9be ctoa frtt rcsg t1iij11h1ay aihivht lulli 1u1i kqual to tub ogpasiom hn timidly rlimhod up til nimnaloii ii timidly rik llm twill i hn f it thal ihu vliit might mt hia la iiihlnl ull thu bit lor iugtl llm tllbbt 1 jlll- biwmi iii 111 vlul whirled iii ilia atieil tilmut ililt altova ita roaring ho hoard bar john tall llln that i in nut rtisn timid no mnr with alalaly main ii mill to lite biihtr tall tray k inulw juno with my cm plhnent ami tell her i dldn t oil i fall raina are oomino thw vail vmlr b opii with toronto in about tr rwk ut r nxmlillloii whloh rnadar of tha kit kb vntaut i llil aonllou will probably attand aberfoyla oflt 1 llrampuin h p 10 jit llurllngtoo oclti latnpbsllvlu hl id ooksvllla out 1 krln 0l 1j1i hrgu hnpl jh j frweltnn oct 4 r tun hrpt 22 j ilanrgatown urmid valuy ot 4 t oct 17 1 uualph lumluon hpt 111 21 bapu 14 11 mil loo hepl 211 27 half control ahoull not 1 out allied moat people can control thiiilwb perfectly lit csrtalu thin but lack al f control in other homo venpla who scorn the puwtr of sliohol ar ta nipt ad by a good dlnnnvr beyond all bonmla horn who are maater ol ihslr tempers ra the victim uf fool lab worries unlea llm will call ujf tliua fur and no farther to morbid depression as well an lo liopulalv tempor our self control partial and 1m perfect datino a lbttkr in writing a letter the data and ad dress are uaually putal ih beginning in a note they are usually at thti and it u now tho faahlnn to write nut the number of the date it would look affected however to writ out that of gho year and many people adhere to the older fashion of uatng nuoierala with regard to writing a letter on the first and last page and then crowing on the eecond and third tbu la entirely optional with the writer ohmrvut thooohtfl tlulld a barricade against the log i1u of thu earth of our oat of cheery happy thoughts one who i habitually hopeful haa the beat defense glnst myriad evil llrlck walla and iron bare cannot keep them out but optimism can courage and good cheer will be your protection if you will give them a chance constipation is ike cause of more sick ness than anything else if you wuh to be well you molt keep the howell open if you dont contlpauon is sura to follow milburns laxaliver pil1s aet on te bowel and promote their free and regular action thu curing const i pa tloa and all disuses arising from it mr harry hevoy shaniok oat write having been troubled i for year with constipation and trying many remedies without bueooaa i i dually purehamd uillm- lax ijvar 111u and found thorn moat lienelclal they are indeed plendid phu anil i can heartily recommend them price 2ae per vial or o vial lor si 00 at all dealer or mailed dirent on rroeipt ol price by the t mllbum co united toronto ont t tub auprbmi pbnaltv no on will be able to do llrat cli work who habitually doe work of the aeoond grade hvery day of alighting halfhearted endeavor detract jut ao much from our efficiency the au prams penalty for falllnitc to do our beet i that in time we loae the powei to do it why hm hahrihd aoain a certain bcotch profeaaor wa left a widower in hi old ap not very long afterward be auddenly nounoed hi intention of marrying again half apologetically adding i i never would have thought of it if ux ale hadnt died hrihtn mhgaid children ory for fletchers o r i a thas bhavibt houc courage doe not oniittut in wlitt m danger nor ignoring it though many a dead of daring ban lmou ilun to onaor the other of tlieee chanuiturlatlca tha hntvaataaul i that which roallalng danger dene it whloh faoa dlaaater and refute lo mtreat v roanaailon principle plrat i vvben we undurlakb to your preaoriptlon we give them undivided attention and iteub uaru tha patient welfare it our tint id t y second ivb guarantee our drug to be ofr full trength a well a pure and 1 freeh third t our ouatomet are aupplled withluatwhatlhorawkfort u ball tut- jng la never allowed raihafa okubuy duirround 1 if you re v aufferrr from kidney ditjagat iitot oonphtlnt blood troubles jaabjamlain nsuralgu or nervnu sofumtiop ww ocnfldently reoom rjtanjlfyif w of palnaa oelory oom- pound tbi jtviuhla mid norv dl- blntinglpedloll u true disease tatalsw aott mtan builder we tfpfjiy tis tsfaaloe lntfr oelery at known aton obt ttm frnqiinnl hijil nnutioflll can dliuoy of cnruln iivu in tbu ttwrf for ptibllo i niro rniulittlm otrge dote of milwaukee of ali ry of bla old iml llogan llngan wa lantlng a dork r iorr hn wnalrly eiiocranful i dupmlng of licknt in llm hop heivbawork 1 bul hernli upagainat oiible whin hi vd bl mlgh bun niopolng in hl m nulghlhiral boiixo ho trld to anil a tlokat in the clock it a line tlnirpioca nd it ii ink on ymi whatnot r mantel aay lioanijoli lwan the ohl ulonk dixtin t run piled the imlghlxir 1 well ilrawlthl lligan clianglng front rompbttuly well imiihap yr won t win it ami limn ye l h llm ungb on tho follow who ilor itnllnf for tbn dnprnaaml pliyaical and mniful dnprtvaalon uaiially hav thflrorlgln lo a duordcrml aute of lba atoinarh and llvnr aa wlixit tinw organ am ilerangiwl in thnlr notion the wholn ay nt ii in i arfcltiil 1 ry ivrnm 1 vgotabln 1111 tly revive the dlgnntlveprornhbr a t ltnunnclally on nervn and rwalom tlm pitll a no i- pill will 1 h y nrulirp almpli and aurf and llm nffi ot are laaling altwr of rot inaclnm lhla rountry mainly from h my rim anil mbtaiitl uuplu llm oil of hmoiia fium hlclly and porlugul lurifuniol from hlclly aniui from juniiuny mid tbn lcaat in ill and oil of cilovn to a hiunii fiteiil from llm muuy itlmiil tin ujh it i imiiiiiv 1 thal a lrt amouul la diatlll ml by tint imdon wliolitaaln driigglat ho aprarritb thla raroady will raatara it if you have no upprllln for meata can t work can t nat and an annoy fd with too frritenl urination and a burning acaldlng pain in making ma agea if at night you retire hoping for sleep that either dooa not come or la troubled and fitful you haw kldny trouble and need ilonths kidney 1111 the guaran teed rnmndy for all kidney and bladder trouble a few doea or 1 tooth kid neyjlille will wake up lbs alugglah kidney and regulate thn urlmi con united tcjiatinent will cum and heal the weakened kidney and rvlora the appetite in tbn natural way hold every whore 50a box or postpaid from tha it i llooth co ltl fort krle ont frutt ti 11 bent on application booths hi i in 1 1 pills i pre to role one anger 1 well t vent it 1 lmllnr hen oca soft corn am difficult to eradicate hot kollnwaye corn jure will draw them out palnleaaly it i a glorioiia thing to loavo life glorlnualy rnrlpid who i ire p tho tnan who muter hi own elf 1 ppictetu attack of cholera and dysentery corae qnlekty thero edom being any warmogrnf the visit itemed lal action must be taken just a iiulokly if the patient i tn lie pard great buffering and permanent injury to thn lining membrane of the bowel the read i eat preparation for the purpose i dr j i kellogg oyaentery cordial it can lie got at small coat at any drug atom or guneral dealura and it will afford relief imforo a doctor can called castor i a for inrkpts and children tie kind you han mn boagkt blipuitiu of czzt jlmilnllnsttcrot uiilicskibadttj slmilillittcrdodnnilllerula utultty3kkfeaadilbaekcf promofcstii5mnoiwciirj- tmidifc5tonljijmndllf dnum moipwiui twr utacral hot namooxic is anafccl benvaly rorcomlim- llon sour slonuch diairtom worms convulsions fvensn- ocssondlos rgohk castoria for infanta and children the kind you have always bought bears tlio signature of x in use for over thirty years a justioe of the ptaca guarantees this cure by the use of doans kidney pills mr it j thorna tur iufy man wtun i ixig to nrunnwllcft a rerftiiii i thank for tlut uir tl unnlit deiivr1 fro it tu umn of donna kidny lllla hi r kwimn yinra 1 miuwd ironi aever pnliih m my i nrk an i e nkl hardly w rk l nil an i wl no i ntoi imd down to ptrk j up nnthific i it if ll mould i ienk i n adviatxl to try doana ivl limy 1 ilk aiul aflar taking tc 1 iim i wa r iii lolnly rumd and feel that 1 e mi ii t apnak too highly in their fuv ir it will two ytir thta april an mill alll niml bvd axlteet to ly cuml to wlinu it may coucbhw i um lin lira 1 j 1 of iur iltr il hnnil v tula oath ami awear lit i iv i li tbn alovn alaldinant to ita i hit u tiilllrxl ktminjng all man by hlgne 1 i 0 konm j i 1 ulxir huer man im id i my 1 iii a mc lir box or 1 i ik n j r si 2 at all ipu or imii1 h t i ii t i f price ly iu 1 milburiic i limit rumntoont wlouoi inmlliiilliltaimlry iwlll oacrcopnifwria juhoiuillll t36e metropolitan bank head office toronto ont capital rld up rarva kruiui undlvhlad rrorba ovar total aawata ovr ni oooooo ieaoooo 100000 910000 000 savings department interest allowed ffom dato of deposit joint accounts may be carried on by two or more persona cither of whom may operate the account a special convenience for the farmer and bib wife acton branch r e griggs manager 11 w what li llm tlmruhblab ii llnkhlug imrtg fll1 poll kou y la ihti ntitt ho until i lo urn it i pay to 50000 farm laborers wanted for harv in western canada slojsxl 18 additional for return on followlnd conditions r going dates auuust 34 pnw all autlna o all lior na ami south tj lly ciun tunk uald lino tomnin in tinu iwiihur all tliaaa i n i k intontu lo wt li aiwl ihiimii uiwa ithjudin ulji ml imih it d qi ulib fhjlll ul iiihmh x lh auuust talk tn all alauon ninth j oiind tluok main uw timiu i i fulnia ilola ll1l4 jttaad wcat uu cnnu tiui k m1 la ntludin auuust lofaf ilri in onluil t t k uu ailku i i8s sssiil t ant hi oiillu aiul lotu jit utu ana nmlh lui ohevway sjicohdojlss licaers will bk 0tn to wihhirwj only rrprmnutln rarvkta ainijnll br minll u eukat chant ami altwiu gavtm baanla will awl aail mm ltlxxni on anlvril at winnlii iw tiaamhhtauimi will i mi mnuhfcl at wlm hit 1 i lu as caoxllin railte uborna ara tvnlal eulol uw jawuu1 liatkai i liy iwli i tmuifk mki at uim t aaaltavacti waywoithhalllnkujmtubawamul allvilu a cwrllliou l futnujwt wllit b llril unl uui ivitllvi wtkh i4iciittxl i i4icuttxl i y ullmf ahowta that uttotrr lua wukel lbj1 tuva tatm will t i whi liom il al inl i mdnvlfumlkkdlhik tik4aiubhdl atima ihi r i i nuw loth ibii ticbk an l mi mi iiwu im lun lilna wl kit will i a il li mtmiiii awl oatiuto lolmi wlaatiat wllhoul ckuw iiullna lilt i al it 3 i u ul will tm c s a r r r 2500 lnili sbcurb your homesite in 2500 warren park subdivision acton bows fl l u a r 4t ti v 7 7 v uxs xrw5i t ir v at 3i at i 1 f am i a f v 1 u iv it j 9 7 i ur 1 stfsct wvmmu ivroiv 1 the ubovo map shows llw relatively advantageous location of the choicest and only available building property m cton get a home of your own the cas wiy here it u s2500 down and m000 ptr monlh wllhoul inlerest lirall paid i or take possession of the lot and start building your homo an improved centrally situated property ready to mild on located in the choicest section build a homo where a farnlly may live in fresh air amid beautilul siirroundinrs and with amplertoom for a garden hia is the best buy in acton nnd idls will double in price in a few years liberal discount for cabh all information and maps at office of r j mcnabb millet acton jr ut truth lire grnurally lmui not foliml by clmi t milton mtlvmir and it uurrwliil tli ii um rotnry oi mii rtfiian to nrrfnrui tholi ftinclliiiia nroiurly the lolatlnn- lnwiili iloggntl till 1 known a niialivklira and f llrlbcttul glv rlae to ilii rou omplkauona lrm- h vtaruhln 1mi wllluffvt taahet1y iiim a tin rt iiiliuimuoii of thla ailmi nt tin biilfirii uhould procure u arltil of thn pill and put hlmailf iimh rti loinanof troatmrnt 1 hu kmhi effnot of the pill will ih almoat 1m midutuly uvldent srrill n u note irin lie ii wmb a uurviiuu ililujoly young man nnd hu luokwd willi ooiialdarahlw apjirihniklon at tbn woman next him who buld baby it faru i ovnrud with a tbl k vidl 1 lm luihy u now wnd then a bhurp rry which llm woman evidently uld to biipprnaa at uat nfti r many uiixinuu uuncita ihiryiiinig man apokit haa hu thal ita by any anything routnglou r liu naki il lint woman lookol ut him will mixlui1 ufuci m mini pity twoul in l ut for moit folk i aald in a limr ctiriylng tour i inkylm twonhl for ou lit ire log nervous prostration sleeplessness palpitation of the heart dizzy spells ars all ourad by the pa ei milburns heart and nerve pills mr ivtcrllujatnil i illoy alt write i take gmat plniwiira 1tlwtttlng una to toll you what your heart at narva imim haa ilorwt for ma i hail loilgntuidiiig csaa of narvitub proat ratio aloopicuidtuii palpltiitlon of thn luiart mill diijiy nfwillu i iwiiirlit a liox of th pit in mill tlioy did inn mi much fjood tonlimii 1 their iiio until i bad aatnrnl lioxnj mid they rostoml in lictilth njmii liny nro n grant rtw uiul i rocominnnd llitm to all rm i uli mllbumii heart mid kcrva tm1 i mtn cr imv or i iom for si jt il loulcra or vill bo innilfttl direct receipt of prlca by i lus 1 mlllmm um i ted toronto oat ohkv ilugtiolln in had railulu ifolltrd two lloiii aid m in i tb flh plmaunt rlft hn urii foi atlmirl k tain i yo ud dyllaht and baring l lbn thought i awaiting bla rhurklr t string ramarkrd work r umrkahly ita v taring pgttd torlaaraway lri w r down tbl him a dollr uxlua ebv b t you n kallutlv rry 1 hilly r enough lo vrr marry 1 mlly rabirttjiinnotir ry 1 lhfr only i kd 1 illy what wo mi ihi vim woj chilren ory rftfletchers caftoriya mil kith iuy 1 that you don t bav to 1 rulh 1 kjii tin luthit nrvtr atny bofltll j our o j e art and not olhnr mun optulouj m our trnn honor kf mil r1 itaiil i onld only pay hi hill a t hi tfriidgiu hia rrndlt would avll viuib tlu la and qv fllr lught in llm hmln iw ilka a n into a in at of young bird uigur will aoon imi all gontt an vipr and it hrtuni will fads about motherhood hia xirl ii trying in t nn ilutlntlyui f m hi il im hiii tl li it rnciwinijth ti id i ii aim w n in u inn hi l mn 1 or ijaijil ml iiu li u to us if r i ir lyv ry turn in in who i htih um ill ui t t at tl r iiiiiiiiinr iimiiy u i r irrr i rl 1 1 no runiium uiilltlid fy tin lib i htrwigth and ulifi itulu i it fro i i ii h r hvmu in hut rm lv whirl it i in i to i v r ingrlghit tlu r nallr htrnhi of uuiiiu fir ih i 111 mil n hhuiicl rhtuiru in mi- in ll r r hull hiimuuiimiliigiuori 1 mnliifll ui ahnppyaml hmllhy t otln r f hll in ii and in i i hll i 1 irlh in h r ri t riiiiuuoim n fl u no hit ul to i tilth or brain ty 1 1 um vi laliml h llltih that with nil tl i ivlmnri of ui attend luirvtih nid hroki u 1 lll fulllnu froinau nn r pan d mllth u v on u will utli in i llinllyloll iill it ihii t km lliouub hu fipiltu cabio upon tin in iiiinv nrr i ly lisif n m llo llm in khhli to i r i in i tin for 11m hi xt pari uuutloihut uiul tkty tin w imlty iii inaliyhoimhim 1ii11 tl i nrn now hltln u ih mi f tl f m t that i ydlii ilnkliui u ui li impound miikf u o um n iu niul hialthy ttiml alroiig at woiiiiiii vlio would ii lie hmh lul nihlin in rcnril ir till mutter in torlluhy invlt- i wrllo it ttlrx iliihfwi ut i ynn mmm urr letter will imi lirli in hlrlct coulldi noe brain workers lio get llltlo exorcise fee boiler all round ft n occasional doao of tfadruco laxatives j hey lono up llio hvor move the bowels gently but rey cleanse the bri and clear tlio brain a new pleasant and reliable laxative prepared pliable firm and woriliy ot ho na druco trade mark pc a box if your druggist has not yet stocked tliejn lend 25r and vyo vl mall them national drug ev chemical company of cahlada limited montreal 31 cloves till rand trunk ra1lwav paihcnqun tflatnsl j 1 u 17 ml ijallv 11 huiuy i r i i i i l jo a in nn lo j tii p tn mp iti arrlvu lirnto i a i i ii p i i 5 in ll lit hcton iji yer x bus l1kio ll ii i ruffiid imcliuly licilh lltk iui iiimci f ilia i ob lie mi 1 ill mllllhrn lht wall a c i f fl-14- i i ut nil uilii ul iim an riuig ti lftj lulton k to ttty t i t cm vaula a com imi 1 ir -i- i jrrt john 3ahlitt7vs write it in your hnart that day i um imsl tn the ymi kliirlaj ijnluaii worm bo ttxiuillfltl fromj ayatnmnoobildaulmilirtuuliy dravct worm kxtiiriulnator 11 lmtinedlilneiixttiuttodiihtroywoj well blade good fitti tint vc know hn to mate edwi tint ill kivtith lumnrsthe tivl cnli c il tv iiiiuution as iijan iualil of km ilt ibihtj uiul strtujth tuatne- of mitch jul iicl ull roillll ixrfcctl0tl can jirovr youncir b uslmjj for stor at our cili r t i lint ttu i m1i ihituar our mot tauuiuc cicjiecl itioti i our firm ikclicf in t t on storijs ilnl mores w h storey c son limited acton ontario cjvl oldest glovms ohildron crs for fletchers o asto r i i mun raiiliot luakit hull fattt by nobly tearing it mi il ti 1 1 tin- for itauir iobiolrlo oil imcd no tualltiiorj it hiwer other than itnolf triu it for cughu or rold for c contunlniim ipraluu or bur j pklnw in tlt limb or bmly w ii j that thu iiiihllnlun provo ita iuhmiu no guaranti n 1 111 xbov thl oil iu in gunorul ium all panama hats s onehalf price today all straw hats one half price to day au tin scaions styles no old stock r e nelson g aavroiiant tmiiuc s man fui nlahaf wyadham burat m ouklpii ont notblng u good tlntt dim u liiyoml llwlf i 1 muurioj iiuiuiitlly thu iiiai who u intuitu widuut who diluk bcaudul summer complint is ana of tha most troufl troablasi of tha hot dsvya tha old and tha tho strong svnd tha til nffsatod allk br fowlej extract wild strawk 1 the moat effoctivr knnmi for the ci diauhikea bvsbhtkri champs cuoluiu mokrf kha ilffantusf amd alf c0mplajwts lliiw itmling renimly tijj j market tor over 01 joaen failed to do hat he claim lie butrtrnd aak for mr liuiit on being fivenvwiul mr 0 r llilhr irilloi juat n liuuao let you bn a little girl llvti ycum 1l hot weathrr of hyit mihhu uadsrlth the huiilincr tlwnl 1 thouflhto wiim riibilt tof tried uvorytbing o roulil without hilcocon oimi uelghbors lulled wlnjl vththelituo ul rulvlaetlilmtotry or li wild htrnwliorrj vlitrb lionoatly le1lon it that saved my little rm think thero i imhilb nmroompluiul than iv t of wtldblriiulktrrv li fiul tired only lj ih umitod toronto ouu foma air couc cuol i or thn l w plhul ol i ir iwimo canadian national exhibition august 26th toronto september llth rnrqmatlo year leaps trlem all rtr ihistsdusaciktltara iratti univ on oiitin 0 r irh inciriul ivimsiuahfliw ill- imm i uio- atthtscuuts cttmru priu j ilknuv i uilct ilinplay er aliown in ir mi lwt collclum in amrfmal goola mill i jiiuiij and dinted ulactured while you suin wait three great specials ittittldl enpifsiiuf csustieasi cunts eim vir imuui tki lam mi tin 1 of lb lit muawijita of i lie hojal sliowtnr a itjtllelmtucii oiutioii liiinnira ict llnutrhold by kprcul a dreadnought and a peiormer in uiiiuimi mfmiuion of the king submarine uiwt or oruks aminions tk mki m i uiy pblttiuvllo bad faln ium ttc fireworks magnificent displays of coronation yoi all latoonatl ttwt x j ohu ciiv lull consc19ntious plumbing he is motjft iwcyth inilth us iti tin contrary wt make it the most important factor so if you fivor us with jour jitronijc jou will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebvcst gt1elph phone 337 paper- makers o zo too x row jr ojf r jnoktattbk everton eden mills the bcit quality of manitoba i amily and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own male chopping done antl oat rollrd daily fnd for salt cash for heat and otts henry h0rt0p wtooulwiravinfc photoengraving auuxueummmb oi c jljonesenoc eo vatajw t a akatt 1 w jinc fltkricait a amdaabml7 lllumnuwl vastly f ntl iq jpcthsjirabj awmub tw to patents promptly securedi i fnt our inlcirminc booka r llalp ap t itow jrasi are awh an i ua a mih aaamt i amsal of yoar nnllott t rtmt mvamrrll anil fvawltrulls irva nut opinion aa lo hhftwr u la wmi kmlall hakcta ap n auttrhfully pivwcalal try v v m n likt t ttly iult tml oftvaa la hosttsl ian i waihlitbtnni thhtmaallacaaatopvaaitav jly illamlrh wora at rttkkltrlwsl4 vairnta procur lhiwih atark rioo rh apocuj patio nlilnal nwf loo imnntiie wilbinl u lav uoaataun i avi latent buaaab f haaatsa itwata and kslaab j marion ac marion patsnt cxoska 4id salloltona i