol it vui up it imuaa about fat of i t w 1 l m wopatv par ln llulr ijjib 1 t klv v nuim sow a8tjlvy urh ii 11 will b ull hklil wkiiil qllujuk itljihdino hyvh vou hall l lll l will d dll i ii imum will mil dliulaa lullalbs irt- i kamjnu huh1nk8s vi ulikjciad lias tufn ttlyauandad ilasoa imwuieuxl huhkitt 1 iihhv j i alto 11 croaul and ituttor co miltoh ontakio mr aroh thompson aoton wt dktlimad miii far our imolarf far hhh um wb piatik ihi wuiy cuiuoiwi tor umiv mat imtiwmt ami kuu um a oonunaauou aad will alwafs uxlaavim ui luliy aalialy dor puona jous uivino um pajim toh haijk pliat wl know 0u1 an lu rood onadluon ail a mv islllus apriag in iba uniliknl tbn motwfty vu iufl mt paidqulara apply on uaa n- jaubk luios 180 fajtu jttwt halfc oh to nunt veitkll lota s and x fih ooe klo lowa- slili- walunsluuuuuntj hailmllarraa llallltialul with ton oliureoas blaosjunlui hop aw alw als tillaa inun aatoa mfta v satoes salla mm liulili rutulsmall dluihi wllb iwo au uw anil tnaka two uud tanob oa is a seud btmlt boi kwki bank bun dmina tuium ami imiiluiimil bouaa blsoair tiwa bouaa on la uthr limn u a no bona naebajik itain bontal dit bouaa abaag dae watar uudrall lunjmu im uk and soft i tiki a oa noctcaaa t bultdlncs u vmu notick io orkditolts in the matter of the batata ot robeei ruaaell late or th township at mn in uia county ot weluajrtoa vaursner dwwsd 1 puraoaat la m 1 uaarsw tba btui 1 outats uiw lluaaali wiiaduil o or about u anaaatb oay of july loin a nuuirwd on of baton tha alblb day uf ihplhlbh 1bii u aaad by boat inpald cur btltn to a j masklanoa nf tlm viilu of aatoa lu iba ooealjr of ualloa and uinamaa aimraaaaa aa4 daaoripuoe tba fall tauulan of ibvir nlaluu uta mnimnl of thalr twoanu and tha nattm of ta saaarlua if jj bald by uiani and tuilbar tska uouoa tfaat aitar saab laat nianuonnd du um silmlnlairator will farooaad to duuilmta ui saasla ot um said jjaaasad anions um iwhtla auuusd toarsto bavins n aard ouly bi ula claims of wblab tbay shall than liava liotioa and um um aald admlajauabm will sot ua llabla fur um aaid itii o aay py uiwof to auy uarsou or imcxum of bo alalma dullea shall new liava baa kasslrad by bltu at ula unu of bobr uilbuuoo v j uaukihmiih sj boliallor lor jama utuaat adutifilatiator daud um utiitb day of auml 111 cksh f7cid por fowl r fu junk i uo mil 1 klnil uf iuknituku 3v srki rcton waters bros ouelph headquauters for o a c an i school supplies nature 3tudy botanicau etomolocicau drawing patntino 41 wyndham street phone 330 wwbihmhhnnnaanruidcil paris green atbrowm 8 acton ontgtut mmi stmlv ont atinaaauuadh

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